salspiri // en Mon, 22 Jan 2024 09:14:32 CET Mon, 22 Jul 2024 23:45:11 CEST unknown unknown Via Lucis: The Way of Light beyond the Cross stations - Afrikaans.pdf // Via Lucis (AFM) // Via Lucis (AFM) // Via Lucis (AFM) // Via Lucis (AFM) // Via Lucis (AFM) // Via Lucis (AFM) // Via Lucis (AFM) // Via Lucis (AFM) // Via Lucis (AFM) // Via Lucis (AFM) // Via Lucis (AFM) // Via Lucis (AFM) // Via Lucis (AFM) // Beberapa aspek salesian spirituality; Bruder Zatti // Prayer to MHC for China // Salesiánský koadjutor podle představ sv. Jana Boska // Laická složka salesiánského společenství // Salesián koadjutor // Iuvenum Patris // A resource for sharing the Salesian story // And the dream goes on III // Art. 45 – Common and complementary responsibilities // Constitutions and Regulations Revised Translation // Constitutions|Prayers| (1)|art.4-21 // Constitutions|Prayers|(2)|art.1-3,22-37 // Constitutions|Prayers|(3)|art.38-55 // Constitutions|Prayers|(4)|art.56-73 // Constitutions|Prayers|(5)|art.74-91 // Constitutions|Prayers|(6)|art.92-106 // Constitutions|Prayers|(7)|art.107-122 // Constitutions|Prayers|(8)|art.123-192 // Constitutions|Prayers|(9)|art.193-196 // Project of Life|pp.0-76 // Project of Life|pp. 77-155 // Project of Life|pp. 156-242 // Project of Life|pp. 243-272 // Project of Life|pp. 273-310 // Project of Life|pp. 311-376 // Project of Life|pp. 377-442 // Project of Life - complete // Contemplative Journey // Creating a personal plan // Don Bosco - writer // Don Bosco The Lives - presentation // Don Bosco The Lives - how we worked // Don Bosco The Lives - spiritual programme // Don Bosco The Lives - spiritual itinerary // Don Bosco The Lives - DB in action // Iuvenum Patris -English // Dream at 9 years of age - lectio divina // MO Stages on a spiritual journey // Memoirs of the Oratory: Spirituality and narration // The autobiographical nature of the Memoirs of the Oratory // The Memoirs of the Oratory as narrative text // The way of doing Oratory in the MO // Don Bosco and Vocation Discernment // Lectio Divina withDon Bosco // "Let your life sparkle": The Ten Diamonds of Don Bosco offered to youngsters of today // “I am writing to you...” My Young Friends: Reflections on Salesian Spiritulaity // Hundred Keywords of Salesian Spirituality // Dreams realised // Conferences on the Salesian Spirit // Don Albera, Salesian Spirit -summary // Fr Rua's first circular - an analysis // Summary of a Life of Fr Alberto Caviglia // Don Bosco and Baden Powell // Here comes the dreamer // Bl Laura Vicuna - Hours // St Francis de Sales - Hours // Bl Bronislaw Markiewicz - Hours // St John Bosco - Hours // St John Bosco - Mass // Commemoration of deceased Salesians - Hours // Sts Aloysius Versiglia and Callistus Caravario - Hours // Bl. Aloysius Orione - Hours // Mary Help of Christians - Hours // St Dominic Savio - Hours // St Mary Domenica Mazzarello - Hours // St. Leonard Murialdo - Hours // St. Joseph Cafasso - Hours // Bl. Aloysius Guanella - Hours // Anniversary of the dedication of a Particular Church - Hours // Bl Michael Rua - Hours // Bl. Madeleine Morano - Hours // Bl Philip Rinaldi - Hours // Daily Prayers for the Salesian Community // Proper Offices - Salesian: