austraLasia #2076
new resources today on GC26 website :
(1) Good
Nights, (2) Giraudo
guide-Piedmont (in 'Pilgrimage' link), (3) Retreat
talks, (4) Cartoons
(5) additional
Passion, and the spirituality of our charism
ROME: 28th February 2008 -- Thursday 28th was
entirely given over to silence and reflection, and two stimulating
talks by Fr Placencia, one on 'Da mihi animas' the other on 'cetera
tolle'. Let's spend a moment with the first of these.
The four sections (you can read the entire text, cf.
link above) clearly indicate the preacher's direction: two direct
elements from Don Bosco (Da mihi animas - Salesian asceticism,
and 'The glory of God and the salvation of souls'), and two
direct references to the current successor of Don Bosco, or rather his
preferred language: 'Passion for God, man, Christ...', and Don
Bosco's 'apostolic passion'. Holding all this together was
an analysis of the term 'passion'. At this point you might also
do well to follow up, through a search in the australasia section
on SDL, the word 'passion'. The results are interesting!
The preacher found the RM's use of 'passion' very
interesting..."and significant...No doubt it is a word that has
gradually entered into the language of our time. I wouldn't be able to
say if it has entered into our mentality as well". Using Benedict
XVI's first encyclical, Deus Caritas Est, and in particular his
explanation of 'eros', the preacher linked the two notions of passion
and eros to posit a new image of God which he then directed towards a
theologically renewed understanding of Don Bosco's 'passion'. It all
merits further reflection.
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Title: australasia 2076
Subject and key words: SDB General GC26 retreat
Date (year): 2008
ID: 2000-2099|2076