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of the general council
ye a rX C V
january-april 2014
N. 417
official organ
of animation
and communication
for the
salesian congregation
Direzione Generale
Opere don Bosco

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of the General C ouncil
of the Salesian S ociety
of St John Bosco
year XCV | |
january-april 2014 | M . H r I I
«Da mihi animas, cetera tolle»
«The glory o f God and the salvation of souls»
Third year of preparation for the Bicentenary of his birth
(none in this issue)
(none in this issue)
4.1 Chronicle of the Rector Major
OF THE GENERAL COUNCIL 4.2 Chronicle of the General Council
4.3 Chronicle of the General Councillors
5.1 Letter of the Rector Major
following World Youth Day
held in Rio de Janeiro
5.2 Liturgical Memorial of Blessed Maria Troncatti, FMA
5.3 Decree on the martyrdom
of the Servant of God Stephen Sandor, SDB
5.4 New Provincials
5.5 New Salesian Bishops
5.6 Our dead confreres

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Editrice S.D.B.
Edizione extra commerciale
Direzione Generate Opere Don Bosco
Via della Pisana, 1111
Casella Postale 18333
00163 Roma
Tipolitografia Istituto Salesiano Pio XI - Via Umbertide, 11 - 00181 Roma
Tel. - Fax - E-mail: tipolito@
Finito di stampare: Gennaio 2014

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«Da mihi animas, cetera tolle»
«The glory of God and the salvation of souls»
Third year of preparation for the Bicentenary of his birth
S&ievuto- 2 0 1 4
Premise: A reflection on the inescapable task of evangelisation, in reference to the Apostolic
Exhortation Evangelii gaudium of Pope Francis. - Commentary on the Strenna for 2014.
1. Features of Don Bosco’s spirituality. - 1.1. Starting point: the glory of God and the
salvation of souls. -1.2. At its heart: union with God. -1.3. Means: unseen values translated
into visible works. - 1.4. Goal: holiness. - 2. Core and synthesis of Salesian spirituality:
pastoral charity. - 2.1. Charity. - 2.2. Pastoral charity. - 2.3. Salesian pastoral charity.
- 2.4. Progress so far. - 3. Salesian spirituality for all vocations. - 3.1. A spirituality
common to all the groups of the Salesian Family. - 3.2. A spirituality proper to each group
of the Salesian Family. - 3.3. Salesian youth spirituality. - A spirituality of daily life as the place
of encounter with God - An Easter spirituality ofjoy and optimism - A spirituality of friendship and
personal relationship with the Lord Jesus - A spirituality of ecclesial communion - A spirituality
of responsible service. - 3.4. A spirituality of the Laity and of the Salesian Family. - 4 . Tasks
for the Salesian Family. - 5. Conclusion. - THE SAINTS.
25 December 2013
The Solemnity o f the Birth o f the Lord
My Dear Confreres,
I send you my greetings and best wishes for a Happy and
Holy Christmas, and invite you to contemplate God in “the child
wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger” (Lk 2,7).
He is the supreme manifestation of the love of God, who low­
ered Himself to become a man like us, and in this way raised us
up to the dignity of His Sons. Only God could imagine such a
radical overturning of the human way of thinking. In Jesus
made man the Father embraced all of us, so as to restore our
life, consolidate hope and make His Kingdom visible.

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This is why we cannot but evangelise; this is why we have to
feel within ourselves the urgent apostolic need to communicate
to others, especially to the young, the joy and the beauty of the
faith that gives meaning, hope and a future to our lives, and to
our commitment to collaborate in the building of a better world
for everyone, especially for the poorest, for the disadvantaged
and for the marginalised.
From this point of view, the recent Apostolic Exhortation
11Evangelii Gaudium ” of Pope Francis on the proclaiming of the
Gospel to our world today, at the end of the year of Faith called
for by Benedict XVI to commemorate the Council which provi­
dentially renewed the Church, is a quite exceptional document.
Above all because it comes from the heart of the Bishop of
Rome, the fruit of an experience on the front line and of his
long reflection on the need to proclaim the Gospel to today’s
world. In complete harmony with the contents of his talks and
with his very personal style, Pope Francis declares that it was
not his intention to write a theorical treatise but to show the
important practical implications of the issues touched on in the
text. The purpose is very clear: to help to describe a particular
style of evangelisation and to employ it in every activity under­
taken. In close harmony with the incomparable Exhortation
“Evangelii Nuntiandi” of Paul VI, evoked by the title itself, the
new document is a 'Magna Carta’ for the Church of today, with
a specific programme and with fundamental consequences,
since it is not possible to leave things as they are; what is
necessary is to be in a permanent state of conversion and of
I think that this Apostolic Exhortation of Pope Francis is
a very good preparation for our General Chapter; which as a
programmatic document it will necessarily and providentially
illuminate. It gives us a vision of what the Church’s attitude
ought to be: without fear of the modern world, seeking new
ways of preaching the Gospel, more missionary, more merciful,
more courageous in making all the necessary changes. A Church

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which will overcome the fear of coming out from its own closed
structures and of losing the false sense of security which they
may give us, but which, in fact, make us more rigid in our judge­
ments of our world and less effective in evangelisation. A
Church that knows how to criticise an economic model that
makes an idol of money, that produces social exclusion and cre­
ates a culture of rejection and indifference. Therefore, a Church
that has a special preferential love for the poor, and a decisive
commitment to social justice and to peace. Here I would ask you
to read, study and make known “ The Joy of the Gospel” . Make
it the subject of prayer so that it warms the heart, and above all,
that it sends us out once more on our journey, full of joy at
bringing the good news to the young.
In the Chronicle of the Rector Major you will find news
about my activities (visits to the Provinces, meetings and
events) undertaken in recent months, from the last circular
letter on Vocation and Formation (ACG416) until the end of
November. Therefore here I shall mention only some of the
more significant ones in which I took part:
Above all the World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,
from Monday 22 until Sunday 28 July, about which I wrote a
letter giving a first introduction to Pope Francis, who by his
gestures, attitudes, messages and decisions gave us a new way of
looking at the world, a new vision of the Church, and also a new
way of understanding and carrying out the service of authority
(cf. Documents and News Items, 5.1).
The meeting with Pope Fi'ancis on 15 August, the Solemnity
of the Assumption of Mary, when he came to Castelgandolfo for
Holy Mass, at the end of which I was invited to lunch and had
the grace of sitting next to him. Then afterwards he also paid a
visit to the community of our parish. On this occasion I gave
him a letter requesting an audience for the General Chapter,
which he willingly accepted, and for which we have already fixed
the date on 31 March.

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The Italian SYM Gathering on 16 August, at Colle Don
Bosco, which gave me the opportunity to speak with the young
people who had come from all the Provinces of the Salesians and
of the FMA in Italy. During the Mass I launched the third and
final year of preparation for the bicentenary of the birth of Don
Bosco, inviting everyone to drink deeply from his spirituality
and to discover in him a real master of the spirit. On this same
day I wrote you another letter in which I mentioned the urgent
need to refurbish the places in which Don Bosco lived and exer­
cised his priestly and educator’s ministry. In particular I refer to
the Colle, where his little house can be found, together with the
Temple dedicated to him, and to the Mother House at Valdocco,
which is the place where so many visitors and pilgrims gather
together. I appealed to your goodness and generosity to help
with the carrying out of the most urgent work that needs to be
done. I take this opportunity to thank those Provinces which
have already shown their generosity and to appeal once again to
those others which have not yet had the chance to express their
The Pre-Capitular Commission, which was at work in the
first part of September, and to which on the 7thI gave an open­
ing address setting out the main lines of the work to be done in
the current situation, marked as it is by epoch-making changes
in society, in the Church and consequently in Consecrated Life.
The Beatification o f our confrere the Salesian Brother and
Martyr Istvan Sandor, on Saturday 19 October, in the Cathedral
in Budapest. It was a very beautiful and significant ceremony
which helped us to appreciate the human, spiritual and Salesian
qualities of this confrere of ours who not only expands the tree
of Salesian holiness but proposes it once again to all of us.
Finally the Assembly o f the USG, held at the ‘Salesianum’
between 27 and 29 November, in which we focused on the person
of Pope Francis, his gestures and his message as a challenge for
evangelical leadership. The Assembly, in which for the last time

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I participated as Rector Major, ended with a meeting with Pope
Francis in the Vatican in the Synod Hall, at which we had a ques­
tion and answer session about what kind of Consecrated Life this
new view of the Church demands, what is the place of religious
life within it, what kind of formation, what kind of fraternal life,
what kind of relationship with the local Church, what the fron­
tiers towards which we are called to go are. You can find this pre­
cious document on the website of the two Unions of Superiors
General: For me, undoubtedly the
best thing was the fact that Pope Francis said that he expected
consecrated persons to be “witnesses to faith and to love for the
Risen Christ, witnesses to the Kingdom, and witnesses to the
radical nature of the Gospel” - which confirms the relevance and
the validity of the theme of our GC27. In addition, on this occa­
sion, he confirmed what I had asked him at our first meeting a
few days after his election, that he was to dedicate the year 2015
to Consecrated Life, since it was the 500th anniversary of the
birth of Saint Teresa of Avila, the 300th anniversary of Saint
Philip Neri and the 200thanniversary of the birth of Don Bosco.
So then, I think these news items which can enlighten the
mind and warm the heart are the best way of introducing the
Commentary on the Strenna for 2014, which I now offer you.
We are concluding the three years of preparation for the
Bicentenary of the Birth of Don Bosco. After having dedicated
the first year to getting to know him in the history of his times,
and the second year to recognising him as an educator and
putting into practice his own educational method, in this third
and final year we want to explore the source of his charism by
drawing on his spirituality.
Christian spirituality has charity at its core, in other words
the very life of God Himself Who is Agape, Charity, Love at the
deepest level. Salesian spirituality is no different from Christ­
ian spirituality. It too is concentrated on charity; in its case it is

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a matter of “pastoral charity” , in other words that charity which
urges us to seek “the glory of God and the salvation of souls” .
“ Caritas Christi urget nos” .
Like all the great holy founders Don Bosco lived his life as a
Christian with a fervent burning charity, and contemplated the
Lord Jesus from a particular standpoint, that of the charism with
which God had entrusted him: the mission to the young. “ Sale-
sian charity” is pastoral charity because it seeks the salvation
of souls. It is also educative charity because it finds in education
the resource that allows it to help the young to develop all their
energies for good. In this way young people can grow up to be up­
right citizens, good Christians and future inhabitants of heaven.
I am inviting you therefore, dear members of the Salesian
Family, to draw from the wellsprings of Don Bosco’s spirituality,
in other words from his educative and pastoral charity. It finds
its model in Christ the Good Shepherd and its prayer and its
plan of life in Don Bosco’s motto: “Da mihi animas, cetera tolle” .
Closely following this path we will be able to discover “ Don
Bosco the mystic” whose spiritual experience lies at the heart
of the way we live our Salesian spirituality today, in the variety
of vocations which take their inspiration from him; and we our­
selves will be able to have a strong Salesian spiritual experience.
Getting to know Don Bosco’s life and his educational method
still does not mean understanding his deepest secret and the
real reason for his being so surprisingly relevant today. Being
familiar with the various aspects of Don Bosco’s life and works
and even of his educational method is not sufficient. Behind all
this, as the source of the fruitfulness of his activity and rele­
vance is something that can even escape us his sons and daugh­
ters: his deep inner life, what we could call his “familiarity” with
God. Who knows but maybe this is the best idea we have of him
in order to love him, to pray to him, imitate and follow him so as
to encounter the Lord Jesus and bring young people to this same

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Today it would be possible to draw up a spiritual profile of
Don Bosco, starting from the impressions of his earliest collabo­
rators. We could then move on to Fr Eugene Ceria’s book, “Don
Bosco with God” , which was the first attempt made to provide a
popular account of his spirituality. We could then compare the
various re-interpretations of Don Bosco’s spirituality offered by
his Successors, before finally coming to the research that has
marked a turning point in the study of the way Don Bosco lived
his own faith and religious life.
These recent studies are more faithful in the way they are in
touch with the available sources and are open to a consideration
of the various spiritual perspectives that influenced Don Bosco,
or with which he was in contact (Saint Francis de Sales, Saint
Ignatius, Saint Alphonsus Maria Liguori, Saint Vincent de Paul
Saint Philip Neri, ...). However, they also help us to recognise
that his was an original and creative experience. At this point
it would be interesting to have a new spiritual profile of Don
Bosco, a new hagiography, as this term is understood by spiritu­
al theology today.
Don Bosco the “spiritual man” attracted and was of special in­
terest to Walter Nigg, a Lutheran pastor and professor of Church
History at the University of Zurich. He concentrated on the spir­
itual dimension and he wrote thus: “ Describing someone while
overlooking the fact that we are dealing with a saint would be like
presenting a half truth. The category of saint has to take prece­
dence over that of the educator. Any other ranking would falsify
the hierarchy of values. On the other hand, the saint is someone
in whom the natural borders on the supernatural, and in Don
Bosco the supernatural is there in a remarkable way... We our­
selves have no doubt: the real modern saint of Italy is Don Bosco” .1
In the 1980s this opinion was shared by the theologian Fr
Dominique Chenu O.P; to a journalist who asked him to suggest
W NlGG, Don Bosco. Un santo pet' il nostro tempo, Torino, LDC, 1980, 75.103.

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some saints who might have a relevant message for our new
times he answered: “I would especially like to recall to mind one
who was the precursor of the Council by a century, Don Bosco.
He was a prophetic model of holiness because his work broke
with the way of thinking and believing of his contemporaries” .
In every cultural era and in every context we need to answer
these questions:
- What did Don Bosco receive from the environment he lived
How much does he owe to his surroundings, his family, the
Church of his time?
How did he react, and what did he give to his time and sur­
What has been his influence on the times that have followed?
How did his contemporaries see him: Salesians, the people,
the Church, lay people?
How have later generations understood him?
What aspects of his holiness seem of most interest to us to­
How do we today translate the way Don Bosco interpreted
the Gospel?
These are the kinds of questions that a new hagiography of
Don Bosco will have to answer. It is not a matter of identifying
a definitive, perpetually valid profile of Don Bosco but of pro­
viding one that is relevant for today. Naturally, certain aspects
of each saint are emphasised that are particularly of interest for
their current relevance, and others are left aside that are con­
sidered not to be so necessary at this particular time in history,
or that are judged to be less relevant in identifying the saint’s
chief characteristics.
Saints, in fact, are a response to the spiritual needs of a
generation, an outstanding illustration of what Christians at a
particular time mean by holiness. And evidently the hoped-for

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imitation of a saint can only be proportional to the absolute ref­
erence point which is Jesus of Nazareth; in fact, every Christian,
in his or her real situation, is called to incarnate in his or her
own way the universal figure of Jesus, obviously without ever
exhausting it. The saints offer us a concrete and valid path
towards this identification with the Lord Jesus.
In the commentary on the Strenna which I am offering to
the Salesian Family, the three key issues I develop are: features
of the spirituality of Don Bosco; pastoral charity and the core
and synthesis of Salesian spirituality; Salesian spirituality for
vocations. At the end I shall proposes more completely some
practical tasks which I shall already anticipate here.
Coming to a precise identification of Don Bosco’s spirituality
is not an easy undertaking; it is not surprising that this aspect
of his personality is the least explored. Don Bosco is a man fully
taken up by apostolic work; he does not provide us with any
descriptions of his interior development, nor has he left us any
special reflections on his spiritual experience. He does not write
spiritual diaries nor offer explanations for his inner motivation.
He prefers to transmit a spirit by describing the events of his
life, or through biographies of his boys. It is certainly not suffi­
cient to say that his apostolic spirituality is that of someone who
carries out an active ministry, a balance between a learned and
a popular spirituality; rather it is necessary to identify what is at
the heart of his spiritual experience.
This raises a serious question: given the real shortage of
sources regarding his inner life, how do you investigate the spir­
ituality of Don Bosco? We can leave it to spiritual theologians to
delve into this methodological issue as we try to identify some of
the fundamental aspects and the characteristics of his spiritual

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Spirituality is a characteristic ‘feel’ for Christian holiness
and being inclined in that direction; it is a particular way of
ordering one’s life in order to achieve Christian perfection, and
being part of a special charism. In other words, it is a Christian
way of life in union with God which presupposes faith.
Salesian spirituality consists of various elements; it is a style
of life, of prayer, of work, of interpersonal relationships; a com­
munity way of life; an educative and pastoral mission based on
a pedagogical heritage; an approach to formation; a characteris­
tic set of values and attitudes; a particular view of the Church
and of society through specific areas of engagement; an histori­
cal patrimony of documentation and writings; a characteristic
language; a typical set of structures and works; a calendar with
its own celebrations and anniversaries...
In the general framework of a history of spirituality in the
XIXth century, we can point out some elements which seem to
us to be especially relevant in describing the spiritual experience
of Don Bosco; they are his starting point, his deepest roots, the
means he uses, his goal.
1.1. Starting point: the glory o f God and the salvation o f
The glory of God and the salvation of souls were Don Bosco’s
passion. Promoting the glory of God and the salvation of souls
meant conforming his own will to that of God who obviously
greatly desires the full manifestation of that goodness that
He Himelf is, in other words His glory which is the authentic
achievement of what is good for man - which is the salvation of
his soul.
In a rare fragment of his “ story of a soul” , Don Bosco will
confess (in 1854) the secret regarding the purpose of what he
was doing: “When I began to devote myself to this particular
aspect of the sacred ministry I set out to consecrate all my
efforts to the greater glory of God and to the salvation of souls,

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and to work to make good citizens on this earth so that one day
they would then be worthy inhabitants of heaven. May God help
me to be able to continue until my last breath. Amen” .2
In the same passage a few lines earlier he had written:
“ Ut filios Dei, qui erant dispersi, congregaret in unum. John,
c. 11 v. 52. The words of the holy Gospel which let us know that
the Divine Saviour came into the world to gather together into
unity the scattered children of God, it appears to me can be
applied literally to the young people of our days. This, the most
frail but most precious part of human society on which rests
the hopes for a happy future is not of itself perversely inclined
[...] The difficulty consists in finding a way to bring them to­
gether, to speak with them, bring them to lead a good life. This
was the mission of the Son of God, only His holy religion can do
this” .3
At the basis of the decision to set up the Oratory there is the
salvific will of God, expressed in the incarnation of the Son, sent
to gather around Himself in unity men lost in the byways of
error and mistaken paths to holiness. The Church is called to
respond in its own time to this divine mission of salvation. So
the Oratory fits into this economy of salvation; it is a human
response to a divine vocation, and is not a work founded on the
good will of an individual.
As confirmation of this, we can read in an account from 16
January 1861: “ Questioned about his opinion regarding the
efficiency of grace he replied: I have studied these questions a
great deal; but my system is one that redounds to the greater
glory of God. What is the point of me having a narrow system
that then sends a soul to hell, or a broad system provided it send
souls to heaven?”4
2Cfr. G. BOSCO, Piano di regolamentoper-1’Oratorio maschile di S. Francesco di Sales
in Torino nella regione Valdocco. Introduzione, in E B raido (ed.), Don Bosco Educatore.
Scritti e Testimonianze. Roma, LAS 1997, 111.
'Ibid. 108-109.
1D. Ruffino, Cronache dell’Oratorio di S. Francesco di Sales, n. 2, 1861, 8-9.42.

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Similar is the explanation he gives on 16 February 1876
about the way he carried out his plans: “We always go ahead
with confidence; before undertaking anything we make certain
that it is God’s will that these things are done. We may meet a
thousand difficulties on the way, but that does not matter. God
wants it, and we are fearless in the face of whatever difficulties
there may be” .5
Identical to the purposes of the Oratory are those of the
“Work of the Oratories” , in other words of the Salesian Society,
of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, of
the Salesian Cooperators, of the Association of Mary Help of
Christians; all of them are animated, motivated and guided by
the same purpose. A few quotations regarding the Salesians
from among the many one could cite will suffice.
In the introduction to the first draft of the Constitutions,
Don Bosco declared that the first group of clergy collaborators
had joined together “promising to occupy themselves only with
those things that their Superior judged to be for the greater
glory of God and for the benefit of their own souls” .6 In the
following chapter on the purpose of the Society he repeated: the
Salesians “come together to form a single heart and a single soul
to love and to serve God” .7
In addition, on 11 June 1860 in the request submitted to the
Archbishop of Turin for the approval of the Constitutions one
reads: “we the undersigned, moved solely by the desire to en­
sure our eternal salvation, have come together to live a common
life and so more easily give our attention to those things that
concern the glory of God and the salvation of souls” .8Then on 12
January 1880 he wrote to Cardinal Ferrieri saying that the aim
of the Salesian work was still the same: “ I believe I can assure
r' G. Barberis, Cronichetta, quad 4, 52.
6Bosco Giovanni, Costituzioni della societa di S. Francesco di Sales [1858] - 1875.
Testi critici, a cura di Francesco Motto, Roma LAS 1982, 70-71.
7Ibid. 82.
sEpistolario, ed. Motto, vol. I, 406.

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your Eminence that the Salesians have no other aim than to
work for the greater glory of God, on behalf of Holy Church to
spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ among the Indians of the
Pampas and in Patagonia” .9
Indeed, Don Bosco had already mentioned the same purpose
of the growing Society of Saint Francis of Sales, writing on 9
June 1867 to the Salesians in a circular letter, two years before
the approval of the Congregation: “ The first aim of our Society
is the sanctification of its members [...] Everyone should enter
the society guided by the sole desire to serve God with greater
perfection, and for his own good, and it goes without saying that
the real good for himself is his spiritual and eternal good” .10
1.2. At its heart: union with God
The unum necessarium is at the heart of his interior life, of
his dialogue with God, of his work as an apostle. There can be no
doubt that holiness shone out in Don Bosco’s works, but it is also
true that his works were simply an expression of his faith. It is
not the works he accomplished that make Don Bosco a saint as
Saint Paul reminds us: “I f I have all the eloquence o f men... hut
without love then I am nothing at all” (1 Cor 13); but it is a faith
enlivened by practical charity (cf. Gal 5:6b) that makes him a
saint: you will he able to tell them by their fruits (cf. Mt 7,16.20).
All Christians are called to a real and not merely psycholog­
ical “union with God” . Union with God means living one’s life in
God and in His presence: it is the divine life that is within us by
participation; it is the exercise of faith, hope and charity, to
which necessarily follow the infused virtues, the moral virtues
etc. Don Bosco gave an evangelical zeal to his whole life, making
his whole purpose in life the transmission of faith in God, in
living out the theological virtues: with a faith which became a
fascinating example for the young, a hope that was expressed in
9Epistolario, ed. Ceria, vol. Ill, 544.
luEpistolario, ed. Motto, II, 386.

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words that were a shining light for them, with a charity which
became an expression of love for the least and neglected ones.
Don Bosco was always faithful to his mission of practical
charity: where a disincarnated mysticism would have run the
risk of his being detached from reality, faith obliged him to keep
his feet firmly on the ground so as to keep faith with those most
in need; when he might have been overcome by fatigue or tempt­
ed to give up, hope sustained him; when there seemed to be no
solution St Paul’s way ahead urged him on: “Caritas Christi
urget nos(1 Cor 5,14). Don Bosco’ charity did not falter when
faced with difficulties: “I have made myselfall things to all men in
order to save some at any cost” (1 Cor 9,22). It was not conflicts
that were to be feared in the field of education but, lack of effort
and disengagement.
Living hy faith: means abandoning oneself with joyful trust
in God who revealed Himself in Jesus so as to be able to live in
all situations in a salvific manner: in other words responding to
all circumstances in such a way as to allow God to show in them
His work of salvation. No situation corresponds perfectly to
God’s will, but a person can act in each situation so as to always
carry out God’s will.
Living hy hope: means waiting on God each day so as to be
able to accept His gift when it comes; it means waiting each day
for God who comes through His created gifts: every day has its
gift. So in all circumstances - even failure: “nothing can separate
us from the love of Christ” (Rm 8,39).
Living hy charity: means opening up the present moment to
the love of God. In order to be able to live a spirit of sacrifice
constant practice is needed; a stimulating context is needed:
certainly, the Salesian mission is just that.
Don Bosco lived all this in a spirit o f genuine piety. He did not
leave any formula for practices of piety, nor any special devotion of
his own. Hs approach is realistic and practical. Just the prayers of

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the good Christian, easy, simple but said with perseverance. What
Don Bosco wanted was that the Salesians should consecrate their
whole lives to the salvation of souls and sanctify their work offer­
ing it to God; prayer ought to take its place as the raising up of the
mind and heart to God, as petition and as nourishment. In other
words, the “practices of piety” had something of an ascetical role.
The results of this in the life of Don Bosco are plain for all to see.
Let us listen to two witness statements. This is what a past-
pupil forty five years of age, a soldier and army instructor from
Florence wrote to Don Bosco in Turin:
“My Dear Don Bosco, it seems you were quite right to sigh over
me, but you can also be sure that I always loved you, will always
love you. I take every comfort from you, and from afar I admire
all you do. I don’t speak ill of you, nor do I allow anyone else to
speak ill of you. I always defend you. In you I see someone who
wants my soul at all costs. I am confused, ecstatic, thrilled by
your way of thinking; always firm and deeply felt. It disconcert­
ed me and made me feel astonished to see that you always loved
me so much. Yes oh dear Don Bosco. I believe in the communion
of Saints [...]. No one more than you knows me and understands
my heart and can decide. In conclusion therefore: advise me, love
me, forgive me and commend me to God, to Jesus, to most holy
Mary. I send you a heartfelt kiss and swear that I love you...”.11
The second witness statement is a very moving page written
by Saint Louis Orione to his clerics in 1934, the year of Don
Bosco’s canonisation:
“Now I shall tell you the reason, the motive, the cause for
which Don Bosco became a saint. Don Bosco became a saint
because he nurtured his divine life, because he nurtured our
divine life, At his school I learned that this saint didn’t fill our
heads with nonsense or anything like that but rather he nour­
ished us with God, and he nourished himself with God, with
the spirit of God. As a mother feeds herself so then to be able to
11 F. M otto, Ricordi e riflessi di una educazione ricevuta in Ricerche Storiche Sale-
siane 11 (1987), 365.

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feed her child, in the same way Don Bosco fed himself with God
so as to feed us too with God. For this reason those who knew
the saint and had the special grace to grow up close to him, to
listen to his word, to be near to him, in some way to live the life
of the saint, took from that contact something that is not of
this world, that is not human; something that nourished his
life as a saint. Then again, he turned everything to heaven,
everything to God, and drew out from everything a reason to
raise our souls to heaven, to turn our steps towards heaven”.
1.3. Means: unseen values translated into visible works
At the centre of Don Bosco’s spirituality there is God alone
to be known, loved and served for the sake of one’s own salva­
tion through the carrying out of a real practical personal voca­
tion: religious and apostolic - charitable, educational, pastoral -
for young people especially the poor and abandoned, for their
total salvation, following the example of Christ the Saviour and
at the school of Holy Mother and Teacher Mary. It is not without
significance that the noun he uses most, for example, in one of
the volumes of his letters is God, and the verb most used after
“doing” is “praying” .12
In Don Bosco there was an active spirituality; he tended
towards activity, hard work under the influence of an awareness
of need and the consciousness of a heavenly mission. The choice
of hard work gives a particular meaning to detachment, in the
area of apostolic activity. Where in Saint Alphonsus detachment
is above all an interior disposition in man, in Don Bosco it ac­
quires more meaning in the context of hard work: detachment
helps us to dedicate ourselves to the works God gives us to do.
In Don Bosco one finds the sense of the relative value of
things, and at the same time the need to use them for the pur­
poses he has at heart. He prefers not to be too firmly attached
to any particular scheme of things; therefore his approach is
12 F. MOTTO, Verso una storia di Don Bosco pin documentata e piu sicura, in Ricerche
Storiche Salesiane 41 (2002), 250-251.

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practical, pastoral, spiritual, rather than theological-speculative.
In him there is this specific originality: salvation is to be
achieved by means of loving-kindness, meekness, joy, humility,
eucharistic and Marian piety, love of God and of one’s neighbour.
The relationship between the love of God and love for one’s
neighbour is identical for both the Christian and the religious. It
is a matter of living a consecration to God and His greater glory
in a total dedication to working for the good of souls, one’s own
and those of others. Likewise it is a sacrifice without keeping
back anything for oneself, made in union with one’s brothers
and sisters, in the love of obedience and of shared solidarity.
Don Bosco, with true sensitivity and priestly zeal, engaged
himself in society, witnessing to the faith, exhorting, without
any human respect, becoming directly involved even in areas
where to some it appeared he was compromising priestly digni­
ty. He lived the strong values of his vocation, but he also knew
how to translate them into social action, practical measures
without retreating into the spiritual, into ‘churchy things’, into
liturgical matters, understood as being cut off from the prob­
lems of the world and of life.
In Don Bosco the Spirit was alive. He did not race ahead; nor
did he hang back. Secure in his vocation, his daily life was not
closed in on itself without horizons; as though in a protective
shell as if refusing to face reality in all its breadth and variety;
in a world limited to a few needs to be satisfied; where there is
an almost mechanical repetition of traditional attitudes; as a
refusal to face tensions, demanding sacrifices, risk with no
immediate success, but struggle.
Of interest, in this regard, is a quotation from 130 years ago
which, were it not for some particular expressions could be con­
sidered of our own day. It is an “external” witness statement re­
garding Don Bosco. It offers us an interpretation, which others,
perhaps also inspired by Salesians, gave to his work. It is that of
the Cardinal Vicar of Rome, Lucido Maria Parocchi, who in 1884

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“What precisely is specific about the Salesian Society? I want to
tell you what is the distinguishing mark of your Congregation,
what it is that forms your character, just as the Franciscans are
distinguished for poverty, the Dominicans for the defence of the
faith, the Jesuits for culture. You have traits similar to those of
the Franciscans, Dominicans and Jesuits, but they are differen­
tiated by their manner and purpose... What therefore is special
in the Salesian Congregation? What gives it its character and
physiognomy? If I have properly understood it and unless I am
much mistaken, what gives it its specific character, its essential
note and particular countenance, is charity practised in accor­
dance with the world’s needs at the present day, nos credidimus
Charitati. Deus caritas est”. Today’s world can only be attracted
and drawn towards good by charitable works. Nowadays the
world has no time for anything besides material things; it does
not want to know anything about spiritual things. It ignores the
beauty of the faith; it knows nothing of the greatness of religion,
it rejects any hope in a future life, it denies God Himself. This
world understands Charity only as a means, not as the end and
the principle. It knows how to analyse this virtue but not how to
make a synthesis of it. Animalis homo non percipit quae sunt
spii'itus Dei: as St Paul puts it. If you tell people of this world: “It
is necessary to save the souls that are being lost, it is necessary
to teach those who do not know the principles of religion, and to
give alms for love of that God who one day will reward those who
are generous”, the men of this world will not understand. It is
necessary therefore to adapt oneself to this world, which is in
full flight. God makes himself known to pagans through the nat­
ural law; he makes himself known to the Jews by means of the
Bible; to the Greek schismatics through the great traditions of
the Fathers; to protestants through the Gospel, to the world to­
day through charity. Tell this world: “I am taking youngsters off
the streets so that they don’t fall under the trams, so they don’t
fall down a pit, I will put them in a hostel so that they don’t
waste the best years of their lives in vice and carousing, I bring
them into schools to educate them so that they don’t become a
prey on society, don’t end up in prison; I call them to me and

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I look after them so that they don’t poke each other’s eyes out”,
then the men of this world understand and begin to believe”.13
With regard to our works we have to bear in mind that if
the secular world appreciates our social services it often does so
because of the way we become quickly involved and get on with
things, because of the practical usefulness of the service provid­
ed, almost secularising the religous element in which they see
only philantrophy and not love and the inspiration of the gospel.
Sometimes our works are considered as though they were simi­
lar to profitable businesses or perhaps reputable ones when the
social services of the State are lacking. Even believers often have
their doubts about the religious value of our works, even when it
helps them and is of service to them; they give the credit to those
managing them and are not inspired by the religious experience
of the Congregation. Too easily they have little confidence in the
relevance and adaptability of our works. That is something to
make us think - and quite a lot!
1.4. Goal: holiness
Don Bosco is heir to the religious humanism of St. Francis of
Sales, who proposes to all classes of people the path of holiness.
However, the aspect emphasised by Don Bosco is a holiness com­
mon to all, each one according to his state of life. He did not
think in terms of degrees of holiness, unwilling to be analytical
in this way. He used scholastic schemes taken from the Catholic
spirituality of the time. His is a Christocentric and Eucharistic,
Marian theology, nourished by the practice of some virtues,
especially obedience. Holiness does not exclude joy, cheerfulness;
it requires not penitence but commitment, coming from a life of
grace in the carrying out of one’s duties.
To the classical term “devotion” used to indicate that state of
love that makes us act promptly and lovingly for God, Don Bosco
preferred the word holiness, that of the person who lives in a
13BS 8 (1884) n. 6, 89-90.

