Two new web pages on BOSCONET may be of interest and/or value for you in this season of Lent.
Simply go to http://www.bosconet.aust.com and in the centre of the front page click on Liturgy and then choose Eucharistic Prayer and Reflections on Lk 15:11-32.  The first named will offer you the additional 5 Eucharistic Prayers that are in use in parts of the world other than ours (I mean Australia).  The second named page provides the reflections of Fr. Elio Capra which appeared in the Australian Salesian Bulletin last year.  They are especially appropriate to this Lenten period.
Happy reading.
ps if you are a Spanish reader, the new Escuelas Popolares DB site in Bolivia is worth a look - find it on Bosconet at the above address plus /bolivia.htm