01. Historiographical Study of Religious Congregations %28Prof. L. Lanaria USC%29

01. Historiographical Study of Religious Congregations %28Prof. L. Lanaria USC%29

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EAO Regional Conference on the State of Salesian Historiography
Day 2 | Tuesday | 5 Nov 2013
Dr. Levy Lara Lanaria
Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies
University of San Carlos, Cebu City
While I was organizing my ideas up until I was almost on the verge of completing the
‘rough’ draft of my paper, I realized that, given the time limitation and my own limitation as
someone who had no formal training in historiography, I could not go into a comprehensive and
in-depth historiographical analysis of the writings I had gathered. I thought the metaphor
“scratching the surface” would more appropriately express the level at which I was laboring –
which I was.
My study covers the countries in the East Asian-Oceania region except the Philippines.
They are China, Japan, Korea, Mongolia, Taiwan, Australia, Cambodia, Indonesia, Myanmar,
New Zealand, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Samoa, Thailand, Timor East, and
Vietnam. In reality only a number of these countries figure in the materials I consider relevant.
I have opted as well to limit the historical period covered by the writings for the last 50
years or so. That would be the post-WW II period. Moreover, considering the enormity of the
study, I decided to just restrict it to the following religious congregation of men: Augustinians
(O.A), Augustinian Recollects (O.A.R.), CICM, Dominicans (O.P.), Jesuits (S.J.), Redemptorists
(Cs.S.R.), Society of the Divine Word (SVD) and Vincentians (C.M.).
These are some of the libraries I went to in Metro Manila:
East Asian Pastoral Institute
UST Central Library
UST Ecclesiastical Faculty Library
Vincentians: St. Vincent School of Theology

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Maryhill School of Theology library
I went to the archives of St. Augustine’s church of the Augustinian Order in Intramuros,
Manila on Oct 25, 2013. Unfortunately the place was under renovation, and so it was not open
to public. I also tried my luck at the Franciscan Provincial house in Quezon City. Unfortunately
again during the entire remaining days of my research, the entire Franciscan community was out
for a retreat and I couldn’t be allowed access to their archives.
For the Cebu-based research I was helped by my research associate Mr. Josmar Dionzon,
an ex-SVD seminarian and former colleague of mine in the previous Department of Religious
Education, University of San Carlos who went the rounds of the religious congregations based in
Cebu. He was also able to do some online research to supplement my work. Towards the end of
my presentation I’m going to present a list of repositories of information and historical writings
Mr. Dionzon has gathered online. They can be useful for someone who may be interested to do
further research on the historiography of the religious orders in the East Asia-Oceania context.
Offhand I would say that the repositories of historical information which immediately
offered me relevant materials are the libraries of St. Vincent School of Theology and the
C.I.C.M-owned and -run Maryhill School of Theology. Even the UST libraries which is the best
in terms of archival materials, according to the Jesuit historian Fr. Jose Arcilla yielded only a
couple of relevant sources not because it is lacking but either the archival materials were in
Spanish or the historical writings focus on the Philippine context. Anyhow more time and more
efforts are needed to substantiate or negate my claim.
To give you an idea of the written sources I gathered in MetroManila thus far and their
classification by religious orders, I’m presenting to you the following table:
Augustinians (O.A.) (nothing relevant)
(nothing relevant)
Assorted: Reports,
Statements, et al
(only Augustinian
Compilation of reports
SACS/STVI Province
of Sto. Nino de Cebu-
Phil. 2005-2013 (still to
be sorted out, most can
be considered primary

