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N. 142 - October 2020
Newsletter for Salesian Missionary Animation
Publication of the Missions Sector for SDB Communities and Friends of the Salesian Mission
World Mission Sunday:
Prayer, Sacrifice and Solidarity
Fr- Alfred Maravilla SDB, General Councilor for Missions
October is the missionary month for the whole Catholic Church.
Its high point is the celebration of World Mission Sunday on the
penultimate Sunday of October. It was instituted by Pope Pius XI in
1926 at the request of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith.
Through the Popes annual Message, the World Mission Sunday
reminds us that the Church is missionary by her very nature. Hence, every member of the Church is called to share
in the responsibility for mission ad gentes, that is, share the gift of faith with those who have not yet received it.
When prepared with care and lived with real fervour, Mission Sundaybecomes a precious opportunity to form
mission-conscious believers. Through organised initiatives for mission animation, every Catholic is stirred up to
actively participate in the Churchs mission, above all through prayer and by offering of sacrifices that come to us
through sickness or in ordinary daily life. Connected with prayer and sacrifices, and never isolated from these, is
solidarity for material and financial needs of the Churchs missionary activities. Pope Pius XI, John XXIII, John Paul
II had wisely stipulated that all offerings collected on World Mission Sunday be destined in their entirety to the
needs of the Churchs mission ad gentes. Indeed, financial sacrifices from the faithful are essential for sustaining
and building up the Church and for showing lovebut must be enlightened and inspired by faith’ (Redemptoris
missio, 81).
By being engaged, in different ways, in the Churchs missionary activities, every believers faith grows, is strength-
ened and revitalised with fresh enthusiasm and new incentive’ (Redemptoris missio, 2). Let every Mission Sunday
be an opportunity to mobilise all the members of our EPCs in fostering prayer, sacrifice and solidarity for the
missions: those in places with deep Christian tradition and those where they have just received the faith, those
with sufficient resources and those weighed down by poverty, those freely developing along with those suffering
Questions for Reflection and Sharing
How can I foster mission consciousness through the World Mission Sunday?
How can we mobilize our EPC to foster prayer and solidarity for the missions?
Every year since 1875 the departing missionaries received and continue
to receive a crucifix full of meaning.
Da Mihi Animas Coetera Tolle: this is the motto that has characterised
the Sons of Don Bosco from the beginning. This brief Salesian prayer,
acquires a particular glow in the missionary context: to leave everything,
even one's own land, security and culture, to dedicate oneself without
limits to those to whom one is sent, to be instruments of salvation for
The Holy Spirit who descends on the Good Shepherd, as he did in the
river Jordan, now descends on Christ present in the pastoral dynamism of
the Church. Any missionary activity without the Holy Spirit, without his
light, without his discernment, without his strength and without his holi-
ness, is reduced only to a series of empty activities, only that they are
carried out in a distant place.
"Go, therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of
the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit" (Mt 28:19) is the heart
of the missionary mandate of the Risen One. These words give us the
mandate to make all people disciples of Jesus: The Greek text emphasiz-
es the mathêteúsate, "make disciples", which is much more than docete
(to teach), and which is fulfilled through three other verbs (vv.18.19):
"Ide", "baptizing" and "teaching". Evangelization requires the attitude of
an "outgoing Church", so as to reach everyone, offering the fullness of
God's gift, through words and works; words that teach all that the Master has revealed to us; works: all
the creative educational-pastoral of being a missionary, full of initiatives, which bring dignity and human-
ity to the poorest young people; but above all offering the greatest of all works: immersion in the sacra-
mental grace of baptism, which leads all people to become part of the fullness of life in the mystery of
God, the communion of Father-Son-Holy Spirit.

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My missionary vocation was born after my secondary school, when I
first met Father Sabbe Albert, a Salesian priest from Belgium who
was working in Kinshasa. He inspired the youth of the oratory and
members of the vocation group, where I was also an active member.
His enthusiasm and eagerness to work with young people attracted
all of us. I was greatly moved by his life and example. Throughout
my formation years, I pondered over them. After my philosophical
studies I had the great privilege of having some missionary experi-
ence in Maridi, South Sudan, where I was sent for my practical
training. Thus, began my missionary journey.
The challenges and the difficulties Im facing as missionary are first of all the challenge of language.
Working in a place like Palabek, a refugee Camp in northern Uganda, we need to learn more than one
language. Here people are placed in a large Settlement divided into Zones and Blocks who belong to many
different tribes and languages. Communicating with people of different languages is not always easy.
Other challenges are the extreme poverty of our people, distances from place to place within the
settlement and difficulty in reaching out to people for celebrating
the Sacraments. Due to the remoteness of the place I also at times
feel a sense of isolation. It is difficult to access towns such as
Gulu; and Kampala is very far. My greatest joy is celebrating the
Sacraments and bringing Jesus to young people, the vulnerable
and the refugees. Living amidst the refugees gives me the joy of
understanding their struggles in life and sharing their life in every
way possible. For me this is true missionary life, feeling the incar-
nation of Jesus, who came among us and shared our condition.
My life in the Salesian community also gives me great joy;
my confreres are from different countries and continents.
We share the liveliness of the Salesian charism and the happiness
of living together.
To those who want to share my Salesian missionary vocation, I would say, choose the better part”.
Being missionary ad gentes is a precious vocation that makes us happy always because the Lord Jesus
himself is sharing this experience and we will surely discover the joy of being Jesusdisciples in Don Boscos
way. Let us not be afraid of meeting people we have never seen before. In doing this, we are just ful-
filling Jesuscall: Go, then, to all peoples everywhere and make them my disciples And I will be with
you always, to the end of the ages”.(Mt 28, 19-20)
Fr. Julius-Luis Makalamba, missionary in Palabek, Uganda
Witness of Salesian Missionary Sanctity
Fr. Pierluigi Cameroni SDB, Postulator General for the Causes of Saints
The Venerable Monsignor Vincenzo Cimatti (1879-1965), a missionary in Japan,
wrote to his former pupil who was discouraged by life, "Don't say those discordant
words (you know I like music so much) 'I am a finished man!Continue to do your
duty as a father (for your wife and children) according to your possibilities; your
duty as a teacher for your pupils; your duty as a gentleman from all points of view
(citizen and religious) in private and public life - dedicate more directly to the Lord
the activities He has granted you in body and soul - but pray and act with all the
members of your family according to the different conditions or positions in which
they find themselves. It is far from over... it is time to begin again – to become
more and more active in your duties as a man, as an educator, as a father, as a citi-
zen, as a Christian ... but you must lean on the Lord with faith and humility, and
you will see that everything will succeed for the good.
For volunteers
and lay missionaries
So that many among our young animators and committed
lay people may be inspired to offer their time and
capacities to missionary service.
Salesian Missionary Intention
The Congregation promotes Salesian Missionary
Volunteering as a programme that involves young people
in the missionary call of the Lord. We pray that in our
Provinces courageous initiatives of missionary voluntary
work may flourish among our young people.