Year 4 | Issue No. 16 Sept - Oct - Nov 2010
Sir, We want to see
Provincial Events:
IX CIVAM Meeting - Chawama
FMA & SDB Youth Rally - Mansa
First Professions & Beginning of novitiate: Makeni
Youth Ministry:
Life Matters & Values - Kabwe
Editorial 3
Words of the Provincial 4
Church today 5
Don Bosco dream of Roses & Thorns 6
The youth minister, a martyr 7
Thinking point: Religious life 8
News from ZMB - 9
Kabwe:Formation of youth leaders 11
Report from Formation Commision 12
Letters from Namibia 13
We went to see Jesus 14
Youth Rally - Mansa 15
Mission Animation: Cagliero 11 17
In Memoriam 19
Social Communication 19
ZMB Photo 20
100 Anniversary
of the death of Blessed Michael Rua
Director: Fr. Joseph Czerwinski sdb
Editor: Fr. Javier Barrientos
Redaction Board: Fr. Dennis HigginsJoseph Czerwinski,
Fr. Javier Barrientos
Graphic Design: Fr. Javier Barrientos
Photos: Fr. Leszek Aksamit, Fr Antonio Barrientos,
Moshi SDBs
Salesian Newslink | ZMB Quarterly publication
Year 4/Nº15 Jun - Jul - Aug 2010
2 Salesian NewslinkZMB
Photo cover:
Fr. John Bosco Mulenga preaching to the young people at Samfya beach during
the youth festival organised by the FMA in the month of August.
Year 2010, 100 anniversary of the Death of don Rua
1. Chingola: Belgian Volunteers that
animated the youth activities in
Kabwe and Chingola.
2. Lusaka: Memories of Fr. Kazimierz
Cichecki, 10 years after this death.
3. Kabwe: Choir competition during
the parish feast on 15 August 2010.
4. Lilongwe: Welcoming of the new
students. Bro. Walter Thyrniang
SDB, Fr. Antonio and the Vice-
princial of the School.
3Salesian NewslinkZMB
tudying the history of the Church it is quite clear to see such an impression that it is undeniable that recognising the
that the church -as we know it- has gone through different mistakes of the past and taking action in order not to go the Smoments: rise and fall. The very beginnings of the same way again, is now making the church stronger and more
church proved to be quite challenging, due to the fact that credible in the eyes of society.
persecution from the side of the Jews and of the Romans left Here in Africa the situation is not very similar to that of Europe
little possibility for the church to thrive. However, these and America; nevertheless, as church in Africa we need to take
persecutions –although aiming at the total extermination of the things seriously because our people are not to be taken for
church- served to its growth and expansion. Certainly those granted. The faith in the continent is strong and people are very
first Christians went through unspeakable situations; great committed to the church but unless we learn from other
numbers of them lost their lives, or families and friends, but the people’s experiences we will risk going the same painful way.
church as an institution grew. There were also those who left the We have recently witnessed the first professions of Vincent
church, on grounds of fear and deception, since they expected Ngozanga, Christopher Kole and Chongo Lupupa; their
more to have a church that gives rather than having a church to profession of religious vows is for all a witness that it is from
which one belongs. within the church that we want to make things right, living the
Similarly, in our present time we are all aware that we live in gospel values in a society which is somewhat contrary to the
times of purification and pain. Due to the numerous scandals Gospel of Jesus. It is a big challenge that they have taken upon
that the Media exposes to the public, there are those who take themselves, but with God’s help they will succeed.
the decision to leave the church, victims of disappointment in There is an old Latin saying that says, “The corruption of the
an institution they hoped to be perfect; but there are those who best is the worst thing that can happen”, and perhaps that is
because of the present scenario decide to stay and bear witness what many people feel when the clergy are not up to their
to Christ from within. religious commitments. People expect us, priests and religious,
Very often we accuse the world outside the church and blame to be perfect examples of what we preach, but there are
them for the sufferings of the church today and we risk occasions in which we let them down by our poor performance.
misinterpreting the signs of the times. I believe that the present events which wound the church are a
The recent visit of the Pope Benedict XVI to the United powerful invitation to fidelity, to honesty and commitment to
Kingdom has shown a reality which can give us food for what we have promised, for the edification of the Church, for
thought. Britain is a very modern society, they, more than the sanctification of the young people and for our own
anybody else, advocate for the rights to anyone or even salvation; to live in this way is possible! The death anniversary
anything as it is the case of the so called ‘animal rights’. The of Fr. Kazimerz Cichecki and Fr. Jozef Gotter which we kept in
people in Britain have witnessed the mistakes of the church on September are powerful reminders that is possible to live a life
their own soil, and yet the visit of the Pope has proved to be a of commitment to God, based on the Gospel and the Salesian
‘big success’ against all odds. Constitutions.
The media prepared people to be hostile to the Pope and to the
church in general through the constant remarks about child
abuse and paedophilia, the church’s denial of gay marriage, May we find the wisdom to learn from the past and procure a
abortion and the like; nevertheless the Pope’s visit has made better future for the young people in the church!
Are times of crisis
to be reckoned as
EditorialFr Javier Antonio Barrientos SDB
he year 2010 passes quickly indeed. Family now to feel the urgency of, the need
Technically only 3 months are to call others…Tbeing left and soon we are going to Be aware of the central, obvious place of
celebrate the new year 2011!!! consecrated persons in the carrying out of
the Salesian mission. This was Don
In order to help the communities to put into Bosco's belief and experience.
practice the ‘planning mentality’ the Create a culture of vocation as was the case
September council made a simplified plan at Valdocco, one marked by seeking the
for next year - 2011. The theme for the year meaning of existence, with transcendence
was formulated and agreed upon and, later as its horizon, sustained and supported by
on, the calendar of the main events was profound values, a planning mentality, and
arranged and fixed. There will be some aimed at a culture of fellowship and
additional events (visitations, meetings) solidarity.
but these will be fixed by the new Ensure accompaniment through the
provincial with his council. quality of our personal lives, our education
to love and chastity, our responsibility for
The theme is: history, starting them out in prayer,
apostolic involvement.” (RM Streena
So in this regard, the fruit of the pastoral
efforts of the communities will be to create
an atmosphere in which vocations can
flourish, which is also called a ‘Vocational
Culture’. The invitation to young people to
follow the Lord is to be helped by a
favourable environment in which the
family, the parish/oratory/school and the
Each community will prepare the EPP for Salesian community will work together in
every section of its pastoral work.This is order to foster the ideal conditions to
bas ica l ly a cont inuat ion of the waken in the young the desire to come
implementation of the directives given to closer to the Lord and eventually follow
us by the Rector Major after the him, practising the evangelical councils in
extraordinary visitation in 2009. In 2010 our Salesian society.