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Augustinian Recollects (nothing relevant) (nothing relevant)
(nothing relevant)
Amigleo, Rev. Fr. Taveirne, P. “China:
Ernesto M. 75 Years of Exodus and Diaspora.”
CICM Missionary In C.I.C.M.
Degrijse, Omer. The
Journey in Indonesia Missionaries Past and Immaculate Heart
1937-2012. Bekasi, Present, 256-280.
Missions a Centennial
Indonesia: 2012.
Leuven University 1862-1962 (letter by
Press, 1995.
the then CICM superior
[China, pp. 16-19]
Missionhurst: The
Congregation of the Eerenbeemt, J. van den
Immaculate Heart of and D. Vanysacker.
Mary. (Arlington, VA. “Indonesia: A Mission
1963), 17-?.
in the World of Islam.”
In C.I.C.M.
[partly mentions China, Missionaries Past and
pp. 8-9; a little (in
Present, 341-351.
passing) on Indonesia, Leuven University
Japan, Hong Kong, Press, 1995.
Singapore, p.17]
Renson, R. “Japan: An
Expectation.” In
C.I.C.M. Missionaries
Past and Present, 352-
364. Leuven University
Press, 1995.
Decraene, M. “CICM

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and the Chinese Church
Today.” EUNTES
Digest (November-
December 1988): 542-
[context: China]
Goossens, Ludo,
C.I.C.M. “Perspectives
on the Japanese
Province of CICM on
the Occasion of 50
Years of Missionary
Presence in Japan.” The
Japan Mission Journal
52, no. 4 (Winter,
1998): 242-248.
Amigleo, Rev. Fr.
Ernesto M., CICM.
“Journey from Mission
Church to Local
Church: A Story of
CICM Evangelization
in Indonesia.” In
CICM: 150 Years of
Service in God’s
Mission (1862-2012).
Edited by Jaime R.
Sadullo, Andre De
Bleeker and Maria
Brenda L. Tan, 57-??.
Makati: St. Pauls, 2012.

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1 Superior general 1962
Heyndrickx, Rev. Fr.
Jeroom J., CICM.
“Verbiest Foundation-
Leuven: An Institution
for Evangelization in
China Created by the
CICM.” In CICM: 150
Years of Service in
God’s Mission (1862-
2012). Edited by Jaime
R. Sadullo, Andre De
Bleeker and Maria
Brenda L. Tan, 139-??.
Makati: St. Pauls, 2012.
Degrijse, Omer, CICM.
“The Immaculate Heart
Missions 1862-1962.”
In The Centennial of
SCHEUT. n.d. pp. 17-
Masschelein, Patrick,
CICM. “What abut
CICM and Hongkong
in 1997?. . .”
Missionhurst 49, no. 3
(June-July 1997): 10-
[Hong Kong]

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Dominicans (O.P.)2
2 A quarterly magazine for the UST arts and sciences: Unitas.
Statement on
Conference on Justice
and Peace, Asia-Pacific
Region: Hongkong,
1984.” In The
Dominicans’ Mission
Here and Now, ed.
Fausto Gomez, O.P.,
141-143. Manila:
University of Santo
Tomas, 1988.
Statement on
“Dominican Asia-
Pacific Regional
Teschemakers, New
Zealand: 1987.” In The
Dominicans’ Mission
Here and Now, ed.
Fausto Gomez, O.P.,
148-149. Manila:
University of Santo
Tomas, 1988.

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Franciscans (O.F.M)
Jesuits (S.J.)
Ryan, Thomas F. ,S.J.
Presidents’s Report.
Jesuits in China (details
Nicolas, Adolfo, S.J.
“Ongoing Formation
[See the relevant
and Pastoral Service.”
portion, Chapter VIII. East Asian Pastoral
Twentieth Century: Review (1987): 21-?
“The Conference in
2011.” Jesuits in Asia
Pacific 2012, 3-5.
Quezon City: Ateneo
de Manila, 2012.3
Second Half. It covers
[mentions Timor-Leste,
Hong Kong, Taiwan,
Myanmar, Vietnam,
and China Mainland King, Geoffrey, SJ.
(pp. 132-163)]
EAPI. “At Twenty-
Five: Evaluation,
Mission Statement, “President’s Report on
Future Plans.” East 2012.” A Faith that
Asian Pastoral Review Does Justice the Jesuits
28, no. 2 (1991): ?? in Asia-Pacific 2013, 3-
Quezon City: Ateneo
de Manila, 2012.
“Forming Jesuits for [mentions Australia,
Asia Pacific.” Jesuits in Japan, Korea, Vietnam,
Asia Pacific 2012, 6-7. Malaysia, Thailand,
Quezon City: Ateneo deTimor-Leste, Myanmar,
Manila, 2012.
Jakarta, Singapore]
[context: Loyola School
of Theology which
caters to students from
3 Mark Raper, SJ, president, Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific

