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Overall Provincial Plan1
(long or short term, 3-5 years)
Operative Model Proposal 1
1 Strategic plan for animation and government that accompanies the development and the continuity of the province (cfr. GC25,
nos.82-84). It is a practical tool that helps reaching the aim of all the educative and pastoral resources within the province. It is also a
point of reference for all the programmes and projects of communities and works (SYM Frame of Reference, 290-291.311).

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Presentation (short introduction by the Provincial)
[Motivation, contents, aims and how the document evolved. It is good to indicate the sources and the basic points of
reference that run through the reflections and guidelines of the OPP: General and Provincial Chapters, the Salesian Youth
Ministry Frame of Reference, guidelines of the Church and the Congregation, etc.]
I. CONTEXT OF THE PROVINCE “ ______” (analysis of the reality)
[Short presentation of the socio-cultural and educative situation at a national, regional or continental level where we
are present - 1 or 2 pages].
[4 or 5 priorities in the form of general positive objectives that serve as an inspiration, and guide the development of
the province as it tales shape within all our works]
1) Recognize the need for a gospel conversion which is personal, communitarian and as a province. Aiming at a consecrated life
that is a witness that we are open to read the signs of the times.
2) Give priority to “presence among the young” as a response to be where they are to be found (new spaces and environments);
strengthen the option for the poor and marginalized (family homes, structural interventions, relocating ourselves in densely populated
city outskirt areas …).
3) Invest more energy in a better charismatic, educative and evangelical qualification of the confreres and laity, through good
pastoral planning which is in tune with the needs, demands and expectations of the young.
4) […].
[The OPP is the spiritual and operative ‘vademecum’ of the province for the next 3-5 years, that is, short or long term. It is,
first, the result of the experience and sharing within the province, pointing out and naming the signs of the times. Secondly, the
document is the expression of the journey that God is calling us to take. For this reason, we need to choose in a clear way 4
or 5 main areas for the coming years.
Various methods are available, for example, the method of the Constitutions:
- consecration (primacy of God and spiritual life, fraternal life, observance of the vows, charismatic identity, etc.);
- salesian mission (geographical distribution of our presences, sectors of our educational intervention, criteria that need
to be adopted for relocating our works or re-dimensioning of the same, educational interventions within the particular
territory, etc.);
- formation (general analysis, initial formation, on-going formation, etc.);
Or, following the nuclei of the General Chapter, etc.
Some provinces have tackled each of the 4 or 5 priority areas with the ‘community discernment’ method, following the
method of «God’s call» -> «the situation» -> «lines of action», or, "listening" -> "reading" -> "path"].
1. Our Consecration
God’s call, or, what is God asking of us (with our gaze fixed on God, on the Church and on Don Bosco, after having gone
through the process of discernment, what do we see God is asking of us today).
Our situation, or, how do we see the province
[At this point it is important to point out:
1. a chart of the salesian presences of the province: the religious communities, works, pastoral sectors and settings
of pastoral animation;
2. a map of the present animation projects of the province: Provincial Directory, Local Community Project,
Provincial Formation Plan, Province SEPP, Vocation Animation Plan, Formation Plan for the Laity, Missionary
Animation Plan, Salesian System of Social Communication, etc.;

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3. a brief presentation to the context where we are present, both the positive aspects and those which are
challenging, fully aware that God speaks to us in the events that unfold around us].
What are we called to do [here practical points that need to be put into action are to be presented. These lines of action
and decisions give a vision and time frame of what needs to be done, to favour a change both in mentality and structure. Lines
of action are listed by way of importance. They indicate the importance that the province attaches to various areas. Various
subjects are called to play a part (each salesian or lay, the religious community, the province, the provincial Council) and
various areas (formation, ministry, administration, etc.).
These few practical points should be ‘concrete’ (they are the result of discernment as experienced within the provincial
community, they are not drafted on a desk), ‘necessary’ (since they have been pointed out by many lay, confreres and
community) and operational]
1) At a personal level. Each salesian should each year draft his life’s project so as to renew his own consecration and give
more enthusiasm to his mission, thus assuring fidelity to his own prayer life and that of the community, to the sacraments of
the Eucharist and Reconciliation, and to spiritual direction.
2) At a community level. At least every three months, the Rector offers to the community the experience of sharing the Word
of God, in the style of lectio divina, making use of the community meeting or through other similar initiatives (spiritual
exercises, retreats, etc.).
3) At a provincial level. The provincial and his Council twice a year will organize a meeting for the Rectors to accompany and
sustain them in their ministry through dialogue and exchange of experiences. […]
2. Salesian Mission
3. Formation
[The following criteria maximum 5 or 6 are meant to sustain the discernment of the life and action of the province: taking
them into consideration will help to verify and understand whether the road taken is the right one. They are like fixed points in
the horizon against which each decision is taken]
1) Giving due attention to the person of each confrere appreciating his qualities, helping him in his difficulties, so that he
can live his mission within the community in a way that he may fulfil his religious calling.
2) Renew the option to give importance to the marginalized in all our presences and works, to promote education
towards responsible adulthood in our educational processes, to promote respect for human rights and social and political
3) Give life to the EPC by strengthening community spirit and co-responsibility between salesians and lay
collaborators through reflection, sharing, prayer, and in putting into action those decisions that will help a true experience
of Church.
1. Preparation of personnel

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1) In view of strengthening salesian spiritual life the role of animation by the rector is essential. Those who have this mission
need to be adequately prepared. For this reason it is advisable to have multiple roles.
2) Initial and on-going formation plans for salesians and lay who are entrusted with roles of responsibility (heads of schools,
directors od TVET centres, lay with responsibility of oratories and centres for the marginalized) need to be present in the
provincial Formation Plan as per local and provincial level. The office in charge of the formation sector in the province will
study and offer proposals and criteria for specific formation for the laity. It prepares the right resources in view of lay
3) Initial and on-going formation plan for lay and youth animators, on provincial and local levels, needs to be presented
explicitly in the Province SEPP. Those entitled to specific formation are: administrators, teachers of schools and TVET
centres, non-teaching staff, professional educators, catechists, group animators, sport animators, cultural animators,
4) In the budget projections, both at local and provincial levels, provision needs to be made for the item of formation for
salesians and lay. […]
2. Economic and structural development
1) We intend to proceed in the way of an equal distribution of resources: of our works and personnel, with special attention to
poorer and more needy areas. In connection with this, attention needs to be given as to how invest the economic
resources that come to us through providence, our work and our benefactors. Priority needs to be focused on the mission
for the young in a way that a true journey of evangelisation can occur. Such investments are to be geared towards projects
that assure sustainability of their structures.
2) A criterion of evaluation of our works, amongst others, needs to be that of assuring a financial balance and offer part of the
resources towards solidarity in the province. Our action needs to be sustainable and fruitful. We should avoid the logic of
debts that future generations will have to pay, a logic so much present in today’s society. Rather, it is our call to facilitate
for future Salesians a serene commitment in youth ministry.
3) We need to study, deepen and experience good collaboration with lay people, especially in areas of competence, that may
result in a positive support of our works.
4) Many activities are managed, or will be managed by outside agents (associations or persons); while they are being handed
on to others, may such collaborations never loose their being part of the salesian mission and still keep a transparent