we worked on the CP’s in the communities
and in 2011 we will try to work out the EPP. In other words, our main mission is to
The theme for the year 2011 aims at proclaim effectively the good news to the
combining the strenna of the Rector Major young people today. However, as well as
with our commitment to work out the EPP proclaiming the ‘Good News’ we have to
in each community. ‘BE GOOD NEWS’ for them. As
The Rector Major in presenting the strenna individuals our humanity, joyfulness,
for 2011 writes: hope, compassion, friendship, should
“…Evangelization and vocation thus make us ‘Good News’ for all whom we
become two inseparable elements. encounter. In the same way our
Furthermore, a criterion of the authenticity communities should be ‘Good News’ for
of good evangelization is its ability to give ourselves and for the young people as well.
rise to vocations, to see to the growth of
projects of gospel living, to completely May the peace of Christ be with us all and
involve those who are evangelized to the may our Mother Mary be with us and
point where they become disciples and intercede for us on this journey to reach the
apostles. Following on from the Strenna Kingdom.
for 2010, “Lord, we want to see Jesus”,
about the urgent need to evangelize, I am
making a heartfelt appeal to the Salesian
YEAR 2011
Leading young people to Christ,
following the strenna,
let us engage in a vocational culture.
4 Salesian NewslinkZMB Year 2010, 100 anniversary of the Death of don Rua
Fr Jozef Czerwinski sdb
Winding up 2010
Words of the Provincial
getting ready
for 2011
5Salesian NewslinkZMB
Vision and insight
Benedict XVI underlined that the "definite service to which
Blessed John Henry was called involved applying his keen
intellect and his prolific pen to many of the most pressing
'subjects of the day," including the relationship between faith and
reason, the place of religion in society, and "the need for a
broadly-based and wide-ranging approach to education.”
His insights, the Pope added, "were not only of profound
importance for Victorian England, but continue today to inspire
and enlighten many all over the world.”
The Holy Father underlined in particular Cardinal Newman's
"vision for education, which has done so much to shape the ethos
that is the driving force behind Catholic schools and colleges
"Firmly opposed to any reductive or utilitarian approach,
[Cardinal Newman] sought to achieve an educational
environment in which intellectual training, moral discipline and
religious commitment would come together," the Pope said. "The
project to found a Catholic university in Ireland provided him
with an opportunity to develop his ideas on the subject, and the
collection of discourses that he published as 'The Idea of a
University' holds up an ideal from which all those engaged in
academic formation can continue to learn."
Benedict XVI then expressed his hope that all educators and
catechists would be "inspired to a greater effort" by the vision
BIRMINGHAM, England, SEPT. 19, 2010 ( ).- Cardinal Newman "so clearly sets before us.”
While acknowledging the contribution of Cardinal John Henry
Newman's keen insight into the most "pressing subjects" of his day, Pastor of souls
Benedict XVI affirmed that the cardinal was also a holy pastor of The Pope didn't want to conclude his homily, however, without
souls. paying tribute to Cardinal Newman "as a priest, a pastor of
The Pope presided at the open-air beatification Mass of Cardinal souls," and the "warmth and humanity underlying his
Newman (1801-1890), which took place in Birmingham's Cofton appreciation of the pastoral ministry.”
Park on the culminating day of the Pope's state visit to the United Quoting one of Cardinal Newman's sermons, the Pontiff stated:
Kingdom. "Had angels been your priests, my brethren, they could not have
Newman, who was an influential and well-known Anglican condoled with you, sympathized with you, have had compassion
scholar and priest, and founder of the Oxford Movement, entered on you, felt tenderly for you, and made allowances for you, as we
the Catholic Church in 1845. He studied for the priesthood in Rome can; they could not have been your patterns and guides, and have
and joined the Oratory of St. Phillip Neri in 1847. led you on from your old selves into a new life, as they can who
Upon moving back to England, Father Newman founded the first come from the midst of you.”
English Oratory in 1948, which was initially located in Maryvale, The Holy Father said Cardinal Newman “lived out that
near Birmingham. In 1851, he was asked by the bishops of Ireland profoundly human vision of priestly ministry in his devoted
to found a Catholic university there, which is known today as care for the people of Birmingham during the years that he
University College, Dublin. spent at the Oratory he founded, visiting the sick and the
poor, comforting the bereaved, caring for those in prison.”
Father Newman was known mostly as a scholar and author, noted "No wonder that on his death so many thousands of people
most prominently for his popular autobiography "Apologia Pro lined the local streets as his body was taken to its place of
Vita Sua" (1865–66). He was made a cardinal when he was 78 burial not half a mile from here," he added. "One hundred and
years old, and he died at the age of 89 in Birmingham. twenty years later, great crowds have assembled once again
At the beatification Mass, Benedict XVI thanked the 70,000 people to rejoice in the Church’s solemn recognition of the
who were present for joining him to "give glory and praise to God outstanding holiness of this much-loved father of souls."
for the heroic virtue of a saintly Englishman.”
He affirmed that Cardinal Newman was an "eloquent witness" of
Christianity and "worthy to take his place in a long line of saints
and scholars from these islands, St. Bede, St. Hilda, St. Aelred,
Blessed Duns Scotus, to name but a few.”
"In Blessed John Henry, that tradition of gentle scholarship, deep
human wisdom and profound love for the Lord has borne rich fruit,
as a sign of the abiding presence of the Holy Spirit deep within the
heart of God's people, bringing forth abundant gifts of holiness," he
The Pontiff reflected that the motto of Cardinal Newman -- "Cor ad
Cor Loquitur" (heart speaks unto heart) -- "gives us an insight into
his understanding of the Christian life as a call to holiness,
experienced as the profound desire of the human heart to enter into
intimate communion with the Heart of God.”
Church Today
Cardinal John Henry Newman
lived out that profoundly human vision of priestly ministry, his
famous motto “heart speaks unto heart” gives us an insight into
his understanding of human life.
6 Salesian NewslinkZMB Year 2010, 100 anniversary of the Death of don Rua
Fr. Javier Antonio Barrientos
ne day in 1847, after I had spent There were roses around me, roses above Then I broke into tears and wept
much time reflecting on how I me and roses under my feet. As my feet unrestrainedly as I asked myself: Must I
might help others, especially the made me wince with pain, I could not help walk this painful path all alone? But I was O
young, the Queen of Heaven brushing against the roses at my sides, and soon comforted. I saw a group of priests,
appeared to me. She led me into a beautiful even sharper thorns pricked me. But I kept clerics and laymen coming towards me.
garden. There stood a rustic but wide and walking. My lacerated legs, though, kept Here we are, they said. We are all yours and
charming portico built as a vestibule. Its getting entangled in the lower branches. ready to follow you. So I led them forward.
