3292 What makes them tick? Interview with Bro John Bosco Tien Dung Vu, heading for Peru
austraLasia #3292
What makes them tick? Interview with Bro John
Bosco Tien Dung Vu, heading for Peru
1 October, (St Therese of Infant Jesus - patron of Missions)
2013 Who passed on the faith to you?
When I was born I was baptized by a Salesian priest in Cau
Bong parish.
My large family environment was strongly conducive to my life
of faith
(grandfather and father were sacristans in my home parish). We
prayed together after dinner - daily rosary and short Gospel
Attended daily mass in the evening, after mass said the rosary
- parishioners and Salesians, especially with many youth. This
was for
me a good habit from early childhood up to 20 years of age.
When did you decide to
consecrate your life to God?
When I was 15 years old I went to Cau Bong community and
stayed there
in the small boarding house for 5 years while studying at
school. I liked that atmosphere (morning mass, prayers,
sports, also
with the prenovices. I have received a lot of Salesian spirit
from the
prenovices and learned how to communicate and understand
others. And at
the same time I joined the junior aspirants encounters on
(15-20 years old). From 20 years of age I began to study
graphic design
and English (2 year course in HCM City, College). After 5
years as a
junior aspirants I was invited by the SDB in charge to apply
and I
joined the prenovitiate (at 22).
Why did you join?
I have received a lot from the Salesians especially, and felt
that Don
Bosco is friendly. I felt happy when living with the SDB
community - it
was the main motivation. During the last year of postnovitiate
(philosophy) I decided to apply for the missions. Why? During
the first
postnov year I prayed to Mary and Jesus a lot (novena to MHC).
On my
feastday, January 21 I started the novena to DB to give
me some sign
for starting a missionary life. And some weeks later in the
middle of
March there was a movie on after prayer and the Good night
that I did
not want to watch (dont' know why, felt a little worried), so
remained in the formation house chapel and went down later to
the movie
hall. The movie was 'Dont'cry for me Tonj' and I wanted to
stay just a
few minutes and continue with my studies, But I watched the
movie till
the end and I was deeply touched. It was a very special
feeling and I
started to cry, remained without words. The next day I
approached my
rector; he told my to continue to pray, continue the novena to
After I finished the novena I talked to Fr. Rector about my
yearning and was encouraged to write the application.
Where are you going on
I will be going to Peru.
No expectations, I want to obey anything what God want's me to
Why go off as a missionary,
instead of evangelizing the young people of Vietnam?
I could have done that. After second year of postnovitiate
I spent two months in Pleikou diocese with the ethnic people,
some subjects (elementary and secondary school preparation).
activity was in the morning. In the afternoon we organized
some kind of
oratory, summer camp (both for Catholics and non-Christians).
We were 3
SDBs and 2 aspirants in that small community - prayer and
life together. After 2 months we organized a big event for a 2
camp. I was happy with the feedback of the youth about the DB
(on the human level - no bad words, love each other) I was
happy but
one question remained: that God wants something more from me.
How has your personal
experience been of the 25 day new missionary course?
I feel stronger now and I can discover a purer motivation and
strengthen the Salesian charism; I feel closer to Don Bosco
and his
Salesian Family, understand more about Don Bosco.
Your 3 best impressions of
the Salesians in Italy?
At the Pisana and Valdocco I had good experiences, some
examples to
follow. The elderly brother at the Salesianum (Br. Michele)
cleaning, doing everything for the Mass preparation. Some
times I went
to pray for few minutes in the chapel and I met Br. Michele. I
that he mirrored so much of the Salesian vocation. The same at
Don Bosco - many brothers (especially Br. Giuseppe, serving on
table, sometimes he would chat with me after his service and I
with him in a simple English. We cleaned the refectory after
meals and
met each other in the playground and boarding house, and
He took care of me (Hallo, Sin Chao..). I felt such a nice
spirit there. I will take care of confreres in the community
wherever I
will be sent in the future.
Your advice or greetings to
any young Salesians who are discerning a missionary
Spend more time with God and He will give you some sign about
your vocation. That has been my personal experience.
Since 1999 some one hundred
Vietnamese Salesians have received the missionary cross from
the Rector
Major. What are your thoughts about this?
First I would like to give thanks to God, since he called me
as a
Christian, Salesian and missionary - so I can dedicate the
whole of my
life for God, to work for Him. 100 Salesians... The Holy
Spirit is
working in the Vietnam province. He has given us a special
And for me? In my opinion God has some plan that I give my
life for
others, to share with people. The more you give, the happier
you are.