Cagliero 11 agosto 2015 - ING

Cagliero 11 agosto 2015 - ING

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Nome società
Titolo n otiziario
Newsletter for Salesian Missionary Animation
A Publication of the Missions Sector for the Salesian Communities and Friends of the Salesian Missions
D ear friends,
In places where
schools are on holidays, we
have seen in recent weeks a
real tsunami of young volun-
teers. Not a few discover or
rediscover the meaning of
their lives, and even their
own vocation, through the
Salesian missionary volunteer
service. In fact Pope Francis
states in his message for
World Mission Sunday 2015:
“I appeal in particular to
young people, who are
capable of courageous
witness and generous deeds,
even when these are
countercultural: Do not allow
others to rob you of the
ideal of a true mission.”
These are the young people
Don Bosco dreams of today!
Young people who are ready
to lose everything to gain the
best, that “one thing neces-
sary” (Lk 10, 41). Educators
of vast horizons plus gener-
ous young people: no doubt
this is a winning formula.
Indeed this is what Salesian
youth volunteer service is all
Fr. Guillermo Basañes SDB
Councillor for the Missions
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A s a Congregation which goes forth in a
Church without frontiers and whose doors
are wide open (Evangelii Gaudium, 20-24,
46, 210), this missionary re-reading is synthesised in
the need for every Salesian to rediscover the missio-
nary dimension of his Salesian vocation in order to
reach out to others, and above all towards new fron-
tiers and existential peripheries [CG27,22]. This de-
mands overcoming our ‘self-referentiality’and the
lack of missionary boldness [CG27,2, 7] which is seen
in the feeling of fatigue, tension, fragmentation,
inefficiency and burnout [CG27,27]. To this end, it is
necessary to move from a life marked by a middle
class lifestyle to one that is missionary and prophetic
[CG27,74.1] and live our Salesian life permanently in
a state of mission as disciple missionaries(Evangelii
Gaudium, 24, 25). Here we recall the statement of
St. John Paul II: “All renewal in the Church must have
mission as its goal if it is not to fall prey to a kind of
ecclesial introversion”(John Paul II, Ecclesia in
Oceania, 19).
It is especially crucial that Salesians are helped
to understand that today mission cannot be seen only
in geographic or unidirectional terms. Mission is pri-
marily the proclamation of Jesus Christ in three inter-
penetrating contexts, where either the mission ad
gentes, ordinary pastoral activity or new evangelisa-
tion is required (John Paul II, Redemptoris Missio, 33-
In the light of Project Europe it is essential to help all
Salesians to appreciate the multidirectional movement of mis-
sionaries from all continents to all continents as a concrete
sign of the fruitfulness of the missio ad gentes (Benedict XVI,
Africae Munus, 167). In this new context, the Sector for the
Missions continues to play a role in ensuring, coordinating and
guiding missionary options [CG27,43] on the new frontiers and
in existential peripheries and in promoting the missionary pro-
jects of the Congregation [CG27,75.5]. Through this service it
would become the “sentinel of the new frontiers” for the Con-

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I saw the need for missionaries so I went!
Ido not know how my missionary vocation was born, but I only no-
ticed its simple and important signs in the simplicity of daily life
that I tried to respond to. For example, the joy I felt in serving
the Lord in the most needy; the beautiful witness of our missionaries
in Albania and many others around the world. I was so inspired by the
example of Mother Teresa, who went to quench the thirst of Christ
amongst the poor and the needy. Another thing that has helped me
so much in my vocation was also my missionary experience in Mada-
gascar, where I realised the great need for missionaries who dedicate
their lives to God by serving people who are in most need.
It is true that Albania is a mission land and we still need so
many missionaries. In fact when I shared with my confreres and friends that I wanted “to go to the
missions” they told me: “You are crazy! We have just started here in Albania and you want to go?!” I
am the sixth Salesian Albanian and also the first to go to the missions and this seemed a bit strange,
because certainly the needs are not lacking.
Yet I really believe that the poor must begin to help the poor! As
Christians we cannot expect to solve first all our problems and then go
and help others. Until now we have received many missionaries and I
think it’s time to start giving something of ourselves to others who are
more needy than us. My family taught me that if I see that something
needs to done, I should not wait to be called by someone else, because
it is the need that is calling me. So when I saw that there is a need of
missionaries, I went!
As a missionary certainly I meet many difficulties, yet these are
not unsurmountable. I say so because in reality there are difficulties,
such as the language (in my case the languages - here we have 11 official languages including English
which I am studying), cultural differences, as well as history which leaves its marks and consequences
today ...! Sometimes, despite the fact that as a missionary you’re giving everything you have, some-
one could consider you a colonizer which truly hurts, but when they begin to know you things change.
But in all these it is His presence and His grace which comfort me by giving me the strength and the
joy to always start anew
I would like to share this with the Salesians who are thinking of becoming missionaries: A ques-
tion which I was always asked was: “How can I tell if I am called?” My response is: it is very easy. Try
to answer Him and you will hear Him”! Trying to respond to what you hear, does not mean that you
have to be preoccupied, but only be occupied. We must respond generously as in Psalm 39, “Here I
am Lord, I come to do your will”! And when the Good Father calls His son, He also gives him what he
needs ... Because He does not want his work to fail. Do you believe this...? “Come and see”! (Jn 1,38
Cl. Odise Lazri
Albanian, missionary in South Africa
Witness of Salesian Missionary Sanctity
Celebrating the bicentennial of the birth of our father and founder Don Bosco, we
want to remember some of his souvenirs to the first missionaries in 1875: “Let the
world know that you are poor in clothing, in food, in housing, and you will be rich in
the sight of God and you will become masters of people’s hearts – Among yourselves
love, counsel, correct each other, but never be envious, resentful, nor be filled with
rancour – Above all let the good of one be the good of all – Let the pains and suffer-
ings of one be regarded as the pains and sufferings of all, and let each one seek to
strive to overcome or at least mitigate them – Constantly promote devotion to Mary
Help of Christians and to the Blessed Sacrament – Observe your rules, and never for-
get the monthly Exercise for a Happy Death”.
Salesian Missionary Intention
For the Growth of Volunteer Service in the whole Salesian Society
That the experience of volunteer service help young people
to mature fully, also in the vocational and missionary dimension
As heirs of Salesian Youth Spirituality, in the month of his birth, the intention is that
all young people who meet Don Bosco may learn live the joy of faith, the optimism of
hope and commitment to missionary volunteer service marked by charity.