pillars were dressed with climbing vines Whenever I pushed aside a bough barring Only a few lost heart and quit; most of them
whose tendrils, thick with leaves and my way, or skirted the sides of the pergola followed me through. After walking the
flowers, stretched upwards together and to avoid it, the thorns dug into me and made whole length of the pergola, I found myself
knitted a graceful awning. The portico me bleed all over. The roses overhead also in another enchanting garden, and my few
opened on a lovely walk that soon became, were thick with thorns which pricked my followers gathered around me. They were
as far as the eye could see, a breathtakingly head. Notwithstanding, I went forward exhausted, ragged and bleeding, but a cool
beautiful pergola (arbour), whose sides encouraged by the Blessed Virgin. Now breeze healed them all. Another gust of
were lined with enchanting roses in full and then, however, some sharper thorns wind came and, like magic, I found myself
bloom. The ground too was covered with pierced me more than others, and caused surrounded by a vast crowd of boys, young
roses. The Blessed Virgin said to me: “Take greater pain. Meanwhile, those who were
off your shoes!” When I had done so, she watching me walk under that bower - and
added: “Walk under that rose pergola, for they were a crowd - passed comments,
this is the path you must take.” I gladly such as, “How lucky Don Bosco is! His
removed my shoes, because it would have path is forever strewn with roses.” “He
been a pity to step on such gorgeous roses. I hasn't a worry in the world.” No troubles at
took but a few steps and immediately felt all! But they could not see the thorns that
very sharp thorns piercing my feet and were piercing my poor legs. I called on
clerics, coadjutor brothers and even priests making them bleed. I had to stop and turn many priests, clerics, and laymen to follow
who began helping me care for all those back. I had better wear my shoes, I told my me, and they did so joyfully, enthralled by
boys. Many of these helpers I knew, but guide. “Yes, indeed”, she replied, “sturdy the beauty of the flowers. When, however,
many more were strangers. Meanwhile, I ones”. So I put my shoes on again and they discovered that they had to walk over
had come to a higher spot in the garden, returned to the rose pergola, followed by a sharp thorns and that there was no way to
where a very imposing, majestic building number of helpers who had just showed up avoid them, they loudly began
stood. I entered and found myself in a and asked to go along with me. They complaining: “We have been fooled.” I
spacious hall so grandiose that I doubt one followed me under the indescribably answered: “If you are out for a nice time,
could find its like in any royal palace. Fresh beautiful pergola, but as I went along I you had better go back. If not, follow me.”
thorn-less roses, set all through the hall, noted that it was becoming narrow and low. Many turned back. After going on for a
filled it with a most delicate fragrance. The Many of its branches were draped like while, I turned to look at my followers. You
Blessed Virgin, who had been my guide all festoons; others, instead, just dropped cannot imagine how I felt when I saw some
along, now asked me: “Do you grasp the straight down. Some branches, here and had disappeared and others had already
meaning of what you now see and of what there, jutted sideways from the rose stalks; turned back and were walking away. I went
you saw before?” “No”, I said. Please still others crept along the ground. All the after them and called them back, but it was
explain it to me. She replied, “The path branches, however, were thick with roses. useless; they would not even listen to me.
strewn with roses and thorns is an image of
The vision took place in 1847, but Don Bosco narrated the world and from one's own family to follow Our Lord's
it only in 1864. We read in the chronicles: Don Bosco example, he concluded: I have already told you of
first related it in 1864 when one night, after prayers, as several things I saw as in a dream. From them you can
was his custom at times, he gathered the members of infer how much Our Lady loves and helps us. But now
his infant congregation in his anteroom for a that we are all together alone, I am going to tell you, not
conference. Among those present were Fr. Victor just another dream, but something that Our Lady
Alasonatti, Fr. Michael Rua, Fr. John Cagliero, Fr. herself graciously showed me. I am doing this so that
Celestine Durando and the two clerics John Lazzero each of us may be convinced that it is Our Lady herself
and Julius Barberis. After speaking of detachment from who wants our Congregation.
Don Bosco’s dream
Roses &
“The important thing in science is not so at 9. In every person’s religious experience,
much to obtain new facts as to discover the following triggers are identified;
new ways of thinking about them”- listening to music (49%), personal prayer
Sir William Bragg (48%), nature and beauty (45%) and quiet
reflection (42%). For John Bosco tending
he quote above can similarly be animals, walking to church or school
applied to Don Bosco, the 15 would have been natural spaces where TVolumes of BM contains almost prayer, nature, beauty and quiet reflection
every aspect one can think of about our would have been abundant. In his mature
founder. Nevertheless, our task is to years, Don Bosco created such nature and
discover new ways of interpreting them walking moments, scattered with prayer on
and applying them to our time. excursions into the countryside from Turin,
In working with young people, the youth perhaps hoping to recreate in young people
minister needs to become a mystic: one what he experienced. Music ranks the
who is familiar with the movements of God highest as something that move us into the
in his/her life; one who can reason with the more reflective and imaginative world that
confusion that the experience of God can is a gate way to the spiritual. Don Bosco
bring in religious experience. In working was aware of the potential of music to bring
with the young, ministers to youth need to the spiritual awareness. He affirmed that a
be aware of their own story unfolding as a Salesian House without music is like a
journey into God and as a mystery to be body without a soul.
held and cherished before it’s reduced to a The strenna of this year brings to us the
mere social analysis (example of my voice of the young echoing in our ears “sir
personal vocation story). To become a we want to see Jesus”. What does this mean
mystic the youth minister needs to find to us as youth ministers? The young people
time to be still and touch the deeper want to experience Christ with us. They can
rhythms of the spirit and recognize the only experience Christ with us if we walk
energy and peace that flows from this with them so that we become a bridge
intimate holy ground within. between the religious experience of the
The good news for young people today young and the religious experience of the
needs to meet them at the point of their church. By walking with them we give
greatest hunger which is in the area of them the experience of the Emmaus
personal meaning and belonging. In account where later on Christ reveals
moving out to the young the minister himself to them. The religious experience
becomes a contemplative in action, of the young might be expressed in dreams,
absorbed in a busy life and yet with one anger and vague joy while the religious
hand holding tight to the presence of God experience of the church is in scripture,
the Father. gathering and sacraments.
In the experience of John Bosco we see an The space between young people and the
acute awareness of this inner life in young church is the place where they will suffer
people. His ability to see into the inner life frustration and misunderstanding. Like
of Magone, Savio, Cagliero and Rua and Don Bosco we die to ourselves together
read the signs of holiness and vocation is with the young in this space and become
evidence of a grasp of a spiritual landscape martyrs for their sake. It is in this space
just beneath the surface. The quiet word in where a new generation of believers is
the ear and the careful timing of taking shape. Don Bosco suffered
encouragement indicate a man who was humiliation characteristic of this space but
aware of the spiritual as a lived experience he never relented, instead he vowed that he
for everyone. The mystical experience in would drag his tongue on the ground if the
Don Bosco’s life is seen most in his dream salvation of one soul is at stake.
7Salesian NewslinkZMB
your mission among boys. You must wear
shoes, a symbol of mortification. The
thorns on the ground stand for sensible
affections, human likes and dislikes which
distract the educator from his true goal,
weaken and halt him in his mission and
hinder his progress and heavenly harvest.
