2008 June

2008 June

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Nouvelles Salésiennes
Salesian News
JUIN 2008 JUNE No.106
Bulletin mensuel électronique
SHERBROOKE, QC. Comme partout ailleurs
dans l’hémisphère nord, l’année scolaire ici tire
à sa fin avec tout ce que cela implique comme
activités. On constate quand même que nos
jeunes n’ont pas le goût de commencer leurs
vacances avant le temps. Encore trois bonnes
semaines de travail!
Les activités théâtrales ont pris fin au début
du mois avec la présentation de l’excellente
pièce La Nuit de Valogne, d’Éric Emmanuel
Schmitt, l’un, sinon l’auteur contemporain le
plus lu dans le monde francophone. Oui,
excellente prestation, mais pas facile à jouer!
Nos jeunes vedettes se sont surpassées. Puis,
nouveauté cette année, les anciens/nes du
Salésien ont présenté une pièce aussi, la 6e de la
saison, Silence dans les Coulisses. Les Coups
de Cœur avaient lieu le 7 mai. Quelques noms
de vedettes qui se sont distinguées -- toujours
tâche ardue lorsque le talent abonde : Vincent
Marquis, Anika Rozon, Sabrina Côté. Ils sont
d’ailleurs en liste pour le Prix Gaétan Marcil à
la Fête de la Reconnaissance au Théâtre
Granada au début de juin. Le traditionnel défilé
de mode a eu lieu encore cette année à la Salle
Pour le rafting des anciens/nes, ça se passait
sur la Rivière-Rouge près de Rigaud. Le P.
Alain a vécu son baptême initiatique cette
année; Bob était de la partie, bien sûr. Une
bonne douzaine de courageux « draveurs » qui
n’ont quand même pas trouvé les eaux trop
glaciales (effet de serre peut-être, comme les
ours polaires?). Tous revenus sains et saufs. Le
Mondo-Bosco- grand tournoi de soccer- arrive
à son terme. Dans les semi-finales s’affrontent
l’Italie et l’Argentine (1ère sec.), l’Azerbaïdjan
et le Djibouti (2ème sec.). Marie-Josée Pariseau
est toujours l’âme animatrice de cette activité
qui implique tous les élèves des 1ère et 2ème
secondaires et qui dure tout le mois de mai et
jusqu’au 12 juin. Le Bosco Bicycle est déjà mis
en branle : le choix des moniteurs, rencontres
d’information pour les parents et jeunes
cyclistes, etc.
Une bonne tradition d’autrefois a été reprise
cette année avec le Gala Sportif le 30 mai. On
se souvient des années où, voulant souligner les
exploits de nos jeunes, une vedette du monde
du sport était invitée pour ce grand événement
qui se tenait au gymnase du Salésien. Ainsi on
a vu défiler des personnes comme Yvan
Cournoyer, Claude Ruel, Jacques Plante, Jean
Béliveau, Guy Lafleur, Mike Bossy, etc. Le P.
George Harkins, l’initiateur de ce gala vers la
fin des années ‘60, est venu de Toronto. Étaient
invités aussi- ils ont répondu nombreux à
l’invitation- les sportifs intronisés au Temple
de la Renommée; ce sont tous des anciens/nes
du Salésien. Rappelons que le premier intronisé
en 1986 (posthume) fut Bertrand Fabi, coureur
automobile. En 1985 il avait été couronné triple
champion en Formule 2000 : Angleterre,
Europe, Benelux. En 1987 l’entrée au Temple
était destinée à Jean-Marc Rozon, médaillé d’or
aux Jeux Olympiques de Calgary (‘88). En
2007, c’était Valérie Lambert, espoir
olympique en patinage de vitesse à Vancouver
en 2010. Cette année l’honneur est revenu à
Chanel Beaudoin-Cloutier qui se démarque
dans le domaine de la voile. Dans son discours
d’acceptation, elle a illustré quelques facettes
de son sport et montré comment il fait bon
ménage avec ses études; elle est étudiante à la
Faculté de Médecine de l’U. de Sherbrooke,
ayant été récipiendaire à la fin de sa 5e sec. de
la médaille du Gouverneur Général. Elle a aussi
parlé des valeurs apprises au Salésien et
comment elle les transpose dans sa vie. C’est
grâce à l’initiative de Julie Tremblay, agente de

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développement et de communication au
Séminaire et de Denis Boisvert, directeur des
sports, si cet événement a repris vie. Jean Arel,
la « voix du sport de l’Estrie », était
l’animateur de la soirée.