Calendar and liturigcal texts // Via Lucis: The Way of Light beyond the Cross stations - English.pdf // Novena to Don Bosco // Commemoration of deceased confreres // Mass for deceased confreres // Novena for Feast of Mary Help of Christians A5 // Novena for Feast of Mary Help of Christians A6 version // Way of the Cross schema 1 // Way of the Cross scheme 2 // Mary help of Christians|1 // Mary help of Christians|2 // Mary help of Christians|3 // Mary and the Eucharist // Salesian Marian Spirituality // The Salesian Priest // Thoughts from the Seedbed // Salesian House of Studies Syllabus // Narrative spirituality // The Way of Doing Oratory in the MO // St Francis de Sales and spiritual direction // St Francis de Sales and spiritual directors // Salesian Sources // La spiritualité salésienne de Saint Jean Bosco // Un projet de saintete, Quatrieme partie p 381-385 // À tous les chrétiens p. 243-269 // Un projet de saintete, Introduction p 15-54 // Dominique, Francois, Michel: Trois figuires typiques p 127-132 // Aux coopérateurs salésiens p. 271-296 // Vie du jeune Dominique Savio p. 133-170 // Lettres à des Pretres, religieuses, cooperateurs, amis p. 297-380 // Récit graphique sur le jeune Magone Michel // Let petit berger des Alpes ... // Le garçon instruit // Les constitutions salésiennes // Lettres aux missionaires // Le testament spirituel // Sermons, conférences, circulaires... // Lettres a des salésiens // Letrres aux jeunes // Ultima verba // Le Project de Vie des Salesiens de Don Bosco // Constitutions // Constitutions|Duexième Partie // Constitutions|Première Partie // Constitutions|Quatrième Partie // Constitutions|Trosième Partie // Constitutions|Conclusion // Constitutions|Présentation // Règlements Généraux // Les Cent Mots-Clefs I // Les Cent Mots-Clefs II // Les Cent Mots-Clefs III // Don Bosco et la vie spirituelle Conclusion DB dans l'histoire de la spiritualité // Don Bosco et la vie spirituelle Documents // Don Bosco et la vie spirituelle Chapitre 1 Don Bosco dans son siècle // Don Bosco et la vie spirituelle Chapitre II La route de la vie // Don Bosco et la vie spirituelle Chapitre III Le monde surnaturel // Don Bosco et la vie spirituelle Chapitre IV Instruments de la perfection // Don Bosco et la vie spirituelle Chapitre V L'accomplissement humain // Don Bosco et la vie spirituelle Chapitre VI La Tempérance // Don Bosco et la vie spirituelle Chaiptre VII La service du Seigneur // Neuvaine au bienheureux Artémide Zatti // Neuvaine à Marie Auxiliatrice // Via Lucis: The Way of Light beyond the Cross stations - French.pdf // Neuvaine à St Jean Bosco // Neuvaine à l'Immaculée Conception // Spiritualité Mariale // La sainteté salésienne des jeunes // Juvenum Patris // Leitlinien: Arbeite im Geiste Don Boscos // 150. Todestag von Mama Margareta: Impulse fr die Jugendgruppe // 150. Todestag von Mama Margareta: Hilfen Gemeindemesse // 150. Todestag von Mama Margareta: Hilfen für eine Familien- oder Schulmesse // 150. Todestag von Mama Margareta: Hilfen für einen Jugendgottesdienst // Konstitutionen SDB // Spiritualität im geiste Don Boscos // Via Lucis // Via Lucis // Via Lucis // Via Lucis // Via Lucis // Via Lucis // Via Lucis // Via Lucis // Via Lucis // Via