Cagliero 11 - marzo 2013- ING

Cagliero 11 - marzo 2013- ING

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Nome società
Titolo n otiziario
Newsletter for Salesian Missionary Animation
A Publication of the Mission Department for the Salesian Communities and Friends of the Salesian Mission
D ear confreres and friends of
the Salesian missions!
A cordial greeting in the middle of
Lent 2013 during the Year of Faith!
On our journey towards the Pass-
over of the Lord, as we do every
year, we make the Stations of the
Cross and meditate on the price of
our salvation. Every March 24 of
the year (the anniversary of the
martyrdom of Oscar Romero,
Archbishop of San Salvador, El Sal-
vador) we commemorate the Day of
Prayer and Fasting in Memory of
Missionary Martyrs. The Congrega-
tion for the Evangelisation of Peo-
ples publishes annually a list of pas-
toral workers killed for the Gospel.
We know that each year, many
Christians are persecuted or even
lose their lives for their faith in Je-
sus Christ. At least 100,000 Chris-
tians bear witness to Jesus Christ
every year: martyrdom in Nigeria,
Pakistan and in various countries of
North Africa and the Middle East;
several violent attacks against
Christians in India or in China.
Thanks to the moving testimony of
these martyrs we are reminded of
the price of our faith.
Could we remember specifically
the martyrs of our time this Lent,
during the Year of faith? I suggest
that we get to know (http://
and remember them during our
Stations of the Cross during Lent
this the year of faith!
Fr. Václav Klement, SDB
Councillor for the Missions
We are mere Workers,
not Master Builders
The text below was composed by the late
Bishop Kenneth Untener of Saginaw, USA
as a reflection on the anniversary of the
martyrdom of Archbishop Oscar Romero.
Although these words are often attrib-
uted to Romero, in fact, they were never
spoken by him. This piece, however, also
sums up the person of Pope Benedict XVI,
“a humble worker in the Lord’s vine-
yard,” whom we remember with prayer-
ful gratitude .
t helps now and then to step back and take a long view.
The Kingdom is not only beyond our efforts,
it is beyond our vision.
We accomplish in our lifetime only a fraction
of the magnificent enterprise that is God's work.
Nothing we do is complete, which is another way of
saying that the kingdom always lies beyond us.
No statement says all that could be said.
No prayer fully expresses our faith. No confession
brings perfection, no pastoral visit brings wholeness.
No program accomplishes the Church's mission.
No set of goals and objectives include everything.
This is what we are about. We plant the seeds that one
day will grow. We water the seeds already planted
knowing that they hold future promise.
We lay foundations that will need further development.
We provide yeast that produces effects
far beyond our capabilities.
We cannot do everything, and there is a sense of
liberation in realising this.
This enables us to do something, and to do it very well.
It may be incomplete, but it is a beginning,
a step along the way, an opportunity for the Lord's
grace to enter and do the rest.
We may never see the end results, but that is the
difference between the master builder and the worker.
We are workers, not master builders,
ministers, not messiahs.
We are prophets of a future not our own!
Interview with Fr. Filiberto Rodriguez Martin, Provincial of ANG with English subtitles

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I am a fruit of Project Africa … and a gift to Oceania
M y family is the root of my missionary vocation. My father and my mother are living examples of charity and
faith for me. I remember that as a child I tried my best to memorise the Sunday Gospel so that I would be
chosen to act it out before my peers at Sunday School. Back home me and my friends would compete in re-
peating the prayers we heard at mass until one day my mum found out and strongly forbade us to do this. I obeyed her
but I kept the desire to be a priest burning within me. After secondary school I applied and was accepted as a Salesian
Aspirant. It was during this period that I decided to share my missionary desire with my spiritual director and my Rec-
tor who both encouraged me to pray.
As a young Salesian my missionary vocation developed more concretely when I was sent for an apostolic experience to
a refugee camp teaching boys there. One hot day I was tired and I preferred not to join the boys to play even if I was
physically present. One of the boys came and sat next to me. After some moments of silence he asked: “Brother, what
do you think God has not given you that you seem unhappy?” I could not answer the question, but I turned the ques-
tion back to him. Suddenly he broke into tears. Later, he shared with me that
he was a soldier and this experience was torturing him. When, finally, they had
to return to their country the boys invited me to go with them. That experience
kept coming back to me. After the summer holidays I shared this experience
and my desire with my spiritual director and y Rector who both helped me to
discern. Finally I wrote my application and the Rector Major sent me to Papua
New Guinea.
“Why go abroad while in Africa we still need missionaries?” many asked me.
Indeed, Africa needs missionaries. But the fact is my Mother-Province has re-
ceived a lot. Thanks to the sacrifices of the missionaries for Project Africa, the
Salesian charism is now flourishing. I believe that it’s now the moment to share
its first fruits, even if these are few, and surely God will bless us with many
I am truly happy to be sent to the warm and welcoming people Papua New
Guinea. It amazes me that so many islands of Oceania await the gift of having
missionaries to help them grow in the faith. The beginning was not easy for me.
Food and culture were some of my shocking experiences. How many sleepless nights I’ve had! I am grateful that the
Course for New Missionaries in Rome prepared me psychologically to confront cultural shock and to be realistic as to
what awaits me. Having a spiritual director also helped me see the new context from a different perspective. May we,
missionaries, make the Salesian charism flourish here. Who knows, one day, we may also have Salesian missionaries
from Papua New Guinea, perhaps, for Africa !
Cl. Stephen Musya Maswili
Kenyan, missionary in Papua New Guinea
Province - Country
Vicariate of Gambella
Dem. Republic of Congo
Zambia, Zimbabwe,
Malawi, Namibia
Necessary languages
English, local lan-
French, local lan-
Portugese, local lan-
English, local lan-
Environment and necessary qualities of the missionaries
Vicariate since 2000, very few SDB personnel, large opportunities of first
evangelization, Church implanting stage.
Inaugurated the second century of presence. An area for first evangeliza-
tion. Great possibilities for expansion. No missionaries from Asia present.
Vast territory for first evangelization. The province is expanding but more
personnel is required They need confreres (Salesian Brothers) prepared
for technical and professional schools.
The presence of front line missionaries. The province is expanding, but
with out the much needed personnel, for the four countries which are
included in the province.
Salesian Missionary Intention
AMERICA - SOUTH CONE REGION, especially for the Salesians of Brazil
That the confreres of the Provinces of Brazil, who are preparing for World Youth
Day in Rio de Janeiro, may render Salesian consecrated life more authentic,
visible, credible and fruitful.
The World Youth Day (Rio de Janeiro, 23-28 the July 2013) provides Salesians of Brazil a valuable op-
portunity for vocations: prepare for WYD by faithfully living the apostolic project of Don Bosco and
by bearing witness to the young people involved in the World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro. This makes
us more authentic. If you bear witness to the Salesian consecrated vocation with fidelity and joy, our
life becomes attractive and fascinating especially to young people which could bring about a new flourishing of voca-
tions. All six Salesian Provinces of Brazil are involved in various levels in the preparation of WYD 2013.