1620 Young people, young journalists for other young people
austraLasia 1620
Young people, young journalists - for other young
SYDNEY: 30th July 2006 -- From the Salesian Sisters'
magazine known appropriately as DMA (Da Mihi Animas), comes this little
note about some young journalists Sydneyside. Their aim is not to
provide material to scholars for sociological analysis, not even to
describe Generation X-Z. Simply to give young people a chance to
speak. And to listen. Sr Sonia Murari, named in austraLasia
#1619 as one of those who recently visited the Solomon Islands with a
view to next year's new community there, has collected a few of the
comments of Sydney's youth, and a few of the young interviewers'
questions. What are your three most important values?
"Love, friendship, family". How do you put these into practice?
"I do my best to be a good friend and family
members. I am faithful and would do anything for those I love". What goals do you want to achieve?
"To be happy, to love and to be loved. One day
I would like to have my own family, house and a job". Alana,
17. Allan, 22, when asked if he thought he was influenced by other
young people, had this to say: "I don't believe I am influenced by
anyone else. I try to be myself and to take things as they
come". Rachel, 19, thought a little differently:
"Perhaps", she said. "But I am not influenced by drugs, alcohol or
certain kinds of people. I am, though, influenced by my Christian
friends". Do you feel responsible for the society in which
you live? "Yes, I think I should help the community". Ellice,
17. "Young people have to try to get a good education and be
successful in life". Allan, 22. What are you fearful of in our society?
"The fact that kids around here are not protected
enough and have few roles models, so they finish up with problems". Alana,
17. "Crime, poverty, young people who refuse any type of
education (dropping out of school is rife) Melissa, 20. What importance does faith have in your life?
"It gives me the strength to live and to push on
ahead in difficult moments". Ellice, 17. "Jesus is a very
important person. he died for me. What else can I say?" Anna,
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