Lucis // Via Lucis // Via Lucis // Via Lucis // Via Lucis // Via Lucis // Via Lucis // Via Lucis // Via Lucis // Via Lucis // Via Lucis // Via Lucis // Via Lucis // Via Lucis // Via Lucis // Via Lucis // Via Lucis // Via Lucis // Via Lucis // Il Progetto di Vita dei Salesiani di Don Bosco // Costituzioni e Regolamenti Generali SDB // Regolamenti Generali // Resources|Preghiere|Zatti novena // Artemide Zatti-Novena // Resources|Preghiere|Via crucis|2 // Resources|Preghiere|Via crucis|4 // Resources|Preghiere|Via crucis|3 // Resources|Preghiere|Via crucis|1 // Resources|Preghiere|Via lucis|1 // Resources|Preghiere|Via lucis|1 // Resources|Preghiere|Via lucis|1 // Resources|Preghiere|Via lucis|1 // Resources|Preghiere|Via lucis|1 // Resources|Preghiere|Via lucis|1 // Resources|Preghiere|Via lucis|1 // Resources|Preghiere|Via lucis|1 // Resources|Preghiere|Via lucis|1 // Resources|Preghiere|Via lucis|1 // Resources|Preghiere|Via lucis|1 // Resources|Preghiere|Via lucis|1 // Resources|Preghiere|Via lucis|1 // Resources|Preghiere|Via lucis|1 // Resources|Preghiere|Via lucis|1 // Resources|Preghiere|Via lucis|1 // Via Lucis 01 Risurrezione // Via Lucis 02 Sepolcro // Via Lucis 03 Signore! // Via Lucis 04 Strada // Via Lucis 05 Emmaus // Via Lucis 06 Cenacolo // Via Lucis 07 Riconciliazione // Via Lucis 08 Tommaso // Via Lucis 09 Tiberiade // Via Lucis 10 Pietro // Via Lucis 11 Missione // Via Lucis 12 Ascensione // Via Lucis 13 Attesa // Via Lucis 14 Pentecoste // Resources|Preghiere|Via lucis|3 // Resources|Preghiere|Per i Confratelli defunti // Immagini Rosario in RMG|Ausiliatrice // Immagini Rosario in RMG|Annunciazione // Immagini Rosario in RMG|Visitazione // Immagini Rosario in RMG|Natività // Immagini Rosario in RMG|Presentazione // Immagini Rosario in RMG|Tra i dottori // Immagini Rosario in RMG|Getsamani // Immagini Rosario in RMG|Flagellazione // Immagini Rosario in RMG|Corona di spine // Immagini Rosario in RMG|Verso il calvario // Immagini Rosario in RMG|Morte in croce // Immagini Rosario in RMG|Risurrezione // Immagini Rosario in RMG|Ascensione // Immagini Rosario in RMG|Pentecoste // Immagini Rosario in RMG|Assunzione // Immagini Rosario in RMG|La Gloria // Collette italiane approvate // Collette latine approvate // Liturgia delle ore // Novena a Mamma Margherita // Triduo per Don Bosco // Liturgia delle Ore - nuovi testi biblici // Commemorazione di tutti i Confratelli salesiani defunti // Memorie dell'Oratorio: spiritualità e narrazione // Indole autobiografica delle Memorie dell'Oratorio // Le Memorie dell'Oratorio come testo narrativo // Il modo di fare Oratorio nelle MO // Maria Ausiliatrice 1 // Maria Ausiliatrice 2 // Maria-Eucaristia // Spiritualità mariana // Nelle Orme di San Paolo - Damasco // Nelle Orme di San Paolo - Tarso, Antiochia // Nelle Orme di San Paolo - L'evangelizzazione paolina 1 // Nelle Orme di San Paolo - L'evangelizzazione paolina 2 // Nelle Orme di San Paolo - Roma // Nelle Orme di San Paolo - lectio su 1 Cor 8,1-13 // Nelle Orme di San Paolo - Lectio su 1 Cor 1, 10-25 // Nelle Orme di San Paolo - Lectio si 1 Cor 1, 4-9 // Nelle Orme di San Paolo - Lectio su At 9, 1-22 // Nelle Orme di San Paolo - Lectio su Flp 3, 4-16 // Nelle Orme di