2717 Salesian Family Delegates in action in Thai Seminar
austraLasia #2717 Salesian Family Delegates in action in Thai Seminar
SAMPRAN: 17 September 2010 -- Two separate news dispatches from
Sampran suggest not only that SF Delegates are full-on in search of the
best ways to give the right sort of life and impulse to 'the vast
movement', but are having a varied experience as well. We'll hand over
to our regular correspondent:
Today (16 September) was full of "input". We
listened to the speakers from morning till evening. In the morning
there were two speakers: Fr Bobby Mac Roxas SDB (Provincial Delegate
for the Salesian Family & Salesian Cooperators, FIN Province) and
Sr Maria Trigila FMA (World Delegate for the Salesian Cooperators).
Fr Roxas presented the Apostolic Exhortation
"Christifideles Laici". The key words being "Who are the lay faithful?"
and "What are their tasks?" The lay faithful are people who live a
normal life in the world; study, work, establish friendly, social,
professional, cultural relationships. Their circumstance is not simply
an external and environmental factor, but a reality destined to find
the fullness of its meaning in Jesus Christ. They participate in the
life of the Church. Where the ministers are lacking, lay people can
exercise the ministry of the Word, preside at liturgical prayer,
administer baptism and distribute holy Communion, according to the
prescriptions of the law. They are called to be laborers in the Lord's
Sr Trigila re-analysed the Common Mission
Statement. Key points: Salesian humanism, working together and
method for working together. Fr Vecchi launches an appeal to the
Salesian Family, asking for an educational response especially by
joining forces, working together. He indicates the means to adopt:
education and formation, responsible involvement, dialogue and synergy.
In the afternoon, there were two other talks: F.
Stjepan Bolkovac SDB (World Delegate for the Salesian Cooperators) on
the Salesian Family Advisory Body:
"It is not enough to come together for
feasts. We must come to nurture ourselves at the level of Formation and
Fr. José Pastor Ramirez SDB (World Delegate
for the Past Pupils of Don Bosco) spoke on the methodology of working
"In order to work together, we must know the role of
the others. The Salesian Family is a vast, spiritual and apostolic
movement. We have to accompany each other to know the Scriptures in
order to know Christ. The Salesian Family has 3 fields of action:
education, evangelisation and human development. We are called to be
disciples and apostles of Christ. It's important to be there, to know
each other, to communicate, to listen to each other and to manage
Our correspondent then turns to Friday 17
"This morning we went to Bangkok where wet visited
the Royal Chitralada Projects. 'Chitralada is a green oasis in
intensely built-up Bangkok. But it is altogether another kind of
palace. It is, in effect, a complex of laboratories, of experimental
agricultural stations and model industrial systems, all within walking
distance of where the Royal Family lives and works. Odds are excellent
that it is like no other palace on earth, for its chief inhabitant is
another sort of sovereign altogether. The palace grounds, following the
orders and inspiration of King Bhumibhol Adulyadej, are one great
workshop and school for teaching and learning, for acquiring know-how,
the expertise based in science and technology for national development.
The Royal Chitralada Projects, all non-profit, are either non-business
in scope or semi-business undertakings. The non-business ones receive
support from various government agencies and are designed to earn
nothing. Their aim is to teach. The king is a constant traveller up and
down the kingdom. In every province, he has been seen with map in hand,
charting where new roads can be built, a dam installed - a one-man
nation-building force, understood and loved for having dedicated a
lifetime to his people'. (from www.nectec.or.th).
Then we went to visit the Ananda Samakhom Throne
Hall. After lunch, we could do nothing more because it was
raining heavily. So we cancelled the trip to the Royal Palace. We went
back to the Salesian Sisters' Retreat House and took up the work of the
next day, beginning with the talk of Sr. Maria Luisa Miranda. Sr. Maria
Luisa Miranda (General Councillor for the Salesian Family) developed
her thinking on the Salesian Charism. She said that working together is
a very important aspect of the Salesian Charism.
"We must accompany the young in the same spirit of
Jesus, the Good Shepherd. The group is the place where we create the
Salesian Spirit".
The second session was the sharing of Delegates from China, Thailand,
Korea, Philippines and Vietnam. It’s very interesting to know about
various works they are doing in their Provinces. Tomorrow morning we
will return to Bangkok again in order to see the Royal Palace. In the
afternoon we will continue our work departing from the meeting of
different groups (Salesian Family, Salesian Cooperators, Past Pupils of
Don Bosco and FMA Past Pupils)". _________________ AustraLasia is an
for the Salesian Family of Asia Pacific. It also functions
as an
agency for ANS based in
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