
1343 Downunder - ordinations in Australia, Samoa, Fiji
1344 Tokyo Salesio Gakuen (Social work institution) Korea visit
1345 ITM Novitiate shifts East to Nusa Tenggara Archipelago - Sumba
1346 Owning Our Other Tongue: new resource, new system
1347 East Asia focus for Vatican Christmas Concert; elsewhere 'Christ for Christmas' gains momentum
1348 VIE 'Are you happy? Why are you here?'
1349 Manila, Tokyo, HCM, Melbourne, Bangkok: ordinations
1350 One more! FIS: Fr Abundo Bacatan\n
1351 Caritas Sisters in Japan celebrate Feast of Immaculate with Professions
1352 EAO members benefit from Missionary course
1353 Cambodia: two centres - one mission
1354 Cambodia: World AIDS Day 1 month Awareness Program
1355 Pakistani postulants prepared through action
1356 Pakistani postulants prepared through action
1358 Mongolia - some good and some not so good news
1359 Council approves conclusions from EAO Region study
1360 GIA Two priests, two bishops
1361 Death of two pioneers in Asian mission
1362 Thailand Floods in south swamp our school
1363 CIN Lord, show me your face
1364 Third volume of Cimatti letters published in Japanese
1365 Seoul Archbishop encourages blood and organ donation
1366 Salesian in Sugar Land
1367 Salesian shot dead after midnight mass in Nairobi
1368 India:Reactions to death of Fr Philip, Nairobi
1369 India:Beginning of centenary celebrations
1370 Vita di Mamma Margherita released in Turin
1371 KOR Mamma Margaret Association attracts parents of Salesians
1372 VIE Vocational training for poor youth