La communauté, plus discrète et moins
nombreuse qu’il y a 25 ans, mais non moins
présente à l’œuvre, elle aussi porte de l’avant
son projet de vie et ses activités
communautaires. Nous avons reçu à la mi-mai
la visite du P. Hector Pascal d’Haïti. C’est
chose connue dans le milieu qu’il viendra nous
prêter main forte en août pour l’année scolaire,
prenant en main, parmi autres choses, la
pastorale au 2e cycle. Le P. Hector n’est pas un
inconnu à Sherbrooke puisqu’il a fait ses études
de théologie à l’Université de Sherbrooke
(ordination à la prêtrise en ‘79). On peut déjà
envisager qu’il sera aussi actif, combatif et
courageux qu’Hector de Troie, sans toutefois
subir le même sort…
Au début du mois, le P. Trottier allait à
Montréal pour participer au conseil provincial
des sdb; le P. Paul était aussi invité au conseil
puisqu’ on y discutait parmi tant (!) d’autres
questions de l’avenir du Carrefour Salésien. Et
le 21, le conseil se trouvait à New Rochelle
dans la banlieue de NY City à discuter du futur
statut de la province salésienne du Canada. Il
s’agissait d’une rencontre conjointe des
conseils canadien et américain, n’ayant rien à
voir avec les élections primaires présentement
en cours chez nos voisins du sud.
Comme partout dans le monde salésien,
même si c’était la veille de la solennité du T.S.
Sacrement, on a souligné la fête de Marie
Auxiliatrice par une célébration de la Parole
intégrée à l’Office de la fête du Saint
Sacrement: Marie, Femme Eucharistique.
C’était aussi pour nous sensibiliser davantage
au 49e Congrès Eucharistique International qui
se déroulera à Québec du 15-21 juin. Au début
de cette semaine-là- Jour de Dollard, Jour de
la Reine, Jour des Patriotes (faites votre
choix!) -- nous avions notre récollection
mensuelle -- quelques confrères de Montréal
s’y trouvaient aussi -- et pour l’occasion nous
avions comme conférencier invité M. Yvan
Cloutier, un laïc très engagé et très spirituel,
ancien prof. de philo au CEGEP de Sherbrooke
qui nous a entretenus sur le prière de
consentement (centering prayer ou prière du
silence) selon la méthode de Thomas Keating,
o.c.s.o.). Il fut très apprécié. Pas entièrement
inconnu des salésiens, puisqu’il a participé à
des congrès une fois ou deux à notre maison
générale à Rome.
Les élèves aussi auront l’occasion de vivre
la dimension spirituelle et chrétienne de notre
spiritualité en ces derniers jours de l’année; des
eucharisties de groupe précédées d’une
préparation durant les cours. C’est un élément
pilier de notre pédagogie spirituelle salésienne,
tout en respectant le cheminement de chacun.
À tous et chacun, bonne fin d’année
scolaire et pour nos confrères dans les centres
paroissiaux ou de jeunes ou les camps d’été,
bonne continuation de votre ministère pastoral!
MONTREAL, QC. We concluded our
catechism year for about 900 children. About
180 catechists are involved in the programme,
mostly college and university students; they
generously offer their time each week for the
teaching of the Catholic faith.
Some time after returning from GC26, Fr.
Richard met the confreres to inform them of the
main events and deliberations of the gathering
in Rome. At the beginning of the month, he
initiated the yearly visitation of the community.
This year it exceptionally took place in two
phases. During the first week, he met
individually and by groups the personnel of St.
Joseph parish and the following week that of
Maria Ausiliatrice Parish. In mid-May, he
concluded the visitation meeting the confreres
of both parishes since they form one canonical
On May 16, we had the joy of welcoming
among us Fr. Tito Iannaccio from the
Mozambique Province, where, missionary from
Argentina, he had been exercising his ministry
for the past two years. He is not coming for a

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vacation! He will be ministering for the coming
years in our parish and at the youth centre.
