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23 February 2012
Timorese University students taking part in a Peace March and the
launching of a Prayer Campaign for the 2012 General Elections
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Dili stands up for peace and prays for forthcoming Elections
by Fr Placidus Freitas sdb and SC Delegate
On 21 February 2012, the Conference of Religious Superiors in East
Timor together with the Diocesan (Dili) Commission for Justice and
Peace, organised a Peace March to commemorate the Day of Peace. It was
also an opportunity to launch a message of peace for the entire country
as it prepares for the General Elections later this year. Change your heart, change the world was chosen as the theme for the day.
Around 2.00 pm everyone taking part in the March gathered at Aimutin
Parish (Dili). Most of them were students and parishioners from the
seven parishes in Dili. Religious and Parish Priests, though, were the
real leaders for this event. Salesians and the large Salesian Family
supported the initiative enthusiastically. Fr João Paulino, Superior of
the Indonesia -Timor (ITM) Vice Province, who is also the President of
the Conference of Religious, was very keen for the Salesian Family to
be part of the event. Students from Salesian schools, parishioners from
"Maria Auxiliadora" Parish (Comoro), Salesian Sisters, and of course
SDBs all took part in the March.
From Aimutin the marchers, led by the bishop of Dili, Bishop Alberto
Ricardo da Silva, moved in orderly fashion towards Lecidere, the
bishop's residence. At this point the March transformed more into a
religious procession, praying the Rosary with alternate reflections
prepared for the occasion. Once they got to Lecidere the bishop offered
his Message of Peace to the marchers and to all timorese, speaking in
Tetun, the national language of East Timor. Bishop Ricardo, in his
address, asked everyone to cooperate and to pray for the success of the
General Elections 2012. "That is why we need an inner conversion," the
prelate said.
Then a brief Eucharistic adoration took place with the bishop as
celebrant. The March then finished with the launching of a Prayer
Campaign for the General Elections 2012. The entire Diocese will carry
out this prayer campaign for 111 days (from 22 February until 12 June,
the Feast of Corpus Christi).
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