549 Fr Luc out of hospital, structures - terms of office



This weekend, Fr. Luc will spend quietly at the UPS infirmary, but it looks as if he will be back into things (albeit a little hobbled) soon after that.



(Commission #6)


THE VICAR  Question 1 :  "Is it the will of the Assembly that the Vicar, the department councilors and the regional councils can be elected for only a
second consecutive mandate, respectively in the role of Vicar of the Rector Major and in that of Councilor?"  This was the strict interpretation—only one 12-year term in any office.  The vote taken:  108 – Yes, 102 – No, 1 – Juxta Modum, 5 – Abstain out of 216 voting. (In other words, a somewhat split opinion at the straw vote stage on this question, but see the next).


Question #2, "The vicar of the Rector Major, the Department Councilors and the regional councilors can be elected for only a second consecutive
mandate, respectively in the role of Vicar of the Rector Major, in that of Department Council and that of Regional Councilor."  This is the more liberal view, viz.; a councilor can be elected to a third term if he changes from regional to department councilor.  The vote taken was:  123 – Yes, 91 – No, 0 – Juxta Modum, and 3 Abstain out of 217 voting. (Slightly clearer indication)


RECTOR MAJOR: "Is it the will of the Assembly to limit the Rector Major to two periods of office?"  The vote taken was:  160 – Yes, 53 – No, 1 – Juxta Modum, 2 Abstain.  (This one is clear!)


 ELECTION OF ECONOMER: Question #1, "Is it the will of the Assembly that the present procedure for the election of the Economer General be maintained?"  Vote taken was:  177-Yes, 38-No, 0-Juxta Modum, 1-Abstain out of 216 votes cast. (clear indication).


Question #2, "Is it the will of the Assembly that the Commission study a new electoral procedure, based on an open list of three names presented by the Rector Major?"  Vote taken was:  42-Yes, 170-No, 0-Juxta Modum and 5-Abstain out of 217 votes cast (So that one looks as if it's out of contention).


AUSTRALIA-ASIA REGION  "Is it the will of the Assembly that the Australia-Asia Region be divided into two parts, and consequently that the number of Regional Councilors be increased by one?"  Vote taken:  187-Yes, 27-No, 4-Juxta Modum (counts as yes) and 6-Abstentions.  (Clear indication here).



(Commission #2)


Remember the process - proposals come forward for clarification, sit with the 'mob' for a day or two, and are then produced for a straw vote as above for Commission #6.

VOWS: For obedience, the commission concentrated on the notion of the community project and the insertion of the confreres into the mission of the particular community; for poverty, the commission focused on the challenges of a Prophetic austerity and on solidarity; and in the area of chastity, the commission focused on certain urgent challenges that must be faced in today’s world.  The commission also spoke about the grace of unity in terms of the centrality of God in our religious lives and the sharing of faith-experiences in the community.  There were no clarifications asked at this time.



The commission stressed three nuclear points: the conditions for a significative community life, the situations of our communities today and new experiences, and finally the points of reference between community life and the works.  These three themes are further elaborated in the
proposed document in the following way:  the harmony and the equilibrium between the elements of community life and the Salesians; the community of the  Salesians within the nuclear animating community of the Educative Pastoral Community; the mentality of a community "project;" and finally, the community’s openness to the surrounding community (the young, the local society, the local church).