002_SEPP PROVINCE_Proposal_1_ENG

002_SEPP PROVINCE_Proposal_1_ENG

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Salesian Educative and Pastoral Project
Of the Province1
(long or short term, 3-5 years)
Operative Model Proposal 1
(for provinces with multiple sectors
and provincial animation settings)
1 General plan of interventions that assures putting into practice the educative and pastoral proposal of the province. It guides
initiatives and resource towards implementing the salesian mission. It is a “long or short term”(3-5 years) plan, in relation to the
situation the province is in. The objective of the SEPP, therefore, is not only that of defining contents regarding all the works, sectors
and pastoral animation settings on a provincial level, but also defining the dimensions that make up the SEPP. The making of the
SEPP is meant to be of support for the planning of the entire mission of the provincial EPC (SYM Frame of Reference, 292-293.295-

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Presentation (short introduction by the Provincial)
[Motivation, contents, aims and how the document evolved. It is good to indicate the sources and the basic points of
reference that run through the reflections and guidelines of the Province SEPP: cfr. SYM Frame of Reference, pp. 290-293]
I. CONTEXT OF THE PROVINCE “______” (analysis of the reality)
[An educative and salesian understanding of the realty with its challenges, needs and proposals in 3 or 4 pages: SYM
Frame of Reference, pp. 296-298]
1. Careful observation and knowledge of the context and the «type» of young
people that are there
[Describe and analyse briefly: the challenges and tendencies in the actual context; the approach that needs to be taken
to encounter the youth reality. This needs to be an attempt in reading the youth scene; it does not need to be a a
complete analysis of the situation]
2. Educative and pastoral interpretation of the situation
[Present in a concrete manner some key elements that help interpreting our mission from an educative and pastoral
standpoint. Point out the possibilities that exist and the dangers that are to be encountered today. One needs to avoid the
danger of seeing everything as a «problem», or that «naïve optimism» that underestimates the force of resistances]
A first opportunity is the fact that we can rely, at least to some extent, on families and young people open to the
proclamation of the Gospel. Besides, beyond the statistics, we meet family groups [...] In relation to the young, true
discernment captures the positive signs present in the quest for meaning, quality of life, the great sense of solidarity,
peace, justice, openness to a global mentality of which they are the bearers [...] With regard to the transmission of the faith
to new generations, we must confess that the local Church makes great efforts to convey to them love for inner life,
perseverance in listening to the Word of God, for an orderly sacramental life [...] We run the risk of attempting a ministry
conditioned by efficiency, convinced more on the importance of what we " do" for God, than what God does for us. A
ministry dominated by the logic of appearance, quantity, effectiveness [...] Obstacles to mission, then, consist of the
"poverty" of families and young people. Also with regard to young people, various analysis of their condition converge on
"discomfort " as the main aspect [...]
3. Preferred options (long or short term, 3-5 years)
[4 or 5 priorities in the form of general objectives that have an open vision on the future, an inspiring and positive
vision for all the works and their sectors]
1) Renovate and strengthen the educative processes in a way that they guarantee the holistic growth of the young.
2) Offer multiple and varied processes for the human and Christian growth of the young, through personalized journeys
that initiate and educate them in faith.
3) Guide and accompany the young through discernment, helping them in choosing one’s direction in view of apostolic
4) Helping the young in taking leadership roles through experiences of ministry, volunteering and group experiences as
opportunities where they can mature in their faith and service to others.

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[Here starts the PROJECT section: it presents the objectives that will be achieved through operative and practical
guidelines (SYM Frame of Reference, pp. 297) according to the following]
General objectives
The situation which needs to be changed,
made better or strengthened. Answer the
following question: faced with this reality,
what do I need to do?
Urgent processes that need to be launched
to reach the objective. Answer the following
question: faced with this reality, what
steps need to be taken or sustained to
achieve the proposed aim?
A series of clear actions that
answer the question: how to put
into practice each of the
proposed processes?
[SYM Frame of Reference, Chapter V]
General objectives
[1 or 2 statements or general formulations (from the analysis of the situation!) that mark the priority goals which we want
to reach with our educational and pastoral action as EPC]
1) Making a reality a coordinated implementation among the various environments the work, always animated by an EPC
working as a team.
2) Strengthening time and space of formation together salesians and lay people at provincial and local levels.
[priorities exclude others at this time that are strategic and that present the changes required towards the desired
future. These represent the open, gradual and verifiable road ahead. 1 or 2 for each priority]
1.1) Formulate the three-year SEPP of the work and / or sector, making sure to harmonize the four dimensions of the
salesian pastoral proposal.
1.2) Articulate a plan of formation for the lay and salesians together with varied proposals.
[3 or 4 for each process, that is the initiative or the concrete action (or series of actions) that initiates the progress on
the path indicated by the process:]
1.1.1) Annual planning (1) in which all sectors (2) of the work can share and exchange information on the activities and
projects undertaken
Calendar (3): ___Responsible (4): ___
1.1.2) Development and organization of a seminar on "Management and salesian animation" addressed to the rectors and
those with responsibility of the sectors.
Calendar: ___ Responsible: ___
(1) Without the use of adjectives but only the subjects
(2) Important to indicate those who will benefit from the intervention (recipients). Identify the persons to whom
the project is addressed, i.e. the subjects on whom you want to intervene.
(3) Examples:
Three year period 2014-2017
Year 2014-2015
First Trimester of year 20__
Twice a year
From the first semester of year 20__

