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Mary Help of Christians.
“Maria Auxilium Christianorum”
Don Bosco, tireless apostle of devotion to Mary, in The Companion of Youth and his preaching emphasises especially the Virgin's role during life's journey in helping individuals achieve salvation: she is the mediatrix of graces, defence against the assaults of evil, support for our commitment to Christian living and on our way to holiness.1 as the years passed, the saint saw devotion to Mary in a much broader ecclesial context and from an apostolic perspective. The Mary Help of Christians Association responded to the religious sensitivities of the late 19th Century, but flourished in strict connection with the worldwide spread of Salesian activity for the salvation of youth and service of the Universal Church.
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1.1 The title “Help”2 |
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The title 'Auxilium' (Help), attributed to the august mother of our Saviour, is not something new. In the Holy Books themselves, Mary is called the Queen who stands at her divine Son's right hand side, dressed in gold and surrounded by beauty. Adstitit regina a dextris tuis in vestitu deaurato, circumdata varietate (Ps 45:10).3 This mantel is arrayed with gold, according to the spirit of the Church, as well as gems and diamonds, or the titles with which we usually call on Mary. So when we call the Blessed Virgin Help of Christians, it is but a special title, one that is appropriate for her, like a diamond on her gilded clothing. Mary was greeted this way, Help of humankind, from the earliest times in the world when Adam, falling into sin, was promised a liberator to be born of a woman, and whose immaculate feet would squash the head of the insidious serpent.
In fact this great woman is symbolised by the tree of life to be found in the earthly paradise; by Noah's Ark, which saved those who adored the true God from the flood; by Jacob's ladder, which reached up to Heaven; by Moses' bush, burning but not burning up and which alludes to Mary who remained a Virgin after giving birth; by the Ark of the Covenant; by the Tower of David, defence against every assault; by the rose of Jericho; by the sealed fountain; by the well-cultivated garden looked after by Solomon; she is found in the aqueduct of blessing: in Gideon's fleece. Elsewhere she is called Star of Jacob, as beautiful as the moon, shining like the sun, iris of peace, pupil of God's eye, the dawn of consolation, virgin and mother and parent of her Lord. These symbols and expressions which the Church applies to Mary, make God's providential design clear. he wanted to make her known before his birth as the first amongst all creatures, most excellent protectress, help and support, even the one who would repair the evils to which the human race succumbed.
In the New Testament she is not only called help of mankind in general, through symbols and prophecies, but the help, support and defence of Christians. No longer symbolic expressions and figures; everything is the fulfilment and realisation of the past. Mary is greeted by the Archangel Gabriel who calls her full of grace; God beholds the great humility of Mary and raises her up to the dignity of being mother of the Eternal Word. Jesus, great God, becomes Mary's child. He is born of her, raised, helped grow up; and the Eternal Word made flesh submits in complete obedience to his august mother. At her request Jesus worked his first miracles in Cana in Galilee; on Calvary she became mother of all Christians. The Apostles had her as guide and teacher in virtue. They gathered to pray with her in the Upper Room; they waited there with her in prayer and finally received the Holy Spirit. Her last words were to the Apostles and then she flew gloriously to Heaven.
From her high throne of glory she gazes down with motherly affection, saying: Ego in altissimis habito, ut ditem diligentes me et thesauros eorum repleam.4 On my high throne of glory I enrich those who love me and fill their treasuries with heavenly favours. Since her assumption into Heaven the constant, uninterrupted flow of Christians to Mary began and it was never heard, St Bernard says, that one who had recourse to this most blessed Virgin, was never heard. Here is the reason why every century, each year, each day and we could say, each moment is marked in history by some great favour granted to someone who called on her with trust. Here is the reason why each kingdom, every city, country, family has a church, a chapel, an altar, a statue, a picture, or some sign recalling the universal veneration for Mary and which at the same time reminds one of the many graces granted to those who have recourse to her for the necessities of life.
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1.2 The Association of Mary Help of Christians5 |
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1. In the church dedicated to Mary Help of Christians in Turin an Association of her devotees has been canonically erected with the authorisation of his Excellency the Most Reverend Archbishop of Turin. They propose to promote the glories of the mother of the divine Saviour in order to deserve her protection in life and especially at the point of death.
2. Two special means are proposed: to spread devotion to the Blessed Virgin and veneration of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.
3. This will be done through words, advice, works and with the authority to foster decorum and devotion at novenas, feasts and solemnities celebrated throughout the year in honour of the Blessed Virgin Mary and of the Blessed Sacrament.