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state of habitual grace because he has succeeded through per­
sonal effort and the help of the Spirit to avoid the normal sins
more common to the young: bad companions, bad talk, impuri­
ty, bad example, stealing, intemperance, pride, human respect,
neglecting religious duties...
After Saint Francis of Sales and before the Second Vatican
Council, Don Bosco teaches us that holiness is possible for every­
one; to everyone is given sufficient grace to achieve it; that holi­
ness depends greatly on a person’s cooperation with grace. Cer­
tainly holiness is made difficult but not impossible, by various
obstacles: imperfections, defects, passions, the devil, sin. Holi­
ness is not impossible, given the many means at our disposal:
the theological virtues, the gifts of the Holy Spirit, the moral
virtues both infused and acquired, ascetical practices...
Our spirituality runs the risk of being thwarted, because
times have changed and because sometimes we live on a super­
ficial level. To really bring it to life we need to start again from
Don Bosco, from his spiritual experience and from his preven­
tive system. Clergy at the time of Don Bosco saw what was not
going well and did not want to become religious, but they were
captivated by him. Young people need “witnesses” as Paul VI
wrote. What is needed are “ spiritual men” , men of faith, sensi­
tive to the things of God and ready to accept religious obedience
in the search for what is the best. It is not novelty that makes us
free but the truth; truth cannot be what is fashionable, superfi­
ciality, improvisation: “veritas liberavit vos” .
Previously we have seen the “ type” of spiritual person
Don Bosco was: profoundly human and totally open to God;
in harmony between these two dimension he lived out a plan
of life that he had taken up with determination: at the service

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of the young. As Don Rua says: “ He took no step, he said no
word, he took up no task that was not directed to the saving
of the young” .14If one examines his plan for the young one sees
that it had a “heart” , an element that gave it meaning, origi­
nality: “ Truly the only concern of his heart was for souls” .15
There is therefore a further practical explanation for the
unity of his life: through his dedication to young people Don
Bosco wanted to give them an experience of God. On his part
this was not just generosity or philantropy but pastoral charity.
This is called the “ core and synthesis” of the Salesian spirit.16
“ Core and synthesis” is a telling and demanding affirmation.
It is easier to list the various features, even the basic ones of our
spirituality, without committing ourselves to any sort of hierar­
chical relationship, which would choose one as being the princi­
pal one. In this case it is necesary to enter into the spirit of Don
Bosco or of the Salesian in order to discover the explanation for
his way of doing things.
To understand what is involved in pastoral charity we take
three steps: we look first at charity, then at the specification “pas­
toral” , and finally at the ‘Salesian’ characteristics of pastoral
2.1. Charity
One of the sayings of St Francis of Sales is this: “The human
being is the perfection of the universe; the spirit is the perfec­
tion of the human being; love that of the spirit; and charity that
of love” .17This is a universal approach that places four modes of
existence on an ascending scale: being, human being, love as a
form of being superior to any other of its expressions, charity as
the highest expression of love.
14SDB Constitutions 21.
16Cf. SDB Constitutions 10; FMA Constitutions 80.
17Cf. Saint F rancis of Sales, Treatise on the love o f God, Vol II, Book X, c. 1.

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Love represents the high point, the culmination of the ma­
turing process of any individual, Christian or not. The educa­
tional process sets out to lead a person to being capable of self­
donation, to a selfless generous love.
It is psychologists, and not just Jesus Christ, who say that
a fully developed, fulfilled and happy individual is capable of
generosity and can manage to live a love that is not just concu­
piscence, in other words for the personal satisfaction of being
loved. Various forms of neurosis and personality disorders arise
from being self-centred and all the usual treatments tend to
open people up and to help them to concentrate on others.
Charity is then the main proposal in every spirituality: it is
not just the first and the main commandment, and therefore the
main programme for the spiritual journey, but also the source of
the strength to make progress. There is an abundance of reflec­
tions on this especially in Saint Paul (2 Co?' 12,13-14) and Saint
John (lJ n 4,7-21). Let us take just a few of the main points.
The awakening of charity within us is a mystery and a grace;
it is not a human initiative but a participation in the divine life
and and the effect of the presence of the Spirit. We could not
love God had He not Himself loved us first, making us feel Him
and giving us a taste and the intelligence to respond to Him.
We could not even love our neighbour and see in him an image
of God without having a personal experience of the love of God.
“ The love of God has been poured into our hearts by the
Holy Spirit which has been given us” (Rm 5,5). On the other
hand even human love cannot be explained rationally, and for
this reason it is said to be blind. No one can say exactly why one
person falls in love with another.
From its nature of being a participation in the divine life and
a mysterious communion with God, charity creates in us the
capacity to discover and to perceive God: religion without
charity distances us from God. Authentic love, even that which

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is human, takes those who are at a distance towards the faith
and a religious setting. The parable of the good Samaritan
highlights the relationship between religion and charity to the
advantage of the latter.
Saint John in his first letter sums this up as he writes:
“My dear people let us love one another since love comes from
God; and everyone who loves is begotten by God and knows God.
Anyone who fails to love can never have known God, because
God is love” (1 Jn 4,7-8). In saint John the word “ to know”
means “ to experience”, rather than to have precise ideas:
whoever loves experiences God.
Since charity is a gift that allows us to know God by experi­
ence, it also enables us to enjoy Him in the beatific vision: “Now
we are seeing a dim reflection in a mirror; but then we shall be
seeing face to face. The knowledge that I have now is imperfect
but then I shall know as fully as I am known” (1 Co/’ 13,12).
Therefore charity is not only a special virtue but the form
and substance of all the virtues and that which constitutes and
builds up a person: “ If I have all the eloquence of men or of
angels... if I have the gift of prophecy... if I give away all that
I possess... if I have faith in all its fulness, to move mountains...
but am without love, it will do me no good whatever” (1 Cor
For this reason, charity and its fruits are things that last,
impervious to time: “Love does not come to an end. But if there
are gifts of prophecy the time must come when they must fail, or
the gift of languges, it will not continue for ever, and knowledge,
for this the time will come when it will fail. But once perfection
comes all imperfect things will disappear” (1 Cor 13,8-10). This
applies not only to life but to our history. That which is built
on love remains and builds up ourselves, our community, our
society; whereas that which is based and built on hatred and
selfishness destroys itself.

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Therefore charity is the greatest and the root of all the
charisms, through which the Church is built up and operates. It
is after having explained the purpose and the role of the various
charisms that Saint Paul introduces his discourse on charity with
these words: “Be ambitious for the higher gifts. And I am going
to show you a way that is better than any of them” (I Cor 12,31).
It is the principal charism, even when it is expressed in every­
day things and has nothing extraordinary or showy about it:
“Love is always patient and kind; it is never jealous; love is never
boastful or conceited; it is never rude or selfish, it does not take
offence and is not resentful. Love takes no pleasure in other peo­
ple’s sins but delights in the truth. It is always ready to excuse, to
trust, to hope and to endure whatever comes” (1 Cor 13,4-6).
For Don Bosco and Mother Mazzarello, as for all the saints,
charity is central. It is the constant guiding force of their lives. It
is right to know this and to say so. Every so often in fact a mem­
ber of the Salesian Family experiences this and discovers the im­
portance of charity in an ecclesiastical movement after having
lived for many years the spirituality of our Salesian charism. It
seems as though before this they had never heard anyone speak
about it effectively nor been able to live life intensely.
In the dream of the diamonds - which is a parable of the
Salesian spirit - charity is placed in front and precisely over the
heart of the personage: “ Three of those diamonds he wore
on his chest... the third over his heart bore the word Charity” .18
In this dream what is placed in the front is the fundamental part
of our spirit.
In addition, charity is recommended by our founders in a
variety of ways: as the basis of our life in community, as a pe­
dagogical principle, source of piety, condition for balance and
personal happiness, the practice of particular virtues such as
friendship, good manners, the sacrifice of one’s own interests.
18MB X y 148 (The whole o f the famous “ Dream” ).

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Learning how to love is the purpose of consecrated life,
which is nothing other than “a way that starts from love and
leads to love” .19 The combination of practices, and discipline,
of norms and spiritual teaching is intended to obtain a single
objective: to make us capable of welcoming others and putting
ourselves at their sevice with generosity.
2.2. Pastoral charity
Charity has many expressions: maternal love, married love,
charitable works, compassion, mercy, love for one’s enemies,
forgiveness. In the history of holiness such expressions cover
all the areas of human life. We Salesians (SDB) and Daughters
of Mary Help of Christians (FMA) as in general all the groups of
the Salesian Family, speak about a “pastoral” charity.
This expression appears many times in the Constitutions or
Statutes of the various groups, in documents and talks. The
meaning of pastoral charity is explained very well in the Second
Vatican Council when, referring to those who devote themselves
to education to the faith, it says: “They are gifted with sacra­
mental grace enabling them to execise a perfect role of pastoral
charity through prayer, sacrifice and preaching... They are
enabled to lay down their life for their sheep fearlessly and,
made a model for their flock, can lead the Church to ever-
increasing holiness through their own example” .20
The word “pastoral” indicates a specific form of charity; it
immediately calls to mind the figure of Jesus the Good Shep­
herd.21 Not only, however, his way o f acting: kindness, seeking
the lost one, dialogue, forgiveness; but also and above all the
substance of his ministry: to reveal God to every man and every
woman. It is more than evident how different this form of char­
ity is to other forms whose preferential focus is on particular
19Cf. SDB Constitutions 196.
20LG 41.
21Cf. Jn 10.

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needs of people: health, food, work.
The element typical of pastoral charity is the proclamation of
the Gospel, education to the faith, the formation of the Christ­
ian community, bringing the yeast of the Gospel to the situation.
This therefore requires being totally available, devoted to the
salvation of humanity, as shown by Jesus: of all men and
women, of each and even of a single one. Don Bosco and our
Salesian Family following in his footsteps express this charity
with the phrase: Da mihi animas, cetera tolle.
The great Institutes and the major currents of spirituality
have summed up the heart of their own charism in a brief
phrase: “For the greater glory of God” the Jesuits say; “Peace
and good” is the greeting of the Francicans; “Prayer and work”
is the programme of the Benedictines; “ Contemplate and pass
on to others the things contemplated” is the norm of the Do­
minicans. The witnesses from the early days and the subsequent
reflections of the Congregation have led to the conviction that
the expression that sums up Salesian spirituality is precisely
“Da mihi animas, cetera tolle” .
Certainly the expression is frequently found on Don Bosco’s
lips and had an influence on his spiritual attitude. It is the say­
ing that impressed Dominic Savio in the office of Don Bosco still
a young priest (34 years of age) and moved him to make a com­
ment that is still famous: “I understand; here you do business
not with money but with souls. I hope my soul will have its
share in this business” .22For this boy it was clear therefore that
Don Bosco was offering him not only education and a home but
above all the opportunity for spiritual growth.
The expression has been taken up in the Liturgy: “inspire us
with that same apostolic charity to seek the salvation of our neigh­
bour and so serve you the one and only good” .23And this was quite
-- J. BOSCO, Life o f Dominic Savio, in Dominic Savio ed T O’Brien Guild Publications
London, 1969, chap VIII, 10.
23 Cf. Prayer for the Liturgy on the Solemnity of Saint John Bosco.

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right given that Don Bosco had this intention in mind with the
foundation of his institutes: “ The purpose of this Society as far as
its members are concerned is nothing other than an invitation to
come together urged on by a saying of Saint Augustine: divinorum
divinissimum est in lucrum animarum operare” .24
2.3. Salesian pastoral charity
In Salesian history we read: “ On the evening of 26 January
1854, we gathered in Don Bosco’s room and he suggested that
with the help of the Lord and St Francis of Sales we should first
test ourselves by performing deeds of charity toward our neigh­
bour... From that evening on those who agreed - or would later
agree - to this were called Salesians” .25
After Don Bosco, each of the Rector Majors, as authoritative
witnesses, has reaffirmed the same conviction. It is an interest­
ing fact that all of them have been concerned to repeat it with a
unanimity that leaves no room for doubt.
Don Michael Rua affirmed at the canonical process for the
beatification and canonisation of Don Bosco: “He left it to others
to accumulate wealth... and to chase after honours; Don Bosco
really had nothing other at heart than souls: with deeds and not
only his words he said: Da mihi animas, cetera tolle” .
Don Paul Albera, who spent many years with Don Bosco and
knew him well, declares “ The driving force of his whole life
was to work for souls to which he devoted himself entirely... The
salvation of souls one might say was his only reason for living” .26
Even more tellingly also because it highlights Don Bosco’s
profoundest motivations, Don Philip Rinaldi saw in the motto
“Da mihi animas” , “the secret of his love, the power and the
ardour of his charity” .
24MB VII, 622.
25MB Y 8.
26 E Brocardo, Don Bosco profondamente uomo - profondamente santo, LAS, Roma
1985, 84.

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As regards current awareness after the re-thinking of Sale-
sian life in the light of the Council, as the Rector Major Fr Egidio
Vigano declares: “It is my conviction that there is no brief ex­
pression that sums up better the Salesian spirit than that chosen
by Don Bosco himself: Da mihi animas, cetera tolle. It indicates a
fervent union with God which enables us to penetrate the mys­
tery of His trinitarian life manifested in history in the missions
of the Son and of the Spirit as the infinite Love ad hominum
salutem intentus” .21
Where does this expression or motto come from, and what
precise meaning can it have today? I say ‘today’ because nowa­
days the word ‘soul’ does not mean nor give the same idea as it
did in previous ages.
This motto of Don Bosco is found in Genesis, chapter 14,
verse 21. Four kings form an alliance and wage war against five
others, among whom is the king of Sodom. When the city was
being sacked Lot the nephew of Abram and his family are
among those taken prisoner. Abram is told about this and
having armed the men he sets out with his tribe. He defeats the
invaders, recovers the loot and rescues the people. Then in his
gratitude the king of Sodom says to him: “ Give me the people,
the rest is for you” . The presence of Melchisedek, a priest
whose origin is unknown, gives a particular religious and
messianic significance to the story, especially on account of
the blessing he gives to Abram: a situation therefore anything
but “spiritual” . However, in the request of the king there is a
clear distinction between the “people” and the “rest” , the
Don Bosco gave the expression a personal interpretation
according to the religious-cultural view of the last century.
“Anima” indicates a man’s spiritual quality, the centre of his
freedom and the reason for his personal dignity, where he is
most open to God. When Don Bosco gives the biblical text an27
27Ibid.. 85.

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accommodated, allegorical, prayerful, liturgical interpretation,
the expression from Gen. 14,21 takes on particular characteris­
tics: animas are the men and women of his day, they are the re­
al youngsters he is dealing with; cetera tolle means detachment
from things and creatures, a detachment which in him is cer­
tainly not equivalent to the annihilation of self, the annihilation
in God, as for example the contemplative theologians or mystics
understand it. For him detachment is a state of mind that is
necessary for the most absolute freedom and availability with
regard to the demands of the apostolate itself.
The links between these two meanings, that of the Bible
and that given by Don Bosco, in our own culture point to very
practical choices.
In the first place pastoral charity takes the individual person
into consideration, and is concerned with the whole person;
first and foremost it is concerned with developing all the person’s
potential. Giving “things’ comes later; providing some service is
in view of the development of the person’s conscience and sense
of his own personal dignity.
In addition, a charity which above all considers the person is
guided by a “vision” of that person who does not live by bread
alone: he has immediate needs but also infinite aspirations. He
wants material things but also spiritual values. According to the
expresion of St Augustine, “ He is made by God, athirst for
Him” . Therefore the salvation that pastoral charity seeks and
offers is that which is full and definitive. Everything else in
ordered in relation to that: charitable works to education; this to
religious initiation; religious initiation to the life of grace and to
communion with God.
In other words it could be said that in our education or
development we give the first place to the religious dimension:
not for the sake of proselytism, but because we are convinced
that religion is the deepest resource for a person’s development.
In a time of secularism, this approach is not easy to implement.

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The saying “ da mihi animas” also points to some form of
method: in the formation or the re-generation of an individual it
is necessary to re-awaken his spiritual powers, his conscience,
his openness to God, thoughts about his eternal destiny. Don
Bosco’s pedagogy is a pedagogy of the soul, of the supernatural.
Once this has been realised the real work of education can
begin. The rest is really background or preparatory work.
Don Bosco clearly says this in his biography of Michael
Magone. This boy comes in off the streets into the Oratory. He is
happy, and from a human point of view a good lad: he is sponta­
neous and sincere, he plays, studies and makes friends. There is
only one thing missing: his understanding of the life of grace, of
a relationship with God and how to achieve it. From a religious
point of view he is ignorant or inattentive. He breaks into tears
when he compares himself with his companions and recognises
that this is missing. Then Don Bosco speaks to him. From that
moment the educational journey described in the biography
begins: the awareness and the adoption of his own religious-
Christian dimension.
There is therefore an ascetical process for someone moved
by pastoral charity: “ Cetera tolle” , “Leave all the rest behind” .
One has to give up many things in order to preserve the main
objective; many things can be entrusted to others, and many
activities can be left to one side so as to have the time and be
available to open up the youngsters to God. And this not only in
one’s personal life but also in the programmes and the apostolic
works themselves.
“Whoever examines the life of Don Bosco, following his
thought processes and exploring the results, finds a matrix:
salvation in the Catholic Church is the only repository of the
means of salvation. He feels the challenge of abandoned, poor,
aimless young people awaken in him the urgent need for educa­
tion in order to enable these youngsters to take their proper
place in the world and in the Church through methods using

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gentleness and love, but with a tension that has its origin in his
desire for the eternal salvation of the young person” .28
2.4. Progress so far
As a summary we can take up again the fundamental ideas
of our reflection.
• Ours is an apostolic spirituality: it is expressed and grows
through pastoral work.
• The apostolate becomes a genuine spiritual experience, and
not merely the expending of energy, stress, and wear and tear,
and is animated by charity; it is a source of effectiveness,
confidence and joy in pastoral work.
• Charity gives unity to our personal lives; it resolves the
tensions that arise between activity and prayer, between
community life and apostolic commitment, between educa­
tion and evangelisation, between a professionaal approach
and the apostolate.
• The whole thrust of our spiritual life consists in revitalising
pastoral charity, purifying and intensifying it: “ama et fac
quod vis” .
If it is true that Christian spirituality has common elements
valid for every calling, it is also true that it is experienced
through particular differences and specifics according to one’s
state in life: priestly ministry, consecrated life, lay faithful,
family, youth, the elderly, ... they all have their typical spiritual
experience. The same is true for Salesian spirituality.
28 E STELLA, Don Bosco nella storia della religiosita cattolica, vol. II, Zurigo, PAS
Verlag, Zurigo, 13.

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3.1. A spirituality common to all the groups o f the Sale-
sian Family
There are elements of spirituality common to all the groups
of the Salesian Family: they all draw inspiration from Don
Bosco, who is the Founder of the Salesians, of the Daughters
of Mary Help of Christians together with Mother Mazzarello,
of the Salesian Cooperators and of the Association of Mary Help
of Christians; the other groups refer to their own Founders.
These elements are listed in the “ Charter of Identity of the
Salesian Family” , which needs to be known and reflected on
since it constitutes the frame of reference for our spirituality of
communion and for our formattion to communion.
The features that are characteristic and recognised by all the
groups can be found especially in the third part of the “Charter
of Identity” . They regard our life in relation to the Trinity, the
links with Don Bosco, communion for the mission, the spiritual­
ity of everyday life, contemplation in action following the exam­
ple of Don Bosco, dynamic apostolic charity, the grace of unity, a
preferential love for the young and for the working class, loving
kindness, optimism and joy, work and temperance, initiative
and flexibility, a spirit of prayer, entrustment to Mary Help of
We should not forget that the Preventive System is an ex­
pression and practical application of this shared spirituality.
It once again links us to the spirit, the attitudes and the gospel
choices of Don Bosco. The “ ingenuity” of his spirit is tied to
the implementation of the Preventive System. It is a successful
system, which is the model and the inspiration for many people
nowadays who are engaged in education in the various conti­
nents, in multicultural and pluri-religious contexts. It is a
model that demands from everyone continuous reflection so as
to bring about more and more the centrality of the young as
those for whom and with whom the Salesian mission is carried

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3.2. A spirituality proper to each group o f the Salesian
On the other hand each group of the Salesian Family has its
own spiritual elements. Quite rightly, on account of their origin
and development, the various groups have their own particular
history and special aspects of the common spirituality that they
have demontrated in a special way or others that are original to
them. These elements are the specific difference of each group;
they need to be known and constitute a richness for the whole
Variety is a gift of the Spirit, who does not like uniformity
and standardisation; the differences and the specific features,
however, must not become excuses for divisions or arguments
but should enrich everyone and converge on a unity, which is
communion to be welcomed as a gift and to be brought about by
commitment. These identifying elements are present and made
explicit especially in the Rules of Life, but also in the traditions
of the various groups.
3.3. Salesian youth spirituality
As time passed a Salesian youth spirituality also developed.
In addition to the three biographies of the boys Michael Magone,
Dominic Savio and Francis Besucco, written by Don Bosco, we
can think of the pages he addressed to the young people them­
selves in the “ Companion of Youth” , and of the “ Sodalities” Don
Bosco set up as an opportunty for them to take a spiritual and
apostolic lead...
It would be interesting to know the developments that have
taken place throughout our history and tradition in Salesian
youth spirituality, up to the present time when an official formal
arrangement has been formulated and spread among the young
through the Salesian Youth Movement. Spirituality is the basis
of the Salesian Youth Movement, which grows with the commit­
ment of the young people themselves and which needs the

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support of animation on the part of the various groups of the
Salesian Family. The Salesian Youth Movement in fact is an
opportunity, a gift and a task for all the groups of our Family.
Salesian youth spirituality is a spirituality suited to the
young; it is lived with and for the young, planned and lived out
as part of a young person’s experience. It aims at creating a
blueprint for today’s young Christian living in and prepared for
the world of today; offered to all the young because it applies to
the “poorest” but at the same time capable of providing goals
for those who make more progress; it also sets out to make the
young person a role model for his peers and in the place where
he finds himself.
A spirituality o f daily life as the place o f encounter with God
Salesian youth spirituality sees daily life as the place of
encounter with God. The basis of this very positive view of daily
life and of life itself is faith and an appreciation of the Incarna­
tion. In this kind of spirituality one shows oneself to be guided
by the mystery of God Who with His Incarnation, Death and
Resurrection affirms His presence in all of human reality as a
saving presence.
For a young person, daily life is made up of duties, socialis­
ing. sport, growing pains, family life, the development of per­
sonal gifts, future prospects, demands, aspirations. It is all of
this that needs to be taken on board, reflected on and lived in
the light of God. According to Don Bosco, to become a saint all
that is needed is to do well what you have to do. He considers
being faithful to one’s obligations in life as the touchstone for
virtue and as the sign of spiritual maturity.
What is needed so that daily life can be lived as a spirituali­
ty is the grace of unity which helps to harmonise the different
features of life around a heart in which the Holy Spirit dwells.
This makes conversion and purification possible; through the
power of the sacrament of Reconciliation it enables the young

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person to maintain a free heart that is open to God and given to
one’s brothers and sisters.
Among the attitudes and experiences of daily life to be lived
deeply in the Spirit could be considered: one’s family life; love
for one’s work or studies, cultural development and scholastic
experience; the need to combine extraordinary experiences with
the “daily grind” , a positive and reflective view of one’s times;
the responsible acceptance of one’s own life and spiritual
progress day by day; the ability to guide one’s life according to a
vocationaal plan.
An Easter spirituality o fjoy and optimism
The decisive truth of the Christian faith is that the Lord has
truly risen! Therefore eternal life with God is our ultimate goal
and it is already now our goal since it has become real in the
body of Jesus Christ. Salesian Youth Spirituality is paschal by
nature and is imbued with this escatological reality.
The most deeply rooted inclination in the hearts of the young
is the desire and the search for happiness. Joy is the noblest ex­
pression of happiness and, together with celebration and hope,
is the characteristic of Salesian spirituality. Christian faith is the
proclamation of supreme happiness promised and conferred by
“ eternal life” . However, this is not something to be won but
rather a gift which shows us that God is the source of true
cheerfulness and hope. Without excluding its pedagogical value,
cheerfulness has above all a theological value; Don Bosco saw in
it an essential manifestation of the life of grace.
Don Bosco understood and helped his boys understand that
commitment and joy went hand in hand; that holiness and
cheerfulness are inseparable. Don Bosco is the saint of the joy
of being alive. His boys learned this lesson about life so well
that they could say in terms typical of the Oratory that 'holiness
consists in always being cheerful’ . Salesian youth spirituality
offers a path of holiness that is simple, cheerful and serene.

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The appreciation of joy as something spiritual, the source of
commitment and its consequence, requires that certain attitudes
and experiences are fostered in the young: it demands that the
opportunity for their close involvement is fostered; in friendly
and fraternal relationships, with the joyful experience of affec­
tion; youthful spontaneous celebrations and group events; a
sense of wonder and a taste for the joys that the Creator has
placed on our path: nature, silence, things achieved together;
the demanding joy of sacrifice and solidarity; the grace of being
able to endure suffering under the sign and with the consola­
tion of the Cross of Christ.
A spirituality o f friendship and personal relationship with the
Lord Jesus
Salesian youth spirituality is intended to lead the young per­
son to an encounter with Jesus Christ and to make possible a re­
lationship with Him of friendship and trust, creating an endur­
ing trusting fidelity. Many young people have a sincere desire to
know Jesus and try to respond to the questions about the mean­
ing of life, to which, however, only God can give a real answer.
Friend, Teacher, Saviour are words that express the central
role of Jesus in the spiritual life of the young. It is interesting to
recall that Jesus is presented by Don Bosco as the friend of the
young: “Young people are the delight of Jesus” he used to say; as
the teacher of life and of wisdom; as the model for every Christ­
ian; as the redeemer who gave his whole life in love until death
for our salvation; as being present in the little ones and the poor.
Following the path of conformity with Christ requires that
certain attitudes and experiences are developed: the participa­
tion through faith in the community that lives with the memo­
ry and in the presence of the Lord and that celebrates Him in
the sacraments of Christian initiation; the pedagogy of holiness,
that Don Bosco demonstrated in reconciliation with God and
with one’s brothers and sisters in the sacrament of Reconcilia­

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tion; learning how to pray personally and with others, special
moments in which to grow in love and in a personal relationship
with Jesus Christ; a systematic study of the faith, enlightened
by reading and meditating on the Word of God.
A spirituality o f ecclesial communion
An adequate experience and understanding of the Church is
one of the points in the discernment of Christian spirituality. The
Church is a spiritual communion and a community that becomes
visible through shared gestures and works; it is the service of
men and women from whom it does not detach itself like a “sect”
that considers good only those works that bear its own imprint.
It is the place chosen and offered by Christ where He can be en­
countered. He has consigned to the Church the Word, Baptism,
His Body and Blood, the grace of the forgiveness of sin and the
other Sacraments, the experience of communion and the power
of the Spirit, which move people to have love for their brothers
and sisters. Among its household treasures, the Family of Don
Bosco has a rich tradition of filial fidelity to the Successor of Peter
and of communion and collaboration with the local Churches.
Precisely because of its ecclesial dimension, Salesian youth
spirituality is a Marian spirituality. Mary was called by God the
Father to be, through the grace of the Spirit, the mother of the
Word and then give Him to the world. The Church sees Mary as
the example of faith. Don Bosco did so and we too are called to
do the same in communion with the Church. Mary lived her life
as Mother of God and our Mother; as the Immaculate One full of
grace, totally open to God, to holiness and to a Christian life
lived with total fidelity; as the Help of Christians in the great
battle of the faith and the building of the Kingdom of God. She
is the one who protects and guides the Church. Therefore Don
Bosco considered her Our Lady of difficult times, the support
and buttress of the faith and of the Church. In Mary Help of
Christians we have a model and a guide for our educational and
apostolic work.

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Therefore the attitudes and the experiences that need to
be created are: making the practical setting of the Salesian
house a place where one experiences a true model of the
Church, one that is fresh, attractive, active, capable of respond­
ing to the expectations of the young; with groups and especially
the educative community, that unites the young people and
the educators in a family atmosphere in a project of total
education; with participation in the local Church, where all
the faith-filled forces of Christians come together in a visible
communion and an evident spirit of service in a given locality;
with respect for and trust in the universal Church understood
and expressed in love for the Pope; a special love for, devotion
to and imitation of Mary the Immaculate Help of Christians;
knowledge of the saints and of those other significant Chris­
tians distinguished by their thinking and achievements in
various fields.
A spirituality o f responsible service
Life lived as an encounter with God, the path of identifica­
tion with Christ, the Church seen as communion and service
where each one has a place and where the gifts of everyone are
needed lead to and bring to maturity a conviction that life brings
us into a vocation of service. Don Bosco wanted his young people
to become “good Christians and upright citizens” .
Don Bosco, as a young man and an apostle, saw and lived his
life as a vocation starting from his dream at nine years of age.
With a generous heart he responded to the invitation: to be
among the young in order to save them. Don Bosco used to in­
vite his boys to engage in “ a practical exercise of love for their
neighbour” . Salesian youth spirituality is an apostolic spiritu­
ality because it reflects the conviction that we are called to col­
laborate with God in His mission, responding with dedication,
fidelity, trust and total availability. So apostolic vocations and
vocations to special consecration should be proposed to young

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Responsible service imples some attitudes and experiences
that need to be fostered: openness to the real situation and to
personal contacts; the promotion of the dignity and the human
rights of the individual, everywhere; living in one’s family with
a generous spirit and preparing to form one on the basis of mu­
tual self-giving; encouraging solidarity especially towards the
poorest people; undertaking one’s work with honesty and pro­
fessional competence; promoting justice, peace and the common
good in politics; showing respect for creation; fostering culture;
identifying God’s plan for one’s life; coming gradually to mature
and consistent decisions with regard to serving the Church and
others; bearing witness to one’s own faith and living it in a prac­
tical manner in some sphere, such as educational, pastoral and
cultural animation, voluntary service and missonary commit­
ment; knowing about and being open to vocations of special con­
3.4. A spirituality o f the Laity and o f the Salesian Family
The groups of the Salesian Family involve many lay people in
their mission. We are aware that there cannot be total involve­
ment without also sharing the same spirit. It is a fundamental
task for us to communicate Salesian spirituality to the lay peo­
ple who with us are co-responsible for the educational ministry.
The Salesians, in conjunction with the other groups of the
Salesian Family, undertook the task of formulating a Salesian
lay spirituality in the XXIV General Chapter.29Certainly the lay
groups of the Salesian Familiy especially the Salesian Coope­
rators and the Past Pupils constitute a source of inspiration for
such a spirituality.
Having become more aware that there cannot be a youth
ministry without a family ministry we are thinking about the
right kind of Salesian family spirituality to elaborate and pre­
sent. There are family-style groups which draw their inspiration
GC24, Salesians and Lay People: communion and sharing in the spirit and mission
o f Don Bosco, Rome 1996, nn. 89-100.

