GMS ENG-2013

GMS ENG-2013

1 Pages 1-10

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The poster
The Faith Journey in Africa!
The theme of the Salesian Missions Day is very timely in the context of the Year of
Faith proclaimed by the Holy Father Benedict XVI. The celebrations this year neces-
sarily lead to the reflection about the relevance and importance of the initial procla-
mation of the Gospel, which was also the theme of the SDB-FMA Study Days in all
continents in the course of this six-year period (2008-2014). Initial proclamation is
directed not only to those considered as “non-Christians”, but also to “those who
do not know Christ,” which include either the unbaptised, or the baptised who do not
know Jesus Christ personally. And so today the Church feels its urgency in all conti-
The poster for the Salesian Mission Day 2013 has a big picture of Fr. Victor Mallesa, a
Salesian from the Province of East Africa during the rite of Baptism, which shows the
link between initial proclamation, the catechumenate and the journey of faith of each
person. The background at the centre of the poster is a picture taken in Kenya, just
after sunrise, which creates the awareness of a new day and a new life. On this back-
ground there is a picture of three children praying as their youthful response to initial
proclamation. Behind the children is a silhouette of the Sacred Host as a reminder
that this faith journey should lead to the Eucharist.
The four photographs on the lower part of the poster link initial proclamation to Chris-
tian initiation through the journey of faith in Africa fostered by the Salesians of Don
Bosco, so as to “recover the ardour of the beginnings of the evangelization” (Africae
Munus, 164) of the African Continent: the Word of God, the celebration of the sacra-
ments, popular devotions and charity, symbolically represented by the rite of the
washing of the feet. This is why the material in this booklet can serve as examples or
models for the Salesians and lay people who are in other continents.
This poster was made by Fr. Sebastian Koladiyil SDB and his team of collaborators at the
BEAMS (Bosco Eastern Africa Multimedia Services) studios of the Salesian Province of
Eastern Africa.
The poster: Journey of Faith in Africa 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Index 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Letter of the Rector Major 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Letter from the Regional Councillor for Africa and Madagascar
and the Councillor for the Missions 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Salesian Mission Day a continuing tradition 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
SMD - How was it celebrated? 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Africae Munus – Post Synodal Exhortation of Benedict XVI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Don Bosco’s African face. 35 years of Project Africa (1978 - 2013) 14 ..................
Video 1 - The Faith Journey in Africa! 16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Video 2 - The Faith in Africa. Makalala catechist school . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Video 3 - The Faith in Africa – Angola. There is leaven in Luanda ...................20
Video 4 - The Faith in Africa – Angola. Workers in the harvest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Video 5 - The Faith in Africa – Togo. Parish as a school of faith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Testimonies 26 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
SMD 2013 Project 28 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Teaching materials 30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Prayer 32 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
All the material in: Italian, English, Spanish, Portuguese and French
is available also on DVD and can be downloaded from the site

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Rector Major’s Letter
27 May 2012, Pentecost Sunday
Dear Confreres
and Friends of the Salesian Missions,
I greet you on this Pentecost Sunday with
the heart of a disciple of Jesus that feels
God’s love today personally, and wants to
share it with others.
For the 26th time the Rector Major is offer-
ing the Congregation a mission theme to
help make known the involvement of con-
freres, and so open their eyes and hearts to
new mission opportunities. In 2013 our at-
tention turns to the African continent,
where thanks to the missionary efforts of
many Provinces through Project Africa
(1978-2005), most of the confreres working
in this region today are local: about 1000
African Salesians! The freshness in faith of
the young Churches, now making up some
150 million faithful, has really become a
spiritual lung for all humankind.
As I do each year, I would like to point out
the deeper reasons for Salesian Mission
Day, which has already found a place in the
educative and pastoral planning of many
1. Returning to Don Bosco – walking
with young people in faith
In our second year of preparation for the Bi-
centenary of Don Bosco’s birth we are in-
vited to come to an understanding of his
pedagogy. In the four Lives he wrote about
his boys: Luigi Comollo, Dominic Savio,
Francis Besucco and Michael Magone, Don
Bosco offers concrete models of disciples
of Jesus to his sons who are educators to
faith of young people.
The Salesian society is the result of a simple
catechism lesson (cf. Const. SDB 34). We
are aware that if a Salesian takes up his vo-
cation and mission as catechist again after
many years, he renews his sense of faith
and being an educator to faith of the
young. The theme of SMD 2013 aims to
help us be more available as spiritual com-
panions of the young, so that in the first in-
stance we return to the practice of personal
spiritual direction as part of being faithful
to our calling. The photo of Don Bosco
hearing the confession of a future succes-
sor, young Paul Albera, is a highly symbolic
one for us.
2. Evangelising the Salesian
heart during theYear of Faith
We also find ourselves in the context of the
Year of Faith (11 October 2012 – 29 June
2013). In these words, on 16 October 2011,
Pope Benedict XVI highlighted its real mo-
tivation: I think that after half a century
since the opening of the Council, tied to the
happy memory of Blessed Pope John XXIII, it
is appropriate to recall the beauty and cen-
trality of the faith, the need to strengthen it
and deepen it on a personal and community
level, and to do so not in a celebratory per-
spective, but rather a missionary one, the
mission “ad gentes” and new evangelisation.
The theme of SMD 2013 helps us under-
stand the urgency of the personal journey
of faith, one that can never cease. We are
disciples on the road and we seek daily,
more and more, to follow the Master. If our
heart is not evangelised we cannot become
evangelisers of the young who are waiting
for us, and we will not be able to animate
our catechists in their important role.
3. Opening our hearts to missionary
One way of strengthening a mission culture
is to disseminate information about the mis-
sions in an attractive way, each day. Thanks
to the many video products around the Sale-
sian world, like for example those from Mis-
sioni Don Bosco (Turin) the Congregation and
the Salesian Family is up to date with mis-
sionary life today. Every year some 15 DVDs
are sent out to 53TV stations and 4000 Sale-
sian Houses (SDB and FMA) in 133 countries
around the world. Visiting Salesian commu-
nities, however, I have seen two extremes:
in some cases the cassettes remain in their
plastic wrap, while in others the DVDs are
copied and set around to leaders and cate-
chists in all the mission stations or basic
communities and large parishes. There are
some communities that watch a brief mis-
sion video every week. SMD 2013 offers five
short videos on the journey of faith, in seven
languages - Italian, English, Spanish, Por-
tuguese, French, Polish and German – and
these can help communities rediscover this
great wealth of our Congregation. Dozens
of films on the missions within close reach!
My dear friends, I invite you to accept the
challenge of helping the young to embark
on the journey of faith and walk with them
as patient catechists. Thank you for your
courageous response to his final invitation
... You will be my witnesses! (Acts 1:8), en-
trusting this Salesian Mission Day 2013 to
the guidance and protection of Mary, Moth-
er of the Church.
Affectionately, in Don Bosco
Fr Pascual Chávez Villanueva
Rector Major

