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14 February 2012
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations baptizing them
in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Spirit
hashtag #db2015 go viral! Don Bosco Birthday Bicentenary
FIN Mission animation mag goes Facebook
The monthly (mostly) Mission Animation e-sheet M28, produced by the FIN
Mission Animation Delegate, has switched to Facebook. A brief
note from Fr Ronaldo says:
"We have for the meantime stopped
publishing the M28 missionary animation newsletter but we would like to
share with australasia News that we have set up a page in facebook
where we post missionary animation events and topics.
link is here for facebook account users.
We would welcome it if people could know the page so they can post events, questions and the like regarding Ad Extra, Ad Gentes mission work".
is an initiative worth finding out about. Not sure if I have the
full sequence of events clear, but it seems to follow roughly the
In November 2006 FIN held a
Symposium on missions and missionary activity, especially in the light
of increased interest in volunteerism, and proposed heightening
awareness of missions and missionary activity. In particular they
resolved at that symposium to (1) Pray for missions and the
missionaries (2) Get missionaries to share their experiences (3)
Advocate missionary work amongst students, teachers, friends
in March-April 2007 the first e-sheet was produced, running at the time
under the title of 'AUXILIARIES OF THE MISSION'. This continued on a
more-or-less monthly basis (you can find all the issues in SDL in the
'Region' collection, especially if you check the 'date' tab) until
August 2008 when the name changed to M28 (from the Gospel reference in
Mt 28:19.
M28 and its predecessor, and now
the Facebook version, are an excellent example of mission animation in
the Region for one province.
On a different but not entirely unconnected note, many readers might be
unaware that there is a Google group called SDBDigital which has been
active now for a couple of years. It is a link amongst interested and
active Salesian webmasters around the world. Theoretically it operates
in any language they wish to write in - but practically speaking it
seems most webmasters have at least a smattering of English and seem to
have little difficulty getting their ideas across. There's a lot
going on there behind the scenes! Just today, two interesting
items came through:
Hello, friends!
I was wondering... How is the idea of an Official Salesian Wiki going? Has it started?
I imagine a Wikipedia of *all* the terms we salesians live with: life of saints, people related to Don Bosco, provinces, info...
It would be an AMAZING way of celebrating db2015!
I think mounting and kickstarting the wiki using Wikicommons platform should be straightforward...
Hi Sirs,
First of all sorry
for don't be so frequent in this list ... i just returned to Brazil
after the time in Angola and now i'm working in the documentation of
our efforts in TI in Angola, include the upload to internet of
UbuntuBosco 11.10 image file ... who like Ubuntu but didn't like the
interface of Ubuntu 11.10 will find in UbuntuBosco 11.10 an easy
interface ... but, well ... about the Wiki if possible, i would like to
help Sebastian.
The first comes from Argentina, the second from Brazil, a lay
missionary who has spent the last several years in our province in
is an email service for the Salesian Family of Asia Pacific.
It also functions as an agency for ANS based in Rome. For queries
please contact admin@bosconet.aust.com
. RSS feeds - just go to
Bosconet, click on austraLasia
in the sidebar. Avail yourself of
the Salesian Digital Library at
at http://sdl.sdb.org