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from Don Bosco. In this area we are only at the beginning but
it is a way ahead which is helping us to develop our mission not
only to the young but to ordinary people. We need to develop
a family ministry and so share some spiritual experiences with
families, and with couples so as to prepare young people for
setting up their own families.
4.1. Let us commit ourselves to a better understanding of
what Don Bosco’s spiritual experience was; his spiritual
profile, so that we can discover “Don Bosco the mystic” ; in this
way we can imitate him by living a spiritual experience with
charismatic identity. Unless we make Don Bosco’s spiritual ex­
perience our own we cannot be truly aware of our Salesian spir­
itual identity; this is the only way we can be disciples and apos­
tles of the Lord Jesus, with Don Bosco as our model and teacher
of spiritual life. Salesian spirituality reinterpreted and enriched
through the spiritual experience of the Church after the Council
and through reflection by today’s spiritual theology, offers us a
spiritual journey leading to holiness. We recognise that Salesian
spirituality is a true and complete spirituality: it has tapped in­
to the history of Christian spirituality, especially that of Saint
Francis de Sales; it has its source in the specific and original
experience of Don Bosco, has been enriched by the Church’s
experience and has arrived at the reinterpretation and mature
synthesis that we have today.
4.2. Let us live the core and synthesis of Salesian spirituality
which is pastoral charity. Don Bosco lived it by seeking the
“ glory of God and the salvation of souls” which became a way of
prayer for him and a programme of life in the “ da mihi animas,
cetera tolle” . This charity needs to be nourished through prayer
and rooted in it by looking at the Heart of Christ, imitating the
Good Shepherd, meditating on the Scriptures, experiencing the

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Eucharist, making time for personal prayer, taking on a mindset
of service of the young. It is a charity which translates into and
is made visible by concrete neighbourly gestures, affection,
work, dedication. Let us take up the preventive system as a spir­
itual experience and not just as a proposal of evangelisation and
pedagogical approach; it finds its source in the charity of God
“who provides in advance for all his creatures, is ever present at
their side, and freely gives his life to save them” ;30it prepares us
to see God in the young and calls on us to serve Him in them,
recognising their dignity, renewing our faith in their resources
for good and educating them to the fullness of life.
4.3. Let us pass on our proposal for Salesian spirituality
according to the diversity of our vocations especially to the
young, to lay people involved in Don Bosco’s mission, to fami­
lies. Salesian spirituality needs to be lived according to the
vocation each one has received from God. Let us recognise the
common spiritual traits of each of the various Groups in the
Salesian Family as indicated in the “ Charter of identity” ; let us
make the witnesses to Salesian holiness known; let us invoke
the intercession of our Blesseds, Venerables and Servants of
God and ask for the grace that they may be canonised. Let us
offer Salesian spirituality to the young we accompany. Let us
offer Salesian spirituality to lay people who are committed to
sharing Don Bosco’s mission: and by focusing on family min­
istry, point to a spirituality for families that is appropriate to
their circumstances. Finally, let us also invite young people,
laity, and families in our educative and pastoral communities
to have a spiritual experience, as also those in our groups and
associations that belong to other religions or those who find
themselves somewhat diffident about God; because a spiritual
experience is also possible for them, there is room there for in­
wardness, silence, dialogue with their own conscience, openness
to the transcendent.
30SDB Constitutions 20.

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4.4. Let us read some of Don Bosco’s writings that can be
considered as sources of Salesian spirituality. Above all I invite
you to read again and to put into practice the “ Dream of the ten
diamonds” This offers us a spiritual image for each one of us
who draw our inspiration from Don Bosco. I then propose to you
an anthology of the spiritual writings of Don Bosco’s where he is
a true master of the spiritual life.31In this way we can draw on
some pages, less well-known but which speak to us directly
about Salesian spiritual life.
This time I conclude the commentary on the Strenna not
with a fairy tale but with the testimony and the message that
Fr Pasquale Liberatore has left us. For many years he was the
Postulator for the Causes of our Saints, and a saintly man him­
self. This is his poem entitled “The Saints” .
It is a short personal “credo” , which brings together every­
thing about Salesian spirituality that can be seen being put into
practice in a genuine and authentic way in the wealth and diver­
sity of the fruits of holiness in the Salesian Family starting with
our beloved founder and father Don Bosco. We found this poem
in his office on the day he died. In it he praises the saints and us­
es a variety of images which we find very beautiful. Reading this
poem we can almost reach out and touch the unmistakable and
delicate human and spiritual sensitivity of our Saints, and sense
their yearning for the fullness of life, love and happiness in God;
we observe their interior strength and the spiritual experience
we ourselves are called to live and to know how to present with
passion and conviction to others, especially the young.
My first letter as Rector Major was entitled “ Salesians, be
saints!” and I saw it as setting out the programme for my peri-
Saint John BOSCO. Teachings on the spiritual life. An anthology. Edited by A. Gl-
raudo, LAS - Rome 2013.

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od as Rector Major. Now I am happy that my final letter written
as the successor of Don Bosco is a heartfelt invitation to drink
deeply from his spirituality. This is really what I should like to
be able to do myself and to propose to all of you, my dear mem­
bers of the Salesian Family and young people.
“They shall be like the stars o f heaven:
they shall shine out like the firmament”.
Like the stars of heaven
visible in their thousands to the naked eye,
but infinitely more numerous
to the telescope which views those without haloes.
Glowing volcanos
like peep-holes
into the mystery of the Fire of the Trinity.
Adventure stories
written by the Holy Spirit
in which surprise is the norm.
Expressions of the most varied literary forms
yet always fascinating:
from the style of a drama to the flavour of a fable.
Classics of the grammar of the beatitudes
always convincing
thanks to their joyful existence.
Cosmonauts in space
to whom we owe the most astonishing discoveries
only possible for those who distance themselves from the
Giants as different from us
as the genius always is
yet made from the same stuff as ourselves.

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Capable of mistakes and failures
but always exceptional people:
not to be under-estimated with the excuse of making
them our fellow travellers.
Expressions of God’s utter gratuity
which enriches and raises up
according to the mysterious criteria of his liberality.
They are dwelling in unchanging peace
above the normal human conflicts
yet always dissatisfied because they never cease to strive
for even more.
In orbit around the essential
they are prophets of the absolute.
Great artists
in the forge of the Beautiful
before which the human heart is ecstatic.
Men and women fulfilled
witnesses to the secret harmony
between nature and grace.
God’s fools
so much in love
as to speak in disconcerting ways.
The furthest removed by instinct from every kind of sin,
always the closest
to every sort of sinner.
The stages on which the Divine performance takes
and yet themselves humble spectators
thanks to a merciless awareness of their own nothingness.
Engaged in a continuous hiding of themselves
and yet inevitably shining out
like a city built on a hilltop.

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Bearers of eternal messages
beyond time,
progress, cultures and races.
Fiery words
which the Lord speaks to shatter our laziness,
raps on the desk with which the Divine Master
awakens us his distracted pupils.
Living miracles
before whom no experts are needed
to acknowledge the extraordinary quality of the Gospel
lived sine glossa.
Heroically detached from what is human,
they are the supreme experts
in human nuances.
True masters of psychology
who by the pathway of love
reach the most hidden recesses of the human heart.
Able to quicken our finest roots
and touching ancient strings of harmony
they instil homesickness for the future.
Like the stars of heaven
so different among themselves
yet at heart lit up by the same fire.
Rector Major

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4.1 Chronicle of the Rector Major
- April 2013
The Rector Major began the
month of April, celebrating Mass
on morning of Monday 1st at
Auxilium for the communities of
Auxilium and Sr Teresa Valse
He then spent that week at
home working in the office and
receiving many visitors. Among
these, in addition to several
members of the General Council,
could be mentioned the following
in particular: on Wednesday 3rd
Mons. Mauro Morfmo, SDB, and
later Fr Tadeusz Rosmuz, who
was undertaking the Visitation
of the Austrian Province. On
Thursday 4th, he met Fr Renato
Furia, Rector of the Community of
Ancona, and later, accompanied by
the Provincal and the Rector and
the confreres of the Community
of Sulmona, Fr Costantino
Carnevale, who was celebratng
his hundredth birthday.
At midday on Friday 5th the
Rector Major went to the FMA
Community of Ersilia Canta
where he said Mass for the Easter
On Monday evening 8th, he went
to the Vatican for a meeting with
H. E. Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone.
During the following days,
while continuing his work in the
office, the Rector Major had
several meetings and visitors. In
particular, on Wednesday 10 he
had a meeting with the members
of the ISS; on Thursday morning
11th the Rector Major received
Doctor Carola Carazzone,
President of the VIS, and at
midday, Sr Pina del Core,
Principal of the Auxilium
Faculty; in the afternoon he
had a meeting with the members
of the International Social
Communication Consultative
Committee. On Friday morning
12th he received Fr Peter Zago, a
Missionary in Pakistan.
On Saturday morning 13th, the
Rector Major presided at Mass
with the International Social
Communication Consultative
Committee. At midday he left for
Spain, Cambados, for a few days
rest. At the airport of Santiago di
Compostela he was welcomed by
the Provincial Fr Jose Rodriguez
Pacheco and by the Rector of the
During his stay in Spain, while
mainly based in the Cambados

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house, he made several visits and
had various meetings including
the following.
On Monday 15th, after Mass
with the community, the Rector
Major gave the Good Morning to
all the students in the school
before leaving for La Coruna.
First of all he paid a visit to the
community of the Don Bosco
College where he stayed for
lunch. In the evening he visited
the community of Calvo Sotelo,
said evening prayer and gave the
Good Night.
On Tuesday 16lh, in the late
morning he presided at Mass
with the Provincial Council and
in the afternoon visited the FMA
Community in Cambados and
then that in Caldas de Reis.
There he met the youngsters and
staff of the Laura Vicuna Family
Home, celebrated Mass for the
community and after supper
returned to Cambados.
On Wednesday 17th, Fr Chavez
visited Vigo. In the morning he
went to the Community of Mary
Help of Christians, had lunch and
preached the monthly day of
recollction. In the evening he
visited the Community of the San
Roque College. He said evening
prayer, gave the Good Night
and after supper returnd to
On Thursday 18th, the Rector
Major went to Santiago de
Compostela where he celebrated
Mass in the crypt of the tomb of
the Apostle. Afterwards he met
the Salesian community and after
lunch returned to Cambados. In
the evening there was an official
receeption for him by the Mayor
together with the SDB and FMA
Communities and other members
of the Salesian Family.
On Friday 19th he spent the
day in the Cambados community.
In the evening with all the
community he went to the
cemetery to pray for the deceased
Salesian confreres buried there
and then went to the Cistercian
Monastery in Argenteira for
Eevening Prayer during which
he spoke to the Sisters.
On Saturday 20th, after lunch
he went to Santiago to take the
return flight to Rome.
After spending three days at
home with the usual
commitments, on Wednesday 24th,
the Rector Major left for Cerignola
for the Provincial Feastday on the
occasion of the 50thanniversary of
this foundation in Puglia. On his
arrival in the afternoon he was
met by the Provincial Fr Pasquale
Cristiani, who took him to the
Salesian house and later to the
Stadium for a first meeting with

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the youngsters with whom he then
went to the Cathedral Square
where the Bishop Mons. Felice
Di Molfetta welcomed them and
expressed his gratitude for the
presence of the Salesians in his
diocese. After the Rector Major
expressed his thanks, in the
College Theatre he met the
confreres who were celebrating
significant anniversaries of
profession and priestly ordination.
He had supper with the FMA
community and then attended a
Concert and completed the day
at midnight with the Good Night
to the youngsters who were
continuing with a prayer vigil and
all-night adoration.
On Thursday 25th, in the
College Courtyard, packed with
members of the Salesian Family
from the Southern Province,
Fr Chavez took part in the
celebration of the 50thanniversary
of the presence of the Salesians
in Cerignola, which opened with
the Mayor’s Greeting and during
which the Jubilarians were
remembered. He then went to the
Cathedral for Mass and after
lunch returned to Rome.
On Saturday morning 27th, the
Rector Major preached a day of
recollection for the members of
the EPC of the Astori di Mogliano
Veneto who had come to Rome on
pilgrimage, and then celebrated
Mass with them.
Among other meetings and
visitors in these days between 28th
and 30thApril could be mentioned,
in addition to those with various
Councillors, a meeting with the
FMA Provincial of ILS, Sr
Celestina Corna, on Sunday 28th,
with the Bishop of the local
diocese, Mons. Gino Reali, on
Tuesday 30th, and with Fr Rayen
Ferrington, Delegate for the
Sudan and South Sudan
Delegation, on the evening of the
same day.
- May 2013
At midday on Wednesday May
1st, Fr Chavez went to Genzano
for lunch with a group of Past
Pupils from the Oratory of
Genzano and from Roma-Pio XI.
On Thurday morning 2nd,
accompanied by Fr Adriano
Bregolin and Fr Juan Jose
Bartolome he left for Englaand
for a Retreat for the Salesian
Family of the Great Britain
Province. On their arrival at the
Airport they were met by the
Provincial Fr Martin Coyle, who
took them to the community in
Farnborough. There they said
Mass, and had lunch and supper.
The following morning after
celebrating Mass they left for

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Cambridge and from there went
to Wyboston Lakes, where the
Retreat was being held, which
began in the evening.
Saturday 4th and Sunday 5th
were days of retreat during which
the Rector Major, in addition to
giving talks, met those taking
part who wished to see him.
On Monday 6th, the Feast of
Saint Dominic Savio, Fr Chavez
concluded the retreat with a
meeting with the missionaries
from Project Europe and after the
closing Mass and farewell lunch
returned to Rome.
He spent Tuesday 7th and the
morning of Wednesday 8th at
home with a variety of meetings
and interviews. Then in the
afternoon of Wednesday he left
for Brussels for a visit to the
Province of North Belgium and
Holland. On his arrival he was
met by the Provincial Fr Mark
Tips and Fr Eric Halvoet.
Waiting for him at the Provincial
House was Fr Albert Van Hecke
with all the confreres of the
community. He had supper, said
evening prayer, gave the Good
Night and had a short meeting
with the Provincial Council.
On Thursday 9th, the Feast of
the Ascension, after morning
prayer and breakfast the Rector
Major left for Amsterdam, where
he was welcomed by the
confreres, collaborators and
young volunteers, after which he
opened the new international
community in Holland. In the
afternoon there was a Mass after
which the Rector Major had a
meeting with the confreres,
members of the Salesian Family,
friends of Don Bosco, and young
volunteers. Having returned to
Brussels, after supper and
evening prayer he met the two
confreres who would be making
their perpetual vows, Simon
Edward Nongrum (India) and
Toni Berek (Indonesia).
On Friday morning 10th, after
morning Mass with the
community of the Provincial
House, Fr Chavez had a meeting
at Vremde, Jeugdzorg Don Bosco
Vlaanderen, with the team from
this house for marginalised
youngsters, which was followed
by lunch. In the afternoon at
Sint-Pieters-Woluwe he met the
staff of the Salesian schools and
after supper he was taken to
Heverlee, Louvain, where he
had a meeting with the staff
(SDB, FMA, and volunteers) of
the Jeugdienst Don Bosco which
ended with a Good Night.
On Saturday morning 11th he
left for Sint-Denijs-Westrem
(Ghent), where he presided at a

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Mass with the perpetual
profession of Toni Berek and
Simon Edward Nongrum,
attended by a large congregation
of all the Salesian Family followed
by a reception, lunch and a
meeting. Afterwards the Rector
Major gave an interview to the
‘Salesian Bulletin’ and then
returned to the Provincial House.
On Sunday morning 12th, the
Rector Major met the missionaries
and students in Belgium, with
their Rectors and then presided
at Mass with them and the
community of the Provincial
House. In the afternoon he was
taken to the airport for the return
journey to Rome.
On Monday afternoon 13th, the
feast of Saint Mary Dominica
Mazzarello, the Rector Major
went to the Generalate of the
Daughters of Mary Help of
Christians where he celebrated
Mass. He stayed for supper anf
then gave the Good Night.
Fr Chavez spent Tuesday 14lh,
Wednesday 15thand Thursday 16th
working at home and with the
usual meetings and visitors.
Among these were Fr Roberto Dal
Molin, Provincial of INE, Dr.
Michele Gentiloni, Fr Gianni
Mazzali, Fr Filiberto Rodriguez,
and Fr Sagayaraj Philominathan,
Provincial Economer of the INM
Province with Fr John Bosco,
Rector and Provincial Councillor.
On Thursday 16th he went to the
Salesian community in the
Vatican for the closing of the
canonical visitation.
On Friday morning 17th May,
the Rector Major presided at
Mass with the community of the
Generalate on his name-day, and
at midday left for Portugal. On
his arrival he was met by the
Provincial, Fr Artur Pereira, who
took him to the Provincial House
and then later to the community
in Estoril. There he said evening
prayer and gave the Good Night.
On Saturday morning 18th, Fr
Chavez left for Fatima, where in
the house of Nossa Senhora das
Dores he met the confreres of
the Province. In the afternoon he
met the young people who were
testing their vocation and spoke
to the young people of the SYM.
At the end of the Arte e Fe
youth celebration he went on to
Capelinha, where he presided at
the ceremony in honour of Our
Lady of Fatima, addressing the
pilgrims. Then in the Holy
Trinity Basilica he presided at
Mass for the Salesian Family, and
after supper led the recitation of
the Rosary and the candle-lit
procession followed by a Prayer
Vigil in the Basilica del Recinto.

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On Sunday 19"’, the Solemnity
of Pentecost, after a meeting
with members of groups of the
Salesian Family, Fr Chavez went
to Manique. There he presided
at Mass for the sick and elderly
confreres. After lunch he
returned to Lisbon and in the
afternoon had a meeting with the
Provincial Council, said evening
prayer and gave the Good Night
followed by supper.
On Monday morning 20th, the
Rector Major presided at Mass
on the occasion of the Feast of
Mary Help of Christians which
was being celebrated in all the
Salesian centres in Lisbon for
the whole Educative Pastoral
Community of the school. In the
afternoon after lunch he began
the return journey to Rome.
On Wednesday 22nd and
Thursday 23rd Fr Chavez took
part in the half-yearly Assembly
of the USG (Union of Superiors
General). On Thursday afternoon
23rd he left for Turin.
On Friday 24th May in Turin
the Rector Major celebrated the
Solemnity of Mary Help of
Christians with Mass for the
Salesian Family and the young
people, and the procession. It was
another day of meetings among
which the most important were
with the Archbishop Mons. Cesare
Nosiglia, with the Novices of the
whole of Europe, and with the
Daughters of Mary Help of
Having returned to Rome, on
Saturday morning 25lhthe Rector
Major had a meeting with the
World Consultative Committee of
the Salesian Family.
On Sunday morning 26th, Fr
Chavez presided at the community
Mass and in the afternoon with all
the Council went to Sant’Agnello,
to the FMA house, to make a
Retreat until Friday 31stMay.
- June 2013
Having returned to Rome at the
end of the Retreat the Rector
Major with the Councillors spent
two days on normal work,
including preparation for the
plenary session of the General
Council which began with a
meeting on Monday evening 3rd.
As usual sessions of the Council
were held in the mornings from
Tuesday to Friday but in addition
for the Rector Major there were a
number of other meetings, above
all with the General Councillors
for various reasons, and then
visitors both individuals and
groups. Some of these were as
On Monday 3rd, the Rector Major
received Dr Michele Gentiloni

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Silveri, and on Tuesday 4tn the
Provincial of Germany Fr Josef
On Friday afternoon 7th, he had
a meeting with the Directors of
the Mission Offices.
On Saturday morning 8th, he
presided at Mass for those
attending the Consultative
Committee of the Mission Offices.
At midday on Sunday 9th, Fr
Chavez presided at Mass for the
Oratory Leaders from the St John
the Baptist Oratory in Ciampino.
On Monday morning 10th, the
Rector Major had a meeting with
Fr Adriano Bregolin, Fr Jose
Miguel Nunez and Dr Carola
Carazzone to discuss the
participation of the Congregation
in the EXPO-2015. In the evening
he went to the Vatican for a
meeting with H. E. Cardinal
Tarcisio Bertone.
On Tuesday afternoon 11th, Fr
Chavez received a Delegation of
three Indian Bishops: Mons. A.M.
Chinnappa, Archbishop emeritus
of Chennai, Mons. Soundarajan
Periyanayagam, Bishop of Vellore
and Mons. Antonysamy
Neethinatan, Bishop of Chinglepet.
In the evening he welcomed the
Provincials who had come for
their formation course.
On Wednesday morning 12th,
before the Council Meeting, the
Rector Major met the group of
Provincials also as an introduction
to their formation course. During
the course, he met individually
with each of the Provincials: Fr
Nestor Castell, from the Uruguay
Province (on Wednesday 12th);
Fr Francisco Alves, from the
Manaus Province (Thursday 13th);
Fr Pejo Orkic, from the Croatia
Province (Friday 14th); Fr Janez
Potocnik, from the Slovenia
Province (Saturday 15th); Fr
Americo Chaquisse, Superior of
the Vice Province of Mozambique
(Sunday 16th); Fr Leonardo
Mancini, Superior of the ICC
Circumscription (Monday 17th); Fr
Lanfranco Fedrigotti, Provincial
of China (Tuesday 18th); Fr Nestor
Ledesma, from the Paraguay
Province (Wednesday 19th); Fr
Roberto dal Molin, from the
North East Italy Province
(Thursday 20th); Fr Jose Gabino
Hernandez, from the Mexico-
Mexico Province).
There were also other meetings
in this period, in addition to
the frequent ones with the
Councillors. Among these were
those with Fr Slawek Bartodziej,
SDB (ZMB) (Monday 17th), Fr
Donato Lacedonio (Tuesday 18th),
Mr. Gigi Cotichella, then Fr
Giovanni Barroero and, in the
evening, Fr Jose Luis Placencia

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(Wednesday 19th); Fr Gianni
Garzia SDB, Parish priest of the
parish of the Nativity of Mary
(Friday 21st). In the afternoon of
Thursday 20th he attended a
showing of the film “La croce alia
fine del mondo”. In the afternoon
of Friday 21st he met the group
preparing the Salesian Family
On Saturday 22nd the Rector
Major led a day of recollection for
the Provincials and, as Grand
Chancellor, presided at a meeting
of the Curatorium of the UPS.
Monday 24thJune was the Feast
of the Birth of Saint John the
Baptist and according to tradition
the feast of the Rector Major. In
the morning Fr Chavez had a
fm£il meeting with the Provincials
and then presided at Mass. In the
afternoon there was a concert in
which the FMA communities of
the Auxilium and of Madre Ersilia
Canta took part, and in the
evening the day ended with
On Tuesday morning 25th,
before the usual session of the
Council, the Rector Major met
with Fr Vaclav Element, Fr
Lanfranco Fedrigotti and Fr
Carlo Socol. In the afternoon he
went to the Auxilium to preside
as Grand Chancellor, together
with Mother Yvonne as Vice-
Chancellor, at a meeting of the
Academic Council of the Faculty.
Among interviews during the
following days those could be
mentioned with Fr Luciano
Alloisio, in charge of the Don
Bosco in the World Foundation,
and with Fr Giovanni Mandrella,
On Saturday 29th, the Solemnity
of the Apostles Saints Peter and
Paul the Rector Major and all the
Council went on a pilgrimage to
Gargano. On the way they
stopped at Vasto, where they
had lunch with the confreres of
the community. They left for
Puglia and having arrived at San
Giovanni Rotondo visited the
Sanctuary guided by the Superior
of the Community. They
celebrated Mass in the old Church
and then visited the Convent
where Padre Pio lived. Then they
left for Monte Sant’Angelo, where
they were welcomed by the
Michaelite Fathers. They had
supper and went to bed.
On Sunday 30th after morning
prayer and breakfast they left
for the Abbey of S. Maria di
Pulsano, where they were given
a conducted tour and then
proceeded to Siponto, where they
also had a guided tour of San
Leonardo and Santa Maria di
Siponto, before returning to

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Monte Sant’Angelo. Here they
had lunch with the community
of the Michaelite Fathers. In the
afternoon they visited the
Sanctuary of Saint Michael the
Archangel and then left for
Rignano Garganico, where they
met the FMA Community of San
Severo and the Priests who are
Salesian Cooperators with whom
they celebrated Mass and had
supper before returning to
Monte Sant’Angelo.
- July 2013
On Monday morning 1stJuly the
Rector Major and the Councillors
celebrated Mass in the Sanctuary
and after breakfast as they left
made a tour of Gargano and then
went on to Sulmona. Here they
were welcomed by the Confreres
of the Community, had lunch and
then returned to Rome.
On Tuesday afternoon 2nd, Fr
Chavez had a visit from Sr Maria
Belen Camargo, RCSCJ, and later,
accompanied by Fr Adriano
Bregolin went to the Vatican for
an audience with the Pope
emeritus, Benedict XVI.
On Wednesday afternoon the
Rector Major with all the
members of the General Council
went to Castelgandolfo for a
meeting of the two General
Councils - SDB and FMA.
On Thursday morning 4th, Fr
Chavez had a visit from Mons.
Gino Reali the local diocesan
Bishop, and then presided at a
meeting of the Counci. In the
afternoon he saw Major Andrea
Zapparoli and later H. E. Mr
Gy rivanyi,
Ambassador of Hungary to the
Hoy See.
On Friday morning 5th, the
Rector Major chaired a meeting
of the Council and then
immediately left for Tivoli to
greet the General Chapter of the
Salesian Oblates of the Sacred
The Rector Major spent
Saturday and Sunday 6th and 7th
at home.
At midday on Monday 8th, Fr
Chavez, accompanied by Fr
Filiberto Gonzalez, went to the
home of the Mexican Ambassador
to the Holy See H. E. Mariano
Palacios Alcocer. In the afternoon
he saw Fr Stefano Vanoli, the
new Director of the Mission
Office in Turin and then Fr
Donato Lacedonio.
The following days were mainly
occupied with meetings of the
Council and receiving visitors.
Among these were Fr Manlio Sodi
(Monday 15th) and Miss Pina
Bellochi and another Councillor
of the VDB (Tuesday 16th).

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On Friday 12th, he met the new
Castelgandolfo, at the summer
residence of the FMA Council.
In the afternoon of Tuesday 16th
he met the team preparing the
Spirtuality Days of the Salesian
On Thursday morning 18th, Fr
Chavez saw Miss Lorena
Bianchetti, a TV Presenter, and
then a group of VDB. In the
afternoon the Rector Major
presided at Mass for the opening
of the 7thGeneral Assembly of the
Institute and greeted them in the
name of the Congregation.
On Friday morning 19th, he
presided at the closing Mass of
the Plenary Session of the
General Council and later at its
final meeting. In the afternoon
he preached at the day of
recollection for the VDB, which
concluded with Mass.
On Saturday morning 20th, he
presided at Mass for the VDB
Assembly and then saw Fr
Claudio Cacioli. Afterwards he
went to the community in the
Early on Sunday morning 21st,
he left for Rio de Janeiro to take
part in World Youth Day. He
would return to Rome on Tuesday
30th. During these days the Rector
Major met many confreres, FMA
Sisters and other groups of the
Salesian Family and naturally
young people from the SYM or
from our centres in the various
continents. On his arrival in Rio
de Janeiro he was met by the
Provincial Fr Nilson, and by Fr
Natale Vitali and other confreres
and young people of the SYM,
who accompanied him to the
At midday on Monday 22nd, Fr
Chavez presided at Mass and in
the afternoon visited the Expo-
On Tuesday morning 23rd, with
Mother Yvonne, the Rector Major
gave a press conference and in
the afternoon visited the
Vocational Fair.
Wednesday 24lh, was SYM Day
at Niteroi. In the morning there
was a Forum with the young
people of the SYM in which
Mother Yvonne also took part and
which concluded with a
Concelebrated Mass at which
several Salesian Bishops, many
Provincials and confreres from all
round the world took part as well
as the young people. The SYM
Festival continued all through the
afternoon and evening and finally
there was a Prayer Vigil and the
Good Night.
On Thursday morning 25th, Fr
Chavez saw Fr Aroldo Rojas, SDB

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from the Province of Venezuela
and then with the Councillors
went to Copacabana, the location
of the celebrations. In the house,
he followed the welcoming
ceremony for Pope Francis on TV
On Friday morning 26th, he
presided at Mass attended also
by the students of theology from
Chile, and then, with the
Councillors he went to
Corcovado, where most of the
young people of the SYM had
gathered. In the evening he
returned to the house and
watched the Via Crucis on TV
On Saturday morning 27th, with
all the Councillors he took part
in the Concelebration for the
bishops, priests, seminarians, and
religious in Rio Cathedral at
which the Holy Father presided.
In the afternoon he met the team
of volunteers who made the
preparations and undertook the
welcoming of the SYM, young
people and those who were
staying in Niteroi, and the
following evening, again on TV
he watched the Prayer Vigil at
which Pope Francis presided.
On Sunday 28th, there was
the closing ceremony for WYD
with the departure Mass. In
the afternoon the Rector Major
received a visit from four
Salesian Bishops, Mons. Tarcisio
Scaramussa, Mons. Antonio
Altieri, Mons. Antonio Emidio
Vivar and Mons. Cesar Teixeira.
On Monday afternoon 29th, Fr
Chavez began the return journey
and arrived in Rome on Tuesday
evening 30th.
- August 2013
The Rector Major spent the
whole of the first part of the
month of August at home with
the usual office work interspersed
with the normal meetings and
interviews. Among these can be
mentioned those with Fr Raul
Biord (VEN) and Fr Eusebio
Munoz (UPS) (Thursday 1st), Fr
Gabriele Corsani and Fr Jose
Manuel Prellezo (Friday 2nd), Fr
Maurizio Spreafico (MOR), Sr
Donata FMA, Fr Gianfranco
Venturi, Fr Sergio Pierbattisti and
Sr Celestina Corna FMA (Tuesday
6th); Fr Chavez to whom he wished
a happy nameday, and then Fr
Guido Novella (Tuesday 13th).
On Wednesday morning 14th, he
paid a visit to the Generalate of
the Sisters of Charity of Jesus, to
whom he gave a message in view
of their appoaching General
Chapter. On his return he saw Fr
Giovanni Barroero and then a
family who had come to ask a
blessing for their son, Alessandro,
13 years old and seriously ill. The

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Rector Major gave the Blessing of
Mary Help of Christians and a
special relic of Blessed Zephyrinus
On Thursday 15th, the Solemnity
of the Assumption of the Blessed
Virgin Mary in the morning the
Rector Major, accompanied by Fr
Adrian Bregolin, went to Castel
Gandolfo. There he concelebrated
Mass with Pope Francis and after
the Angelus was invited to have
lunch with him in the residence
of the Secretary of State, H. E.
Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, at the
end of which he returned to the
Community of the Parish, which
had a visit from the Holy Father.
Immediately afterwards he
returned to Rome, to the airport
to fly to Turin. There he was
welcomed by the Provincial Fr
Stefano Martoglio who took him
to Valdocco, where he had supper
with the Provincials present.
Early on Friday morning 16, Fr
Chavez went to Colle Don Bosco.
There he had a meeting with the
young people at the Gathering of
the Italian SYM and a question
and answer session the result of
the group work they had had the
previous days. Then the Rector
Major presided at Mass and
launched the third and final year
of the three-year period of
preparation for the bicentenary
of the birth of Don Bosco. In the
afternoon, after lunch, he left to
return to Rome.
Between Sunday 18th and
Saturday 31st August, Fr Chavez
had a short break, walking in the
mountains in the Val di Funes in
Sudtirol. During these days
should be mentioned on Sunday
25th, a visit to Fr Giannantonio
Bonato and the Salesian
community in Bolzano. Here he
celebrated Mass, had lunch and
visited the recently restored
centre. On Monday 26th, he paid a
visit to Benediktbuern, in
Germany, where he met the
Provincial Fr Josef Griinner, and
had a meeting with him, the Vice
Provincial and the Rector of the
Community. He then said Mass,
had lunch with the members of
the community who were present,
to whom he spoke at the end of
the meal. He then visited one of
the sections of the work and
returned to the Val di Funes. On
Thursday evening 29th he had a
visit from the Provincial Fr
Roberto Dal Mulin. On Saturday
31st, he returned to Rome.
- September 2013
The Rector Major spent the
first part of the month of
September with his usual work
of animating and guiding the

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Congregation. Among meetings
and receiving visitors could be
mentioned in the first place on
Sunday 1st, that with two new
confreres joining the community
in the Vatican, Fr Piero Antonio
Gullino and Bro. Andrea Polledro,
both belonging to ICP In the
following days he saw Fr Donato
Lacedonio, Fr Luciano Alloisio
(Monday 2"d Wednesday 4th), Bro.
Hilario Seo and then Fr Jan
Cverzcko, on Friday morning 6th,
and in the afternoon Fr Artur
Pereira, Provincial of Portugal,
accompannied by two confreres
Fr Gonzalo Carlos and Fr Chaves,
and a prenovice. In the evening
he welcomed the members of the
Pre-capitular Commission.
On Saturday morning 7th, the
Rector Major presided at a Mass
for Peace in connection with the
day of fasting and prayer called
for by Pope Francis. Later he had
a meeting with the Pre-capitular
Commission to set the work in
On Sunday 8th, at 11.30, the
Rector Major presided at Mass for
the first professions of the novices
in Genzano and at the end of the
celebration stayed for lunch.
On Monday morning 9th, Fr
Chavez saw the confrere Francis,
the first missionary from
Myanmar, whose father had died
unexpectedly the previous Friday.
In the afternoon he spoke with
some Provincials, members of the
Pre-capitular Commission, Fr Tim
Ploch (SUO), Fr Luis Onrubia
(SMA), and in the evening paid a
visit to the Community in the
Vatican for the celebration of
Mass and for supper on the name
day of the Rector Fr Sergio Pellini.
On Tuesday afternoon 10lh, he
took part in the filming of the
video for the presentation of the
On Wednesday morning 11, he
saw Fr Stanislaw Rafalko (UPS)
and, in the afternoon Bro.
Antonio Maggiotto and then Bro.
Jean-Paul Muller, Economer
On Thursday evening 12th, he
welcomed the Salesian Bishop
George Rajendran, from the
Diocese of Thuckalay, in Tamil
Nadu, India, accompanied by
Maria Anthuvan, SDB.
On Friday morning 13th, the
Rector Major saw Fr Manuel
Cayo, Provincial of ARN, then Fr
Jan Nieweglowski, former
Provincial of Warsaw and then Fr
Vaclav Klement. At midday Fr
Chavez with Fr Adriano Bregolin,
went to visit Fr Francesco
Maraccani in the clinic. In the
afternoon he saw Fr Filiberto
Gonzalez and in the evening met