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Letter from the Regional Councillor
for Africa and Madagascar
and the Councillor for the Missions
27 May 2012, Pentecost Sunday
Hearts filled with Easter joy, we offer a
greeting of peace and joy to all confreres!
In a special way we greet all Salesians on the
front line, sharing their experience of the Risen
Jesus with young people from many cultures
and religions in every continent. We are con-
vinced that your testimony is the best image
of Don Bosco today. For every Salesian, Pen-
tecost is an invitation to grow in the missionary
dimension of our Charism!
We present you with animation materials for
the 26th Salesian Mission Day (SMD) 2013 –
The Faith Journey in Africa! It is the result of
teamwork by the 12 Provinces and Vice
Provinces of the Africa – Madagascar Region
and the Departments for the Missions and So-
cial Communication.
The first beneficiaries of Salesian Mission
Day are ourselves, the Salesians of Don
Bosco. We are invited to make Benedict XVI’s
belief our own: The first poverty of peoples is
that of not knowing Christ!. With this clear, it is
possible to indicate three specific aims of Sale-
sian Mission Day 2013:
1. Learning from young African Churches –
lungs of the Universal Church
In his recent post-synodal Apostolic Exhorta-
tion Africae Munus the Pope reminded us once
again that Africa is, for the world and the
Church a spiritual lung (no.13;177) . In his ad-
dress to the Roman Curia on 22 December
2011: Encountering this faith that is so ready to
sacrifice and so full of happiness is a powerful
remedy against fatigue with Christianity such as
we are experiencing in Europe today.
Many Salesians ask us what we want to
achieve each year through the SMD.
In many countries around the world, in fact, we
have already forgotten that the Church can
generate new children through the journey of
the catechumenate.The fresh stories of young
catechists and their young catechumens in
Africa challenges us.The more than 147 million
Catholics inAfrica (2011), with a growth rate of
6.5 million a year, is a sign of vitality and hope.
Salesian Mission Day 2013 then is a further in-
vitation to be more attentive to the Church,
truly Catholic and Universal. We are being
called to get to know the most beautiful face
of the African Church today.
So we invite all provincial communities to lis-
ten to the experiences of the young African
Churches which are still little known. We also
invite young people in Mission groups andVol-
unteer movements to let themselves be in-
spired by the Christian initiation of their peers,
catechists or young catechumens in Africa.
2. Compare yourselves with the young
African catechist
In many areas of the continent there are young
Churches, many of them have barely a century
of evangelisation behind them. In most cases
Baptism is received at a young age. They
would normally go through the catechume-
nate journey for Christian initiation, which cul-
minates in their receiving the three sacraments
of Christian initiation: Baptism, Confirmation
and Eucharist. In many dioceses there is an ef-
fort to develop this process of Christian initia-
tion in line with their traditional ways, very
much alive in many parts and cultures ofAfrica.
The catechist inAfrican dioceses is not only the
one giving catechism lessons, but the leader of
the Christian community, especially in rural ar-
eas. In places where it is difficult for the priest
to get to, they are the ones who lead commu-
nity prayer, prepare people for the sacraments,
administer development and finance in the
community. In many cases they are the true
guardians of the faith and the Church, to the
point of martyrdom.
Benedict XVI says in Africae Munus: Catechists
are invaluable pastoral agents in the mission of
evangelization. Their role was very important
during the first evangelization, the preparation
of catechumens and the direction and support
of communities. In a natural way they brought
about a successful inculturation that has pro-
duced marvellous fruits (cfr Mk 4:20). Catechists
have allowed their “light to shine before men”
(Mt 5:16), because seeing the good that they do,
whole populations were able to give glory to our
Father in heaven. Indeed, Africans have evan-
gelized Africans”. This role so important in the
past, remains essential for the present and the
future of the Church. I thank them for their love
of the Church (no.125). As Salesians of Don
Bosco, in our lives as missionaries of the young
in every province, let’s compare ourselves with
the zeal of young catechists in Africa!
3. SMD 2013 – Formation of catechists and
catechetics materials
Catechist formation and publishing catecheti-
cal materials in local languages do not feature
regularly in projects for mission support in our
provinces. The audiovisual material for SMD
2013 focuses on three experiences in the jour-
ney of faith (Angola, Tanzania and Togo).
The support project for this year aims at col-
lecting funds for catechist formation (volun-
teers, full time) and producing catechetical
materials in local languages in the three
provinces of ANG, AFE, AFO. Each province is
invited to send any contributions collected dur-
ing the SMD 2013 campaign to the Fondazione
Don Bosco nel Mondo (see p. 29).
Finally, we thank all confreres in the African
provinces involved in preparing these materi-
als. As a sign of the close collaboration of the
Departments for the Salesian mission, we are
especially grateful to those in the Social Com-
munication Department and Don Bosco Media
- Eurofilm Turin.
Warm greetings then, with a special prayer for
help from Mary our Mother and Help of all
Salesians, lay partners and young people who
walk together with the young towards Jesus
Fr. Václav Klement
Councillor for the Missions
Fr. Guillermo Basaňes
Councillor for Africa – Madagascar Region

