844 S.Asia Bachelor Degree course in local music
austraLasia 844
India North East: New Bachelor Degree Course in Music tunes in to local needs

SHILLONG: 23rd May '04 -- St. Anthony's College, Shillong, in North East India, the oldest of the Salesian Degree Colleges in India (est. 1934) is introducing a Bachelor's Degree in Music (B.Mus) aiming to cultivate and nurture the innate love for music woven into the fabric of life and culture in that part of the country.  It will cover Indian Classical music with flavours of both North Indian Hindustani and South India Karnatic Music, as well as North Eastern music and Western music generally.  There is also a section on computer technology for music.


There are no academic courses available at College level at present in this region.  St. Anthony's is affiliated with the North Eastern Hill University, under which it will grant the new degree.


The B.Mus is but the latest innovation for a College which in the year 2000 was awarded, Five Star status by the Indian accreditation system, its highest grade.  The College has been foremost in India in offering other Bachelor Degree courses such as Mass Communication and Video Production, and Media Technologies.  The College already has four study streams: Arts, Science, Commerce and Management.  The new B. Mus now adds a fith stream, Performing Arts.


Consider visiting the College website at www.anthonys.ac.in


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