418 Don Bosco Centre Brunswick 60th birthday
From: Julian Fox [jbfox@is.com.fj]
Sent: Tuesday, 12 September 2000 6:52
To: Undisclosed-Recipient:@homer.is.com.fj;
Subject: 'austraLasia' #418
Will Matthews
MELBOURNE: 9th Sept -- Don Bosco Youth Centre, in inner city Brunswick celebrated it's 60th anniversary on the 9th September. This Saturday was a special Saturday in Southern Australia - the Saturday after the AFL grand final and the Saturday before the Olympics.
Special and distinguished guests on this 60th celebration were the Archbishop of Melbourne, George Pell, the Minister for Community Services and State Member for Pascoe Vale Mrs. Christine Campbell MP, Mayor of Moreland Ms Stella Kariofyllidis, Federal Member for Wills Mr. Kelvin Thomson MP and State Member for Coburg Mr Carlo Carli MP.  Mrs.Campbell, in her speech, commented on the fact that the present state government is supporting community services in Victoria and thanked Don Bosco for its services to the people. She donated a cheque of $2,500 on behalf of the government to the Rector, Fr. Brendan Murphy SDB, at the conclusion of her speech. 
Archbishop Pell spoke about the hard work of the Salesians in the Church not just in Australia but also world wide. Again, he thanked the Salesians for their work with the young. The mayor of  Moreland also expressed her sincere thanks to Don Bosco for the services in her district. There were about 100 youngsters at the celebration. An Aussie BBQ for all brought the celebration to a fine conclusion..

Don Bosco Club and Hostel was officially opened by Archbishop Daniel Mannix on May 19, 1940.  The present more recently constructed Youth Center was officially opened by then Governor Henry Winneke on 22 March 1981. About 3000 young men, workers and students, mainly from rural Victoria, have been resident at the hostel since 1940. Today the hostel accommodates 41 young men at any one time.

Don Bosco Youth Center provides recreation facilities and a welcoming environment to anywhere from 500 to 1000 young people each week including local youth and families, schools, holiday programs, birthday parties and other group functions.
Visit 'Pacific Islands Religious' at http://www.relpac.org.fj