(For those
who di not receive ANS, the following material is
largely from that source, with additional items gleaned from elsewhere)
THE CHAPTER: 231 in all. Several have been prevented from attending
to date - one through illness, one through pressing matters in his own province and a third due to visa difficulties.
Approximately half are from Europe; the next largest group is from the Americas
(55) and from Asia (40).
Fr. Van Looy, prior to being hors de combat, had presented an
overview of the Congregation, the main points of which are as follows:
* decreasing proprtion of Salesians to lay people in our works
*schools and training centres still
the most impotant of our works
* decreasing vocations and rise in
average age
*results of the last sessenium
through direction adopted: new foundations, circumscriptions,
provinces, increase in works for kids at risk, handing over of some works to
lay management, increased service to local dioceses.
* problems: time spent in
administration, needs of providing spiritual assistance to laity, initial
formation settings, falling numbers of Brothers, demands of privacy
(legislation), quantity of work vis-a-vis community life.
* emphases of GC25: community as normal place for formation,
role of Rector, judging a work from the priorities evidenced by its young
REGULATIONS: the document has been presented. It will be deabted and approved this week.
WORKING DOCUMENT: This is the 'big one'. It consists of two items
worked up by the Pre-Chapter Commission - The Salesian
Community today, and Evaluation of strucutres of
animation and Government.
The work
this week, then, involves responding to the state of the congregation address
(from Fr. Van Looy, but now to be directed through
the presidency of Fr. Martinelli), adopting the
Regulations of the Chapter, beginning work on the pre-capitular documents
mentioned above.