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“The Vision of an
Educational Institute.”
Jesuits in Asia Pacific
2012, 8-9. Quezon City:
Ateneo de Manila,
[context: Timor-Leste]
“A Sense of Sacred
Ecology.” Jesuits in
Asia Pacific 2012, 10-
11. Quezon City:
Ateneo de Manila,
[context: Mekong river]
“Living with our
Neighbors.” Jesuits in
Asia Pacific 2012, 12-
13. Quezon City:
Ateneo de Manila,
[Yiutsari Center,
“The Asia Pacific
Conference.” Jesuits in
Asia Pacific 2012, 14-
15. Quezon City:
Ateneo de Manila,
[mentions where JAPC
works: Australia,
Cambodia, China,

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Indonesia, Japan,
Korea, Laos, Malaysia,
Micronesia, Myanmar,
New Zealand,
Philippines, Singapore,
Taiwan, Thailand,
Gleeson, Fr.
Christopher, SJ. “The
Gift of Education.” A
Faith that Does Justice
the Jesuits in Asia-
Pacific 2013, 6-7.
Quezon City: Ateneo de
Manila, 2012.
[context: a Jesuit
educational initiative in
Leger, Fr. Arthur, SJ.
“Forming Pastoral
Leaders for a Mission.”
A Faith that Does
Justice the Jesuits in
Asia-Pacific 2013, 10-
11. Quezon City:
Ateneo de Manila,
[context: East Asian
Pastoral Institute in
Quezon City which
caters to Africa, Asia,
and Oceania]

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Raper, Mark, SJ.
“Looking Forward.” A
Faith that Does Justice
the Jesuits in Asia-
Pacific 2013, 14-15.
Quezon City: Ateneo de
Manila, 2012.
[ mentions Korea,
Cambodia, Myanmar]
Redemptorists (CsSR) (see supplementary
portion below)
(see supplementary
portion below)
Vincentians (C.M.)
Riyanto, Armada. The
80 Years of the
Presence of the CM
Priests in Indonesia.
O’Donnell, Hugh, C.M.
“The China Mission.”
Vincentiana 42nd
YEAR, no. 6
1998): 423-428.
Tran Cong Du, Gerard,
CM. and Alexis Hau.
“The Congregation of
the Mission in
Vietnam.” Vincentiana
42nd YEAR, no. 6
1998): 448-454.

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Sendlein, Thomas,
CICM. “Vincentian
Chinese Pilgrimage to
Rome: Chronicle of the
Canonization of the
Francis Regis Clet.”
Vincentiana 45th
YEAR, no. 1 (January-
February 2001): 2-8.
Maloney, Robert P.,
CM. “Our Vincentian
Mission in China:
Yesterday, Today, and
Vincentiana 45th
YEAR, no. 1 (January-
February 2001): 43-52.
Armada, Franciscus
Eko, CM. “The 80th
Anniversary of the
Presence of the
Vincentians in
Indonesia (1923-2003):
A Historical
Vincentiana 48TH
YEAR, no. 3 (May-
June 2004): 190-200.

