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Hanno collaborato nel lavoro preparatorio (foto e sogni):
Suor Runita Galve Borja, Consigliera per l’ambito di Pastorale Giovanile FMA
Suor Lolia Annie, Pastorale Giovanile FMA
Delegati e Coordinatrici Ispettoriali di Pastorale Giovanile di tutto il mondo
Hanno ideato e curato il volume:
Illustrazioni: JAVIER CARABÃNO
© Proprietà riservata al settore per la Pastorale Giovanile SDB
Prima edizione 2024
Progetto grafico, impaginazione, stampa:
Graphic Art 6 srl - Roma
Finito di stampare nel mese di maggio 2024

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Non smettiamo mai di sognare!
Cari amici,
sono molto felice di avere l'opportunità di presentare questo libro focalizzato in un tema così caro a noi salesiani, i sogni!
Infatti, sarebbe impossibile parlare della vita di don Bosco e non parlare dei suoi sogni. Lui ha conservato nella mente e nel
cuore i suoi sogni per tutta la vita, anche dopo averli realizzati.
Ispirati dal sogno di don Bosco e da ciò che vivono e sperimentano nei nostri ambienti salesiani, i giovani scoprono che i loro
bellissimi desideri sono la forza che li rende capaci di realizzare grandi cose e imparano che ogni sfida può essere superata
con coraggio e fiducia in se stessi. I giovani hanno grandi sogni, ma devono essere incoraggiati a sognare! E questo libro ha
questa finalità.
Grazie a queste storie e a quei desideri nascosti che ognuno porta dentro di sé, possiamo scoprire come i limiti possono essere
superati, i problemi più grandi possono essere affrontati e che, anche nei momenti più difficili, non dobbiamo lasciarci sconfig-
gere, ma piuttosto trovare le risorse personali e contestuali per essere in grado di affrontare qualsiasi sfida. Non tutti i sogni sono
uguali, ma una cosa è certa: tutti abbiamo dei sogni!
Quelle che leggeremo sono quindi storie di giovani nei nostri ambienti, provenienti da tutti i continenti, che possono ispirare
coraggio e fiducia.
Ormai ci ritroviamo davanti a notizie negative, ma per i giovani è sempre il tempo dei sogni, anzi, i giovani hanno diritto a so-
gnare un domani migliore, hanno nelle loro mani la possibilità di rinascere e di ricominciare, di studiare e di lavorare, di costruirsi
un futuro di umanità e di speranza. Il messaggio che vogliamo trasmettere ai giovani con queste pagine è di non smettere mai
di sognare.
Alcuni di loro vivono in un mondo che altri giovani potrebbero riconoscere, altri in mondi meno conosciuti che non hanno mai

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visto prima! Ma attraverso la lettura possiamo vedere come tutti questi giovani, nonostante tutte le difficoltà incontrate lungo
il cammino, credono in se stessi, nelle loro capacità, nei valori trasmessi dalla famiglia e dalla spiritualità salesiana, con il desiderio
di dare un contributo nel contesto in cui vivono.
Rimango sempre affascinato da questi racconti e giorno dopo giorno scopro un pezzettino di quel mondo che ciascun ragazzo
o giovane porta dentro di sé. Resto stupito da tutta la bellezza che si cela in loro, da tutte le potenzialità e le capacità che
Questi giovani sono gli artigiani del domani, coloro che plasmeranno il mondo con le loro giovani mani. Sono loro la speranza
di una migliore Umanità. Un’Umanità ferita dalla guerra, dalla povertà, dal dolore, eppure un’Umanità che ha il volto della Ca-
rità e dell’Amore. Un’Umanità capace di risorgere e di sperare, di risollevarsi da terra e ricominciare a camminare. Capace di
accogliere e di donare, senza mai smettere di sorridere e di amare.
Sognare è un balsamo e porta molti benefici alla nostra mente e al nostro cuore, perché ci aiuta a organizzare i nostri desideri
e le nostre azioni, a metabolizzare le emozioni, a rimanere connessi alla nostra interiorità.
Quindi non smettiamo mai di sognare!
@ ÁNGEL FERNÁNDEZ CARD. ARTIME, sdb - Rettor Maggiore dei Salesiani

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Il sogno simboleggia la vita spirituale di ciascuno di noi
Con gioia introduco questo interessante testo realizzato in occasione del bicentenario del “sogno dei 9 anni”.
All’inizio della missione salesiana c’è un bambino di nove anni, Giovanni Bosco, e un grande sogno che ha orientato la
sua scelta vocazionale-missionaria.
Dopo due secoli, constatiamo che questa preziosa eredità ci appartiene. Ne custodiamo il valore simbolico e carismatico con
la consapevolezza che esso fa parte di una catena prolungata e complementare di episodi della vita di don Bosco in cui pos-
siamo trovare elementi di continuità e di novità. Più che di sogni si trattava di visioni spesso profetiche, in cui il contatto con il
soprannaturale era evidente. Nel bicentenario del Sogno dei nove anni, abbiamo voluto interpellare i giovani del mondo con
una domanda molto semplice, ma quanto mai esistenziale: “qual è il sogno della tua vita”? Papa Francesco, parlando di Giu-
seppe uomo che sogna, così si era espresso: «Il sogno simboleggia la vita spirituale di ciascuno di noi, quello spazio interiore,
che ognuno è chiamato a coltivare e a custodire, dove Dio si manifesta e spesso ci parla» (Udienza, 26 gennaio 2022).
E ai giovani, in preparazione alla GMG 2023, aveva ricordato che i grandi sogni si realizzano con le grandi scelte della vita.
Il sogno dei 9 anni è “il progetto di Dio e di Maria per la vita di don Bosco”. Egli ha compreso questa verità, con commozione,
all'altare di Maria Ausiliatrice, nella Basilica del Sacro Cuore a Roma, il 16 maggio 1887.
A don Bosco chiediamo che sostenga i nostri sogni di bene e ci aiuti a realizzarli, dentro le sfide presenti nella nostra contem-
Suor Chiara Cazzuola
Superiora generale dell’Istituto FMA

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Diamanti nascosti
C’è un filo invisibile che lega i racconti biografici di queste pagine: il sogno, un genere lette-
rario” che tutti capiscono e che ci permette di trasformare qualcosa di ordinario in qualcosa
di straordinario, agli occhi e alle orecchie di chi ascolta. Sì. I sogni muovono i cuori e i futuri delle
persone. Ecco perché nessun sogno è banale.
Giovani di 94 Paesi ci raccontano come vogliono realizzare il loro sogno e come intendono superare
le condizioni più difficili. Sono finestre da cui entrare e guardare. Una vera sfida.
Più di duecento sogni provenienti da tutto il mondo salesiano abbelliscono le pagine di questo tesoro
sotto forma di “Coffee Table Book”. È come se queste storie ispiratrici fossero diamanti da scoprire.
Tra i tanti sogni, i giovani ne hanno espressi alcuni:
– essere realmente ascoltati e compresi nelle loro aspettative di vita, nel loro modo di vedere il
mondo e di muoversi in esso;
– sperimentare un Dio vicino, realmente incarnato e vivo nelle situazioni umane;
– sentirsi accettati dalla Chiesa e dalle presenze salesiane così come sono, senza dover forzare i
loro modi di essere in stereotipi;
– seguire la propria vocazione, i percorsi per scoprirla e la propria fede nell'essenziale;
– costruire il proprio progetto professionale, nonostante le incertezze e gli interrogativi delle trasfor-
mazioni sociali, politiche e tecnologiche;

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– la fiducia nello sforzo personale e nel sostegno della famiglia come condizioni fon-
damentali per migliorare la propria vita e avvicinarsi all'età adulta;
– essere adulti di riferimento, appassionati, chiari, determinati con la propria vita e
guide nel proprio processo;
– valorizzare il contesto in cui vivono con azioni concrete, attraverso formulazioni nobili
come “essere in grado di aiutare gli altri”.
Le fotografie immortalano giovani sognatori in scene di strada o nelle loro case e am-
bienti quotidiani. Il sorriso occupa un posto d'onore in tutte le immagini. I giovani sanno
che un sorriso unisce le persone, rivela una freschezza invidiabile e può cambiare tutto.
E, soprattutto, che il sorriso ci rende tutti uguali, perché è un gesto universale, indipen-
dentemente dall'etnia, dalla religione o dalla nazionalità.
Sogni, progetti, imprese, programmi e avventure: sono cose belle, importanti, preziose.
Rappresentano un pezzo di noi stessi e in molti di essi sperimentiamo la presenza divina,
perché nel sogno di Dio ci siamo tutti!
A coloro che hanno avuto il coraggio di condividere le loro storie e alle persone che
hanno contribuito a questa entusiasmante iniziativa.
A tutte le persone che si prendono il tempo di leggere, di sentirsi con loro, di mettersi
nei loro panni e scoprire così i loro sogni, i diamanti nascosti.
Consigliere per la Pastorale Giovanile

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Abdullah Amr, 15 years old, Cairo, Egypt
To Be an Electrical Engineer
What is your dream in life? My dream in life is to be a successful
engineer, specifically an electrical engineer. I love this profes-
sion because it is my dream job and because my father is also an engi-
neer. As a first-year student of Don Bosco Cairo, studying electricity will
help me achieve my dream. In Don Bosco, we learn more in practice
and theory. In fact, we work in the electrical laboratory 8 hours a
week. This method is very intense and helped me a lot to learn more
about the different electrical circuits. The professors and the staff of
Don Bosco are very generous in helping us in our studies and work.
Hopefully, after 3 years here in Don Bosco, I will finish and continue my
studies at an engineering university here in Cairo or abroad.

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Abel Angel Muñoz Londoño, 24 años, Panamá
Una persona de bien
Mi sueño de ser una buena persona es el núcleo que da forma a mi identi-
dad y guía mi camino en la vida. Desde mis primeros años, he buscado
cultivar cualidades y valores que reflejen mi deseo innato de contribuir al bie-
nestar de los demás y construir relaciones significativas. Este sueño no es simple-
mente una aspiración, sino un compromiso profundo que ha evolucionado a lo
largo del tiempo, influido por experiencias, aprendizajes y la comprensión de la
importancia de la empatía y la bondad en el mundo. La semilla de este sueño
se plantó en mi infancia, influenciada por modelos a seguir que personificaban
la generosidad. Mis padres, con su actitud desinteresada y su capacidad para
ver las necesidades de los demás, me mostraron el impacto positivo que una
buena persona puede tener en su entorno. Estas lecciones tempranas sembra-
ron en mí el deseo de ser una fuerza positiva en la vida de aquellos que me ro-
dean. Mi sueño implica contribuir a causas sociales, abogar por aquellos que
no pueden hacerlo por sí mismos y trabajar para construir comunidades más
fuertes y compasivas. La paciencia y la tolerancia son elementos esenciales de
mi sueño. Mi sueño incluye la capacidad de ser una presencia tranquilizadora
para quienes me rodean, ofreciendo comprensión y aliento incluso en los mo-
mentos más desafiantes. La humildad se ha vuelto una parte integral de mi
sueño de ser una buena persona; me lleva a reconocer que, como buena per-
sona, no tengo todas las respuestas y que cada encuentro con los demás es
una oportunidad para aprender y crecer.

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Abraham Isaac Kouraogo, 30 ans, Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire
Rêve dans un rêve
Amon réveil, j'ai pris la ferme résolution d’y aller. Une décision pleine d’incerti-
tude, d’incompréhension mais quelque part un vent de tranquillité soufflait
dans l’espace. C’était tout un moment de réflexion. La nuit fut longue ce jour-là.
Pourquoi une telle image ? Était-ce une confirmation des vœux des autres. Je
m’en doutais bien et qu’il fallait répondre à l’appel bien queinquiet. M’offrir au
Seigneur pour de vrai, rendre service dans la tenue blanche du serviteur. Un, deux
et trois nuits encore pour confirmer l’image de la première nuit. Douteux ou pas,
allons. Faisons chemin avec Lui (Jésus), il saura m’ouvrir les yeux sur les zones som-
bres de cette aventure. Ne dit-on pas qu’il y a plus de joie à donner qu’à recevoir ?
Un tout petit pas en avant l’ambiance amico-familiale était appréciée ; une crois-
sance humaine et spirituelle se fait ressentir. Au fil du temps ma quiétude était trou-
blée. Quel sens devrais-je donner à ce rêve. Rêver famille, rêver offrir au monde
dans le monde un modèle d’accompagnement des familles en passant par la

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Agata Mròz, 20 years old, Czerwin´sk nad Wisła˛, Poland
The Architect of Life
Ihave been a student at the University of Ecology and Management in
Warsaw at the Faculty of Architecture. This is an integral part of what I
dream about, which is to be the best of my kind as an Architect. I've been
dreaming about this for as long as I can remember, and even though I say,
"Mom, I'm quitting these studies”, I still want to do this and wouldn't trade
it for anything else. Building a home is a huge step towards happiness.
As an architect, I can help in the pursuit of that happiness. Could
there be anything better? This profession also awakens other passions
in me. Being able to travel the world and visit all the amazing build-
ings built over the centuries, being able to experience other cul-
tures and see how design is done in other corners of the world is
amazing. You get to experience how every structure tells a story,
and this motivates you to add chapters to the ever-evolving history
of architecture. But my dream to be an architect is about leaving a
lasting mark that will serve future generations. It's about using my skills
and talents to make a positive impact on the world and leave it a
little better than I found it. Whether it's creating innovative new buildings
or mentoring a new generation of architects, I want to be involved in
making a difference. After all, architecture is a way of life. It's about looking
at the world from a different perspective, finding beauty in unexpected
places, and never losing sight of the dreams that propel us forward.

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Aizivaishe Ndhlovu, 18 years old, Zimbabwe
My Dream
My name is Aizivaishe Ndhlovu born in a family of 5, I
am 18 years old. I am staying in Zimbabwe. I have
both parents alive, But I live separately from them. My
dream has always been to make my mom proud and
happy, which she deserves.
Because she cries everyday because of the way my dad
treats her. My dad gives us less support as his children, so
my mom struggles just to provide food and clothing for us
and my dad would only provide educational support
while not caring about what we eat, wear or even where
we sleep (stay).
My mum always cries in her secret places saying she is the
most unfortunate person in this world. This situation has
even given me courage to do well in my studies, become
a lawyer and fight for justice for those women suffering like
my mom. Because it hurts me.
So, may the good Lord help me achieve my goal and
make my mama proud.

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Akakam Ndoutoume Schesky Hervee, 27 ans, Conakry, Guinee
Mai, soins pour tous !
En Guinée, l’accès aux soins de santé est un droit pour tous. Cependant,
comme dans beaucoup d’autres pays en développement, la majorité de la
population n’y a pas accès. Plusieurs facteurs favorisent cette inaccessibilité ;
parmi lesquels la pauvreté et le manque de personnel de soins et d’infrastruc-
tures, auxquels viennent s’ajouter les troubles socio-politiques récurrents. Pour ré-
duire le taux de mortalité dû à l’incapacité des malades à accéder aux
structures sanitaires fiables et parfois trop coûteuses, je rêve d’ouvrir une clinique
qui permettra d’offrir des soins gratuits à tous les patients souffrants de toutes
sortes de maladies (Consultation, Intervention chirurgicale, traitement…) Ces
soins gratuits se feront à chaque mois de Mai dans tout le pays. Pour atteindre
mes objectifs, un réseau de pharmacies et structures de santé sera constitué et
un ensemble de personnes et médecins volontaires seront affectés à la cause.
Première semaine : Consultation des malades nécessitant une intervention chi-
Deuxième semaine : Maladies relevant du domaine de la pédiatrie.
Troisième : Maladies infectieuses.
Dernière : Autres cas de maladies.

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Alfred James W, 28 years old, Tiruchy, India
My Life Commitment:
“Help at least one person a day”
My life dream is to empower individuals through dedicated career guidance
services. I am committed to helping others discover their unique strengths,
passions, and potential. Through actionable insights and support, I aim to illuminate
clear paths toward fulfilling careers, fostering personal and professional growth. My
purpose is to be a catalyst for positive change, guiding individuals to navigate the
dynamic landscape of their careers with confidence and purpose. I had a dream
to ignite the flames of purpose and opportunity in the hearts of individuals, with a
special focus on collaborating with Don Bosco Tech (DB Tech) centres. Through dedi-
cated volunteering efforts, I am committed to providing comprehensive career gui-
dance towards the enriching avenues within Don Bosco Tech offices across India
and other zones wherever possible. I also dream of extending my efforts to en-
compass broader social service. Despite facing personal challenges, I am com-
mitted to providing physical and moral support, extending a helping hand to those
in need. My vision includes helping the old aged people, hospitalized, providing
mentorship, and contributing to the well-being of others. Through this multifaceted
approach, I aim to create a positive impact both professionally and in the realm of
social service, building a legacy of compassion and support. To make a positive im-
pact, I am committed to my life commitment i.e., “Help at least one person a day”
and experiencing the countless bliss that comes with it is truly fulfilling my dreams.

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Alice Vinoliya, 19 years old, Chennai, India
Dream: A helping
hand transforms
Helping others is a noble and fulfilling dream to have. There are
many ways that I can help others and I believe when I have
passion and dedication in what I am doing and am driven by
genuine desire to help others I can make a positive impact. One
of my dreams is to make a positive impact on people’s lives as a
volunteer at a local charity centre and as a mentor. Small acts of
kindness and spreading positivity can make a big difference in
the world. I dream to spread love and kindness by offering a lis-
tening ear to friends, providing emotional support, assistance and
lending a helping hand to those in need. My actions can inspire
and uplift others. My dream of helping others will enable me to
contribute to the well-being and happiness of those around me.
Surrounding myself with like-minded individuals, seeking inspiration
from others who have made lasting difference and growing in
knowledge and skills will help me achieve my dream.

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Alina Artsiukevich, 23 anni, Bielorussia
Un sogno per i bambini
Ancora dall’adolescenza ho capito che i bambini occupano la parte
importante del mio cuore. Dai tempi di scuola sapevo che lavorerò con i
bambini. Cosi è sucesso. Una volta dopo aver guardato un film che mostrava
la vita difficile bei ragazzi in un Paese povero, come gli mancava amore e
affetto dei genitori ho capito che voglio aiutare quelli che hanno più bisogno.
Il mio sogno è che ogni bambino, che vive in orfanotrofio possa sentire l’amore
materno in un abbraccio e sentire appoggio nelle parole paterne. Vorrei che
infanzia di ogni bambino sia felice, e che ognuno abbia qualcosa da
mangiare. Don Bosco ha aiutato i centinaia o migliaia di persone a diventare
felici. Seguendo il suo esempio anche io già ora faccio piccoli passi a compiere
il mio sogno tramite il mio servizio da animatrice nell’oratorio e il lavoro in un
asilo. Spero che riuscirò cambiare al meglio la vita di almeno un bambino.
Мара для дзяцей
Яшчэ з падлеткавага ўзросту я зразумела, што дзеці займаюць асаблівую частку ў маім сэрцы.
Яшчэ са школы я ведала, што буду працаваць з дзецьмі. Так і атрымалася. Але аднойчы,
паглядзеўшы фільм, у якім паказвалася цяжкое жыццё дзяцей у беднай краіне, якія не адчулі ў
сваім жыцці бацькоўскай любові і клопату, я зразумела, што хачу дапамагаць менавіта тым дзецям,
якія найбольш гэтага патрабуюць.
Мая мара - каб кожнае дзіця, якое жыве ў дзіцячым доме, адчула матчыну любоў у яе цёплых
абдымках і пачула словы падтрымкі ад бацькі. Мая мара - каб усе дзеці зямлі мелі, што зесці на абед. Мая мара - зрабіць дзяцінства шчаслівым для ўсіх
дзяцей на нашай планеце. Дон Боско дапамог дасягнуць шчасця сотням, нават тысячам маладых людзей па ўсім свеце. Па яго прыкладзе я ўжо раблю
маленькія крокі да здзяйснення сваёй мары праз служэнне салезіянскім аніматарам ў араторыі. Спадзяюся, што ў мяне атрымаецца змяніць жыццё на лепшы
лад хаця б аднаму патрабуючаму дзіцяці.

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Ámar Gazel Hernández, 18 años, San Jose, Costa Rica
Estrellas perdidas
Si me hubieran preguntado hace 6 años cual era el sueño de mi vida, probablemente habría respondido que soñaba con
ser bailarina, con usar unas puntas y bailar en un escenario; sin embargo, conforme pasó el tiempo y las circunstancias de
vida cambiaron, ese sueño quedó en segundo plano. Ahora con 17 años me he dado cuenta de que mi sueño sigue ahí pero
el enfoque que le doy es distinto; la realidad es que actualmente la sociedad nos exige
demasiado y en muchas ocasiones estos sueños terminan convirtiéndose en frustraciones,
al vernos ante grandes expectativas, elevados niveles de estrés y requisitos que terminan
siendo irracionales. Para mí un sueño es encontrar esa felicidad en las pequeñas cosas, en
llegar a esas metas por pequeñas que sean, en ir en contra de las exigencias del mundo
porque al fin y al cabo todo somos estrellas perdidas en el cielo que buscan obtener esa
plenitud y mostrar su propia luz. Finalmente mi respuesta a la pregunta del inicio, mi sueño
es conseguir mis metas, para que en el camino también pueda dar felicidad a los que me
rodean, encontrando no solo el sentido de la vida sino una satisfacción en poder hacer lo
que quiero, en ese jubilo de saber que voy avanzando sin importar lo difícil que se torne,
que cada noche mi motivo de vivir con esperanza y alegría sean eso pequeños logros que
hacen sentir orgullos a mis allegados; en eso evolucionaron mis sueños, en la lucha con-
stante por prosperar siendo consiente de todo lo que he hecho para llegar aquí pero dis-
frutando de lo que el momento me ofrece. No puedo responder a esta pregunta de una
manera específica porque como todos soy esa estrella perdida en el inmenso cielo
que todavía busca su brillo, pero que nunca deja de trabajar por lo que quiere
y espera impaciente por lo que podría obtener y bridar este sendero llamado vida.

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Amritha H.M., 31 years old, Bangalore, India
Dream: Passion ignites dream
My ultimate goal was to become an independent woman and
achieve my aspirations. Exploring my talents and interests, I
found a passion for designing aesthetics, art, and culture. This led
me towards Interior Designing on one hand and acting on the other.
Being in acting is tough; there is a lot of competition and people
easily judge. I was determined to prove it even with all these chal-
lenges with my hard work, staying true to my job and discovering
what I'm good at. I’m thrilled to share that I'm now featured in a
well-recognised Kannada television serial Lakshmi Bramma in colors
kannada channel and people do recognize and respect me in this
industry. I began my career in interior design firms and gradually ad-
vanced through the ranks with hard work and a deep passion for
design and aesthetics. This interest continued to grow and my
dreams expanded. I am eager to start my own firm, where I could
take my creativity to new heights. In a vast industry like this, standing
out among the big players is no easy task. Despite encountering var-
ious challenges and obstacles, I've secured good projects - 'SARAH

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Ana Caroline Nogueira Noleto, 18 anos, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
O Sonho de Dom Bosco deve
ser o NOSSO sonho Tambëm!
“Quando de repente um Homem de aparência majes-
tosa apareceu a ele dizendo: Com mansidão e ca-
ridade conquistará esses jovens amigos; e de repente uma
Senhora com majestade acrescentou: Faça-se humilde, forte
e robusto, e no tempo certo entenderá tudo.” E foi assim, com
mansidão e caridade que também fui conquistada pela fa-
mília salesiana, a família que nos abraça e que é o amparo
de muitos jovens. É difícil expressar o sentimento de gratidão
pelos salesianos que tanto nos acolhe e incentiva todos os dias
a buscar os nossos sonhos, mesmo que pareçam impossíveis.
Além disso, nos ensina que o sonho de Dom Bosco deve ser o
NOSSO sonho também! E por fim, assim como foi sonhado por
Dom Bosco, fazer a diferença nas vidas das crianças e dos jo-
vens que precisam de um refúgio acolhedor, eu também
tenho o sonho de ser essa “ponte” para que eles encontrem
a verdadeira felicidade, a felicidade que encontramos em
Cristo. Desejo que muitos jovens, tenham experiências
com o carisma salesiano, e que possam fazer com
que o sonho de Dom Bosco seja realizado todos os dias!

