ROME: 22nd June 2006 -- The last 'animation' item (#1590),
though it was not news as such, drew considerable response.
Clearly, the occasional appearance of such items is appreciated.
One more, then, along these lines. In the meantime there may be a
little more coming out of Rome to get people animated - but just take
that as the broadest of hints and stow it away until it happens, in the
not too distant future.
There are two big events coming up within the EAO
region over the next few months. The first of them,
chronologically, is the Asian World Youth Day. This is a
Church-wide event within the Asian context, but it will clearly involve
all the Region. With WYD in the offing (2008), one imagines that
Sydney organizers will also be in Hong Kong in force, to pick up some
hints. The second of the big events is the Brothers' assembly in
Phnom Penh in August.
First, AYD: Provincials and Youth Ministry Delegates
will have received a letter from Fr Andrew Fung, the YM Delegate for
CIN province. Andrew indicates that August 5th is the day designated
for what they are calling SAY, Salesian Asian Youth. It will take
place from 9.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. on that day. The letter of
invitation does not mention the location, but it does ask for numbers
of participants and likely contributions by way of performances and the
like. The letter asked for a return of information by 20th June,
so one assumes that this letter has been received and responded to by
now. If not, get in touch quickly with Andrew on .
Brothers' Assembly: the general details of
this are well known by now, and if you are unsure, then they are all
available to you on Bosconet. Just made available on the latter -
it is enough to go to the 'What's new' on the homepage, scroll down a
little if you need to - are a range of interesting statistics in chart
form on the numbers of Brothers across the region, and a
comparison with other regions. A book by now completely out of
print, once known as the 'Golden Book' on the Brother, and one which
deals with the history, identity, vocational apostolate and formation
of the Brother as understood at or about 1989, will be made available
again shortly. It was an 'edizione extra commerciale', a kind of
old-fashioned Creative Commons Licence! Don Bosco Press in Manila
have been very cooperative in offering to accurately scan one of the
few existing copies (they printed it originally) and here in Rome we
can re-typeset it and get it into a decent booklet format (perhaps
without the fancy gold cover) 'for a song' as they say, using excellent
open source, free software. That will also be made available in
digital format and downloadable from Bosconet.
is an email service for the Salesian Family of Asia Pacific.
It also
functions as an agency for ANS based in Rome. For queries please
out BoscoWiki to be interactive. For RSS feeds, subscribe to
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to help us keep abreast of trends in the digital world.