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Vincentiana 53rd
YEAR, no. 1/2
(January-April 2009) --
- SIEV Colloquium on
Vincentian History and
In sum in terms of published books written I gathered four (CICM 2; CM 1; Jesuits 1), 25
articles found in journals or magazines (CICM 10; CM 6; Jesuits 9); and 7 assorted
(Augustinians 2; CICM 1; O.P. 2; Jesuits 2).
Based on the sources and materials I actually collected, I came up with the following
tentative observations:
1. Most of the materials I stumbled upon are articles published either in a religious
congregation’s periodic journal or in a book or in a magazine. A few are a superior’s
reports/letters and formal statements expressing the congregation’s pastoral commitment.
In another congregation I was shown compilations of reports/minutes/proceedings/letters
which focus on the Philippines.
2. In general, the articles were written by the respective congregation’s historians or writers
in narrative sketchy form and for the most part a mix of historical exposition and
theological reflection, theological and/or missiological.
3. Usually no bibliography is indicated.
4. The research method is not presented as well. I haven’t come across writings which use
other methods, e.g. analytical, other than the narrative. The narrative according to
Lawrence Stone (English historian of early modern Britain) has traditionally been the
main rhetorical device used in writing history. It prefers anecdotes over analysis, use of
examples or illustrations rather than statistically verified empirical regularities.
5. Only three books are of note namely Amigleo, Rev. Fr. Ernesto M. 75 Years of CICM
Missionary Journey in Indonesia 1937-2012. Bekasi, Indonesia: 2012; Riyanto, Armada.
The 80 Years of the Presence of the CM Priests in Indonesia. 2003; and Ryan, Thomas

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F., S.J. Jesuits in China. All three contain bibliography. At least one, Fr. Amigleo’s
work, contains endnotes. The sources used were oral and written through library research
and interviews with key informants. These are the only works I find with scientific value
although the narrative form runs through both writings and there’s a reflection portion as
6. The writings (books and articles with historical content) by and large highlight
achievements of the congregation, thus biased, over challenges which came in the way.
This is expected esp by those commemorative works meant to encourage or exhort or
inspire. Some works like the Jesuit APC magazine are promotional, and can be linked, as
a Jesuit archivist I talked to, to financial subsidy.
7. I haven’t come across some kind of an integrated historical writing focused exclusively
on the East Asia context and/or Oceania context that covers the post-world war II era. It
seems safe to say that nothing has been done at least by those religious orders covered by
my research. Most of the relevant materials I stumbled upon are articles written in a
journal or in a magazine or small portions of a book, not to mention that they deal with
individual countries mostly in the East Asian context. What I have so far are a couple of
books which by chance were written in the particular Indonesian context and another
book on China. The Jesuits, Augustinians, and Vincentians I’ve talked to confirmed the
8. Considering the great limitation of my study, I suggest that further, more intensive and
more extensive research can be made regarding the historiography of the religious orders
in the context of the East Asia-Oceania region. The research should not only be limited
to the repositories of information located in the Philippines. I am sure other countries in
the region contain historical sources/resources which cannot be found here in the
Philippine libraries.
Supplementary: Below are additional list of historical studies produced in the East Asian context
and of online archives/repositories of historical information of a good number of religious

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Historical Studies in East Asia
Christianity in Taiwan
Borao Mateo, José Eugenio. 2009. The Spanish Experience in Taiwan, 1626-1642: The
Baroque Ending of a Renaissance Endeavour. Hong Kong University Press.
Borao Mateo, José Eugenio. 2002. Spaniards in Taiwan,Taipei: Vol II (1642-1682). SMC
Publishing Inc.
Borao Mateo, José Eugenio. 2001. Spaniards in Taiwan,Taipei: Vol. I (1582-1641). SMC
Publishing Inc.
Borao Mateo, José Eugenio. 2000. “The Catholic Dominican Missionaries in Taiwan, 1626-
1642.” In: Leuven Chinese Studies (special issue on Missionary Approaches and Linguistic in
Mainland China and Taiwan) No. X, pp. 101-132.
Borao Mateo, José Eugenio 1994. Spanish Sources for the History of Taiwan. "International
Congress on Taiwan Historical and Colonial Sources", National Taiwan University.
Christianity in China
Tiedemann, Gary, ed. 2010. Handbook of Christianity in China: Volume Two: 1800
present. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill Academic Pub
Standaert, Nicolas, ed. 2001. Handbook of Christianity in China. Volume One: 635-1800.
Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill Academic Pub.

