5635(II)_Korean Sisters Weekly Prayer Gathering for Myanmar

5635(II)_Korean Sisters Weekly Prayer Gathering for Myanmar

By Sr. Lena, SCG (Caritas Sisters of Jesus)
JPIC Commission - Seoul Province

Seoul, South Korea, 24 June 2021 -- Every Monday the Association of Religious Sisters (Korea) offer a candle-prayer public demonstration to support the struggle of the Myanmar people in these difficult times after the coup d'etat (1 February 2021). Also on Monday, 21 June, some 45 religious sisters from various congregations held this prayer for the recovery of human rights and democracy in Myanmar.

Each sister prepared her own candle and picket with some intention or request and this week the prayer animation was assigned to the Caritas of Jesus Congregation. Last Monday the sisters were very much encouraged through the meeting with the similar Buddhist 'Myanmar Democracy Action Movement', sharing very similar intentions and praying also in a consistent way for peace and democracy in Myanmar. Mutual exchange of experience, intentions was a great encouragement to all present sisters.

The situation in Myanmar is getting worse if we see the daily update from the Asian Catholic News Agencies like "ASIA NEWS" or "UCAN": The Myanmar junta’s violent suppression of resistance movements continues unabated despite religious leaders calling for an end to violence and pursuing dialogue towards peace. At least 875 people have been killed by security forces, more than 5000 arrested and 180,000 people displaced within the country. Protesters have taken daily to the streets across the country since the military seized power and detained elected civilian leaders including Aung San Suu Kyi.

Opposition to the military has gone from peaceful demonstrations to an active self-defense movement with civil resistance groups emerging across the country. Hundreds of young people from cities have gone to ethnic areas controlled by rebels to receive military training. A clash on June 22 between the military and the People's Defense Force (PDF) in Mandalay, Myanmar’s second largest city, left at least eight dead, according to a state-run television report, which labeled the PDF “terrorists.”

Last Sunday Pope Francis renewed his call for peace in the conflict-torn country, which is mired in political turmoil and fighting that has led to thousands of people being displaced amid a humanitarian crisis.

The pope expressed support for the Myanmar bishops’ appeal, calling the world’s attention to the “heart-rending experience of thousands of people in that country who are displaced and have been dying of hunger... “May the heart of Christ touch the hearts of everyone, bringing peace to Myanmar”.

Salesian cardinal Charles Bo (Yangon) has urged people during his homily on Jun 20, to be steadfast in faith and hope and pray for a new Myanmar of peace and justice: "Guns will never solve this country’s problems. Only a change of hearts can heal this long-suffering nation... The cardinal has also requested prayers for the army, “for every soldier who holds a gun,” so that their hearts melt and they understand that “their violence is not against an enemy nation but against our own people.”

Let the humble but consistent example of Korean religious sisters also help other Catholic communities around East Asia to continue this important prayer support!

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