The roses symbolize the burning charity
which must be your distinguishing trait and
that of your fellow workers. The other
thorns stand for obstacles, suffering and
disappointments you will experience. But
you must not lose heart. Charity and
mortification will enable you to overcome
all difficulties and lead you to roses without
thorns.” As soon as the Mother of God
finished speaking, I awoke and found
myself in my room. Don Bosco understood
the purport of the dream and concluded by
saying that from then on he knew exactly
the path he had to follow. Already known to
him were the obstacles and snares with
which his adversaries would attempt to
block his progress. Many would be the
thorns on his path, but he was sure,
absolutely sure, of God's will in the matter
and of the ultimate success of his great
undertaking. The dream also warned him
not to be discouraged by the defection of
some who seemed called to help him in his
work. Those who first deserted him were
priests and laymen who in the early days of
the Festive Oratory had volunteered to help
him. Those who came later were his own
Salesians, and the wind symbolized the
forthcoming divine assistance and comfort.
On a later occasion, Don Bosco revealed
that his dream, or vision, was repeated in
1848 and 1856, each time under slightly
different circumstances, which we have
integrated in our narration to avoid
repetition. Although in 1847 Don Bosco
kept this secret to himself, his devotion to
the Blessed Virgin became ever more
ardent, as we heard from Joseph Buzzetti.
Ever more effective were his efforts to urge
his boys to keep all the feasts of the
Madonna and the month of May for their
own spiritual advantage. It was obvious that
he had fully entrusted himself to Divine
Providence, just as a child throws itself into
the arms of its mother. The unhesitating
determination he displayed in making
decisions when beset by grave problems or
difficulties showed clearly enough that he
was carrying out a programme already laid
out for him and that he was taking his
guidance from above. It looked as if the
directive once given to Moses, See that you
make them according to the pattern shown
you, had now been repeated to him. (Ex.
25:40). We might finally add that from time
to time various remarks would escape his
lips, leading his close associates to believe
that there was more than met the eye. On
such occasions he seemed to be lovingly
gazing on the image of the Blessed Virgin,
resplendent on high and inviting all
mankind to have recourse to her.
The Youth Minister,
By Joseph Nyondo SDB
still Relevant?
8 Salesian NewslinkZMB Year 2010, 100 anniversary of the Death of don Rua
Cl. Joackim Mzanywa SDB mznywasdb@yahoo.comThinking Point
e live in the ‘dot com age’, which is so taken up by
consumerism, autonomy and pansexualism, among As one author put it:Wother woes. With this background one tends to wonder “Money can buy a house but not a home. Money can buy furniture
if religious life is still relevant today. Does it make sense to take the but not stability. Money can buy food but not appetite. Money can
vows of poverty, obedience and chastity? buy pleasure but not joy, excitement but not happiness.” The
The vows, also known as the ‘evangelical counsels’ are relevant greatest gifts in life are for free, such as family, friends and
today more than ever before. By taking the vow of obedience one’s happiness among others.
life becomes a silent but eloquent sermon to the youth. This is the We live in a pansexual world, in which the media teaches people to
case because the youth of today tend to think that freedom is to do feel rather than to think. Celibacy and chastity show the people,
what they want, and the way they want it done. And yet, freedom is especially the young, that it is possible to love others in
to do what one ought to do. authenticity. It is possible to give one’s life for the sake of the
As for the vow of poverty, this is ‘a sign of contradiction’, because gospel.
the world is drowning in an ocean of consumerism. And when we In a nutshell, Religious life is relevant today more than ever before.
make and live the vow of poverty we really swim against the Our lives as Religious are a silent but eloquent sermon. We are
current. We show the people that it is possible to be poor and happy. witnesses of Christ in the silence and simplicity of our lives
Salesian INSIDE
9Salesian NewslinkZMB
Leo Tika K. (ZMB-Zambia), Amon Mwale (ZMB-Malawi) and
Charles Mkumbira (ZMB-Malawi)] were accepted into the
Novitiate (2010 – 2011) by the Provincial Fr Joseph Czewinski and
the Novice Master Fr Chris Rychcik during the evening prayer in
the Chapel of the Provincial House. Present were the Chawama
Community Members and other Salesians, including one
It was a very moving experience especially for the Novices for
they could see the spirit of Don Bosco within the Celebration. It
Kabwe (Zambia) 2-6/07/2010.- showed a lot of humility on the part of the Novices upon their
Young people from the 'Don Bosco Youth Centre and oratory" in
Kabwe attended the Leadership Seminar "Life Choices" which
was facilitated by Fr. Javier A. Barrientos, the provincial youth
delegate of ZMB. The seminar started on Friday 2 July 2010 at
6:30pm with the arrival of all the young participants.Members of
the Salesian community and a group of Salesian Co-operators
were also present. Cl. Gabriel Mwenya SDB was the overall
organiser of the event.
Youth leaders from the centre took charge of the organisation of all
the logistics of the event and managed to have every aspect of the
seminar under control. During the seminar there were many
activities such as sports, group work, acting, dancing, miming and
karaoke. These activities were all integrated into a very well
organised daily plan and enabled participants to be involved in
every activity.
The celebration of the Eucharist was a daily event and it was the
core of the daily programme. Prayers and other moments of entrustment by the Provincial into the hands of the Novice Master,
reflection were organised by the youth themselves in cooperation when he took the hands of each novice into his own showing that
with their leaders. they are now completely under his direction.
On the last day, the Salesian Co-operators present for the event and The following day marked the beginning of the Novitiate
the youth leaders spent an hour evaluating the seminar and Programme with introductory classes in the morning and some
planning the way forward for the youth group which is slowly work in the cleaning of the Novitiate’s future football ground from
growing as it enrols new members. broken bricks. The novices are happy so far and full of optimism as
they are looking forward to their transfer into the new structure at
“If you are a Holy Novice, you will become an Average Salesian. If
you are an Average Novice, you will become an interesting-
complicated Salesian and if you are a complicated Novice, you
might not make it!!!” (ZMB Provincial)
Kabwe (Zambia) 15/08/2010.- The Vice-Province of Mary Help
of Christians (ZMB) rejoiced because three new Salesians have
been added to its ranks. The three newly professed Salesians Cl.