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Salesian Mission Day
a continuing tradition
Since 1988 a mission theme has been offered to
the entire Congregation. All Salesian communi-
ties are invited to get to know about a mission
situation in a particular continent.
It is a powerful occasion for Mission Animation
in Salesian communities at the local and
Province levels, youth Groups, in the Salesian
Family. Is not an isolated event but rather a
chance to involve SDB communities and educa-
tive - pastoral communities in the dynamics of
the universal Church, strengthening a mission-
ary culture.
To give an impetus to Mission Animation by of-
fering a proposal that can become an annual
practical project and help the entire Salesian
Family to know about the Congregation’s com-
mitment to the missions and open its eyes to
new mission situations, overcoming every temp-
tation to shut oneself off in one’s own place and
to remember the universal outreach of the Sale-
sian charism.
Activities aimed at promoting interest in the mis-
sions must always be geared to these specific
goals; namely, informing and forming the People
of God to share in the Church’s universal mission,
promoting vocations ad gentes and encouraging
cooperation in the work of evangelisation (John
Paul II, Redemptoris Missio, 83).
There is no fixed date for SMD. Each Province
can choose a date or time best suited to its own
calendar and rhythm of events. Some traditional
dates in the Provinces (near to the Feast of Don
Bosco, or his birthday inAugust, Lent, the Feast
of the Holy Salesian Missionary Martyrs, Luigi
Versiglia and Callisto Caravario; the month of
May; the missionary month of October; or 11
November). It is above all important to offer a
educational – pastoral programme of several
weeks – for which Salesian Mission Day provides
the culmination. SMD is an expression of the
missionary spirit of the whole Educative-Pas-
toral Community kept alive throughout the
years by various initiatives.
Starting from a meeting of rectors, where the
Delegate for Mission Animation explains the
purpose and delivers the tools available for the
SMD in the Province (Province website or a link
to - SMD).Thus, all the SDB com-
munities are the first recipients of the dynamics
of SMD. By focusing attention each year on a
continent and a concrete aspect of missionary
culture; by praying for missionaries and by col-
lecting concrete support for projects presented
in the materials for SMD.The celebration of the
SMD ought is a festive occasion, able to enthuse
the participants about the mission activity.
The primary recipient is the Salesian communi-
ty.Then, depending on each Province, there are
various ways of organizing the SMD which is
open to the whole Salesian movement and
friends of Don Bosco (Salesian Cooperators,
Past Pupils, ADMA Groups etc), depending on
the setting of the Salesian mission (schools, vo-
cational training centers, parishes, youth
groups, missionary and volunteer work of the
Salesian Family).
The Missions Depart offers material for all the
Salesian communities: a Poster, printed materi-
als, a DVD with short films on the theme, a CD
with the texts, photos in various languages, and
other digital material throughout the year,
which can be down-loaded from
(SMD 2013) and the video which is also available
inYouTube. For further copies of the material it
is sufficient to write to the Missions Department
All members of the Educative-PastoralCommu-
nity live the missionary concern of their faith by
offering their cooperation in the mission activity
of the Congregation through prayer accompa-
nied by sacrifices for Salesian missionaries and
especially for Salesian missionary vocations
every 11 of the month. Each year, a prayer is
composed according to the theme of the SMD
and each month a Salesian Missionary Intention
is proposed in order to emphasise the impor-
tance of this spiritual dimension of missionary
The assessment after the SMD is as important
as the preparation and the celebration. What
needs to be considered is how the SMD has
been able to foster a missionary culture in the
local or Province community through the topic
proposed taking into account any suggestions
for future improvements.
Salesian Mission Day 1988 - 2014
1988 Guinea - Conakry:The dream continues
1989 Zambia: Lufubu Project
1990 Timor Leste -Venilale:Young evangelisers
1991 Paraguay: Street children
1992 Peru - Christ lives in the steps of the Incas
1993 Togo-Kara: Don Bosco and Africa
1994 Cambodia: Missionaries builders of peace
1995 India - Gujarat: In dialogue sharing the faith
1996 Russia -Yakutsk: Lights of hope in Siberia
1997 Madagascar: Boy, I say to you, get up
1998 Brazil -Yanomami: New life in Christ
1999 Japan:The difficult proclamation of Christ
2000 Angola: Gospel seed of reconciliation
2001 Papua New Guinea:Walking with the young
2002 Missionaries among the refugees worldwide
2003 Salesian commitment to human development and evangelisation
2004 India - Arunachal Pradesh: A People awakes
2005 Mongolia: A new missionary frontier
2006 Sudan:The Salesian mission in Sudan
2007 Sudan:The Salesian mission in Sudan
2008 HIV/AIDS:The Salesian response – educating for life
2009 Keep alive your missionary flame
2010 Europe:The Salesians walking with the Gypsies
2011 America:Volunteers proclaiming the Gospel
2012 Asia:Telling the story of Jesus
2013 Africa:The Faith Journey
2014 Europe: Salesians walking with migrants

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How wasSitMcDelebrated?
Report of best practices 2010-2012
One of the main challenges is launching SMD
in a Province where for various reasons it has
never been celebrated or where the practice
has not yet become part of the missionary cul-
ture. Various Provinces have re-launched the
tradition of Salesian Mission Day in different
ways.Among the more effective strategies has
been that of introducing the theme in a well-
prepared manner at meetings of Rectors
(parish priests, headteachers, directors of ora-
tories, youth centres), where the Provincial
Delegate forYouth Ministry or the one respon-
sible for Mission Animation explains the rea-
sons behind it and distributes material re-
ceived from Rome or other material adapted
and produced in loco (PLN, SUO). Others have
already produced each year a series of Good
Nights or Good Mornings for the different age
groups or locations (school, oratory, youth
groups or homilies – SMA). It is very significant
that so many Provinces have made great ef-
forts in getting the material translated into
their own languages (CIN, GIA, KOR, Poland,
CEP, CRO, SLK etc).
Each Province or Provincial Conference is free
to choose a day or a period most suitable for
them. Some of the days chosen in the last
three years have been: Sunday after the Me-
morial of Blessed LuigiVariara (January – Italy),
close to the Feast of the missionary proto-mar-
tyrs SS. Luigi Versiglia and Callisto Caravario
(Poland - Piła), after Easter (Spain), the mis-
sionary month of October, 11th November. A
fixed date in the Province calendar has made
it possible to have a more effective educative
– pastoral period of preparation in the individ-
ual communities.
To ensure that all the SDB communities are
those primarily aimed at for SMD activities, the
Province Delegate for Mission Animation
sends the communities various sets of material
produced by the Province Team for Mission
Animation (SDB, FMA, leaders and missionary
volunteers – Italy, Turin).
Each year concentrating attention on one of
the Continents and on a practical aspect of
missionary culture the Provinces directly in-
volved in the preparation of the material ben-
efit by their own effort at animation:
2010 – The Provinces of Slovakia SLK, Czech
Republic and Bulgaria – CEP; Hungary –UNG:
who have a mission for the Gypsies;
2011 – Many Provinces re-launched or consol-
idated their organisation of missionary groups
or of mission voluntary service (CIL, MEM,
2012 – Various Provinces in Asia for the first
time became fully aware of the missionary di-
rectives of the First Missionary Congress of
Asia – Chiang Mai, 2006;
2013 – Seven Provinces of Africa involved in
the preparation or collection of various forms
of material have profited from this for the
animation of missionary groups or of youth
Various formation communities (UPS – Gerini)
have undertaken mission animation during
Lent collecting funds for the SMD Project.
A novitiate inAsia contributed by uploading on
YouTube all the nine videos of 2012 SMD Telling
the Story of Jesus as part of their apostolate.
Various missionary groups of young people
have made use of it for their formation before
the activities during the special seasons
(Christmas, Easter) by means of short videos
(DVD 1).
Various Provinces have translated into their
own languages and adapted the material pro-
duced by the Sector for the Missions and by
SocialCommunication.Other Provinces on the
other hand. have received more copies of the
material according to their requests to the Sec-
tor for the Missions in Rome (DVD, poster,
prayer and teaching aids).
The prayer composed each year according to
the theme of the SMD has been distributed to
all the confreres (committed lay people, ani-
mators or mission volunteers).
Many Provinces have carried out an assess-
ment of the SMD very well. With great satis-
faction as a result of the assessment some
Provinces have re-launched missionary groups
or voluntary service, others have encouraged
the Rectors, and others have decided to adapt
the material to the situation of their country.