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Ana Manongo Nhema, 22 anos, Moxico, Angola
Um sonho almejado
Tenho passado muito tempo pensando em qual é o meu maior sonho e como
hei de realizá-lo. Hoje, o que me deixa motivada a seguir em frente, ou sim-
plesmente o meu sonho é poder ter um relacionamento saudável com as pes-
soas, uma família, um carro, meu próprio negócio, viajar pelo mundo e conhecer
novos lugares, ajudar sempre a minha família onde der.
Já tive sonhos diferentes dos citados acima, como o de ter uma vida con-
sagrada (SER MADRE) e servir ao meu Bom Deus com esse estilo de vida, com o
tempo muita coisa foi mudando juntamente meus pensamentos e meus desejos.
Já não penso em olhar atrás, em desistir, não reclamo dos meus erros uso como
escudo e mais um motivo para continuar a batalhar para o alcance dos meus
profundos objetivos. Quero aprender sempre a ver o melhor das pessoas e não
apenas os erros, “O melhor de Deus está por vir”. Quero ser e servir de esperança
para as pessoas. Quero, ser instrumento de paz para todos os lugares que passar,
dar sempre o meu melhor e sempre que der e com a ajuda de Deus ajudar as
pessoas, proporcionar bem-estar, colocar-me sempre no lugar do outro e sair
daquele lugar confortável que muitas vezes me encontro e penso que os meus
problemas são maiores que os dos outros e que sou sempre a única a enfrentar
dificuldades, servir de alavanca para levantar-lhes, ser transformadora de son-
hos, desejos, visões, objetivos, vontades, mesmo sabendo que só Deus realiza os
nossos sonhos e nos dá a possibilidade de sonhar.

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Ana María Giraldo Giraldo, 20 años, Medellín, Colombia
Entrega, Felicidad y Amor
Para hablar de mis sueños tengo que contarles que al igual
que muchos jóvenes, me sentí a la deriva al finalizar mis es-
tudios, y ahí fue cuando entró Dios a llevarme por un camino
que para mí ha sido difícil de emprender y comprender; nunca
he pretendido decir o demostrar que no estoy confundida con
lo que Dios quiere de mi vida, pero él en el inmenso amor que
tiene por mí, me ha llamado de múltiples formas para utilizarme
como instrumento de su plan divino; mi mayor sueño es cumplir
la voluntad de Dios en mi vida, siendo un instrumento de su
amor entre las personas que me rodean, y logrando un cambio
entre los jóvenes que tengo a mi alcance.
Sueño con ser completamente feliz y tener una muerte digna
para llegar rápido a su presencia, tengo la plena certeza de
que cualquier cosa que estudie va a estar en el plan de Dios
para hacerme feliz, por ende no me angustio por las dificul-
tades o dudas que pueda tener en este camino de amor y fe-

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Anani Henry Joël Kouadio, 18 ans, Côte d'Ivoire
Le choix
Mon rêve est de devenir médecin. D’abord pourquoi ce choix?
A cette question je peux dire que tous ceux qui aspirent à ce métier, dirons
que c’est pour sauver des vies.
C’est l’idée principale qui vient en tête. Mais moi personnellement, ma motiva-
tion est plus grande.
« Voir des personnes malades, n’ayant pas de moyen pour se soigner et qui meu-
rent par manque de médecins ». Étant chrétien, je me suis dit « pourquoi ne pas
être un outil par qui Dieu va passer pour guérir et pour sauver les vies ». Ce qui
me pousse dans cet élan est que mon Père est dans le corps médical et à ses
côtés je me sens plus interpellé, plus motivé, intéressé. Cela me fait espérer que
je ferai partie de ce corps. J’aimerai être médecin neurologue spécialiste en
neurologie. Mon grand désir est d'arriver à réaliser mon rêve selon la volonté de
Dieu, l'exemple de Don Bosco me motive également.

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Ancelia Mathias Patrao, 20 years old, Lonavala, India
Dream: Evolved Life Dreams
Dreams have been a constant presence in my life, evolving since child-
hood. Initially, they focused on academic excellence and topping
various activities. However, a pivotal moment occurred when my grand-
mother underwent heart surgery, igniting a dream of becoming a cardiol-
ogist. Despite confidence in achieving this dream, life took a different turn,
revealing that our plans may not align with a higher purpose. Unable to
pursue cardiology due to academic challenges, my journey continued
with parental support. Currently studying Information Technology, my ca-
reer aspirations now prioritize ensuring a livelihood and a decent standard
of living. My primary dream centers on making my parents proud and
being a source of support for my family and those in need. The evolving
nature of dreams emphasizes that personal aspirations may not always
align with life's purpose, prompting adaptability and resilience. In the
context of the Salesian Youth Movement and the Church, the dream en-
compasses active youth participation, personal growth, leadership oppor-
tunities, a supportive community, worship experiences, empowerment,
and mentorship. The acknowledgment of challenges in pursuing dreams
underscores the importance of adaptability and seeking assistance for a
fulfilling journey.

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András Berthóty, 22 years old, Piliscsaba, Hungary
Seeking the face of God
Igot up early. The house is still sleeping. The corridor is flooded
by the blue light of the dawn. I’m preparing breakfast before I
wake the boy up. I have to lift him up and put him from a hori-
zontal to a vertical position, then bring him to the bathroom.
Today, when I bend down to lift him, he seems heavier than
usual. Maybe the neglect or the storm of anger, frustration and
happiness that embrace and abandon this shaggy little boy
every day put some weight on him. He takes a shower and
brushes his teeth. So now we can sit down in the kitchen to have
breakfast. At this point he starts talking about the school. Tomor-
row he is going to meet his parents but he never talks about it.
There is a sleepy but hopeful silence in the kitchen. He is tucking
in the sandwitches while I am packing his school bag. He's put-
ting on his shoes. It’s soon time to leave. He is coming back from
the foyer and stops, standing at the door of the living room. Now
I’ve just noticed: he has the face of God.

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Angelica Buanne, 19 anni, Cagliari, Italia
Lasciare il segno
Fin da quando siamo piccoli ci viene chiesto di sognare in grande e
di volerlo fare con la nostra mente, io ad esempio da bambina so-
gnavo di diventare un'insegnante di scuola elementare. Quando cre-
sciamo ci viene chiesto di mettere da parte i nostri sogni, nel
dimenticatoio, e di pensare alla vita reale, perché ci viene detto che
i sogni non sono la realtà. Crescendo non ho mai smesso di sognare,
anche quando mi sono state dette queste parole, anzi ho sognato an-
cora di più e ancora oggi continuo a sognare in grande. Ho molti
sogni, potrei distinguere tra quelli materiali e quelli non materiali, ma
un sogno che coltivo dal profondo del cuore è diverso dagli altri, spe-
ciale potrei dire: lasciare il segno. Per lasciare un segno, non intendo
diventare un'eroina, non intendo salvare il mondo o fare grandi cose
che cambieranno il mondo o diventare famosa, ma per lasciare un
segno intendo le piccole cose, le cose quotidiane che facciamo ogni
giorno, come un sorriso, un atto di carità e tante altre cose che fac-
ciamo ogni giorno senza talvolta dare loro un vero significato. Lasciare
un segno lo associo in qualche modo a un modo di donarsi agli altri,
per gli altri, di essere al loro servizio. Come tutti i sogni, ci sono alti e
bassi, dubbi o ripensamenti; questo sogno lo sento quasi come una
missione quotidiana, che non deve mai diventare un obbligo ma deve
venire dal cuore.

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Angélica Melisa Ordoñez DelCid, 25 años, Las Uvas, Tegucigalpa,
Francisco Morazán, Honduras
La semilla del sueño
Crecí prácticamente en el MJS y desde mi primer día mi sueño fue convertirme
en una coordinadora del movimiento. Lastimosamente, crecí en un ambiente
en el que el valor de la familia no era lo primordial y mis padres se separaron, expo-
niéndome a un mundo lleno de agresividad y pesadez en el ambiente. Durante
esos momentos, mi sueño se intensificó más; ya que esas horas en el movimiento
eran mi escape durante la semana. Tuve que crecer rápido para poder ayudar en
mi hogar, pero nunca dejé de perseguir ese tiempo formándome. Entonces mi
sueño dejó de ser “Coordinadora” sino una “Guía espiritual” para aquellos que más
lo necesitan en el día a día. Me volví adulta y me di cuenta que podía llegar a más
personas con mi trabajo, busqué en Google “¿Como ayudar a los demás traba-
jando?” y encontré las organizaciones sin fines de lucro. Estudié e hice lo imposible,
estudié Relaciones internacionales y gracias a los miles de voluntariados encontré
una organización que apoya a las personas a migrar y buscar una mejor vida de
forma digna. El lema de mi trabajo es “Derechos respetados, personas protegidas”,
velar por el bienestar de las familias hondureñas se volvió parte de mi sueño. El sueño
global es volverse esa guía para aquellos que más lo necesitan, sin importar la reli-
gión, nacionalidad, raza o sexo; pero lo cumplo cada vez que alguien puede vivir
otro día sin sentirse perseguido por una mara o pandilla, cada vez que un niño llega
a mi y me pide que hagamos la oración del enista o cada vez que un joven me
pide un consejo sobre su fe. No se trata solamente de ayudar, sino de hacer la di-
ferencia…tal como lo hicieron conmigo en mi primer seguimiento.

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Angie Karina Veloz, 18 anni, Genova, Italia
Fare tutto per amore
Ciao! Piacere Angie :) no, non è un’abbreviazione, solo Angie!
Dovete sapere però, che ho molti più nomi in realtà. Gli amici
mi chiamano Gin, chi non mi conosce Engi, la mia famiglia Karina
e all’oratorio alcuni bimbi mi chiamano Enjoy! Eh si! Ecco, quello
che non capisco dei ragazzini alle porte dell’adolescenza è che
tutti vogliono cacciare il prima possibile quell’ esaltazione che si ha
nelle cose quando si è bimbi. E allora lì entro in gioco io, col mio
Entusiasmo! Sì, perché amo mettere carica in tutto, amo scate-
narmi! e il mio modo preferito per trasmetterlo è ballare! “Enjoy, ti
chiamerò così” me lo disse Giacomo dopo aver ballato con me a
just dance :)
Crescendo ho capito che non avrei mai abbandonato questo
mio lato bambino. Scoprì che col mio sorriso diventavo un fiam-
mifero acceso in stanze sempre più buie, alcune anche troppo…
Ma io ho la mia fiamma: la speranza. Ci credo! È qui che ho ini-
ziato a capire di avere un sogno: Fare tutto per amore. Mi piace
essere motivo di sorrisi, agire per felicità mia e di altri. Voglio esplo-
rare questo, conoscerlo, e viverlo. Se ho paura delle conse-
guenze? Sono terrorizzata, non scherziamo. Eppure, non mollo.
Sono determinata al mio sogno.

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Anita Marton, 24 anni, Mogliano Veneto, Italia
Da tutta la vita
Ero in terza elementare, stavamo studiando
Dante. L'insegnante era svogliata, spiegava
senza passione. Trasmetteva solo noia e impa-
zienza, stavamo imparando a odiare Dante.
Un insegnante lascia un segno - in segno - sui bam-
bini che ha davanti, e se in classe non porta i suoi
amori, ma i suoi stati d'animo, come dice D'Ave-
nia, questi si attaccano alle anime assetate che
ha davanti, e le offuscano. Invece, volevo che
i miei compagni di classe scoprissero la bel-
lezza. In quel momento ho capito che quello
era il mio sogno, quella chiamata a cui do-
vevo rispondere. Sono passati otto anni da
quel giorno, e dopo otto anni questo sogno
è diventato realtà. Oggi sono in un'aula, ad
insegnare. Vedo questi giovani seduti da-
vanti a me e vedo me stessa alla ricerca
di un sogno verso cui puntare la bussola
della vita. Chissà quali desideri abitano
i loro cuori, chissà quali speranze e
paure. Mi trovo davanti a questi gio-
vani: non sanno che ho sognato di
stare con loro per tutta la vita.

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Anna Lazzarotto, 23 anni, Gassino, Torino, Italia
Trovare la piena felicità
nella quotidianità
Quando ero piccola avevo 3 grandi ambizioni, o meglio, 3 grandi sogni. Non
sapevo quanto fossero grandi e quanto fossero davvero sogni, ma solo il
tempo me l’avrebbe mostrato.
Sognavo di fare la maestra, di essere "una giustiziera" (che intendevo come il me-
stiere di chi cerca un modo perché ci sia uguaglianza ) e di diventare mamma.
Con il tempo ho capito che il secondo di questi tre sogni non faceva per me,
non tanto perché non ne condividessi i valori, il cercare giustizia per e negli altri
, ma perché non era in linea con il mio temperamento e il mio modo di essere.
Abbandonata quell’idea, ho continuato a sognare di diventare insegnante (ini-
zialmente sperimentandomi con le mie sorelle e ora cercando di vedere la bel-
lezza e l'unicità di ogni bambino che incontro) e continuo a sognare di avere
una bella famiglia numerosa, piena di amore.
Sto ancora cercando di capire se questi due sogni siano stati pensati per me.
Non sono ancora giunta ad una risposta, quello che so è che il più grande sogno
che ora ho è di trovare la mia piena felicità nella mia quotidianità, nelle relazioni,
nel mio lavoro da insegnante e nel dono, se arriverà di essere madre.

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Annie Mwewa, 27 years old, Mansa, Zambia
Create a Legacy of Hope
and Inspiration
My dream since my childhood is to become wealthy so that I can one day
help others find happiness and peace.
I dream of running an orphanage in order to help the vulnerable and the home-
less. To achieve this, I plan to gain experience in different company areas such
as finance, marketing, and to develop a broad understanding of how organiza-
tions operate. I also plan to attend leadership training programs to improve my
management and communication skills. This will be supported by having a well-
built Christian home.
My motivation is based on Empowering others to lead. I believe that everyone
has the potential. I want to empower others to use their skills and talents to make
a difference in the world, to create a legacy of hope and inspiration. I want to
leave behind a legacy of hope and inspiration. I want to show PEOPLE THAT once
you set clear goals you will achieve them.

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Antonio Battaglia, 19 anni, Italia, Palermo
La mia missione
Uno dei miei sogni più grandi fin dall'infanzia è stato quello di dedicare la mia vita a servire gli altri. Ho ereditato questa 'mis-
sione' dalla mia famiglia, un grande esempio di generosità e dedizione agli altri nella mia vita quotidiana. Mio padre, ad
esempio, da ragazzo ha partecipato alle
missioni a Lourdes con l'associazione Uni-
talsi di Palermo, aiutando i meno abili; le
mie sorelle, invece, hanno prestato servizio
nei centri di accoglienza di Madre Teresa
di Calcutta in India, aiutando i meno for-
tunati. Voglio aiutare il più possibile quei
giovani che, a differenza mia, non vivono
una vita felice e confortevole a causa di
un contesto sociale svantaggiato e che
devono fare molti sacrifici per arrivare a
fine giornata, rischiando a volte di perdere
ciò che hanno di più caro. Non so ancora
quale strada prenderò nel mio futuro, ma
sono certo che sarà piena di spirito missio-
nario secondo il carisma di Don Bosco,
che continua a sognare con me.

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Assieffeu Cyrille, 18 ans, Cameroun
Mon rêve d’enfance
Tout commence à l’âge de 11 ans, lors d’une nuit de pluie, je fis un rêve qui qui
est encore présent dans ma mémoire, et oriente toute ma vie jusqu’au au-
En effet, j’étais dans la cour de notre église pour la fête des jeunes. Je jouais avec
mes amis moins âgés que moi, lorsqu’une mère me dit en passant : « fils pourquoi
ne devient tu pas prêtre ? ». Je répondis : « à mon âge ? » Elle sourit et s’en alla.
Subitement, la sonnerie du lancement des activités retentis. Tandis que tous les
jeunes allèrent jouer, il y’avait un enfant qui me regarda avec tristesse. Je pris
compassion et, m’approchant de lui, je lui demandai pourquoi était-il ainsi ? A
son tour, il me demanda juste une pièce pour pourvoir jouer.
je lui donna ce qu’il me restait comme argent, et il s’en alla acheter un ticket.
Quelque temps après, il revint vers moi tout souriant, et me dit merci en me pré-
sentant un chapelet qu’il avait gagné en jouant. Je ressenti en moi une grande
joie, comme ci c’était moi qui avais gagné cela. A l’instant même, la mère qui
m’avait parlé de ma vocation passère à nouveau près de moi et dit : « mon père
ça vas ? ». Puis elle disparut.
Ce rêve m’a beaucoup fait réfléchir, d’où mon désir de devenir prêtre pour les
jeunes depuis la classe de 6ème, resta présent en mon esprit jusqu’à ce jour, afin
de les rendre heureux, car leur joie est aussi une très grande joie pour moi.

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Bartol Kadic´, 19 years old, Croatia
Giving Knowledge
My name is Bartol Kadi and I am a 19 years old stu-
dent of Chemistry. I come from Croatia. My dream
is to one day teach in school or at a university. In one
way I'm living that dream today when I give free instruc-
tions in chemistry. Most of the skills I use to teach I got
from my animator formation. There I learned how to talk
to someone younger than me and how to pass on knowl-
edge to others. One other way I'm living my dream now
is working on programs and formations for high schoolers.
We're doing formations about faith and everyday life
and we're doing some fun programs like quizzes and
game nights. Sometimes it gets hard and stressful, but
when I remember that we're doing it so they get closer
to Christ, it gets easier.

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Belinda Boahen, 22 years old, Sunyani - Odumase, Ghana
Grasping the Dream
Ihave a dream but it may seem common, impossible but it is a
dream that I strive to realize. Since childhood, I have always felt
the need to make a difference in the lives of people, no matter
how trifling it may be and no matter the sectors (education, health
...) I find myself.
Always wanted to be like my dad since he has helped many un-
derprivileged with the cost of furthering their education which pro-
vided them with entrepreneurial skills. When I was young, my
dream was to be a teacher like my dad but when I was growing
up, I diverted to go to the health sector (lab Technician- to help
physicians diagnose the patients so that at least I would be as a
background helper). However, after my Senior High School was
faced with challenges and was on the verge of quitting the school,
my dream was still intact.
A generous benefactor helped me gain admission to a different
University and though I am currently not reading Science. Due to
that, I dreamt of becoming a philanthropist (NGO) and stretching
out my hand whenever I can with the help of God and the encour-
agement of my family and well-wishers who push me to do more I
will achieve this dream.

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Bingboure Delwende Lucette Junio, 29 ans,
Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
Rééducation de la société
Mon rêve c’est d’impacter la gente féminine jeune de ma
communauté et pourquoi pas du monde. Apporter aux
jeunes filles de mon pays une rééducation sur les valeurs sociales et
humaines, outiller solidement leurs personnalités, surtout celles des
plus vulnérables et exposées, afin qu’elles ne se laissent plus influen-
cer et qu’elles ne se sous-estiment plus. Mon objectif est d’initier une
communauté d’amazones qui seront convaincues qu’elles peuvent
être qui elles veulent être, grâce à une auto-discipline, à l’acquisi-
tion de compétences, et surtout sans se dénuder sur les réseaux so-
ciaux et sans attendre les faveurs extérieures.
Mon rêve tire sa source du constat que les valeurs éthiques de la so-
ciété sont en train de disparaître et l’image de la femme en train
d’être bafouée, en partie à cause de l’attitude de quelques-unes.
Je suis convaincue que la femme à un grand rôle à jouer dans cette
rééducation de la société si elle sait ce qu’elle veut et où elle veut
aller. Elle sera ainsi moins humiliée et plus écoutée. Elle est mère ;
c’est elle qui éduque et elle est appelée à être modèle. Si la femme
a une claire vision, le cœur de l’homme sera captivé et la société

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Bipasha Hrangkhawl, 30 years old, Agartala, Tripura, India
Dream: A Light in Someone’s
Idream to light up the life of a few underprivileged people
in this world, better, in any way I can. Growing up, I realised
that there are many people in this world whose path is
dimmed, hope is shuttered, future is bleak and happiness is
far. Being on the luckier side with better privileges, I realised I
could do my small part in contributing towards the life of at
least a few people. Charity begins at home, and it is only by
making a small impact at smaller levels, and with time, will I
be able to realise my dream at a larger area. I dream of a
society with happy people, who love their life and in spite of
the differences live united in love and peace. I dream of
being a happy part of it, an effective instrument of meaning
and purpose and together make this world a better place
to live in. A light in someone’s path calls me for action and
discipline. I will walk in the light, my lovely way where God
himself is my light and radiate along the path for others’ path
to glow bright.

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Blanca Berenice Rangel Lujano, 22 años, Aguascalientes, México Guadalajara
Lugar de amor fraternal
Siempre he buscado formas de compartir la vida con los demás, y ahora se con-
creta con un sueño. Sueño con jóvenes que sean auténticos consigo mismos y
con los demás, libres para expresar sus ideas, creaciones y sentimientos. Jóvenes
con miedos que, con el tiempo, se convertirán en valentía para enfrentar el futuro;
con dudas que los impulsan a preguntar, investigar y formarse, convirtiéndose en
personas sabias con los pies en la tierra. Jóvenes que no necesitan de una estructura
meramente física e institucional para desarrollarse y compartir con los demás; jóve-
nes que aprovechen la cotidianidad de nuestras calles, espacios públicos y reali-
dades, donde el encuentro fraterno sea una elección, no una obligación, con el
simple objetivo de construir una vida y proyectarse hacia ella con convicción. Un
amor tejido con hilos de comprensión, empatía, solidaridad y resiliencia. Sueño que,
en estos espacios humanos, los jóvenes no sean juzgados, sino abrazados por las di-
ferencias de los demás, nutriendo su desarrollo como seres humanos. Con espacios
humanos donde el amor fraternal se manifiesta a través de pequeños actos de sen-
cillez, bondad, palabras de aliento y gestos que construyen puentes sólidos en lugar
de barreras fuertes que parecen indestructibles. Jóvenes que sean agentes de cam-
bio, capacitados por el amor fraternal para abrazar su autenticidad, enfrentar con
valentía los desafíos, compartir con alegría el crecimiento del otro y contribuir a la
creación de una sociedad más compasiva y equitativa. Devolver la dignidad a los
jóvenes que por alguna circunstancia han tenido que migrar, enfrentando diversas
problemáticas y rechazos en aquellos lugares donde se encuentran, que encuen-
tren lugares de Dios, de paz y esperanza para crear hogares.