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the FMA novices from the two
novitiates in Italy, one in Rome
and the other in Castelgandolfo,
to whom he gave a conference and
with whom he then had supper.
On Saturday morning 14th, with
his Vicar he spoke with the
Provincial of Bangalore (INK), Fr
Thomas Anchukandam.
On Monday 16th, he spent the
morning with the new
missionaries, preparing for their
On Tuesday morning 17th, he
saw Fr Francesco Cereda, then
the Provincial of Venezuela, Fr
Luciano Stefani and at lunchtime
thanked the Pre-capitular
Commission at the end of their
work. In the afternoon he saw
Mons. Tomasso Caputo,
Archbishop of the Diocese of
On Wednesday morning 18th, Fr
Chavez saw Fr Angelo Pozzi, a
missionary in the AFC Province.
On Thursday afternoon 19th, he
saw Sr Emanuela Verdecchia, a
missionary in the Holy Land, a
sister of two Salesian confreres,
one of them deceased.
Early on Saturday morning 21st,
Fr Chavez, with his secretary
Fr Juan Jose Bartolome, left
for Uruguay. He arrived in
Montevideo almost at midnight
and was welcomed by the
Provincial Fr Nestor Castell, with
some members of his Council and
other confreres.
On Sunday 22nd, about midday
he visited the elderly and sick
confreres in the Mamma Margaret
house, where he inaugurated a
new section. In the evening at
Villa Colon he met the young-
people of the Salesian Youth
Movement and said Mass.
On Monday 23rd, he gave a day
of recollection for the Confreres
of the Province in the Diocesan
Retreat House “Saint John Mary
Vianney” . In the afternoon he
presided at Mass and later, in
the church of John XXIII centre,
held a meeting with a hundred
couples who are part of the
Salesian Family. Again in the
Retreat Centre “Saint John
Mary Vianney” the Rector Major
had a formation meeting with
the Salesians and Lay people
involved in the animation of all
our works, about the youth
situation and the response we
are being called to make. In the
afternoon he visited the FMA
Provincial House and ended the
day with a Mass for the Salesian
Family, in Maturana.
On Wednesday morning 25th, in
the Provincial House, Fr Chavez
gave a press conference and then
blessed the image of Don Bosco

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in the Tacuru Movement, a work
of great social significance, and
on his return to the Provicial
House had a meeting with
Salesian Past Pupils politicians.
In the afternoon he met Dr.
Tabare Vazquez, a Past Pupil and
former President of the Republic
of Uruguay and again a
Presidential candidate, and then
young confreres in initial
formation, with whom he said
Mass. The day ended with a
session of prayer and dialogue
with Salesians and young people
in the church in Maturana.
On Thursday morning 26th, the
Rector Major met Mons. Carlos
Collazzi, SDB. This was followed
by a meeting with the Provincial
Council and in the afternoon he
gave another interview and later
began the return journey to
On Friday evening 27th, he
arrived in Rome.
On Saturday afternoon 28th, Fr
Chavez left for Turin where the
following day Sunday 29th, he met
those taking part in the
Harambee and then presided at
the Departure Mass for the 144th
Missionary Expedition. In the
afternoon he spoke with Fr
Stefano Vanoli, the new Director
of the Turin Mission Office and
later returned to Rome.
On Monday 30lh, at midday he
went to the Vatican. Here he
spoke with Bro. Giuseppe
Canesso and then had a meeting
with H. E. Cardinal Tarcisio
Bertone. After lunch he spoke
with H. E. Cardinal Oscar
Rodriguez Maradiaga.
- October 2013
On Wednesday 2ndOctober, with
Fr Francesco Cereda and Fr Fabio
Attard, the Rector Major went
to the UPS for the funeral of
Fr Riccardo Tonelli, presiding at
the Mass. In the afternoon he saw
Fr Manlio Sodi.
On Saturday 5th he chaired the
Curatorium of the UPS.
Among the many visitors he
received in this period should be
mentioned: Mons. Antonisamy
Francis, Bishop of Kumbakonam,
India (Thursday 3rd); Fr Claudio
Ciolli, Superior of the Vice
Province of Madagascar (Friday
4Lh), Fr Franco Pirisi, missionary
in Teheran, and Fr Giuseppe
Casti, World Delegate of the
Salesian Cooperators (Sunday
6th), Fr Jozef Kamza, Salesian
missionary in San Lorenzo, Peru,
Fr Jose Luis Plascencia and
Fr Roberto dal Molin, INE
Provincial (Tuesday 8th). On
Wednesday 9th he saw a group of
Salesians and Cooperators from

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Australia. On Wednesday evening
9th, he saw Major Andrea Zapparoli.
He spent Thursday 10th in the
On Friday afternoon 11th, the
Rector Major left for Zagreb for
the celebration of the centenary
of the presence of Salesians in
Croatia. On his arrival he was
welcomed by the Provincial Fr
Pejo Orkic and other confreres
who took him to Jarun for supper
and repose.
On Saturday morning 12th, the
Rector Major had a meeting with
the President of Croatia, Mr. Ivo
Josipovic, followed by the blessing
of a new part of the Provncial
house. In the afternoon he gave a
press conference and in Zepce
attended a Concert “Dominiks”.
After this he met the young
people of the SYM at Jarun,
followed by Mass, supper and the
Good Night.
On Sunday morning 13th, Fr
Chavez met the Salesian
Cooperators and the Past Pupils
of Don Bosco in Jarun. Then he
recited the Rosary in the church
of Our Lady of Freedom followed
by Mass presided by the
Archbishop of Fiume, together
with other Archbishops and
Bishops. The Rector Major gave
the homilly and received the
promise of 15 new Salesian
Cooperators and the renewal of
the vows of the confreres. In the
afternoon he visited the FMA
community in Jarun and then
met the confreres in initial
formation, together with the
aspirants and prenovices in
the formation community at
Podsused and stayed for supper
with them.
On Monday morning 14th, Fr
Chavez had a meeting with the
Provincial Council followed by
one with the Rectors and then
with all the confreres. He then
presided at Mass and after lunch
left for the airport for the return
journey to Rome.
On Tuesday morning 15th, the
Rector Major went to the UPS
for the Mass at the Opening of
the Academic Year. In the
afternoon he had a meeting with
Fr Gianni Mazzali, Provincial of
On Wednesday 16th there were
celebrations for the Vicar of the
Rector Major Fr Adriano Bregolin
on his birthday. In the morning
Fr Chavez saw Bro. Hilario Seo,
who had finished his work and
was returning to Korea. In the
afternoon he left for Perugia for
the celebration of the 90th
anniversary of the presence of the
Salesians. He was welcomed by
the Rector Fr Tadeusz Rosmuz

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and by the confreres of the
Community and by a group of
young people from the University
On Thursday morning 17th, the
Rector Major paid a visit to the
Mayor Wladimir of Perugia, and
then took part in an International
Congress “Youth and Work:
bringers of morality and
development”, at the end of which
the Mayor presented him with
Honorary Citizenship. In the
evening he presided at Mass in
the Cathedral of St Lawrence,
assisted by the Archbishop Mons.
Gualtiero Bassetti. The day ended
with a Charity Dinner in the Oddi
On Friday morning 18th, in the
Great Hall of the Faculty of
Education of the University of
Perugia he met the University
authorities and young students to
whom he spoke on the subject
“Young people seeking the
meaning of life”. Then he blessed
the new part of the Salesian
house and after lunch returned
to Rome. In the evening he left
for Budapest for the beatification
of the Salesian martyr Brother
Istvan Sandor.
On Saturday morning 19th, the
Rector Major went to the
Cathedral for Mass and the rite
of beatification of Stephen Sandor.
Presiding at the liturgy was
Cardinal Peter Erdo, Archbishop
of Esztergom-Budapest and
Primate of Hungary. Cardinal
Angelo Amato, representing the
Pope and Prefect of the
Congregation for the Causes of
Saints read the Apostolic Letter
by which Stephen Sandor was
declared Blessed. In the afternoon
Fr Chavez took part in the SYM
Festivities held in the Arena.
On Sunday morning 20th, he left
for Szolnok, the birth place of
Istvan Sandor. Here Fr Chavez
was welcomed by the Archpriest
of the Parish and gave an
interview before the Mass of
Thanksgiving at which Mons.
Miklos Beer, Bishop of Vac
presided and the Rector Major
gave the homily. In the afternoon
after lunch he visited the museum
with a Salesian exhibition and
then returned to Budapest. In the
evening in the Provincial House
at the end of Mass he greeted the
faithful who were present and
then had supper with all the
confreres of the Province and
concluded with the Good Night.
On Monday morning 21st, Fr
Chavez met the confreres of the
Province and some of the FMA at
the Clarisseum. He celebrated
Mass and then left for the airport
for the return journey to Rome.

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On Tuesday morning 22nd, Fr
Chavez spoke with Fr Marian
Stempel, then with Fr Adriano
Bregolin. In the afternoon he saw
Fr Carlo Russo.
On Wednesday morning 23rd, he
held a meeting with Fr Adriano
Bregolin and Fr Marian Stempel.
In the afternoon he received the
lawyer Dr. Michele Gentiloni
Silveri, and later presided at Mass
for the Mamma Margaret Group
from Turin, after which he had
supper with them.
On Thursday morning 24th, the
Rector Major met with the Vicar
and in the evening went to the
Vatican to see H. E. Cardinal
Tarcisio Bertone.
On Friday morning 25th, Fr
Chavez spoke with Fr Francesco
Cereda and then with Fr Adriano
Bregolin. After lunch he held
a short meeting with the
Councillors in residence for
various administrative issues and
in the afternoon with his Vicar
received the lawyer Dr. Michele
Gentiloni Silveri.
On Saturday morning 26th, the
Rector Major saw the missionaries
who were following an updating
course at the UPS and at midday
presided at Mass for them. In the
afternoon he went to the Sacro
Cuore for a meeting with the
Salesian Past Pupils.
He spent Sunday 27th in the
office. At lunch Fr Chavez met the
new Superior of the Vice Province
of AET, Fr Estifanos Gebremeskel
and his Vicar, Isidoro Apostoli,
who had come for a meeting with
a delegation from Eritrea.
On Monday morning 28th, Fr
Chavez saw Fr Gianni Mazzali.
In the evening he met with Fr
Sergio Pellini, Rector of the
Community in the Vatican.
Tuesday 29th, the feast of
Blessed Michael Rua. The Rector
Major presided at the community
Mass. In the morning he saw
Fr Francesco Maraccani and then
Fr Francesco Motto. In the
afternoon he saw Fr Adriano
Bregolin and then Dr. Michele
Gentiloni Silveri.
On Wednesday morning 30th, Fr
Chavez met the AET Delegation,
composed of the Superior, the
Vicar and Economer of the Vice
Province plus 4 confreres from
Eritrea. Then he saw Fr Giovanni
Barroero. At lunch he welcomed
the confreres and co-workers
from Hungary who had come for
the Thanksgiving Mass for the
beatification of Stephen Sandor.
In the evening he presided at the
Mass in the Basilica of the Sacred
On Thursday morning 31st, he
presided at the community Mass

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for our confrere Bro. Domenico
Dassie who had died the previous
evening from heart failure in the
hospital while undergoing dialysis.
Later he saw Fr Estifanos
Gebremeskel, Superior of the AET
Vice Province.
- November 2013
Friday 1st, Solemnity of All
Saints was spent in the office.
On Saturday morning 2nd, he
saw Fr Francesco Maraccani and
then Mons. Miguel Angel
Olaweri. In the afternoon with
his Vicar the Rector Major left
for Catania for the Feast of the
Salesian Family and of the SYM
of Sicily around the casket of Don
Bosco. After supper at the Saint
Philip Neri house, he gave a
message to those taking part in
the Prayer Vigil.
On Sunday morning 3rd, at
Palacatania he gave an address
and then presided at Mass. In the
afternoon after lunch he returned
to Rome.
On Monday 4th, with his
secretary Fr Juan Jose Bartolome
and Fr Adriano Bregolin, Fr
Chavez left for India.
On Tuesday morning 5th, he
arrived in Calcutta, where he was
welcomed by the Provincial Fr
Thomas Elicharail and other
confreres who took him to the
Provincial House. Early in the
afternoon he visited the Don
Bosco Seri, where he gave a talk
to the students and members of
the EPC. Then they went to Don
Bosco Liluah. There he met the
young people from all the
parishes, schools and other
centres of the Salesian Family,
presided at Mass, and after supper
returned to the Provincial House.
Wednesday 6th was a day of
meetings with the Provincials of
the South Asia Region. In the
evening, at Park Circus, the
Rector Major met confreres from
South Bengal and after supper he
held a meeting with the Provincial
On Thursday morning 7th, he
left for DUM DUM Auxilium.
There he celebrated Mass for the
FMA, had breakfast and gave a
conference. From there he went
to the airport for the flight to
Bagdora. At midday he had lunch
with the FMA at Chamta and
then left for Sonada. On his
arrival he met the confreres from
North Bengal and the students
of philosophy from DB College.
The day ended with supper
followed by the Good Night.
Friday 8th, there was the
celebration of the Platinum
Jubilee of DB College. Sonada.
The Rector Major spoke to the lay

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students, the religious, members
of Staff and confreres, after which
he blessed the new College
building, which was followed by-
Mass and the celebration events.
In the afternoon he left for
Siliguri. There he met the
students, past pupils, faithful from
the parish, students from the
College. In the evening Fr Chavez
spoke to the confreres, had supper
and gave the Good Night.
On Saturday morning 9th, the
Rector Major gave the novices a
meditation and then spoke to the
students of Salesian College, He
then met the the Salesian Family
of North Bengal, Nepal, Sikkim
and Bihar and presided at Mass.
At the end he went to the airport
to return to Calcutta. On his
arrival he went to Don Bosco
Park Circus, where he addressed
the students, took tea with the
diocesan authorities and religious
Superiors to whom he spoke
about Consecrated Life.
Afterwards he presided at Mass
for the Salesian Family of South
Bengal whch was followed by a
Concert and finally by a firework
display and supper.
On Sunday 10th, the journey to
Bangladesh was cancelled on
account of a National Strike and
the Rector Major stayed in
Calcutta. In the morning he
presided at Mass with the
community of the Provincial
House and then recorded a video
message for the confreres,
members of the Salesian Family,
lay co-workers and young people
in Bangladesh, and then paid a
visit to the Mother House of
Mother Teresa. He was welcomed
by Sister Prema, the Superior
General and three other
Councillors with whom he chatted,
and then visited the room of
Mother Teresa, the museum and
her tomb. In the afternoon Fr
Chavez, accompanied by his
secretary Fr Juan Jose Bartolome,
left for the airport and the flight
to Bombay, where they arrived
after midnight. There they were
welcomed by the Provincial Fr
Godfrey De Souza.
On Monday morning 11th, the
Rector Major presided at the
community Mass in the Provincial
House. Later he visited the “Don
Bosco Karjat” for street children
and then the aspirantate, where
he opened the Province Scout
Camp 2013. In the evening he
returned to the Provincial House
for a meeting, first with the FMA
and then with the confreres with
whom he had supper.
Early on Tuesday morning 12th,
he took the return flight to Rome
where he arrived in the evening.

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On Wednesday morning 13th he
saw Fr Adriano Bregolin, then
later Fr Giovanni Barroero, then
Fr Marian Stempel and then Fr
Francesco Maraccani. With Fr
Adriano Bregolin he had a
meeting with the lawyer Dr
Michele Gentiloni Silveri.
On Friday morning 15th, Fr
Chavez saw Fr Adriano Bregolin,
then Fr Marian Stempel, then Fr
Francesco Maraccani. In the
afternoon he saw Fr Francesco
Cereda and later met with Fr
Adriano Bregolin and Fr
Francesco Maraccani.
On Saturday Morning 16th, the
Rector Major went to the Vatican
for an appointment with the
Prefect of the Congregation for
the Institutes of Consecrated Life
and Societies of Apostolic Life, H.
E. Cardinal Joao Braz De Aviz.
He then met the confreres of the
Vatican community and stayed for
lunch in honour of H. E. Cardinal
Tarcisio Bertone. Also present
were Cardinal Raffaele Farina,
Cardinal Angelo Amato and
Mons. Savio Hon Tai Fai. In the
afternoon he spoke with Fr
Francesco Cereda.
On Sunday 17lh he worked in
the office.
On Monday morning 18, the
Rector Major had a meeting
with Fr Adriano Bregolin, Fr
Francesco Cereda, Fr Joaquim
D’Souza and Fr Manlio Sodi.
Later he met Bro. Gabrielle
Garniga, Economer of the Sri
Lanka Vice Province.
On Tuesday afternooon 19th, Fr
Chavez went to the Vatican for a
medical apppintment at the FAS
and in the evening took part in
an event in honour of the Blessed
Martyr Stephen Sandor organised
by the Hungarian Embassy to the
Holy See at which the film “The
Servant of God Stephen Sandor”
was shown in the Conference Hall
of the Hungarian Academy in
Rome, in Via Giulia.
On Wednesday morning 20th, Fr
Chavez saw Bro. Jean Paul Muller
and then Fr Marian Stempel.
On Thursday 21sl, at midday,
accompanied by Fr Adriano
Bregolin, he let for Berlin for a
meeting of Provincials and Vice
Provincials of the Atlantic-German
Zone of the North Europe Region.
On their arrival they were met by
the Provincial Fr Josef Grlinner,
who took them to the Don Bosco
Centre at Marzahn, where the
meeting was to be held. This
began in the evening with a first
presentation of the programme
and the place, with a Good Night
and a social evening.
On Friday 22nd, the programme
was focused on Berlin as the

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political, historical, cultural
centre with a visit to the German
Parliament, a meeting with some
members of Parliament, a tour
and a visit to the Cathedral. In
the evening after returning to the
Don Bosco Centre, there was an
exchange of information and a
On Saturday 23rd, the
programme included the
presentation of the Don Bosco
Centre and a sharing of
information about similar projects
for disadvantaged young people
and the challenges in other
Provinces. In the afternoon there
was discussion about the main
issues of the Provincial Chapters
in preparation for the GC27. They
then went to the centre of Berlin
for a Concert and after supper
had a meeting with the confreres
of the community and those
belonging to the Polish mission
which concluded with the Good
On Sunday 24th, the Solemnity
of Christ the King, the
programme focused on Salesian
pastoral work with the
presentation of the Salesian
parish of Marzahn, Mass and
a meeting with the parishioners.
In the afternoon discussions
continued on the themes of the
GC and then with an assessment
of the inplementation of Project
Europe in this area of the Region,
especially from the point of view
of evangelisation. After supper
there was a final meeting and the
Good Night.
Monday morning 25th, they
made the return journey to Rome.
On Tuesday morning 26th, he
presided at Mass for the Directors
of Salesian Publishing Houses
in Europe. Then he received
the President and the two Vice
Presidents (one an SDB and
the other an FMA) of SALOS,
the PGS of Poland. Then Fr
Francesco Maraccani; later Fr
Donato Lacedonio; later Fr Valerio
Bocci, then Fr Ivo Coelho, Rector
of the Ratisbonne Theologate in
Jerusalem, and in the evening Fr
Marek Kaczmarczyk.
Wednesday 27th was the first
day of the Half-yearly Assembly
of the USG.
Thursday 28th, the second day
of the Half-yearly Assembly of the
USG. In the afternoon he had a
medical check-up at the FAS.
Friday 29th, the third day of the
Assembly of the USG, in the
Vatican, for a meeting with Pope
Francis in the Synod Hall. In the
afternoon he released a video
Saturday 30th he spent in the

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4.2 Chronicle of the General
Summer Plenary Session 2013
The Summer Plenary Session
of 2013 was preceded by the
Retreat at Sant’Agnello, between
26th and 31sl May preached by
the Secretary of the Rector
Major, Fr Juan Jose Bartolome,
on the subject «Blessed is she
who believed: the faith
pilgrimage of Mary». It was an
experience that was greatly
appreciated and one that was
very positive for their physical
and spiritual refreshment, after
an intense period of service to
the Congregation in their
accompaniment of the Provinces.
The Session which began on 3
June engaged the Councillors
until 19"' July 2013. In addition
to the plenary sessions, 25 in all,
there were meetings of groups or
commissions for the study of
various topics. During the session
there was also - between 11thand
24th June - a meeting of new
Provincials, the last during this
six year period. While, over the
years this course has been greatly
appreciated by those taking
part, and been considered very
important by the Rector Major
and the Council, nevertheless the
way it is carried out needs to be
reviewed so as to make it more
effective from the point of view
of the development of the skills
required by the task entrusted
to the Provincials. In the course
of the session, the Councillors
also made their own contribution
to the animation meetings,
especially those held at the
As always, in addition to the
topics or more pressing problems
for the animation and the
guidance of the Congregation,
the necessary time was devoted
to the ordinary business matters
coming from the Provinces such
as the appointment of members
of Provincial Councils and the
approval of the appointment of
Rectors, the opening and the
canonical erection of houses,
and/or activities, issues
regarding confreres or economic-
administrative matters. A
summary of the more significant
matters on the agenda is
provided here.
1. Appointment of Provincials
In this session four Provincial
Superiors were appointed.
Following a careful process of

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discernment and taking account
of the results of the consultation
held in the Province, the General
Council made the necessary
appointments. This is the list in
alphabetical order of the Superiors
appointed in the course of this
session: Fr Godfrey D’Souza, for
the Province of Mumbai, India;
Fr Estifanos Gebremeskel, for the
Vice Province of Ethiopia-Eritrea;
Fr J a im e M o r a l e s , for the
Province of Bogota, Colombia; Fr
Giuseppe Ruta, for the Province
of Sicily, Italy. In n. 5.4 of this
number of the AGC there are
some biographical details of the
Provincials appointed.
its government. This results in
recommendations useful for the
Rector Major’s concluding letter
and in proposals for initiatives
and guidance on the part of the
General Council. During this
session, reports from the following
eight Provinces or Vice Provinces
were studied: the Province of
Austria; the Province of Campo
Grande, Brazil; the Province of
South Philippines; the Province
of Sicily, Italy; the Province of
Leon, Spain; the Province of West
United States; the Vice Province
of Ethiopia-Eritrea; the Vice
Province of Sri Lanka.
2. Reports on the Extraordinary
The examination of the reports
of the Extraordinary Visitations
to the Provinces presented by the
respective Visitors is always one
of the more important items
on the agenda of the General
Council for the animation of the
Congregation in its various local
presences. This study provides
the opportunity to reflect together
on the progress of each Province
on the basis of the Visitor’s
observations and to offer
suggestions for action regarding
3. Study topics and practical
In the course of the session,
as well as matters concerning the
Provinces and Regions, the
Council considered some issues
connected more generally with
the government and animation
of the Congregation, paying
particular attention to the Project
of animation and government
for the six-year period and to the
life and activity of the Council
itself. Some practical decisions
were made regarding matters
discussed. The main topics
considered were as follows.

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- The Strenna of the Rector
Major for 2014.
In introducing the work of the
plenary Session, the Rector Major
presented the theme and the
spiritual and pastoral programme
of the Strenna for 2014: «Let us
draw upon the spiritual
experience of Don Bosco, in
order to walk in holiness
according to our specific
vocation», corresponding to the
third year of the three-year period
of preparation for the Bicentenary
of the birth of Don Bosco.
- Rethinking Salesian Youth
This is in response to the GC26,
which at number 45 of the Acts
asks the Rector Major “to
encourage through the competent
Departments a deeper
understanding of the relationship
between evangelisation and
education*, and to update the
Youth Ministry Manual drawn up
by Fr Antonio Domenech. The
work had been done by Fr Fabio
Attard and his Department with
the involvement of a large
number of others (Provinces and
teams of pastoral specialists and
theologians). The General
Council studied the document
and made its own contribution,
with special regard to consistency
with the Constitutions and
General Chapters. In presenting
the Manual Fr Fabio Attard
explained the purpose of this
fundamental frame of reference,
which does not offer any new
pastoral guidelines, but rather a
new and more theologically
uptodate structure.
- Structures of Government
of the Congregation.
A fifth and definitive reflection
took place on the Structures of
Government of the Congregation,
taking as the starting point the
replies from the Provinces to a
questionnaire on the composition
and the government of the
General Council and the proposal
from a specific Commission,
which concluded with a vote on
each of the issues. As part of this
assessment process and a
proposal to be presented at the
GC27 there was also a new
arrangement of the European
Regions after consideration of the
replies from each of the Provinces
of Europe. Naturally, it will be
for the members of the Chapter
to decide on each and every one
of the proposals.
- Approval of Provincial
For the 57 Provincial Chapters
which produced or updated their

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Provincial Directories, those of
Formation, of Economy, and the
POF^ and SEPP these were
studied and approved together
with some relevant observations.
Others will be considered during
the next winter plenary session.
- Financial and economic
project for the Direzione
In the course of the session
there was further reflection on
the Economic arrangements for
the Direzione Generale which had
already been preceded by various
debates and discussions within
the Council and by a proposal
from a Commission, seeking to
ensure the viability of the
Direzione Generale with regard to
its running costs, maintenance
and assistance given to the
Provinces. The decision made in
the Council was to provide the
GC27 with information about the
economic situation of the
Direzione Generale, that would
help in understanding the need
for a regular annual contribution
from the Provinces and a proposal
regarding the quota to be set
according to the possibilities of
the various Provinces.
Approval of the
Consolidated Account for
In the course of the session, the
General Council - following the
presentation by the Economer
General - examined and
approved, in accordance with the
General Regulations, the
Consolidated Account for 2012
of the Direzione Generale Opere
Don Bosco.
- Distribution of the Mission
The General Council considered
and approved the proposals
presented by the Commission
for the n. 152 - June 2013 -
distribution of assistance from
the Mission Fund. These are
funds coming from the Mission
Offices for the benefit of the
numerous projects and plans of
the Congregation.
- EXPO Milano 2015.
The Regional Councillor Fr Jose
Miguel Nunez gave an update on
our participation in the World
EXPO 2015, at which DBN is an
official representative of the
Congregation and VIS is directly
involved in the World Exposition
on the theme «Feeding the planet;
energy for life», planned to be
held in Milan between 1 May and
31 October.
Among the significant events
during the Session the following

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in particular may be mentioned:
• The meeting of the
General Councils of the
Salesians of Don Bosco and of
the Daughters of Mary Help of
Christians was held on Tuesday
3 July 2013 at the Santa Rosa
house in Castel Gandolfo.
Comparing the respective themes
of their next two General
Chapters, they then posed two
basic questions: To what
challenges have we attempted to
respond in our General Chapters?
What kind of Salesian and
Daughter of Mary Help of
Christians would we like as a
result of the General Chapters?
4.3 Chronicle of the General
The Vicar of the Rector Major
At the end of the winter session
of the General Council the Vicar
of the Rector Major, Fr Adriano
Bregolin, went to Budapest for
the Celebrations for the
Centenary of the presence of the
Salesians in Hungary. The day
after he arrived he took part in
the Cathedral in the Solemn
Concelebrated Mass at which H.
E. the Cardinal Archbishop Peter
Erdo presided and then in the
civil celebration held in Buda
Castle. On Sunday 27 January he
went to Pelifoldszentkereszt,
where he celebrated Mass in the
community church, meeting
friends and co-workers of the
Salesians and in the afternoon
took part in another celebration
in Budapest-Obuda with
representatives of young people
and members of the Salesian
Family especially of the Salesians
The following day Monday 28th
was devoted mainly to the
Salesian confreres. Fr Bregolin
spoke to them on two topics: the
first - the Strenna of the Rector
Major; the second - religious
discipline in the current context
of the Salesian Congregation.
Having returned to Rome, on
the 29lh he left with the Rector
Major for Turin where on 30thhe
took part in the opening of the
new headquarters of the LDC
Publishing House. On 31st he took
part in the celebrations for the
solemn feast of Don Bosco.
Again back in Rome, on 4th and
5lh February he presided at the
ASTRA (Extraordinary Assembly
of the Generalate and of the

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Salesian Community in the
Vatican), the equivalent of the
Provincial Chapter held in the
various Provinces.
After the few days spent in
Rome, on the evening of the
6lh February he left with the
Rector Major for Mexico. Having
arrived in Mexico City, on 7th
he concelebrated Mass with Fr
Pascual Chavez in the Santuary
of Our Lady of Guadalupe and
in the afternoon went to
Guadalajara. Here with the
Rector Major on Friday 8th
February he met the Provincial
Councils of both Provinces. Then
at Tlaquepaque, he took part
in a meeting of the confreres
of the two Provinces, and a
concelebrateed Mass, followed
by lunch. In the evening he took
part in a meeting of the Salesian
Family in the Auditorium of the
Anahuac Chapalita College. On
Saturday morning 9th, with Fr
Chavez he attended a meeting
with the young people of the SYM
of the Province and in the
evening took part in a Mass to
celebrate the 50"' anniversary of
the Guadalajara Province (MEG).
This was followed by a Gala
Dinner held to thank the
principal benefactors and the
collaborators of the various
houses in the Province.
On Sunday 10 February after a
visit to the Santuary of Our Lady
of Zapopan, in the afternoon Fr
Bregoln was taken to Amatitan,
the Retreat and Conference
Centre of the MEG Province to
preach the Retreat for the Rectors
of the two Mexican Provinces. On
the morning of 16th after the
conclusion of the Retreat at which
the Rector Major was present, he
returned to Guadalajara, and
from there with the Rector Major
flew back to Rome.
After a short break in Rome, at
midday on Tuesday 19ththe Vicar,
with the Rector Major and the
Regional Councillor Fr Marek
Chrzan, left for Krakow, Poland.
Wednesday 20(h was spent in
Miejsce Piastowe, where the
Mother House of the
Congregations of Saint Michael
the Archangel is located as well as
the Generalate of the Michaelite
Sisters. He concelebrated Mass
with the Rector Major for the
beginning of the General Chapter
of the Congregation of the
Michaelite Sisters. Also present
were the Superior General of the
Michaelites, P Kazimierz Radzik
and all his Council. In the
afternoon, after the Rector Major
had addressed the Chapter
members, he visited the nearby
community of the Michaelite

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Fathers. Having returned to
Krakow with the Rector Major he
had a short meeting with the
confreres in the Theologate.
Having returned to Rome on
Thursday 21st, the following day
he drove with the Rector Major
to Bocca di Magra, near La
Spezia, for a formation meeting
for the local FMA Superiors and
Councils which was held in the
Carmelite Convent. He then
returned to Rome on 23rd.
On Friday morning 1st March,
Fr Adriano Bregolin had a
meeting with the Rector of the
Community in the Vatican, Fr
Sergio Pellini, and with Fr Marek
Kaczmarczyk, the new
Commercial Director of the
Vatican Press. On Saturday
evening 2nd, with Fr Chavez he
left for San Paolo, in Brazil. They
were welcomed by the Provincial
Fr Edson Donizzetti and taken to
the Provincial House. In the
afternoon they travelled on to
Campos do Jordao, where with
the Rector Major, Fr Bregolin
preached a Retreat for the
Provincials of the two Regions,
America South Cone and
On Saturday morning 9th, there
was a pilgrimage for all the
Provincials to Aparecida together
with groups of the Salesian
Family from the San Paolo
Province. In the evening he went
to the airport for the return flight
to Rome.
On the evening of 10th March
he began preaching a Retreat for
the Provincial Councils, the
Rectors and Superiors of the
SDB/FMA Provinces of Southern
Italy. The Rector Major gave the
morning conferences and Fr
Adriano Bregolin those in the
On 20th March he began the
Canonical Visitation to the
Community” of the Generalate.
On Thursday 21st March he went
to the Vatican, accompanying the
Rector Major for an appointment
with the Secretary of State, H.
E. Cardinaal Tarcisio Bertone.
Immediately afterwards, again
with Fr Chavez, he took part in
a short private audience with the
Holy Father.
The Vicar spent Holy Week in
the Generalate, on 25lh and 26Lh
March chairing another session
of the ASTRA. On Easter Sunday
he celebrated the Solemn Mass
with the Community of the
On l Bt April, Low Monday, he
accompanied the Rector Major to
Auxilium to celebrate Mass
attended by the Community of