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AFRICAE MUNUS - Post synodal
exhortation of Benedict XVI
Second Assembly of the Bishops on Africa
The first Special Assembly for Africa of the
Synod of Bishops was held in 1994. The Post-
Synodal Apostolic Exhortation (John Paul
II,1995) Ecclesia in Africa, presents the Church
in Africa as the Family of God. The second As-
sembly held in 2009, has as the Post-Synodal
document the Exhortation Africae Munus,
signed by Pope Benedict during his visit to
Benin (Africa) in November 2011. The work of
the Synod in 2009 concentrated on the church
in Africa, at the service of reconciliation, of so-
cial justice and of peace: You are the salt of the
earth, you are the light of the world (Mt 5,
13.14). Taking part at the 2009 Synod were
seven Salesians (a Cardinal, four Bishops and
two priests). At present in the Africa – Mada-
gascar Region there are eight Salesian Bish-
ops: four Africans and four missionaries from
the other continents.
Unfortunately Africa is often known interna-
tionally only as the continent of wars, poverty
and disasters. Paradoxically it is that part of
the Catholic Church which is growing with
more vitality. The appeal of the Pope and of
the Synod Fathers on this occasion was that
of making the Catholics in Africa more the pro-
tagonists in a social and cultural transforma-
tion, starting from the Gospel, which is
marked by reconciliation, by justice and by
Christian and Catholic Africa has a wealth of
spiritual and religious sentiment, of love for
prayer and for the sacrament, of holiness and
even of martyrdom. However – and this is the
main point made by the Synod and by the
Post - Synodal Exhortation – it is still a long
Servizio fotografico dell’Osservatore Romano
way from being able to respond to the social
challenges of the 54 countries which make up
this vast continent. Therefore, Africae Munus
is fundamentally a heartfelt appeal for social
commitment by the Church in Africa.The cen-
trality of the Social Teaching of the Church is
essential. So that the Church in Africa might
become – Church, Family of God reconciled and
reconciling – it has to take the path of conver-
sion to the gospel with courage and with gen-
erosity, and this beginning with its own
leaders (bishops. priests, consecrated per-
sons, catechists, committed lay people).
For us, sons of Don Bosco, this voice which
speaks to the Churches of Africa – through the
Successor of Peter and its Pastors – is very en-
lightening and encouraging. In fact it encour-
ages us to be authentic evangelisers in Africa
of the young through education. A quick
glance at some of the typical words in our
charismatic and missionary vocabulary to be
found in the text of Africae Munus
makes us immediately aware
how much the Church and the
Pope expect from the Salesians in
Africa. For example:
Young people (n. 60-64) -This
youthfulness is a gift and a
treasure from God… (n 60).
Dear young people, enticements
of all kinds may tempt you: ide-
ologies, sects, money, drugs, ca-
sual sex, violence... I encourage
you to place Jesus Christ at the
centre of your lives…(n. 63);
Education (n. 134-138) - … to
receive schooling: this is a mat-
ter of justice for each child and
indeed the future of Africa
(n.134), … Catholic communities
and institutions will only be able
to meet this challenge (of edu-
cation) if they maintain their ec-
clesial identity and remain zeal-
ously faithful to the Gospel message and the
charism of their founder.(n.77);
Evangelization (n.159-171; 173-174)- The
missio ad gentes calls for commitment on the
part of all Africa’s Christians. (n.162); Get up,
Church in Africa… because you are being
called by the heavenly Father, whom your
ancestors invoked as Creator even before
knowing his merciful closeness revealed in his
only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ. Set out on
the path of a new evangelization with the
courage that comes to you from the Holy
Spirit. (n.173);
Catechesis - Through profound catechesis
and inculturation, the Church in Africa needs
to help people to discover the fullness of
Gospel values. (n.93). It is right, then, to
maintain a living connection between mem-
orized catechism and lived catechesis, which
leads to a profound and permanent conver-
sion of life. (n.32)

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Don Bosco’s African face
35 years of Project Africa (1978 - 2013)
Looking back over the epic realisation of Proj-
ect Africa, it must be evident to everyone that
nothing would have been possible unless the
Lord had chosen to work through our confr-
eres. Fr Viganò launched Project Africa in re-
sponse to inspiration from above, as he used
say, and truly, an invisible hand guided us
along rapid and secure paths so that it could all
become a stupendous reality.
Some important factors which contributed to
the success of this Project:
a) The speed with which we were able to
spread throughout Africa was due to the
enthusiasm with which the Provinces
greeted the Rector Major’s invitation to be
part of the Project.This aroused great mis-
sionary enthusiasm across the whole Con-
gregation. One can really say it was a
project belonging to the whole Congrega-
tion. It is one of the best examples of the
Congregation working as one at world level
to carry out a common project. It can of
course provide a stimulus for other projects.
b) The generosity and spirit of sacrifice of the
missionaries deserves our admiration.
Many of them faced serious difficulties
starting from scratch and fitting in to the
places they were sent to. They faced all
these problems with courage and perse-
vered, despite seemingly insurmountable
obstacles. Many of these pioneers are still
actively at work in various parts of Africa.
This is a sign of their love for the African
people and their identification with the
African cause.
c) Financial aid provided from the mother
provinces, from various Salesian Mission
Offices, from NGOs, and the thousand
ways in which Divine Providence helped us
are another factor. Don Bosco’s assurance
that while we are working for the poor and
for the salvation of souls, Divine Providence
will never abandon us, was carried out to
the letter during Project Africa.
d) The Congregation now has an African face.
The number of African Salesians is in con-
stant growth. This is due to our confreres’
commitment to seeking local vocations
right from the outset of the Project.The re-
sult is that we have well-organised forma-
tion structures across the Region and there
are more than 100 novices annually. All this
is possible with a good vocation ministry
Project Africa, result of the Congregation
working together (Fr Chávez, AGC 399 (2007
September), Rector Major’s Letter “I came that
you may have life and have it in abundance”
(Jn 10:10b) Presentation of the Africa-Madagas-
car region
FRON 1979 - 2012
1979 Monrovia
1980 Malabo,Tambacaunda, Johannesburg, Robertsham,
Maputsoe, Dodoma, Iringa, Mafinga, Korr
1981 Tappita, Ankililoaka, Bemaneviky, Mahanjanga,Tulear,
Duéqoué, Porto Novo, Sikasso,Touba, Dondo, Luena,
1982 Akure, Ondo, Ljely, Korhogo, Lomè, Malkerns, Luanda,
Nairobi-Upperhill, Dilla
1983 Ebolowa, Chingola, Luwingu, Parakou, Kazembe, Moatse
1984 Ivato, Oyem, Lusaka, Embu
1985 Mikoneseng, Bamako, Kara, Wau, Abrigat
1986 Lungi, Conakry, Cononou, Kanakan,Thies, Karthoum,
Mafinga, Makuyu, Nairobi, Nairobi-Utrume, Zway
1987 Betafo, Kandi, Calulu, Mafinga
1988 Onithsa, Lomé, Dodoma, Kinshasa-Luckunga,
ospedale Lubumbashi, Lubumbashi-Studentat, Adua
1989 Bombo, Addis Abeba-Gotera
1990 Ivato, Lusaka, Cintasse
1991 Abijan-Koumasi, Luanda
1992 Sunyani, Brazzaville,Yaounde, N’Dalatando, Moshi,
1993 Fianarontsoa, Bobo-Dioulasso, Osterbay, Shinyanga,
1994 Bangui, Lomé, Naitobi-Boys Home,
1995 Sarh, Harare, Lilongwe, Luanda-Lixeira, Famuli,
Bujumbura, Lubumbashi-Bacania, Mbuji-Mayi,
Dekemhare, Ashaima
1997 Nkhotakota, Shambyu, Lufubu, Rynfield, Benguela,
Luanda, Goma-Ngangi, Lubumbashi-Procura
1998 Tulear, D’jamena, Lubumbashi-Jacaranda, Mekanissa
1999 Kinshasa, Debrezeit, Matunda
2000 Rosenhill-Mauritious, Bangui,Yaunde, Kakuma, Kabgayi,
Gatenga, El Obeid, Nairobi-Dybes
2001 Liana
2002 Mansa, St.Louis, Kinshasa-Mansina, Uvira, Gambela
2003 Ambohidratino, Hwabgasin, Hwange, Kabwe,
2004 Addis Abeba – St. Joseph, Bujumbura, Kinshasa - Maria
Ausiliatrice, Lubumbashi – Ferme Jacaranda, Ennerdale,
2005 Butare, El Obeid, Ibadan, Yaoundé –Teologato,
2006 Asmara, Ashaiman, Freetown, Sunyani, Port Louis
2007 Adamitullu,Tonj, Wau, Kamuli
2008 Kakuma, Dakar, Ebolowa
2009 Morogoro
2010 Juba, Kigali, Lusaka – Makeni, Nkhotakota
2011 Porto Novo – Tokpota
2012 Shire, Soddo
Since the beginning of Project Africa (according to
the 21st General Chapter 1978) and until 2003, 139
new Don Bosco centres were founded. Amongst
these at least 45 offer trade education in agricul-
ture and manufacturing. At present there are
more than 900 African Salesians.