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Catherine Mutalemwa, 29 years old, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
Food for Life
Food is one of the basic needs for human beings and living organ-
isms. We all need food to live and grow, so without it we cannot sur-
vive. Unfortunately, there are people we live with who do not have
the possibility of getting enough food due to extreme poverty.
In developing countries especially here in Africa, large populations
face food scarcity. Many children and elderly people succumb due
to malnourishment and starvation. Food was always known as God’s
gift and its wastage is a threat and so it is to be strongly discouraged.
Since the area where I come from experiences food shortage, my
dream in life is to sustainably provide food in its charitable institutions
like orphanages, and to vulnerable people like the disabled and those
isolated for various reasons. I also dream of trying to influence govern-
ment policies so that each family has a portion of land where they can
grow their own crops. This way, my vision will have been realized and
it will be a good example for other young people to embrace.

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Celine Kamel, 24 years old, Jbeil - Lebanon
A Dream Odyssey
Embarking on a challenging journey to higher education,
global exploration, and family building, my determined pur-
suit transforms obstacles into personal growth. I'm dedicated
to self-improvement, cultural embrace, and nurturing a com-
passionate family that embodies the ethos of achieving goals
despite challenges.
Academic aspiration: At the heart of my dream lies the unwa-
vering commitment to furthering my education, not only for
personal enrichment but also to inspire younger generations.As
a psychomotor therapist, I see my role as more than just a job;
it's a deep commitment to guide and empower the well-being
and dreams of youth, aligning with the principles of Don Bosco.
Diverse horizons: My dream transcends lecture halls and re-
search papers. I yearn to explore the world, to engage with
people from various backgrounds, and to witness the divine
beauty of God in diverse landscapes and cultures.
Safe haven: My ultimate dream is deeply rooted in the idea of
family. I aspire to be a devoted mother, raising my children in
a secure and compassionate haven, where kindness and
safety are unwavering, and inspiring them to dream big, no
matter th e challenges.

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Cesar David López Mora – Villeta, 29 años, Coro Estado Falcón, Venezuela
Porque los sueños se cumplen
Yde Paraguay provengo de la ciudad de Villeta la misma se encuentra en el de-
partamento central del país. El mayor sueño que me gustaría realizar es la de
poder realizar un voluntariado, la cual vengo anhelando desde años. Creo que esto
me servirá para poder discernir en mi vida y realizar la experiencia de donde el señor
me necesite y encontrar mi lugar. Fui realizando apostolados(oratorio) en mi comuni-
dad con el grupo juvenil la cual pertenezco y desde entonces esta esa inquietud. No
me veo en unos años más postergando ya que estoy en la etapa de mi vida la cuales
no me gustaría quedarme con la angustia de, ¿qué hubiese pasado si realizaba esto?
¿Cómo se sentiría realizar tal experiencia? Y así ir haciendo experiencias en mi vida
en la cual pueda sentirme feliz y pleno completamente, que no sea una felicidad tem-
poral si no que sea para siempre a pesar de los obstáculos de la vida y pueda decir si
esto es lo que me gusta por lo que yo opte y por lo que seguire. El sueño de todo Joven
Salesiano creo que es la de conocer el oratorio en la cual Don Bosco pudo reunir ma-
sivamente a los jóvenes en donde les daba cobijo y enseñaba oficios, y así prepararles
para la vida. Y porque no de poder realizar una animación en uno de sus primeros pa-
tios de oratorio, la cual años más tarde se distribuyeron por todo el mundo. El mayor
motor que me impulsa a seguir adelante es la presencia del Dios en todo momento la
cual como cristianos sentimos que actúa en cada paso que vamos realizando en lo
cotidiano. Y tratar de transmitir alegría a los demás, sabiendo que hoy día hay per-
sonas que no la pasan tan bien por las dificultades de la vida, la cual es un aprendizaje
y deberíamos de rescatar algo bueno de las situaciones difíciles y no pretendamos ir
en contra de la naturaleza que hay cosas irreversibles y es aceptar.

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Chanda Chikusela, 25 years old, Kasama, Zambia
Stable and Healthy Life
My dream is to live a stable life health wise, family wise and finance-wise.
I dream of opening an orphanage because of my love for young
My dream in life involves having a family of my own just like every little girl out
there. I also dream of having a big white wedding and have kids of my own.
I dream of having a very big house with a big garden and playroom for my
kids. I dream of having two children, a boy and a girl to be specific. I dream
of having a very big family and by family I don’t only mean my biological
family but adopting the less privileged and making a home for them. Apart
from that I dream of traveling all around the world. I like adventure, visiting
new places and learning historical fiction about different countries.
Helping the sick and less privileged always made me happy as a kid
and I dreamt of doing a course in the future that would allow me
to have as much contact with people as possible. As a result I
ended up having a big passion for nursing and eventually it be-
came my dream to do nursing and help people who are sick. In
summary, I dream of a peaceful life, a life of fulfillment and hap-
piness, a life with no regrets and no fear, a life where I can
conquer my dreams and make them a reality. I dream of a life
worth living.

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Charis Philip, 22 years old, Bangalore, India
Dream: Being the Change
Ifelt burdened thinking about the evil power in society and that people are losing
their souls doing wrong things. I imagine a land where there is justice, love and
care for each other. There is increasing competition amongst people to be on
the top; everybody wants to be above each other and few have the time to
stop for a while and look at the other person. In this run, humans have lost their
quality of humanity. The basic attributes of sympathy and empathy are sporadic
and without these attributes of human values, it is hard to love and care for the
other. As a Christian, I dream of being different from what I see, becoming the
change I want to see, to restore humanity as God’s masterpiece of love and
peace. I’ve been tutoring orphan kids and mentally retarded women, and serv-
ing them makes me happy and contented. There is a lot more to do and many
more people to reach out to, to build a community that is safe, happy and
peaceful, a heaven on earth where everyone is treated equally with love and

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Charity Makweta, 19 years old, Dar es salaam, Tanzania
All About My Dreams
Starting from my current dreams to be faithful to Christ to enjoy the various blessings
bestowed upon me, I also pray for his will to be fulfilled in my dreams; likewise to
enjoy and make good use of the various opportunities I have been given. With these,
I hope to continue to build myself mentally, intellectually, and healthily, and to con-
tinue reaching my dreams and thinking about how I will pursue them in my future
life. After my Diploma level, I haven’t yet decided if I will continue pursuing a degree,
but in case I continue, given the scholarship or sponsors, I want to take my degree
studies outside. If God so wishes I will take my degree in any of the following: pedia-
trics, geriatric or mental health and pursue specialization in it. I want to make myself
an independent woman financially fit for my total life plans. I dream in my leisure
time to be a coach and a mentor to young people, especially young girls. I want to
be a big supporter and a good friend of young girls and young people generally on
how to live positively in society and how to understand the importance of God’s
presence in their daily life. My wish is to reach my dream of reaching out to the less
fortunate because I want my success to be a source of happiness for my family and
my dear mother, and also to make myself a sacrifice for all those who are in difficult
circumstances, especially orphans. This is my biggest dream from my childhood, to
give myself to the children who are living in difficult environments, and also to be of
help to young people who are going through difficulties in pursuing their dreams and
their dreams for society. Also, God willing, I dream for me and my family to visit dif-
ferent places for pilgrimage and growth spiritually.

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Chereamlak Bereha, 29 years old, Addis Abeba, Ethiopia
My Dream
Iwas born and brought up in a small village near a very pious parish of Mary of
Lourdes. Serving at the altar and singing with the choir was the greatest joy of
my childhood. At the age of 5, my village was visited by fire and 72 households
lost everything including homes. That night, the screams of mothers, the panic
of children, and everything that followed was so devastating. This was my first
experience of great trauma. Two years later, the fire that took away our village
came back in my dream. The fear and the panic in my heart was the same.
But, the dream felt a little funny and I started seeing a lot of light in the fire that
was consuming everything. I saw the direction of a bright future. There was a
Lady, so beautiful in white. She even dared to bring out treasures that were in
danger of getting lost in the fire. I kept the boldness and brevity of the Lady. All
of a sudden, she whispered in my ears, “You will guide your friends and many
to a brighter future”. I took the advice of the beautiful Lady. I am a singer in
the church. I write songs. I keep dreaming of being one who guides others to-
wards a brighter future. Even on dark days, young people should keep looking
at the brighter days on the horizon. My songs are of hope in desperation and
joy in sadness. That is what the dream at the age of seven took me back. I was
able to see light in the consuming fire. So today, in all desperation, there is still
light I should communicate in my songs. God is the light.

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Chiara Caccavale, 28 anni, Livorno, Italia
La goccia che fa la differenza
In una società come quella odierna è sempre più difficile per i giovani
mantenere viva la fiamma della speranza, sognare e soprattutto so-
gnare in grande. Per questo motivo, crescendo alcuni sogni tendono
a ridimensionarsi. Personalmente, anche alcuni dei miei sogni si sono ri-
dimensionati. Tuttavia, uno di essi, in particolare, è sempre rimasto vivo
dentro di me: fare la differenza, essere la goccia che fa la differenza.
Ho sempre desiderato ardentemente che la mia vita facesse la diffe-
renza non solo nei cammini delle persone che incontro, ma anche nella
società e nel mondo. Lasciare una traccia positiva che lasci tanto spa-
zio alla speranza è il mio sogno più grande, qualcosa che sento come
una sorta di missione. Sogno che la mia vita sia significativa per gli altri.
Donarsi, dunque, in modo da apportare un qualche miglioramento; a
cominciare dalla mia quotidianità, dalle persone più vicine fino a quelle
più lontane, dal mio lavoro fino ad arrivare alle cause umanitarie e so-
ciali più importanti.

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Chioma Okoye, 27 years old, Tampa, Florida, USA
A Glimpse at Heaven
My dream is for all people to glimpse heaven here on earth.
I’m more of a daydreamer than anything and oftentimes I
dream about the fulfillment of all the longings of my heart: love,
belonging, security, success, and rest. I have recently realized
that these are just terms used by a world unfamiliar with God
and with the way to express its longing for Him. For me and
many others, this is nothing new. In the time Jesus lived on this
earth, people around Him failed to recognize Him for who He
truly was. Then in Luke 17:21, Jesus explicitly says that the King-
dom of God is among us. To me, this means that Jesus is very
present every day of my life, in the Blessed Sacrament, and also
in the people He has allowed me to love. I’ve been so blessed
to experience the love of Christ through beautiful people who
have chosen to love me for the sake of the Kingdom. Upon re-
flection of these experiences, I felt that I have gotten a glimpse
at the forever yet to come; it is something too good not to share!
As I continue to live and dream, I will also continue to be Christ’s
love and light to the world so that others, like me, may experi-
ence this indescribable joy that awaits each one of us, yes in
heaven, but first here on earth!

6 Pages 51-60

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6.1 Page 51

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Chivorn Men, 16 years old,
Battambang, Cambodia
My Dream
Volleyball is part of my life. Nowa-
days I still keep dreaming about
becoming a professional player. I want
to hear people around me say my
name inside the Volleyball stadium. I
want myself, my family and my nation
to be proud of me. I know I can’t be-
come the best volleyball player, but I’ll
try my best to become who I can be.
I’ll do what I can and try to know my-
self more. Nothing is impossible. The
worst is not trying at all. I promise my-
self that one day the whole world will
know my name.

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Christiana Flynn, 18 years old, Watsonville, California, USA
My Own Salesian Family
Often my friends and I will talk about what we want when we
grow up. We want many things, but the one thing that is always
brought up is family. I have always had a wonderful family. My bio-
logical family is large, loving and energetic, and the Salesian family
I’ve been a part of since 2010 is welcoming and dear to my heart. As
I have grown up, these two groups of people have nourished one of
my deepest dreams: to build a family of my own.
This dream is deeper than surface level conversations with my friends
of cute baby names and characteristics. Although I also dream of a
husband and children, I want a family that extends blood relation-
ships; one built on Salesian values and that exemplifies reason, religion,
and loving kindness. I dream of having a family that deeply loves
each other, life, God, and others. I want to raise children that advo-
cate for those who don’t have a voice or are treated unfairly, and
who show the love of God in actions and words. I hope that my family
grows more with each passing year, as we show true Salesian hospi-
tality and take care of those around us.

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Cindy Claire Yameogo, 25 ans, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
Un orphelin, une famille
Bien qu’ayant été orphelins très tôt, mes frères et sœurs et moi
n’avons jamais connu la vie d’orphelins car ayant été pris en
charge par notre oncle qui a été notre père et notre mère. Il nous
a comblés d’amour, nous a éduqués dans chaque étape de notre
vie aussi bien sociale que spirituelle.
J’ai donc toujours rêvé qu’aucun orphelin ne se sente ni aban-
donné ni seul. J’ai rêvé de donner aux orphelins un toit et l’amour
qu’ils méritent, de leur donner la possibilité de vivre heureux ; les
outils pour réaliser leurs ambitions et donner vie à leurs rêves. Je
me suis promise que quand j’aurai les moyens, je construirai des
orphelinats qui seront de vraies maisons. Dans mes orphelinats, ces
enfants ne se sentiront pas orphelins car je serai toujours présente
pour eux, je serai leur mère et leur père. J’apprendrai à ces enfants
à apprécier chaque cadeau de la vie et à prendre les épreuves
de la vie comme une façon de démontrer leur foi en le Seigneur.
Je sensibiliserai les personnes autour de moi afin qu’elles compren-
nent que prendre soin d’un orphelin est une bénédiction et cela
apporte une joie sans égale. Je rêve d’offrir à chaque orphelin la
famille qu’il a perdue dans sa meilleure version.

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Clarissa Budianto, 26 years old, Jakarta, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia
Authentic Educator
Hang your dreams as high as the sky! Dream as high as the sky. If you fall, you
will fall among the stars’ so said Soekarno Hatta, the first president of
Indonesia. For me, my dream is to accompany young people when life gets
complex and tough for them. To be there for them not for them to depend on
me but for them to see hope in God and humanity through me. I know what it’s
like to be alone and confused. The desire to be there for others like me, to
accompany them through their dynamic thoughts and face the complexity of
life is what keeps me awake. What keeps me going are the surprises from the
Holy Spirit as I go about with my life. Random reminders of this dream and also
small significant rewards in life as I fall chasing the dream.
My dream is to be an educator who is benevolent, sincere, and knowledgeable
for my students. Most importantly, being a teacher who can help young minds
find their dreams and chase them.

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Comfort Banda, 19 years old, Lilongwe, Malawi
My Mother’s Daughter
Iwas born in a small town called Likuni in the capital city, Lilongwe. My mother
was only in grade twelve (12) when she was impregnated. I think it’s safe to say
it was a relationship based on love. But things changed when my father found
out. My grandfather was alright with it, but my grandmother thought otherwise.
In a society based on status, my mother was looked down upon. I guess she was
deemed not worthy of my father; hence my grandmother made sure my father
went abroad to South Africa when I was only two (2) years old. This marked the
end of my parents’ love story.
I have seen my father only in pictures. I have tried to get through to him but my
efforts went in vain. My mom struggled to get me into school. I completed my
secondary education and now am studying medicine, in my second year.
My dream is to be a journalist who always wanted to write and tell stories of hope,
the kind of hope of having to meet my father, stories of real-life struggles like the
way my mom struggled to take care of me, stories of single parents, stories of
love. I have always wanted to bring out the real challenges of the world, and I
know for certain that a person or two could relate and feel that they are not
I didn’t pursue my dream due to some challenges but this doesn’t mean that my
goals changed. I think being a doctor gives me so many opportunities. I always
wanted to give hope. They say doctors are usually rude, I wonder why, but I wish
to be friendly so that patients can be open and feel safe.

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Daniel Flores, 28 años, Caracas, Venezuela
Creo que si se puede
soñar, se puede hacer
Soy de Venezuela. Desde niño soñaba con ser médico es-
tudié en un colegio salesiano y la experiencia misionera
alimentó mi sueño de servir a los demás.
En 2016, a un año de graduarme en medicina, mi familia de-
cidió migrar a Chile por la situación del país. A pesar de las
dificultades, trabajé y estudié al mismo tiempo. En 2022, me
gradué en medicina general y por las buenas notas que
logré, gané una beca para hacer un posgrado en pediatría,
que estoy estudiando actualmente. Ejerzo mi profesión en
una zona de bajos recursos en Santiago de Chile.
Pero sueño con volver para ayudar a los niños de Venezuela,
sueño que poco a poco se está materializando, ya que, con
la ayuda de amigos de la universidad en Caracas, envío al-
gunos insumos desde Chile para apoyar las jornadas de
atención médica en los barrios. También planeo, a mi re-
greso a Venezuela, instalar un centro de atención pediátrica

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Darryl Huevos, 27 years old, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
A Place to Belong
My deepest dream is to have young people find a place
where they feel loved and accepted as they are. As an
educator in the public school system in Toronto, where I live,
young people and young teachers lack hope for the future
with the current economy, lack of security and uncertainty in
what the world will become. In my current role, I see how sim-
ple it is to be a presence to young people just as Don Bosco
was to them. I am reminded of a moment in a tour of Turin
when Fr. Mike Pace, SDB, described how the prisoners in Turin
would want hot soup over Jesus and I think it is telling of how
we need to meet young people where they are at and minister
to them as they are. I dream of first creating an environment
where young people belong and through that continue to
teach about Christ and educate them because the relation-
ship and friendship is at the core of ministering to young
people. I have had conversations where I disagreed with
young people yet they still felt valued and important in my
classroom. Young people feel isolated in today’s society, in-
cluding myself. We are tied to social media, forgetting the sim-
ple aspect of building a relationship with another person. My
dream is for a world where young people can find those rela-
tionships and be part of something where they feel they can
contribute and have a purpose in society.

6.8 Page 58

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Ciao! Sono Pio, un novizio salesiano di 23 anni proveniente
dall'IME di Lecce, Puglia. Vivo al Colle Don Bosco per vi-
vere quest'anno unico, sia per il mio percorso personale che
per la Congregazione nel contesto dei 200 anni del Sogno, mi
fa sognare. Come Giovannino, ho sognato qualcosa che, con
il mio percorso, ho ripreso più volte. Nel 2024, la comunica-
zione ha preso sempre più piede, soprattutto tra i giovani. Il
mio sogno è portare il Vangelo in una forma diversa e innova-
tiva ai giovani, utilizzando contenuti multimediali con il cari-
sma di Don Bosco (avrebbe fatto qualcosa) per avvicinarli
sempre di più alla scoperta dell'amore di Dio. Immagino una
piattaforma accessibile a tutti, dove attraverso contenuti sem-
plici, Gesù possa penetrare nel cuore di chi li guarda e che
diffonde il messaggio evangelico in modo innovativo, ren-
dendo il cammino di fede più vicino e comprensibile ai gio-
vani. Salesiano 2.0 loading…
Davide Pio Buttazzo, 23 anni, Lecce, Italia
Salesiano 2.0

6.9 Page 59

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Dieudonné Metyveca Carmelle, 18 ans, Haiti
Mon Avenir en Reve
Je suis DIEUDONNÉ Metyveca Carmelle, jeune de la com-
mune de Ouanaminthe, âgée de 17 ans et élève de sec-
ondaire 4, dernière année d'études classiques.
Comme tout le monde, j’ai un rêve, celui de devenir milliar-
daire. Ce qui n'est pas facile pour un jeune vivant en Haïti, surt-
out avec tout ce qui se passe et le manque d'avenir pour les
jeunes. Et pourtant, j’ai ce rêve, certes ambitieux. Ce qui me
motive, c’est que contrairement à beaucoup d’autres qui veu-
lent quitter le pays, je veux m’enrichir légalement dans mon
pays et réussir là où tout le monde pense que c’est impossible.
Mais avant tout, je ne renonce pas à remercier Dieu ; Il y a eu
des jours où j’avais envie d'en finir avec tout mais avec le sou-
tien de ma famille et de mes amis, je trouve toujours la force
de continuer malgré les hauts et les bas de ma vie.

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Dione Ndeye Diarra Bousso, 18 ans, Dakar, Senegal
Devenir ingénieure
de travaux
Le métier d’ingénieur des travaux étant peu embrassé par la
gente féminine au Sénégal, en devenir une est un grand rêve
pour moi. Je veux à travers ce métier apporter ma touche per-
sonnelle et réaliser des choses qui marqueront ma génération.
Être ingénieur ne se résume pas à l’être pour moi mais égale-
ment à réaliser des projets qui contribueront au développement
de mon pays. A travers mes compétences j’aimerais être au ser-
vice des privés en leur fournissant un travail de qualité. Après
plusieurs années d’expérience, je voudrais ouvrir mon propre
cabinet pour contribuer à l’insertion des jeunes en réduisant le
chômage et leur offrant des opportunités.
Je veux aussi participer à la construction d’édifices publics et
aussi à la construction de lieux de cultes comme les églises et
les mosquées. Ensuite j’aimerais, dans le domaine social, contri-
buer à la création de logement sociaux pour que les familles
vulnérables n’aient plus à dormir à la belle étoile. Il en ira de
même pour les bâtiments dignes pour les élèves, en lieu et
place des abris provisoires. Enfin, mon objectif final serait de
participer à la reconstruction des pays en conflits afin d’aider
les populations.

7 Pages 61-70

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7.1 Page 61

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Dominic Basumatary,
19 years old, Udalguri, India
Chasing My
My dream to become an
IAS officer is inspired by
my passion for serving the na-
tion and the people and I
know that achieving this
dream is not something sim-
ple but despite the difficulties I
still wanna strive forward so that I can make my parents happy, achieve my purpose in life and be an inspiration for the coming
generations. As a kid I have always admired the role of IAS officers and how they set different aims and policies so as to shape
the destiny of our country and make it into a better place. Similar to that, I would also like to bring improvement and better fa-
cilities in the field of health, education, agriculture or any other important sectors which need more attention. The efforts and
determination I give to the goals I intend to achieve no matter what the difficulties I will remind myself of the constant prayers
and support of my parents.

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Eduard Llistó Estela, 20 años, Valencia, España
Servir a los demás
La motivación que me inspira es poder prestar mis servicios a
todas las personas que me rodean, enfocándose en el bienes-
tar de mi ciudad y sus habitantes. Por ello, mi sueño vital es apor-
tar mis capacidades desde la actividad política del país y aspirar
a convertirme en un representante que vele por la concordia, la
igualdad y la solidaridad entre todos los habitantes de la ciudad,
para poder construir un futuro mejor para los valencianos y las va-
Además, como ciudadano, mi mayor ambición sería ser elegido
alcalde de la ciudad, ya que, desde pequeño su figura me ha
llamado mucho la atención y me encantaría representar a Va-
lencia de cara a todo el país, puesto que sus funciones abarcan
campos y sectores que me han inspirado durante estos últimos
años de mi vida y me encantaría desempeñarlas de la mejor
forma posible para hacer de Valencia un lugar acogedor, inno-
vador y capaz de adaptarse a los desafíos que se presenten en
el futuro.