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Auxilium and the Teresa Valse
Pantellini Formation Community.
He then spent a period of time
between 3rd and 13th April with
ordinary office work. Afterwards
between 13th and 20th April he
accompanied the Rector Major on
a short break at the Cambados
house, in the Province of Leon,
After a further few days in the
office, on Friday 26th April, the
Vicar went to Seville for a
Congress of the Salesian Family
in this Province. Here he gave a
Conference on Saturday 27lh, on
the subject of the Charter of
Identity of the Salesian Family
and then on the Sunday presided
at a solemn Mass with all the
Groups of the Salesian Family.
On Monday 28th he returned to
On 30th with the Rector Major
he had a meeting with Bishop
Mons. Reali in which it was
agreed that in September, the
responsibility for running the
parish of the Nativity of Mary by
the Generalate community would
come to an end.
On 1st May he had a short
meeting with a group of Past
Pupils from the Lazio Region, in
Genzano. On 2nd he accompanied
the Rector Major to England
for a meeting and a Retreat for a
considerable group of the Salesian
Family, 50 Salesians, 50 Daughters
of Mary Help of Christians and
50 Salesian Cooperators and
young volunteers who are working
in our centres. Having returned
to Rome on the evening of 5lhMay,
on 7th and 8th May the Vicar
chaired the final meetings of the
Assembly of the ASTRA, during
which the Delegate and the
Substitute of RMG to the General
Chapter were elected.
On Friday 17th, accompanying
the Rector Major, he left for
Portugal. On Saturday morning
18th, he left for Fatima, where he
took part in a meeting of the
confreres from the Province in the
Nossa Senhora das Dores house,
and in the afternoon in a meeting
for teenagers and young people
trying their vocation. With the
Rector Major he concelebrated
Mass for the Salesian Family in
the Holy Trinity Basilica and after
supper the recital of the Holy
Rosary and a candle lit procession
followed by a Prayer Vigil in the
Basilica del Recinto.
On Sunday 19th, the Solemnity
of Pentecost, after a meeting with
the members of groups of the
Salesian Family, with Fr Chavez
he went to Manique for Mass and
an opportunity to meet the sick
and elderly confreres. Having

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returned to Lisbon he took part
in a meeting of the Provincial
Council at which the Rector
Major on this occasion presided.
After returning to Rome, on
Wednesday 22ndand Thursday 23rd
he took part in the half-yearly
Assembly of the USG. On Friday
afternoon 24th, he began the
meeting of the World Consultative
Committee of the Salesian Family
which ended on Sunday 26th. In
the afternoon he left with the
confreres of the General Council
for their Retreat held at
Sant’Agnello di Sorrento - NA.
He returned to Rome on 2nd
June and began the work of the
summer plenary session of the
General Council.
At the end of the session, the
Vicar of the Rector Major went to
Brazil, with the Rector Major, to
take part in the World Youth Day,
in Rio de Janeiro. During this
period (from 22nd to 29th July) he
took part in the various planned
events while residing in the
Salesian House in Niteroi.
Having returned to Rome on
30th July he stayed in the
Generalate for the first part of
August. On 15th, with the Rector
Major, he went to Castel Gandolfo
for the Holy Father’s Mass and
was able to meet the Pope
personally, immedately after lunch
together with other confreres
from the Salesian parish.
In the evening of 15 August,
accompanying the Rector Major,
he left for Turin, and the
following day Colie Don Bosco,
where with a solemn
Concelebration, the third year of
preparation for the bicentenary of
the birth of Don Bosco was
launched, and at the same time
the large gathering, the Confronto
of the Italian Salesian Youth
Movement brought to a close.
On Sunday 18thAugust with the
Rector Major he left for a short
rest in the mountains.
Having returned to the
Generalate on 31st August, he
spent a few days with his family
to be close to his brother who was
seriously ill. Then he left for Chile
on 24th September. After a short
stay in Santiago, on 25th, the
following day he went on to Punta
Arenas. Here on 27th September
he presided at the Celebration
of the 125"‘ anniversary of the
San Jose Institute. On 29th, with
the Provincial and the Bishop
Bernardo Bastres and other civil
authorities he took part in the
celebrations of various Catholic
Associations in the city and
on 30th the festivities with the
students from the Don Bosco
College. On the same day he

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returned to Santiago, where on 1st
October he took part in a meeting
of the Provincial Council and in
the afternoon went to the Salesian
house of Santiago - La Cisterna,
visiting the College and the
National Temple dedicated to Don
In the morning of 2nd October
he spoke to the confreres of the
Province who were gathered for a
Provincial Assembly at the
Spirituality Centre in Santiago -
La Florida; after which he left
for Italy.
In the evening of 4th October
he went to Palermo - Istituto
Ranchibile. For the occasion those
responsible for various Groups of
the Salesian Family in the city
had come together. The Vicar had
supper with them and then at
the end of the meeting gave them
a short talk. The following day
he spoke to various groups of
students in the Institute and met
in particular the representatives
of the local Union of Past Pupils.
On 11th and 12th October the
Vicar was in Bologna for a time
of reflection and assessment with
members and the committee
of the Community of the Mission
of Don Bosco. On 17th he left
for Budapest, where he took part
in the celebrations for the
Beatification of Stephen Sandor.
In particular on 18th he met a
group of Salesian Brothers from
Europe, gathered for the occasion
at Pelifoldszentkereszt, the
Province Retreat House. He
returned to Rome on 21st, after
a meeting with the confreres of
the Province at which the Rector
Major presided. On 30th at the
Sacro Cuore in Rome, he took part
in a Thanksgiving Mass for the
Beatification of Blessed Stephen
On 2ndNovember he preached a
Day of Recollection for the FMA
of the Auxilium Institute-Faculty,
in Rome and in the evening
went to Catania where with the
Rector Major on 3rd November he
took part in the Youth Festival
welcoming the Casket of Don
Bosco, which had arrived in the
On 4th he left for Calcutta,
India. On 5th, with the Rector
Major, he visited Don Bosco Seri
and then Don Bosco Liluah,
where there was a large meeting
with young people from all the
parishes, schools and other
centres of the Salesian Family.
On Wednesday 6th he took part
in a Meeting with the Provincials
of the South Asia Region. In the
evening at Park Circus, with
the Rector Major, he met the
confreres from South Bengal and

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after supper took part in a
meeting of the Provincial Council.
On 7th he left for Goa.
Accompanied by the Provincial
on the same day in the evening
he met a good group of confreres
from the Province. In the
morning of 8Lh November he
visited in quick succession Saint
John Bosco in Panjim and then
the Basilica of the Good Jesus,
where the relics of Saint Francis
Xavier are kept. In the evening
at the University College of
Fatorda there was a meeting
with the Salesian Family of the
Province. On 9th November he
went to the Prenovitiate in
Pinguli and also the Salesian
House in Paliem where there is
a small residential home for
children and youngsters at risk.
Having left Goa, on 10th
November he arrived in Mumbai.
The same day he had a meeting
with the Salesian Family at the
Salesian house in Matunga. The
following day with the Rector
Major who in the meantime had
arrived from Calcutta, he visited
the Don Bosco Karjat for street
children and then the aspirantate
where he opened the Scout Camp
2013 for the Mumbai Province. In
the evening back in the Provincial
House he took part in a meeting
with the FMA and then one with
the Salesian Confreres at both of
which the Rector Major presided.
On 12lh he left for Rome.
On the morning of 16"’, with the
Rector Major, he had a meeting
with the Prefect of the
Congregation for Institutes of
Consecrated Life and Societies of
Apostolic Life, H. E. Cardinal Joao
Braz De Aviz. Then he joined the
confreres of the Vatican
community and stayed for a lunch
in honour of H. E. Cardinal
Tarcisio Bertone, with the
presence also of Cardinal Raffaele
Farina, Cardinal Angelo Amato
and Mons. Savio Hon Tai Fai.
On Thursday 21st, accompanying
the Rector Major he left for Berlin
for a meeting of Provincials and
Vice-Provincials of the Atlantic-
German Zone of the North Europe
Region. The meeting ended on 25th
November. On his return to Rome
between 27th November and 1st
December he took part on some
occasions in the World Council of
Salesian Cooperators.
The Councillor
for Formation
In the months of January/
February 2013 the Councillor for
Formation took part in the Feast
of Don Bosco at Chiari on the

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days 30th January-3'd February
and also on this occasion visited
the postnovitiate of Nave in ILE
31st January and 1st February.
Between 10th and 17th February
he chaired a meeting of the
Regional Coordinators for
Formation in Nairobi (Kenya).
He visited the theologate, the
prenovitiate, the sanctuary of
Mary Help of Christians and the
Provincial House in Upper Hill
and also the novitiate of the FMA.
Between 19th and 24lh February
he visited the Ratisbonne
Theologate in Jerusalem and
chaired the Curatorium. He
then visited the communities
of Bethlehem, Cremisan and
Beitgemal in the Holy Land.
In March and in the following
months he worked with his
collaborators especially on the
preparations for the 27th General
Chapter. However, he had other
engagements as well.
In April between 12thand 23rdin
the name of the Rector Major, he
made the Extraordinary Visitation
of Eritrea and in particular the
communities in Asmara and
On May 1st he presided at the
celebration of the perpetual
professions in Rome-Gerini;
between 8th and 12"’ May in Addis
Abeba he took part in the
conclusion of the Extraordinary
Visitation of the AET Vice
Province. He took advantage of
his journey to Ethiopia also to visit
the prenovitiate in Addis Abeba -
Mekanissa, the novitiate at Debre
Zeit, the aspirantate in Zway and
the Don Bosco Children home for
street children in Addis Abeba.
Having retuned to Italy, on 24th
May he took part in the Feast of
Mary Help of Christians at the
UPS and the conferral of the
Doctorate “honoris causa” on Fr
Luigi Melesi.
In the months of June and July
his main engagement was
participation in the summer
plenary session of the General
Council. In addition in June the
following events could be
mentioned. On 7thhe took part in
the Curatorium for the specific
formation for Salesian Brothers in
Turin-Valdocco; on 8th in the
Curatorium for the specific
formation of Salesian candidates
for priesthood in Rome-Gerini; on
12th in Chiari he presided at Mass
on the first anniversary of the
death of Fr Silvio Galli; on 20thhe
took part in the Administrative
Council of the Opei'a PAS; on 22nd
in the Curatorium of the UPS.
In August on 5th he presided at
the celebration of the perpetual
professions of the Daughters of

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Mary Help of Christians at
Mornese; on 17th-18th he worked
with the Liturgical Commission
of the GC27 to share criteria for
animation, identify collaborators
for the hymn book, and prepare
aids for the various celebrations
and for the discernment process
in view of the election.
In September on 8thhe presided
at the celebration of the first
professions of the novices from
Pinerolo at Colle Don Bosco.
On 16th and 17lh he worked with
the Precapitular Commission in
the preparation of the working
document for the GC27.
In October on 1st he attended a
meeting of the Theological
Commission of the USG; on 5thhe
took part in the Curatorium and
on the 15thin the inauguration of
the Academic Year at the UPS.
On 5th he presided at the
celebration of the perpetual
professions of the Daughters of
Mary Help of Christians in the
Basilica of the Sacred Heart in
Rome. On 13th-14th he had
meetings with the Salesian
Cooperators from Puglia at
Molfetta and the Rectors of the
Southern Italy Province at
Santeramo. On 17th-19th he took
part in a meeting for Salesian
Brothers and the beatification of
the Salesian Brother Stephen
Sandor in Hungary. On 21st he
gave a day of recollection for the
community of Turin-Crocetta and
presided at a Mass in honour of
the new Salesian Blessed Stephen
Sandor. On 30th he took part in
a meeting of the Superiors of
the AET Province with some
Salesians from Eritrea. On 31 in
Turin-Valdocco he chaired the
Commission for the Salesian
special places and the Curatorium
for the specific formation for
Salesian Brothers.
In November on l st-3rdin Turin-
Valdocco he took part in the
second meeting for missionaries
in Europe as part of Project
Europe. Between 19th and 24th
he was in Melbourne Australia
taking part in a meetimg of
Provincials and Delegates from
the East Asia and Oceania
Region. Afterwards on 27th-29lh
November he took part in the
half-yearly Assembly of the USG.
In December, starting on 3rd,
he was mainly engaged in the
winter plenary session of the
General Council; on 14th he
chaired the Curatorium of the
formation community of Gerini
and at the end of the month and
the beginning of January he
visited the formation community
and the study centre in Jerusalem
chairing the Curatorium there.

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The Councillor
for Youth Ministry
In the period from February to
May 2013 the Councillor for
Youth Ministry was mainly
engaged in visits and in the final
phase of the process of
Rethinking which led to the
production of the final text of the
Frame of Reference for Salesian
Youth Ministry.
His first enagagement was with
the second World Consultative
Committee for Youth Ministry
between 5thand 8thFebruary 2013,
which had as its theme the study
of the reports sent in from all the
Provinces in view of the revision
of the Fundmental Frame of
Reference for Salesian Youth
Ministry giving it a more clearly
evangelising dimension. Taking
part in the Committee meetings
were National and Regional
Delegates and the Councillors for
the Missions and for Social
On 13th February 2013, the
Councillor had a meeting with all
the Youth Ministry Delegates in
Spain sharing with them the
latest stages of the Rethinking
process and the outline of the new
edition of the Frame of Reference.
Again in Madrid, between 25th
and 28th February 2013, Fr Fabio
with Bro Mario Olmos SDB, the
Coordinator of the IUS, took part
in an intercontinental seminar of
the IUS on education and social
inclusion, prevention and
education from the point of view
of Salesian pedagogy. Held at the
Don Bosco Centre for Higher
Education (CES Don Bosco) in
Madrid, it was organised by the
Education Group of the Salesian
Institutes for Higher Education,
consisting of 21 Salesian
Universities and Centres of
Higher Education, to be found
in 13 countries and dedicated
to research and the training
of professionals in the field of
education. This working party
is itself part of the Salesian
Institutes of Higher Education
(IUS), which brings together 67
Salesian Centres of University
Education in 21 countries.
Between 1st and 3"1March at
the Don Bosco House in Madrid
there was the third meeting
of the International Pastoral
Theological and Salesian Team.
This working party made up
of 12 Salesians and led by
the Youth Ministry Department
concentrated on the drawing up
of a new preparatory draft of the
third edition of the document:
Salesian Youth Ministry - A
Frame of Reference.

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On 7th March 2013 the
Councillor, with Fr Robert Simon,
responsible for the SYM took part
in a meeting organised by the
Pontifical Council for the Laity in
view of the WYD in Rio 2013. In
the course of the meeting some
ideas were shared regarding the
topics and the organisation for
the programme of catechesis to
be held during the WYD.
On 15th March 2013, the
Councillor took part in the
General Assembly of the Don
Bosco International (DBI), in
Brussels. Among items on the
agenda were the various media
through which the Salesian
charism - in its different cultural
and educative expressions found
today in Europe - can become
engaged with regard to the
more urgent issues which are
preoccupying the European
Union and the United Nations in
Geneva: issues which require
strategies for the rethinking of
the education and support of
young people, as for example the
Youth Guarantee initiative (for
the employment, education or
training for work experience of
the young); or which consider
the possibilities of managing
the social implications of the
economic crisis, such as the
European Sunday Alliance (a
network of businesses which
promote a Sunday free from
work in Europe). There was
encouragement for the efforts of
Salesians who work locally with
immigrants and other youngsters
in some way or other excluded or
on the margins of society, with
the invitation to help the DBI in
its activities of safeguarding and
support, relying on the fact that
Don Bosco himself would have
wanted nothing less.
On 19"1 March 2013, on the
occasion of the National Assembly
of the Soci, the Association of
Salesians involved in Social Work
- in the SCS/CNOS Federation,
which was celebrating 20 years
of its foundation, there was
an exhibition at the Sala del
Carroccio in the Rome
Campidoglio. Fr Fabio took part
and spoke about the challenges
presented by modern society to
involvement in education and
evangelisation. Fr Aldo Giraudo,
an historian of the Salesian
Congregation, also took part and
described the historical roots of
the activities of Don Bosco and
the Salesians in the area of
hardship. Among those present
were other Figures from the world
of social work: Dr. Danilo Festa,
Director General of the Third
Sector and Social Training

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Services of the Ministry of Work
and Social Policies; Dr. Raffaele
De Ciceo, Coordinator of the
Office for National Civilian
Service; Dr. Pietro Barbieri, the
recently elected Spoksman for the
National Forum of the Third
Sector. Fr Stefano Martoglio,
Superior of the Circumscription
of Piedmont, Val d’Aosta and
Lithuania and also Provincial
Delegate for the sector for
Marginalisation and Hardship
brought the meeting to a close.
A profound and sincere thanks
was expressed to Fr Domenico
Ricca for the work undertaken in
these years and who after sixteen
years of activity in the service
of the Congregation and of the
Federation, was leaving the role
as President of the Federation.
On 5th-6thApril 2013, in Lisbon,
Portugal, the Councillor, with
Fr Miguel Angel Garcia SDB,
the one responsible for the
Office for Schools and Technical
Training in the Youth Ministry
Department, took part in the
Second Meeting of the European
Salesian Schools Commission for
Salesians (SDB) and Daughters
of Mary Help of Christians
(FMA). The meeting had two
main intentions: the study of
the complex of indicators of
the Salesian identity of schools
and technical training centres,
and forward planning for the
period 2013-2015, starting
from the subjects proposed by
the Commission. Provincial
representatives for schools
and technical training centres
discussed the common demands
and the challenges, and drawing
up an outline of the indicators
examined the following particular
areas: the area of the educative
plan; the area of pedagogical
competence and of the
educational vocation; the area of
organisational culture. In the
reflections of those taking part,
there emerged the importance of
the family for the evangelisation
and education of youngsters.
Work finished with the planning
of a third meeting in 2014.
Between 12th and 14th April
2013, at the Generalate in Rome
a first meeting was held for those
responsible and those involved in
the European Planning Process
for the schools and technical
training centres in Europe. At
the meeting, promoted by the
School and Technical Training
Office of the Department 25
people professionally engaged in
this area took part, coming from
Bosnia, Great Britain, Italy,
Malta, Kosovo, Poland, Spain
and Hungary. The Councillor

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opened the meeting with an
agenda dealing with formation
in programmes for European
planning and discussion on the
possibilities of procedures and
synergy to promote networking
with representatives of each
Province so as to improve
awareness and cooperation
among different Salesian centres.
The meeting ended with the
assumption of some commitments
in view of greater visibility and
effectiveness in the future with
regard to Salesian European
Between 28th April and 3rd May
2013 in Manila, Fr Fabio together
with Fr Robert Simon, who keeps
a close eye on the East Asia and
Oceania Region, was engaged in
the work of a Regional meeting of
Youth Ministry Delegates in the
Region. Among issues considered
were the analysis of the process
of Rethinking in the Provinces,
the Synod on New Evangelisation
and the scheme of the third
edition of the Frame of Reference.
Between 3rd and 5th May 2013,
also in Manila, Fr Fabio led three
days of reflection and prayer for
about 600 teachers from the
schools in the North Philippine
Province. This event which is held
every two years has as its purpose
that of providing an opportunity
for a deeper reflection on Salesian
spirituality. The theme for the
days was The spirituality of the
Preventive System.
Between 10thand 12thMay 2013,
in Yaounde, a Congress was held
on the Pedagogy of the Preventive
System. Fr Fabio gave a talk
entitled “A Youth Ministry in the
light of Don Bosco’s Pedagogy”.
The Congress examined in a
positive manner the challenges
and the opportunities which the
Preventive System today offers
the continent of Africa.
The last engagement for the
Councillor in this period was
taking part in a course on youth
ministry which Professor Fr
Rossano Sala gave at the UPS.
On 21st May 2013, Fr Fabio shared
the views and the methodologies
used by the Department in its
activities and also presented the
scheme of the next edition of the
Frame of Refence for Salesian
Youth Ministry.
After the summer plenary
session of the General Council,
during the period between
July and November 2013, the
engagements of the Councillor
for Youth Ministry were mainly
linked to three kinds of visits. The
first was that at the World Youth
Day (WYD) in Rio de Janeiro,
with the experiences of the

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Salesian Youth Movement (SYM),
both in Rio and in Turin. Then
visits to the Regions bringing to
an end the process of animation
for the six-year period. Finally
visits of formation and for
Between 19"1 and 29th July the
Councillor took part in the Rio
WYD which had been preceded
by a continental meeting of the
SYM America. Between 10th and
16th August Fr Fabio also took
part in the SYM Confronto 2013
- a week of prayer, reflection
and study of Salesian Youth
Spirituality on the part of young
people from all the Provinces of
On 19th and 20th August,
the Councillor visited various
countries in Africa - Ghana,
Sierra Leone and Nigeria - to lead
formation workshops in youth
ministry for young Salesians and
lay people involved in Salesian
works. Fr Fabio also gave a
Retreat to young Salesian priests
in the quinquennium in Poland
at Lodz between 3rd and 19th
October 2013. Two visits should
also be mentioned, to Cagliari,
l l th-12thOctober, and San Cataldo,
Sicily, 10th-12lh November, on the
occasion of the pilgrimage of the
casket of Don Bosco in these two
At the end of the six-year period
the Councillor held the last
annual meetings of the 7 Regions,
bringing to an end the process of
Regional animation for the whole
Congregation. Between 13th and
18th September, at Addis Abeba,
he chaired a meeting of Youth
Ministry Delegates from all the
Provinces of Africa and
Madagascar. Between 22ndand 28th
October, the Youth Ministry
Delegates of the two Regions of
America - Interamerica and
America South Cone - met
together in Bogota, Colombia.
Between 31st October and 4th
November, in Kochi, India, the
Councillor chaired the work of the
Youth Ministry Delegates of South
Asia, that is to say from India and
Sri Lanka. Between 20th and 23rd
November, it was left to the three
Regions of Europe to bring the
process of youth ministry
animation in this six-year period
to an end. Some common
elements of these meetings have
been: an evaluation of the
progress made in the light of the
GC26; the subsequent spin-off of
these meetings at Province and
local levels; the process of
Rethinking of youth ministry
proposed by the GC26; discussion
of the scheme of the Frame of
Reference for Salesian Youth

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Ministry and the prospects for the
next six-yeaar period in view of
the knowledge of and familiarity
with this document.
Finally could be mentioned the
last study seminar on Salesian
spiritual direction which had as
its theme: “Salesian spiritual
direction and pastoral challenges
today” . It was organised in
Santiago de Compostela, between
14th and 17th November, with
the participation of a team of
experts in formation for spiritual
direction. This team accompanied
a process of reflection, which had
begun in April 2010 dealing with
the subject of Salesian spiritual
direction in relation to Saint
Francis of Sales, with the
charismatic experience of Don
Bosco and finally with the current
challenges such an experience
offers us.
The Councillor
for Social Communication
January 2013. When the
winter plenary session of the
General ended, between 27th
and 31st January Fr Filiberto
Gonzalez, General Councillor for
Social Communication, took part
in the meeting of the World
Consultative Commission for the
Missions held in Turin-Valdocco,
speaking on the topic: «A
communication approach to the
area of the Salesian Missions».
Februay 2013. On 5th Fr
Filiberto took part in the World
Consultative Commission for
Youth Ministry. Between 6th and
15th accompanying the Rector
Major he took part in the
celebrations for the 50th
anniversary of the foundation of
the Guadalajara Province,
Mexico (MEG), their Province of
origin. Between 16th February
and 8th March he visited the
Provinces of Brazil in this order:
16th-17th, Sao Paulo; 17th-20lb,
Fortaleza; 20th-23rd, Recife; 23rd-
26lh, Campo Grande; 26th-28th
Porto Alegre.
March 2013. His visits to the
Brazil Provinces continued: lBt-3rd,
Manaus; 3rd-5th, Belo Horizonte;
5th-8th in Brasilia, where he had a
meeting with the CISBRASIL. In
each Province wherever possible
he always met the Provincial
and his Council, the Province
Delegate for SC and his Team,
formation personnel and those in
formation, various communities
and Salesian works (schools,
parishes, formation centres,
centres for street children),
Faculties of Communication in
our Universities, groups of lay

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people involved in communication,
radio centres. In the CISBRASIL
he met the personnel working in
the school network, technical
training centres, social work, the
‘Salesian Bulletin’ printed and
digital, the Don Bosco publishing
house, marketing. The purpose of
these visits was: the stimulation
in every Province of synergy
between the SC Department and
those for Formation, Youth
Ministry and the Missions;
promoting the awareness and
practice of the SSCS 2.0; an
invitation to change the way
of thinking about SC in the
Congregation; the unification
of Salesian Brazil in the
preparation and celebration of the
Bicentenary of the birth of Don
Bosco. After returning to Italy,
on 25th-26th March the Councillor
took part in the March meeting
of the Committee of the SEI in
April 2013. Between 2nd and
6th April Fr Filiberto chaired a
meeting of the SC Department
Team, and from 11th to 14th a
meeting of the World Consultative
Body of Social Communication,
held at the Salesianum in Rome.
May 2013. On 3rd and 4thMay
together with Sr. Giuseppina
Terruggi, the Councillor presided
at the Annual SC Days for the
formation personnel and those in
formation of the SDB and FMA
in Italy, organised by the SDB
Department and the FMA Sector
for SC, coordinated by the Dean
of the FSC-UPS, Fr Mauro
Mantovani, with a team
representing the Department and
the Sector for SC, formation
personnel and those in formation
from formation communities in
Rome. Each year the starting
point for reflection and discussion
is the theme offered by the Pope
for World Communication Day.
Between 9th and 12th at the
Salsianum he chaired a meeting
for SC Provincial Delegates.
Afterwards between 12th and 15th
he took part - at the Salesian
Retreat House in Porto - in the
annual meeting of the five
Salesian Publishing Houses in
Europe: Editrice CCS Madrid -
Spain, Editrice ELLEDICI Turin
- Italy, Edi§oes Salesianas
Porto - Portugal; Editrice Don
Bosco Munich - Germany; Don
Bosco Publications Great
Britain. On 17th May he left for
Guadalajara - Mexico to assist
his mother in her illness until
she died on 31rit May. He then
returned to the Generalate for
the summer plenary session of
the General Council which began
on 3rd June.

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August 2013. After the
conclusion of the summer plenary
session of the General Council,
Fr Filiberto Gonzalez remained
in Rome in the Generalate, during
the month of August until the
middle of September to continue
with the ordinary tasks of his role
and to collaborate, with other
members of the SC Department
with Bro. Hilario Seo in the
preparation of the production of
the magazine Salesians 2014.
September 2013. On 15th
September the Councillor left
for Argentina, accompanied by
Bro. Felipe Loaiza, member
of the Department, and at
Bariloche (ARS) between 16thand
23rd met the Delegates for Social
Communication from the
Regions of America South Cone
and Interamerica. As well as
considering the annual
assessments and the Province
projects in the areas identified
in the SSCS - synergy in the
sectors, animation of SC,
formation, information and
production - there was further
consideration in the new area of
the SC sector, attenton to and
the promotion of art and culture.
Two other issues were also
examined by the participants
from the two Regions: the
progress being made on the way
to the Bicentenary of the birth
of Don Bosco in 2015 and the
role of social media in education
and in the institutions. This time
the group benefited from the
presence of new Provincial
Delegates who had not been at
the previous meeting in the MEG
Province: two Salesians, two lay
people and two lay experts in the
field of SC.
October 2013. On 4th and
5lh October Fr Filiberto was in
Turin-Valdocco taking part in
the meeting of the Council of
Administration of the SEI.
Between 12th and 19th October
in Mumbai (India), with Bro.
Ephrem Santos, he had a
meeting with the SC Delegates
in the South Asia Region. Topics
on the agenda were the same
from SSCS as those considered
and examined at the meeting
of the Interamerica America
South Cone Regions, with three
additions: reflection on social
media and Youth Minstry,
criteria for a participation and
presence in social media by
Salesians and lay collaborators
in the mission, and the study and
approval of the Statutes and the
structure of BOSCOM, a body
for Social Communication of
the Provincial Conference of
India, which brings together the

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Delegates for SC and the
Directors and those Responsible
for the SC centres and media in
the country. Between the evening
of 19th and the morning of
25th he presided in Hua Hin
(Thailand) at a meeting of
the CS Delegates in the East
Asia and Oceania Region,
accompanied by Bro Ephrem
Santos. The agenda of topics
for study and discussion were
the same as those mentioned
already for other meetings.
Something new was the election
of a coordinator and a vice­
coordinator of the Delegates for
the East Asia and Oceania
November 2013. Between
30th October and 17th November
Fr Filiberrto visited his family in
Mexico. He took the opportunity
to visit the studentate of theology
in Tlaquepaque; at Amatitan he
met two groups on different
occasions of 35 Salesians each
time gathered for Ongoing
Formation, and he spoke to
them about the GC27, CS,
the new Frame of Reference of
Youth Ministry, the Missions
and Project Europe, the invitation
to practise an evangelical,
transparent, professional and
generously sharing economy,
personal accompaniment in
formation and the awareness of
being and living as the Salesian
Family. He met the confrere Jose
Carlos Contreras, who had been
declared innocent and released
from custody after four years
unjust imprisonment. With the
Provincial and the Provincial
Council he looked at the topics
mentioned above and visited
various Salesian communities
in the MEG Province. After
returning to Rome, between
24thand 27thNovember he chaired
a meeting of 11 Directors or
representatives of Salesian
Publishing Houses in Europe. In
the meeting there was reflection
and discussion about good
practices and the challenges
arising from various directions:
the Salesian charism, new
readers and users of books,
new technologies, Salesian and
lay personnel, the financial and
economic situation in Europe -
these last two topics were dealt
with by the Economer General
Bro. Jean Paul Muller. The
Rector Major and his Vicar
presided at Mass and the
Councillors for YM and West
Europe gave the Good Nights. As
a result of the meeting it was
agreed to create a web page for
the European Publishers: Don
Bosco Media.

