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newsletter for Salesian
Missionary Animation
Publication of the missions sector for SDB communities and friends of the salesian mission
There is poverty in the United States ft
The SFYC (Salesian Family Youth Centre) is located in a low-income
neighbourhood in Los Angeles CA Many of the children we serve were
born in the United States, but their parents are immigrants from Spanish
speaking countries - Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, among others.
Hello everyone,
In this month, in which we
remember the Salesian mission-
naries, radiators of Don Bosco's
charism throughout the world, we
pause to reflect on the sufferings of
the little ones. In our globalised
society, we would well to recognise
that the ·culture of waste' is now
increasingly rampant, and its effects
are devastatmg. As Christians. we
are called to overcome indifference
and to witness that the Gospel is
good news of Joy and leaves no
room for sadness. This summer in
Venezuela, I greatly appreciated the
smile and welcome o f the poor in
the 'barrio', ready to let you into
their humble ho mes without having
to hide their daily hardships and
humble living conditions. I have
experienced that to alleviate
suffenng, it is indeed necessary to
engage in social wo rks, to guaranty
fundamental rights, to educate the
young. It is even m ore important to
stop and share o ne's time with
those close to us.
Are we ca pable of ·wasting time· to
get close to, and to listen to, those
who suffer without falling into the
'efficiencyism' of those who want to
so lve all the pro blems of o thers1
With this doubt, wishing you a good
reading o f Caglieroll.
The majority of the children are bilingual, yet the Spanish they speak is
limited because they normally learn at home. Meanwhile, their parents take
on two or three backbreaking jobs just to survive. This results in their
children spending much of their time by themselves. Parents try to provide
everything for their children with the idea that "they should have what I
didn't have". This attitude creates a sort of entitlement and other
behavioural issues in their children.
Without a clear accompaniment and a support system many children will
end up living in danger and in fear; easy access to drugs and gangs
complicates matters. To give a real-life example, a couple of months ago,
a 14-year-old boy was kille d in a gang related crime in the neighbourhood.
The boy, at one point, was part of the SFYC but he had stopped
participating in the programme two years ago.
As regards education, many of our youth do not aspire to go to college or
trade schools. Once they finish high school or they drop out, they look for
a job in an attempt to help their families. There is one more element I
would like to mention The majority of our young people have an identity
crisis because they walk a wobbly path between being Latinos and being
United States citizens. Once this crisis is resolved, it becomes a huge
advantage for the young person and for society because he/she can then
navigate happily and productively in both the dominant cultures of the
We are one of the important presences of Don Bosco in the SVO Province,
if you would like to know more about us, please visit our w ebsite at
Jc Montenegro
Provincial Delegate for Missionary Animation (PDMA), SUO province
What kind of poverty
do I encounter most
among the young
people in my area?
Marco Fulgaro
Lay Member of the Salesian
Missions Sector
How can I help
children and young
people who are

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Dear Bro. Ricardo, Haiti is a poor country afflicted by natural
disasters. What do the local people need most besides financial
Haiti is classified as the most vulnerable country in the Caribbean
in terms of natural disasters. From 2010 to 2021, three major natural
disasters hit the country:
the earthquake of 12 January 2010 (222,570 dead and 3.7
million people affected);
the Hurricane Matthew in October 2016 (500 deaths and
2.1 million people affected);
the earthquake on 14 August 2021 (2.300 deaths and over
700,000 people affected).
These natural disasters have increased the level of vulnerability of
the population, especially the poorest. After each disaster, the
affected people generally find themselves in a state of humanitarian
emergency. Therefore, in addition to financial aid, kits of food
material and hygiene, hot meals are their main immediate need.
Medium and long-term needs include psychosocial activities,
resilience-building programmes, skills-training programmes and
socio-economic recovery programmes
How do the Salesians in Haiti help the poorest children and young
To assist the poorest children and young people, the Salesians in
Haiti intervene at different levels.
Emergency programmes: the Salesians, through structures like the
Rinaldi Foundation, distribute food and hygiene kits, serve hot
meals and provide psychosocial activities for young people and
Socio-economic recovery programmes: the Salesians assist
farmers by providing them with agricultural materials such as seeds
to help them recover economically and offer skills-training
programmes for desperate young people.
The situation of the people and the Salesians in Haiti is difficult. Yet,
you too experience joyful moments and positive moments in your
life and in your missionary service: do you?
It is true In fact, the Salesians in Haiti are working to restore hope to
children and young people in these difficult times. They carry out
various activities: patronage, school engineering, socio-cultural
activities (Jesus carnival, Jesus bike, theatre. dance). games (football,
volleyball and basketball), environmental awareness. Our young
people and children. being musicians at heart, love festivals. We also
take advantage of the Rector Major's proposals to help the animators
to become leaven for each other.
Born in J eremie in Haiti in 1981, entered the
pre-novitiate in October 2002. he made his
profession in 2004 as a Salesian Brother.
He has completed philosophical and
pedagogical studies in Haiti and pastoral
theology at Crocetta Turin, also carrying out
the two-year experience of international
formation for the Brothers in Valdocco.
He specialized in accounting and auditing in
Ecuador (Universidad Politecnica Salesiana)
In the Vice Province. Blessed Filippo Rinaldi is
responsible for youth ministry and from July
2022 fo r missionary animation.
Children who suffer
For alleviation of the suffering of poor and
homeless children and orphans in Haiti
We pray for children who are suffering, especially those who are
homeless, orphans, and victims of war; may they be guaranteed
access to education and the opportunity to experience family
[Pope Francis’ prayer intention]