3822(II)_Don Bosco Ulaanbaatar celebrates ‘Rector’s day cum Thanksgiving day’
December 1, 2015By Fr. Anthony Kishore Minj, SDB
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, November 30, 2015 - To express their heartfelt gratitude to the Rector and to the other salesians, Don Bosco staff and the students organized a “Thanksgiving day” on the day of the feast day St. Andrew. The program began with the mass in the morning at 6.30 am. Fr. Andrew Tin Nguyen SDB the delegate and Rector of Don Bosco community officiated the morning mass. A mega colorful concert and cultural show began soon after the mass. The opening talk was given by Fr. Anthony Kishore Minj, SDB. While addressing to the students and the teachers he spoke about the unique role that a rector plays in order to fulfill the dream of the organization, from the youngest to the oldest, everyone is important in running of the school. A Rector is not just a rector, a principal is not just a principal, a teacher is not just a teacher. All of them are formators, educators, friends, mothers, fathers, elder sisters, etc. There is a deep relationship between the teachers and the students. And it has to be felt by all.
After the opening talk various groups came up on the stage with their talents, appreciating teachers and the salesians for the service being done for welfare of the young people. The students also presented gifts and letters of appreciation and gratitude to the teachers and to the SDBs. The program lasted for half a day and it ended with a grand dinner served for around more than 250 people. Everyone left the school with a smile on their face.