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N. 119 - November 2018
Newsletter for Salesian Missionary Animation
Publication of the Missions Sector for the Salesian Communities and Friends of the Salesian Mission
Within a year from now we will have celebrated with
the whole Church the extraordinary missionary month
announced by Pope Francis. We want to do it holding
in our hands and our hearts the missionary letter of Pope
Benedict XV, Maximum Illud. A simple but crucial idea in this
letter is this: the missionary "does not fall from heaven". It is
necessary to build him, to form him.
A key element to be taken care of is a level of fluency in lan-
guages. It is an expression on the part of the missionary of his
acceptance of the values of the peoples he is to evangelize.
Language is a key that opens hearts and cultures. "The
missionary loves us: see how he learns our language", it is
often said. Every Salesian is a missionary among young people.
He is constantly learning new languages, even the new lingos popular among the youth. Among the qualities
the Salesian missionary ad gentes must have is a predisposition for languages, though it is not this alone
that makes a good missionary. We have some extraordinary models: Monsignor Oreste Marengo (1906 - 1998)
was able to communicate in 22 languages of North-East India. And you, dear confrere, are you ready to
collaborate more closely in this missionary and linguistic Pentecost?
Fr. Guillermo Basañes, SDB
Councillor for the Missions
Salesian Pan-Amazonian meeting.
S alesian Provinces with presences in Amazonia will hold a meeting to reflect on the 125 years of the
our missions in Amazonia, the challenges of the present and to design the future with new vigour. We
want to be in tune with the church, which is preparing for a Pan-Amazonian Synod. The main
participants will be missionaries from the provinces of Manaus and Mato Grosso - Brazil. There will
also be Salesians from Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela and Paraguay. Many Salesian sisters and lay people
will also participate. The presence of Don Bosco in Amazonia is very significant. We work in 35 missionary
communities and serve at least 44 ethnic groups: Xavante, Bororo, Terena, Guarní, Kaiowá, Kinikianau,
Atikum, Guató, Ofaié, Kadiwíeu, Kura Bakairi, Tukano, Tariano, Dessano, Piratapuia, Hupda, Cubeo, Uana-
no, Barassanos, Mirititapuia, Arapasso, Tuyuca, Carapanasso, Bare. Shuar, Achuar, Shawi, Kandozi, Wampis,
Awajun, Kechua, Chapra, Kucamacucamilla, Shivillo, Arawacos, Hiwi, Piaroa, Yanomami, Yekuana, Senema
Yekauana, Ayoreo, Maskoy, Ishir, Tomaraio.
The young people of the immense and fascinating Amazonia are
hoping to welcome even more children of Don Bosco. They want the
faith and the riches of Christ shared with them in the Salesian
style. They want to build together a Church with an Amazonian
face. They wish to be, not only the physical lung of the planet, but
also a spiritual lung. The encounter between Christ and the
indigenous cultures can enrich the whole of humanity.
1. The poster expresses the rich and complex variety of Pan-
Amazonia: large urban centers, life along the river, houses on stilts,
suburbs, villages, and mountains as symbols of the sacred.
2. In the foreground are the main recipients of our mission: a young
native one side and on the other children and teenagers who
venturing out to the river.
3. At the centre is the symbol of the Synod ... our unity with the
4. The flora and fauna are symbolized in the Arara and in the shades
of green.
5. The province of Manaus hosts the meeting while the Amazonian
rivers form the water mark of the entire poster.
6. The logo of the Synod in the same character and color expresses
our service within the Church.

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On the 30th of Sep-
tember, in the Basilica of Mary
Help of Christians, the Rector Major sent forth 25
new missionaries to various parts of the world. He gave
each of them a missionary crucifix engraved with Jesus,
the Good Shepherd, and the phrase "Da mihi animas
cetera tolle". The successor of Don Bosco emphasized
some points in his homily:
1. Genuine missionaries of the Spirit.
You are not sent to "do", and "do" and do still more”; but to bring a spirit, to widen the embrace of Don
Bosco, the tender humanity of Mother Mazzarello and the daring of our first confreres and sisters.
We expect an authentic sense of belonging to the Spirit of God, of which you will be heralds through
your life and your word. We expect pastoral love to be the true centre of your being and doing; that
the Christ of the Gospel, loved and followed by Don Bosco and our saints, be really at the core of
your person; that you live a filial sense of the Church with humility and intensity; a predilection for
young people; the typical loving kindness of the Preventive System; a family spirit in the midst of
tireless work and accompanied by temperance.
2. Humble Missionaries of the Ear.
You go to them to listen to their word and to share yours, to hear and share their sufferings and joys and
to announce the Word of salvation that is not yours but which you have interiorized through listening
to the Spirit of Jesus.
3. Tenacious and courageous missionaries for the little ones and the last ones.
Today you are sent as missionaries to these, as disciples and servants. In the "memento" Don Bosco gave
to the missionaries of the first expedition we read: "Take care of the sick, the children, the old and
the poor, and you will earn the blessing of God and the good will of men.
Witness of Salesian Missionary Sanctity
Fr. Pierluigi Cameroni SDB, Postulator General for the Causes of Saints
The Venerable Simone Srugi (1877-1943). Salesian coadjutor, fellow citizen of Jesus.
The 75th anniversary of his death occurs on November 27. He was very good by nature,
but it was the spiritual work and guidance of his courageous teachers in the faith that
led him to rise to the highest levels of Christian life. He was a nurse and a miller. Love
was his weapon throughout his life, inspired by what he had seen in Bethlehem at the
school of Don Belloni. He used it with all, even towards Orthodox and Muslims. It was
not easy in those times for Catholics to have serene relations with Muslims and
Orthodox. Indifference towards them was normal and even a little of enmity.
For Salesians
In áreas of conflict
Salesian Missionary Intention
Para For Salesians who live in various countries that are at war,
or experience violent social relations, so that the Lord may
enlighten them and make them witnesses of and educators to peace.
On all the continents there are situations of tension, including war, where
Salesian presences are on the front line. We pray for their safety and that
they may be instruments of dialogue and encounter that lead to a stable