628 Fr Norman Ford - book on prenatal person
'aLa' #628
The Prenatal Person.  Ethics from Conception to Birth.  Dr. N. Ford SDB
MELBOURNE: 3rd October -- Gynaecologist and Director of Obstetric adn Gynaecological Services at Melbourne's Mercy Hospital, Dr. David Allen had words of high praise for Norman Ford's most recent foray into bioethical issues the 'Prenatal Person...' launched in Melbourne on 18th September. 'Norman Ford's persistent logic and attention to detail' is pitched at a wide readership.  Its comprehensiveness both in coverage of the subject and the appeal of the argument and style 'is a credit to the author', Dr. Allen commented.  Fr. Cormac Nagle OFM, hospital ethicist and lecturer in bioethics at Yarra Theological Union (Melbourne) considers the work to be a 'dialogue with thinking people' and particularly attractive for the balance of views and respect for opinions of other ethicists along with its 'careful reasoning and solid philosophy'.  These characteristics have always attended Fr. Norman Ford's public contribution to bioethics in an era when, as David Allen puts it, 'new advances have thrust us into a world that only yesterday was science fiction'.  The Prenatal Person is Fr. Ford's second major work in this area, the first being When Did I begin? published by Cambridge University Press,1988.
The Prenatal Person. Ethics from Conception to Birth, Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2002