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Eduardo Andrade, 27 anos, Recife, Brazil
Para que outros
possam sonhar!
Acredito que para nós, jovens salesianos, escolher um único
sonho é muito difícil. Afinal, somos constantemente inspira-
dos a sonhar, e mais do que isso, acreditamos que nossos sonhos
podem se concretizar. Diante dos muitos sonhos que tenho, es-
colhi um que, se realizado, permitirá a outros jovens sonharem,
realizarem e compreenderem o amor de Cristo, de Maria Auxi-
liadora e de Dom Bosco por nós. Portanto, meu sonho é que a
CJC (Comunidade de Jovens Cristãos), movimento do qual
faço parte e criado por Padre Genário Augusto de Melo, SDB,
no Brasil, se expanda pelo mundo, assim como São João Paulo
II sonhou. Através da CJC, conheci o Pai e Mestre da Juventude,
e acredito que sua expansão pode levar os sonhos de Dom
Bosco a lugares que ele nunca alcançou. Além disso, a CJC
está prestes a completar 60 anos, e sei que não chegamos até
aqui em vão. Se pude sonhar um dia, foi por ser salesiano; o
mundo precisa de Dom Bosco, e a CJC pode anunciá-lo ainda

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Elias Bahamonde, 19 años, Santa Cruz, Argentina
Encontrar el amor atravesando
el odio
Tengo bastantes sueños y objetivos simples o superficiales... Pero un sueño, el
cual sea mi aspiración más profunda, que me inspire a seguir adelante es
éste: Es algo raro y quizás difícil de entender... Mi sueño se basa en permitirme
sentir y vivir, aprender de todas las experiencias, caídas y aprendizajes de la vida.
Sentir amor, odio, frustración, tristeza, felicidad, desesperación... Todo esto, para
encontrar el amor a través de diferentes experiencias, por ejemplo, encontrarlo
a través del odio. De esta manera, seguir mejorando, ser una mejor persona, un
mejor guía, un mejor animador. Alguien que motive a seguir adelante a los
demás, que sepa dar una razón para poder soñar, vivir y sentir a quienes carecen
de motivación... Esa persona que yo no tuve y que necesité en el pasado.
Quiero ser quien los acompañe y ayude en el camino, pese a que la vida a
veces sea pesada o injusta. Porque también merecemos poder disfrutar de ella,
estar alegres y tener esperanzas pese a vivir en una realidad difícil, o en un país
el cual la situación siempre trae malas noticias.
El movimiento juvenil salesiano me permitió ver diferentes realidades, diferentes
jóvenes y personas a las que les tocó atravesar y sufrir cosas que no debieron
sufrir. Historias fuertes, duras. Para ellos quiero estar, para que lleguen a encontrar
el amor atravesando el dolor.

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Elisa Spataro, 19 anni, Ragusa, Italia
Cogli l’attimo
Nella realtà le cose cambiano, nelle foto non cambiano mai.
Mi chiamo Elisa, ho 19 anni e vorrei visitare il mondo. Qualcosa, però, mi
blocca qui: è la paura di allontanarmi dai miei genitori, dai miei fratelli e dalle
quattro mura della mia cameretta.
È come se vivessi tra due mondi in conflitto.
L'unica cosa che mi fa uscire da questo limbo è la fotografia: fotografando, mi
dedico completamente al momento che sto vivendo.
Se dovessi scegliere un soggetto che amo fotografare, sarebbe un abbraccio:
non un abbraccio qualsiasi, ma un abbraccio con la A maiuscola, un abbraccio
spontaneo, dove per un attimo tutto il mondo esterno si ferma e nello scatto si
percepisce la Tranquillità. Il mio sogno è proprio questo: trovare la tranquillità, in
me e ovunque nel mondo. La mia speranza è di sentire sempre una scintilla
dentro di me che mi spinga a continuare a fare ciò che amo: in fondo, la
tranquillità è già presente nella mia stanza, ma è incompleta, e finché non
supererò i miei limiti, non potrò portare un pezzo di mondo per completarla.

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Emma Rigo, 22 years old, Melbourne, Australia
Living a Self-Determined Life
Iwould like to consider myself a caring person. I grew up in a loving
family filled with laughter, food and kindness. With the great education
I received, I knew from a very early stage that not every child could call
themselves lucky to have such a supportive family. So when I didn’t
know what to do after my high school degree I decided to continue my
volunteer work with Don Bosco Camp and have stayed ever since. In
the past five years not only was I able to grow into an adult and a better
youth worker day by day, but I saw kids I worked with starting their own
journey of living a self determined life. Even through my work as a dance
teacher, seeing kids struggle to understand moves or not work out the
timing, I wouldn’t change my career and help in any way possible be-
cause seeing the change that I can make in one kid's life, is worth every
struggle. It’s my purpose and fulfils me in a way I’m certain no other
work could. Because every child deserves someone who believes in it.
And someone who stays when it’s easier to leave.

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Enrique Barceló, 17 años, Rivera, Uruguay
Poder lograrlo sin rendirme
Mi nombre es Enrique, tengo 17 años y vivo en la ciudad de Ri-
vera, en Uruguay, frontera con el Brasil. Me gusta bailar, cantar
y alegrar a las personas. Soy bueno ayudando y participando. Vivo
con mi abuela María y estudio en el Centro Juvenil María Auxiliadora,
donde comparto con las Hermanas y soy Animador de los Adoles-
centes más chicos. Soy amable, atento, me gusta escuchar a las per-
sonas y trato de ser bueno con todo el mundo y ser mejor compañero.
Sueño con tener una familia cristiana y ayudar a las personas que
necesiten. Quiero cumplir mis metas, ser mejor persona y brindar amor
y esperanza, como lo hicieron Don Bosco y Maín. Quisiera seguir es-
tudiando, sueño con ser militar y aprovechar las oportunidades que
se me presenten. También me gustaría conocer otros países.
Me impulsa la fe y el amor de las personas que me ayudan. Disfruto
de la paz, de la tranquilidad y trato de ser una persona pacífica.

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Erini Sami, 22 anni, Alessandria, Egitto
Pace e tranquillità nel mondo
Pace a tutti. Il mio nome è Erini Sami, laureata presso la Maria Ausiliatrice ad
Alessandria. Il mio sogno è la pace e il senso di sicurezza nel mondo.
Non posso diffondere la pace in tutto il mondo, ma posso diffonderla dentro di
me, e il mio senso di pace si riflette nel mondo. Mi chiedo spesso perché una per-
sona si sveglia un giorno estremamente felice e desidera svolgere tutti i suoi com-
piti con amore, mentre un altro giorno non può neanche parlare o svolgere le
sue mansioni senza lamentarsi, e ho trovato la risposta nella pace. La pace è
come un filo su cui vengono tessuti i disegni per creare una bellissima catena,
ma se il filo si interrompe, i disegni perdono valore e non ne vediamo più la
bellezza. Allo stesso modo, se perdiamo la pace, perdiamo tutti i valori e i principi
che sono stati seminati, anche se sono ancora presenti, ma iniziano ad essere
sepolti. Troviamo madri che picchiano le loro figlie, e giovani che non vogliono
vedere i loro padri, e il costante senso di rabbia. Tutto questo si riflette sulla vita
delle persone, sia nelle loro case, nel loro lavoro o nelle relazioni con gli altri.
Quando sento la pace interiore, posso sorridere a qualcuno o parlare delle sue
qualità, questo gli fa sentire pace, sicurezza e gioia, consentendogli di trasmet-
tere questa pace a un’altra persona. Così, siamo tutti legati uno all'altro, siamo
un anello, e ci sono molte sfide nel raggiungere la pace, come le circostanze
globali, ma possiamo iniziare con noi stessi e allontanarsi dai luoghi privi di pace.
Questo non è un ritiro, ma per preservare ciò che ci rimane di pace.

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Esteban Hernández Mejía, 20 años,
Brossard, Quebec, Canada
De un sueño ¡al Sueño!
Hasta hace unos años era ser guitarrista reconocido
internacionalmente. Hoy ese sueño se ha quedado
atrás, y otro ha llegado a tomar el puesto, aunque todavía
borroso. Ya no va dirigido a mi, sino hacia los demás.
Hoy lo que más quiero es ser maestro. No solo para transmitir
conocimiento, más bien dar un motivo para levantarse por
las mañanas e ir con entusiasmo a clase. El ayudar a jóvenes,
a saberse amados, es por lo que yo quiero vivir. Sé lo que es
ser acompañado por personas que se vuelven más que
simples figuras de autoridad y fuentes de conocimiento;
algunos para mi llegaron a ser modelos y fuentes de
Al ser salesiano y conocer a Don Bosco tendría el privilegio
de acercarlos a Jesús, que es el mejor modelo que existe. Lo
que más me motiva a seguir adelante es el deseo de servir
a los más jóvenes que yo, ofreciéndoles todo lo necesario
para un buen desarrollo personal y sobre todo el regalo de
crecer en su fe.

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Eunbin Heo, 28 years old, Seongnam, South Korea
Be the light
When I started work at school, I decided to be a guid-
ing light that illuminates around my children. It's
been 7 years since I worked with children. I hope to be a
light for the children I meet throughout the year.
Recently, the number of children experiencing psycholog-
ical problems is increasing. The number of parents who
choose emotional discipline or neglect, saying it‘s their
own style of parenting, is also increasing. When I encounter
a child's situation like that, I am faced with great helpless-
ness. I also feel guilty when I am too busy with a child who
needs all the attention and has to give less love to other
Once, I wanted to be the sun that brightens all children's
paths, but at times things are so hard for me that all I was
left with was burned-out firewood. Under these difficult cir-
cumstances I repeat Don Bosco’s words about the whistle
and try to look at my children. Even if I want to give up due
to a series of difficult days, what constantly makes me get
up is my desire to enlighten the way of my children.

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Eva Logar, 18 years old, Slovenija
To love, to be, to dream
Sometimes I dream of
being a sister, a good
Sometimes I dream of being a sister,
a good sister to my brothers,
sister to my sister,
my sisters, that together we
a support, an example, a comfort! may sing to His glory and burn
together for Him.
Sometimes I dream of
being a sister,
Sometimes I dream of
the medical one,
being a sister, a sister to
who makes patients laugh
my brothers and sisters
and is like a
to whom Jesus is
mother to them.
Sometimes I dream of
being a sister, the one
whose bridegroom is
Jesus and sacrifices
herself for people.
Sometimes I dream of
being holy, to be loved,
to love,
to dream and to be with
the heart, and to serve
with love!

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Eyui Ndzengui Helena, 20 ans, Libreville – Gabon
Du social à l’entreprenariat
Je plonge dans un monde imaginaire où mes aspirations prennent vie. Dans
mon rêve, je me trouve au cœur d’une communauté dynamique, entourée
de personnes passionnées par le changement social. Mon objectif est clair : de-
venir une entrepreneure sociale privée et apporter des solutions innovantes aux
problèmes qui touchent ma société. Je commençais à visualiser un lieu d’inno-
vation sociale, un espace où les esprits créatifs se rassembleront pour concevoir
des solutions novatrices aux défis sociaux. Je me vois travailler avec des experts
issus de divers domaines, des ingénieurs aux travailleurs sociaux, unis par une pas-
sion : le bien commun. Dans mon rêve, je développe une plateforme en ligne
qui facilitera la collaboration entre les entreprises, les organisations à but non lu-
cratif et les individus engagés dans des initiatives sociales. Je crée un écosystème
où les idées prendront vie, où l’innovation sera encouragée et où l’impact positif
sera mesuré avec précision. Je vois mon entreprise sociale prospérée, attirant
l’attention des investisseurs, des responsables. Mon entreprise deviendra un ca-
talyseur de changement, aidant à résoudre des problèmes tels que l’accès à
l’éducation, la réduction des inégalités et la promotion du développement du-
rable. Les défis ne manqueront pas dans mon rêve, mais je les aborderai avec

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Fabio Pisa, 22 anni, Napoli, Italia
Lo sport per salvare vite
La mia aspirazione più profonda nasce dal luogo in cui vivo; nasce dalla
mia comunità, dai volti delle persone che incrocio ogni giorno nel piccolo
spazio in cui vivo, in cui studio, in cui lavoro. Il sogno della mia vita nasce da
ciò che al tempo mi salvò la vita: lo sport. Fin da quando ero piccolo ho sem-
pre avuto la fortuna e la possibilità di praticare lo sport che mi ha permesso
di crescere, insieme alla mia vita ed il mio percorso in oratorio, e di diventare
quello che sono oggi.
Quello che voglio realizzare nella mia vita è un qualcosa che possa incar-
nare nel modo più fedele e bello possibile tutti i valori che nel mio percorso
ho imparato ad apprendere mettendo insieme lo sport e l’oratorio in un con-
testo salesiano. Il mio sogno è quello di poter vedere un giorno tanti ragazzi,
tanti giovani poter dedicare del loro tempo a questa stupenda parentesi
che ha una forza incredibile. Questa mia aspirazione nasce dal fatto di voler
e di poter salvare vere e proprie e vite, specialmente nella realtà piccola e
complicato in cui vivo nella quale vi è tanto bisogno di “aria pulita”. Il desi-
derio è quello di aprire questo centro proprio nella piccola realtà nella quale
sono nato e cresciuto. Credo fermamente che un giorno potrò riuscire in tutto ciò nonostante le moltissime difficoltà e compli-
cazioni che ci sono come ad esempio il territorio stesso, la criminalità organizzata che da queste parti tende e cerca di spegnere
le luci, soffocare le iniziative e chiudere le porte al cambiamento non accorgendosi che tutto questo può portare i giovani e
giovanissimi può portare un vento nuovo.

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Fanny Franc, 18 years old, Marseille, France
Dream of the Unknown
and the Unexpected
My closest dream is to get into one of the schools I love. I dream and
I can't wait to leave the family cocoon. I dream of going on a
solo adventure, meeting new people, setting up businesses, earning
money, and with this money building a house whose plans are al-
ready in my mind. These are just a few of the dreams that my
daydreams and imagination contain. Some of my dreams can
be seen as materialistic, such as my desire for money and a
home. Others reflect a desire for emancipation, for freedom,
such as leaving the family cocoon or going on an adventure
alone. You may tell yourself that dreaming too much leads to
unhappiness because not all of them come true. But I don't
know about your dreams, but my dreams all converge on one
dream, very simple, and very uncertain. When I live alone, I
want to cook for 2, 4, or 7 people instead of one, never close my
door, and spread the smell of cooking and its warmth in the street.
All this is to welcome any unforeseen stranger, come and sup with
me, and meet him. So my dream is very simple, but it lives only through
the unknown, the unexpected.

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Fátima Liliana Oporto Morán, 25 años, Soyapango, San Salvador, El Salvador
Un alma soñadora
Todo comienza con una niña de 15 años que desde que estaba en el colegio
le gustaba mucho escuchar y apoyar a las personas cuando tenían un pro-
blema o se sentían mal. Un sueño que comenzó siendo pequeño pero muy claro
y fijo. Esa niña de 15 años de la que sus amigas le decían que debería estudiar
una carrera para apoyar a las personas ya que era muy buena escuchando y
dando consejos. Esas palabras de aliento y apoyo hicieron un click en ella la
cual la llevo a cumplir ese sueño de poder estudiar Psicología y conseguir un tra-
bajo con el cual todas aquellas que en un principio solo fueron un "y quizá" "de-
berías de" se hicieran realidad. Y así se cumplió ese sueño de esa niña de 15
años de poder ayudar a los demás y apoyar a sus padres, quienes siempre la
apoyaron en todo momento con tanto esfuerzo y dedicación, y que ahora ella
puede decir, cumplir y demostrarles que todo esfuerzo rinde frutos, que esa pe-
queña semilla que sembraron para dedicarse a lo que deseaba, a nunca ren-
dirse y no temer un futuro incierto, ahora se ha convertido en una realidad al fin
cumplida gracias al apoyo y compañía que siempre le dieron frutos. Gracias a
ello ahora ella, aquella niña de 15 años ahora de 25 años puede devolverle todo
aquello que, con tanto esfuerzo y dedicación, muchas veces lágrimas, porque
el camino no fue fácil, pero no imposible, se pudo cumplir una etapa, pero más
no terminar porque quiere seguir creciendo y rindiendo muchos más frutos cada
día más. Por todo eso, está agradecida y feliz de que su sueño se cumpla cada
vez más y así lo quiere demostrar a esas dos personas que nunca la dejaron sola.

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Febronia Fernandes, 23 years, Fatorda, Goa, India
My Dream for the World
I've always been told that dreams are something that could come true
- only if you work hard and if the universe works in your favour. My
dream is not one that you see when you sleep or an ambition you hope
to achieve. My dream is draped in tranquility, where the echo of peace
silences the drums of war. I dream of a day when my ordinary life does-
n't carry the weight of guilt for being a pipe dream of another. Despite
our education about the need for peace in the world, the silence that
now envelops its discussion raises poignant questions. I held a steadfast
belief that today, genocide and bloodshed were archaic relics. All this,
while we're faced with Gaza’s harsh and unforgiving reality. Babies are
bombed and lifeless bodies are held by grieving parents. Children that
once filled spaces with loud echoes, today fill them with a haunting
hush. Innocent babies are orphaned and families are brutally torn
apart. In this, the weightiest blow is being part of the passive majority,
choosing inaction, while there are those whose dreams are distilled to
the simplicity of a glass of water and the sustenance that war denies.
We silence our phones, escaping distressing glare, yet for many, it's an
enduring, stark reality to bear. I dream of a day where the world has
peace. When people decide to stand up for one another regardless
of race, religion, and beliefs. I'm sure that dreams of peace are a
shared view; actions whisper louder - are we ready to pursue?

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Federico Mattio, 25 anni, Piemonte, Italia
Un sogno quotidiano
Io provengo da una "grande" provincia nel nord Italia, più
precisamente dalla città di Cavallermaggiore. Il sogno
della mia vita è di vivere a pieno la Felicità, potendola gu-
stare vivendo in una comunità viva e cooperativa.
Grazie alla formazione ricevuta in famiglia e da molti te-
stimoni credibili incrociati nel percorso, il desiderio che fin
da ragazzo spingeva i miei passi, e guidava le mie scelte,
è stato quello di rendermi disponibile ed essere partecipe
nei più vari gruppi di lavoro ed impegno sociale.
Ripercorrendo gli anni delle scuole e dell’università vedo
come i momenti più felici della mia vita siano collegati
proprio da questa dimensione di “cittadinanza attiva”.
Nonostante tante difficoltà incontrate per la strada, in
questo filo rosso vedo l’azione di Dio. È lui che mi ha gui-
dato e che mi spinge ogni giorno a compiere un passo in
più e fare cose che non avrei mai pensato di poter fare.

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Francesca Bisarello, 18 anni, Cinisello Balsamo (Milano), Italia
Sognare è Sperare
Innumerevoli persone sognano di vivere una vita significativa, di non essere di-
menticate, di contribuire in qualche modo alla storia umana. Ma quali tra tutte
queste aspirazioni accendono davvero qualcosa in noi? Quali hanno il sapore di
Preferisco parlare non di UN sogno, ma DEL sogno, quel sogno particolare e unico
che è un dono da trovare.
Io non faccio parte della categoria di persone che hanno già un sogno. Ci sono
stati periodi della mia vita in cui pensavo di sapere quale fosse il mio obiettivo fi-
nale, ma ogni volta quell'aspirazione che pensavo fosse la mia stella polare si è ri-
velata una cometa, luminosa ma fugace. Ecco la verità: non ho un sogno, anzi IL
sogno. So che voglio essere orgogliosa di me stessa, soddisfatta del mio percorso.
So che voglio rimanere convinta dei miei ideali come lo sono ora, ma allo stesso
tempo cambiare, perché il cambiamento significa crescita. Quindi, qual è il mio
sogno? Il mio sogno è scoprire quel desiderio profondo che per me corrisponde
alla felicità, è trovare quella determinata carriera, passione, emozione per cui vale
la pena vivere.
Infine, come canta Taylor Swift in 'August', sognare è anche sperare e credo che valga la pena vivere per la speranza di tutto

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Francesca Palma, 24 anni, Torino, Italia
Il sogno della mia vita
Su un sentiero di montagna, in cresta tra due versanti sco-
scesi, un animatore mi disse “Metti i piedi dove li metto
io, seguimi”. Il Sogno che provo a vivere tutti i giorni è riuscire
ad ascoltare la voce di Dio, il suo “Seguimi!”, mettere i miei
piedi nelle sue orme e realizzare il progetto che ha per me;
sapermi quindi fidare e affidare a Lui, nella gioia e nelle fa-
tiche. Le amicizie fraterne, le esperienze che sono chiamato
a vivere, lo sguardo di una guida sono come cartelli d’indi-
cazioni, posti a indirizzare i passi. Passi che uno dopo l’altro
mi stanno guidando a comprendere ogni volta un poco di
più per chi lasciare cadere i miei egoismi, a chi accarezzare
la guancia, in chi perdermi con lo sguardo, chi abbracciare
sentendo che il cuore pulsa a pieno ritmo. Il Sogno oggi si
concretizza nel capire per chi sono, chi amare. “Dammi tu
quell’Amore che vuoi da me” così pregava Madre Laura
Baraggia: non so dove questo cammino mi porterà, ma ad
ogni passo mi accorgo che la fatica dell’ascendere alla
vetta riempie il cuore di vera felicità.

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Francesco Baga, 23 anni, Turbigo (MI), Italia
Metti i piedi
dove li metto io, seguimi
Su un sentiero di montagna, in cresta tra due versanti sco-
scesi, un animatore mi disse “Metti i piedi dove li metto
io, seguimi”.
Il Sogno che provo a vivere tutti i giorni è riuscire ad ascol-
tare la voce di Dio, il suo “Seguimi!”, mettere i miei piedi
nelle sue orme e realizzare il progetto che ha per me.
Sapermi quindi fidare e affidare a Lui, nella gioia e nelle fa-
tiche, come il me tredicenne impaurito ha fatto su quel sen-
tiero con le parole dell’animatore.
Le amicizie fraterne, le esperienze che sarò chiamato a vi-
vere, lo sguardo pieno d’amore di una guida indirizzeranno
i passi. Non so ancora dove questo cammino mi porterà:
oggi, immergendomi nella realtà, il Sogno si traduce nel ca-
pire per chi sono.

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Francesco Lucianò, 25 anni, Prato (Firenze), Italia
Il banchetto
Il mio sogno più grande è un banchetto, un pranzo. Al ta-
volo sono sedute persone di tutti i tipi: uomini e donne,
adulti e bambini, giovani e anziani, consacrati e laici. Sono
seduti insieme e mescolati tra loro, ciascuno con la sua
provenienza, età, vocazione. Ciascuno parla e ride alle-
gramente con chi ha a fianco, interessandosi sincera-
mente del bene dell’altro, prendendosene cura,
accompagnandolo nelle gioie e nelle fatiche.
Immagino il banchetto in un giardino di una casa in cam-
pagna, così che i più giovani possano divertirsi giocando
sul prato, anche mentre “i grandi” continuano a godersi lo
stare insieme all’ombra di qualche albero in una calda
giornata primaverile.
Nell’aria si percepisce l’amore sincero che anima la ta-
vola, il volersi bene tra le varie famiglie, l’amicizia profonda
di queste con i consacrati, la cura che questi mettono nel
giocare con i bimbi.

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Francesco Piola, 24 anni, Villafalletto, Italia
Vero in tempo
Il sogno nasce in risposta a molti tentativi di schematica felicità.
La ricerca ossessiva di questa “Felicità” ci porta a modellarsi in modo da
assomigliare alla persona, che in quel momento, vediamo felice; tutto
questo ci rende solo più insicuri, perché sia che sbagliamo, sia che fac-
ciamo giusto non siamo noi, e lontani dal NOI stessi.
Nel sogno la felicità non è staccata dalla realtà, intesa come concre-
tezza, anzi, questa realtà e ciò dà la possibilità di sperimentare la nostra
persona VERA, non l’imitazione di qualcuno che in quel contesto si era
comportato così; ma riconoscendosi capaci di essere come siamo.
Questo non ci esime dallo sbagliare ma dà la certezza che siamo noi al
timone della nostra vita e rende tutto incredibilmente emozionante, vero
e MIO; il tempo è l’unica misura in cui ci si può misurare e forse l’oggi è
l’unico momento in cui si vuole vivere.

