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newsletter for Salesian
Missionary Animation ' Publication of the Missions Sector for SDB Communities and Friends of the Salesian Missions
Meaning of Faith in My Life JI
Cagliero 11!
Thank you for offering me the
chance to communicate with
you once again. Every month
Cagliero 11 fills me with peace,
light and encouragement.
Even though the Cagliero
initiative is getting older, it is
getting younger every time. In
fact, it's already at number
"161". And yet, it always
remains "11". This is really
beautiful! The small Society of
St. Francis de Sales is also
growing and aging. It is
celebrating 400 years of its
great patron in Heaven; the
207th anniversary of the birth
of its founder and the 163rd
year of the foundation of the
Salesian Congregation. And
yet -Cagliero always remains
"11"1 The memory of being
born a missionary is always
ahve in each one of us. And
woe to us tf we forget it! "Woe
to me if I do not proclaim the
Gospel" wrote St Paul, the
saint most intimately imitated
by Don Bosco. I greet and
bless you, from the heart of
Africa -right from where the
missionary pioneers had
arrived on 11-11-1911 at 11: 11!
I am Ollie Makota, a Salesian missionary volunteer r - - - - - - - - - _ ,
undergoing formation, from Namibia. What is the
meaning of faith7 For me faith is to trust in a God who
never abandons His children. I feel favoured by God. I
would describe my previous hfe as reckless. I had lost all
sense of direction and respect for my parents. I had got
involved in a dishonest hfe of drunkenness and indulged
in many other bad habits. Looking back at my life, I
tremble with fear, about what would have really
happened to be me, if God had not intervened in my life'
Faith, hence for me is, to trust in this God who saved me
from death.
My name is Bridget Ndhlovu from Malawi, born and
raised cathohc. I understand faith to be something that is
divinely inspired and out of one's personal
is divine because some things are too mysterious for the
human mind to concetve; it takes that special grace from
God to comprehend such things; personal conviction
because I myself need to beheve in something for it to
have meaning in my life. What I believe in the heart is
what I will profess. I need supporters to live well my faith
life. I am inspired by St Peter, the first Pope.
I am William Mupangani, from Zimbabwe. I too am
Salesian Missionary Volunteer in formation. For me faith
means to be fully alive. It ts trusting in the faithful
presence of God in my own life situations. I see the hand
of God in the events of my life, trusting that he is in
perfect control of my life. I thank God because, he has
endowed me with gifts of nature, inborn talents and he
keeps opening up newer opportunities for my growth.
Thus. for me faith is giving God -the space which is hts
due and trusting that I am not alone in my life's journey.
I, Lazarous Musenge, too am Salesian Missionary
Volunteer from Zambia, working in a children's home.
For me faith is to have a sense of gratitude. Listening to
the stones of the children under our care, I reahze how
privileged I have been in my younger days. I had caring
parents who loved and had sent me to school. There are
children who do not have parents to take care of them or
ensure their schooling1 I also see some of my friends who
endure very difficult situations and some have even
prematurely died. I do not think that I am in anyway
better than them -but it is all by grace of God that I live
yet i Therefore, faith for me is to say: "thank you Lord".
Fr. Guillermo Basañes, SDB
Provincial Province of AFC
What does faith mean to me?
What is the hardest thing for me in faith?
The group of young
Salesian volunteers
from the ZMB Province
accompanied by
Fr. Chris Kunda, SOB

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Dear Fr. Masias, it is generally known that the Eritrean Christians are deeply
religious. Did the actual conflict affect this aspect of faith ?
Conflict, war, hardship brings out the best and worst in people. Eritrea has been in
a state of war since 1998. This has caused huge mobilization of its populace and
endangered the traditional family and societal structure. This has impacted the
spirituality and Christian heritage of the young negatively in that they were
uprooted from the traditional Christian context of upbringing without having
enough time to absorb their Christian faith. This is also further worsened by the
excessive migration of the young. But God can fashion good even out of even
hopeless situations. We see a resurgence of deep and pious faith among young
Catholics who endured the hardship of life within and outside of Eritrea. In times
of hardship they came closer to God and to their faith. They are full of vitality and
faith. In this sense the conflict has helped.
Born in 1983 at Asmara, the capital
of Eritrea. Pope John Paul II's last years
and his illness inspired his vocation
to the priesthood.
He joined the Salesians of Don Bosco
in late 2006. From 2015 he is serving as
the economer of the Salesian community
in Dekemhare, and from 2018 he also
doubled as the Delegation Economer.
He also serves as director of the youth
centre in the communitv of Dekemhare.
What do the Salesians in Eritrea do to help the young to strengthen their hope?
Overtly religious themes and practices are prohibited in the educational policy of
Eritrea. Since, however, the culture is thoroughly Christian and very religious we
have several recourse to help the young. We use the Good mornings talks during
flag ceremony to share short reflections on how to be good people, how to be
united despite our differences, themes of Christian values ... Most of our students
come from small and backward villages. We try to create a family atmosphere
closeness, which is welcoming and at same time enables them in their relational
capacity and confidence. To enhance their hope for the future, we provide them
with quality education and an ambiance where they can express themselves. We
want to show them that there is a future by showing them how they can healthily
confront others with difference of opinions. Our activities, however, are not limited
to schools only! We run parishes, chaplaincies, catechism programmes etc. We
work in collaboration with pastoral offices of the dioceses and individual parishes.
As an Eritrean, what would you like to tell us, the Salesian family?
We live in a very difficult situation, but we have always much more to be grate for I
Wherever the Salesians work, there are problems. But for those who want to
cooperate with God and the youth, there is always a way. The night can seem to
be very long but eventually the morning does come. Let us trust in the providence
of God. God has his own ways as to how we can touch the young. Let us do what
we can, remembering that fruits do not depend us.
In general
(2013-... )
899 saints in 14 ceremonies
483 saints in 50 ceremonies
149 saints in 4 ceremonies
From 1593 to today 1936 saints have
been proclaimed in 174 ceremonies.
itr:::;~~~:i~~m (1691-1100,
2 women, no men
2 women, 1 men
17 women, 17 men
The other pontiffs proclaimed
more male saints than female.
or exclusively male.
............. (2013-...)
94.5% martyrs, 5.5% confessors
83.2% martyrs, 16.8% confessors
79.1% martyrs, 20.9% confessors
4.4% martyrs, 95.6% confessors
0% martyrs, 100% confessors
For faith-filled young people
For faith and hope for the young in Eritrea in
spite of the difficult situation in their country.
MISSIONARY We pray for all young people, called to live life to the fullest; may they see
in Mary’s life the way to listen, the depth of discernment, the courage that
faith generates, and the dedication to service.
[Pope Francis’ prayer intention]