Spreading good books, holy pictures, medals, notices, taking part and recommending others to take part in processions in honour of Mary and the Blessed Sacrament, frequent Communion, attending Holy Mass, accompanying Viaticum: these are all things that members promise to promote with all the means compatible with their state in life.
4. Members will take the greatest care in their own regard and with others dependent on them to prevent blasphemy and any talk against religion and inasmuch as they can will remove any obstacle to keeping Sundays and other Feasts holy.
5. Each member, following the advice of the catechisms and spiritual masters is warmly encouraged to go to Confession and Communion every fortnight or once a month and to attend Mass daily in as far as the obligations of one's state in life permit.
In honour of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament members will, each day, following their usual morning and night prayers, recite this brief prayer: May the most holy and divine Sacrament be blessed and praised at every moment. And in honour of the Blessed Virgin: Maria, Auxilium Christianorum, ora pro nobis. It is enough for priests at each Holy Mass to have the intention of praying for all members of this pious association. These prayers will serve as a bond to unite all members in one heart and one soul in giving due honour to Jesus hidden in the most holy Eucharist and to his august mother, and in taking part in all works of charity carried out by each member.
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1.3 Prayers convenient to the spirit of the association6 |
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Virgin Mary, Queen of Heaven and earth, in whom, after God, I place all my trust, I throw myself humbly at your feet as the least of your servants, to consecrate myself to your service in this Pious Association erected under your protection, and I promise with all my heart to practise everything the Rules prescribe with the greatest possible devotion, so that through the merits of Jesus Christ your beloved son and through your powerful intercession all members may be preserved from all spiritual and bodily harm in their lives; may the Lord be blessed in all their activities and may they finally obtain the grace of dying the death of the just. Since only the desire to please you is what has led me to embrace this devout association, I humbly implore you, holy Virgin, to number me amongst your children and obtain for me the grace of corresponding, through good behaviour and holy deeds, with the sublime nature of your servant.
O glorious Virgin Mary deign, from your exalted throne, to look down on me with a kindly eye always open to one who is consecrated to your service; and since today I am writing my name in the book of this pious Association, deign to engrave it also on your maternal heart; ask your Divine Son to be pleased to list me amongst those names written in the book of life. Amen.
Act of a child who wishes to take the Virgin Mary as mother - My Lord Jesus Christ, true God and true man, only Son of God and the Virgin Mary, I thank you and adore you as my beginning and my end. I implore you to renew for me that mysterious loving testament you gave on the cross, giving your especially beloved St John the quality and title of son of your mother Mary. Also say these words to me: Woman, behold your son. Give me the grace of being able to belong to her as her son and to have her as a mother throughout my mortal existence on this earth.
Most blessed Virgin Mary, my principle advocate and mediatrix, I N. N. a poor sinner, the most unworthy and weak of your servants, humbly prostrate before you, entrusted to your goodness and mercy, and encouraged by a keen desire to imitate your beautiful virtues, I choose you today as my mother, and I ask you to receive me amongst the fortunate number of your beloved children. I give you all of myself entirely and irrevocably. Receive this offering gracefully; be pleased with the trust with which I abandon myself into your arms. Give me your motherly protection throughout my life and especially at the hour of my death, so that my soul, free from bodily ties, may pass from this vale of tears to enjoy eternal glory with you in the kingdom of Heaven. Amen.
Prayer of His Holiness Pius IX - Lord, all-powerful God, who permits evil to draw good from it, hear our humble prayers with which we ask you that we may remain faithful amidst so many assaults and persevere faithfully until death. Give us the strength, through the mediation of Mary most holy, to always be united with your most holy will.
1 Cf above, pp. xxx.
2 G. Bosco, Associazione de’ divoti di Maria Ausiliatrice canonicamente eretta nella chiesa a lei dedicata in Torino. Con ragguaglio storico su questo titolo, Torino, Tip. dell’Orat. di S. Franc. di Sales 1869, pp. 5-9 (OE XXI, 343-347).
3 On your right stands the Queen dressed in gold from Ophir.
4 In Heaven I enrich those who love me, filling their treasuries (cf Pr 8:21).
5 G. Bosco, Associazione de’ divoti di Maria Ausiliatrice…, pp. 48-50 (OE XXI, 386-388).
6 Ibid., pp. 56-59 (OE XXI, 395-397).