Cagliero 11 02 2010 ing

Cagliero 11 02 2010 ing

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Titolo notiziario
Nome società
NEWSLETTER FOR Salesian MissionarY AnimaTion
Why evangelise?
D ear Missionaries, Salesian con-
freres, friends of the Salesian mis-
I greet you during the month of our Salesian
Proto-martyrs, Saints Louis Versiglia and
Callixtus Caravario (martyred on February
25, 1930). The strenna of the Rector Major
calls us to grow as disciples and missionaries
of Jesus. But without our own continuous
evangelisation we can not be credible wit-
nesses of the Gospel to young people. Pre-
cisely in this order: as we grow as faithful
disciples day by day, we also become more
credible signs and bearers of God's Love.
With our martyrs, the most credible wit-
nesses, we can respond easily to the funda-
mental question: Why evangelise? Why go
as missionaries to the end of the world? I
shared this question with the young con-
freres. I have already received many differ-
ent answers:
25 February
Feast of the Salesian Protomartyrs
Saints Louis Versiglia and Callixtus Caravario
First of all because we have re-
ceived a great gift of faith that we
ought to share.
Because we are sent by the Lord to
the world at the end of every
Eucharist "Go and proclaim the
Because as believers in the Lord
Jesus, our vocation is the mission
entrusted to us.
Because we have received the bap-
tism that makes us missionaries.
Because all young people have the
right to know Jesus Christ!
This 2010 each one of us is called to
deepen the motivations why we need to
bring the Gospel to young people who
await us. We ponder this question in our
Fr. Václav Klement, SDB
Councillor for the Missions
Province - Country
BMA – Brazil
BRE – Brazil
ARS – Argentina
PAR – Paraguay
Vicariate of Chaco
PER – Peru
Vicariate of Pucallpa
VEN – Venezuela
Amazzonian Vicariate
ECU – Ecuador
Vicariate of Mendez
CAM – Guatemala
Vicariate of El Petén
Required languages
local languages
Features of the setting
and qualities required by missionaries
Missionary work among indigenous groups
In need of confreres (Provincial to RM 2008)
local languages
local languages
local languages
local languages
local languages
First Salesian mission, weak Church, few pastors, mission
among rural indigenous groups (mapuches and others)
Vicariate of Chaco, few SDB, refoundation of the mission
Amazzonian missions – Vicariate entrusted to the
Congregation, few confreres, mission among the kechua
Valle Sagrado (Cusco); Ashuar
Amazzonian missions – Vicariate entrusted to the
Congregation, few confreres, mission among the Yano-
Amazzonian missions – Vicariate entrusted to the
Congregation, few confreres, mission among the Ashuar-
Shuar, Kechua (Andean zone)
Mission among indigenous groups, at the moment only
one SDB (the bishop)

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from Patagonia
H ere I am to tell
you that all goes
well on this side
of the world, although it is
very cold. It’s spring and it’s
like being in Jarabacoa, it is
very cold from morning to
night. During the night the
temperature drops a lot. If
this is spring, I wonder how
will it be in winter! It is like
turning on the air condi-
tioner 24 hours a day.
With regard to customs, I'm
adapting. The schedules are
crazy. What a mess! But I don’t make a big fuss about it, one learns to
adapt to all situations! This weekend I was with a youth group called
"explorers" with whom we were camping from Friday evening until Sun-
day evening. It was a very nice experience because, being with young
people, little by little, one can slowly get to know them and their situa-
tion. Next Wednesday I'll go to a boarding school on the Cordilleras, until
Monday. Fr. Onorio, in-charge of the boarding school and Rector of the
community, asked me to accompany him. The only thing that worries me
is the cold, because it goes to extremes. I had never experienced this
cold, but no worries, one learns to adapt to all situations. So far, with the
grace of God, I have been so happy. There is a lot of work and I like that.
If you happen to feel tired when you go to bed at night, it means that the
work of the day was magnificent, truly Salesian.
Very well then, I end here and I pray that God and Mary Help of Chris-
tians may fill you with abundant graces and grant you the wisdom of the
Br. Druhznier Mulet López, sdb
Cuban missionary in Argentina
Due to the diversity of pastoral calendars
in the different parts of the Salesian
world there is no fixed date for the Sale-
sian Mission Day. Many Provinces have
already set their own dates: Italy
(February 7), Portugal (25-31 January),
Vietnam (November 11), Spain (May).
Materials are available at:
or Fr. Stanisław Rafałko
At present 177 confreres from all the 5
continents are discerning. 49 of them
have already written their application to
the Rector Major. The course for new
missionaries will take place from Septem-
ber 2-26, 2010 (16 days in Rome and 8
days in places of Don Bosco). The giving
of the missionary cross will be on Sep-
tember 26, 2010. This course is also open
to missionaries who were unable to have
an orientation before their departure. For
information contact Fr. Alfred Maravilla
This will be held at the Salesian Pontifical
University, Rome from September 20 to
December 5, 2010. Since 1995 around 250
SDB and 300 religious missionaries had
participated in order to be renewed and
deepen their missionary commitment.
For information contact Fr. Dionisio Pa-
checo [].
Salesian Missionary Intention
The missionary outreach of all provinces
That all the Salesian Provinces of the world may grow in openness towards
the great needs of the missions of the universal Church and of the Congre-
gation .
One of the principal objectives of missionary animation is the promotion of
missionary vocation ad gentes - ad extra - ad vitam. This is the most tangible
expression of the missionary commitment of the local churches. Also the 26th
General Chapter calls on all the Provinces to "promote missionary vocations ad
gentes among young people, among families, and among the Salesians”(n.49).
During the month of February we are invited to pray for Salesian missionary
vocations, make known the great needs of the Salesian missions, personally
invite the young and the young Salesians to commit themselves to mission ad
gentes and accompany them on the path of vocational discernment. No Prov-
ince is so poor of personnel that it is unable to contribute to this commitment.
Send your suggestions and contributions to