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Francesco Pioli, 22 anni, Parma, Italia
La capacità di educare
Nella mia vita io vorrei trasmettere del sapere, essere
un educatore. Da quando andavo all’oratorio e fa-
cevo animazione, da quando aiutavo qualche mio amico
in difficoltà a scuola, ho scoperto questo lato bello della
mia persona.
Mi sento felice quando trasmetto qualcosa all’altro. Non
nascondo che ci sono molte difficoltà. Tuttavia, questo spi-
rito mi permette di andare avanti fino in fondo. Mi piace
trovare delle belle modalità affinché le persone possano
apprendere sempre di più cose nuove, mi piace andare
nel profondo della persona che ho davanti, non ven-
dendo solo un numero, ma una personalità che ha biso-
gno di esprimersi e di essere felice.
Non ho l’aspirazione ad essere il più intelligente degli edu-
catori o degli insegnanti: ho il sogno di far crescere cristia-
namente e umanamente le persone che mi vengono

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François Levaux, 21 ans, Liège, Belgique
Acteur, éducateur et membre
de la famille
Aujourd'hui, à 21 ans, mes rêves ont évolué et se sont diversifiés, empreints de
la sagesse acquise au fil des ans et de la maturité qui accompagne le pas-
sage du temps. Je nourris toujours cette passion brûlante pour l'art sous toutes
ses formes, une flamme qui continue de brûler au plus profond de mon être. Le
théâtre, avec sa capacité à donner vie à des émotions et à des histoires, a cap-
tivé mon imagination. Devenir humoriste ou acteur est devenu un nouveau rêve,
imprégné de la conviction que l'expression artistique peut transcender les bar-
rières de la langue et toucher l'âme de chacun.
Par ailleurs, en tant qu'éducateur spécialisé, j'ai été témoin des inégalités persis-
tantes qui minent notre système éducatif. C'est pourquoi je suis déterminé à pour-
suivre mes études en sciences de l'éducation, avec l'espoir de contribuer à la
recherche et à la mise en œuvre de politiques éducatives plus équitables et in-
clusives pour tous.
Sur le plan personnel, je nourris le rêve de fonder une famille aimante, de trans-
mettre mes valeurs et mes passions à mes enfants, et de leur offrir un environne-
ment où ils pourront s'épanouir pleinement. Je crois en la force du lien familial et
en l'importance de cultiver des relations authentiques et enrichissantes.
En somme, mes rêves sont le reflet de mes expériences, de mes valeurs et de mes
aspirations les plus profondes.

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Gabriela Gos, 20 anni, Piła, Polonia
Per sempre giovane
Il mio sogno più grande è quello di vivere in eterno. Ma oltre a
questo, sogno di essere eternamente giovane nello spirito e di ded-
icare la mia vita ai bambini e ai giovani. Ecco perché ho scelto di
studiare pedagogia, dopo di che potrò farlo anche a livello profes-
sionale. Quando sono stanca della routine quotidiana, la comunità
dell'Oasi salesiana mi aiuta molto. Gli incontri con i giovani mi riem-
piono di energia e guidarli verso Dio mi dà un senso di realizzazione.
Io stessa imparo molto da loro durante ogni incontro. Spero che re-
alizzando questi sogni, raggiungerò la santità.

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Gabriele Santoro, 25 anni, Messina, Italia
Cooperante con Don Bosco
Vorrei tanto poter continuare a vivere il carisma salesiano
mettendomi al servizio dei giovani, specialmente degli ul-
timi che sono messi ai margini della società. La capacità ad
avere un occhio attento ai bisogni dell’altro è un valore che
mi è stato trasmesso in famiglia e in Oratorio e che non ho più
È anche per questo che ho deciso di studiare per poter essere
un giorno un cooperante internazionale, lavorare in giro per il
mondo e poter continuare a realizzare la missione di don
Bosco, frutto del sogno dei nove anni.
È questo ciò che mi tiene “sveglio” e mi fa guardare al futuro
con speranza ed entusiasmo. È questo il mio sogno! Nono-
stante le mille incertezze che tutto ciò comporta, credo che,
in mezzo a tante false promesse di felicità che il mondo pro-
pone e che non conducono a nulla, questa sia la strada che
mi può portare a vivere una vita piena perché al servizio dei

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Galli Eleonora, 21 anni, Pianezza, Italia
Il mio sogno è fare del mio lavoro di insegnante una missione per le
famiglie e i bambini in difficoltà, infondendo loro speranza e
facendoli sentire amati e accolti. Ai bambini che incontro, auguro
un cuore grande e occhi pieni di speranza, affinchè possano
coltivare tutti i loro sogni con sacrificio, dedizione e lasciando spazio
a Dio.
Niente è così difficile o impossibile se condividiamo i nostri sogni con
Dio e accettiamo che la Sua presenza nella nostra vita. Siamo tutti
chiamati a qualcosa di grande, ma solo donandoci agli altri
possiamo comprendere il significato della nostra vocazione. Per
sognare in grande dobbiamo essere disposti ad andare oltre l'ovvio
e non farci scoraggiare dalla fatica. Spero quindi di educare
bambini che non rinuncino ai loro sogni e che la loro fiducia e
creatività mi scaldino il cuore.
Per raggiungere questo obiettivo, devo diventare "umile, forte e
robusto", come viene detto a Giovannino nel sogno del bambino di
9 anni, e per farlo devo avere fiducia in coloro che mi
accompagneranno in questo viaggio. Non sogno di cambiare il
mondo, ma di scoprire la bellezza del volto di Gesù negli sguardi che

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George Parkinson, 12 years old, Bolton, Great Britain
My Dreams
My dream for the future is to be able to have lots of exciting adventures
with my friends and explore different cultures without fear of war or vio-
lence. I love graffiti art, food and music so I dream of experiencing these in dif-
ferent corners of the world, especially where the weather is warmer and drier
than where I live! I would love to one day live in Croatia and learn to fish in the
big blue lakes.
It would be my dream to have a good job which gives me enough money to
help install new water pumps in poorer countries where children are dying from
dirty drinking water. If I could also help to stop young people being bullied for
how they look that would be fantastic.
My faith is really important to me so if I could go on a pilgrimage to Lourdes,
where St Bernadette saw visions of Mary, and spend time reflecting and really
experiencing God’s presence in my life, without all the busyness of life I would
feel very lucky.
Just like Don Bosco, music is very important in my life and I hope to be able to
write and publish a music album which he would be proud of and that I can
play on the keyboard with my friend on guitar.

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Giorgio Arcoraci, 23 anni, Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto (ME), Italia
Che vuoi fare da “grande”?
“Giorgio, tu che vuoi fare da grande?” Non avevo la più
pallida idea di quale sogno volessi inseguire, allora mi la-
sciai trascinare dal cuore e risposi “Io voglio fare il maestro!” Pas-
sarono anni da quella dichiarazione e solo dopo aver conseguito
la maturità mi ritrovai ad una moltitudine di incroci, incerto su
quale strada intraprendere.
Grazie ad un ritiro vocazionale mi si aprirono gli occhi e vidi chia-
ramente un sogno da realizzare: dedicare la mia vita ai ragazzi e
ai giovani attraverso il dono dell’istruzione, del rispetto, e dell’af-
Auguro a chiunque sia scoraggiato o insicuro, nel seguire i propri
sogni, di fare quel salto, per afferrare e tenere stretto il più grande
desiderio e la più grande vocazione, che porta all’immenso
amore di Dio.

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Giovanni Paolo Casasola, 18 anni, Rognano (PV), Italia
Un sogno per domani
Il sogno della mia vita, la mia aspirazione più grande, è di essere felice
e realizzarmi appieno in ciò che faccio, mettendo a frutto i talenti rice-
vuti. Nella speranza di diventare ingegnere, desidero prendere parte a
progetti che mi appassionano e che possano migliorare le condizioni
delle persone e del mondo in cui viviamo. Vorrei contribuire alla realiz-
zazione di strumenti e/o di nuove tecnologie che permettano a noi gio-
vani di abitare in un mondo migliore, sia a livello sociale che a livello
ambientale. Inoltre, mi piacerebbe trasmettere le mie conoscenze ed
esperienze a chi desidera intraprendere il mio stesso percorso di studi,
allo scopo di migliorare le future generazioni. Come già cerco di fare,
vorrei anche rendermi utile nel concreto per chi fa più fatica di me e
per le persone a cui tengo di più.

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Giuseppe Balsamo, 19 anni, Catania, Italia
Voglio sentirmi libero
Spesso mi trovo a riflettere sul significato della vita,
senza chiedermi quale sia il nostro scopo o perché
esistiamo. Piuttosto, mi chiedo: come posso viverla al
Come molti, penso che la felicità sia la chiave, ma il
problema sta nel come e dove trovarla, e sono con-
vinto che non ci sia soluzione migliore che vivere cir-
condati da persone. Ora mi considero felice e cerco
giorno dopo giorno di vivere la mia vita cercando di
avvicinarmi sempre di più ai principi in cui credo e che
il carisma salesiano mi ha dato. Proprio per questo mo-
tivo, ogni giorno lotto contro me stesso, cerco sempre
di migliorarmi e di lasciare da parte ciò che mi dan-
neggia di più, come il giudizio su chi è diverso da me.
Cerco di trarre da ogni storia un'esperienza e di sorri-
dere pur sconfiggendo la tristezza, perché diciamo-
celo, vivere è difficile, ma è lo stare insieme agli altri
che rende questa difficoltà così bella. E il mio sogno è
questo, vivere nella reciprocità per sentirmi libero.

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Giuseppe Profetto, 18 anni, Modica (RG), Italia
ragazzi e… Dio
Il mio sogno è un po’ complicato, perché in questo
momento ho tanti pensieri per la testa e tanti desi-
deri del cuore, ma provando ad andare in profon-
Le due cose che più amo fare sono stare con i ra-
gazzi e studiare matematica (sembra strano ma è
così ah ah), perché entrambe mi rendono realizzato
e in entrambe vedo la presenza di Dio che mi ama
e mi chiama, anche se naturalmente non mancano
i problemi, anzi grandi problemi. Il mio sogno è
quello di conoscere a pieno ogni parte della Mate-
matica, che per me è il linguaggio con cui il Signore
ha creato l’universo e continua a parlarci, per poi
comunicarla ad ogni ragazzo che con le proprie
idee e caratteristiche mi rivela il volto di Dio. In que-
sta prospettiva la matematica diventa qualcosa
non di pesante, ma uno strumento per capire sé
stessi e, magari, avvicinarsi a Dio.

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Hinata Ito, 18 years old, Tokyo, Japan
Visions of Dream Tellers
My dream is to support children who are isolated from orphanages and chil-
dren who have difficulty living due to the lack of dependents. I also want
to become a person who can keep an eye on the small problems in front of them
that each of them has, attend to their feelings, and take necessary actions.
Since I was a child, influenced by my family, I have felt close to welfare and have
had an interest in social issues.
Currently, there are many issues related to children in Japan. The number of con-
sultations with child guidance centers is rising steadily, and abuse and neglect
of children are on the rise. In addition, there are many children living in relative
poverty. These circumstances led me to pay attention to the existence of children
in foster care, and I learned of the existence of care leavers who live away from
the institutions. From there, in my second year of high school, I wrote a paper on
"independence support" for care leavers. I felt that independence support that
maintains the person's dignity is complex and requires a flexible approach. Based
on these experiences, in order to realize my dream, I would like to study the field
of social welfare comprehensively at university, with a focus on child welfare.
My deep interest in social welfare was greatly influenced by my uncle's physical
disability and my volunteer activities since I was in elementary school.
I wish for a world where people who have dreams can have hope and keep
striving for them. And may there be happiness and smiles on many people's

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Hounkanrin Ibitecho Charite Jean Eude, 23 ans, Cotonou, Benin
Beat Maker Boy
Mon rêve est de devenir l’un des meilleurs Disc Joker et Beat Maker
en Afrique et pourquoi pas du monde. Quand j’étais un peu plus
jeune, donc au primaire, je m’amusais souvent avec quelques cama-
rades de classe à taper sur des tables à la recherche de rythme et sou-
vent certains d’entre eux se laissaient aller à la danse.
Un jour, dans mon sommeil, je me suis retrouvé avec ma famille au village
pour une grande fête. Façonné par les différentes musiques que donnait
le Beat Maker et les danses qui accompagnaient, je me suis vite retrouvé
derrière le DJ. J’ai été hébété par la technicité de ce dernier (sa manière
de mixer les chansons et de permettre aux invités malgré la différence
d’âge ou leur provenance, de vivre un moment joyeux et inoubliable).
Tant je voulais être à sa place. Il me vit, et me fit signe de venir le rempla-
cer. J’étais animé d’une grande joie que, lorsque j’ai voulu toucher ses
instruments, le bruit des coqs de la basse-cour me réveilla.
Et depuis ce jour le désir est devenu plus fort et j’y crois fermement. Et si
cela advenait, je voudrais consacrer les fruits de mes activités, à la créa-
tion d’un LABEL de musique et d’une fondation d’aide aux plus démunis.

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Ihuoma Enwere, 23 years old, Johannesburg, South Africa
The Chastity Dream
In a society where spiritual guidance diminishes and eco-
nomic hardships challenge the youth, my dream of “The
Chastity Project” emerges as an inspiration of hope and resil-
Chastity is freedom; freedom in Christ. Society lacks chaste
young people.
Unfortunately, many young people are unchaste as a result
of poverty and other factors.
My dream for “The Chastity Project” is to open a platform
where young people are free to express themselves without
feeling judged and to provide sound teaching and guidance
on how they can fully submit themselves to Christ.
Our society’s focus is on living materialistic lives such that when
“Chastity” is being spoken of it comes across as being judg-
mental. Faced with the mammoth task of unmasking the
minds of many, ecumenism and a Synodal approach are nec-
Despite the challenges that my dream will encounter as it be-
comes reality, I’m inspired by many people who have chosen
to live chaste lives irrespective of the criticism they encounter.

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Ingrid Yessica Guzmán Guevara, 31 años, Santa Tecla, El Salvador
In your time you will
Ithank God for allowing me to grow up since my childhood in a Salesian
house, at the age of 15, I understood the call to serve under the Salesian
charism; I discovered my teaching vocation in that Salesian house, on re-
peated occasions I dreamed of being surrounded by many girls and boys,
in that same dream deep down I heard a very maternal voice, which told
me: “That is your mission”, which I am sure It was the voice of Our Mother
Mary Help of Christians.
My dream, which I fight for every day, is to serve from my teaching voca-
tion to all the boys, girls and young people that God entrusts to me, to de-
posit in them that little seed of love for God and neighbor that one day
was deposited in me; I want to serve with the joy of the risen Jesus and
share it with everyone; I see myself leading many activities that help with
the education and spiritual formation of young people, so that they can
achieve what Don Bosco wanted for youth: “To be Good Christians and
Honorable Citizens.” The path is not easy, there are always thorns, but the
words of Our Mother Help of Christians, to Juanito Bosco in the dream of
being nine years old: “In time, you will understand” continue to give me
certainty and encourage me to continue fighting for myself. Dream.

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J.M. Akila Warnakulasooriya, 25 years old, Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka
To be able to Serve
My dream is TO BE ABLE TO SERVE young people like me by empo-
wering them through the fostering of their talents, igniting the fire
of creative curiosity within them, and developing an unyielding passion
to reach always for their ambitions in life.
I dream of HAVING AN IMPACT on the life of young people through
meaningful ways, by not only being with them physically, but by giving
them timely guidance and encouragement in all aspects of their lives.
I want to be a person that RADIATES POSITIVE ENERGY that can help trans-
form any negative situation into a hope-full occasion for any young
people – both in my country Sri Lanka, and in any part of the world where
God will lead me.
I dream of not just being an adult among the young, but ONE WHO IS
by so many dedicated and God-sent people who did not only dream
dreams for me, but journeyed with me in reaching for those dreams, I
dream too that one day I can TAKE PART IN THE DREAMS of the young,
and accompany them in realizing those dreams as I MINISTER to them.

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Jana Reynaldo, 21 years old, Makati City, Philippines
Dreaming for Our Kids
Iimagine a world where the education of every child matters, where children
with needs are not met with hostility, but with patience and understanding.
Education was different when I was young; now, as an educator myself, I be-
lieve that it’s time to dream for a heart-and-brain based way of teaching –
when children are not met with hurtful words when given a wrong answer, and
when children won’t be ridiculed but guided until they reach their full potential.
There are days when it’s hard, given the existence of our emotions, but as I lie
awake, I see the faces of my students becoming adults leading the world. I
imagine them leading their different communities with love and respect, and
instead of prioritizing power, they focus on making sure others are alright. I imag-
ine them dreaming too, but this time for the welfare of others.
Seeing that we all take small steps to make this dream a reality, it gives me hope
and joy that we are trying for these kids to have a chance to dream, too.

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Jessica Sardina, 24 years old,
Los Angeles, California, USA
Awakening to Reality
Ionce had a nightmare that I turned into a fire
breathing dragon. I was teaching my 3rd graders
who were getting out of hand. I could feel anger
bubbling up as I spewed fury, transforming me into
a monster before their eyes. Then a child ap-
proached and said, “It’s ok. We forgive you. We still
love you even though you did something bad.” My
greatest fear is to hurt a child who reflects the
image of God. But beyond my fear also lies my
greatest hope. The kindness of children, their good-
ness, and their love are often overlooked. Jesus
says in order to enter heaven we must become
childlike. How often do we let ourselves be inspired
by children? We are called to shepherd the youth,
but we often focus on the one that leaves the 99 rather than the faithfulness of the 99. In children’s patience,
forgiveness, and love, we see clear reflections of Christ. My dream is that each of us awakens to the reality
around us--we are surrounded by vessels big and small, old and young, who bring Christ to us.

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Jetison Tyngkan, 26 years old, Jowai, Shillong, India
A Leader with a difference
The dream that keeps me going is to live and inspire other
youngsters to live a life of self dominance by achieving
mental freedom, emotional freedom, spiritual freedom and
economic freedom which are requisites of leadership. I
dream of becoming a leader with a difference inspiring youth
to become self-dominant, free from external intervention and
influences that prevent us from implementing our actions we
intend to do. Youngsters today find it difficult to handle stress
and anxiety, depression, relationships and many other factors
that can influence our personal life and we cannot be effi-
cient and dynamic leaders if we are so. Therefore it is my dee-
pest aspiration to cultivate in the mind of youngsters this
concept of self dominance. Awareness is the main key to
make this dream realised. I will create awareness through dif-
ferent techniques such as publication of articles and the use
of Social Media and to develop organizational effort as a

11 Pages 101-110

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Joan Lau Hui Sing, 33 years old, Malaysia
My Dreams
To be famous (like a saint) and be remembered by
the other community through my creative, fun and faithful
life that inspires and influences, bringing Jesus to others, espe-
cially the broken ones.
To be an actress-singer in a theatre or a show where stories
that reflect gospel values are shown.
To experience missionary life in another country because I
like to help people and I like to travel too.
As a married lady who has a non-Catholic husband and no
child, I dream that we can get closer and find our purpose
as a couple and that my husband will continue supporting
me in my mission in youth ministry.

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Joaquín Amador Garcés Guzmán, 20 años, Quito, Ecuador
Una vida valiosa
Cuando pienso en lo que me inspira a vivir una vida con esperanza y alegría,
me doy cuenta de que no pienso en algo en específico, ni mi mente ni mi
corazón tiene una meta estática a la que quiero llegar, sino que lo que pienso
es en lo que quiero y NO quiero sentir, y no quiero sentir miedo. La muerte siempre
es un tema que genera crisis, y yo que soy tan volátil me es inevitable no temer
en lo que pasará cuando esté próximo a mi muerte, y creo que es ahí que al-
canzo la respuesta a la pregunta, lo que me inspira, lo que me da fuerza, es que
cuando llegue la hora del fin, pueda decir, mirando mi vida entregada a los
demás, que fue valiosa. Alcanzar esa paz con lo vivido, con lo aprendido, con
lo que hice y con lo que fui, ese es mi máximo objetivo, que está en construcción,
tengo el miedo de estar cercano al día de mi partida y no ver atrás con orgullo
mi camino, pero cada día, y en cada pequeña acción por los demás dedicada
al Señor, me siento más y más cerca de una vida valiosa y digna.

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Johancer Polanco, 18 años, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana
El Zatti Comunicador
Mi aspiración más profunda, es llegar a la santidad como San Artémides
Zatti. Sueño con estudiar comunicación social para desempeñarme
como esa creación del corazón de Don Bosco llamado Salesiano Coadjutor.
Poder crear academias de estudios de comunicación salesiana y dar en-
trega a esta vocación a través de los salesianos, evangelizando al joven.
Sueño algún día ir a otras tierras a seguir llevando las estrategias de Don
Bosco, para la salvación de las almas y poner una semilla de motivación en
los oratorios con los jóvenes en riesgo de mi país.
Todos los sueños que me han sucedido tienen una misma línea: ENTREGARME
A LOS DESPOSEÍDOS POR AMOR. El amor me lleva a soñar y entregarme a
Dios a plenitud. Desde pequeño soñaba con tener abundancia para dar a
los pobres, luego soñé que iba a ser un servidor de Dios al momento de re-
cibir la Sagrada Eucaristía.
Aun sueño que con mi bicicleta imito a Zatti recorriendo su lugar de naci-
miento como un salesiano coadjutor de la comunicación.

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Joseidys González, 18 años, Coro Estado Falcón, Venezuela
Mi esperanza tu esperanza
¿Cuál es el sueño de mi vida? Esta pregunta es muy frecuente en mi vida.Hoy la
respondo fácilmente: es poder ayudar a las personas haciendo lo que me gusta
¿y qué es? Pues, la Medicina. Cuando tenía apenas un mes de nacida mi madre
fallece por una negligencia médica. Ya de grande esto me inspira a querer incur-
sionar en el mundo de la medicina, formarme como una profesional y servir debi-
damente a los demás, desde el corazón y no solo desde el conocimiento o la razón.
Una parte de ese sueño es lograr tener mi propia clínica para ayudar a todas las
personas que sea posible. Sería una clínica integral o al menos eso me gustaría que
fuera. Esta también sería financiada por una fundación que quiero crear para poder
costear los gastos y materiales de la clínica como medicinas, exámenes, sueldos de
los empleados etc. ya que todo eso sería gratis para las personas sin recursos. Con
17 años, siendo una venezolana que ha tenido que ver como el pueblo sufre ante
las crisis humanitarias del país, ese sueño sería mi granito de arena para este pueblo,
esa pequeña esperanza que quiero sembrar. El sueño de poder perfeccionar mis
estudios en España, para traer nuevos métodos y equipos innovadores al país. Y se
preguntarán ¿si tu mamá murió de una negligencia médica, como es que tú quieres
ser doctora? La muerte de mi mamá dejó una herida, hay quienes llenan sus heridas
de rencor, odio y otras cosas que no son buenas para el alma. Yo quiero llenar la
mía con amor hacia el otro, servicio, entrega por el que sufre y quiere ser ayudado,
la quiero llenar de esperanza para los demás y para mí. Porque mi esperanza es tu

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Joselito Yap, 21 years old,
Buhisan Nazareth Cebu City, Philippines
In the pages of my life, a fervent dream takes root – a dream
to become a Philippine Military or Bureau of Fire Protection Of-
ficer. This aspiration is not merely a distant goal; it's intricately
woven into the very fabric of who I am. What makes this journey
uniquely poignant is the fact that, since birth, I have not laid
eyes on my father.
This dream is more than a personal ambition; it is a manifestation
of a deep-seated commitment to serve my beloved country. As
I navigate the path toward this noble calling, my aspirations also
serve as a beacon of hope for my family amidst the financial dif-
ficulties we face. Each step I take is not only a stride toward my
personal goal but a testament to resilience and the pursuit of a
brighter future for those I hold dear.
In the chapters of my life story, the pages are filled with ded-
ication, sacrifice, and an unwavering resolve to contribute to the
greater good. Through the lens of my dream, I aim not just to
shape my destiny but to inspire others to overcome challenges
and reach for their aspirations with the same tenacity.