Christopher Kole, Cl. Vincent Ngozanga and Cl. Chongo Lupupa
made their vows for one year in the presence of Fr. Jozef
Czerwinski who in his capacity of provincial has welcomed them
as confreres committed with temporary vows.Acceptance of the Novices from ZMB and AFM Vice-
The ceremony of the first professions took place in Kabwe Provinces
(Zambia) at St. Mary's Parish and began at 9am local time. The Friday night marked the arrival of the first three novices from the
solemn Eucharist was presided by Fr. Jozef Czerwinski and there AFM Vice-Province met by Fr. Chris, the Novice Master, from
were number of Salesian priests and brothers who gathered at St. Lusaka International Airport. Next to arrive, the following
Mary's to witness the profession of the three young men. morning, were their two Malawian companions from Bauleni-
Parishioners from St. Mary's also attended the ceremony in Lusaka and finally two Zambian companions later that day.
hundred and were all very happy to have had the privilege of On Sunday 8th August, the Seven Novices [David Realeboha
hosting the event in the parish.(AFM-Lesotho), Thoothe Mositi (AFM-Lesotho), Breven Brian
In his homily, the provincial of ZMB, strongly invited the three Clarke (AFM-South Africa), Gordon C. Mutale (ZMB-Zambia),
July 2010
August 2010
10 Salesian NewslinkZMB Year 2010, 100 anniversary of the Death of don Rua
who were making their vows to commit themselves totally to God BEGINNING OF THE PRE-NOVITIATE
and to the salvation of youth in the Salesian Congregation. 'The Chingola (Zambia) 08/09/10.
world needs witnesses more than teachers', is what Fr. Jozef "Every single vocation brought to the Salesian congregation is
reminded them. In addition, Fr. Jozef strongly invited the parish done so by our Mother Mary"
community to pray for vocations and challenged them to work for With these words Fr Norbert (rector) encouraged the new
vocations so that more young men may join the religious life. prenovices to cooperate with Mary. Indeed it is through this same
The newly professed (Christopher, Vincent and Chongo) are now Marian cooperation that every Salesian vocation grows closer to
ready to join the other Salesian students of ZMB who are currently her son, Jesus.
doing their studies in Moshi (Tanzania). In fact, the new prenovices have every reason to be proud because
they share the birthday with Our Lady since 8th September marks
the official beginning of the prenovitiate here in Chingola.
During the inaugural celebration of the Eucharist, 8 aspirants were
received as prenovices. Four had travelled all the way from
Malawi and four came from within Zambia itself. One candidate
from Zambia has yet to arrive to complete the number of pre-
novinces to 9 for this year’s group.
For many years Chingola has been a house for aspirants and has
now been 'upgraded' to a prenovitiate community.
So as a community we entrust our prenovices into the protection
of Mary Help of Christians and seek also the intercession of our
patron; St. Caristo Caravario.
Luansya (Zambia) 03/09/2010.-
Fr. Michael Mbandama SDB has recently graduated from the
TVTC Luansya after attending a two week course on Education
Chingola (Zambia) 10/09/10. Chingola Salesian community
Fr. Michael (recently ordained to the priesthood) has attended the
now puts on a new tag in the province as a pre-novitiate house.
managerial course in Luansya in order to help with the
This means that the candidates from the four countries that make
management of the Salesian Technical School in Lilongwe.
up the ZMB province will be heading to Chingola for 1 year of
The course was attended by more than 300 people who came from
immediate formative experience before the canonical novitiate
various parts of Zambia. They all intended to upgrade their
year in Lusaka. The 9 candidates, alias the pioneers of the
knowledge on the management of schools at various educational
Chingola Prenovitiate house, were expected to commence on the
levels.Fr. Michael is the second Salesian to attend the course. The
8th of September 2010. At the time of the inauguration 8
first one was Fr. Mariusz Skowron, the principal of the Don Bosco
prenovices had already reported while one was being awaited.
Technical School of Chingola. Next year some other Salesians
The prenovices are coming from Malawi (4) and Zambia (5). At
will also join the course in order to update themselves for the
the moment the prenovices are being assisted by Br Peter a
benefit of the young people.
practical trainee. Other members of the community at the moment
include Fr Norbert the rector, Br John practical trainee, Fr Mariusz
the principal and Jacob the volunteer.
To all the prenovices we genuinely send them our best wishes. As
a community we entrust them to the protection of Our Lady whose
birthday we have just celebrated. We hope they steadily grow in
sincere love of Don Bosco in their process of discernment.
Kasisi - Lusaka (Zambia) 09/09/2010.- Members of the
provincial council visited the grave of the late Fr. Kazimierz
Cichecki SDB whose death anniversary is today. The late Fr.
Cichecki was the first superior of the Vice-Province of Mary Help
News from around ZMB
September 2010
11Salesian NewslinkZMB
News from ZMB
of Christians (ZMB). He first came to Zambia on 27 October YOUTH LEADERSHIP SEMINAR ADL
1982.Fr. Kazimierz was one of the first Salesian missionaries to Lusaka (Zambia) 10-12/09/2010.- The Archdiocese of Lusaka
come to Zambia and he was the main animator of the whole held its Annual YES Retreat for College and University students
missionary enterprise in ZMB. The Project Africa that was at the Marian Shrine, Chelstone - Lusaka, from 10 - 12 September
launched by Fr. Egidio Vigano entrusted this part of Africa to the 10. About 41 students participated in this annual event. The
Polish provinces of Warsaw and Krakow. Fr. Kazimierz whose students from the University of Lusaka, University of Zambia,
brother Fr. Vincent Cichecki SJ was already working in Zambia NRDC, and from a number of other colleges participated warmly.
left Poland for Zambia and remained here till the end of his days. The retreat went so well that many of the students asked for
With gratitude to Fr. Cichecki the council offered the Eucharist another YES Retreat next year.But as per tradition, one is allowed
and some prayers at the cemetery. to attend only one YES Retreat in one's life, unless one is a YES
May his soul rest in peace! Retreat facilitator! (Fr Clement Mulenga, SDB).
Lusaka (Zambia) 14/09/2010.- Fr. Fabio Attard spent a full day
with the youth delegates listening to their reports and
summarising the main concerns that came from them which affect
the whole region of Africa and Madagascar.The meeting dwelt
mostly on issues which are the follow up of the discussion of the
CIVAM celebrated in 2009 in Maputo. From the reports some of
the main concerns grouped under the categories of formation of
young people, formation of leaders and formation of lay people.
The application of the propositions of the last African Synod to
the various contexts of the Salesian youth ministry in Africa was
also a strong point.
In the topic of involvement of the Salesian Family and lay
collaborators there were interventions that cherished the work
done with the Salesian Sisters (FMA) and Salesian Co-operators,
although this good cooperation is not yet a reality in all the
provinces of the African Region. However, efforts are made on
both sides to come together and share in the mission and heritage
left by Don Bosco.
Volunteers from Belgium in partnership with the SDB
community of Kabwe made possible the training of 20
youth leaders of that locality in a programme
that was conducted from the end of July to the middle
of August.
Youth Delegates from Africa-Madagascar
12 Salesian NewslinkZMB Year 2010, 100 anniversary of the Death of don Rua
010 has been a year of many
challenges in ZMB. The Formation
Department was not spared. The 2
Prenovitiate and Novitiate moved
from Bauleni to Chingola and from Kabwe
to Makeni respectively. The Provincial
Delegate for Formation, the Provincial
Vicar moved to Lufubu and his role in
animating the Vice-Province in matters of
formation was assumed by the Provincial
and Provincial Youth Delegate (PYD).