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The Councillor
for the Missions
During the winter session of
the Council Fr Vaclav Klement
made three short visits to three
Salesian foundations among
Muslims: in Tunisia (IRL,
Manouba 26th-29th December), in
Azerbajdian (SLK, Baku 31st-3rt
January) and in Turkey (MOR,
Istanbul 3rd-4thJanuary 2013).
After the winter session
finished, the Councillor left
for Turin to chair the World
Consultative Committee for the
Missions Meeting (27th-31st
January) with the task of
assessing the work of the last six
years and drawing up plans for
the future. Taking part in this
third meeting of the Committee
during this six year period were
15 SDB, 1 FMA, a Salesian
Cooperatore and a lay Delegate
for Missionary Promotion.
Following the meeting Fr
Klement went to visit the mission
in Kazanlak and Stara Zagora
(CER Bulgaria lst-4thFebruary) to
assess the beginnings of this
project for Rom-Gypsies in the
Stary Lozenec district in the city
of Stara Zagora.
Afterwards the Councillor
devoted the whole month of
February to visiting East Asia:
Hong Kong (CIN, 6th-10th
February), East Timor (ITM, 11th-
17lh February), Singapore (18th
February), Cambodia (THA, 19th-
22nd February), Laos (THA, 22nd-
23rdFebruary) and Vietnam (VIE,
24th-28lh February).
Then in the month of March
visiting four Provinces involved
in Project Europe, the Councillor
met all the missionaries and the
Provincial Councils to evaluate
the process of integration and
formation of the confreres who
had arrived in the last ten
years. His travels started with a
meeting in Pelifoldszentkereszten
(UNG, l st-3rd March), where 18
missionaries gathered from the
three Provinces AUS, CEP and
UNG. Then the Councillor spent
two days in Vienna (AUS, 4th-5th
March), three days in England -
London, Bollington and Bolton
(GBR, 12th-14th March) and
finally, three days in Ireland -
Dublin and Maynooth (IRL, 15th-
17th March).
He spent Holy Week involved
in the Interamerica Regional
programme for Hispanic
migrants. Between 23rd March
and 1st April the Councillor,
accompanied by the Provincials
of MEG - Fr Salvador Cleofas
Murgia and of SUO - Fr Tim
Ploch, visited four communities

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near the frontier between Mexico
and the USA (Tijuana, Ciudad
Juarez, Laredo, Nuevo Laredo)
and also the area of Los Angeles.
The Sixth General Assembly
of the Don Bosco Network in
Seville (SSE, 2nd-5thApril) elected
a new President, Miss Joanna
Stozek, a member of the NGO
SWM - Mlodzi Swiatu. Two days
were spent on a workshop on
strengthening the Planning and
Development Offices (PDO).
In the Provinces of ANG, ATE
and AFO (6th April-5th May) Fr
Klement visited five countries
(Angola, Cameroun, Togo,
Burkina Faso and Ivory Coast),
encouraging especially the nine
communities for initial formation,
meeting the respective Provincial
Councils and visiting 24 apostolic
communities. Among the more
significant events was the opening
of the new Socio-Cultural Centre
in Ouagadougou (the capital of
Burkina Faso) on 26th April, in
the presence of more than 1000
youngsters, young people and
other people connected with the
new foundation.
Between 13th and 21st May the
Councillor paid a visit to the two
communities (Lahore and Quetta)
in Pakistan (FIS) in the context
of providing support for a fragile
but promising presence.
Thanks to efficient collaboration
with the Social Communication
Department material was
produced for the Salesian Missions
Day 2014 ‘We are the others! -
Concern about migrants and the
Salesian mission in Europe’ which
is available in digital form on the
At the beginning of the summer
session of the General Council, Fr
Klement, with the Economer
General Bro Jean Paul Muller,
chaired - in the Generalate - the
annual meeting of the Directors
of the five International Mission
Offices (7th-9thJune).
At the end of the summer
session the Councillor for the
Missions left for Latin America,
to make a first fact-finding
missionary visit to the four
Provinces he had not yet visited,
meeting the Provincial Councils,
visiting the houses of formation
and the PDO. In Peru (21st July-
15th August) he visited all three
mission areas (the Andean area
near Cuzco; the Apostolic
Vicariate of Pucallpa entrusted to
the Salesian Congregation with
the Bishop Mons. Gaetano
Galbusera; and the foundations
in Amazonia, the Vicariate of
Yurimaguas). In Bolivia (16th-
24th August) he visited seven
missionary communities and the

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works for street children. In
Colombia (25th August-1st
September) while visiting the two
Provinces COB and COM, Fr
Klement took part in the
Congress of the Salesian Youth
Missionary Movement ICHTHUS
(Medellin, 29th-31st August).
The 144th missionary
expedition was preceded by a
25 day course (Rome and Colie
Don Bosco), in which 36 SDBs
took part (4th-28lh September).
Presiding at the Missionary
Expedition on 29ll‘ September at
Valdocco was the Rector Major.
Also taking part were 15 FMA
and 7 lay volunteers and about
350 members of missionary
groups in Italy.
After the departure ceremony
for the missionaries, Fr Klement
undertook visits in East Asia:
between 4lh and 16th October in
the Province of CIN (Taiwan,
celebrating the 50th anniversary
of the presence of the Salesians,
Hong Kong) and between 17thand
22nd October in the Delegation
of Mongolia - Darkhan and
Ulaanbaatar (VIE). From 23rd-29th
October he held the consultation
for the appointment of the next
Provincial of South Korea (KOR),
visiting all the 13 communities in
the Province and chairing two
discernment sessions.
Between 31st October and 3rd
November in Turin-Valdocco,
with Fr Francesco Cereda and Fr
Jose Miguel Nunez, the
Councillor led the second meeting
for missionaries present in
Europe with others who were
accompanying them (50 SDBs).
Having returned to the
Generalate, on 3rd November Fr
Klement took part in the
Executive Committee Meeting of
Don Bosco Network, for the first
time also with the full-time
Coordinator of the DBN, Mr.
Wojciech Mroczek.
Special events during a visit to
the South Asia Region (5th-18th
November) were visits to the two
Missionary Aspirantates
Chennai, Perambur (INM) and
Sirajuli (ING), the annual
seminar for mission promotion
(40 SDBs and members of 6 other
groups of the Salesian Family) at
Dimapur (IND) and a first visit
to the new Mission Office in
Delhi (Director Fr MC George,
with 16 collaborators, INN).
After the Study Days on the
first proclamation of Christ
in America («From the first
proclamation to missionary
discipleship») organised jointly
with the FMA Missions Sector at
Los Teques, Venezuela (20lh-25th
November, with 70 participants)

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there was the 4"‘ American
Missionary Congress (CAM 4/
COMLA 9) in Maracaibo,
Venezuela. The presence of more
than 50 members of seven
different groups of the Salesian
Family at the CAM 4 was clearly
thanks to the 5 Salesian Bishops.
The Economer General
As soon as the winter plenary
session of the Council concluded,
the Economer General, Bro. Jean
Paul Muller, began at the
Generalate a course for 17 new
Provincial Economers with a
discussion about their daily life of
responsibility, and acknowledging
that in most of our Provinces the
administration of goods and the
organisation of our lay staff are
undertaken to the highest
professional standards.
After a three day break in
Munich (25th-28th February) he
returned to Rome to attend to
various issues with the help of his
consultants and assistants. In a
meeting (5th-6lh March) with the
Provincials and Economers of
Spain in Santigao di Compostela,
the Economer General was able to
inform himself about the process
involved in creating the two future
new Provinces in Spain.
Invited to the UPS on 4thMarch
to take part in a Congress
“Responsible and cooperative
Finance”, the Economer, in his
talk, pointed out the importance
of involving in the decision
making processes all the
interested parties and all those
After discussion and dialogue
with the Provincials and
Economers of the America -
South Cone Region in San Paolo,
Brazil between 7th and 12th
March, the Economer returned
to Rome with a good impression
of the efforts being made in the
Provinces on behalf of abandoned
youth in the various countries
of the Region. He then had a
meeting with the Economers
of Italy to inform himself and
to reflect on the changes made
in Italian law and the effects on
our works, especially the schools.
Between 14th and 17th March,
during a visit to the Ukraine, the
Economer visited the works in
Lviv, and in talks with the
confreres responsible, discussed
the possibilities of new projects
such as in Kiev, and the
challenges from work for students
and youngsters at risk. A good
number of young confreres full of
energy is a great sign of hope for
the development of the charism

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on Don Bosco in this country on
Europe’s doorstep.
On 19th March he brought
together all the Economers who
had investments in Polaris to
discuss with them future action
for the benefit of the Provinces.
During a visit to Slovenia the
Economer had the opportunity
to visit all the works in the
Province. He was particularly
interested in a visit he made to a
centre in Maribor, still under
construction, conscious that this
new Salesian foundation is very
significant and important for the
Congregation and the Church.
He spoke with the confreres in
Trstenik and learned more about
the difficult times during and
after the war in this beautiful
A “Face to face” meeting with
the prenovices of Italy at Genzano
on 19th April was a challenge to
answer many questions about
religious life especially about
the Salesian Brother, and to
speak about his own personal
development in relation to the
responsible role he has in the
During an opportunity to
participate in the Provincial
Chapter of Germany at
Benediktbeuern (21st May), the
Economer spoke about the
progress of the Congregation in
the different Regions of the
world, in order to encourage those
taking part to take more interest
in the teaching and the work of
the Congregation.
During June-July the Economer
took part in the plenary session
of the General Council.
After the session was over, on
29thJuly he took part in a day of
recollection with the confreres at
Holding, in Denmark.
On his return to Rome he was
mainly engaged in ‘Fundraising
UPS’ and Leasing Contracts.
On 8thAugust he left for India,
and Shillong, to attend a meeting
of Provincials, Provincial
Economers and Delegates for the
GC27. He then paid a visit to the
site of a new SPCI Centre in New
On 14thAugust he was with the
novices at Genzano, speaking
about the vocation of the Salesian
On 19th August in Luxemburg
he met some people involved in
financial and legal matters.
On 22ndAugust he was involved
in discussions with the editorial
committee of the Austrian and
German Salesian Bulletin in
connection with GC27.
Between 23rd and 25lh August
he visited the PLN Province at

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Pila to examine the situation
regarding the economy and
administration of the Province
in which Salesian Centres in
Poland, Sweden and Russia are
Between 27thand 30thAugust he
took part in the Forum Valdocco
on the central theme: “Reason in
the pedagogy of Don Bosco”.
Between 2nd and 14th
September, at the Generalate he
had discussions with confreres
from different Provinces (with
regard to the reports about
accounts, personnel situations,
administration issues, etc.) in
preparation for visits in the
following months by members of
the Economer’s Department.
Between 19th and 21st
September, at Trebnitz, he was
involved in a Symposium on the
value and importance of the
Central Administrative Archives
of a Congregation.
Between 23rd and 29th
September he attended a meeting
at a Congress in Chicago Illinois,
and gave a paper and led a
discussion about the expectations
of the new generations with
regard to educational studies.
On 3rd and 4th October in Rome
he attended a conference on the
50tK anniversary of Pacem in
Between 7thand 14thOctober he
met the Provincials and
Economers of the East Asia and
Oceania Region at Dalat,
Between 17th and 19th October
he took part in a European
meeting of Salesian Brothers on
the occasion ot the beatification
of Stephen Sandor in Budapest.
In the time he spent in the
Office the Economer General
devoted his time to preparing the
Budget of the Direzione Generate
for 2014. He also held a meeting
with those responsible for the
Mission Offices and for the
Salesian NGO.
Between 28th and 31st October
he was in the Ukraine to inform
himself about the current
situation regarding the
development projects at Leopoli.
He met the Nuncio Apostolic,
and then the Patriarch, with
whom he visited the site for the
first Salesian foundation in the
capital Kiev.
On 1st November he left for
Lubumbashi, D.R.C. where he
gave a number of talks to the
Rectors about production
projects, centres of formation and
an historical centre.
Having returned to Rome on 8th
November he immediately went
to Berlin, where there was a

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Conference “Falling Walls”, in
order to meet various people
from the economic and political
On 14th November in Cologne
he gave a talk on the ethical
challenges facing financial and
religious institutions.
On 18th November he went to
Turin to meet the Provincial
Economer and the architects
involved in the “Salesian Places
2015” project. After visiting
various places in Valdocco, the
Economer General was convinced
of the urgent need for an
expression of solidarity within
the Congregation on behalf of
the Places which are of great
importance for Salesian history
and for the Salesian future.
On 2181 and 22nd November in
Berlin he chaired a Congress on
Curative Pedagogy with the
central theme of Inclusion.
On 23rd November he had a
meeting with the Provincials
of the Atlantic-German Zone
gathered round the Rector Major
in Berlin-Marzahn.
Having returned to Rome he
was present at the Assembly of
European Salesian Publishing
Houses held in the Pisana
between 25th and 27th November.
The worrying situation facing
some of them necessatates their
working together more, making
use of their individual strengths
and obliging those responsible in
Europe to take strategic decisions
for the future regarding the
reorganisation of printing and
publishing houses.
The Councillor for the
Africa - Madagascar Region
When the winter plenary
session of the General Council
was over the Regional Councillor
for Africa and Madagascar Fr
Guillermo Basanes left for the
South Africa Vice-Province visiting
Johannesburg and meeting the
Provincial Council on Monday 28th
January in Booysens.
He then spent a short time in
the neighbouring Vice-Province
of Mozambique, leading the
Quarterly Day of Recollection
(29th January), attending a
meeting of the Provincial Council
(30th January), and on 31st
January presiding at the first
professions of the Salesian
novices in Namaacha.
Between 2nd and 4th February
Fr Guillermo accompanied the
Rector Major at the jubilee
celebrations for the presence of the
Salesians in Burundi - the AGL
Vice-Province - held in Ngozi.

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Between 7th and 13th February
he gave the Retreat for the
confreres of the Portuguese
Province (POR), in the Turcifal
diocesan centre.
Afterwards Fr Guillermo went
to Argentina, to spend some time
with his parents and family
between 16th and 26th February.
When the Councillor returned
to Rome, since he had not
received the VISA to enter
Eritrea, the Rector Major sent
him to the Ratisbonne theological
studentate in Jerusalem between
4thand 10thMarch to see, first of
all the students from AET, and
also the other confreres from the
Africa Region residing there.
From 13thMarch, being already
in Ethiopian territory, the
Regional Councillor was able
to begin, in the name of the
Rector Major, the Extraordinary
Visitation of the AET Vice
Province. The communities in
Eritrea were visited by the
Councillor for Formation. At
the concluding meeting with
the Provincial Council of AET
in Addis Abeba, on 10th May,
both General Councillors were
present. Moving from the
universal Latin liturgical
calendar to that of Ethiopia,
Fr Basanes had a Lent of 72
Between 15lh and 19lh May he
visited the Delegation of Sudan
- the AFE Province - staying in
Juba, the capital of the new
republic of Southern Sudan. On
16thhe attended a meeting of the
AFE Provincial Council.
Finally, between 20th and 24th
May the Regional Councillor was
in Madagascar, where he was able
to attend a meeting of the
Provincial Council and celebrate
the Solemnity of Mary Help of
On Saturday evening 25th he
returned to the Generalate to
take part in the Retreat and then
the summer plenary session of
the General Council.
When the summer session ended
the Regional Concillor left on 22nd
July for the AET Vice-Province,
where on 24th at the Provincial
House in Addis Abeba, Ethiopia,
he presided at the installation of
the new Superior, having had a
meeting with the Provincial
Council the previous day.
On 25th Fr Guillermo Basanes
was already in the ANG Vice-
Province for a visit which had at
its centre the Assembly of the
Confreres on Monday 29thJuly in
the house of Palanka (Luanda) to
launch the consultation process
for the appointment of a new

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From there the Regional
Councillor went to the ZMB Vice-
Province, where on 5thAugust in
Lusaka he presided at the first
professions of the FMA. On 7lhhe
had a meeting with the Provincial
Council in the house of Chawama,
and then on 8th there was the
opening of the year at the SDB
novitiate at Makeni. He then went
to the community in Chingola; on
the way he greeted the confreres
in Kabwe and also the Salesian
Bishop Clement Mulenga.
The following day 9thAugust, he
crossed the frontier, entering the
Democratic Republic of the Congo
where the confreres of the AFC
Province were waiting for him.
From then until 22nd November,
in the name of the Rector
Major, Fr Guillermo made the
Extraordinary Visitation of this
Province more than a hundred
years old. The meeting with the
Provincial Council to open the
Visitation took place on Saturday
10th August, and that to close it
on 21st November. On 15thAugust
he presided at the celebration of
the first Salesian professions at
Imara (Lubumbashi) and on the
following Sunday, 20th August, at
Sakania he took part in the
opening of the centenary of the
Diocese, at which our confrere the
Bishop Gaston Ruvezi presided.
The Visitor was able to go to all
the 27 houses and presences of
AFC, in spite of innumerable
transport and communication
difficulties. In order to reach all
the places where the Salesians are
living and working in the Congo
he had to travel through four
neighbouring countries. Between
5th and 7th November, together
with the Economer General, he
took part in a meeting for all the
Rectors of the Province which was
held in the Theologicum in
When this long stay in the
D.R.C. was over, Fr Basanes went
to the capital of the Cameroun,
where on 23rd and 24th November
he took part in the Curatorium
of the theologate in Yaounde and
that for the specific formation
of Salesian Brothers. Then in
the same house of theology he
presided over the work of the
Twelfh Conference of the
Provincials and Superiors of
the Vice-Provinces of Africa and
Madagascar - CIVAM - in which
they concentrated mainly on the
study and discussion of the GC27
Working Document.
This week spent in the
Cameroun was the last planned
engagement on the agenda of the
Regional Councillor for Africa in
this six-year period 2008-2014.

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The Councillor for the
Latin America - South Cone
When the winter plenary
session of the General Council
was over the Regional Councillor
Fr Natale Vitali went to
Argentina, to the ARS Province
to give the Provincial and his
Council on 29thJanuary 2013, the
letter of the Rector Major as a
conclusion to the Extraordinary
Visitation carried out in the
Province during the previous
On 30th January in the
Interprovincial Novitiate in
Curitiba, Brazil, he received
the professions of 20 newly-
professed from the BPA, BRE
and BSP Provinces.
On 1st February he was already
in Campo Grande to begin the
Extraordinary Visitation of the
BCG Province, which would
continue until 24th May.
The Visitation formally began
with a meeting with the
Provincial Council on 2nd
In the Province there are 20
Salesian communities, 4 of which
are working specifically with the
Xavante and Bororo Indians. The
20 communities are in the Federal
States of Mato Grosso, Mato
Grosso del Sud and Paulista.
In the city of Campo Grande
he also visited the Museo de las
Culturas Dom Bosco an historic
patrimony and testimony of
Salesian work with the Indians
of Mato Grosso.
In this Province the
evangelisation of the Indians has
been sealed with the blood of
the Salesian priests dodo Fuchs,
Pedro Sacilotti and Rodolfo
Lunkenbein and by the scientific
work of the Salesians Cesare
Albisetti, Angelo Venturelli, Felice
Zavattaro and Joao Falco.
Interrupting the Visitation of
BCG for a time, between 3rd and
9thMarch the Regional Councillor
took part in the Retreat preached
by the Rector Major to all the
Provincials of the two Regions of
America at Campos Do Jordao,
San Paolo.
Immediately afterwards, there
was a meeting for the Provincials
of the Region. One of the topics
considered was the evaluation of
the planning programme for this
six-year period.
On 13th March he was in Chile,
meeting the Provincial Council to
help with the process of putting
into practice the guidelines from
the Extraordinary Visitation.
On 18thin Brasilia he took part
in a meeting of the Provincials of

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the CISBRASIL, and also with
the FMA Provincials of Brazil.
On 26thMarch in Recife he took
part in the Provincial Council
and on 29th he had a meeting
with the Provincial Council
of Uruguay, at Montevideo,
to assess the Extraordinary
Visitation of 2011.
On 2ndand 3rdMay he took part
in a meeting of the Provincial
Council of Belo Horizonte
and on the 7th May in the
Curatorium of the Novitiate of
CISUR in Alta Gracia, Cordoba,
with the four Provincials and the
Novitiate Team. On 8th May
he did the same with the
postnovitiate of Cordoba. The
following day, 9th May he held a
meeting with the FMA
Provincials of the South Cone.
On 10thMay he returned to the
Campo Grande Province to
complete the visits to the
communities; on 20th he had a
meeting with the community
Delegates for Pastoral work; on
the 21st with all the Rectors,
summing up the results of the
Visitation, and finally on 22ndMay
with the Provincial Council.
He then returned to Rome to
take part in the Retreat with the
General Council and after that in
the summer plenary session of
the General Council.
At the end of the summer
session of the Council the
Regional joined the Rector Major
at the World Youth Days in Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil. To listen to Pope
Francis and to witness at first
hand the faith of the young people
from all over the world was a very
powerful religious experience.
On 1st August he had a meeting
with the Provincial Council of the
Campo Grande Province in
Brazil, to inform them about the
letter of the Rector Major and for
the closure of the Extraordinary
On 5th and 6th August he took
part in the Curatorium of the
Regional Centre for the Formation
of the Brother (CRESCO) in
Guatemala, where this year there
are 5 Brothers.
On 8th August he began the
Extraordinary Visitation of the
Manaus Province in Brazil (BMA),
which is a missionary Province.
First of all he met the Provincial
Council to make an evaluation of
the previous Extraordinary
Visitation and of the current
situation of the Province.
The Manaus Province has
88 professed Salesians and 16
Salesian communities. Of the 88
Salesians, 14 are indigenous. The
Salesians have 8 colleges, a
university Faculty, 4 formation

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houses, one of which is an
aspirantate for young Indians,
9 social works, 10 parishes and
5 missions, two of which are
working exclusively with the
Yanomami people, 3 public
churches and 11 oratories.
The great missionary work
undertaken by the Province, the
inheritance of the heroic deeds
of many missionaries, needs to
be emphasised.
During the Visitation Fr Vitali
also spoke with 11 Bishops
and two FMA Provincials. He
concluded the Visitation with a
meeting with the Rectors and
with the Provincial Council on
28th October.
On 29th and 30th October in the
San Paolo Province he had a
meeting with all the Rectors and
with the Provincial Council to
carry out an evaluation of the
Extraordinary Visitation which
had taken place in 2010. He did
the same in the Porto Alegre
Province on 6thand 7thNovember.
In addition, in November the
Regional Councillor carried out a
consultation for the appointment
of the new Provincial in three
Provinces in Brazil: Belo
Horizonte, between 1st and 4th
November, in five different places;
Campo Grande, between 6th and
10th November in two places;
Porto Alegre, between 12th and
15th November, in three different
On 10th November he also
visited the novitiate in Curitiba
(BPA), where at present there are
10 novices from the BPA, BRE
and BSP Provinces.
On 12th November he had a
meeting with the University of
Campo Grande and the 4 other
Faculties that the Province has
through networking.
On 19thNovember he visited the
Paraguay Province holding a
meeting with the Provincial
Council and visiting the
postnovitiate and the house for
the sick.
On 21st November he held a
meeting with the six Provincials
of Brazil to make an assessment
of the year and to plan for the
next year. Then on 22nd he met
with the Provincials and the
FMA Provincials of Brazil in the
Salesian Schools Network of
Brazil (RSB). On the same day
the strategic alliance between the
Salesian Publishing House of
Brazil and the EDB in Barcelona
Spain officially began.
On 25th he took part in the
Curatorium of the Theologate in
Lapa (BSP) Brazil, where there
are 58 students from the six
Provinces of Brazil.

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Between 27th and 29th he took
part in a meeting of the extended
Team of the Salesian Regional
Centre of Ongoing Formation in
Finally on 30th November, he
returned to Rome to take part in
the winter plenary session of the
General Council.
The Councillor for the
Interamerica Region
At the end of the winter plenary
session of the General Council, Fr
Esteban Ortiz Gonzalez, Regional
Councillor for Interamerica, on
Sunday 27th January travelled to
Port-au-Prince (HAI) and the
following day had a meeting with
the Superior Fr Ducange Sylvain
and his Council to present the
letter with the recommendations
of the Rector Major following the
recent Extraordinary Visitation
carried out by Fr Guillermo
Basanes in 2012. While he was in
Haiti the Regional Councillor took
the opportunity to see how the
reconstruction work on some of
the houses hit by the earthquake
in 2010 was progressing.
On 29thJanuary he left for Lima
(PER) where he met the
Provincial Fr Santo Dal Ben with
his Council to discuss the
situation in the Province,
especially regarding plans for
On 30th January he went to La
Paz (BOL) where on 31st he took
part in the Feast of Don Bosco
and in the celebrations for the
50th anniversary of the founding
of the Our Lady of Copacabana
Province of Bolivia. On the same
day he met with the Provincial
Fr Cristobal Lopez and his
Council to present the letter with
the recommendations of the
Rector Major following the recent
Extraordinary Visitation.
On 2nd February, Fr Esteban
Ortiz reached Caracas (VEN), and
the following day met with the
Provincial Fr Luciano Stefani,
and his Council to evaluate
together the implementation of
the recommendations of the
Rector Major following the
Extraordinary Visitation which
took place in 2011.
After this the Regional
Councillor went to the Saint John
Bosco Province of the Antilles
(ANT), here also for an evaluation
of the implementation of the
recommendations of the Rector
Major following the Extraordinary
Visitation which took place in
First he went to Havana (Cuba)
where the Provincial of the

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Antilles, Fr Victor Pichardo was
waiting for him, and with whom
together with the Council of the
Delegation of Cuba he had a
meeting. Then on 7th February
with the Provincial he travelled
to San Juan for the purpose of
continuing the evaluation,
meeting with the Council of the
Delegation of Puerto Rico.
On 8th February, Fr Esteban
Ortiz travelled from San Juan to
Santo Domingo and on 9thhe met
the Provincial and his Council to
conclude the evaluation, at
Province level.
On 10th February he travelled
to Los Angeles to undertake
the Extraordinary Visitation of
the Saint Andrew the Apostle
Province of the West United States
Before formally beginning the
Visitation to SUO, on the
morning of 11th February the
Regional Councillor met with
Fr Tom Dunne, the Provincial
of SUE and his Council to assess
the steps taken to implement
the recommendations the Rector
Major sent to the Province
following the Extraordinary
Visitation which took place in the
first part of 2012. Afterwards on
the afternoon of 11th and during
12th, the Regional Councillor took
part in the meeting which the
Provincial Councils of SUE
(New Rochelle) and SUO (San
Francisco) hold each year.
On 13th he met with the
Provincial Fr Timothy Ploch and
his Council to take a first
overview of the situation of the
San Francisco Province.
Starting on 15th February, in
San Francisco (California), in the
Corpus Christi community the
visits to the 13 communities in
the Province began.
On 2ndMarch, Fr Esteban Ortiz
suspended the visitation and went
to Sao Paulo (Brazil) to take part
in the Retreat which the Rector
Major preached to the Provincials
of the two Regions of America in
Campos do Jordao.
On 10th March he returned to
the San Francisco Province to
continue his visits to the Salesian
communities and arrived in Los
Angeles (California).
On 31st March the Regional
Councillor again suspended the
Visitation of the communities in
order to take part in the SUO
Provincial Chapter which was held
in San Juan Bautista (California)
between 1st and 5thApril.
On 6th April he resumed the
Visitation in the community of
East Los Angeles.
On 1st May he concluded his
visit to the last SUO Don Bosco

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Hall Salesian community in
During the following days
there were several meetings with
the Provincial Commissions in
Los Angeles, and on 4lh May
Fr Esteban Ortiz took part in
the blessing and opening of De
Sales Hall, where the Aspirantate
and the Prenovitiate are located
On 10th May, as a concluding
part of the Extraordinary
Visitation of the San Francisco
Province (SUO), the Regional
Councillor held a meeting with
the Rectors of the communities,
and the following morning, in a
Provincial Assembly presented the
final report of the Extraordinary
Visitation; in the afternoon he had
a final meeting with the Provincal
On 13th May he travelled
to Bogota to undertake the
consultation prior to the
appointment of the new
Provincial of COB. On 14lh May
he met with the Provincial
Council; on 15thhe visited the new
Retreat House, the Salesianum,
in Fusagasuga; on 16th he had
a meeting in the community of
the Theologate (Bogota) with the
participation of most of the
communities (125 Salesians took
part); on 17th he met with the
communities in the North of
the country at Bucaramanga (16
Salesians took part), and the same
day he travelled to Medellin;
on Saturday 18Lh he met the
Postnovices of COB in the
morning and then in the
afternoon he had a meeting with
the Provincial of COM, Fr John
Jairo Gomez and his Council.
On Sunday 19th May, after
celebrating Mass in the Novitiate
at La Ceja, Fr Esteban Ortiz,
travelled to Quito and on Monday
morning met the Provincial of
Ecuador, Fr Marcelo Farfan and
his Council; on Tuesday 21st he
travelled to Machala, and on
Wednesday 22nd from Guayaquil
began his return journey to
In the week 26th to 30th May he
took part in the Retreat with the
General Council at Sant’Agnello,
before the start of the summer
session of the Council.
When the summer plenary
session of the General Council
was over, Fr Esteban Ortiz
Gonzalez, Regional for
Interamerica, on Friday 19th July
travelled to Bogota (Colombia) to
take part on Saturday 20lh July,
in the installation of Fr Jaime
Morales Alfonso as the Provincial
of the “San Pedro Claver”
Province (COB).

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On Sunday 215t July he went to
Quito to meet the Team of the
Salesian Regional Centre for
Ongoing Formation (CSRFP) and
to discuss the way to evaluate the
Centre. On Tuesday 23rd the
Regional Councillor went to Rio
de Janiero to take part in the
World Youth Day, with the Rector
Major and other members of the
General Council.
On 29th July he went to
Medellin (COM) to take part on
the following day in the
Curatorium of the Novitiate at
La Ceja, where ths year there are
novices (30) fron four Provinces
(BOL, CAM, COB, and COM).
On Thursday afternoon, 1st
August, he travelled to Bogota
(COB) and on Friday 2nd and
Saturday 3rd, took part in the
Curatorium of the Formation
Community of the students of
theology from the Andean
Provinces (BOL, COB, COM,
ECU, PER); at the time of
the Curatorium there were 46
students of theology.
On Sunday 4th August, the
Regional Councillor travelled
to Guatemala to take part in
the Curatorium of CRESCO
(Regional Centre for the Specific
Formation of the Salesian
Brother) that was held on
Monday 5th and Tuesday 6th.
On Wednesday 7th he began
the Extraordinary Visitation of
the Divine Saviour Province of
Central America (CAM) with a
meeting with the Provincial Fr
Alejandro Hernandez Villalobos
and his Council.
The following day he began
his visits to the 24 Communities
in the Province going to
Quetzaltenango (Guatemala).
After completing all the visits
to the Communities (9) in
Guatemala, on 9th September
the Regional Councillor travelled
to Panama, where he visited the
Technical Institute and the Saint
John Bosco Basilica-Parish.
On 14th September he arrrived
in Costa Rica, where he visited
the three communities in that
country (San Isidro, Cartago, San
Jose) On 25lh September he went
to Nicaragua to visit the three
communities there (Granada,
Managua and Masaya).
Afterwards on 4thOctober he went
to Honduras and visited the two
communities in Tegucigalpa.
Finally he went to El Salvador
to visit the five communities
the Province has there (Don
Rua, Saint Cecilia, Saint Ana,
Ricaldone, Ciudadela).
During his visits to the Salesian
houses in El Salvador, the
Regional Councillor interrupted

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the Extraordinary Visitation on
Sunday 20th October to chair the
annual meeting of the Provincials
of the Interamerica Region which
on this occasion was held in
Caracas, in the Provincial House
of the Province of Venezuela,
the meeting began on Monday 21st
and ended on Friday 26th; one of
the items was the preparation for
the GC27.
Between Saturday 27th and
Thursday 31st October the
Regional Councillor carried
out the consultation for the
appointment of a new Provincial
for VEN, with several meetings
with the confreres in various
places in the Province: Valencia,
Barinas, Puerto La Cruz, Puerto
Ayacucho, Los Teques, Caracas.
On Friday l 8t November he
returned to the Province of
Central America (CAM) to
conclude his visits to the
communities in El Salvador,
Commissions, and preparing
his final report. He then held
a meeting with the Rectors and
on Saturday 16th a Province
Assembly at Ayagualo to close the
Extraordinary Visitation.
On Sunday 17th November he
had a meeting with the Provincial
and his Council at which some
situations in the Province were
On Monday 18th Fr Esteban
Ortiz travelled to New York to
spend some days with his family.
On Wednesday 20th he went to
New Rochelle for a talk with the
Provincial of SUE, Fr Thomas
Dunne about the process being
followed in the Province after the
Extraordinary Visitation of the
previous year (2012).
On Tuesday 26th November the
Regional Councillor went to
Quito (Ecuador) and took part in
the annual meeting of the
Extended Team of the Salesian
Regional Centre of Ongoing
Formation (CSRFP), with Fr
Natale Vitali, Regional Councillor
for Latin America - South Cone,
the representatives of the
Departments for Formation and
for Youth Ministry (Fr Horacio
Lopez and Fr Rafael Borges,
respectively), the Coordinator for
Formation for CISUR (Fr Daniel
Costa) and the members of
the CSRFP Team (Fr Javier
Altamirano, Fr Josue Nascimento,
Fr Julio Olarte and Fr Alejandro
Finally on Saturday 30th
November he began the return
journey to Rome, where he
arrived on 1st December to take
part in the winter session of the
General Council.

