ITM Salesian Brothers: An encounter with Da Mihi Animas
Amidst Mosques and Mosquitoes
JAKARTA: 25th January 2008 -- The Indonesian Formation
Commission with three other senior brothers organized a three day
(January 21-23) encounter in a spacious retreat center located in
Jakarta City. It started with a trip to this quiet and old retreat
house run by the Diocese of Jakarta. The ten Salesian Brothers (3
perpetually professed and 7 in temporary vows, with an average age of
31 years) come from the 3 communities of Jakarta, Tigaraksa and Sumba.
The main theme concerned Da Mihi Animas - Strenna 2008. But
they also discussed related topics: Human Growth, The Brother Identity
in Indonesian Context, The Practice of Salesian Assistance (Preventive
System) and Formation. The Provincial, Fr. Andres Calleja, SDB animated
the last day during the Mass followed by a talk on the Da mihi
Animas and a question and answer session.
There was ample time for prayer, personal reflection
and sharing with confreres. One of them said: "Because there were about
a dozen Mosques that surround the retreat house, all of us were
reminded to pray to Allah several times a day, starting at 4:00 AM!
Then the mosquitoes did their part to make us pray that these winged
creatures do not disturb our sleep. We ran out of anti-mosquito lotion!"
The meeting ended with five recommendations based on
the Strenna of 2008, through various mass media materials or activities
honoring the holiness of Blessed Zatti, one who practised the 'da mihi
From an optimistic perspective, these 10 Brothers
realize that there are 16 other ITM Brothers who are in Timor or in
other countries, as missionaries or as students in formation. So it is
planned that they share notes especially with the Brothers in East
Timor who will have their own encounter similar to this one.