To prepare the summer camp, about 50 of
our young animators went with Fr. Richard to
the Our Lady of Fatima Centre in Île Perrot for
a two-day session in view of their commitment
at the service of our youth.
The feast of Mary Help of Christians this
year was celebrated in a rather minor key since
May 24 was the vigil of the liturgical feast of
Corpus Domini. Given also that, being a
Saturday, there were marriage celebrations. We
solemnised the First Vespers of the feast to
sensitise us more to the coming International
Eucharistic Congress in Quebec City in mid-
June. So we had a solemn celebration of the
Eucharist in the evening, followed by a very
devotional procession of the faithful and priests
of the parish on the street going to Da Vinci
School; we concluded with a holy hour of
adoration in church.
SURREY, B.C. On May 2 and 3, Fr. Dave
traveled with a busload of high school teens
from Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish to the
Vancouver Archdiocesan YOUTH DAY:
WITNESS THE POWER. Keynote speakers
Steve Angrisano and Tammy Evevard inspired
the crowd with their witness and song. Also
included was a workshop by Fr. Dave! Both
Archbishops Roussin and Miller were in
attendance presiding over Eucharistic adoration
on Friday, and the Eucharist on Saturday.
The Polish Saturday School had a special
Mass in honour of Mary Queen of Poland on
the first Saturday of May, while OLGC School
celebrated the first Friday in May with a school
Mass. Although we said the Office and the
Mass of St. Dominic Savio on the 6th, as a
parish we officially celebrated his feast day on
the 10th to usher in our first communicants, over
80 strong, with their families and a special
shrine in his honour. The beautiful flower
arrangements and decorations done by the
Polish community also tied in with their First
Communion celebration the very next day. All
that following week they held their traditional
“White Mass” for the joy of their first
communicants and families.
On the 15th we began the daily novena to
Mary Help of Christians. Bro. Jerry led the
singing at the morning Mass, while one of the
choirs did the music for the evening Mass. On
the 16th the Salesian Cooperators held their
monthly meeting, and on the day after, Fr. Jan
left for Calgary to visit his sister for a week,
and to welcome his younger sister visiting from
Poland. It was her first trip to Canada; she
returned with him to Surrey. She stayed with
one of the Polish families and took in Whistler
and Victoria, plus some of the Vancouver
landmarks and sights. She then returned to
Calgary for a few more days with her older
sister, and was very impressed with our mixed
cultures here at OLGC Parish.
Trinity Sunday was more than a double-
header here at home base. Within the seven
Sunday Masses we also had the Portuguese
“Spirito Santo” Festival with their customs,
parade and dances. In the afternoon a busload
along with Bro. Jerry joined the Archdiocese
Eucharistic Adoration Rally and Procession in
Abbotsford’s Rotary Stadium. This event was
inaugurating the 100th anniversary of the
Archdiocese of Vancouver. The Rosary was
said as the Blessed Sacrament within the
monstrance was held high leading the route; the
two archbishops and clergy, then the Knights of
Columbus as honour guards, accompanied by
the Catholic Women’s League, the first
communicants and five representatives from
each church with their parish banner. The sun
was hot as Archbishop J. Michael Miller, CSB,
gave the welcoming talk followed by
Benediction with Archbishop Raymond
Roussin, SM. The presentation of certificates to
the first communicants concluded the event.
The music and songs were sung by St.
Matthew’s parish choir, who did an outstanding
presentation for this anniversary launching.
Victoria Day had us Salesians go over our
Evaluation Plan and out for lunch. The School
Mass honoured Mary Help of Christians with
their theme. Saturday the 24th was a con-

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celebrated Mass in the morning sung by our
Salesian Cooperators, who also did the
readings, followed by a joyful brunch in the
Mary Help of Christians Hall. It truly was a
Salesian Family celebration.