San Paolo - Lectio su Gal 1, 13-17 // Nelle Orme di San Paolo - Lectio su Gal 2, 11-21 // Il salesiano uomo e maestro di preghiera per i giovani // Per una spiritualità sacerdotale // Il metodo educativo salesiano // Resources|Powerpoint|Modello pastorale // Resources|Powerpoint|Oratorio salesiano // Conferenze sullo Spirito Salesiano // Untitled // Don Bosco Deeply Holy, Deeply Human|Part 1 // Don Bosco Deeply Holy, Deeply Human|Part 2 // Don Bosco Deeply Holy, Deeply Human|Part 3 // Da Mihi Animas // Salesianity translastions // 생활 계획 // 생활 계획 // 영성생활의 쇄신 // Projeto de vida dos Salesianos de Dom Bosco // Constituições Conclusâo // Constituições|Parte|1 // Constituições|Parte|4 // Regulamentos Gerais // Constituições|Parte|2 // Constituições|Parte|3 // Constituições Apresentaçâo // Novena ao Beato Artêmides Zatti // Via Sacra Biblica // Via Sacra dos excluidos // Maria Ausiliatrice // M|Maria-Eucaristia; E|Maria-Eucaristia // Espiritualidade Mariana // Конституции и правила // ЛЕКЦИИ О САЛЕЗИАНСКОЙ ДУХОВНОСТИ // Via Lucis: The Way of Light beyond the Cross stations - Sesotho.pdf // Constituciones|Parte|4 // Constituciones|Parte|2 // Constituciones|Parte|3 // Constituciones|Conclusion // Untitled // Constituciones|Parte|1 // Regolamenti Generali|Regolamentos Generales // Maria-Eucaristia // Ausiliadora // Espiritualidad Mariana // Novena al Beato Artémides Zatti // Via Crucis 2 // Via Crucis // Salmos|142 // Salmos|143 // Salmos|16 // Salmos|17 // Salmos|20 // Salmos|21 // Salmos|22 // Salmos|24 // Salmos|25 // Salmos|27 // Salmos|28 // Salmos|29 // Salmos|30 // Salmos|31 // Salmos|32 // Salmos|33 // Salmos|34 // Salmos|36 // Salmos|37 // Salmos|38 // Salmos|39 // Salmos|40 // Salmos|41 // Salmos|42 // Salmos|43 // Salmos|45 // Salmos|47 // Salmos|48 // Salmos|49 // Salmos|50 // Salmos|51 // Salmos|52 // Salmos|53 // Salmos|54 // Salmos|55 // Salmos|56 // Salmos|57 // Salmos|59 // Salmos|60 // Salmos|61 // Salmos|62 // Salmos|64 // Salmos|65 // Salmos|66 // Salmos|68 // Salmos|69 // Salmos|70 // Salmos|71 // Salmos|72 // Salmos|73 // Salmos|74 // Salmos|75 // Salmos|76 // Salmos|77 // Salmos|78 // Salmos|79 // Salmos|80 // Salmos|81 // Salmos|82 // Salmos|9 // Salmos|1 // Salmos|10 // Salmos|11 // Salmos|110 // Salmos|115 // Salmos|12 // Salmos|120 // Salmos|125 // Salmos|126 // Salmos|13 // Salmos|130 // Salmos|137 // Salmos|14 // Salmos|140 // Salmos|141 // Salmos|144 // Salmos|145 // Salmos|146 // Salmos|147 // Salmos|148 // Salmos|149 // Salmos|15 // Salmos|150 // Salmos|18 // Salmos|19 // Salmos|2 // Salmos|23 // Salmos|26 // Salmos|3 // Salmos|35 // Salmos|4 // Salmos|44 // Salmos|46 // Salmos|5 // Salmos|6 // Salmos|63 // Salmos|67 // Salmos|7 // Salmos|8 // Salmos|83 // Salmos|94 // Salmos|95 // Salmos|99 // Salmos|100 // Salmos|101 // Salmos|102 // Salmos|103 // Salmos|104 // Salmos|105 // Salmos|106 // Salmos|107 // Salmos|109 // Salmos|111 // Salmos|112 // Salmos|113 // Salmos|114 // Salmos|116 // Salmos|117 // Salmos|118 // Salmos|119 // Salmos|121 // Salmos|122 // Salmos|123 // Salmos|124 // Salmos|127 // Salmos|128 // Salmos|129 // Salmos|131 // Salmos|132 // Salmos|133 // Salmos|134 // Salmos|135 // Salmos|136 // Salmos|138 // Salmos|139 // Salmos|58 // Salmos|84 // Salmos|85 // Salmos|86 // Salmos|87 // Salmos|88 // Salmos|89 // Salmos|90 // Salmos|91 // Salmos|92 // Salmos|93 // Salmos|96 // Salmos|97 // Salmos|98 // Misa San Juan Bosco // Misa San Juan Bosco // El Proyecto de Vida de los Salesianos de Don Bosco - completo // Proyecto de Vida; Proyecto de Vida 1-301 // Proyecto de Vida; Proyecto de Vida 302-601 // Proyecto de Vida; Proyecto de Vida 602-901 // Proyecto de Vida; Proyecto de Vida 902-1197 // Maria Mapag-ampon Dasalan // Deep Thoughts|10 // Deep Thoughts|11 // Deep Thoughts|12 // Deep Thoughts|13 // Deep Thoughts|14 // Deep Thoughts|15 // Deep Thoughts|16 // Deep Thoughts|17 // Deep Thoughts|18 // Deep Thoughts|19 // Deep Thoughts|1 // Deep Thoughts|20 // Deep Thoughts|21 // Deep Thoughts|22 // Deep Thoughts|23 // Deep Thoughts|24 // Deep Thoughts|25 // Deep Thoughts|26 // Deep Thoughts|27 // Deep Thoughts|28 // Deep Thoughts|29 // Deep Thoughts|2 // Deep Thoughts|30 // Deep Thoughts|31 // Deep Thoughts|32 // Deep Thoughts|33 // Deep Thoughts|34 // Deep Thoughts|35 // Deep Thoughts|36 // Deep Thoughts|37 // Deep Thoughts|38 // Deep Thoughts|39 // Deep Thoughts|3 // Deep Thoughts|40 // Deep Thoughts|41 // Deep Thoughts|42 // Deep Thoughts|43 // Deep Thoughts|44 // Deep Thoughts|45 // Deep Thoughts|46 // Deep Thoughts|47 // Deep Thoughts|48 // Deep Thoughts|49 // Deep Thoughts|4 // Deep Thoughts|50 // Deep Thoughts|51 // Deep Thoughts|5 // Deep Thoughts|6 // Deep Thoughts|7 // Deep Thoughts|8 // Deep Thoughts|9 // คม ความ คิด // Stimulating Thoughts|10 // Stimulating Thoughts|11 // Stimulating Thoughts|12 // Stimulating Thoughts|13 // Stimulating Thoughts|14 // Stimulating Thoughts|15 // Stimulating Thoughts|16 // Stimulating Thoughts|17 // Stimulating Thoughts|18 // Stimulating Thoughts|19 // Stimulating Thoughts|1 // Stimulating Thoughts|20 // Stimulating Thoughts|21 // Stimulating Thoughts|22 // Stimulating Thoughts|23 // Stimulating Thoughts|24 // Stimulating Thoughts|25 // Stimulating Thoughts|26 // Stimulating Thoughts|27 // Stimulating Thoughts|28 // Stimulating Thoughts|29 // Stimulating Thoughts|2 // Stimulating Thoughts|3 // Stimulating Thoughts|30 // Stimulating Thoughts|31 // Stimulating Thoughts|32 // Stimulating Thoughts|33 // Stimulating Thoughts|34 // Stimulating Thoughts|35 // Stimulating Thoughts|36 // Stimulating Thoughts|37 // Stimulating Thoughts|38 // Stimulating Thoughts|39 // Stimulating Thoughts|4 // Stimulating Thoughts|40 // Stimulating Thoughts|41 // Stimulating Thoughts|42 // Stimulating Thoughts|43 // Stimulating Thoughts|44 // Stimulating Thoughts|45 // Stimulating Thoughts|46 // Stimulating Thoughts|47 // Stimulating Thoughts|48 // Stimulating Thoughts|49 // Stimulating Thoughts|5 // Stimulating Thoughts|50 // Stimulating Thoughts|51 // Stimulating Thoughts|52 // Stimulating Thoughts|53 // Stimulating Thoughts|54 // Stimulating Thoughts|55 // Stimulating Thoughts|56 // Stimulating Thoughts|57 // Stimulating Thoughts|58 // Stimulating Thoughts|59 // Stimulating Thoughts|6 // Stimulating Thoughts|60 // Stimulating Thoughts|61 // Stimulating Thoughts|7 // Stimulating Thoughts|8 // Stimulating Thoughts|9 // Stimulating Thoughts // Way of Spirit|1 page 1 // Way of Spirit|1 page 2 // Way