austraLasia #1721
Christ the King Parish, Tetere, takes stock
HONIARA: 30th December 2006 -- North East Guadalcanal Christ the King
Parish, with Fr Luciano Capelli as PP, is taking stock of 2006 on the basis of
Matthew 25:31-46. They felt the need to note what the King might say if they
didn't! Accordingly, the balance sheet reads thus:
'I was hungry...': It took 6 years to get the
landowners to agree, a year to prepare the paddy fields, three months of hard
work by students to sow, weed and control pests - and then the harvest! But the
SI Minister for Agriculture, the Taiwanese Ambassador, and Salesian Delegate
for PNG-SI have all pronounced the effort a success. 24 tonnes of rice is
indeed a 'good meal' for many parishioners - and the water which spoiled the
root crops provided water in abundance for rice. 'It's an ill wind...'.
'I was thirsty...': Various projects are underway to
provide potable water - iron roofs on church structures, deep wells, and simple
wells provided with the aid of Italian volunteers.
'I was sick...': The parish counts 19,000 people
provided for by a part-time doctor resident in Honiara, a district health
centre with resident nurses, and three health sub-stations. The roof is being
laid on a 32 bed hospital built by Italian volunteers.
'Let the children come....' (not Mt 25, but what the
heck!): as a Salesian Parish, children and older youth find there the care and
welcome of a religious and parish community. Sunday schools operate in all
villages and some kindergartens prepare them for going to school. Families are
prepared so they may see the importance of basic education.
'I was naked...': (back on track!): the Tailoring
school at the Rural Training Centre and courses at the centre and in the
villages offered a needed change of clothes where extra clothing is but a
'I was in prison...': Tetere prison, built to take an
overflow and to help 'decongest' Honiara prison facilities, has also received
the pastoral care of the parish community.
'I was lonely...': Many more mountain villages this
year saw Christmas lights because of new, young and energetic missionaries.
They were joined by young volunteers from Japan. It takes several hours walking
through thick bush and across rivers but they were not left alone. They feel
now that they too belong to a community.
The installation of the Rector and the establishment of a
canonical community marked a milestone in the growth of the missionary presence
in the Solomons. Thanks be to God's grace, it grows in the sight of God and
human beings.
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