The Feast of Corpus Domini was another
May window that opened up to an inspiring
afternoon where the Blessed Sacrament in a
Marian procession was carried throughout the
neighbourhood with scriptural readings, a short
meditation and eight stops along the route with
a portal altar where the monstrance was
incensed, songs sung in various languages, and
devotion publicly displayed. This hour long
procession accompanied by flags, Madonna
pictures and the flower adorned statue of Mary
Help of Christians concluded in church with a
talk by Fr. Dave followed by Benediction. Frs.
Jan and Sarmed did the readings while Fr.
Mario directed the Knights of Columbus,
flower girls, altar servers with candles, and
faithful in this beautiful expression of devotion
to the Eucharist and Mary. He prepared a
creative booklet for all to follow.
During the week of May 26 there were
confessions for all the students and CCD
confirmandi, plus rehearsals for this special
occasion along with their sponsors. On the 26th
OLGC Parish received a bequeathed Russian
icon entitled Our Lady of Vladimir, beautifully
sculptured in silver and a masterpiece dating
back to the 1300s. Where to keep such an
heirloom treasure? What should it be insured
for? Questions that really didn’t have an answer
until we decided to give it to Bishop Roussin
and the archdiocese for its 100th anniversary
during our supper together before
Confirmation. In this way the icon can be
placed in the security of the archdiocese
archives until a suitable place can be secured
for its public display. In the meantime, Bro.
Jerry made a delicious homemade meal to the
second helpings of our guests. Laughter and
conversation was enjoyed by all in attendance.
For Confirmation there were 123 candidates.
May 31’s window has our Faith and Light
fund-raiser dinner dance in our Don Bosco
Youth Center, and our Praise Team
presentation of “Whatever We Imagine” at the
Chandos Pattison Auditorium. This concluding
event of all their hard work and energy is their
salutation and proclamation to the Lord. Bro.
Jerry represented the Salesian community with
bells on, and Fr. Dave offered the opening
EDMONTON, AB. St. Dominic Savio
Parish. We started off May with our
Confirmation Retreat on the 2nd with 60 young
people and 10 adults. It was a very good day
but tiring. I don’t know how all of you teachers
do it every day! We celebrated the Feast Day of
St. Dominic Savio on the weekend of May 3 &
4 with poster boards on the life of Dominic
Savio, prayer cards, cake, and balloons after all
Masses. Fr. Bernie also went to the elementary
schools for feast day celebrations that were
very well animated by students and staff. On
May 6 itself, we had another opportunity to
observe the Feast Day by gathering and
socializing with a brunch after morning Mass.
On Thursday, May 8, we celebrated
Confirmation with Archbishop Richard Smith
and 63 confirmandi. The church was packed to
overflowing with family and friends for this
wonderful sacrament. The next day we had a
Teacher Appreciation for all the staff of our
local schools. The Parish Council hosts this
every year and the school staff always enjoy
the opportunity to mix and mingle.
The first two weekends of May we also
celebrated our First Communions at all Masses.
There were 64 young people who received the
sacrament and along with the Feast of the
Ascension, Pentecost and Mother’s Day, the
first weekends of May were rather busy. On
May 12, the grade 2’s from St. Dominic School
came to the church for morning Mass (they
usually come here once a month). It worked out
wonderfully that from the afternoon of May 12
– 15, the Priests’ Assembly for all the priests of
the Archdiocese of Edmonton was held in
Jasper. In between meetings, Fr. Bernie and Fr.
Romano had the opportunity to enjoy their
beautiful surroundings in the Rocky Mountains.

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The WYD 2008 group is in its final
preparation. On May 25, the Archdiocese
hosted a Corpus Christi event starting with
Mass with the archbishop, blessing of the
pilgrims, a procession from the Basilica to
Grandin Park School and a BBQ. The last week
of May we had our Liturgy Committee windup
at a local Italian restaurant. On May 30, the Jr.
High School had its “Farewell Mass” followed
by a reception. This is just the beginning of
year end school Masses and celebrations.
has just returned from his home town of
Cremona, Italy. He enjoyed a most pleasant
family reunion. One of his nephews will be
ordained a priest next year. Fr. Joseph is tanned
and rejuvenated. -- Fr. Ivan Dobresk (96) is
back in his long-term unit after the operation on
his hip. He is in good humour in spite of the
inconvenience caused by his recent fall. -- Bro.