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The Faith
Journey in Africa!
A precious treasure is to be found in the soul
of Africa, where I perceive a “spiritual ‘lung’
for a humanity that appears to be in a crisis
of faith and hope”, on account of the ex-
traordinary human and spiritual riches of
its children, its variegated cultures, its soil
and sub-soil of abundant resources. (Africae
Africa, often seen as a continent of wars and
poverty, is a land with a thousand faces. Its
main resource is its people, rich in tradition,
who look to the future with dignity and de-
termination. The Missions Department is
dedicating Salesian Mission Day 2013 to the
black continent.
It is an invitation to get to know better the
peculiarities of this land and especially what
the Salesians are accomplishing there today.
Don Bosco’s charism in Africa
There are distant roots to the Salesian pres-
ence in Africa. Don Bosco had received sev-
eral requests, but it was Don Rua, his first
successor, who sent the first Salesians there.
Continuing the founder’s plan, he supported
and developed the activities of the growing
Congregation, including Africa in his plans
for its expansion.
In 1891 the first Salesians, from France, led
by Fr Charles Bellamy, arrived in Algeria to
begin the foundation of the St Aloysius Ora-
tory.Then cameTunisia, Egypt, South Africa,
Mozambique, Democratic Republic of the
Congo, Morocco, …
But the turning point came after the 21st
General Chapter, when Don Bosco’s 7th suc-
cessor, Fr Egidio Viganò, launched Project
Africa in the 1980s.
Some provinces were asked to send confreres
and support works in Kenya, Lesotho, Sene-
gal, Tanzania and other African countries.
The Salesian presence in this vast continent
is undoubtedly the result of this grand project
which the Congregation and the Salesian
Family have carried out. Today there are
some 1500 Salesians in Africa; most of them
are Africans and are Don Bosco’s African face!
Currently the Salesians of Don Bosco are in
43 out of 54 countries that make up Africa.
The project lasted for 25 years: from 1980
when first launched, to 2006, when Don
Bosco’s 9th successor, Fr Pascual Chávez Vil-
lanueva, during the Team Visit to the Africa
Madagascar region, declared that it was
The catechumenate: journey of faith
Salesian Mission Day, besides helping us get
to know about Salesian work in a continent,
also offers us a way of more deeply under-
standing a theme. The focus for 2013 is the
catechumenate as it is experienced and of-
fered in Africa.
The slogan chosen by the Missions Depart-
ment is “the journey of faith in Africa” and it
helps highlight a number of topics:
Evangelization of the young seen as part
of Salesian education. Don Bosco used
say, referring to the beginnings of his
work, that it all began as a work of cate-
The catechumenate experienced as a
journey of education to faith; a learning
process, and one of understanding and
witness which the Christian is called to ex-
perience while preparing for the Sacra-
ments of initiation.
And finally, the role of the catechist, wit-
ness and educator in Christian living; a sig-
nificant role which is important in the
ministry of the African Church.
Africa is undoubtedly a continent of life: sta-
tistics describe it as a young continent, aver-
age age is twenty. Despite war and sickness,
which can wipe out whole generations, the
youthful presence is numerous and lively.
What we offer as Christians and Salesians is
accepted seriously and enthusiastically.

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The faith in Africa - Tanzania
Makalala catechist
When I told my parish priest I wanted to be a
catechist he answered by saying that he would
ask the Catechist Centre at Makalala. When I
arrived here I began to learn about things of
theSpirit, of faith and my faith began to grow;
it has helped me to go out and proclaim God’s
Word to everyone. (Yoanne)
South of Dar Es Salam, capital of Tanzania, we
find the region of Iringa which in the local Hewe
language means “strong”. It is an extensive re-
gion covering 57 thousand square meters, and
lies some 1500 metres above sea level. The
Christian Faith was brought here by German
Benedictine missionaries inOctober 1896.Then
with the advent of the FirstWorldWar, theCon-
solata Missionaries arrived. Over the years the
seeds of the Gospel have grown thanks to the
work of priests, religious, but especially lay cat-
echists, true missionaries and witnesses to the
In Iringa diocese, following the first century of
the Gospel’s proclamation, a second evange-
lization is under way. The diocese, along with
others in Tanzania, has two challenges to face
up to: the scarce number of priests and the ex-
tent of rural areas.The response to these chal-
lenges, now strengthened by long tradition, is
the activity of the lay catechists. In manyAfrican
dioceses the catechists are important forChris-
tian ministry and play a fundamental role.
Catechists are called to be first evangelizers in
their families, in small rural Christian commu-
nities, in mission stations and parishes.
They are workers of evangelization and
catechetical ministry leaving the priests to
administer the sacraments.
To carry out their task, catechists need a spe-
cific, proper preparation.TheCatechist Forma-
tionCentre at Makalala does this through a two
year residential course.There are lessons in the
Bible, morals,Church teaching, introduction to
psychology and methodology, maths, civic ed-
ucation, Swahili, the national language, and
English. At Makalala the Salesians, along with
the Missionary Sisters of StTeresa of the Infant
Jesus from Iringa and Tosamaganga dioceses,
have created a formation environment focused
on sharing daily life. The academic course also
has gradual involvement in practical activities
through guided apostolate which is followed
up by those in charge of the Centre.
To qualify as catechists, the young students
at Makalala not only try to do well in their
studies, but they also have to put up with sac-
rifices. Emmanuela, for example, has had to
leave her family for a time and leave her 10
year old with relatives so she could focus on
the course properly. I am happy – she says –
to learn the catechesis about Jesus Christ, and
have learned so much about him from the les-
sons, since earlier I knew little but now I know
Jesus and thank God for this.
Pope Benedict XVI wrote: Catechists are very
valuable pastoral workers in the mission of evan-
gelization.Their role has been very important for
first evangelization, accompanying the catechu-
mens, in leading and supporting communities.
They have carried out a natural work of successful
enculturation which has brought wonderful re-
sults. It is the catechists who have let their “light
shine before men”, because seeing the good they
do, whole peoples have been able to give glory
to Our Father in heaven. Africans have evangel-
ized Africans.This role, so important in the past,
is also essential for the present and future of the
Church. I thank them for their love for the
Church.(Africae Munus 125)