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The Councillor for the
East Asia and Oceania Region
When the winter plenary
session of the General Council
was over the Regional Councillor
for East Asia - Oceania, Fr
Andrew Wong, on 1st February
began the Extraordinary
Visitation of the Province of South
Philippines. He began by visiting
the communities on the Island of
Mindanao. On 9lh February he
went to the Island of Cebu to visit
the communities in this area. On
21st February he went to another
Island called Samar, where there
is a single Salesian community.
On 25th February the Regional
left South Philippines to go to the
North Philippines to carry out the
consultation and discernment
process for the appointment of
the new Provincial. He did this
in the four areas of the Province.
On 1st March the Regional left
the North Philippines and
returned to South Philippines
to continue the Extraordinary
Visitation, visitingthe communities
located in another Island called
West Negros. He stayed there
until 15thMarch and then returned
to Cebu to visit the remaining
communities in that area.
Fr Andrew Wong celebrated
Holy Week in the city of Cebu,
between 24u' and 31st March. On
the days of l l th-13thApril he met
the various Province Commissions
as an important part of the
Extraordinary Visitation. On 13th
April he took part in the Silver
Jubilee celebrations of profession
of seven confreres.
The Regional concluded the
Extraordinary Visitation of the
South Philippines Province
on 17th April with a meeting
with the Provincial, with the
Provincial Council and with the
Rectors of the communities. On
18thApril he arrived in Manila to
visit the North Philippines
On 29thApril he took part in a
meeting for the Youth Ministry
Delegates of East Asia and
Oceania, with the presence of Fr
Fabio Attard, General Councillor
for Youth Ministry and his
collaborator Fr Robert Simon,
who had come from Rome for the
occasion. The meeting continued
until 2nd May.
On 3rd May the Regional went
to mainland China to visit the
missionaries in various cities. On
13th May he went to Thailand to
visit the Province and the same
day visited two missionaries in
On 14th May the Regional left
Thailand, travelling to Suva, in

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the Fiji Islands, to visit the
formation community of the
novitiate and postnovitiate of the
Province of Australia. He stayed
in this community until 18thMay.
On 19th, Pentecost Sunday, he left
Suva and went to Samoa to visit
the three Salesian communities
in this Pacific Island.
On 22nd May he left Samoa to
return to Rome where he arrived
on 24th May, the Solemnity of
Mary Help of Christians.
At the end of the summer
plenary session of the General
Council, the Regional Councillor,
Fr Andrew Wong, on 20thJuly left
Rome for Chennai, in order to
carry out in the name of the
Rector Major - the Extraordinaiy
Visitation of the Province of
Chennai, India. On 31st July he
began the Visitation to the
Province with the first community,
the studentate of theology “Becchi
Don Bosco” at Kavarapettai.
On 27th August the Regional
left Chennai to go to Bangkok,
in order to participate in the
Congress of Salesian Brothers of
the East Asia-Oceania Region,
that was held in Hua Hin, until
23rd August. On 24th August
the Regional went to Manila to
take part in a meeting of the
Curatorium of the studentate
of theology at Parahaque. The
meeting ended on 26thAugust and
the Regional returned to Chennai
to resume the Extraordinary
On 6th September Fr Andrew
Wong had the most unforgetable
experience of his life. With some
confreres he made a pilgrimage to
the Sanctuary of Our Lady
of Veilanganni. The whole months
of September and October were
then taken up with the
Extraordinary Visitation of the
Province of Chennai, which Fr
Wong concluded on 16thNovember.
On 18th November the Regional
left Chennai for Melbourne, in
Australia, for the annual meeting
of the Superiors and Provincial
Delegates for Formation in the
East Asia-Oceania Region. Also
present were Fr Francesco
Cereda, Councillor for Formation
and Fr Chrys Saldanha, from the
Formation Department, who led
the meeting. This ended on 23rd
November and on 24th November
the Regional returned to Rome to
take part in the winter plenary
session of the General Council.
The Councillor for the
South Asia Region
When the summer plenary
session of the General Council was

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finished the Regional Councillor
for South Asia Fr Maria Arokiam
Kanaga, left Rome for a long
Week-end in the Salesian
foundations in the Yemen, which
depend on the Bangalore
Province. Between 28th January
and 4th February with the Vice-
Provincial he visited the Salesians
who live and work in the four
cities of Sana, Hodeida, Taiz and
Aden. The Salesians take care of
the Catholic communities in these
cities and are chaplains to the
Sisters of Mother Teresa.
From the Yemen the Regional
went on to Chennai, India,
arriving on 6Lh January. The
following day he went on to Delhi
to visit the house of the SPCSA
and all the National level sectors
which function there. His stay
lasted five days. From Delhi
the Regional travelled to Sri
Lanka, via Chennai, and on
15lh February he began the
Extraordinary Visitation of the
Vice-Province of Sri Lanka
(LKC). He began by giving a talk
to the Provincial Chapter which
was just finishing at that time.
This was also the opening
meeting of the Extraordinary
Visitation. The following day the
Regional met with the Superior
of the Vice-Province and his
Council to acquaint himself
with the situation of the Vice-
On 18lh February he began
visiting the Houses and this
was finished on 27th March.
Thus the Regional visited the
houses of: Dankotuwa-aspirantate,
Nochchiagama, Kilinochchi,
Pallavarayan Kaddu, Murunkan,
novitiate, Metiyagane, Kandy,
Uswetakeiyawa, Palliayawatte,
Ahungalle, Hungama and
Dungalpitya. In the course of
the visits he also met in groups
the Salesians in formation, the
Salesian Sisters in five different
places, and paid courtesy calls
on the Bishops of Chilaw, Jaffna
and Mannar. The Extraordinary
Visitation finished on 27th March
- Wednesday in Holy Week - with
a concluding conference for the
Rectors and a meeting with the
On Holy Thursday the Regional
returned to Chennai to carry
out pastoral ministry in various
parishes. On Is' April he went to
Guwahati, to the Don Bosco
Institute, for the annual assembly
of the SPCSA. At the same time
he met the Directors of the
Development Offices and other
experts in the field of building
construction. After this, the
SPCSA Council (just the

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Provincials) met to deal with
administrative issues. On 6th
April there was a meeting of
the National Consultative Body
of the Salesian Family, with
the Superiors and the
representatives of the major
groups of the Salesian Family
in South Asia. Among other
things they discussed the shared
celebrations for the Bicentenary
of the birth of Don Bosco. On
9th April he returned to Chennai
and visited some houses in
Between 14th and 19th April the
Regional preached a Retreat
of five days to the members of
the Provincial Chapter of the
Bangalore Province, and then
took part in the opening of
the Chapter. Afterwards at the
invitation of Mons. George
Rajendran, Salesian Bishop of
Thuckalay in the south of India,
Fr Maria Arokiam visited the
Diocese for three days from 21sl
to 23rd April. On 25th April the
Regional went to Vellore to join in
the celebrations of the World Day
of Gratitude of the Salesian
Sisters, in the presence of the
Mother General, Sr Yvonne
Between 27th April and 3rd
May the Regional was in the
Mumbai Province to carry out
the consultation in view of
the appointment of thenew
Provincial. He had a meeting with
the Provincial Council and then
went to the cities of Mumbai,
Pune, Nasik and Baroda to meet
the confreres in groups and lead
the discernment process. On
4th May he left for Myanmar to
visit the country which earlier
had been part of the Calcutta
Province. He visited the confreres
and the works in Anisakan,
Pyin oo Lwin (Maymio), Thibaw,
Lashio, Mandalay and Yangon.
He encouraged the confreres,
prenovices, novices and students
of theology and enjoyed the
company and the hospitality of
the confreres.
Having returned to India on
13th, the Regional had a medical
check up in Chennai, visited his
relatives in his home town of
Varadarajanpet and returned to
Rome on 22nd May.
When the summer plenary
session of the General Concil had
finished, Fr Maria Arokiam
Kanaga travelled to Brazil to
take part in the World Youth
Day in Rio de Janeiro, between
20th and 28th July. Afterwards he
travelled to India, and on 3rd
August began the Extraordinary
Visitation of the Bangalore
Province. Nevertheless, on the

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following days he went to
Shillong, for the inauguration of
the academic year at the Sacred
Heart Theological College on
6th and 7th of the month. Then
between 8thand lT hAugust there
was a half-yearly meeting of
the Council of the SPCSA
(Conference of Provincials) at
Siloam near Shillong. After a day
of recollection and another with
the Economer General Bro. Jean
Paul Muller, there were two days
of the usual work. After this the
Regional went to the Calcutta
Province and met the confreres
in four different places to carry
out the consultation for the
appointment of a new Provincial.
Having completed this he
returned to Bangalore to
continue the Extraordinary
The Visitation of the Bangalore
Province took the Regional to 43
separate Salesian presences. He
met almost 380 confreres in
addition to many members of the
Salesian Family and some
ecclesiastical authorities in the
course of his visit to the two
States of Karnataka and Kerala.
The Visitation lasted between 17lh
August and 22nd November.
During this time Fr Maria
Arokiam was in Calcutta, in the
period between 6th and 10th
November, to accompany the
Rector Major who was visiting
that Province, as well as
attending a meeting with all the
Provincials of the Region. Then
resuming his work in Bangalore,
the Regional concluded the
Extraordinary Visitation on 22nd
November with a meeting with
the Provincial Council and with
the Rectors. Then Fr Maria
Arokiam visited his sick father in
his home town, Varadarajanpet,
staying some days with him. He
then travelled to Rome where he
arrived on 1st December.
The Councillor for the
North Europe Region
After the end of the winter
session of the Council, the
Regional Councillor Fr Marek
Chrzan went to Brussels in
Belgium to take paid in the Feast
of Don Bosco in Ghent Cathedral
at the conclusion of the pilgrimage
of Don Bosco’s relics in the North
Belgium and Holland Province.
On 2nd February he left for
Malta to visit and also to spend
some time studying English.
During his stay in Malta he had
the opportunity to visit all the
Salesian communities and to get
to know the local situation.

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On 18th February he returned
to Rome to leave again on 19th
February, with the Rector Major
and his Vicar, for Poland and
Miejsce Piastowe for the
beginning of the General Chapter
of the Michaelite Sisters. After
this visit he took part in the
Provincial Chapter of the
Wroclaw Province (PLO) at
Tarnowskie Gory, bringing the
greetings and fraternal blessing
of the Rector Major.
On 25th February he returned
to Malta for the second part of
the English language course.
On 22nd March he went to
the Ukraine to visit the new
Circumscription of Greek Catholic
Ukraine. He paid a visit to a new
foundation in Dnietropietrovsk in
East Ukraine and then all the
communities in Lviv, meeting the
confreres, the Superior and the
Council of the Circumscription.
He spent Holy Thursday in the
Salesian Latin Rite community
in Bibrka-Przemyslany, which
belongs to the Polish Province of
Krakow (PLS).
For the Feast of Easter he went
to Poland to the new novitiate
for the Polish Provinces of
Pila and Warsaw at Kutno-
Wozniakow. Afterwards he took
part in the Provincial Chapter of
the Warsaw Province (PLE) in
the house of Lutomiersk, and
then in the Provincial Chapter
of the Province of Pila (PLN)
which was held at the Marian
Shrine in Lichen. On Divine
Mercy Sunday 7th April, in the
Salesian parish in Kielce he
presided at Mass and some
perpetual professions.
On 12th April he went to his
family to see his parents who
were celebrating their 50th
Wedding anniversary. After this
he took part in the Provincial
Chapter of the Krakow Province
(PLS), which was held in the
Salesian theological studentate in
Krakow. He also visited the
novitiate in Kopiec, preaching the
day of recollection.
On 21st-24lhApril he chaired the
meeting of the Polish Provincials’
Conference (KSIP) together with
some Delegates from various
National Salesian Sectors.
On 25thApril he went to Vienna
in Austria for the conclusion of
the Extraordinary Visitation of
the Austrian Province (AUS),
which had been undertaken by
Fr Tadeusz Rozmus.
On 28thApril he went to Zagreb
in Croatia to be present at the
PGS European Salesian Games
hosted this year between 28,h
April and 2,ld May 2013 by the
Province of Croatia (CRO).

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On Friday 10th May he left for
Gdansk in Poland (PLN), where
between 10th and 14th May he
presided at the meeting of
Provincials from the North Europe
On 20th-22nd May he was in
Turin to meet the young confreres
from the Region who are studying
theology at the Crocetta. On 22nd
May he took part in the European
meeting for Salesian novices at
On 24th May he presided at
a solemn Mass at Rumia in
Poland where the Salesian
parish church was declared the
Diocesan Sanctuary of Mary
Help of Christians.
On 25u> May he returned to
Rome to take part in the Retreat
and the summer session of the
General Council.
At the end of the summer
session of the Council, Fr Marek
Chrzan took a short holiday in
Poland, visiting his parents and
relatives. On 15th August in the
novitiate at Poprad in Slovakia
(SLK) he presided at the first
professions ceremony.
On 16th-17lhAugust he took part
in the conclusion of the pilgrimage
of the relics of Don Bosco in
Poland at Oswi^cim, where he
presided at the solemn Mass and
the perpetual professions of some
Polish confreres.
On 30th August he went to
Budapest to begin the
Extraordinary Visitation of
the Hungarian Province. The
Visitation began with a meeting
with the Provincial Council
and visits to the following
communities: Budapest-Obuda,
Kazincbarcika, Budapest-Ujpest.
On the evening of 13th
September he had a meeting with
the European Council of the
Salesian Cooperators, which was
holding its annual meeting at
Pelifuldsentkerest, in Hungary.
On 15th September he went to
Milan in Italy to preside at the
celebration of the perpetual
professions of confreres from the
Lombardy-Emilian Province (ILE).
On 17th September he resumed
the Extraordinary Visitation in
Hungary visiting the communities
at Szombathely, Pelifoldszen-
kereszt, Balassagyarmat. On 27th
September he concluded the
Visitation with a meeting of the
Rectors in Budapest.
On 30th September he went
to Lubiana in Slovenia, to begin
the Extraordinary Visitation to
this Province of Ss. Cyril and
Metodius. On 1st October he
began the Visitation with a
meeting of the Provincial Council
at Lubiana, and then he visited

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the following communities:
Sentrupert, Cerknica with a
presence also in Italy at Opcina
near Trieste.
On 13lh October he took part in
the celebrations for the Centenary
of the presence of the Salesians in
Croatia, held in the presence of
the Rector Major in Zagreb.
Afterwards he visited the
community in Verzej and then
went to Hungary, to Budapest, for
the Beatification of the Salesian
Brother martyr Istvan Sandor.
Then he went to visit the
community at Muzlja in Serbia.
On 23rd October he presided at
the Provincial Feastday in
Maribor, and then visited the
communities at Zelimlje, Ig, and
Podgorica in Montenegro. Finally
he visited the communities in
Maribor, Lubiana-Kodeljevo and
On 15th-17lh November he went
to Slovakia for the consultation
for the appointment of a new
Provincial for the Province of
Slovakia, holding three meetings
of confreres in Bratislava, Zilina
and Presov.
On his return he visited the
Salesian centres with Slovene
confreres in Austria at St. Primoz
and then the community of
elderly confreres in Trstenik.
Between 21st and 25lhNovember
he took part in the meeting in
Berlin of Provincials and Vice-
Provincials of the Provinces in
the Atlantic - German zone of the
North Europe Region with the
Rector Major and his Vicar.
On 27th he concluded the
Extraordinary Visitation of the
Slovene Province meeting the
Rectors, Provincial Delegates and
members of the Provincial
Council in the house of Lubiana-
On 28th-30thhe went to Austria,
for the consultation for the
appointment of the new
Provincial of the Austrian
Province. He chaired the meetings
of confreres in three places
Volkermarkt, Vienna and Linz.
On 1st December he returned to
Rome to take part in the winter
plenary session of the General
The Councillor for the
West Europe Region
At the end of the winter session
of the General Council the
Regional Councillor Fr Jose
Miguel Nunez left Rome on 28th
January to go to Madrid to preach
the monthly day of recollection
for the community of the
Theologians, in preparation for

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the feast of Don Bosco. On 29th-
31st January he presided at the
celebrations to mark the fiftieth
anniversary of the foundation
of the Salesian presence “Lora
Tamayo” in Jerez de la Frontera.
On 29th he gave a conference for
the teachers from the Salesian
houses in the Province on Don
Bosco the educator.
On the days 3rd-9th February,
the Councillor took part in a
Retreat for Rectors from the
Provinces of Barcelona, Seville
and Valencia at Sanlucar la
Mayor, in view of their unification
in the new Circumscription. On
3rd he chaired the Curatorium
of the postnovitiate in the same
On 11th-13thFebruary in Madrid
he took part in various meetings
of the National Youth Ministry
Centre with the Province
Delegates. On 14th February he
visited the postnovices in
Granada and spent the day with
the formation community.
On 17th February in the name
of the Rector Major the Councillor
began the Extraordinary
Visitation of the Leon Province,
which lasted until the end of the
month of May. During these three
and a half months the Councillor
visited all the houses in the
Province, met the Provincial
Council twice and chaired two
meetings of Rectors. He also took
part in various meetings of the
Salesian Family and on a number
of occasions met the young people
of the SYM. In addition he also
had private meetings with the
Bishops of Leon, Lugo, Orense,
Oviedo, Palencia, Santiago,
Valladolid and Vigo.
In the course of the
Extraordinary Visitation of SLE
the Regional also had some other
On 22nd-24,h February, Fr Jose
Miguel went to Barcelona to chair
a meeting of the Social Platforms
of the West Europe Region.
Taking part were the eight
Provinces of the Region involved
and their Provincials.
During 4th-6th March he chaired
the annual meeting of the
Provincials of the West Europe
Region held this time in Santiago
de Compostela.
Between 21s1and 27thMarch the
Councillor took part in a Retreat
for the Rectors in the Provinces
of Bilbao, Leon and Madrid in
Loyola (San Sebastian), in view
of their unification in the new
During Holy Week with the
SYM-Leon he took part in
the Easter Gathering held in

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On the days 7th-9th April the
Councillor attended the FRB
Provincial Chapter held in Lyons.
Following the restructuring
process of the Spanish Provinces
Fr Jose Miguel met with the
Provincials on 6thMay in Madrid.
For the same purpose on 12th he
took part in a meeting with the
Provincial Councils of Barcelona,
Seville and Valencia at Godelleta
On 13th May he gave a
conference on Don Bosco the
educator for teachers and
the Salesian Family from
Extremadura at Badajoz.
Fr Jose Miguel preached
the Novena of Mary Help of
Christians at Vigo and took part
in the Feast in the same house.
He concluded the Extraordinary
Visitation of the Leon Province
with a meeting with the
Provincial Council on 25th May.
Fr Jose Miguel then returned
to Rome to take part in the
Retreat with the General Council
between 26thMay and 2ndJune at
Sant’Agnello and then in the
summer plenary session of the
General Council.
At the end of the summer
session of the Council, the
Regional Fr Jose Miguel Nunez
left Rome to take part in various
meetings of the Region in Madrid.
In the last week of August he
went to Paris for the installation
of the new Provincial of FRB in
Lyons on 27th August.
On 29lh August the Councillor
went to Lisbon to take part in a
meeting of the Provincial Council
of Portugal and accompany
the process of revitalisation set
in motion following the
Extraordinary Visitation and the
Provincial Chapter of 2010.
On 2nd September the Regional
held a meeting with the
Conference of Provincials of Spain
in Madrid to finalise the process
of the restructuring of the
Between 3rd and 7th September
Fr Jose Miguel spent a week with
his family.
Between 8th and 15th September
he preached a retreat for the
postnovices of Spain at Sierra
Nevada, in Granada.
During the rest of the month of
September he met all the Rectors
and the Provincial Councils of
the various Provinces in Spain in
six separate meetings (Barcelona,
Bilbao, Leon, Madrid, Seville
and Valencia) to launch the
consultation process for the
new Superiors in view of the
restructuring of Salesian Spain.
On 22nd September in Madrid
he met the National Youth

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Ministry Commissions for a day
of formation and planning.
In the month of October he was
in London where he followed a
four week English language
On 29lh October he returned to
Spain to celebrate in Campano
(Cadice) the 75"' anniversary of
the presence of the Salesians.
On 31st October he travelled to
Turin for the meeting for the
missionaries in Project Europe
which was held over the weekend
in Valdocco. On the same day 31st
October there was a meeting of
the Technical Commission for
EXPO 2015.
In the first week of November
in Madrid there was an ordinary
meeting of the West Europe
Region on 4-5 and of the Iberian
Conference on 6-7.
In addition, during the month
of November, there were a
number of different meetings for
the coordination and animation
of various sectors in Spain
(National Youth Ministry Centre,
the CCS Publishing House,
Mission Office, the “Jovenes y
Desarrollo” Foundation).
On 20th-22nd the Councillor paid
a visit to the house in Kenitra,
On 23rd November he gave a
conference in Jaen, on the
occasion of the 10th anniversary
of the Don Bosco Project
Foundation. Finally on 24th
November he returned to Rome
to take part in the winter plenary
session of the General Council.
The Councillor for the
Italy and Middle East Region
After the conclusion of the
winter session of the General
Council and a short visit to his
parents, Fr Pier Fausto Frisoli
returned to Sicily to continue
the Exti'aordinary Visitation. He
celebrated the Feast of Don Bosco
at Catania Barriera in the
morning and in the evening at
Ragusa where he closed the
celebration of the 50thanniversary
of the foundation of the work.
He then continued the Visitation
of the communities in Modica,
Catania - Salette, Palermo - Saint
Clare, Palermo - Jesus Adolescent,
Camporeale, Palermo - Ranchibile,
Marsala, Alcamo, Trapani, Gela,
Riesi, Messina - Giostra, Messina
- Savio, Catania Provincial House.
In addition to the communities
mentioned, Fr Frisoli met the two
groups of the Don Bosco
Volunteers in Sicily, numerous
communities of the Daughters of
Mary Help of Christians, the

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Finance Committee, confreres in
the first five years of priesthood,
those in their perpetual vows,
and those involved in technical
training. On 15thFebruary he also
visited the National Vocation
Office and on 16th February
attended the Assembly of CNOS/
On 5th and 6th April he shared
with the Provincial Council the
conclusions of the Visitation,
which he then presented to the
Assembly of the Rectors on 8th
April. The previous day he had
presided at Mass on the occasion
of Youth Day in Sicily.
Between 9th and 14lh April,
Fr Frisoli was in the office. On
15’hand 16thApril, with Fr Gianni
Mazzali, ISI Provicial, he visited
the confreres at Manouba in
Tunisia. He then chaired the
Curatorium at Turin-Crocetta,
Pinerolo and Rome-San Tarcisio.
On 25th April he began the
Extraordinary Visitation of the
Saint Mark Province of North
East Italy (INE) with an
assembly at Mogliano Veneto.
He then visited the communities
of Albare, Bardolino, Venezia
Mestre A. Zatti, Verona Santa
Croce, Monteortone, Padova,
Venezia Mestre San Marco,
Venezia Mestre IUSVE, Venezia
Mestre Ispettoria, Costanza and
Bacau in Romania. Between 6th
and 8th May at the Sacro Cuore
in Rome he chaired the meeting
of CISI. Having returned to INE,
he met the Rectors, those in
practical training, the Executive
Committee of CNOS/Fap. On 26th
May he returned to Rome to take
part in the summer session of the
General Council.
At the end of the summer
session of the Council, Fr Pier
Fausto Frisoli took part on 24th
July in the General Assembly of
the Don Bosco Volunteers,
presiding at Mass. Between 25th
July and 4thAugust he visited his
parents and then returned to
Rome. Between 10th and 16'h
August he took part in the ‘SYM
Gathering’ of the Region held in
Turin. Between 17th and 20th he
went to visit the confreres in the
first five years of priesthood,
those in their perpetual vows, and
those preparing for their
perpetual profession in Turin and
Messina; he then returned to
Between 2nd and 5th September
he went to Moldavia for the
Extraordinary Visitation of the
community in Chisinau, which
belongs to the INE. On 6thhe led
a formation meeting for teachers
and formation personnel in INE
on the subject of the spirituality

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of Don Bosco. On 7th September,
in Pordenone, he received the
perpetual profession of three
confreres, and the following day
he made the Extraordinary
Visitation of the community in
Castello di Godego “Mons.
Cognata”. He then returned to
Rome where between 16th and
18th, he chaired the Conference of
the Provincials of the Region.
On 19th September he resumed
the Extraordinary Visitation of
the Saint Mark Province of
North East Italy, visiting in turn
the following communities:
Mezzano di Primiero, Belluno,
Venezia - Castello, Schio, Verona
- Don Bosco, Verona - San Zeno,
Castello di Godego, Este, Trento,
Bolzano, Mogliano Veneto -
Comunita Proposta, Mogliano
Veneto - Astori, Udine, Tolmezzo,
Pordenone, San Dona di Piave,
Porto Viro. Between 8lh and
10th November he chaired a
Formation Seminar for School
and Technical Training Centre
Chaplains. Between 11th and 15th
November at Monteortone he led
the first stage of the Formation
Course for new Rectors in the
Region. On 13lh November he
took part in the presentation of
the Manifesto for Technical
Training promoted by CNOS/
in the presence of the Minister
for Work, the Under Secretary
at the Ministry of Education,
Universities and Research and
other members of Parliament.
He then resumed the
Extraordinary Visitation of INE,
going to Santa Maria La Longa,
Chioggia, Gorizia. On 27th he had
a meeting with the Provincial
Council and the following day
gave the final report to the
Assembly of the Confreres held in
On 29th November he returned
to Rome for the winter session of
the General Council.

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5.1 Letter of the Rector Major
following World Youth Day
held in Rio de Janeiro
There follows the text of the Letter
that the Rector Major, Fr. Pascual
Chavez Villanueva, on 29th July
2013, addressed to the Confreres
and to the young people at the
end of the World Youth Day
(WYD), held in Rio de Janeiro
between 22nd and 28"' July 2013.
It is his reflection on the
experience of this “splendid
ecclesial event”, concentrating
especially on the charismatic
figure of Pope Francis, who with
«his gestures, attitudes and
addresses enlightened minds,
warmed hearts and reinforced
everyone’s desire to be true
“disciples and missionaries of
Christ” sent into the world,
without fear, to serve and
transform it». The Rector Major
links the experience of the Days
and the appeals made by Pope
Francis to the process we have
been following in preparation for
the Bicentenary of the birth of our
beloved Father and Founder Don
Bosco and, in particular to the
GC27 with its challenging theme
“Witnesses to the radical
approach of the Gospel”.
Here then is the text of this Letter
of the Rector Major:
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
29thJuly 2013
My Dear Confreres,
I am writing to you immediately
following the closure of World
Youth Day, in Rio de Janeiro.
I have had the grace and
privilege of being part of this,
along with other members of the
General Council, Fr Adrian
Bregolin, Fr Fabio Attard, Fr
Natale Vitali, Fr Esteban Ortiz
and Fr Maria Arokiam Kanaga.
I was very happy to see so
many confreres, Provincials,
Vice-Provincials, youth ministry
delegates, young confreres in
formation accompanying the
various delegations from five
Even though geographical
distance and the financial crisis
was a limiting factor for many, the
arrival of so many other SDBs and
young people who wanted to come
meant there were more than 7,000
youthful members of the SYM
from Salesian works as well as
from those of the FMA, Daughters
of the Divine Saviour and the
Sisters of Charity of Jesus.
I believe I am speaking for
everyone who took part when
I describe the great joy and
enthusiasm of these days for us
around the charismatic figure

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of Pope Francis. His gestures,
attitudes and addresses
enlightened minds, warmed hearts
and reinforced everyone’s desire
to be true “disciples and
missionaries of Christ” sent into
the world, without fear, to serve
and transform it.
I especially appreciated how
the three components - gestures,
attitudes and thought - came
together seamlessly to help us
understand better the figure of
Pope Francis. It all explains his
moral strength, his freedom to act
and speak, his prophetic stance.
Only thus can he lend true value
to all he does and says in exercising
his Petrine ministry. Only thus can
we appreciate the vision of the
Church that he has and feels he is
called to promote. Only thus can
we better appreciate his way of
governing: he starts from where
things are, and is very sensitive to
this, to set processes of change in
social dynamics, through a culture
of dialogue and respect for
diversity, well aware of the
irreplaceable role of the Church in
collaborating in reconciliation for
a fractured world.
We are speaking of a Church
freed from a worldly spirit, the
temptation to harden and solidify
itself within its institutional
framework, to a bourgeois lifestyle,
to a closing in on itself, to
clericalism. A Church that may be
truly the body of the Word made
flesh and, like Him, incarnate in
this world, resplendent in the poor
and suffering. Its service is to offer
Christ and Gospel values for the
necessary transformation of
society. A Church that can no
longer reduce itself to being a
small chapel, but rather a home
for humanity. In Pope Francis’
heart there is a desire for a Church
connoted by openness and where
everyone is accepted, in all their
diversity of culture, race, tradition,
religious confession. Such
openness and acceptance are
possible through a culture of
dialogue and encounter which
makes unity with respect for
diversity possible. A Church that
goes out on the street to evangelise
and serve, reaching out to the
geographical, cultural and
existential periphery. A poor
Church that favours the poor,
becomes their voice and gives them
back a voice to overcome the
selfish indifference of those with
more, as well as the desperate
violence of those who feel most
exploited and defrauded. A Church
that gives just attention and
relevance to women, without
whom the Church itself runs the
risk of becoming sterile.

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Of the almost 20 addresses he
gave, in my view the most
important because they were the
most programmatic, were the one
he gave to the Brazilian Episcopal
Conference and another to leaders
in society, as well as the messages
to youth who were the central
characters in the WYD.
To the Brazilian Bishops: Pope
Francis began his address by
offering the Aparecida document
as a key to understanding the
Church’s mission. The Church
does not have the power of a
transatlantic ocean liner because
it is a simple fisherman’s boat.
God manifests himself in it
through poor means, and
pastoral success does not depend
so much on human efficiency as
on God’s creativity. The Church
then is called to transform itself
little by little, recalling that the
mystery enters people through
the heart and cannot be reduced
to rational explanation. The Holy
Father than gave the Bishops
the icon of Emmaus as a key
to understanding the present
and future, offering an
innovative ecclesiological, not a
Christological interpretation. He
sought to have it understood that
abandonment of the Church is
due to the fact that it is reduced
to being a relic of the past, unable
to respond to the problems and
challenges of humankind today.
The Church cannot escape the
night it is experiencing because
of the flight of believers to whom
it promised something higher,
stronger, more resolute and
speedy. Unfortunately the Church
seems to have forgotten that
there is nothing higher than
Jerusalem, or stronger than the
weakness of the Cross, or more
convincing than kindness, love,
beauty, or more speedy than the
rhythm of pilgrims - the Church
should keep step with them to
rediscover the tempo of “being
with” those with whom it walks,
nurturing patience and an ability
to listen, comprehension of so
many diverse situations. Finally,
the Pope identified the grand
priorities the Brazilian episcopate
should give its attention to.
Turing to political and cultural
leaders he sought to make them
aware of the historic moment
we are experiencing, of their
responsibility for resolving
conflicts, of the urgent need to
redeem politics. More than once
he emphasises the importance
of the culture of encounter they
need to foster to overcome the
sorrowful exclusion of the elderly
through cultural euthanasia that
makes it impossible for them to

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enrich society with their wisdom,
values. A culture of encounter
that should eliminate the social
waste of the young, when they are
so often denied the possibility of
work and a future.
In his messages to the young,
the invitation was always one of
investing their energies, their very
lives in positive causes for which
it is worth spending their lives. In
particular, Jesus Christ is the
great cause worthy of one’s entire
life. He exhorted them to be
fearless in making courageous
choices. Making use of metaphors
he told them they can be God’s
field where the good seed
germinates, grows and bears fruit;
he invited them to go down to the
field with God’s team and train to
become athletes of Christ; he
exhorted them to work in the field
of transformation to renew the
Church and be transforming
agents in society and the world.
Finally he invited them, like
Christ and with Christ, to depart,
again without fear, to go out and
serve the world and enrich it with
the gift of Christ and the Gospel,
beginning all this by serving their
friends and companions, and all
the other young people they can
So, in Rio de Janeiro, Pope
Francis sent the Church out onto
the street, took it to the
peripheries, had it speak as a
Mother, gave it back energy, and
by doing so through his gestures
and attitudes, taught us the kind
of Church he wants and the kind
of rapport it must have with the
Obviously I experienced this
splendid ecclesial event with my
brothers and sisters, with the
young, as a Salesian, as Rector
Major, trying to understand
better how this new ecclesial
movement hasto beaccepted,
translated and
lived out inour
Salesian Congregation.
And, without there being too
much pretence, I have to say that
the road we have taken in
preparation for the bicentenary
of birth of our beloved Father
and Founder, Don Bosco, and
especially for GC27, with its
challenging theme of “Witnesses
to the radical approach of the
Gospel”, are in perfect harmony
with this appeal to Christ, his
Gospel, to simplicity, poverty and
Through this letter I invite all
of you, Salesians and the young,
to take up the Holy Father’s
addresses again, to take up and
bring to life his spiritual and
pastoral guidelines as a priority
not only for Youth Ministry but

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also as part of our journey towards
the bicentenary.
While we continue to pray for
Pope Francis, as he himself
requests insistently and
everywhere, let us entrust the
Church and our beloved
Congregation to Mary Immaculate,
the Help of Christians, that they
may be up to what the Lord and
the young expect of them.
Affectionately, in Don Bosco
Fr Pascual Cha^ z V SDB
Rector Major
5.2 Liturgical Memorial of Blessed
Maria Troncatti, FMA
With a Rescript dated 26thApril
2013 (Prot. N. 147/13/L) the
Congregation for Divine Worship
and the Discipline of the
Sacraments, responding to the
request submitted, determined
that Blessed Maria TRONCATTI,
FMA, should be inserted into the
proper Liturgical Calendar of the
Salesian Society of Saint Francis
of Sales to be celebrated each
year as a Memorial “ad libitum”
(Optional Memorial) on 25th
August, the date of her “dies
Congregation has approved the
proper liturgical text for the
celebration that will be inserted
in the ordinary texts of the
Liturgy for the “Common of
Virgins” or the “Common of
women saints” (for those who
worked for the underprivileged).
The liturgical texts specifically
approved are those of the Prayer
(the Collect of the Mass and the
Prayer for the Liturgy of the
Hours), and of the Second
Reading for the Office of
The proper liturgical texts are
given below.
- I n LATIN.
Misericors Pater,
qui, Spfritus Sancti virtute,
maternam caritatem Christi
ad gentes nuntiandi
in Beata Maria Troncatti,
virgine, suscitasti,
concede nos,
eius intercession,
pacis et reconciliations
artifices esse,
ut omnes sanctum
nomen tuum magnificent.
Per Dominum.