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Juliet Nwogo, 27 years old, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria
The Enigmatic Realm of Dreams
Within the realm of dreams, the ordinary can become extraordinary, the impossible can
be achieved. This ability to transcend limitations is what makes dreams so captivating.
Growing up, I had dreams. At age 5, I wanted to be a rich and famous entertainer, a well-
known and respected actress and dancer. This dream led me into joining the older kids in act-
ing at church events, and also, joining the Kingdom Dancers in church. At age 7, I became
the leader of the Kingdom Dancers. Then, I started fantasizing about having my dance acad-
emy to give every child an equal opportunity to showcase and develop their talents. My
dance academy is a world-class academy for both national and international students. I al-
ways see myself sitting amongst renowned entertainers in the industry. I imagine acting side
by side with Nollywood stars. I longed for these dreams to come to reality even more. When I
became older, I realized that my desire was to be known for my God-given talents. I also want
to touch lives through my gifts. So, my dream becomes clearer and more intense. But then, I
live in a nation where talents are not recognized. I became discouraged and downcast. Then
slowly, I began to awaken from my dreams that if I do not make more efforts to realize my
dreams, I would never be able to achieve them. But if I search deeper, I will see my other
hidden potentials and use them greatly. Though fragments of my fantasies, these recurrent
dreams have been my guide in life. They have become the driving force behind my every
move toward success. My mother once told me that, "If something keeps coming back then
it means it was not meant to leave in the first place. Welcome it and give it a chance to grow”.
With this, I am confident that my dreams will soon become my reality. Until then, dream on.

11.7 Page 107

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Julio Cesar Valle Borjas, 19 años, Florencia, Honduras
El sueño de todos
En el año 2019, en el mes de enero, un niño, por obra de nuestro Señor Jesucristo,
fue llevado a un lugar que ahora es su hogar. Desde ese día, he aprendido un
poco más sobre la empatía, el amor al prójimo y, sobre todo, he aprendido mucho
de Don Bosco. Cinco años de mi vida invertidos en asistir a seguimientos, viendo las
gracias y las necesidades que tiene mi grupo. A lo largo de mi vida, he tenido mu-
chos sueños, como ser científico y descubrir cosas que puedan ayudar al mundo.
También tuve el sueño de ser sacerdote cuando tenía 12 años, pero ahora, con 19
años, he tenido un sueño que no es solo mío, sino de todos mis hermanos del movi-
miento juvenil Salesiano. Un día hablamos sobre lo hermoso que sería tener una
casa para realizar los seguimientos, o como nosotros le llamamos, nuestro pequeño
Valdocco. En la noche de ese mismo día, tuve un sueño donde estábamos en un
patio inmenso realizando dinámicas y recibiendo seguimientos. Pero no era solo
eso, también había jóvenes que se quedaban a dormir y comían. Sin duda, era un
oratorio, tal como el de Don Bosco. Parte de mi vida se irá en ese sueño. Quiero
ayudar a jóvenes que no se sienten en casa, o a aquellos que sienten que no per-
tenecen a ningún grupo juvenil. De hecho, yo fui uno de ellos; sentía que no perte-
necía en ningún lado. Sin embargo, un ángel que Dios me envió me hizo unirme al
MJS, donde me hicieron sentir en casa. Soy una persona bastante conformista; me
conformo con lo que hay. Pero después de soñar con ese patio inmenso, no puedo
conformarme solo con soñarlo. También quiero hacer realidad ese sueño y ojalá
Dios me dé la fuerza para cumplirlo.

11.8 Page 108

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Kabageni Epiphanie D’Honneur, 21 years old, Kigali, Rwanda
Empowering Youth Through
My life's dream is to empower youth through education. I believe
that education is the key to unlocking one's full potential and
creating a better future for individuals and society as a whole. This
dream has been deeply ingrained in me since I was a child, and it
continues to drive me forward despite the challenges and obstacles
that exist in my life.
Education has the power to transform lives, break the cycle of pov-
erty, and bridge the gap between different social classes. It provides
individuals with the knowledge, skills, and opportunities they need to
succeed in life. However, I am aware that many young people in my
nation face barriers to accessing quality education, such as limited
resources and inadequate infrastructure.
Despite the difficulties in my nation, I remain optimistic about educa-
tion for positive change. I’m determined to make a lasting impact
and contribute to the empowerment of youth through education.
Let us join hands and work to make education accessible for all
young people.

11.9 Page 109

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Karolain Yailyn Rojas Solano, 24 años, Pérez Zeledón, San José, Costa Rica
Soñando de corazón a corazón
Esa niña que escribe hoy un día empezó a soñar con ser una amiga para el mundo de los
niños y jóvenes. Empezó a soñar con ser un sostén para aquellos que no encontraban con
quien soltar sus penas, preocupaciones, miedos o alegrías. Una niña que soñó toda su infancia
con tener a sus 15 años la oportunidad ir a un hospital especializado en niños, a escuchar sus
historias, a abrazarlos y motivarlos a salir adelante. Se empezó a crear el sueño de dedicar su
vida a escuchar y reparar corazones.
Con el paso del tiempo esa niña descubrió que su sueño tenía una profesión que lo podía
respaldar, la psicología; claro, es una profesión dedicada a la escucha, al apoyo y a la com-
prensión. Pero su sueño va más allá, su sueño busca trascender la psicología actual, su sueño
se enfoca no en el diagnóstico de una persona que puede marcar su vida para siempre, sino
en un acompañamiento que pueda abrazar su vida y su corazón. No una psicóloga que sólo
atiende en un horario específico, sino una amiga que pueda estar disponible para esas per-
sonas que su corazón desea escuchar y acompañar. No una máster en psicología por la im-
plicación académica y económica que dicho título implica, sino una persona preparada
para brindar las mejores herramientas a las personas, aquellas que pueden rescatar su mundo
por un instante. No una psicóloga apegada a un gremio académico, sino una confidente
que acoge los principios de las personas y sus valores, y busca que su alma se mantenga en
Hoy sueño con ser una psicóloga desde la humanidad, una psicóloga capaz de acompañar
infancias y juventudes, para desarrollar adultos sanos, amados y capaces de amar.

11.10 Page 110

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Karolis Antanavicˇius, 17 years old, Telšiai, Lithuania
What is your dream when you
grow up?
Ialways dreamt of being useful. For me, growing up meant taking from
others. My knowledge, experiences, and opportunities came from some-
where, and that somewhere is the efforts and sacrifices of people before
me. Somebody wrote my textbooks, someone guards the peace I enjoy,
somewhere people are working hard to create new medicines, policies,
businesses, and innovations.
The country I live in is great. It is safe, plentiful, and open-minded. The help
of organizations like the Salesians bear fruit and I get to be happy. I feel a
responsibility for that. Growing up meant taking but my dream when I grow
up is to give. For me, growing up means giving back by working for others.

12 Pages 111-120

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12.1 Page 111

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Katawa Jude Segou, 25 ans, Kara, Mère de Dieu, Togo
Devenir prêtre
de Jésus-Christ
Je suis Jude Katawa SEGOU, étudiant en troisième année de Doc-
torat (Thésard) en Médecine à la Faculté des Sciences de la
Santé de l’Université de Kara.
Mon rêve était d’abord le désir de faire comme certains prêtres que
j’ai vu dans mon enfance exercé leur ministère dans les célébrations
eucharistiques, à l’école. Les trois valeurs fondamentales que j’ai dé-
cidées, il y a plusieurs années, de découvrir au quotidien sont la
prière, le travail et la charité.
J’ai aussi la conviction qu’être prêtre me permettrait de bien les vivre.
Ensuite c’est devenu une affaire personnelle quand la plus impor-
tante question de ma vie s’est révélée être : Quelle est la volonté de
Dieu dans ma vie ? Il me semble de plus en plus certain que cette
aspiration répond le mieux à cette question.
Je crois que c’est être librement serviable. Donc, c’est l’une des
bonnes manières de faire plaisir à Dieu, à moi- même et à tous ceux
et celles que j’aurais à croiser sur le chemin de ma vie. Rien qu’à y
penser, je me sens bien.

12.2 Page 112

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Kathia Emireth Guerra Sian, 28 años, Ciudad de Guatamela, Guatemala
My dream became reality
From a very young age, my parents brought me closer to Jesus and Mary by
taking me to the Eucharist and catechism. In my adolescence, I belonged to
a youth group where in a training session I met Don Bosco and knew that I
wanted to belong to his legacy. I was alone meditating in a youth retreat at my
parish, and I felt that Jesus was at my side, I just cried and told him my worries,
and the desires of my heart, and in prayer, I asked him to help me bring them to
more young people and it was that same retreat when I was appointed as a
youth animator and began my service. From that moment I knew that my path
was to follow Jesus and be a witness to his love and mercy. Years later, I met Don
Bosco again thanks to my university. Since then I have known that the Salesian
charism lives in me and that Mary Help of Christians has led me by her hand to
be a Salesian educator and belong to different works.

12.3 Page 113

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Kathryn Vong Pak Cheng, 26 years old, Hongkong
To Follow Don Bosco’s Dream
When I was in high school, I did not know what to expect in
my future and had no idea what to study in the university;
I didn’t know even what to do in my life. I chose to study Ac-
counting in my high school and in my university because I was
good at it and thought that I would be an accountant in the fu-
I was baptised when I was 18. After my baptism, I tried to stay
active in some of the Catholic communities, including the SYM.
The more I participated, the more I found how beautiful the
work of the Salesians was. How they change the lives of youth
and introduce Jesus to their lives.
I started to be an animator in SYM when I was in high school. I
was also one of the youth that was changed by God and by
Don Bosco. I discovered how God called me step by step to fol-
low Don Bosco’s dream. So I became a pastoral assistant in one
of the Salesian Schools in Macau after I graduated. I wanted to
join Don Bosco’s dream. I wanted to be part of the dream be-
cause this is the dream that makes me dream!

12.4 Page 114

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Kevin Muutu Kyule, 29 years old, Nairobi, Kenya
Raising Hope
Like air in our midst, we are all born to have dreams. I am a boy who
has had a lot on my plate of life. While still 10, I went through mental
trauma, being raised by a stepdad. It wasn't easy; and I had to endure
so much to the point of numbing my pain. As a teen, being in a Cath-
olic school in Kenya, I had a lot of getaway time from the drama of
life and more time to reflect on myself, and to dream! Being in a school
that valued spirituality, I broadened my mind and enhanced my heart.
And I developed a dream on how to pay back love that was lost. My
dream is to empower youth and grownups on the strength of love in
our society, especially in families. This was me while I was a teen, and
it’s still me now. I dream of spreading the message of love to every
person especially the less fortunate, the neglected on the streets and
to those who have lost track of life. By the mantra of love, one man
can change the world.

12.5 Page 115

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Kidist Tadu, 24 years old, Addis Abeba, Ethiopia
To be in a CHOIR
My name is Kidist Tadu. I am 24 years old. My dream
started at the age of 11. I lived in a small rural town near
a church. I used to listen to the choir singing in the church, so
the desire to sing was instilled in me. Since then, it has been
my dream to sing and contribute a new song. But, since I was
in a rural area, there were no musical instruments, so making
a new song seemed difficult and beyond my capabilities. A
few years ago, I went to another place with my friend to par-
ticipate in a program organized by the diocese. I saw them
singing with musical instruments. There was a big sadness in
my heart. I always asked God about it and I believe that God
will prepare someone to fulfill my dreams. I know that God will
do good things for me, and so in time, this simple dream will
be fulfilled.

12.6 Page 116

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Kleo Filipi, 20 anni, Napoli, Italia
Linee e colori
Isogni spesso sono accompagnati da un'idea astratta di come possono essere
realizzati. Credo che la nostra missione sia quella di portarli il più vicino
possibile alla realtà. Conoscete Tom e Jerry? Il mio sogno fin dall'infanzia è stato
fortemente influenzato da questi due personaggi. Mi ha impressionato molto
pensare a come si possano suscitare così tante emozioni in un bambino solo
attraverso linee e colori diversi. E poi ho pensato a cosa significa 'inseguire' i
miei sogni… Con il passare del tempo, i film e i cartoni animati hanno
occupato un posto speciale nel mio cuore. È incredibile come una storia
raccontata attraverso un fumetto su un foglio di carta possa suscitare così
tante emozioni, ma un'animazione di questo tipo richiede un team artistico,
digitale e tecnologico così dopo aver terminato la scuola superiore, ho
studiato ingegneria elettronica presso l'Università Politecnica di Tirana. La mia
famiglia mi ha insegnato ad apprezzare la bellezza, l'arte e la vita. E questo è
ciò che voglio per i bambini di oggi e per la mia famiglia: insegnare loro a
desiderare il bene, a cercare il bene, a costruire il bene. E credo di poterlo
trasmettere soprattutto attraverso la riscoperta dei cartoni animati.
Educare alla bontà, alla bellezza e alla virtù attraverso la gioia e le risate dei
personaggi animati. Questo è il sogno della mia vita. Dare spazio alla scienza,
all'arte e all'immaginazione, realizzare i sogni, ispirare nei bambini il desiderio
della semplice felicità che i sogni trasmettono... e lavorare per realizzarli!

12.7 Page 117

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Kyle Portelli, 21 years old, Malta
10 days of global Salesian Spirit
Similar to World Youth Day, my dream is a 10-day retreat where all the
Salesian youth members are invited to attend. This retreat will involve
praying, playing and reflecting together with ample free time to discuss
the Salesian realities between us. I imagine that there would be many ac-
tivities that we would be able to participate in. One activity would be ex-
changing and participating in different games that the different countries
have to offer. On the other hand, another can be some formation pre-
pared by the youths themselves, that would help us to better reflect on
the strenna of that year. One crucial feature in these days would be an
adoration space with an assigned timetable ensuring that the tabernacle
would never be alone during these 10 days. Confessions would also be
part of this space where all members would be invited to participate in
this beautiful sacrament. This would ensure that these ten (10) days would
be holistic, aligning perfectly with the Salesian mantra. Another important
feature would involve the intercessions during mass to be in different lan-
guages, further highlighting how although we might seem different at first,
we all love the Salesian mission just the same. Although this dream is a bit
far-fetched, I think that it would be an incredible opportunity to meet other
Salesian youth members from all around the globe. This would be a living
testimony to the beauty and relevance of the Salesian charisma.

12.8 Page 118

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Laura Camila Herrera Gómez, 23 años, Bogotá D.C., Colombia
Un mundo sin barreras
Si alguien me preguntara mi sueño más profundo, diría que es vivir en un
mundo sin barreras, un mundo donde todos nos entendamos, nos comuni-
quemos y tengamos las mismas oportunidades. Desde pequeña me inspiré por
ayudar a las personas, especialmente aquellas que tenían discapacidades. Tuve
compañeros de preescolar y de colegio que tenían dificultades de movilidad,
cognitivas y de comunicación y siempre tuve claro que quería ayudar a construir
un mundo mejor para ellos. Mientras crecía pase de ayudarles en el colegio y
prestarles mis cuadernos, a planear un proyecto de vida en el que estudié psi-
cología y ahora me dedico a diagnosticar y rehabilitar todo tipo de dificultades
y trastornos cognitivos y del lenguaje. Aprendí lengua de señas colombiana, y
aprendí a comprender el lenguaje de los niños, a jugar y a comunicarme sin ne-
cesidad de palabras. Decidí que el sueño y la meta de mi vida era luchar por
aquellos a los que la sociedad les ha dicho que “no pueden”, a quienes se les dificulta estudiar, hablar, leer, interactuar e
incluso aprender lo que la sociedad manda que deben aprender. Como en un buen oratorio salesiano, en mi sueño todos es-
tamos en el patio, sea que tengas silla de ruedas, gafas o un audífono, así no puedas escuchar los sonidos que te rodean, no
es necesario que escuches o que veas, solo es necesario que sientas el amor de los demás, el amor de Dios manifestado en
los abrazos y acciones de los que están a tu alrededor. En mi sueño soy una de esas personas que apoya, que acompaña,
que busca cualquier modo creativo de superar las barreras, que lucha para que puedas hacer lo que tú te proyectes y que
tengas las mismas oportunidades que los demás, porque tú también puedes soñar.

12.9 Page 119

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Leander Pereira, 21 years old, Mumbai, India
Dream of an Unknown Culture
The popular cultures celebrated by young people in India intertwine with rich
traditions of remote unknown communities. Engaged in youth services in
Mumbai province, I dream of a journey to broaden the worldviews of the young.
I think of some young champions who are not celebrated as they are out of sight
living in remote areas. They might not chase the popular culture of the city lights
as I do.
My dream is to bridge this gap by making known the unknown cultures serving
humanity. Through social media and online platforms, I am determined to have
collaborations with young people in remote communities to showcase their life,
traditions, and unique practices. I am interested in creating opportunities for
youth within the province to engage in dialogues, share visions and adopt the
best practices as we learn from each other. My dream is bringing the vibrant
beats of young people from the various mission areas of our province and
fostering a cultural exchange that enriches the tapestry of youth experiences in
the Salesian Youth Movement.

12.10 Page 120

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Levina Faria Simoes, 23 years old, Dili, East Timor
Meeting Don Bosco
Everybody can dream. It can be a dream that can give eternal joy or happi-
ness and hope in this life. And the person will not quit but keep fighting for this
I did not know who Dom Bosco was. But one Saturday, I went to NICAR, a pro-
gram for children of Carmelite nuns. We watched a movie about the young
saints' history. In the movie, there appeared a young boy named Domingos Savio
with his teacher, Dom Bosco. I fell in love with Domingos Savio; he was humble.
The movie showed how Dom Bosco helped Domingos Savio become a Saint. I
loved the way Dom Bosco taught and treated the children. He was a good
father. I became passionate about him.
After the movie, I couldn’t stop thinking about the goodness of Dom Bosco. One
thing I dreamed of was that I had to meet Dom Bosco and talk to him. So, upon
my request, my sister brought me to DOM BOSCO home. There, I saw lots of chil-
dren playing happily. Also, I saw a white priest coming towards me with a sweet
smile. I was excited because I met Dom Bosco. He was not the original Dom
Bosco but a priest of Dom Bosco. Even so, I was very happy. Since then, I have
always wanted to meet him again.
It took me a short time to find out more about Dom Bosco and his family but I fell
deeply in love with Dom Bosco and it changed my life. Dom Bosco’s life and
family inspired me. I wish I could meet the real Dom Bosco one day.

13 Pages 121-130

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13.1 Page 121

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Liam Bui, 20 years old, Melbourne - Australia
Enduring Peace, Stability
and Happiness
My dream is for peace, stability, and happiness. I say this not knowing yet
what God wills for me but these are things that will endure regardless of
His calling for me. I understand that peace doesn’t mean avoiding difficulties
but being able to tackle them head on. True peace can only be found in and
through Jesus, so it asks us to develop friendship with Christ. This friendship with
Jesus is how I will tackle challenges head on. Stability ties in with peace, where
I am stable with my identity and don’t second guess myself or the relationships
I have. Stability also means having an unshakable relationship with Jesus, in
which my whole being should surround. This means that whatever comes in my
life, I can have the confidence of faith, and the joy that Christ is with me, no
matter the situation. Finally, happiness is common for all of us, but in anything I
do in the future, whatever my calling be, it will be one where I am truly happy.
Like true peace, true happiness is that which conforms to the will of God, so my
dream is for my will to conform to His. These are things that guide my actions ev-
eryday, transcend the materialistic boundaries of this world and allow me to seek
something greater than anything I do. Prayer, contemplation and developing
my freedom to choose God above all things will allow me to realise this dream.
Because our Lord is the Prince of Peace, and true happiness itself. So, following
Him in all my actions and decisions will allow me to realise this dream.

13.2 Page 122

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Libin Lawrence, 23 years old, Kerala, India
A Beacon of Inspiration
Ijust want to share a dream that I cherish as a human being.
This dream is not merely about personal success but seeks
to carve a path that others can tread with courage and re-
It is a dream to become a beacon of inspiration for fellow
youth. This dream takes shape as a commitment to lead by
example - to embrace challenges with unwavering deter-
mination to learn from failures and to celebrate victories not
just as individual triumphs but as shared accomplishments.
As this dream contemplates the path of youth, there is a
deep understanding that true leadership is not about stand-
ing above but about standing alongside. The dream re-
volves around creating a supportive community where
every young heart feels heard, valued, and empowered.
The dream of becoming a role model for youth is not a des-
tination but an ongoing journey- a journey fueled with pas-
sion, purpose, and an unyielding commitment to making a
meaningful difference in the lives of others.
Thank you.

13.3 Page 123

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Lu Lu Mai, 18 anni, Myanmar
Mio Sogno “Essere un attivista
per i diritti umani”
Voglio essere un'attivista per i diritti umani e l'educazione, perché voglio aiu-
tare le violazioni dei diritti umani e l'uguaglianza di genere e ripristinare i diritti
del lavoro per i bambini che sono stati violati.
Voglio anche essere una persona che condivide l'educazione sessuale, soprat-
tutto tra i giovani, perché voglio evitare che i giovani abbiano per errore gravi-
danze indesiderate e aborti. Durante la lezione sulla Parola di Dio, una volta una
suora ha detto: “La causa principale delle lacrime di Maria è perché le donne
nel mondo abortiscono”. Vorrei educare le persone affinché gli aborti non av-
vengano e le vite dei bambini non vengano uccise.
Inoltre, l'aborto è vietato dalla Chiesa e vogliamo fare di più per aiutare i giovani
a camminare secondo la volontà di Dio. Allo stesso modo, i meriti del conserva-
torismo (faoismo) hanno effetti negativi e voglio partecipare attivamente alle at-
tività di conservazione ambientale. In questo modo, non solo beneficerà il
mondo ma anche l'umanità, oltre a contribuire attivamente all’esortazione di
Papa Francesco “Laudato Si'".
Grazie all'educazione, tutti avranno i loro diritti e gli aborti diminuiranno. Il mondo
tornerà ad essere sano. Poiché il mio sogno è essere un'attivista per i diritti umani,
voglio essere un'attivista nel campo dell'istruzione.

13.4 Page 124

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Luca Trapletti, 37 anni, Berzo San Fermo (BG) Italia
Sogno di donare la vita
Da piccolo ho sempre sognato di correre con le macchine
da corsa.
Una volta raggiunto questo obiettivo, e aver vinto qualche pic-
cola gara qua e là, mi sono accorto che questo sogno era
troppo piccolo. Cercavo altro. Da lì è iniziato il mio cammino di
riavvicinamento a Gesù. Quel desiderio di felicità, quegli sguardi
luminosi e pieni di vita li vedevo solo camminando verso Lui. Da
lì è nato un desiderio più grande: vedere felici tutte le persone
che incontravo. Ho iniziato a fare un altro sogno, che all’inizio
ho rifiutato con forza. Ho sognato che avevo donato la vita a
Gesù, ho sognato che pregavo in un inginocchiatoio con una
veste bianca luminosa, poi che celebravo la Messa insieme a
tantissimi giovani felici! Da lì è iniziato il cammino di discerni-
mento molto lungo. Questo sogno è stato il motore che mi ha
aiutato ad attraversare tanti momenti difficili e alcune scelte
sbagliate che ho fatto. In questo cammino ho visto come la via
della felicità porta a Gesù. Scoprire la figura di don Bosco è
stato come questo sogno si possa veramente realizzare!