Steve’s wrist is healing well. He is now
following therapy for some lower back pain (a
former basketball injury).
Bro. Bernie has been on the GO this past
month attending provincial council meetings in
Montreal and in New Rochelle, N.Y., as well as
vocation sessions. -- Fr. Frank Kelly arrived
back in Toronto to much fanfare. He has moved
into our Don Bosco Residence. He is now
getting his bearings straight after an 8-month
sabbatical in New York. Welcome home! -- Fr.
Mike is an uncle once again! His brother Paul
and Emma welcomed a healthy baby boy,
Jonah, on June 2. He is their 8th child (6 boys
and 2 girls).
Over 50 youngsters (8 to 14 years) from our
St. Dominic Savio after-school program
participated in a feastday Mass honouring their
patron on May 6. Fr. George presided and gave
the homily. -- On May 24 at St. Benedict’s
parish, Fr. Joe Ho presided over the feast of
Mary Help of Christians in honour of this
patroness of China. There were over 100
Chinese past pupils and their families
celebrating together with our parishioners --
The St. John Bosco Council of the Knights of
Columbus held a very successful lobster and
steak supper on May 31 in the hall of St.
Benedict’s Church. Over 190 persons feasted
The Salesian Family groups from the
Toronto area held their gathering on May 24 at
St. Benedict’s Parish. Forty-two members were
in attendance. The key-note speaker was Sister
Cora Beboso, FMA. She spoke on Salesian
spirituality. A Eucharistic celebration, lunch,
video and discussion completed the day. All are
looking forward to another gathering in the fall.
On Victoria Day, our community was
hosted by the Pace family. We greatly enjoyed
their warm welcome and naturally the food too.
-- Our community recently welcomed both Fr.
Mike Mendl and Fr. Steve Ryan from the USA;
they were in Toronto for a media convention
and vocation discernment session respectively.
Jesuit Father Federico Lombardi, official
spokesman for the Vatican, was recently given
an honorary doctorate from the Regis College,
the Jesuit graduate faculty of theology at one of
Canada’s leading universities in Toronto.
Father Lombardi acknowledged: “When I ask
myself how to summarize in a very few words
the deeper significance of what has by now
become my lengthy service in the field of
social communications, I find ever greater
resonance in the words: ‘communication for
union, communication for communion.’ In
this world, marked by so many divisions and so
in need of reconciliation, words -- spoken or
written -- or the message carried by an image,
must in the first place serve to bring people
together, to tell others the truth, to tell them
what is good and beautiful; they must convey
the joy of listening to someone who gives you
something of their own knowledge, of their
experience, of their life. And thus mutual
knowledge also increases mutual respect and
the desire to live and develop together in
peace.” (Adapted from ZENIT)

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For almost five years now, Sr. Alphonsine,
FMA, has been the provincial superior of the
Salesian Sisters of Canada. In that role, she
governs and animates the FMA communities
located in Lagacéville, Montreal and Toronto.
She resides in Montreal. She is an authentic
“daughter of l’Acadie.”
Sr. Alphonsine, can you tell us something
about your place of birth, your family?
I was born in the little village of Alcida
near Petit-Rocher, New Brunswick. In my
family we were 13 children: 6 girls and 7 boys.
My father died at the age of 49 when I was only
7 years old. With the faith and the courage of
my dear mother we lived a happy life. In her
daily prayers my mother asked Jesus to choose
one of her sons to become a priest. The Lord
gave her a nephew, Father Jean-Marc Guérette,
and me as a Salesian Sister. She lived her life
thanking God for that great blessing.
What about your childhood and youth?
As a young girl I had to take my
responsibilities and help out in the family. My
mother taught me, more by her example, to put
Christ at the center of my life. I received the
sacraments of Eucharist and Reconciliation
frequently. It was always a joy for me to
participate at Sunday Mass, and when we had a
resident priest I often skipped my breakfast in
order to go to Mass during the week before
taking the school bus. To receive Communion
meant to go without eating since midnight.
