4391(I)_We are Fit for Mission (III)
Parish Audit according Pope Francis - Salesian Style
May 28, 2017
By Our Own Correspondent
Auckland, New Zealand, 28 May 2017 -- Our two parishes with their parish school in Auckland - Avondale and Massey - with four confreres from 3 different nationalities (India, Tonga and Vietnam) journey together with the local Church long term vision - to be 'Fit for Mission'! Frs. Mathew, Aleki, James, Joseph (VIE) and George (INB) are living a truly missionary life in this place.
Large variety of different language and ethnic groups in each parish (Auckland diocese has about 150+ different nationality Catholics!) makes this goal still more dynamic and missionary. Seven years after arrival to New Zealand the small Salesian community does any effort to share the Charism with the Lay people through the children (Dominic Savio Club), through the Youth groups (multi-cultural) and through the first groups of Salesian Cooperators. It does request a patient and constant work with people from different cultures. First steps to start some typical Salesian work are underway - project of the Youth Center and dreams about first school or training center are under discernment.
A special 'Parish Audit' is being done according the Pope Francis dream about the Church today. We wish the:
1 Our parish is a Pope Francis Parish
- People are open, friendly and caring
- Our parish is more charismatic than institutional
- We have well prepared Liturgies and homilies that are uplifting and refreshing
- We encounter Jesus in the community and the joy of the Gospel fills our hearts and lives
- As a parish we care for our environment and denounce the throw away culture
- We welcome diversity and encourage a culture of acceptance and unity
2 Our parish heal wounds
- Our parish reaches out to those on the periphery, on the streets, and the rejected
- We celebrate different styles of individual, family and community life
- People of our parish are involved in the church and her mission
- We take steps to heal wounds, misunderstanding and any sort of brokenness and pain
- We welcome back to the fold Catholics Returning Home like the prodigal son being welcomed
- Our parish provides a safe environment to work through issues
- Our Parish invites and supports Care & Prayer groups that assist with pastoral care
- Our parish gives opportunity for Confession in a variety of non-intrusive ways to suit our needs
3 Our Parish is “out on the streets”
- We keep our doors open and welcome people as they are
- We manifest apostolic enthusiasm, show availability and are creative in reaching out to people
- We have made a preferential option to help the poor, those who feel distant, and the forgotten
- We encourage different music to reach out and touch wider communities and ages
- Our Parish has a system that enables parishioners to be evangelizers
- We have an environment that encourages suggestions from the community and acting on them
4 Our parish has open doors to everyone
- It is a community of communities in heart, mind and soul
- It is a sanctuary where the thirsty can come to drink in the midst of their journey
- Our parish is a centre of constant missionary outreach
- Priests are open and close to the people
- The members of the PPC, Liturgy & Finance Committees are accessible to the people
5 Our parish a centre of constant missionary outreach
- We go beyond our comfort zone, outside our ethnic groups, and circle of friends
- We recognise the many groups and movements in the our parish namely Children’s
- Groups, Altar Servers, Youth, Legion of Mary, Divine Mercy, CWL, Over 40s, SVDP
- We adapt our programmes and events to each group’s time and pace of life
- Our parish is active in outreach in the wider local community
6 Our parish engages and supports young people
- We welcome young people and spend time with them
- We allocate our resources and energy to journey with the young
- We spend time to play, work, pray, and dream with the young
- We give importance to young people in a personal way supporting their personal development
- We support their needs through formation, space and activities
7 What are the TWO main strengths of our parish
8 What are the TWO things we could do better?
This audit is made simply from 'The Joy of the Gospel' (Evangelii Gaudium) of Pope Francis, ready to be used anywhere.
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