austraLasia 1172
BIS goes blogging - and takes up RSS
CHENNAI: 26th June 2005 -- It's been a while....a whole
week in fact, and thanks for the many best wishes. I did not
realise how many people were interested in someone else's
retreat! But the wishes and the prayers were well received.
Thank you.
And so much has happened inbetween. BIS,
Bosconet Information Services, or at least the Chennai branch, has now
gone RSS, and indeed has gone one step further and opened up a
blog. This indeed is the cutting edge in IT
these days and it is good that there is a growing Salesian presence
where many of our young people happen to be. At this stage,
austraLasia and BIS, two of the English language regular Salesian news
sservicesm, are RSS enabled. To be precise, the BIS effort has
begun with Chennai. Understand that BIS, Bosco Information
Services, is an all-India affair, with each of the provinces
contributing. But it is also a coordinated enterprise, so if one
goes RSS, we expect the others to follow suit
To make it easy for you, if you already have an RSS
reader in place, the address is
Cut and paste that into your RSS reader and you will receive BIS news
the easy way from there on. The Donboscoindia Blog is, I think,
by invitation, but given that it is, to my knowledge, the very first
Salesian blog, then you may be interested in taking part, if only to
learn a little about this interactive process. Contact Fr PT
Joseph at
and ask him for an invitation to join the blog.
austraLasia also has a heap of new subscribers
- and several 'old' ones who were dropped off the list and wondered why
they were not receiving it still. Sometimes addresses go wrong
for reasons known only to cyberspace, and after about ten tries, I put
them into a 'problem' folder until someone gets in touch and asks what
is happening.
The next austraLasia will contain some news from
Vietnam. It comes only rarely, and usually anonymously. But
we are happy to publish it - anonymously!
IT: information technology
follow suit: to follow in the same
AustraLasia is an email service
for the Salesian Family of Asia Pacific. It also functions
as an
agency for ANS based in Rome. For RSS feeds, subscribe to If you subscribe, email this information
your name will come off the regular email list. RSS eliminates
problems such as multiple mailings, viruses, email bloat. Think
NOTE: austraLasia is sent in unicode (UTF-8), given that many in the
region use this coding to handle Asian languages. If odd
are appearing in your news from time to time, either ignore them (!) or
alter your receive feature to receive unicode (Options - Read - Fonts -
Unicode in some email clients)