The January meeting for the Salesian
Rectors and Local Superiors was mainly
about the matters of initial and ongoing
formation. The animators of our
communities made did some exercises
about how to make the CP (Community
Planning). As a matter of fact as ZMB we
dedicated 2010 to CP. During the Canonical
Visitations of SDB houses Fr Joseph was
dedicating some extra time to animate our
communities in Zambia, Malawi, Major and various documents of the will be ready for the Rectors Meeting in
Zimbabwe and Namibia in going through Salesian Congregation pertaining to the January 2011.
the process of drawing up their CP. For the prenovitiate and novitiate and came up with Taking into consideration the many ways of
next year, as a Province, we have chosen to a complete program of formation during doing PPL (Personal Plan of Life) the PFC
venture into EPP (Education Pastoral Plan). these two stages of initial formation. made a simplified format for making it. In
It will be a mission of the PYD to animate Other matters that the PFC has worked on addition an example has been made to ease
the Salesian presences towards making are: the six year ZMB qualification plan, comprehension. The Provincial Council of
EPPs in our parishes, schools and youth holiday placement of PTs and Moshi June made corrections and approved both
centers. students as well as annual retreats for the scrutiny forms and PPL format. The
Since we are blessed with a good number of confreres. former were sent to all the houses and the
Practical Trainee’s (PT) this year a special Till now it has been a practice in ZMB to use latter are to be distributed and worked upon
attention has been given to them. Two various forms for evaluating the SDBs in during the last day of the annual retreat
initial formation. The PFC saw a need of when the confreres make good resolutions
bringing uniformity in this regard. Hence for following year.
the special scrutiny forms were prepared for This year, in October, we are honoured to
those in prenovitiate, novitiate and practical host the CIVAM meeting for Salesian
training. Formation Delegates. The main topic on the
In addition the PFC plans to prepare a agenda is the Practical Trainees. We hope to
simplified guide for the Rectors of ZMB on benefit a lot from sharing of the experiences
the areas of assessment according to the of other Salesian Provinces in Africa.
stages of formation. Hopefully all materials The November meeting of PFC will focus
therefore on the Ratio and CIVAM’s
documents on PTs in order to prepare the
meetings and a special retreat were ZMB comprehensive formation program.
scheduled only for them (February in The FC will also attempt to make a more
Lufubu and November in Lusaka). detailed curriculum for the Prenovitiate and
The Provincial Formation Commission Novitiate with concrete topics, number of
(PFC) managed to meet twice this year. It is hours as well as the sources and references
made of three confreres, C. Lenczuk - to be used.
Provincial Vicar, C. Rychcik - Director of
novices and M. Mbandama - Director of Let me take this opportunity to thank Frs
Prenovices. The FC studied the PFP Christopher Rychcik and Michael
(Provincial Formation Plan), the Post Mbandama for their dedication in forming
Canonical Visitation letter of the Rector the novices and prenovices respectively.
By Fr. Czeslaw Lenczuk SDB
All efforts
in the field of formation
aim at strengthening
and giving quality
to the youth ministry
Participants of the 1st Annual retreat 2010 - Lufubu
13Salesian NewslinkZMB
oday we travelled to Sambyu may inspire them to join us. even Bishop Shikongo was a Salesian. Apart
combined secondary school for Also we have a sports camp going on at the from the talks, we had a moment of prayer,
vocation promotion. The team centre animating together with 5 young rosary, morning prayer/meditaton and lectio T
comprised of myself, Brothers ladies from the USA and Dr. Rob from the divina which is new to most of the young
William and Prince and Sr. Christina from African inland missionary. He is our people. It was a good experience and
the missionary sisters of the sacred heart of working partner also dealing with the youth. programme and hopefully we will continue
Jesus. As usual we started with the Salesian This is now the third time that we have had similar programs. On Sunday, the last day,
‘mingle-mingle’. Then I gave a presentation joint programmes in sports. The theme of the we went to the parish for mass and came
on the meaning of vocation and the ways in camp is building self esteem through sports. back to the centre at midday for some
which one can live his/her Christian The camp will be in two phase 5th-9th July closing remarks and prayer. We then joined
vocation, although the slant was more and 19th-24the July. At the end they will the oratory. Over the next three weeks we
oriented towards religious life. I then leave the sports equipment for the centre. will be going to secondary schools for
challenged the young to take the radical vocation promotion starting on the 7th of
decision in life sometime to be happy like ********** this month. I am getting a positive response
following Christ in the Salesian way of life. from the schools we asked to have a talk to
They still remember the Salesians as the the grade 10,11 and 12. We will start with
‘Don Boscos’. Bro. Prince talked more on Sambyu combined secondary school then
Salesianinty and its mission to the young; Rundu secondary school and the rest will
the charism and signs of Salesian vocation. follow. At the moment there is life at the
He also presented the nature of our oratory centre especially at the weekends and the
as a home, school, playground and a church young people are asking for weekend
for the young people. The attentiveness and programmes from Friday to Sunday
the desire from the young people to know afternoon.
more about the Salesian vocation aas
e had a vocation camp from 2nd overwhelming. Sr. Christina talked about
July-4th with 12 young people - her congregation to the girls and of course in Wthe majority from the oratory. passing we talked of the Salesian sisters too.
The theme was “consider life ministry as a We finally concluded by challenging them
priest or a brother. Fr. Henry on Friday night to look at the few priests in Namibia and take
gave a first talk on vocation in general but up the challenge and say yes to the call of
his slant challenged the youth to consider Christ. The program went well though time
how to serve humanity in a radical way. The was too short and the 50 young people asked
second talk was given by Bro. Raphael us to call again and share more about the
addressing the theme who / what is a vocation to religious life. This programme is
Salesian priest brother. His presentation one of the 4 series we have for this month of
encouraged the young people to ask more July.
questions concerning the Salesian vocation. Pray for the community that we may preach
Bro. Prince spoke about the Salesian Christ to them and that through our deeds we
vocation - its mission and charism. The
young people then realised that we are
different from the rest of the priests and
brothers. They were eager to learn and took
the whole camp seriously and asked if it
were possible to have such a gathering on a
regular basis - perhaps once a month – so as
to keep in touch and help one another.