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Merciful Father,
who through
the power of the Holy Spirit
stirred up in the Virgin Blessed
Maria Troncatti
a maternal charity
to announce Christ to the nations,
grant, through her intercession,
that we might be instruments
of reconciliation and peace,
so that all may glorify
your holy name.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ,
your Son,
who lives and reigns with you
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
From the Encyclical
Redem ptoris inissio
of Blessed John Paul II,
(nn. 42. 69-70. 88: AAS 83[1991]
289. 317-318. 335)
To live the mystery of Christ
as testimony
of Spiritual maternity
The missionary, who, despite
all his or her human limitations
and defects, lives a simple life,
taking Christ as the model, is a
sign of God and of transcendent
realities. But everyone in the
Church, striving to imitate the
Divine Master, can and must bear
this kind of witness; in many
cases it is the only possible way
of being a missionary. The
evangelical witness which the
world finds most appealing is
that of concern for people, and
of charity toward the poor, the
weak and those who suffer. The
complete generosity underlying
this attitude and these actions
stands in marked contrast to
human selfishness. It raises
precise questions which lead
to God and to the Gospel. A
commitment to peace, justice,
human rights and human
promotion is also a witness to
the Gospel when it is a sign of
concern for persons and is
directed toward integral human
The Church needs to make
known the great gospel values of
which she is the bearer. No one
witnesses more effectively to
these values than those who
profess the consecrated life in
chastity, poverty and obedience,
in a total gift of self to God and
in complete readiness to serve
humanity and society after the
example of Christ.

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In the religious missionary the
virginity for the sake of the
kingdom is transformed into a
motherhood in the spirit that is
rich and fruitful. It is precisely
the mission ad gentes that offers
them vast scope for «the gift of
self with love in a total and
undivided manner». The example
and activity of women who
through virginity are consecrated
to love of God and neighbour,
especially the very poor, are an
indispensable evangelical sign
among those peoples and cultures
where women still have far to go
on the way toward human
promotion and liberation.
An essential characteristic of
missionary spirituality is intimate
communion with Christ. We
cannot understand or carry out
the mission unless we refer it to
Christ as the one who was sent to
evangelise. St. Paul describes
Christ’s attitude: «Have this mind
among yourselves, which is yours
in Christ Jesus, who, though he
was in the form of God, did not
count equality with God a thing
to be grasped, but emptied
himself, taking the form of a
servant, being born in the likeness
of men. And being found in
human form he humbled himself
and became obedient unto death,
even death on a cross» (Phil 2:5-
8). The mystery of the Incarnation
and Redemption is thus described
as a total self-emptying which
leads Christ to experience fully
the human condition and to
accept totally the Father’s plan.
This is an emptying of self
which is permeated by love and
expresses love. The mission
follows this same path and
leads to the foot of the cross.
The missionary is required to
«renounce himself and everything
that up to this point he considered
as his own, and to make himself
everything to everyone». This he
does by a poverty which sets him
free for the Gospel, overcoming
attachment to the people and
things about him, so that he may
become a brother to those to
whom he is sent and thus bring
them Christ the Saviour. This is
the goal of missionary spirituality:
«To the weak I became weak;
I have become all things to all
men, that I might by all means
save some. I do it all for the sake
of the Gospel» (1 Cor 9:22-23). It
is precisely because he is «sent»
that the missionary experiences
the consoling presence of Christ,
who is with him at every moment
of life - «Do not be afraid, for
I am with you» (Acts 18:9-10) -
and who awaits him in the heart
of every person.

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R esponsorial
1 Cor 9:22
R. To the weak I became weak, *
I have become all things to all,
that I might save some at any
V. The Lord has sent me to the
R. I have become all things to all,
that I might save some at any
5.3 Decree on the martyrdom of
the Servant of God Stephen
Sandor, SDB
Below in an English translation
is the “Decretum super martyrio”
of the Salesian Brother Istvan
SANDOR, published by the
Congregation for the Causes of
Saints on 27th March 2013.
«lf anyone of you should suffer
for being a Christian, then he is
not to be ashamed of it; he should
thank God that he has been called
one» (lPt, 4.16)
Numerous is the host of
martyrs who for their faith shed
their blood on Hungarian soil
during the period of the
communist regime, immediately
after the second world war.
Among these witnesss to Christ
even to the shedding of his blood
must also be numbered the
Servant of God Stephen Sandor,
a lay religious of the Society of
Saint Francis of Sales.
From his teenage years Stephen
followed an exemplary path of
faith, fortified by religious
profession in the Society of Saint
Francis of Sales and strengthened
by holiness of life according to
the rule of a Salesian Brother. He
was distinguished by a genuine
religious vocation according to the
spirit of the Founder Saint John
Bosco, gifted with an intense
fervent zeal for the salvation of
souls, especially of the young.
This was the foundation on which
the Servant of God would face up
to martyrdom without doubts or
The first-born of three children,
Stephen Sandor was born in the
village of Szolnok on 24lh October
1914 into a deeply religious family,
from which he received the first
“rudimenta fidei”. These were
further developed and put into
practice in assiduous attendance
at the religious and liturgical
activities of the local parish,
directed by the Order of Friars
Minor. Later his vocation turned

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towards the Society of Saint
Francis of Sales, which he entered
as a postulant on 12th January
1936. After two years preparation,
on 1st April 1938 he was admitted
to the novitiate as a Brother.
In this period he showed a
remarkable personality and
spiritual depth, rooted in love for
the Eucharist and for Mary Help
of Christians, becoming for his
companions not only a friend but
a model for life, especially in
humility and obedience. After
having completed military service,
the Servant of God made his
first triennial profession on 8th
September 1940, the second on
16th October 1943, and finally
perpetual profession on 24th July
1946. During this time he was
engaged first as an apprentice and
then as a manager of a printing
press, at the same time exercising
the role of an educator of the
young and of the apprentices,
while outside the Salesian
Congregation he was known as a
member and as an organiser of
the National Association of Young
Catholics. He gave the highest
testimony to the spiritual and
apostolic nature of the Salesian
Society: in fact he carried out his
duties with singular diligence,
demonstrating holiness of life,
piety, competence and fidelity to
Christian principles. Cultivating
an interior life and preserving in
all his occupations union with
God, he practised with everyone
and everywhere a pedagogical
method in the spirit of Saint
John Bosco - commonly called the
“preventive system” - that is
offering to the young the gospel
of joy, through the pedagogy of
kindness. He lived his faith in a
active manner, devoting himself
to evangelisation and the teaching
of Christian doctrine, according
to the mission of the Salesian
Society, carrying this out with a
true oratorian spirit. The constant
work he undertook among the
boys of the Oratory, in looking
after the altar servers and as “a
master printer” demonstrated his
competence as an educator, which
he confirmed with the proofs of
an intense spiritual life.
Throughout 1943, when the
Servant of God was preparing to
make his perpetual profession,
the communist party took control
in Hungary and immediately the
very bitter hatred of the regime
for religion especially towards
the Catholic Church manifested
itself: in fact, in all sorts of ways
the Church was forced to submit
to the power of the Hungarian
state, which gradually sought its
annihilation by the confiscation

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of church property, the closing
down of all youth associations,
the nationalisation of all schools,
arriving finally, in 1950, at the
suppression of all Orders and
Religious Congregations.
Stephen Sandor too had to leave
the Salesian house and had found
work in a printing press in
Szolnok, when the Public
Authorities sent him to Budapest
as an instructor of young orphans
preparing them for work, and of
apprentices. In this work, rather
than following the atheistic
principles of the regime, the
Servant of God continued with
prudence to teach the principles
of the Christian religion, fostering
the Catholic faith in the minds of
the young. All this, however, was
not to the liking of the regime, so
he became the subject of secret
investigation by the Public
Fr Laszlo Adam, Provincial at
the time, decided to send Stephen
Sandor abroad to enable him to
continue to live his life as a
religious; but the Servant of God
did not take advantage of this
opportunity preferring to devote
his life to saving Hungarian youth
even at the price of martyrdom.
His sacrifice was an expression of
his conviction regarding fidelity to
God and to the Salesian vocation,
which always encouraged him to
carry out this great ideal in the
place Providence had marked out
for him.
Nevertheless, following the
correspondence, the hidden
activities of the Servant of God
were discovered and on 28th July
1952 he was arrested and
imprisoned. He was subjected to
inhuman interrogations and fierce
torture and psychological
pressure, which weakened the
mind and deceived the will, to the
extent that he admitted the
absurd and false accusations made
against him, - his involvement in
plots against the democratic order,
high treason and other crimes, all
accusations which carried with
them the death penalty. Even in
prison the Servant of God firmly
maintained his fidelity to Christ,
praying with all his might and
offering his sufferings to the Lord.
In addition, in spite of knowing
that the carrying out of the
condemnation to death was close,
with exceptional serenity he was a
source of consolation for his
companions. On 12th March 1953
the sentence of his being
condemned to death was formally
pronounced, and it was carried out
by hanging on 8thJune in the same

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While the memory of the
Servant of God and that of several
other confreres persecuted and
killed under the communist
regime was kept alive, it was
only on 19th May 2003 that the
first formal steps were taken
to introduce the cause of
beatification and canonisation.
The diocesan enquiry was
undertaken by the Archdiocese
of Budapest-Strigonio between
24th May 2006 and 8th December
2007. The juridical validity of the
diocesan enquiry was recognised
by the Congregation for the
Causes of Saints with a decree of
24th November 2008. When the
Positio was prepared, there was
discussion, according to standard
procedure, whether the death of
the Servant of God really was
martyrdom. On 3rd July 2012 the
Special Commission of Theologian
Consultors gave its positive
decision. The Cardinals and
Bishops assembled in an Ordinary
Session with the undersigned
Cardinal Angelo Amato presiding
recognised that the Servant of God
was killed for his fidelity to Christ.
Made aware of all these things
by a report of the undersigned
Cardinal Prefect, the Supreme
Pontiff Francis, accepting and
ratifying the votes expressed by
the Congregation for the Causes
of Saints, on today’s date declares
that: The martyrdom and the
Cause of the Servant of God
Stephen Sandor, a professed
Brother of the Society of Saint
Francis of Sales, is verified in this
case for the intended purpose.
The Supreme Pontiff directed
that this decree be published and
preserved among the Acts of the
Congregation for the Causes of
Given at Rome 27thMarch 2013.
t Angelo Card. A mato, S.D.B.
t M arcello Bartolucci
Titular Archbishop of Mevania (Bevagna)
5.4 New Provincials
Below (in alphabetical order) we
provide some biographical details
of the Provincials appointed by the
Rector Major with his Council in
the course of the summer plenary
session 2013.
1. D’SOUZA Godfrey, Provincial
of the Province of MUMBAI,
On 18th June 2013, the Rector
Major with his Council appointed

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Fr Godfrey D’SOUZA as the
new Povincial of the Saint
Francis Xavier Province with
headquarters in MUMBAI, India.
He succeeds Fr Michael
Fr Godfrey D’Souza was born
8th November 1952 at Parel,
Mumbai, India, and has been a
Salesian since 24th May 1972, the
date of his first religious
profession made in Yercaud, at
the conclusion of the year of
novitiate. Perpetually professed
on 3rdJune 1979, he was ordained
priest on 18th December 1982 in
After having worked as young
priest in Hubli, Karnataka, in
1986 he left for the missions in
Africa, working in Southern
Sudan in Tonj and Wau, between
1986 and 1991, and in Tanzania
at Dodoma - S. Dominic Savio,
between 1991 and 1994. Having
returned to the Mumbai Province,
he was a pioneer in the new
Salesian foundation in Suttgaiti,
Karnataka, between 1994 and
1996; from 1996 he was for six
years Rector of the Provncial
House in Mumbai - Matunga;
between 1998 and 2003 he was
Provincial Secretary and from
2003 to 2009 he was Vice
Provincial and Delegate for Youth
Ministry, contributing greatly to
the animation and administration
of the Province. In 2009 he was
appointed Rector of the house of
Mumbai - Andheri, a role he was
still filling when he was appointed
2. GEBREMESKEL Estifanos,
Superior of the Vice-Province of
To lead the Vice-Province
“Maria Kidane Meheret” of
Rector Major with his Council on
13th June 2013 appointed Fr
succeeds Fr Genaro Gegantoni.
Born 18thApril 1969 in Makalle,
Ethiopia, Estifanos Gebremeskel
made his first profession on 22nd
September 1991, at the end of the
year of novitiate undertaken in
Adigrat. Perpetually professed on
7th September 1997, he was
ordained priest on 18thApril 1999
in Adigrat.
After ordination he did pastoral
work for two years in Makalle
and for a further two years in
Dilla in Ethiopia. He then went
to Rome to study at the Salesian
Pontifical University (2003-2006).
After returning to the Vice
Province he was Rector in Adigrat
for six years. Since 2012 he has
been Vice-Rector, Economer and

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Director of the Oratory in Debre
Zeit, Ethiopia. Between 2007 and
2011 he was a Councillor of the
Vice-Province and since 2011,
until his appointment as Superior,
he was Vicar of the Vice-Province.
From 2007 he was also Delegate
for formation.
Enrique, Provincial of the Province
On 18th June 2013, the Rector
Major with his Council appointed
Fr Jaime Enrique MORALES
ALFONSO the new Provincial of
the Saint Peter Claver Province
with headquarters in BOGOTA,
COLOMBIA. He succeeds Fr
Mario Leonardo Peresson.
Jaime Enrique Morales Alfonso
was born on 18thFebruary 1946 at
San Eduardo, Boyaca, Colombia,
and has been a Salesian since 29Ul
January 1965, the date of his first
religious profession which he
made in Tena, at the end of the
year of novitiate. Perpetually
professed 14th December 1970, he
was ordaned priest 15th August
1974 in Bogota.
After ordination he did
pastoral work in various houses,
including the Provincial House
between 1985 and 1988. He was
then appointed Rector of the
house in Tunja from 1988 until
1993. In 1993 he was appointed
Vice-Provincial, a position he
held for six years with the role
also of Rector of the Provincial
House. Then between 1999 and
2004 he was in Ecuador, where
he worked in the house of Quito
- El Giron and from 2004 until
2010 in the Provincial House in
Quito. During the ten years
spent in Ecuador his role was
that of animator, Vice-Rector,
and Rector of the Regional
Centre for Ongoing Formation in
Quito. At the end of 2010 he
returned to the Bogota Province
and was again appointed Vice-
Provincial; in 2011 he was also
Provibcial Delegate for formation
and in 2012 Delegate for Social
He was also Episcopal Vicar for
4. RUTA Giuseppe, Provincial of
the Province of SICILY, ITALY
To lead the Saint Paul Province
of SICILY the Rector Major with
his Council on 7th June 2013
appointed Fr Giuseppe RUTA. He
succeeds Fr Giovanni Mazzali.
Born on 30th January 1959 at
Modica (RG), Italy, Giuseppe Ruta
made his first profession on 12lh
September 1975, at the end of his

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year of novitiate at Lanuvio.
Perpetually professed on 12th
September 1982, he was ordained
priest on 11th January 1986 in
Modica, his home town.
After ordination he worked in
the house in Barcellona, Sicily and
then went to Rome to study at
the Salesian Pontifical University
(1987-1989), obtaining a doctorate
in Theology. After returning to
the Province he worked for two
years in the house of Messina -
Don Rua and from 1991 until 2010
in Messina - San Tommaso, as
professor, and from 2005 to 2010
also as Rector. From 2010 until
his appointment as Provincial he
was Rector of the house of Catania
- Cibali. Between 2003 and 2009
and from 2011 until his
appointment as Provincial he was
a Provincial Councillor. Within the
diocese he was also responsible
for University Ministry and was
Episcopal Vicar for Consecrated
5.5 New Salesian Bishops
Narciso, Vicar Apostolic o f
Chaco Paraguayo (Paraguay)
On 18th June 2013 the Press
Office of the Holy See announced
that Pope Francis had appointed
the Salesian priest Fr Gabriel
Narciso ESCOBAR AYALA, Vicar
Apostolic of Chaco Paraguayo,
assigning him the titular see of
Media. The Vicariate Apostolic of
Chaco Paraguayo, vacant for two
years, has always since its
foundation (1948) had a Salesian
to lead it.
Fr Escobar Ayala, born on 18th
June 1971 in Asuncion, Paraguay,
completed his secondary studies
at the Sacred Heart of Jesus -
“Salesianito” College in Asuncion,
and then entered the prenovitiate
of Lambare (Asuncion), and
afterwards the novitiate in Ramos
Mejia, Buenos Aires (Argentina).
He made his first profession
on 31st January 1993 and his
perpetual profession on 31st
January 1999. He did his
theological studies at the
Pontificial Catholic University
of Santiago Chile, obtaining a
Licence in Religious Studies and
a Licence in Education.
He was ordained priest on 10th
February 2001 in Asuncion,
After ordination he held the
foliowwing posts: from February
2001 until 2004 he was Economer
of the Salesian community in
Concepcion and at the same time
curate in the parish of Mary Help

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of Christians in Concepcion, as
well as a miltary chaplain in the
same city; from Februry 2005
until the end of 2007 he was at
the “Salesianito” in Asuncion, as
Economer of the Salesian
community and curate in the
Sanctuary of the Sacred Heart of
Jesus, and Provincial Delegate for
Catechetics, Religious Education
in Schools, Youth Ministry and
Social Communication; from
February 2008 until the end of
2012 he was Rector of the
“Salesianito” in Asuncion. Then
he was appointed Rector of the
San Jose Salesian Institute in
Concepcion, a role he held until
his appointment as Vicar
His episcopal ordination took
place in the Sanctuary of Mary
Help of Christians in Asuncion
on 3rd August 2013.
Bishop o f the Diocese o f La
Guaira (Venezuela)
On 30th November 2013 the
Press Office of the Holy See
announced that Pope Francis had
appointed the Salesian priest Fr
of the Diocese of LA GUAIRA,
Venezuela. In the Press Office
statement it was reported that
the Diocese of La Guaira covers
1,497, with a population
of 388,000 of whom 352,000 are
Catholics, with 50 priests, 55
religious and 2 permanent
Fr Raul Biord Castillo, was
born on 23rd October 1962 at San
Antonio, Venezuela, made his first
profession on 8lh September 1980
in the novitiate at San Antonio
de Los Altos, as a member of the
Salesian Province of Venezuela.
On 13th September 1987 he made
his perpetual profession - and
after theological studies in Rome
at the Salesian Pontifical
University, obtaining the Licence
in Theology - he was ordained
priest on 15th July 1989 in San
Antonio de Los Altos, Venezuela.
After ordination he worked for
some years in the postnovitiate
in Los Teques, and then in the
years 1996-1997 he was again in
Rome, where he obtained a
Doctorate in Theology at the
Gregorian Pontifical University.
After his return to Venezuela,
he exercised his ministry for
some years in Los Teques, first
in the prenovitiate, then in the
San Jose Sixth Form College; in
Los Teques he was also a curate
and chaplain to religious Sisters
- then between 2000 and 2003 -
Professor and Rector in the

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“P. Ojeda” Salesian University
Institute (IUSPO).
In 2003 he was transferred to
Caracas, to the Provincial House.
Here he had several tasks with
important roles including that of
Professor in the Institute of
Theology for Religious (ITER)
and Professor in the Diocsan
Seminary. He was also Secretary
of the Pastoral Theological
Commission of the Bishops’
Council in Venezuela; consultor
to the Bishops’ Commission on
Doctrine and to the Association
for Catholic Education (AVEC).
Within the Province he had
the following roles: Delegate for
the Work Preparation Centres
and Delegate for Formation. A
member of the Provincial Council
from 2002, in July 2004 he was
appointed Vice-Provincial a post
he held until his appointment as
Bishop. For a year he was also
Provincial Secretary.

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5.6 Our dead confreres (2ndlist 2013)
“Faith in the risen Christ sustains our hope and keeps alive our communion with our
brothers who rest in Christ’s peace. They have spent their lives in the Congregation, and
not a few have suffered even to the point of martyrdom for the love of the Lord... Their
remembrance is an incentive to continue faithfully in our mission” (C. 94).
PLACE of death
P ALESSI Alfredo
Messina (Italia)
28/10/2013 93
P A N D R I0L 0 Francesco
Castello di Godego (Italia)
02/12/2013 89
P ANTONA Giuseppe
Torino (Italia)
23/07/2013 93
P A RBA Luigi
Guayaquil (Ecuador)
18/08/2013 100
L ARMAN Giuseppe
Gorizia (Italia)
04/12/2013 93
P ASMA Andre
Wijchen (Olanda)
23/10/2013 81
Fu Ispettore per 8 anni
P BARBO SA Jose Maria De Souza
Manaus (Brasile)
31/10/2013 54
Arese (Italia)
05/07/2013 97
Fu Ispettore per 6 anni
Torino (Italia)
05/11/2013 84
Lubumbashi (Congo R. D.)
08/11/2013 89
Ivrea (Italia)
12/10/2013 62
P B O R TA Ido
Venezia-Mestre (Italia)
18/10/2013 88
P BOSZE Jozsef
Szombathely (Ungheria)
20/07/2013 89
Roma (Italia)
11/08/2013 92
Arese (Italia)
05/08/2013 97
P BRUZZO N E Pierino
Roma (Italia)
03/04/2013 87
L BULFE Dom ingo
Fernando de la Mora (Paraguay) 11/06/2013 71
P C A H ILL David
Celbridge (Irlanda)
06/12/2013 89
P C A L E R O M O N T E N E G R O O rlan d o Managua (Nicaragua)
21/08/2013 90
Yonkers, New York (U.S.A.)
12/12/2013 92
P C APRA Giuseppe
Fossano (Italia)
02/12/2013 80
Leon (Spagna)
12/07/2013 85
Catania (Italia)
22/08/2013 77
Alcazar de San Juan (Spagna) 13/11/2013 86
L CENDALi Candido
Arese (Italia)
30/07/2013 80
P CESCON Argentino
Manaus (Brasile)
05/04/2013 91
Berhampore (India)
08/05/2013 62
P C H A UVEL Charles
Guernsey, Channel Isl. (GBR) 24/08/2013 92
Tampa, Florida (U.S.A.)
25/10/2013 89
P CISZEW SKI W ladislaw
Varsavia (Polonia)
29/07/2013 75
Engadine (Australia)
09/09/2013 87
P CORTI Giovanni
Comodoro Rivadavia (Argentina) 27/11/2013 88
Roanne (Francia)
29/11/2013 86
L Da SILVA Fernando Jose
Campo Grande (Brasile)
05/12/2013 86
Brno (Rep. Ceca)
10/12/2013 62
L DASSIE Dom enico
Roma (Italia)
30/10/2013 79
Riesi (Italia)
20/11/2013 90

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PLACE of death
Campinas (Brasile)
29/09/2013 95 BSP
Quito (Ecuador)
24/08/2013 93 ECU
P DEL DEGAN Mario Ernesto
Buenos Aires (Argentina)
06/07/2013 76 A R N
Fu Ispettore per 6 anni
P D E L L’A G N O L O Paolo
Bahia Blanca (Argentina)
17/10/2013 84 A R S
P Dl BAR BO R A Ernesto Jose Luis
San Nicolas (Argentina)
22/07/2013 67 A R N
L DUARTE Carlos Alberto
Manique - Cascais (Portogallo) 16/06/2013 76 POR
Rosenheim (Germania)
12/07/2013 67 PLS
Fu Ispettore per 6 anni
P E S P IN O S A Z E V A L L O S Jo se Luis Guayaquil (Ecuador)
22/09/2013 83 ECU
Roma (Italia)
29/07/2013 78 ICC
Panjim (Goa, India)
29/04/2013 62 INP
Santo Domingo (Rep. Dorn.) 02/07/2013 83 A N T
P FER R E IR A A ntonio da ilva
Sao Paulo (Brasile)
06/10/2013 86 BSP
P FERREIRA M arcello M artinlano
Niteroi, R.J. (Brasile)
08/06/2013 80 B BH
Sulow (Polonia)
07/11/2013 68 PLO
Torino (Italia)
27/04/2013 90 ICP
L FREITAS A nthony
Salerno (Italia)
Arcadia, California (U.S.A.)
03/12/2013 86 IM E
31/07/2013 94 suo
P GALAJ Kazim ierz
Lutomiersk (Polonia)
16/07/2013 81 PLE
Farnborough (Gran Bretagna) 06/04/2013 95 G B R
Varazze (Italia)
27/04/2013 90 ICC
Roma (Italia)
05/08/2013 90 ICC
Roma (Italia)
15/05/2013 85 U PS
P GIL Raim undo Miguel
Rosario (Argentina)
28/05/2013 90 A R N
Castelfranco Veneto (Italia)
13/10/2013 83
L GIPPETTO Francesco
Palermo (Italia)
22/10/2013 73
Udine (Italia)
03/07/2013 90
P G O D NIC Vittorio
Gorizia (Italia)
30/11/2013 93 INE
S GOLAS Grzegorz
Bollingtona (Gran Bretagna)
04/08/2013 27 P LO
L G O N Z A L E Z N A V A R R O Jo s e R am on Caracas (Venezuela)
13/06/2013 85 V EN
P G UIO TTO Sillo Gaetano
Genova-Sampierdarena (Italia) 15/09/2013 85 ICC
P HELIANEK Krzysztof
Czerwihsk (Polonia)
18/09/2013 46 PLE
Arevalo (Spagna)
18/05/2013 76 S M A
Bolton (Gran Bretagna)
07/12/2013 92 G B R
Fu Ispettore per 6 anni
Bui Chu (Vietnam)
17/08/2013 74
Fu Vescovo di Bui Chu per 12 anni
Aalst (Belgio)
07/12/2013 80 BEN
Kromeriz (Repubblica Ceca) 18/05/2013 89 C EP
Askeaton, Co. Limreick (Irlanda) 20/10/2013 95 IR L
L IW ANAMI Shizuo Ludovico
Beppu, Oita (Giappone)
18/09/2013 85 G IA
P KALAC Jaroslao
Civitanova Marche Alta (Italia) 06/05/2013 81 ICC
Aluva, Kerala (India)
18/08/2013 48 INK
Wien (Austria)
29/07/2013 76 A U S
P KRZYWON Szczepan
Sosnowiec (Polonia)
26/05/2013 85 P LO
P KUPTZ Herbert
Koln (Germania)
08/04/2013 76 G ER

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PLACE of death
Halle (Belgio)
25/05/2013 86 B EN
Shillong (India)
17/04/2013 92 IN S
P L E B 0 R 0 N I Paolo
Roma (Italia)
12/04/2013 71
Westridge (Sud Africa)
07/06/2013 72 A FM
Fu Ispettore per 6 anni
Buenos Aires (Argentina)
02/06/2013 90 A R S
P MANNU Antonio
Selargius, Cagliari (Italia)
09/05/2013 89 A R S
Castello di Godego (Italia)
21/05/2013 93 INE
Barcelona (Spagna)
29/07/2013 72 S B A
El Campello (Spagna)
24/06/2013 82 SVA
Logrono (Spagna)
15/10/2013 89 SBI
Roma (Italia)
10/07/2013 87 IC C
P M EUW IS Alfons
Heusden (Belgio)
06/07/2013 83 BEN
L M ICH A LA K Vicente
Ponta Grossa (Brasile)
18/05/2013 84 BPA
P M ICHAU Jean-Pierre
Paris (Francia)
03/09/2013 72 FRB
Brussel (Belgio)
18/07/2013 92 BEN
P MISCIO Antonio
Firenze (Italia)
05/08/2013 90 ICC
Natters, Tirol (Austria)
07/06/2013 71 A U S
P M O R E N O E C H E V E R R IA Luis A lb. Manta, Manabi (Ecuador)
24/06/2013 92 ECU
Sevilla (Spagna)
28/08/2013 74 S SE
El Campello, Alicante (Spagna) 01/06/2013 83 SVA
P NAGY Ferenc
Szekesfehervar (Ungheria)
26/09/2013 92 U NG
L NA R T Celestino
Sao Paulo (Brasile)
10/06/2013 92 B SP
Birmingham, Alabama (U.S.A.) 27/11/2013 75 S U E
Arevalo (Spagna)
24/07/2013 87 S M A
L NOVELLI Alessandro
Roma (Italia)
10/09/2013 105 IC C
P PALASEK Stanislav
Olomouc (Rep. Ceca)
06/10/2013 83 C E P
Wayne, New Jersey (U.S.A.) 11/09/2013 91 S UE
Mumbai (India)
30/08/2013 77 ING
Rignano Garganico (Italia)
10/09/2013 78 IM E
L PAVAN Giovanni
Venezia-Mestre (Italia)
29/09/2013 76 INE
Arese (Italia)
26/06/2013 73
L P ER A G uerrino
Torino (Italia)
01/11/2013 79 ICP
P PEREIRA Bosco Daniel
Mumbai (India)
19/07/2013 63 INB
L PERILLA Juan Pom pilio
Medellin (Colombia)
23/09/2013 94 C O M
P PINNA Giovanni
Roma (Italia)
18/04/2013 97 ICC
P PIROG Bronislaw
Rzszow (Polonia)
02/07/2013 87 PLS
Beppu, Oita (Giappone)
06/05/2013 94 G IA
Jan Juan (Porto Rico)
19/06/2013 90 A N T
P POMERO Francesco
Torino (Italia)
18/04/2013 94 IC P
Belo Horizonte (Brasile)
16/07/2013 80 BBH
Roma (Italia)
27/09/2013 89 UPS
Aluva (India)
14/11/2013 79 INK
Quito (Ecuador)
26/05/2013 91 ECU
Goiana (Brasile)
23/08/2013 79 BBH
P R O D R IG U E Z A R A N A R u d d y Felix La Paz (Bolivia)
04/09/2013 65 B O L
Queretaro (Messico)
04/06/2013 80 M EM

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PLACE of death
Guadalajara (Messico)
20/08/2013 67 M EG
P ROSSI Florindo
Sondrio (Italia)
25/07/2013 76
L ROTZER Herbert
Benediktbeuern (Germania)
15/11/2013 70 G ER
Civitanova Marche Alta (Italia) 25/08/2013 87 ICC
Barcelona (Spagna)
02/11/2013 80 S B A
Civitanova Marche Alta (Italia) 17/07/2013 88 ICC
Varazze (Italia)
03/05/2013 88 ICC
Madrid (Spagna)
30/08/2013 85 S M A
Arevalo (Spagna)
30/06/2013 88 S M A
Arese (Italia)
04/07/2013 90
Roma (Italia)
29/04/2013 84 ICC
Treviglio (Italia)
20/10/2013 94
L SECCO Antonio
Castelfranco Veneto (Italia)
13/10/2013 75 INE
Torino (Italia)
26/11/2013 78 ICP
Ji-Parana (Brasile)
30/04/2013 81 B M A
Montevideo (Uruguay)
10/09/2013 81 URU
Arco, TN (Italia)
07/10/2013 74 A N T
L SO NG W E Gilbert
Kinshasa (Congo Rep. Dem.) 07/06/2013 43 A FC
P SORENG Patrick
Juba (Sud Sudan)
15/09/2013 62 A FE
Modling (Austria)
06/11/2013 83 A U S
L SUTHAM Chayaban Andrew
Hat-Yai (Thailandia)
30/08/2013 77 T H A
Santiago del Cile (Cite)
10/09/2013 90 C IL
Vitoria (Brasile)
29/07/2013 78 B BH
Torino (Italia)
01/08/2013 83 M O R
P TH O M A N N Italo
Farnborough (Gran Bretagna) 04/05/2013 83 G B R
P TO CCO LI Vincent
Cannes (Francia)
05/08/2013 71 FRB
P TONELLI Riccardo
Roma (Italia)
01/10/2013 76 UPS
P TOTH Jozef
Hody (Slovacchia)
14/05/2013 93 S LK
La Spezia (Italia)
10/10/2013 77 ICC
P TU VER I Giovanni Italo
Roma (Italia)
08/08/2013 81
Rijswijk (Olanda)
04/04/2013 82 BEN
Tisnov (Rep. Ceca)
06/08/2013 87 C EP
Roma (Italia)
12/08/2013 88 ICC
Sevilla (Spagna)
12/04/2013 72 S S E
Mexico (Messico)
25/11/2013 81 M EM
L VENIER Dom enico
Castello di Godego (Italia)
26/08/2013 89 M DG
Avila (Spagna)
14/07/2013 85 S M A
P V IC E N T E P E R E N A J e s u s A m a b le Sevilla (Spagna)
22/07/2013 90 S SE
Asuncion (Paraguay)
22/05/2013 90 PAR
L W ASCHL Hermann
Ensdorf (Germania)
14/11/2013 79 G E R
P ZAM BO N Adelson Caetano
Rocha Miranda, R.J. (Brasile) 20/06/2013 65 BBH