of Spirit|1 page 3 // Way of Spirit|1 page 4 // Way of Spirit|1 page 5 // Way of Spirit|1 page 6 // Way of Spirit|1 page 7 // Way of Spirit|2 page 1 // Way of Spirit|2 page 2 // Way of Spirit|2 page 3 // Way of Spirit|2 page 4 // Way of Spirit|2 page 5 // Way of Spirit|2 page 6 // Way of Spirit|3 3 no 05 part 2 // Way of Spirit|3 no 05 part 3 // Way of Spirit|3 no 05 part 4 // Way of Spirit|3 no 05 part 5 // Way of Spirit|3 page 1 // Way of Spirit| 3 page 2 // Way of Spirit|3 page 3 // Way of Spirit|3 page 4 // Way of Spirit|3 page 5 part 1 // Way of Spirit|4 page 0 // Way of Spirit|4 page 1 // Way of Spirit|4 page 2 // Way of Spirit|4 page 3 // Way of Spirit|4 page 4 // Way of Spirit|5 page 0 // Way of Spirit|5 page 1 // Way of Spirit|5 page 2 // Way of Spirit|5 page 3 // Way of Spirit|5 page 4 // Way of Spirit|5 page 5 // Way of Spirit|6 page 0 // Way of Spirit|6 page 2 // Way of Spirit|6 page 1 // Way of Spirit|6 page 3 // Way of Spirit|6 page 4 // Way of Spirit|6 page 5 // Way of Spirit|6 page 6 // Via Lucis: The Way of Light beyond the Cross stations - Zulu.pdf // Hundred Keywords of Salesian Spirituality (Updated) // Don Bosco and the Spritual Life; Via Lucis: The Way of Light beyond the Cross stations - Afrikaans.pdf (Updated) // Don Bosco and the Spritual Life; Via Lucis (AFM) (Updated) // Don Bosco and the Spritual Life; Via Lucis (AFM) (Updated) // Don Bosco and the Spritual Life; Via Lucis (AFM) (Updated) // Don Bosco and the Spritual Life; Via Lucis (AFM) (Updated) // Don Bosco and the Spritual Life; Via Lucis (AFM) (Updated) // Don Bosco and the Spritual Life; Via Lucis (AFM) (Updated) // Don Bosco and the Spritual Life; Via Lucis (AFM) (Updated) // Don Bosco and the Spritual Life; Via Lucis (AFM) (Updated) // Don Bosco and the Spritual Life; Via Lucis (AFM) (Updated) // Don Bosco and the Spritual Life; Via Lucis (AFM) (Updated) // Don Bosco and the Spritual Life; Via Lucis (AFM) (Updated) // Don Bosco and the Spritual Life; Via Lucis (AFM) (Updated) // Don Bosco and the Spritual Life; Via Lucis (AFM) (Updated) // Untitled // Don Bosco and the Spritual Life (Updated) // Hundred Keywords of Salesian Spirituality (Updated) // Don Bosco - writer (Updated) // Don Bosco The Lives - presentation (Updated) // Don Bosco The Lives - how we worked (Updated) // Don Bosco The Lives - spiritual programme (Updated) // Don Bosco The Lives - spiritual itinerary (Updated) // Don Bosco The Lives - DB in action (Updated) // Iuvenum Patris -English (Updated) // Dream at 9 years of age - lectio divina (Updated) // MO Stages on a spiritual journey (Updated) // Memoirs of the Oratory: Spirituality and narration (Updated) // The autobiographical nature of the Memoirs of the Oratory (Updated) // The Memoirs of the Oratory as narrative text (Updated) // The way of doing Oratory in the MO (Updated) // Notes for a Spiritual History of Father John Bosco // Notes for a Spiritual History of Father John Bosco // Don Bosco and Vocation Discernment (Updated) // Lectio Divina withDon Bosco (Updated) // "Let your life sparkle": The Ten Diamonds of Don Bosco offered to youngsters of today (Updated) // “I am writing to you...” My Young Friends: Reflections on Salesian Spiritulaity (Updated) //