For some it was the first time to hear that we
are not like other priests. They thought that
all priests are Salesian. They thought that
F r o m : " r a p h a e l L u n g u "
To: "Social Communication ZMB"
Date: Monday, July 05, 2010 10:41 AM
By Raphael Lungu SDB
14 Salesian NewslinkZMB Year 2010, 100 anniversary of the Death of don Rua
Youth Ministry by Sr. Chanda Nsofwa FMA
to ask ourselves how to help the youth to and hence we need to live it in response to
have meaningful and lasting experiences God’s expectations of us, to his invitation
from these gatherings. which has been revealed to us not only one
Feed back from the Mansa 2010 under the time but continuously. Our true identity as
theme: “Sir we want to see Jesus” has been persons is not achieved once and for all, it is
positive generally speaking. Nevertheless, progressive, dynamic, and it is a
towards the end of it, one could hear contemplation of God’s continuous
comments like this from the young people: intervention in our story, until we assume
ith the Mansa 2010 youth rally, “sr, it is easy to talk about Jesus here, the sentiments of Christ himself
we have tried to respond to the because it is the theme of the day, besides it (Philippians 2, 5). Christ knew who he was Wrector major’s appeal in this is also easy to remember because l see it at all times (the son of God) hence our
year’s Strenna, in which he encouraged the written on everyone’s T-shirt and scarf, (We invitation not to lose our identity at all costs
Salesian family to identify in the local and want to see Jesus, with a smiling face of through constant prayer, be it at the rally or
provincial consultative groups the best Jesus), the trouble will be when l get back at home in our daily endeavours.
ways to plan and organize together home, to my normal life. How do l continue We find Jesus through being honest about
experiences of evangelization of the young, to see Jesus in my daily life, outside this our existence
promoting the spiritual and prayerful festive atmosphere? In other words how Being young means searching constantly
reading of the sacred scriptures. The rector can l make such an experience last in my like the young man in the Gospel who asked
major’s appeal is that the reading of the life? Jesus “Master what can l do in order to
Gospel be also a reality among the youth The recital for the opening ceremony of the inherit eternal life” (Mt 1, 16-220). A young
themselves so that they may become rally which is based on the Strenna 2010, in person who questions the meaning of
evangelizers among their companions. reference to the true meaning of being his/her life in prayer makes the summary of
In our celebration we also wanted also to evangelized, had foreseen the above the days, the fears, hopes; being sure of
honour Don Michael Rua, most faithful to question; part of it says: “My friends, always living in God’s presence. Even
Don Bosco and his charism, here also the have you heard that it is not only a question when the times are hard, the itinerary of
rector major invites all of us, the members of seeing Jesus; It is not even enough to prayer always leads to an encounter of love
of the Salesian family to become evermore frequent youth gatherings like ours today, with the one who graced us with the gift of
and more disciples in love with Jesus and to or to memorize Gospel episodes, it is about “loving though we have not yet seen him”
be enthusiastic apostles in our commitment encountering Christ personally with (1 Peter 1,8) through the work of the Holy
to the evangelization of the youth. passion, it is a question of encountering him Spirit, received Baptism.
and making him our friend forever. The Being honest with our own existence,
What next? Holy Spirit, our faithful companion, will means being before God with humility, in
The Mansa experience is one way of facilitate our meeting with the Lord during order to give to life its just dimension. “I am
expressing the Dimension of group these days even after”. the handmaid of the Lord” said Mary to the
experience in our Salesian youth ministry, Angel Gabriel during the annunciation
which is a process of education and This simple reflection is what I would have (Luke 1, 38). The Lord can only work
evangelization. The preventive system loved to say first of all to myself and to all marvels in our lives if we empty ourselves
requires an intense and open atmosphere those who were asking the above question, and allow him to fill us with his grace. No
characterized by fraternal and friendly loudly or deep within their hearts. I have true spiritual life can take place in the life of
relationships. This is expressed in our youth tried to base my self on the following a proud person.
groups and in the Salesian youth movement points: Encountering Jesus in prayer, being
etc... The group dimension is a locus of our honest about our existence, the importance We find Jesus through Silence
educative- pastoral relationship where of silence, listening and meditating on Silence is an indispensable condition for
educators and the young live together like a God’s word and finally our commitment to encountering Christ and finding ourselves
family in mutual trust and open their hearts answering God’s call. in him. “Be Still and know that l am God”
to each other. It is a place where the young leaving everything for a certain time, taking
people can be encouraged to become the We find Jesus through Prayer a distance from our everyday activities.
principle agents of their own formation. It is True encounter with the Lord means going Making a desert around and inside
also a space where young people can grow beyond our emotional experiences. It is ourselves. This is not easy, but it is very
and develop their own identity; a place only through an authentic encounter with liberating and it builds from deep within.
where they can evolve an effective Christ through prayer that a person Silence makes us afraid like the desert of
Christian and ecclesial experience in a discovers his/her place in the cosmos, in Elia (Cf 1 kings 19), but at the same time
meaningful way. history, in the Church and in the heart of very much desired in order to find ourselves
However, experiences like the rally, carry God. “Our hearts will be restless until they in peace. The aridity and the solitude which
along with them an emotional aspect which rest in God” (st. Augustine). we feel within us is the purification from
sometimes brings into question what is It is in prayer that we meet God in order to our egoism, from the pretence of being able
gained from them. grasp the meaning of our being here on
Our challenge as educators in this regard is earth, recognizing that life is a Vocation;
We went to see
Continues on page 19
15Salesian NewslinkZMB
MANSA 2010
their journey and their participation. In addition they read and
studied in order to prepare for the Don Rua and New Testament
Arriving in Mansa, everybody was welcomed in a joyful
atmosphere and you could feel that the heart was open to share in a
salesian way the richness of each one’s own experience.
The four members of the provincial pastoral team in the Zambian
region, Sr. Lorraine Malama, Sr. Annet Kaluka, Sr. Chanda
Nsofwa and Sr. Godelieve Kayobera worked hard to prepare for
this gathering and to involve all the youth coordinators FMA from
our communities as well as from the SDB communities.
During the opening ceremony as well as during the talent show on
the last evening, each delegation illustrated the theme through
songs, dances, poems and sketches.
The moments of catechesis in the morning were opportunities to
help young people to deepen their faith: Fr. Lesa Norbert talked
about “Sir, we want to see Jesus”. Sr. Ann Mercedes presented the
figure of Don Rua, as we celebrate the 100 anniversary of his
death. The young people were invited to be disciples and apostles
like Don Rua. Fr. Antonio talked about meeting Jesus Christ in the
Church and Sr. Godelieve the sacramental life of the Church and in
the Church.
In the afternoons there were outdoor games: football, basketball,
volleyball and netball. Young people were invited to come
together and form teams from different delegations. This brought a
lot of interaction among the young people as they had to
collaborate and to do their best in order to win the “DON RUA
On Saturday there was a trip to Mansa. All 350 participants went to
spend the day at the beach of Lake Bangwelo. Everybody was
overwhelmed and amazed to see the place. By the lakeside the
participants had Morning Prayer, then Fr. Antonio presented his
theme on Jesus Christ in the Church. After a moment of reflection
and meditation in small groups the Eucharistic was celebrated by
e can now be sure and confirm that the Rector Major’s
Strenna for 2010 is the motto which is animating our Wyoung people in all FMA and SDB communities here in
Zambia, Namibia, Zimbabwe and Malawi, since 350 young
people accompanied by FMA, SDB and lay collaborators
responded to the invitation to attend to the youth rally in Mansa –
Zambia from the 26th to the 30th August 2010.