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The faith in Africa - Angola
There is leaven in Luanda
Through profound catechesis and incultura-
tion, the Church in Africa needs to help peo-
ple to discover the fullness of Gospel values.
(Africae Munus 93)
Since they came to Angola, Salesians have
been involved in fostering basic human val-
ues, evangelization and the Salesian charism.
The historical context soon had them facing
challenges. Fr Martin Lasarte says: The con-
text of Angola is quite special. We Salesians
have been here in Angola for almost 30 years.
It was very difficult at the beginning because of
the war and the communist era during which
the Salesians were forbidden to operate educa-
tional works: we could only work in parishes.
This is why our centres developed parish cate-
chetics so much.
Luanda, capital of Angola, with more than 5
million inhabitants, is a city full of life. Just as
for the whole country, 60% of the population
is under 20.
After 2 decades one can still see the signs of
the civil war. The most evident one are the
vast outskirts where millions of Angolans,
having left the hinterland, have built
The Salesians, faithful to their charism, are in-
volved in activities of education and evange-
lization through literacy, technical training
and catechetics.They have two large parishes
in Luanda, each with centres for gathering
people and catechetics for the youth: St
Paul’s parish and St Joseph of Nazareth
In 2012 a total of more than 10,800 catechu-
mens have attended 21 formation centres
and 637 catechists have been involved.
In St Paul’s parish, following directions from
the Archdiocese of Luanda, the formation
course for sacraments of initiation lasts 4
years.The first year of pre-catechumenate, is
an introduction to the mystery of God. The
course then continues with the first year of
catechumenate which begins with the sign of
the cross and then ends with them being giv-
en the symbol of the apostles: the Creed.
The catechumens are given the kerygma in
the course of this year: the good news of Je-
sus of Nazareth.
In the second year the Church, the face of
Christ, and his mystery, is presented. At the
end of this they are given the prayer of the
Our Father. The final year focuses on the
sacraments of Christian initiation and person-
al commitment.
In order to take in all the catechumens, St
Paul’s parish has an agreement with some
State schools who make some of their class-
rooms available on Saturdays. A pastoral
choice has been to ask catechumens, as they
grow in faith, to get involved in a group. This
also helps involve young people after Confir-
mation. Fr Stefano Tollu explains it; he is in
charge of the Good Shepherd community,
which is part of St Paul’s parish. All those who
should receive the sacrament and are 17 or
older have to take on community service in
one of the areas belonging to our church
community. What does this do? It brings an
awareness of the living Christ amongst us and
we have had some pleasant surprises.
In St Joseph of Nazareth parish in the
“Lixeira slum” - in Portuguese it means a rub-
bish dump – Salesians face two great chal-
lenges: forming the many catechists and the
daily situation for many young people, which
is difficult. Fr Santiago Boix says: … whoever
attends catechetics has to make sacrifices and
for their beliefs they have to overcome many
difficulties, like lack of time, money, other prob-
lems. Our young peoples’ journey of growth in
faith and spirituality begins with work on the
outskirts, where youngsters in our works have
various ways of entering the journey. Many
come to us through sport – capoeira, football,
basketball – others come from other Salesian
communities through school, many are
Catholics but others are from other faiths and
want to understand their faith. Others still
come from literacy centres or youth groups in
our small communities. Many come directly
through the catechumenate, asking to grow in
faith. But all this work here begins from work
in the outer suburbs.

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The faith in Africa - Angola
Workers in the harvest
The Church has entrusted me with 104 com-
munities. For me it is an experience of
growth, so enriching because of the example
I receive from the catechists, especially those
in charge of leading the community in prayer,
catechesis, works of charity. Seeing these
brothers of ours, with so many difficulties,
especially surviving day by day in their work
in the fields, seeing that they have the faith
and constancy to pray daily, invite other peo-
ple to pray… it is real witness for me! (Fr Josè
Francisco López)
In Angola there are eleven Salesian works and
some presences being developed.The work of
education and evangelization is a busy one
both in populated and rural centres. Moving
away from Luanda, towards the south east,
are two Salesian works, one in Dondo and the
other in Calulo. Besiades the activities – aspi-
rantate, literacy and trade schools – there is a
work of evangelization and catechesis that
spreads out over hundreds of kilometres. The
parishes belonging to these two works each
have about a hundred small Christian commu-
nities, far apart and spread over a wide area.
There are two key players in Christian life in
these centres: the catechist and the priest.
The first leads in prayer, sacramental prepa-
ration, leads celebrations of the Word; the
second periodically visits the communities
and administers the sacraments, especially
Penance and Eucharist.
Communities are visited occasionally by the
missionaries. Their arrival is always cause for
much happiness and heartfelt celebrations
like Eucharist or preparatory rites fro Baptism
especially during Holy Week.
Fr Agustín Pascualini is 72 years old; originally
from Argentina he has spent 22 years in Ango-
la. He has other communities whom he fol-
lows up dedicatedly, not sparing time or ener-
gy. Fr Agustín says: Of the activities we carry
out in these villages, evangelization is the most
important, teaching what Jesus taught. […]The
main preparation is done by these two and all
the community supports them with their
prayers and speak to their neighbours about
what goes on in church.
The catechist is the second key player in evan-
gelization and promoting the Gospel in the ru-
ral areas. Also in Angola – as John Paul II wrote
in his Apostolic Exhortation Ecclesia In Africa
(n.91) - The role of the catechist has been and
remains a determinative force in the implanta-
tion and expansion of the Church in Africa.
They are the first ones responsible for the life
of the community and sometimes not just the
spiritual life.They do not act alone but involve
the family. Domingos Marinha Gama has
been a catechist since 1974; in 1998 he was
appointed central catechist at Munenga. He
says: Since I began my work as coordinator cat-
echist I have encountered many obstacles; but
with God’s help I have begun to see the way
clear and I have begun to like the work. […] A
catechist’s work is always there, because that’s
my vocation. At any moment at any time I have
always had a group to prepare for the sacra-
ments to help them better know the light of
The general catechists also have the task of
ongoing formation for other catechists.
Alexandre Manuel, who helps Fr Luis Victor
Sequeira in the villages along the Cuanza Riv-
er, has this role. He says: As a coordinator cat-
echist in this parish we bring all the catechists
together every two months for preparation, and
then we accompany them on mission visits
every Friday, Saturday and Sunday and follow
up their activities, especially catechetics.
Pope Benedict XVI in Africae Munus wrote:
Dear catechists remember that for a great
number of communities, you are the concrete
and immediate face of the zealous disciple and
model of Christian life. (Africae Munus 127)

