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St. John Bosco Parish P.O. Box 1336 MCPO 1253 Makati City - Don Bosco Philippine North Province (FIN)
ISSUE NO. # 16
Soul of the Apostolate:
JUNE 2008
he religious teaching given by Mamma Margaret to young John, is expressed in the
“the living sense of the presence of God, candid admiration of his works of creation,
gratitude for his benefits, conformity to his will, and fear of offending him”. And so, for
Don Bosco, God is a personal God who is reached through events to whom recourse is had in
daily life. He built the holiness of his boys on a solid evangelization, based on these truths
sustained by the “Word of God”. In this way the Salesian, immersed in the world and in the cares
of the pastoral life, “learns to meet God through those to whom he is sent” and “to
recognize the action of grace in the lives of the young” as Don Bosco did.
God awaits us in the young to offer
us the grace of meeting with him and to
dispose us to serve him in them,
recognizing their dignity and educating
them to the fullness of life. In this way,
the work of education becomes the
preeminent context in which to meet
him. If we want to live contemplating
God, if we are willing to hear his voice
and listen to his Word, we must be with
the young and stay among them. Then
God will speak clearly to us. In fact,
“we stay among the young because
that is where God has sent us, and we
examine the condition of youth with all
its problems because that is precisely
the channel through which we are
challenged by Christ himself”.
Hence to be with God and hear his Word, there is no need to separate one selves from young
people affectively and/or effectively, and to abandon the Salesian mission. When this is carried
out by us as representatives of Christ and at his command, it is the best way for going to him and
remaining with him.
Not even in moments of deepest contemplation must the Salesian community fail to keep in
mind the vision of young people with souls to be saved! To be with the young, to feel their needs
and share their requests, can never be an obstacle or an excuse for not seeking God and
willingly accepting his Word. From whom can we learn compassion for young people who are
poor, abandoned or in danger, if we do
not contemplate how much Christ
suffered for them and if we fail to hear
the “many things” he has to tell us? The
imitation of Don Bosco and the conviction
that we are “missionaries of the young”,
are the necessary preconditions for
listening to God contemplating Christ. It
is the intimacy with Christ that
pushes us to be true to the
mission of service.
“Prayer is the soul of the
apostolate also gives life to
prayer and stimulates it”. And
so there is no conflict between
mission and contemplation,
between apostolic life and
prayer life; on the contrary the
former flows from the latter and
is nourished by it.
Thus the life of prayer which
is a gift of God and a response
to him maintains an intimate
link with every element of our
missionary vocation and remains its
permanent stimulus: one who neglects
intimacy with Christ, one who has no
time for him, will sooner or later leave the
young aside from his pastoral activity,
neglect the common life and community
fraternity, and abandon the following of
Christ by the evangelical counsels.
S I M P L E H I N T S: I N T I M A C Y w I t h C H R I S T
1. Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men.
2. Live your life getting to know the manner and lifestyle of Christ.
3. Trust that “God trusts you”
4. Shoot darting prayers to God often, Like “ My Lord is my God.”
5. Offer your work to God. Work is prayer.
6. Treat Jesus as a person. Do something special for Him every day.
7. The gauge on how much you love Jesus is how often you visit him in the Blessed Sacrament.
8. Let nothing disturb you; let nothing frighten you. All things are passing. God never changes. (St. Teresa of Avila)
9 I will have an hour of adoration in front of the Blessed Sacrament and I will not give it up for anything.
10. "Never seen a man so much taken up by God." (Pope on Don Bosco)
11. Mention the powerful and holy name of Jesus always, anywhere and anytime e.g. even going down the stairs.

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A Short Biographical Sketch on the
New Councillor for the Missions
The Chapter Assembly has entrusted the office of
Councillor for the Missions to Don Vaclav Klement,
who was the former Regional Councillor for Asia East-
He was born on the 7th of October 1958 at Brno, in
the Czech Republic, he lived for 26 years in communist
Czechoslovakia facing the difficulties incurred with the
impossibility of freely professing his religious faith. He
secretly entered the Salesian Congregation, making his
religious vows on the 4th of September 1982, officially
studying in the Diocesan seminary while keeping
Fr. Vaclav Klement is the youngest of the General
Councillors at age 50. He speaks Czech, Slovachian,
Korean, Italian, and English.
secret his Salesian choice even from his parents. In
order to complete his vocational choice to be a
missionary, he hastily left after the fourth year in the
seminary and arrived in Rome in August 1984 after
having crossed the Alps with his brother Michael. There, he studied from 1984 to 1986 at the Salesian Pontifical
University, finishing his Degree in Theology and starting studies in Social Communication.
In 1985, he was incardinated in the Province of Korea and was ordained deacon and, on the 25th of May the
following year, received priestly ordination in Rome. After ordination he transferred to South Korea where he studied
the Korean language, working with the boarders in the professional centre in Seoul.
He was Rector in 1995 in the house of formation in
Seoul-Dae Rim Dong, a work for boys in risky
situations, becoming the Provincial of Korea in
1996. In 2002, during the GC25, he was entrusted
with the new region of Asia East-Oceania set up
during that Chapter session in order to help the
operation of governing and animation of the
In carrying out the formal questioning of Don
Klement, the Rector Major thanked Don
Alencherry for the work done in his term of six
years and the availability shown in taking up the
animation of the Africa-Madagascar region after
the vacancy left by Don Valentin De Pablo which
occurred on 16th April 2006.
In his acceptance, Don Klement made his own
the motto of a Chinese martyr: “All for Jesus,
Jesus for all”.
The Salesian Missions Animation Office under Fr. Salvador
Pablo (Missions Animation Delegate - FIN) and the staff is
graced with the presence of the new Councillor for the missions
Fr. Vaclav. During the meeting, we presented to him souvenirs
in the form of the Auxiliaries Newsletter and the Formation Kit.