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Tiedemann, Gary. 2009. Reference Guide to Christian Missionary Societies in China: from
the 16th to the 20th Century. Armonk, N.Y.: M.E. Sharpe.
Cary-Elwes, Columba. 1957. China and the Cross: A Survey of Missionary History. New
York: P.J. Kenedy.
Charbonnier ,Jean-Pierre. 2007. Christians in China A.D. 600 to 2000. San Francisco, CA,
Ignatius Press.
Gerald H. Anderson, Robert T. Coote, James M. Phillips, eds. 1994. Mission Legacies:
Biographical Studies of Leaders of the Modern Missionary Movement (American Society of
Missiology). Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books.
Brockey, Liam Matthew. 2007. Journey to the East: The Jesuit Mission to China, 15791724.
Cambridge, Mass: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.
Christianity in Japan
Mullins, Mark. 1998. Christianity Made in Japan: A Study of Indigenous Movements.
University of Hawai’i Press
Mullins, Mark. 2003. Handbook of Christianity in Japan. Leiden and Boston: Brill Academic

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Christianity in Indonesia
Steenbrink, K.A. and Aritonang, J.S. 2008. A History of Christianity in Indonesia. Leiden and
Boston: Brill Academic Pub.
Franciscans in China
Anthony E. Clark. 2011. China's Saints: Catholic Martyrdom During the Qing (1644-1911)
(Christianity in China).Bethlehem: LehighUniversity Press.
Divine Word Missionaries in Papua New Guinea
Divine Word Missionaries in Papua New Guinea 1896-1996. Nettetal, Germany: Steyler
Gaesch, Patrick. 2009.Mission and violence: healing the lasting damage. Papua New Guinea:
DWU Press.
Ruffing, Norman. The Word in the world, 1969: Divine Word Missionaries, New Guinea:
Divine Word Missionaries in Taiwan, Japan, and Philippines
Divine Word Missionaries. Divine Word Missionaries in Asian Universities: Fu Jen, Taiwan;
Nanzan, Japan; San Carlos, Philippines; Divine Word, Philippines. Nettetal, Germany:
Steyler Verlag

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1. Archives of the Society of the Divine Word (Rome)
2. Archives of the Order of Friars Minor (Rome)
3. Archives of the Franciscans Missionaries of Mary (Rome)
4. Archives of the Order of Preachers (Rome)
5. Archives of the Society of Jesus (Rome and Taipei)
6. Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (Vatican)
7. Archivio Segreto Vaticano (Vatican)
8. Archives of the Catholic Foreign Mission Society of America (Maryknoll, New York)
9. Archives of the Society of the Divine Word (Rome)
10. Archives of the Order of Friars Minor (Rome)
11. Archives of the Franciscans Missionaries of Mary (Rome)
12. Archives of the Order of Preachers (Rome)
13. Archives of the Society of Jesus (Rome and Taipei)
14. Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (Vatican)
15. Archivio Segreto Vaticano (Vatican)
16. Archives of the Catholic Foreign Mission Society of America (Maryknoll, New York)
Online Archives
Divine Word Missionaries (SVD) Online Archives
Available only to SVD Members. Non-member per request.

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Jesuits Online Archives
Available for non-member per request; preferably expert
Franciscans Online Archives
Available for non-member per request; preferably expert
Franciscans Online Library
Available for non-member per request; preferably expert
Dominicans Online Library
Available for non-member per request; preferably expert
Redemptorist Online Archives
Available for non-member per request; preferably expert
UST Online Library (Philippines)
ADMU (Ateneo de Manila) Online Library (Philippnes)
Divine Word School of Theology (SVD) Online Library (Philippines)
Adamson University Online Library (Philippines)