13.5 Page 125

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Lucas Nistler, 22 anos, Lontras, Brasil
Salvar através do amor
Certa noite sonhei que estava caminhando e surgiu do céu, ante meus
olhos, uma mulher envolta em luz. A única palavra que me veio ao co-
ração foi um nome: “Nossa Senhora da Salvação”. Ao chegar, Ela me disse:
“Eu vim para salvar o amor”.
No sonho, a Senhora caminhando ao meu lado, contou-me sobre uma se-
mente, que plantaria na colina, próxima a um penhasco e geraria dois tipos
de fruto. Os dois teriam um fim diferente mesmo vindos da mesma árvore.
Senti em mim um forte desejo de ser mediador, para que, em sua maioria
sejam frutos bons.
A cada dia essa vontade cresce dentro de mim e isso é muito motivador.
Tenho por objetivo levar o legado de nossos fundadores a todos os jovens,
para que eles, através de mim, vejam como é bom ter fé e cultivar o amor
a todas as pessoas indistintamente. Sei que estudando e vivenciando a vida
e os feitos de quem recebeu a missão antes de mim, ficarei ainda mais próx-
imo de realizar o meu sonho para a juventude.

13.6 Page 126

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María Angélica Montenegro Maldonado, 21 años, Masaya, Nicaragua
Abraza tu sí
La idea de llegar a cierta edad y tener que decidir qué harás para toda tu vida es algo
loca y te puede dar miedo, yo te entiendo porque justo eso me pasó. Pedía señales
que me llevaran a descubrir no sólo qué profesión quería ejercer sino también mi vocación
porque había descubierto con ayuda de muchas personas puestas por Dios en mi vida
que no solo estaba para recibir un título, estaba aquí para escuchar su llamado y responder
con un sí. Al fin pude decidir que quería estudiar, conociendo todas mis cualidades y ap-
titudes escogí Comunicación y Relaciones Públicas porque podría desarrollar mis
capacidades interpersonales, abrirme puertas para lo que vagamente tenía en
mente que te lo voy a contar en un rato. Inicié mis estudios y todo encajaba
perfecto con mi personalidad. La convivencia con otros jóvenes y niños
me hace ver que todos tenemos distintas realidades y necesidades que
deben ser atendidas; si bien soy una más de ellos por el momento,
puedo hacerlo desde mi servicio como joven líder y amiga. Pero
cuando me toque pasar a otra etapa de mi vida quiero seguir sir-
viendo, ayudando y acompañando formando parte de una organi-
zación dirigida a niños y jóvenes. Ahora soy una joven que tiene claro
quién es, cuál es su llamado, para qué es buena y qué legado quiero
dejar en la sociedad. Me di cuenta que no solo se trata de dejar "Una
huella" en la sociedad, se trata de acompañar. Todavía me falta
mucho por recorrer para lograr ese sueño pero no significa que sea im-
posible, habrán obstáculos y puede que a veces todo se torne oscuro
pero no hay pesadilla de la que no se despierte.

13.7 Page 127

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Maliha Tariq Nawab, 24 years old, Quetta, Pakistan
My dream
About seven years ago, I had a dream. In this dream, I found myself
in a simple looking place. And there were many old and sick people
in that place. I was deeply distressed seeing their misery, wanting to help
them. But how? Then I started to give them water and talk to them.
After sometime a very old man came to me and called me by my name.
I was shocked because I knew no one there. And no one seemed familiar.
I was still wondering about who this man could be and how he knew my
name. The old man was joined by another lady. They both talked for
some time and he (the old man) handed me a white coat. As soon as I
wore that coat, something strange happened. Even those who were re-
luctant to be helped by me were now coming to me.
I found great joy in helping them and looked back and again on this
white coat I was wearing. I wished to thank the old man and the woman
but I could not see them among those surrounding me.
I dream of realizing that dream knowing that God calls me to serve others.

13.8 Page 128

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Manut Teng Alou, 24 years old, Wau – South Sudan
A Peacemaker Among
the Youths of South Sudan
Iam a student in the electrical department at the Vocational Training
Centre, Wau – South Sudan. But my aspirations reach beyond the skills I
am acquiring; I aspire to become a peacemaker among the youth of our
nation. Growing up in South Sudan, I have witnessed the division and con-
flicts that have plagued our land. Our nation bears the scars of tribal and
clan differences, and as a youth, we have the power to change this
narrative. I believe it is our responsibility to rise above these divisions and
work towards unity and peace.
I envision a South Sudan where our differences are celebrated as sources
of strength, where we stand as one nation despite our limitations and his-
torical divisions. It is my dream to cultivate a sense of common purpose
among the youth, to encourage understanding and empathy, and to
foster a spirit of reconciliation.
I understand that this dream is not without its challenges. The wounds of
the past run deep, and the road to unity may be long and arduous. Ho-
wever, I am committed to this vision with unwavering determination. I be-
lieve that as the youth of South Sudan, we possess the resilience and
courage to transcend the barriers that have divided us for too long.

13.9 Page 129

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María de los Milagros López Aguilera, 24 años, San Juan, Argentina
Sueños de brotes nuevos
Hola mi nombre es María de los Milagros López, soy de Argentina, Inspec-
toría “Laura Vicuña”.
Cuando pensaba en mi sueño, se venían a mi corazón la vida de Don Bosco
y María Mazzarello. Conocerlos y aprender de ellos ha sido en lo personal un
antes y un después, una vida proyectada a los jóvenes y a Dios, que a mi vida
le ha dado sentido, desde ellos fui construyendo mi camino y hoy siguen
siendo guías en mis proyectos. Sus sueños me animaron a soñar.
Brotes nuevos, vida nueva es los que contienen mis aspiraciones y deseos más
profundos: Sueño con una vida entregada a los jóvenes, con poner mi profe-
sión al servicio, mostrarles a un Dios que es amor, cercano y que nos da vida.
También como docente sueño con acompañar la vida desde la niñez, en sus
primeros pasos y aprendizajes, teniendo en cuenta las distintas realidades y
la complejidad de algunos contextos, tengo la certeza que la educación y el
acompañamiento, desde la preventividad permite sembrar oportunidades y
esperanza. Este sueño se volvió certeza y búsqueda constante en mi vida.
Además, se realizó la unificación de las Inspectorías, un gran momento para
todo el Instituto FMA, “Brotes nuevos en una tierra con historia” es el lema que
acompañó este tiempo tan de Dios, uno de mis deseos es seguir compar-
tiendo la misión, con las HMA y SDB, desde el lugar en el que me toque estar,
construyendo entre todos nuevos caminos por y para los jóvenes.

13.10 Page 130

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María Fernanda Rodríguez Duque, 23 años, Medellín, Colombia
Hilos de Impacto: Sueños Entre
la Academiay la Comunidad
Sueño con un mundo donde la diversidad cultural se celebre, las barreras lingüísticas
se superen y la juventud colabore para construir un futuro sostenible y armonioso.
Quiero dedicar mi vida a promover la comprensión intercultural y trabajar hacia un
mundo más unido y equitativo. Mi sueño de vida se teje entre los hilos de la academia
y la vida en comunidad, una amalgama de aspiraciones que busca dejar una impronta
duradera en el mundo. Es un sueño que nace de la convicción profunda de contribuir
a la mejora continua, de marcar una diferencia significativa en la sociedad y en la vida
de las personas, de dejar el mundo mejor que lo encontré. En el contexto de mi país,
donde las luchas son palpables y las desigualdades persisten, mi sueño adquiere una
relevancia profunda. Es un anhelo de transformación, de ser parte activa en la construc-
ción de soluciones que aborden las raíces de los problemas sociales. Desde la academia, busco generar conocimiento que sirva
como base para políticas y acciones sociales efectivas. No es solo un deber, sino una pasión ardiente por impactar directamente
en las vidas de aquellos que enfrentan desafíos desproporcionados. Desde la educación hasta la atención a la salud mental,
cada acción busca sembrar semillas de cambio que florezcan en un futuro más prometedor. Mi sueño no se limita a las fronteras
de mi nación; es global en su alcance. Mi visión es unir fuerzas con mentes brillantes de todo el mundo, creando sinergias que
desafíen las normas establecidas y den forma a un mañana más inclusivo. Mi sueño de vida es un compromiso constante con la
excelencia académica y la acción social. A medida que avanzo, mi esperanza es que mi sueño inspire a otros, creando una red
de agentes de cambio que, juntos, laboren incansablemente para dejar el mundo mejor de lo que estaba cuando llegamos.

14 Pages 131-140

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14.1 Page 131

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María Florencia Roldán de Santiago del Estero, 24 años, Argentina
Lo de “soñar” siempre fue una oportunidad
Lo de "soñar" siempre fue una oportunidad y posibilidad
presente en mi familia, la paciencia y la escucha de
mi papá, los rezos de mi abuelo y mi mamá,el sostén
y apoyo de mi hermana, las preguntas y re-pre-
guntas de mis compañeras del trabajo, la mirada
amorosa y atenta de mis amigos y amigas… sin
esto, soñar me sería extraño, ajeno, sinsentido,
porque, si no sueñas con otros y por otros, ¿cómo
podría soñar?
Cuando sueño,, proyecto posibilidades, de-
seos, búsquedas, un trabajo digno, una familia
amorosa, cuidar a los Otros/as.
Al llegar a mi otra familia, la salesiana, eso que
me animaron a soñar, se fue transformando
en algo tangible, cercano, más ter-
renal. Con el ejemplo y herencia
de Don Bosco, las acciones
de interpelarse, con-
moverse e involucrarse
son, al menos para mí, el desafío de encarnarlas
en lo cotidiano, en el día a día.
Y en este soñar, cuál suave brisa, Dios no
deja de estar presente, para hacerme
saber querida, sostenida y acompa-
ñada. Cuál abrazo fraterno, me pido
que no tema, que confíe y crea…
Hoy, teniendo presente esto, sigo
soñando con replicar lo que hicie-
ron conmigo, invitar y hacer po-
sible que otros/as se animen a
soñar, en grande, sin tanto temor,
ni prejuicios, porque si de algo
sirven los sueños, es para
recordarnos que "un
mañana" es posible
y necesario.

14.2 Page 132

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Maria Furmanova, 24 years old, Slovacchia
A happy and
blessed life
My biggest dream is to live a happy and
blessed life. I’d like to find my future husband
who will love me and I will love him too. I’d like to
have kids and watch during the years how they
become great people. I’d like to finish university
and find a decent job near my hometown. I’d like
to have around me all those friends and Salesian
Family I have now, sharing all important moments
with. And after a fulfilling life, I’d like to meet them
all in heaven one day.

14.3 Page 133

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Maria Inês Correia Cristóvão, 20 anos, Portugal
Being happy
Idream of being happy and to make those around me happy.
For some time now, when I think about what I want and my dream,
the answer has been "To be happy". A full and authentic happiness,
based on the love and closeness of family and those I love; on hel-
ping others, knowing that I can be of help to them. I want to be trai-
ned to help young people and children in particular who may cross
my path, in terms of education and health.
It's a dream that comes true every day.

14.4 Page 134

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Maria Laís Sodré Juvenal, 20 anos, Manaus – Brasil
Raggiungere la santità
con radici culturali
Il sogno della mia vita è raggiungere la santità! Come Don Bosco lo sog-
nava per sé e per i giovani di ieri, anch'io voglio raggiungerla oggi! Come
persona desidero una realizzazione piena ed eterna che non si limiti alle
conquiste fugaci tipiche del nostro tempo. So che è difficile, ma non è im-
possibile e credo che la via per realizzarla risieda nella ricerca di fare la
volontà di Dio nella mia vita quotidiana.
Sogno anche di dedicarmi alla salvezza dei giovani, aiutandoli a non per-
dere le proprie radici culturali affinché possano assumere l'essenza della
propria identità senza timore di discriminazioni e pregiudizi, perché le radici
danno la forza che li faranno fiorire , crescere e portare frutto.
Le mie radici, ad esempio, affondano in Amazzonia e, quindi, sogno di
vederla sempre in piedi, preservata, rispettata e valorizzata nella sua di-

14.5 Page 135

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María Laura Cruz-Bustillo Alvarez, 19 años
Habana Vieja, San Juan Bosco (La Habana)
Servir curando
La vida se basa en perseguir los sueños. Desde
pequeña he aprendido que si deseamos algo
de corazón Dios nos escuchará. Actualmente
tengo 18 años y soy estudiante de química.
Mi gran meta es encontrar una cura contra el
cáncer, o al menos un tratamiento con el cual
los que padecen esta enfermedad puedan lle-
var una mejor calidad de vida.
Quiero ayudar a esas personas a encontrar una
razón para sonreir y seguir adelante, a sus fami-
lias que vean un poco de luz y esperanza, que
nunca todo está perdido en lo absoluto.

14.6 Page 136

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María Méndez, 33 años, Madrid, Spain
Los sueños
la realidad
Creo que los sueños no se hacen realidad,
sino que transforman tu realidad. El
sueño de ser animadora ha transformado mi
realidad y mi vida. Ser animadora no es un rol
puntual que realizar aquí o allá, es núcleo de
mi identidad, es serlo siempre, para todos y
donde sea. Es que, después de una actividad,
de un campamento, de preparar bailes para
un musical, de hacer reuniones, de acompa-
ñar y cuidar de la vida de fe de los chicos y
chicas... me vaya a dormir tan cansada física
y mentalmente, pero con el corazón tan trans-
formado, que sienta que merece la pena,
que sienta que este es mi sueño y es ahora.
Ojalá siga soñándome, cada día, mejor ani-
madora, más como me vio Don Bosco, más
de Dios.

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Maria Saung Oo, 22 anni, Myanmar
Essere un insegnante
Il mio sogno è diventare una brava insegnante che abbia tre qual-
ità (premura, generosità, sacrificio) e possa aiutare i bambini a svi-
lupparsi sotto tutti gli aspetti.
Se sposata, vorrei essere una buona moglie che sostiene ed educa
bene i miei figli ed è fedele a suo marito. Desidererei essere una
buona madre.
Se il mio sogno si avverasse, aprirei un dormitorio educativo o un
gruppo di studio per i bambini che hanno difficoltà a rimanere a
Terrei conferenze educative alla comunità e aiuterei i bambini e i
giovani della zona. Insegnerò nelle scuole pubbliche o nelle classi
Aiuterò nei luoghi in cui posso partecipare alla Chiesa. Utilizzerò le
mie conoscenze ed esperienze per tenere corsi per bambini, gio-
vani e adulti, o per insegnare la Parola di Dio (o lezioni scolastiche).
Inviterò coloro che sono più giovani di me a contribuire a preparare
la strada per il loro futuro, soprattutto per i giovani più bisognosi.

14.8 Page 138

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Marilia Guadalupe Da Silva Melo, 21 anos
Paulo Afonso/BA, Brasil
Um sonho como missão
Osonho e a obra de Dom Bosco são como um
grande fruto, onde cada um de nós é uma se-
mente pronta para frutificar. Eu fui e ainda sou uma
semente, mas hoje desejo ser aquela que também
cuida e age para que outras sementes possam bro-
tar. Descobri que, mais do que ser uma jovem amada
e que recebe por herança o que Dom Bosco um dia
dera em vida aos seus, eu também posso tentar dar
isso a outros jovens. Aprendi na prática o espírito de
querer fazer mais pelos outros, e hoje eu quero que
outros jovens sejam alcançados por esse olhar.
Meu sonho, portanto, envolve o apoio aos jovens, a
todos eles. Quero, como Dom Bosco, trabalhar por
cada um, vê-los com plenas condições de desen-
volverem seu potencial, e sobretudo, incentivá-los na
busca do sonho que Deus tem para todos nós.
Quando o jovem descobre que é amado e que há
pessoas que o apoiam, o sonho torna-se uma missão,
o de Dom Bosco e o meu!

14.9 Page 139

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Marina Ponce Peña, 26 años, Sevilla, España
Un sueño de vida
¿Quién no ha soñado alguna vez con conseguir una vida plena? Yo he tenido la suerte
de poder crecer en un ambiente idóneo para soñar, un lugar donde he sido feliz in-
tensamente, un lugar donde he sido escuchada y acompañada, donde me han hecho
ver que estaban orgullosos de mi cuando ni yo misma lo estaba. He podido crecer apren-
diendo lo que quería ser de mayor, una madre atenta y preocupada, una madre traba-
jadora, donde su ejemplo bastase para querer ser mejor cada día.
Asimismo, mi vocación no solo ha estado encaminada a formar mi propia familia, es ne-
cesario indicar, para poder comprenderla en su totalidad, que siempre me he ilusionado
con el poder que les otorga la educación a las personas. Pero la educación que a mí me
motiva como docente, que me hace soñar, es la educación que se basa en educar desde
el corazón, como decía Don Bosco. El carisma salesiano siempre me ha alentado a ser
maestra, a estar rodeada cada día de niños y niñas, tener la suerte de trabajar y transmitir
el carisma de Don Bosco en un colegio salesiano es todo un regalo.
Todo esto que he vivido y he podido experimentar durante años, me ha hecho reconocer
en mí misma una vocación preciosa a la que doy respuesta semanalmente en grupos y
diariamente viviendo desde lo que está estipulado en el Proyecto de Vida Apostólica, y
es ser salesiana cooperadora. De esta misma manera, un sueño que se me ha sido reve-
lado con el paso del tiempo, ha sido poder descubrir que mi pareja y yo recorremos el
mismo camino con el más fuerte de los puntos en común, Dios. Poder recorrer este camino
de fe a su lado ha sido poder aunar nuestra relación, poder aspirar a lo mismo, poder com-
probar que sin Él nada de lo que hacemos tendría sentido.

14.10 Page 140

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Marta Jacquet, 21 años, Paraguay
¿Cuál es el sueño de tu vida?
Soy Marta, tengo 21 años actualmente, soy universitaria. Estudio Relaciones
Internacionales, elegí esta carrera por mi gran anhelo de viajar por el
Soy una apasionada y gran amante de la historia, es por ello que el sueño de
mi vida es sumergirme en la rica historia de Europa. Me imagino conociendo
Italia en su esplendor, dirigir mis pasos hacia Turín, la ciudad que albergó la
vida de nuestro venerado padre fundador Salesiano, Don Bosco.
En Grecia, la cuna de la filosofía, quisiera visitar los antiguos templos que
cuentan historias de dioses y héroes que dejaron una marca eterna en la
tierra. Quiero admirar en persona la bella elegancia de Francia, con sus
castillos que son de cuentos de épocas pasadas. Cada rincón histórico,
desde la bella Versalles hasta los soñados pueblos provenzales.
Yo sueño con dejar de leer la historia en libros y poder verla con mis ojos,
quiero ver el inicio del mundo y las escenas donde se dieron los sucesos más
importantes de nuestra historia. Quiero aprender sobre el pasado explorando
estos magníficos lugares, en un viaje de búsqueda personal, para admirar la
belleza de esta vida que nos regaló Dios y nuestro maravilloso mundo.
Seguiré trabajando y estudiando para pronto alcanzar este sueño.

15 Pages 141-150

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15.1 Page 141

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Martha Ajak Bol Makech, 21 years old, South Sudan
Becoming the First Female
President of South Sudan
Iam Martha Ajak Bol Makech, and I stand before you today with a dream in my
heart. A dream that has guided me through the challenges and hardships of
my life. Since I was young, I have envisioned a future where I would become the
first female president of our great country.
I grew up in Tonj Warrap State, and like many of you, I faced numerous obstacles
on my journey. There were times when it seemed that my dreams were out of
reach, and I almost had to abandon my education. But through determination
and unwavering hope, I persevered. I sought wisdom and strength from the di-
vine, never giving up on the vision I hold for our nation.
I share this personal journey with you because I believe that the challenges we
face as individuals and as a nation are not insurmountable. My dream to lead
South Sudan forward is not just about me; it's about all of us. Every hurdle I've over-
come fuels my resolve to create a better future for our country.
I promise that one day, I will become a leader in our nation. I will strive to bring
positive change, to open doors of opportunity for the youth, to champion the
rights of every individual, and to foster a South Sudan where equality and progress
are not just aspirations, but realities.

15.2 Page 142

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Martine Marie Pascaline Sissoko, 20 ans,
Le basket ma passion
Mon plus beau rêve depuis l’enfance est
celui de devenir une basketteuse.
Malgré que ma famille s’impose je ne me suis
pas découragé aussi vu que ma meilleure
amie Céline Awa partageait cette même idée
que moi et nous étions toutes les deux mor-
dues pour cela, on s'encourage et. Après peu
de temps ce fut son rappel à Dieu, cette sép-
aration m’a profondément marqué et je me
suis dit que même si elle n’est plus de ce
monde, je me lance avec courage pour réal-
iser le rêve. Chaque jour quand je me réveille,
je me dis toujours « j’ai un rêve à réaliser ». Pour
cela je me suis inscrite dans un club de bas-
ket.Je veux que ma famille soit fière de moi,
pour cela j’ai besoin de son soutien car je dé-
sire réaliser ce rêve en l'honneur de mon
amie. La route est longue mais je
compte sur la grâce de Dieu.

15.3 Page 143

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Matteo Morabito, 24 anni, Torino, Italia
Qual è il sogno della tua vita?
La prima idea sarebbe quella di rispondere descrivendo un’immagine di me
proiettato nel futuro, cioè, di far coincidere il sogno della mia vita con un’im-
magine di me nel futuro. Mi accorgo, tuttavia, che non starei rispondendo in
modo corretto. Ci sarebbero, infatti, almeno due difficoltà sottese. La prima si
coglie osservando come da bambino mi proiettavo nel futuro in modo molto di-
verso da come mi proietto ora. Similmente, se dessi ora la mia previsione, non ci
sarebbe alcuna garanzia che questa coincidesse davvero con il sogno della
vita. Se poi anche supponiamo che le previsioni rimangano costanti del tempo
e che, al momento giusto si realizzino, una qualsiasi previsione sarebbe solo par-
ziale perché immagine solo di un certo periodo della vita. Avverata quella, dovrei
produrne una successiva per gli anni a venire. Quale sarebbe allora la più adatta
a candidarsi come “sogno della vita”? Ogni previsione che, avveratasi, ammette
un’altra previsione non può essere identificata con il “sogno della vita”. Non ri-
mane, allora, che identificare il mio (attuale) sogno con una previsione che non
ne ammette successive: voglio morire stanco.

15.4 Page 144

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Mazhini Maheo, 18 years old, Kohima, Nagaland, India
A lighthouse to Young
Everyone has a dream in life. To pursue the dream, one has
to be prepared for it and in order to achieve that cher-
ished dream, it requires a combination of hard work, perse-
verance, determination, right mindset, clear goal setting,
self-care, patience, humility, personal discipline and trust
in God. My dream is to be an educator, a social reformer
and a Counsellor who could bring changes in people’s
lives. To guide and inspire young dreamers, giving them
opportunities to pursue their dreams. To be an anchor,
strong and true in society, to understand the ones that
no one cares to know, whose voices are not heard,
whose struggles and pains are not seen by anyone and
who have no one by their side to love and care for them.
Through my instrumentality, they must grow up to be some-
one they are meant to be; great Engineers, Doctors,
Teachers, Entrepreneurs, Philosophers and statesmen etc. I
dream to be a lighthouse to next generations, a living model of
punctuality, discipline, humility, efficiency and righteousness.