How did you get to know the Salesian
At 14 years old, I met a friend, Sr. Lilianne
Roy, who asked me if I wanted to go with her
the next school year to Pointe-Verte, where
three of her cousins were Salesian Sisters. That
morning it was clear that I was not interested,
but at lunch time my mother asked me the same
question, which I believe was the Lord calling
me. After a time of silence, we discussed it and,
believe it or not, the three of us went to see the
priest before going to confession. It was
decided that Fr. Stanislas Dionne would take us
to meet the Salesian Sisters in Pointe-Verte.
My first encounter with Sr. Rose Oliveri and
the sisters was super. The joy that radiated from
them and their simplicity helped me to say my
yes. The three of us were accepted, and we
entered at the end of August 1959. Today Sr.
Lilianne Roy and I are Salesian Sisters.
What were the main phases of your
Because of my young age I had 3 years as
an aspirant and 10 months as a postulant. Then
I spent 2 years as a novice in Newton, USA,
and one year as a junior professed to continue
my formation while teaching in the States.
Before making our perpetual vows, we spent a
month with our group preparing for our
definitive Yes. My first visit to Turin, Mornese
and Rome was in 1976, where I went for a
month of formation on youth ministry. In
1987-88 I had the joy of returning to Rome at
the Auxilium for a year of Salesian spirituality.
Where did you exercise your apostolate?
One year in the States, 5 in Pointe-Verte
and 31 in Lagacéville, New Brunswick. For
many years I spent my summers studying,
animating camps in the States and Canada:
Newton, North Haledon and Lagacéville.
You are now provincial superior of the
sisters of Canada. How do you consider your
mission in that role and what do you see as
most important in that ministry?
On August 15, 2003, I began my new
mission of service as provincial. The most
important is to help the sisters keep alive the
spirit of Don Bosco and of Mother Mazzarello,
and to strengthen their capacity to respond to
the expectations of the Church in the
evangelisation of youth. Today we need to
“witness” our love of Christ by living united
with all our Sisters. I believe this is what will
attract young people to follow Christ in
religious life.

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What would you consider as one of the most
meaningful experiences of your Salesian life?
Teaching 36 years was my greatest and
most meaningful experience. Being with the
young in school, at the oratory, in the different
Marian groups and camps gave me the joy to
help many youngsters to get closer to Jesus and
Mary. One day a young girl said to me: Sister,
we should put on our door: “Here is the class
of the love of God.” Helping daily many
children who had to struggle in order to
succeed in class gave me a lot of joy. I will
always cherish those years with gratitude and
joy. The young must know that you love them
and then you will see little miracles.
The Marian dimension is basic to your
spirituality. How would you define your love
for Mary?
It seems that I was born loving and praying
Mary. In my family we said the Rosary with
devotion and we spoke about her virtues. With
my older sister I learned to ask her favours and
to promise Rosaries that we began to say
immediately. I strongly believe that she had
chosen me to be her daughter since I was
baptised on her feast day, December 24. From
the very beginning I entrusted my vocation to
her, and she continues to say: “Do whatever He
tells you.” The Blessed Mother has always had
a special place in my life. She was always a
mother and a guide for me.
You seem to have a particular love for the
Salesian Family. What message would you
like to communicate to all your sisters and
brothers of the SF?
Our communion and collaboration are
necessary in order to live fully the charism of
Don Bosco and Mary Mazzarello. In order to
witness and bear fruit in our common mission,
we need to put Christ at the center of our life.
Let us nourish our faith by meditating the Word
of God and receiving frequently the sacraments
of Eucharist and Reconciliation. At Mary’s
school, we can learn to become the ears, the
eyes, the hands and the heart of Christ for the
young, their families and society.
George Harkins: 1 Bernard Gilliece: 5
Frank Kelly: 7
James Zettel: 16
Bob Gagné: 22
Alain Léonard: 28
Mike Pace: 30
Bernard Gilliece: 4 Richard Authier: 5
Alain Léonard: 5
Jan Staszel: 11
Luc Lantagne: 16
Drago Gacnik: 24
Sacerdos in eternum
12 juin: Bx François Kesy & 4 compagnons,
jeunes oratoriens, martyrs de la Pologne (1942)
23 juin: saint Joseph Cafasso, directeur
spirituel de Don Bosco
Le 24
Bonne St-Jean!
June 29
Happy Feast Day of Sts. Peter and Paul!