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(4) Examples for local animation coordination [SYM Frame of Reference, pp. 273-279]:
The SDB Community
The SDB Rector
The House Council
The Council of the EPC and / or the work
The local coordinator of Youth Ministry and the team
Other bodies and functions of animation and government in the EPC
Examples for the animation and coordination at province level [SYM Frame of Reference, pp. 280-283]:
The Provincial and his Council
The provincial Youth Ministry Delegate and his team
Those who hold responsibility in the province fore the sectors and provincial animation settings and
their teams
1. The dimension of the education to the faith
[SYM Frame of Reference, pp. 150-153]
General objectives
1) Strengthen and plan with audacity and creativity initiatives towards a personalization of faith and meaningful
experiences that help young people mature in the proposal of Salesian Youth Spirituality.
2) []
1.1) Propose new diversified paths of openness and growth in the faith and of the first announcement in face of
1.2) []
1.1.1) Publication of materials and resources on the first proclamation of faith, as well as understanding of the sacrament of
the Eucharist and initiation to other Christian celebrations.
Calendar: ___ Responsible:___
1.1.2) Review and renewal of catechetical programs for children, groups of teenagers and Confirmation.
Calendar: ___ Responsible: ___
2. The educational and cultural dimension
[SYM Frame of Reference, pp. 153-156]
General objectives
3. The social experience dimension
[SYM Frame of Reference, pp. 157-160]
General objectives

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4. The vocational dimension
[SYM Frame of Reference, pp. 160-162]
General objectives
5. Other sectors of animation of Salesian Youth Ministry (according to the reality
within the province)
[the SEPP promotes other educational and pastoral commitments that cut across all of Salesian Youth Ministry,
and are rooted in our charism]
a) Animation of apostolic vocations
[SYM Frame of Reference, pp. 163-165]
General objectives
b) Missionary animation and various kinds of volunteer activity
[SYM Frame of Reference, pp. 165-169]
General objectives
c) Social Communication
[SYM Frame of Reference, pp. 169-173]
General objectives
d) The Salesian Youth Movement
[SYM Frame of Reference, pp. 173-177]
General objectives
IV. SECTORS (according to the reality within the province)
[We use the term «sector» to describe the educational and pastoral structure in which the salesian mission takes place
according to a specific educative and pastoral proposal. Each of them creates an atmosphere and implements a style
of relationships within the Educative and Pastoral Community. A salesian work may include multiple sectors that
complement each other in order to better express the salesian mission]
1. The Oratory-Youth Centre
[SYM Frame of Reference, pp. 185-197]
General objectives

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2. The Salesian School and Vocational Training Centre (VTC)
[also also the Pre-Vocational Training Centre and Boarding Schools: SYM Frame of Reference, pp. 197-212]
General objectives
3. Salesian Higher Education Institutes
[also higher level study and tertiary sector centres, colleges and university residences: SYM Frame of Reference, pp. 212-
General objectives
4. Parishes and Shrines entrusted to the Salesians
[also public churches: SYM Frame of Reference, pp. 228-241]
General objectives
5. Works and Social services for Youth-at-risk
[SYM Frame of Reference, pp. 241-255]
General objectives
6. Other works and services in a variety of settings
[SYM Frame of Reference, pp. 255-261]
a) Experiences or services of animation and vocational guidance
[Aspirantates; live-in communities, vocational discernment centres]
General objectives
b) Specialised services in Christian formation and spiritual animation
[retreat and spirituality houses; centres for pastoral formation and catechises]
General objectives
c) Leisure time services
[groups and associations for animation in sport, tourism, music and theatre]

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General objectives
7. Province animation and coordination
General objectives
[SYM Frame of Reference, pp. 297-298]
1) The provincial youth ministry team submits to the provincial Council an annual report on the development and
implementation of the SEPP after the first three years.
2) The provincial Council annually evaluates, together with the rectors of the works, processes they consider most
important and common in different sectors and settings. In each evaluation it is important to examine:
if there was a true educational process through the various activities (continuity, complementarity, new possibilities
and generated resources, active involvement of those concerned, etc.).
the degree of fulfilment of the objectives set; it is essential to choose some specific and measurable indicators against
which the relationship between results and objectives can be verified, as well as the relationship between results and
resources / tools;
the analysis of the causes, personal, structural, organizational, etc., that have helped or hindered the process, to the
adequacy of the objectives of the new situation and possibilities.
3) The provincial Council at the end of the three years, evaluates the implementation and development of the SEPP,
involving each of the EPC’s of the works of the province. Before the development of the next Provincial SEPP, the
Assembly or the Provincial Chapter provides guidance for the next Provincial SEPP […]