austraLasia #2237
ITM: August, the month for
renewal and hope
JAKARTA: 25th August 2008 -- For ITM, this month has always
been the time for retreats in East
Timor and first professions and ordinations in Indonesia. August 1st
ushered in the first profession of the Indonesian novices on the island
Sumba. Fr Provincial received the vows of 2 Salesian brothers and 3
students for the priesthood. The five are now in the post-novitiate
house in Sunter.
Meanwhile the new batch, made up of two novices, is going through its
first month. However, in East Timor there were 12 confreres who
professed and also 12 fresh novices for this year. Indeed, they are the
hope of the Salesians in the region.
A highlight too, was the ordination of three
Salesians from
Indonesia on August 15 by the Cardinal of Jakarta. They were ordained
together with 6 other deacons from the Franciscan and diocesan
seminaries. Fr. Paschalis Prasetyo will be assigned to Sunter, while
Frs. Dayan Perenkuan and Onny Bonifasius will help in East Timor.
Two days ago, the last batch of retreats in East
Timor concluded,
preached by Fr. Joao de Brito Carvalho - the provincial of Portugal. A
week before that, Fr Lanfranco Fedrigotti preached in English.
Another reason for renewed enthusiasm is the
animation visit of
Fr. Andrew Wong, the former superior of vice-province. It is like a
homecoming, meeting old friends and new faces. He is presently going
around all the houses of ITM.
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Title: australasia 2237
Subject and key words: EAO Provinces ITM
Date (year): 2008
ID: 2000-2099|2237