Cagliero 11 Gen 2012-ing

Cagliero 11 Gen 2012-ing

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Nome società
Titolo n otiziario
Newsletter for Salesian Missionary Animation
A Publication of the Mission Department for the Salesian Communities and Friends of the Salesian Mission
D ear Salesians and
friends of the Sale-
sian mission,
The 25th Salesian Mission
Day (SMD) 2012 with the
theme “Telling the Story of
Jesus” is an opportunity of
growing in following in the
footsteps of Don Bosco the
Saint – educator, pastor,
communicator and mission-
ary. Telling the story of Jesus
to the young – we all agree
on this! There are just some
questions: How? When?
Where? We know that from a
heart full of Jesus there
naturally flow words about
our Master.
As Sons of Don Bosco, we are
called to communicate every-
where: in educational meet-
ings with the young, in small
Christian communities,
through the radio, the TV, on
the Internet, on social net-
works or through blogs, by
means of the theatre or mu-
sic. The creativity of the
great Missionaries shows us
all the typical Salesian ways
of communicating the faith to
non-Christians. The young
Churches of Asia, many of
them with a life story of
scarcely a few decades of
first evangelisation inspire us
with their dynamic approach
in telling the story of Jesus!
Fr. Václav Klement, SDB
Councillor for the Missions
What is Salesian Mission Day all about?
A bove all it is important to underli-
ne that the Salesian Mission Day
(GMS) is primarily directed to each
Salesian and to every local and Provicial
Salesian community.
For us Salesians the period of preparation
for the bicentenary of the birth of Don Bo-
sco is a call to rediscover his great inspi-
rations, his deepest motivations, his cou-
rageous choices, and especially his missio-
nary spirit. And thus revive and keep alive
the missionary flame that is an essential
dimension of our Salesian vocation(Const.
In a time when there are great needs but
a numerical shortage of Salesians there is
a real danger that the confreres or a
Province would close itself in within its
territory because looking beyond, with a
sense of mission, would require a new en-
ergy that it does not have. But closing in would, consequently, extinguish
the apostolic zeal and enthusiasm for the Salesians life which is noticed
by young people, especially those who make their vocational discernment
with us.
Since 1988 a missionary theme has been offered to the entire Congregation,
so that all the salesian communities may get to know about a missionary
situation in a particular continent and open its eyes to new missionary si-
tuations, overcoming every temptation to shut oneself off in one’s own pla-
ce and to remember the universal outreach of the Salesian charism and live
it fully inserted in the heart of the universal Church.
That's why the celebration of the SMD is an important moment in the mis-
sionary animation of the Salesians in the Provinces and in the houses; of
those who attend our schools, vocational training centres, parishes, orato-
ries, youth groups, and of the Salesian Family, so as to rediscover the mis-
sionary zeal of Don Bosco and the dynamic vitality of the Salesian cha-
This is not about an isolated event or an occasional activity but an edu-
cative pastoral journey lasting some weeks, or a number of initiatives
throughout the year, of which the SMD is its culmination.

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Prayer is my strength to face many missionary challenges
I wanted to be a missionary but I had struggled to make the
decision because if I were to become a missionary I would
live far from my family and my friends. However, towards
the end of the postnoviciate, I finally decided to write my
application. My greatest desire was to spend my life for others in
the mission land in gratitude to God and to Don Bosco for the
many blessings I have received as a Salesian.
I was sent to Zambia where I arrived on April 1, 2010. After some
weeks of introduction in the capital, Lusaka I went for English
language course. Here everything was new and strange to me.
Here I attended the longest Mass during the ordination of a priest
- 5 hours! I was so surprised when I saw the people singing and
dancing during the Eucharist. I was equally surprised when I saw
many poor village youth playing football without shoes and with the ball made of plastic bags.
I still consider myself a greenhorn missionary and I look forward to learning many more new things.
So far my main challenge was language. In Zambia there are many languages. I felt really bad when people
didn’t understand what I was saying as well as when I could not understand what they were trying to tell
me. The youth know English and their local language. I often felt alone in their midst because they prefer
to speak their local language which I didn’t understand at all.
This difficulty sometimes made me to get bored and even made me ask if I did the right thing being a
missionary. But I overcame these doubts by sharing my difficulties with a fellow missionary, and some
friends. Through our sharing I realised that I was not alone. So we
encouraged each other and continue to pray for one another.
But my greatest strength was in talking to Jesus or just seat-
ing in front of the Blessed Sacrament. I knew that he perfectly un-
derstood what I wanted to tell him, as well as my difficulties and
doubts. I continually pray to him to help me each day because I re-
alised that although my problems, difficulties remain, now I have
more energy and deeper motivation to continue my missionary vo-
cation. I also believe that the prayer of so many people like my par-
ents, classmates, and friends sustain me in my missionary vocation.
And I am sure that God, our Lady and Don Bosco are always with
I am ever grateful to God for the gift of my life and missionary vocation. I am beholden to my par-
ents for continually supporting me in my vocation as a Salesian lay brother. I am thankful to our Congrega-
tion for giving me the possibility to follow my missionary vocation!
Br. Martin Manh Hien Nguyen
Vietnamese, missionary in Zambia
Salesian Missionary Intention
SALESIAN MISSION DAY 2012 - “Telling the Story of Jesus”
That the Salesian Mission Day 2012 may stir up in all Salesian Provinces
of the world, creative ways to share with young people one’s own per-
sonal experience of Jesus, especially with those who are far from the
life of the Church or with the followers of other religions .
The Salesian Missions Day 2012 is inspired by the words of the Apostolic Ex-
hortation Ecclesia in Asia n. 20 of John Paul II: “the proclamation of Jesus
Christ can most effectively be made by narrating his story, as the Gospels do”.
It is an invitation to be disciples of Christ, evangelised, before becoming apos-
tles, evangelisers who continue the narration of the missionary presence in
the Congregation which is at the heart of the mission of the Church. The Salesian Mission Day 2012
is ,therefore, an invitation to live much more in the heart of the universal Church.
The previous issues of "Cagliero 11" are available at