austraLasia #1786
Cimatti letters heading for final CD
VERONA: 18th December 2006 -- Fr Gaetano Compri, the vice postulator for the
cause for beatification and canonisation of Ven. Vincent Cimatti, first
Salesian missionary to Japan and 'father' of that province, has returned
briefly to Verona and environs to finalise work on a CD containing all known
letters of Cimatti, of which there are now 6,150 after the recent discovery of
an additional 700. Last December the fourth volume of letters translated
from Italian to Japanese was published by DB Sha, Tokyo. The intention is
to publish the full CD of 6,000 plus letters before the occasion of the Cimatti
concert to be held in Ravenna on July 15th next year.
Ravenna and Verona are the two centres where much necessary
background work is being done by Salesians and one lay member of the Salesian
Family, Laetizia Faggioli. The latter in fact spent over a month in Japan
at the Cimatti museum in Chofu, verifying the actual state of extant letters -
it was then that the additional 700 were discovered. In Verona-San Zeno,
Fr Raimondo Loss and Br Michele Giacosa, are checking the typed transcripts of
the Cimatti letters, prepared by Fr Crevacore in the 1970's, and from there
they are converting them to digital format. This is a labour of love but
brings them much richness. As Fr Loss puts it: "Reading the spiritual
richness of Fr Cimatti we receive a daily dose of the strong spiritual
freshness of Salesian energy".
The proposed Ravenna concert will be held in the San
Apolinario church with its 5th century mosaic, and will feature, for the first
time in Italy, a Cimatti-composed sung Mass.
It should be added that Fr Compri has another string to his
bow - for many years he has pursued studies and information on the Turin
Shroud, and in Japan, at least, is the best known 'expert' on that
phenomenon. Japan's NHK has recently produced a 60 minute documentary on
it, and Japan's largest publishing house Ko-dan-sha has produced a large colour
picture book.
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