austraLasia 781
SEOUL: 26th December '03 --
Salesians from the Dae Rim Dong community in South Korea are already at
work, doing what they have done now for 25 years, preparing the annual
Winter Bible Camp for some 60 youngsters, members of the Seoul
Reformatory. This particular reformatory has 300 plus young people of whom
more than 180 are of Protestant denominations, 90 are Buddhist or Zen-Buddhist -
and 60 Catholics.
The camp will take place from 12th-15th January, four
full days, and will be staffed by 5 SDBs 1 FMA and 15 mums as volunteers.
This latter group regularly help out at the Reformatory during the catholic
services for the youngsters each week. It is also likely that there will
be an additional 10 young university students helping as leaders. The
theme for this year's camp is Youth holiness - joy. The camp involves at
least two sessions of bible study daily. Fr. Marcello Baek will be the
camp coordinator.