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The faith in Africa - Togo
Parish as a school of faith
Mary Help of Christians parish is located to
the east of Lomé, in a populous suburb, many
of the people were followers of traditional re-
ligions and were converted to Christianity...
In the area there is a strong sense of life and
popular energy: when one converts, he gives
himself with all his heart and soul to the
Catholic faith. (Fr Ferdinand Zigui)
Salesians came to Lomé in 1982, as part of
Project Africa.The first missionaries found the
situation of youth in constant socio-political
change. Poverty, illiteracy, lack of infrastruc-
ture didn’t stop the Salesians from dedicating
their efforts to evangelization and education
of the young and the ordinary people.
Mary Help of Christians Parish, Lomè covers
a wide area and a population of 80 thousand
people.They live in 5 parish communities in ar-
eas based on ethnic or tribal groups: Gbényéd-
ji, Ablogamé, Akodesséwa, Dékadjévi and
Kanyikopé. The core of pastoral activity is of-
fered by the catechists who prepare people for
the sacraments and Christian living; it is a real
journey of faith. It is open to youngsters from
Christian families and other youths and adults
who have truly decided to convert.
The first step is the important one, the pre-
evangelization step where the main chance for
them to meet is in the oratories and the
schools. Fr Lucas Camino Navarro says: The
evangelization process, before beginning the
catechumenate, is carried out through physical
presence in this area by the oratory, a presence
which attracts many youngsters with cultural,
recreational and other activities, and it means
people come to theCatholicChurch already well-
disposed, and happy with our good organization
of things. The first question arises out of this:
What do I need to do to become aChristian? And
this is where the pre-catechumenate begins.
The catechumenate lasts for 4 years: 3 for Bap-
tism plus one for Confirmation. Then comes a
year for a deeper appreciation of the Faith.
Attention given to ongoing formation of new
Christians and catechists forms part of the
main thrust of activities in Mary Help of Chris-
tians parish. François Kalenon, responsible of
The School of Faith, says: The School of Faith
began in our parish in the 1990s, in 1991/92 in
fact. It is a setup where young people, catechists,
those responsible for Movements are involved.
It contributes to developing faith and forming
catechists in improving their teaching.Topics like
family, marriage, sacraments and daily life. All
of this helps one mature in his or her faith.
But the journey also has its moments of sheer
effort and occasionally failure, returning to
practicing traditional religions or sects. Fr Fer-
dinand Zigui, says: Following the catechumen’s
journey and beginning a Christian way of life,
many begin with a strong inner sense, very keen,
but then “fall back” little by little … then after a
while they rediscover their faith when they real-
ize they are “empty” and they should set out
again on the journey of faith.
The Easter Triduum, like in the early Chris-
tian communities, is the high point of the
catechumenate. According to need and op-
portunity, during the days preceding Easter
the preliminary rites of Baptism are celebrated
like Ephata – opening up to the grace of hear-
ingGod’sWord and professing it – the handing
over of the Symbol of Faith, summary of
Christian teaching, and the anointing of the
catechumens. On Easter night, the huge
parish Church seems so small for the thou-
sands of faithful who take part in theVigil.The
EasterVigil thus becomes not only a memorial
of Christ’s resurrection, but a celebration of life
in faith. Hearing the word, the symbols, the
body, singing, music and dance express and
communicate the joy of life in God and the
solemn nature of the celebration.

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Testimony of
Léa Marie KABORÉ
a mamma catechist
In 1993, I began my commitment in the group
of catechists for youth.This group of lay people
is engaged in witnessing to their own faith in
spreading the God News of Jesus, in particular
among the children. Even as a girl I didn’t want
to keep the Jesus they had helped me to know
to myself. I therefore tried to teach this faith to
children, helping them discover the joy you ex-
perience when you meet Christ. I try to offer
them a catechism that is not only teaching but
rather a catechism for life, catechism lived in
the circumstances of everyday.
The purpose of my commitment: to help
youngsters find a life of faith.
At the Don Bosco ’Oratory, we practise this cat-
echesis in the Salesian way with joy and opti-
mism. We are trying to educate our oratorians
to discover God through the “Good Nights” the
Word of God and various activities the young-
sters like …
Friends, let’s live our faith!
Dear young people of the whole world get in-
volved in the Movements so that you will be
salt, light and leaven to continue to build the
Church and our world in peace, reconciliation
and justice. Don’t be afraid to bear witness
that you are disciples of Christ.
Dear parents, we are the mirror for our chil-
dren. They reflect in some way what we are,
what our family is like. Don’t be afraid to ed-
ucate our children according to our faith!
Dear catechists, our mission is to create a re-
lationship between the youngsters, the young
people and Christ: it is a great responsibility.
Don’t let us be afraid to communicate our
faith to our catecumens.
(Léa Marie KABORÉ is a catechist and anima-
tor in the parish of Our Lady of the Apostles
and at the Don Bosco oratory in Oua-
gadougou, Burkina Faso).
Testimony of Hrrvé A young catechumen
I’ve enjoyed my catechism very much: I was born in a Catholic commu-
nity. EveryThursday and Saturday evening I used to take part in the
catechism lessons in spite of the fact that some of my companions
said that instead I should go to play with them. I made my first
communion in 2006, and three years later I was confirmed. Since
then I have felt my heart full and I go to Mass regularly every Sun-
day. I invite all young people to follow the catechism lessons, and to
be constructers and not consumers of them; to give up everything that
leads to evil and instead to take part in the various church activities. (Hervé)
Testimony of Hélène a young catechumen
Before being confirmed I didn’t go to Mass, take advice from anyone or
know any prayers. After beginning catechism I realised that I was
like a lost sheep. I used to listen carefully to the “Mamma Cate-
chist” whose questions made me think about my life. Three years
later I was baptised and I decided to live my life with Jesus, getting
involved in Young Peoples’ Catholic Action. Now that I am con-
firmed I realise that the One on whom we fix our gaze gives us
strength to face obstacles.To young people I say:Yes, Jesus is the way,
the truth and the life. And I invite them to carry out their mission in the Church:
there is so much to do and we, the young, are strong and we need to help the Christian community
to proclaim the Word of God. We should remind ourselves that the future is ours; we are the adults
of tomorrow. Dear young people think about these questions: Who am I today? What is the mean-
ing of my life? On whom do I base my life? How am I building my future starting today? (Hélène)
Testimony of Steve Jonas a young catechumen
My journey in the catechism began with my mother, rooted in the Chris-
tian practice of my family until I was six years old when I started going
to catechism in the parish, every Thursday and Saturday.
The catechist was amazed with my answers which were almost al-
ways right. When I received the Body of Christ for the first time
I trembled inside. Conquered by Christ my life was changed by what
I experienced.
I speak to all the young people in the world, in particular those in Burkina
Faso: may they be ready to proclaim the Word of God now and always, to put
aside everything that does not help them to bear witness to the presence of God. Let’s go! We are
the leaven in our world. My experience of Jesus makes these words of his ring out in my heart :
“As you did it to one of the least of these my brethren you did it to me.” (Mt 25,40) (Steve Jonas)

