SALELOLOGA: 11 November 2012 --
happiness”. “Dream happiness”. “Live
happiness”. “Talk
happiness” . These were just a few of the brightly
coloured banners
that welcomed some 200 young people from the Salesian parishes
schools in Samoa to the new Don Bosco High School and
Vocational Centre
at Salelologa on Friday, October 26th 2012. This year
the “Big
Island”, as Savaii is affectionately known, was chosen as the
place for SAMBOSCO, a truly Salesian gathering. “Be
happy in the Lord”
was last year’s theme. This was taken up again this year
in the theme
“Happiness”. It was a suitable name for this gathering
when young (and
not so young) people met to spend three days together to
pray and
play, to eat and sleep (not much of that, mind you!) and
recognize that
it is the spirit of Don Bosco that unites them.
In the traditional welcoming ceremony the “Kava” cup was
shared which
almost sacramentally united the gathering into one family. The
participants then were divided into 6 groups who were
presented with
their coloured T-shirts. Hakas were rehearsed to
urge the groups on
in the many activities that were to follow. After an
abundant evening
meal the young people prepared for the candle vigil which
lasted till
in the small hours of the night. This certainly was one
of the
highlights of the gathering.
The Saturday was “mini-Olympic” day, sports and fun day.
“Hakas” (war
cries) urged on the competitors, and good- natured rallying
flew to and fro adding to the noisy and friendly competition.
A hilarious entertainment ended he Saturday and took the
gathering well
into the Sunday. A few hours sleep and the crowd filled
the big
Salesian church of St Francis of Sales in Foua, one of the sub
of Salelologa to celebrate a special Youth Mass.
After the traditional “to’onai” (the festive Sunday family
meal) the
“Big Islanders” farewelled the “overseas” travellers with the
wish to meet again next year.
Coordinator of this year’s SAMBOSCO was Father Mosese. He was
assisted by the other Salesian priests, Fathers Nicholas and
Petelo, Sefo and Filipo, and the deacons and catechists and
their wives
from their respective Salesian parishes. Brothers Nuku,
Atonio and,
Sinapati, our young Salesian Brothers in formation, organised
the games
and activities, and our young “Salesians-to-be” Eteuati,
Sailele and
Vitale helped to keep things going smoothly with their