The invitation was launched in March by the Salesian Sisters to
bring together our leaders in order to deepen the strenna and make
our youth leaders aware of their responsibility as evangelizers.
Since then various activities around the theme were taken by all in
preparation for the youth rally: making T-shirts, scarves, songs,
sketches, dances, quizzes etc…
Youth from our communities did work in order to raise funds for
to see
16 Salesian NewslinkZMB Year 2010, 100 anniversary of the Death of don Rua
participants, to get a clearer insight into the
meaning of the sacraments in Christian life.
At the beginning of the celebration, Sr.
Chanda had prepared the catechumens to
hold on two by two a clay pot of water
which they poured into the baptismal font.
On Sunday Evening, after the moment of
evaluation, winners received several prizes.
At the end of all the activities Sr. Chanda
concluded thanking all the participants and
inviting the Young people to be true
evangelizers wherever they go, as we are all
sent to spread the Good News of Jesus all the SDB present at the Youth Rally. Fr.
Christ. Michael surprised everybody getting a boat
close to the shore, in which the priests sat
Written by Sr. Godelive FMAwhile celebrating the Eucharist.
Following is the reflection of one of the
“The trip to Samfya beach was a joyful
moment that I will live to remember as
Mass was celebrated in a boat. It reminded
us of Christ at the lake when he told the
disciples to be fishers of men. Truly Don
Bosco is the fisher of young people because
he has gathered us into one fishing net
called the oratory to be with him and pray
with him always”.
After the Eucharist the participants had
then time to have fun, to play, to swim and
to dance. To this was added the surprise of
seeing Sr. Zofia Lapinska, Br. Stephen and
3 ladies bringing food to Samfya Beach. In
fact, Sr. Godelieve and the women who
volunteered for cooking during this youth
rally had made it possible to have meal
ready and to send it to Samfya on time.
Everybody was served and was more than
On Sunday the solemn Eucharistic
celebration was outside the parish church in
order to accommodate all the parishioners.
During this celebration 20 oratorians were
baptized and received Holy Communion
for the first time. This enabled all the
Congress on
Don Michael Rua
17-19 October 2010
10 Anniversary
of Don Bosco
Technical College
19 - 25 October 2010
Retreat with
Don Pascual Chavez
for Rectors,
7 - 15 November 2010
Meeting for Delegates
of Formation of
Africa - Madagascar
13-19 October 2010
17Salesian NewslinkZMBJune 2009 - June 2010 Year of Priests
Fr. Vaclav Klement SDBMission Animation
18 Salesian NewslinkZMB Year 2010, 100 anniversary of the Death of don Rua
19Salesian NewslinkZMBJune 2009 - June 2010 Year of Priests
+ 09 September 2000
Fr. Kazimierz Cichecki SDB
+ 28 September 2000
Fr. Jozef Gotter SDB
In September 2010 we remembered the 10th anniversary of the death of Fr. Kazimierz
and the 1st anniversary of Fr. Jozef’s, both of them great missionaries who through
their efforts have contributed to the growth of the Salesian mission of ZMB.
May they rest in peace!
to save ourselves. Only in silence can we fully understand the Word from the biblical in Mansa and if this encounter has become
open our hearts in order to allow God to text. We confront ourselves with the Word; life, definitely we won’t be the same; our
touch us from deep within so as to be in we read our personal life in the light of the lives have to be transformed. And
touch with who we really are, Children of great history of our salvation. transformation will be seen through our
God. Meditating on the Word of God leads us to commitment to:
the recognition of the presence of the bread Sacramental life –through frequent
We find Jesus through Listening to his broken, and to contemplate in it the gift of confession and communion as Don Bosco
Word an infinite love which fills us with immense and Rua taught us.
God has to say the first word: in our joy. Spiritual guidance - so as to discern the will
encounter with Jesus we are called to listen Testing and finding joy in the presence and of God in our lives, following the example
first in order to allow ourselves to be the company of Christ, makes us ready to of Dominic Savio who asked Don Bosco to
recreated. Jesus the Word of life demands confront ourselves with the “truth” of our help him to become a saint.
attentive listening and this involves the own existence without fear because the fire Witnessing - remembering that the
whole person. The gradual experience of which is burning within us makes it fundamental realities of our existence may
encountering the word of God and truly possible to allow ourselves to be pruned in be told only in the depth of a lived
listening to him educates us to Lectio order to bear Fruits (Cf John 15, 2). experience. We can only help others to
divina, this is the spiritual and prayerful meet Jesus if we have met him in the first
reading of the sacred scriptures. The We find Jesus through our life person ourselves.
interpersonal encounter with the word responsibilities Answering the question of our vocation –
made flesh which “sets our hearts on fire If an encounter with Jesus really took place God what do you want me to do in life?
while he speaks to us on the journey” as he True prayer leads to responding to God’s
did to our two friends on their journey to call and every divine calling entails a
Emmaus (Luke 24) prepares us to mission, an invitation to announce God’s
recognize him in the Eucharist Word.
. Happy continuation of the Mansa 2010
We find Jesus through meditating on his accompanied by the spiritual and prayerful
Word reading of the sacred scriptures as we have
The word of God recreates us anew, it goes been asked by the rector major in the
deep within us. The time of silence allowed Strenna.
by God, is a time of our communion with
him. It is the time for meditation in order to Sr. Chanda Nsofwa. fma
Continues from page 14
Printed in Lusaka - Provincial House | P.O.BOX 31148 | All rights reserved
LEGEND 7. Rome-Italy: Fr. Alexander Kim visiting
historical monuments during the missionary
1. Chawama: CIVAM Meeting for Youth course organised by the Mission Department
Delegates 8. Lufubu: Young people swimming during their
2. Makeni: Fr. Zygmunt, Fr. Joseph and Fr. Leszek day of recreation at the falls.
discussing of the drawing for the roof. 9. Lilongwe: Youth leaders during their
3. Berkeley-USA: Fr. Tresphord Chisanga on the leadership seminar organised by the youth
day of his graduation. centre.
4. Samfya: Mass at the lake during the youth 10. Lufubu: Meeting of parish priests held in
really in Mansa. Lufubu in 2003. (ARCHIVES)
5. Mansa: Group work and sharing during the 11. Makeni: Visit of Fr. Luk Van Loy to ZMB in
youth rally in Mansa. 1988. (ARCHIVES)
6. Nakonde: Cl. Chongo Chibowa, Cl. Vincent 12. Chawama: Cl. Makarius Mpundu SDB
Ngozanga and Cl. Christopher Kole on their before leaving for Utume - Kenya.
way to Moshi.
For more information
visit our website:
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
10 11 12