Communications events in the Region
cannot but help notice the increase in quality activity of a
communications kind around the Region, an activity which has many
fronts, but the noticeable common factor is the active and
forward-thinking engagement of Communications Delegates as well as the
activity of a number of people with specialist skills. In our region the
delegates are Salesians (not the case in a number of other regions
where there are increasing numbers of lay delegates) in most cases
supported by a team of Salesians and lay people. Of particular interest
is the involvement of young Salesians in these teams and activities, all of whom are by now normal
denizens of the digital world.
Here we indicate several of these communications activities, without
prejudice to others that do not get a mention here this time by reason
of space. Each demonstrates a different approach based on local needs
but with the clear intention of ensuring that the confreres and our
immediate lay mission partners are kept up-to-date and indeed ahead of
the field where possible.

From Korea the news that the Salesian Social Communication System has
been fully translated into Koream, published and disseminated widely.
The Communications Delegate is Fr Simon Baek ably assisted in this
particular case by Bro Hilario Seo who heads up the publishing sector
of the KOR province and has directed both the translation and the
publication of this item. Hilario is currently in Rome for a
short period working on the layout of the Salesians 2012 Magazine,
which ensures that the quality layout we have now come to expect of
this item will be once more evident.
Philippines South
Fr Fidel Orendain, SC Delegate FIS, has sent notice around of the
upcoming 3rd John Paul II Ongoing Formation in Communication for Youth
Animators and Catechists, to take place in Cebu (Don Bosco Formation
Centre Lawaan, Talisay City) from 24-26 October. The main
pastoral theme is Truth, Proclamation and Authenticity of Life in the
Digital Age, the theme for this years World Communications Day Message.
Workshops include:
'Beyond the religion subject: expaning the religious program of the
school for today's students', 'Creative liturgies and digital
interventions', ' 3rd Millennium Youth Ministry: Basics and
breakthroughs', 'Non-negotiables in facilitating group retreats and
recollection', 'Learning multiple intellegences and digital age
catechesis', 'designing and processing non-structured learning
experiences for seminars and workshops', 'The Word in the World Wide
Web', 'Youth Ministry and the basics of social media' and 'Motivating
(counselling) the Net generation'. Workshops are being led by Salesians
and qualified lay people, and include one young Salesian with much
prior experience in the digital field (Bro Keith Amodia who will lead
the YM and basics of SM workshop).
They are expecting up to 300 participants.
Papua New Guinea-Solomon Islands

Forthcoming follow-up to an earlier media course. Fr Ambrose
Pereira, SC Delegate PNG-SI has sent out a tentative program for the
proposed 'Digital Stories' event to be offered at the Emmaus Retreat
Centre, Port Moresby from 26th to 30th September. The aim is to present
digital story-telling through photography and video. Other than
Salesians such as John Cabrido, Edwin Segovia, other trainers for the
course will be two Australians, Carol Labbad and Jessica Whiting from
Swinburne University of Technology (Vic) and Adelaide University
There is more news to come in this area, but just from the above one
can see that there is much good thinking and positive activity afoot.
Congrats to all involved.