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newsletter for Salesian
Missionarv Animation
Publication of the missions sector for SOB communities and friends of the salesian mission
Missionary Synodality
Dea friPnds
At the centenary celebrations in
Northeast India this year we recall
the gallant and fruitful efforts of
the Salesian missionaries in this
region ever since January 13th
1922. "Dare and hope· was the
motto o f Fr Louis Mathias, the
leader of the expedition. In a land
alien to them in language,
culture, tradition, food, climate,
and suffering from lack of
personnel, paucity of funds and
natural calamities, the valiant and
committed missionaries who
came year after year, lived their
Salesian missionary spirituality
w ith undaunted courage and
unbridled passion to bear
abundant fruit: a true 'miracle o f
Mary Help of Christians'.
The missionary mandate is
challenging, sometimes see-
mingly impossible. Yet, the
intuitive, ever youthful Salesian
spirit finds novel ways to
overcome hurdles with courage
and hope because Christ gave us
not only a command, but also an
assurance along w ith it: I am w ith
you always.
Fr. Joseph "Sunny"
Palamthattel, SDB
Regional Coordinator for
Missionary Animation, South
Asia Region
"Synodality" comes from the Greek synodos. which means journeying
together. Synodality is actually a new word for an old reality. The event with
the disciples of Emmaus in Luke 24, 18-35 is an example of synodality. More
than a specific theme addressed, a term used or a concept in its documents,
the Second Vatican Council used ·collegiality' as the method of building the
conciliar processes. However. synodality lies at the heart of the work of
renewal the Council was encouraging..
Synodality is not a simple discussion nor a parliamentary deliberation which
ends in a vote to verify the majority nor putting doctrines up for a vote. It is not
even a programme to be implemented. Instead, it is a style of life, it is being a
Church of participation and co-responsibility, involving the whole people of
Synodality implies an attitude o f attentive listening with humility, respect. and
patience even to discordant ideas, so as to discern the promptings of the Holy
Spirit, and act with wisdom and creativity.
Missionary activity is, above all, proclamation of the person of Jesus Christ.
Instead, missionary synodality is an approach to a pastoral reality. Sent to
proclaim the Gospel, every missionary has to learn to listen attentively and
respectfully, as fellow travellers, to the local people, to followers of other
religions, to the cries of the poor and marginalised in order to be closer to
Jesus and his Gospel and be a Church that goes forth, not closed in on itself.
Personal conversion will always be needed because we humbly recog nize that
there are still many hindrances within us to our efforts to live the missionary
synodality: a tendency to teach than to listen; a sense of privilege and
entitlem ent; a failure to be transparent and accountable; a slowness to
dialogue and a lack of animating presence among the young; a propensity to
control and to claim the sole right to make decisions; a lack of trust in
empowering the laity as mission partners; and a lack of recognition of the
presence of the Ho ly Spirit in cultures and peoples even before our arrival.
Fr. Alfred Maravilla, SDB
General Councillor for the Missions
What was my previous
understanding of the
word 'synodality'?
What attitudes do
I need to change in
myself to better practise
missionary synodality?

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Fr. Maccioni, the Salesians work in Laos in one mission station. How is the
Salesian presence and mission received by the local (mostly) Buddhist
The MOU, renewable every 5 years, signed by the Revolutionary Lao Youth
Union and the Salesian foundation of Thailand, says that our work must be
"unrelated to politics and religion". So, officially, no religious activity. The
Buddhist families from which most of our trainees come are very grateful to Don
Bosco. Government officials, companies and shops appreciate the technical and
human preparation of our graduates. We use Don Bosco and his educational
method as a "channel" to communicate also religious and moral valuesl Indeed,
Don Bosco makes the difference in our work of education!
What are you and your community doing to encourage and empower the
Laotian youth to live as responsible persons in the society and build up a career
for life?
Don Bosco Youth Vocational Training Center Vientiane. an outreach project of
the Thai Province for poor Lao young men, 16-30 years of age, teaches them a
job in auto mechanic, electricity (1 year courses), motorcycle repair, welding
skills (4 months courses). Most of the 140 trainees who graduate every year are
successful in finding a job. Besides the technical training, Don Bosco gives them
also a good human education to prepare them for their future family life, and for
their job performance in society. In our Center, we organize activities with
experiences that teach discipline, order, cleanliness, good manners, self-
sacrifice We give talks on moral and religious principles, interpersonal behavior,
dignity and value of work, health insurance, labor market, etc.
There are four Satesians in Laos: two Italians and two Vietnamese. Do you face
any challenges to live and work together?
At present, our community, the only Salesian presence in Laos, is made up of 2
Vietnamese confreres and one Italian Differences of character and cultural
background are found in all communities. Accepting each other is a sign of
maturity and of growth for all. What challenges our community most is our
mission for our poor Lao trainees: speaking their language, accepting and
appreciating the values of their culture, spending our talents and our time for
them, in order to make our work more fruitful and apostolic, thus preparing the
soil also for possible future Lao Salesian vocationsl
Fr. Maccioni Magi
Patrizio, SDB
Italian, 77 years old. He arrive d in
Thailand when he w as 18. After
53 years in Thailand, he was sent
to Vientiane, Laos w here he has
been working for almost 6 years.
He represents the Salesian
Foundation of Thailand for ordinary
matters when he has to deal w ith
th e Lao Youth Union offic ials.
Besides, he is now the Rector and
the Principal.
(adj. 15.02.2022)
..,,_,,.,...._........,........,_ of the Salesians in the world (professed
+ novices+ Bishops) is
: [cf.: at the end of 2020 it was 14,232]
.......,.I.A.I,......,.~- between the incomers (379 newly professed) and the loss
of professed (533 deceased and retired) at the end of 2021 was equal to
---.-_-.~• [cf.: at the end of 2020 it was -266]
-----.::J--__ difference in the number of professed+ novices between 2021 and 2020:
South Asia East Asia-Oceania
lnteramerica : • Central & North Europe :
Small businesses
For courage within the young in the Salesian
environment in Laos to earn actively and responsibly
We pray for small and medium sized businesses; in the midst of
economic and social crisis, may they find ways to continue operating,
and serving their communities.
[Pope Francis’ prayer intention]