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SMD 2013 Project
Contribute to catechist formation
and production of catechetical materials
in local African languages!
Provide a scholarship for the poorest catechists!
Support production of materials
for catechist formation courses!
Help them to buy a Bible, catechism,
and other catechetics materials!
In Tanzania - Makalala:
The catechist centre, set up as a proper campus,
takes in and prepares lay catechists from various
dioceses. Bible classes, moral teaching, Church
doctrine, introduction to psychology and
methodology, mathematics, civic education,
Swahili, the national language, and English are
amongst the courses offered. (Watch video 2
In Togo - Lome:
School of Faith. This is for
young people, catechists
and leaders of Movements.
It contributes to Faith devel-
opment and catechist for-
mation so they can improve
their catechism teaching.
Topics include family, mar-
riage, sacraments and daily
life. (Watch video 5)
In Angola - Dondo and Calulo:
Calulo has more than 100 villages each with its
own catechist. In Moxico there are villages 600 km
away from the centre, almost inaccessible. The
priest can get there only once a year. There are
Christian communities and small mission chapels
there, all led by catechists. (Watch video 4)
In Angola - Luanda: In 2012, in total,
more than 10,800 catechumens attended 21 for-
mation centres and 637 catechists work in them.
(Watch video 3)
I urge bishops and priests to be concerned for the human, intellectual, doctrinal, moral, spir-
itual and pastoral formation of catechists.They should pay great attention to the living con-
ditions of catechists, in order to ensure their dignity. Nor should they overlook their legitimate
material needs, since the faithful worker in the Lord’s vineyard has a right to a just recom-
pense (cf. Mt 20:1-16), while awaiting their due from the Lord, for he alone is just and knows
our hearts.
(Benedict XVI, Africae Munus, 126)
For the transfer of money raised:
Fondazione Don Bosco nel Mondo
Via della Pisana, 1111 – 00163 Roma
Banca Popolare di Sondrio – Agenzia 2, Roma, Italia
IBAN IT 26 V 05696 03202 000008100X30 (per Euro)
IBAN IT 13 Z 05696 03202 VAR US 0008100 (per USD)
Causale: GMS 2013
Tel. (+39) 06 6561 2764
• E-Mail:

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Teaching materials
Holy picture with prayer
DVD with texts in various languages, presentations (PowerPoint) folders with photos
DVD with 5 videos:
The videos offered for the Salesian Mission Day 2013 speak of Salesian pastoral activity
in some Africa countries and have certain common elements running through them which
receive varied emphasis: catechumenate, strict collaboration between priests and cate-
chists, Easter Triduum and baptismal rites. Each video also has a brief comment by way
of a quotation from the post-synodal Exhortation Africae Munus of Benedict XVI.
The first video, The Faith Journey in Africa, general in nature, briefly tells the story of
how the Salesian charism cam about and developed in the African continent and the im-
portance of the pastoral option of the Church: the catechumenate as a journey of conver-
sion and formation to Christian faith.
The second video, Makalala Catechist School, is about the catechist who has an impor-
tant role in African pastoral activity. It presents the work of formation happening at
Makalala, in the south of Tanzania.
The third video, There is leaven in Luanda and the fourth video, Workers in the harvest,
present the Salesian work of evangelization in Angola in two different contexts. The first
focuses on the problems of the large urban centres; the second shows the systematic
work of the missionaries called to go out to the many villages spread throughout this
broad territory. In both circumstances one sees the strong need for strict cooperation be-
tween consecrated and lay, priest and catechist.
The fifth video, Parish as a school of faith, describes the work and the way it has been
organised by the very large Mary Help of Christians Parish, Lomè, Togo. This offers a
glimpse especially at the high point of the catechumenal journey: the Easter Triduum,
which is a joyful, profound experience.
Questions to aid reflection
Given the wealth of experiences seen in the faith journey in Africa, what possibilities
are there in your context for initial proclamation, catechesis and catechumenate?
The African continent is often viewed from a perspective of poverty, war and suffering.
What activities could you undertake in order to get to know the situation in Africa
better, as one of a deep experience of faith and human values?
During this Year of Faith, how can you re-ignite your own faith and the faith of the
young in your context?
The Mission Rosary
for the Year of Faith
As a Salesian Community or Educative - Pastoral Community
let us contemplate, through Mary’s eyes, the mystery of
Christ as it is revealed and proclaimed across the continents.
What is the Mission Rosary
In February 1951 Venerable Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen (USA, 1895 – 1979) used radio
(The Catholic Hour) to launch the ‘World Mission
Rosary’. This rosary is made up of 5 colours
representing five continents. Main in-
tentions are for peace in the world
and proclamation of the Gospel.
AFRICA - green
EUROPA - white
OCEANIA - blue
ASIA - yellow
Worldwide Prayer Campaign
For the Year of Faith the Congregation for
Evangelization of Peoples is launching a world-
wide campaign. Its aim is to use the Rosary as
a way of accompanying the work of evangeliza-
tion throughout the world and to pray that
many of the baptised may deepen their faith’.
Pope Benedict XVI has told national Directors
of the Pontifical Mission Society that: Today
the Mission needs intense prayer. (11 May 2012)

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Jesus walk with me
Jesus stay with me
Jesus never leave me
Jesus evangelize me
May my mouth speak words of peace and reconciliation
May my ear listen to your voice
May my heart never be cold
May children never see me and run away
Mary Queen of Africa, protect your children
Mary Mother of the Church, journey with us
Let our feet run fast to help the sick and the poor
Let our lips magnify the greatness of God
Jesus walk with me
Jesus stay with me
Jesus never leave me
I am your witness.
Direzione Generale Opere Don Bosco
Via della Pisana, 1111 - 00163 Roma
Tel. (+39) 06 656.121 - Fax (+39) 06 656.12.556 - e-mail: