austraLasia 1556
Brothers pose challenging but essential questions
EAO: 9th May 2006 -- Ongoing analysis of the results
of the wide-ranging questionnaire put to Salesian Brothers in the
region last year is enabling many of the essential challenges and
questions to be distilled by a lengthy but ultimately fruitful process
of both machine and human 'distilling'. A sort of Brothers' 'still', then with a pure result!
The Brothers' Assembly will be held in Phnom Penh,
Cambodia, from 20-25 August, five full days (i.e. it begins the morning
of 20th and concludes the evening of 25th). The venue for the
meeting will be Don Bosco Technical School, though accommodation will
be through local hotels, since the community would be unable to host
the large group that is expected from the eleven provinces, vice
provinces or delegations in the region.
The questionnaire indicated a series of central
questions - the absolute necessity of the Brother, the question of
awareness of identity within consecrated Salesian life, questions
concerning vocation promotion, the Brothers' mission today, Brothers in
the Salesian community. Some of these questions have tentative
answers - and in some instances quite clear answers (again, drawing
from the questionnaire results rather than a
priori). But they include unanswered questions - often the
question of discernment of this vocation remains unanswered in
practical terms, certainly until there is clarity on the other major
questions listed above.
Any good analysis also notes what wasn't said, or
what was passed over in relative silence. While individual
Brothers responded in quite some detail - and many of them - there were
fewer group responses by groups such as Provincial Councils; in some
cases there were groups of formators who responded, though as several
responses by Brothers noted, these would be mainly priests reflecting
on the issue. Less was said, too, about the impact of the
beatified 'model' for the Brother, Artemides Zatti.
The survey identified some of the indicators of
unease - often as practical as terminological issues such as reference
to 'Salesian Fathers' or efforts on behalf of 'theology students', an
exclusive term, when the efforts are meant to similarly benefit
Brothers. In fact, while there are deep and essential questions
to be asked and answered, the question of terminology is one not to be
passed over lightly in our Congregation, indeed in any worldwide
organisation. The 'Brother issue' helps focus that reality.
What all of this says is that there has been, and in
the few remaining months will be, an intense preparatory phase leading
to the five days together. Keynote contributors have been chosen,
a directory of all Brothers in the Region is being put together,
Salesian Family representation has been thought of and addressed, and
important issues from all the above questions sent to keynote
contributors so they can think through likely responses and processes
to help address them.
Further information concerning the Brothers,
including dozens of models of Brothers from around the world (short
biographies) are available from the Brothers' page
on Bosconet.
Still: machinery (and location) for
distilling whisky!
a priori: assumed from already established
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