15.5 Page 145

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Michel Nomenjanahary, 21 ans, Antananarivo, Madagascar
L’ambassadeur des pauvres
Mon rêve a germé après avoir ouvert les yeux sur ce qui se
passe vraiment dans notre société aujourd'hui. Ceux qui
peuvent se permettre louer une plage dans une station de
radio ou de télé sont les seuls à avoir la parole. Ils domi-
nent tout, ils sont les gardiens de la vérité.
Alors voilà, j'ai ce rêve un peu fou de créer un organe
de presse, genre une sorte de média avec une radio
et une plateforme en ligne. L'idée, c'est de donner la
parole à tous les gens simples qui n'ont jamais l'occa-
sion de parler devant une caméra ou un micro de
Je commence petit, en devenant d'abord journaliste.
C'est vraiment mon rêve le plus cher, tu vois ? J'ai dé-
cidé de ne plus trop en parler avec mes amis parce que
la dernière fois, ils m'ont un peu découragé.
Mais bon, je prends les choses en main, doucement mais
sûrement, et je suis prêt à relever ce défi. On verra bien où ça
me mènera, mais je suis déterminé à y arriver, même si je garde
ça plutôt entre nous, tu vois ce que je veux dire ?

15.6 Page 146

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Minju Sophia Kim, 19 years old, Seoul, South Korea
Significant Other
“Ihave something to tell you; come out for a moment!”. A friend, an elementary
school student whom I met during volunteer tutoring, called me outside and
shared a dream he had had the previous night. The dream's content wasn't remark-
ably special or interesting, yet the way he enthusiastically and happily recounted
his dream with a big smile was incredibly adorable and endearing. For someone like
me, who only meets the practicum students once a week, I was thankful that he
shared his dream with me. The more I meet children of different ages and circum-
stances, the more I think about the relationships between children and me, and
more so, about my relationship with God. As time passed, I found strength in meeting
these children, discovering a side of myself that genuinely cares for them and delib-
erates for their sake each day. In educational science, there's a concept of a 'sig-
nificant other.' A 'significant other' is someone among various people a person
encounters during their growth, someone who has an absolute influence; someone
who continuously shows care, affection, and interaction, aiding in self-development.
Like the dream of Saint John Bosco giving hope to needy youths two hundred years
ago, my dream is to become a 'significant other' to someone, perhaps to the chil-
dren I meet. Additionally, I sincerely pray for all the youths of this era, hoping they
can value their lives within the community's care and hospitality, moving towards
God. I would also like to express my gratitude to ‘Magone Friends’ (SYM in Korea)
and hope that happiness will accompany them in their journey of faith.

15.7 Page 147

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Mohanad Andrios, 30 years old, Iraqi refugee in Istanbul
Seeds of Service: A Dream Rooted
in Faith and Community
Iam a young person from Iraq living as a refugee for 10 years in Istanbul. For ten formative
years, my life has been intertwined with the Salesians in Istanbul. The past decade wasn't a
mere passage of time within the Salesian community; it was a crucible. Witnessing how the
Salesian community rallied during these trying times, unwavering in their dedication to those
in need, ignited a fire within me. Having received so much, I now yearn to turn that bounty
into a beacon for others. My dream isn't an abstract pursuit; it's a call to action. My story is a
testament to the transformative power of community. The Salesian community wasn't just a
shelter during storms; it was the catalyst that ignited my dream of service. So I dream of spea-
king to thousands face-to-face, my voice echoing with the message of hope that I received
within the Salesian walls through the big dream of Don Bosco for young people. My roots lie
in Nineveh, the ancient Mesopotamian city nestled in the heart of northern Iraq. A land
steeped in history, vibrant cultures, and profound faith. I see the values espoused by the Sa-
lesian community – compassion, tolerance, and unwavering belief in human potential – per-
fectly mirroring the soul of my heritage. My dream for service seeks to bridge two worlds. I
envision a curriculum, a guiding light for refugees, particularly those hailing from the Middle
East, as they navigate the challenges of integrating into new cultures. My dream envisions
community centers buzzing with activities, fostering meaningful connections between refu-
gees and their new neighbors. This is my dream, a seed sown in the fertile soil of service, wa-
tered by faith, and nurtured by the hope of a brighter future.

15.8 Page 148

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Monika Paljaj, 22 years old, Montenegro
Finding Myself
Woven from the deepest emotions, hidden desires, somewhere in the depths
of my soul for a long time I was looking for myself. Suddenly faith came,
completing the parts of me that were scattered, telling me that the best is yet
to come. I felt the emotions that guided me: curiosity, love, light, and a kind
of joy. A man could not even afford such love for himself. Someone stronger
and better than us must have done it. Someone strong enough to give his
life for us.
So, I was again day by day enjoying my life as it is. Being in the moment
gave me permission to go further and find my purpose. Thinking back to my
childhood I always wanted one thing – to be with people, but in some cer-
tain way. I always loved the idea of being on stage, having the opportunity
to give my emotions, recollections, lifepath, and a story of mine that could
maybe help some people to get out of the thing that is bothering them. To
touch their soul through my way of doing it.
Art and music have always been my escape from reality, but it also helped me
to recognize my weaknesses. Every time I was angry or nervous, I would start play-
ing and it was as if I turned all my anger into a beautiful melody and felt that way.
Ups and downs. But holding tight to what is good for you and what has grown in
your heart is worth the challenge.

15.9 Page 149

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Musisi Edwine S4, 19 years old, Uganda
To Save the Lives of Many
Some doctors forget that they were gifted by God to serve His people.
Patients perish in the hospitals and outside the hospitals. Due to this great
passion, l decided to join great dreamers all over the world that lived before
me and my dream is to become a doctor. In the next years to come, I
dream to notice the following in the medical sectors all over the world. At
least in every country, l would like to construct an efficient medical sector
to provide easy medication for the poor
people /common people who are unable
to pay the medication bills. This will reduce
the number of people who die in the coun-
try while taking long journeys to big hospitals
in the cities. Some patients are too sick that
they cannot even move to the nearest
health centers. So, in this case l dream of
employing the flying doctors’ squad at least
in every district. I do believe that this can
help me reach out to all my patients in their
premises so that I deliver health services to
them. With all these objectives, I intend to re-
duce the percentage of death rates all over
the world. The worry I have now is to achieve
my dream. I first have to undergo a higher
level of education and it is costly. I pray that
God helps me to achieve my dream.

15.10 Page 150

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Nancy Lawrencia, 18 years old, South Sudan
Becoming a Medical Doctor
In a dream, I find myself standing in a bustling hospital, wearing a crisp white coat with a
stethoscope draped around my neck. I feel a surge of excitement and determination as
I realize that I am finally living my dream of becoming a medical doctor.
As I walk through the hospital corridors, I am greeted by smiling patients and grateful fam-
ilies. Each day, I am challenged with complex medical cases, but I face them with poise
and expertise, applying the knowledge and skills that I have worked so hard to acquire. En-
tering a room, I encounter a young girl who is battling a serious illness. Holding her hand
and offering words of encouragement, I realized the profound impact that a compassion-
ate and dedicated doctor can have on the lives of others.
Outside the hospital, I envision the community where I grew up. I see the faces of young
boys and girls, full of potential and dreams of their own. I imagine establishing outreach pro-
grams and educational initiatives to support their aspirations.
Then I find myself standing in front of my parents, who are beaming with pride and joy. I am
determined to honor their love and dedication by using my skills and knowledge to serve
others and make a positive impact on the world.
As I wake up, I am filled with a renewed sense of purpose. I am inspired to bring hope and
healing to those in need and to empower the next generation to pursue their dreams with
courage and determination. My dream of becoming a medical doctor is not just a personal
ambition, but a commitment to making a meaningful and lasting impact on the world
around me.

16 Pages 151-160

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16.1 Page 151

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Nathalie Seidel, 25 Jare alt,
A Happy Life
Simple, isn't it? My greatest wish is to live
a happy life. That doesn't sound like
much at first, does it?
I had to go through a lot in my childhood. I
was bullied and my father died when I was
14 years old. These experiences shaped me.
I learnt that happiness doesn't just come to
you. It requires a lot of work, strength and
I can say today that I live a happy life. I
have great friends who love and support
me. I can travel and explore the world. I
have the freedom to do what I want.
Of course, I still have challenges to over-
come. I suffer from periods of depression
from time to time. But I have learnt to deal
with them.
I am grateful for the life I have. I know that I
can and can be happy.

16.2 Page 152

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Nicola Zanardini, 27 anni, Gianico (BS), Italia
Donarsi come Don Bosco
Il sogno nella mia vita è di essere felice e di seguire Gesù, amando e spendendo
la mia vita per gli altri, in particolare per i più bisognosi e per coloro che sono
lontani da Dio. Mi piacerebbe essere padre per tanti ragazzi che sono tristi, ab-
bandonati, nel bisogno e nella povertà, così come anch’io ho avuti dei “padri”
che si sono presi cura di me e mi hanno aiutato a maturare umanamente e spi-
ritualmente. Rimango ogni giorno affascinato dalla figura di san Giovanni Bosco
che è stato un padre amorevole per tanti ragazzi orfani, sfruttati, abbandonati
e poveri. Lui ha speso tutta la sua vita per loro, li ha amati come Dio ha amato
lui e ha fatto conoscere loro questo grande amore divino. Sto vivendo un anno
di grazia nel noviziato salesiano al Colle don Bosco proprio per comprendere
questo grande amore di Dio su di me e la passione forte di don Bosco, che ha
amato tutti con totalità e gratuità, per poter rispondere anch’io con amore, gioia
e libertà al sogno che Dio ha su di me.

16.3 Page 153

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Nícolas Marson do Prado Frois Nícão, 24 anos,
São José dos Campos - SP, Brasil
Uma Família Santa
Aos 12 anos, comecei minha caminhada com Deus na
comunidade salesiana e, a partir daí, vivi experiências
que marcaram a minha vida, impulsionando a realização de
um sonho: ser santo! Na comunidade salesiana tive a oportu-
nidade de conhecer muitos jovens. Dentre eles, conheci uma
jovem em especial, que depois de um caminho de discerni-
mento, iniciamos o namoro. Nosso relacionamento é vivido
na busca da santidade. Dom Bosco não me deu unicamente
uma família e amigos, mas me dá a oportunidade de realizar
o meu sonho: ser de Deus, formar uma família santa. A falta
de referência de casais cristãos em minha família não decre-
tou o fim do meu sonho. Pelo contrário, me apresentou a pos-
sibilidade de “sonhar mais alto”, ou seja, de a partir do meu
matrimônio santificar a minha família. Juntos, com a interces-
são de Dom Bosco, Maria Auxiliadora, e do Ven. Pe. Rodolfo
Komorek, alcançaremos de Deus essa graça, a realização
deste sonho.

16.4 Page 154

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Nicole Mónica López Leyton, 21 años, Huancayo, Perú
Un sueño, una misión
Descubrir mi sueño tomó tiempo; llegué a dudar si lo encontraría, si existía. Pero sur-
gieron múltiples sueños: terminar mi carrera, ser el orgullo de mi familia, vivir sin
dudas ni arrepentimientos, y un anhelo profundo de ayudar a otros a mejorar. Aunque
sean modestas aspiraciones, busco inspirar a niños y jóvenes, dando pequeños pasos
hacia grandes metas. Con confianza en mí y fe en que uno puede mejorar, busco la
alegría, el crecimiento y lazos importantes. Sueño con un futuro donde todos compar-
timos este propósito y el compromiso por un mundo mejor.
Reconozco que mi impulso es confiar en mí y en las personas que quieren crecer en el
amor de Dios. Ese propósito me llena de alegría, implicando crecimiento constante y la
construcción de amistades verdaderas. Sueño con nunca dejar de tener metas que be-
nefician a otros. Cada día trabajo contribuyendo al bienestar de todos y buscando que
mis sueños se relacionen y compartan con los de aquellos a quienes conocí en mi ca-

16.5 Page 155

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Nikolaj Horvat, 24 anni, Slovenija
As long as I am
in the world
It has always been fascinating how wonderful it is to talk to
people who know what they want. Having a goal clearly set
in front of you is often the main driver of success and satisfaction
in life. And I don't necessarily mean all the worldly successes, but
also those that sometimes only good God can provide - inner
peace, joy, gladness. Relationships are the essence of our lives,
and the main point is that we really learn to love. After all, our
teacher Jesus is the perfect model for such a thing. And that is
my dream too; "to do good while I am here" and to love sin-
cerely. But on the road to heaven, I have other, human and
pleasant dreams, great desires: I would love to have a good
wife, to whom I would be a great husband and we would have
many healthy children. I want to be a professor and I can't wait
to publish my book, and I want it to have a yellow cover. I would
like to go skydiving, I would like to learn Italian and there is some-
thing more. I want to be a support to the people who will be en-
trusted to me. I want to be wise and holy.

16.6 Page 156

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Nkoghe Niaone Djibril Sklevy, 13 ans, Libreville – Gabon
Le rêve de voler
Je suis un jeune passionné d’aviation, rêvait depuis mon plus jeune âge de devenir pi-
lote. Un soir, mon rêve prit une tournure particulièrement captivante. Je me retrouvais
dans un immense hangar, rempli d’avions aux designs futuristes. Je pouvais sentir l’exci-
tation monter en moi à mesure que j’explorais cet endroit magique. Soudain, un instruc-
teur de vol expérimenté s’approchait de moi, vêtu d’une tenue de pilote impeccable.
L’instructeur m’invita à le suivre vers un avion dernier cri. Mon cœur battait à l’idée de
prendre les commandes. On a monté à bord, et l’instructeur me guidait à travers les dif-
férents instruments de bord. Chaque bouton, chaque manette semblait être une invita-
tion à l’aventure. Puis arrive le moment tant attendu : le décollage. L’avion s’éleva dans
les cieux, m’offrant une vue époustouflante sur les paysages fantastiques. Les montagnes,
les nuages, … Je me sentais libre, maître de mon destin dans ce ciel infini. Pendant le vol,
l’instructeur partagea des enseignements sur la navigation aérienne, les manœuvres dél-
icates et la sensation unique de piloter un avion. J’écoutais attentivement, absorbant
chaque conseil avec enthousiasme. Le rêve était une véritable leçon de vol, une initiation
magique aux secrets du ciel. Au fur et à mesure que le temps passait, j’acquis de l’assurance et de la maîtrise. Les looping et les
vrilles devinrent des jeux d’enfant, et je me sentais de plus en plus connecté à l’avion qui répondait à chacune de mes commandes.
Le rêve était devenu une véritable aventure aérienne. Finalement, l’instructeur me félicitait pour ma performance exceptionnelle.
On entama une descente et se posa en douceur sur une piste illuminée par les étoiles. Je descendis de l’appareil avec le sourire
d’un rêveur qui avait touché du doigt son ambition. Mon rêve de devenir pilote était plus fort que jamais. Je me réveillais le lendemain
matin avec une détermination renouvelée, prêt à poursuivre ma passion pour l’aviation et à transformer ce rêve en réalité.

16.7 Page 157

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Noella Mabombi Kembe, 24 ans, Kinshasa, République démocratique du Congo
Je peux piloter
C’est un honneur pour moi de partager avec vous mon rêve le
plus cher.
Dans ma vie je rêve devenir une femme pilote et j’avoue que c’est
un rêve énorme et parfois les gens me disent que je ne vais pas y
arriver ; cela me refroidit de fois au point où je me demande si ça
vaut encore la peine de continuer. Pour le moment je ne peux le
réaliser faute des moyens mais je vis chaque jour en gardant l’es-
poir de le réaliser un jour. Ce qui est sûr c’est que je ne baisse pas
les bras. Chaque jour qui passe, je me réveille avec la même dé-
termination, avec une motivation beaucoup plus forte que
celle des jours passés. Chaque jour, j’apprends un peu
plus sur comment réaliser ce rêve ; c’est pourquoi je
continue à faire des recherches, à suivre des petites
formations sur l’aviation. Par ailleurs, je suis et lis des
histoires d’autres femmes pilotes, voir leur parcours
et apprendre de leurs expériences. Tout ceci parce
que je tiens à ce rêve, il est pour moi une source
d’énergie qui me fait vivre et qui me donne des rai-
sons d’espérer.

16.8 Page 158

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Nuria Hernández González, 23 años,
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, España
Educar, cosa del corazón
Mi sueño de vida es convertirme en maestra, educando
con el corazón a los niños y niñas que se cruzan en mi
Mi objetivo es fomentar un ambiente donde cada persona
pueda soñar libremente, preservando esa ilusión tan pura
que llevamos desde la infancia.
Además, aspiro a ser fiel a los valores salesianos en cada
paso de mi vida, y es por ello por lo que este año deseo in-
iciar mi aspirantado como Salesiana Cooperadora.
En este sueño, busco ser sal y luz para las generaciones fu-
turas, contribuyendo al crecimiento de mentes y corazones
con amor y principios sólidos.

16.9 Page 159

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Olena Mashtalyar, Ukraine
Being God's Instrument
Some time passed, I realized what God had in mind for me: to be an
instrument in His hands. Going through difficult moments, I realized
that there are many people who are looking for God but cannot find
Him, who need support and love and are drowning in doubts. The Lord
who brought me to my profession, psychology, wanted me to help
others to find Him through the paths of darkness. That everyone who
comes crippled may feel Him through love, testimony and acceptance.
I continue to dream the same dream during the war, with the increase
in the number of people who live in pain every day. I aim to heal the
hearts of all those who are grieving today: children who have lost their
parents; people who have seen their relatives killed; wives who come
every day to the graves of the dead. I want these wounds to be healed
by God's love so that there can be peace in Ukraine, which begins with
each one of us. It is important that everyone has the opportunity to live
in their homeland, to be full of love, inspiration and happiness, to feel
the rays of the sun and hear the rustling of the leaves, not explosions. I
want to show them that God hears their voices and does not forget
them. I want to bring them closer to the life they dream of. A life that
seems impossible after all the horrors they've been through.
God has this plan for me. A plan that has become my dream.

16.10 Page 160

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Pakkatorn Chaipolwat (Poom), 17 years old, Thailand
My dream is to be... a doctor
My first memory of a doctor was when I was seven. I fell over while playing in the
backyard and my head struck the concrete. My mother took me to the hos-
pital, where a doctor stitched up my gaping forehead. I left the hospital thinking the
man in the white coat was a superhero. That incident sowed the first seeds in my
mind of how I’d like to be a hero like that man.
In secondary school, my love for biology and my fascination for the human body
started to develop. The urge to know more made me truly consider being a doctor.
Then came Covid-19. Although governments made big decisions on what was best
for the public, it was the doctors and scientists who truly understood what was hap-
pening. The doctors and scientists saved us all. This reinforced my desire to be a doctor.
A few years ago, my grandfather became ill with lymphoma. Spending time with
him in the hospital as he bravely battled this terrible disease, I saw how the doctors
and nurses not only treated him with medications but also gave hope to him and
my family. This personal experience solidified my desire to be one of those “heroes
in a white coat”. My life goals are to be happy but to also make a difference and
give back to society. I cannot imagine any other career that would give me as much
joy as the ability to save lives and fix broken bodies. While I know that medicine is
my calling, I also know that the road ahead is not an easy one. However, I am con-
fident that I possess the dedication, passion, commitment and determination
needed to achieve my dream of becoming a doctor.

17 Pages 161-170

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17.1 Page 161

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Paranika Arockiya, 21 years old, Chennai, India
A Desire to Soar High
My name is Paranika, and my greatest grievance lies in the fact that I grew up in
Thennangudi, a politically and socially deprived region. The agonizing experiences
of being brought into the world and being raised as a woman explain why one particu-
lar night I went down to sleep with a heavily burdened heart. The following morning, I
rose, dressed for college, and stepped out of my comfort zone. To my astonishment, my
hometown was now turned into an idyllic place. The children joyfully playing without
discrimination. I spotted an inviting library wherein there had been a liquor store that
ruined the town and orphaned several households; women and girls returning home
from work, schools and colleges, and many young adults enjoying literature. On the
walls of the library were optimistic quotations and vibrant poster displays. Once op-
pressed in the shadows, women were now renowned as the first of rural modification,
turning educational professionals, health professionals, technologists, and successful en-
trepreneurs. Skills and expertise set the basis for the formation of a fair and prosperous
environment. The roots of poverty were erased. Families were well-nourished, and chil-
dren were learned. There was hardly an excuse to give up. The community at large ex-
celled in commerce. Discrimination, a relic of former times, has been replaced by a
positive and welcoming approach to life. I was relieved to find that the village was now
not split by caste, religion, or gender and that everyone had survived well. I awoke star-
tled. "Hey, Still dreaming?". My mother called out to me and woke me up to the real
world. If only my desires had turned relevant... if only our country had looked like such...

17.2 Page 162

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Patchara Mark Gaffron, 17 years old, Huahin Prachap Thailand
The Roadmap of My Dreams
In the bustling corridors of academia, my dreams unfold like a blueprint, with each
stroke representing a fervent passion for mechanical engineering. As a student, my
journey is a canvas waiting to be filled with the colors of innovation, learning, and
the relentless pursuit of understanding the intricate machinery that powers the world
around us.
For me, that dream is a magnetic force drawing me into the fascinating realm of
gears, circuitry and structures. It's an intrinsic part of my identity. My dream is to im-
merse myself in the complexities of mechanical systems; and to understand the har-
mony of forces and materials. Beyond the academic landscape, the dream
expands its horizons into the realm of innovation and possibility. Amid lectures and
labs, my dream also encompasses the aspiration to make a real-world impact. The
dream is to be a part of the generation of students who are not just educated but
also socially and environmentally conscious.
My dream also involves cultivating a sense of camaraderie. It's the friendships forged
in study groups, the shared excitement of tackling a challenging project, and the
collective pursuit of excellence. My dream in this life, as a student enamored with
mechanical engineering, is a multifaceted journey. The dream is not a distant desti-
nation; it's a dynamic, evolving adventure that shapes my present and charts the
course for a future where I not only contribute to the field but also find personal ful-
fillment in the intricate world of mechanical engineering.

17.3 Page 163

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Patrick Samura, 23 years old, Freetown, Sierra Leone
Sierra Leone’s Youth
Within my aspirations, resides a dream to redefine the
political landscape of Sierra Leone. My dream is a
relentless fire that ignites even the darkest corners of un-
certainty. It envisions a future for the youth and initiatives
for a brighter tomorrow. Through complex difficulties, I’m
propelled by an unwavering conviction. The age-old
norms confining young leaders to the periphery, only add
fuel to this burning aspiration. My dream based on my ex-
perience with the youth has always propelled me to aim
to dismantle these limitations, to carve a path where youth
are the architects of their destiny. In a landscape where
youth are often dismissed, my dream blossoms into a vision
of hope, an unwritten chapter where the vigor, resilience,
and innovation of country youth are cherished to steer the
nation toward progress. Every morning, these deep de-
sires, uplift my soul, pushing me to welcome joy and hope
and encouraging me to move forward toward young
people of the country where their dreams are celebrated
and creating a future full of possibilities.

17.4 Page 164

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Pierre Borella, 20 ans, Lione, Francia
I have a dream
Je m’appelle Pierre, j’ai 20 ans et je suis actuellement en école
d’ingénieur. En réfléchissant à mon plus grand rêve, j’ai tout de
suite pensé au célèbre discours de Martin Luther King « I have a dream
», prononcé à Washington, en 1963. Il rêvait, comme moi, d'un monde
meilleur. Ce rêve présente un monde dans lequel on ne gomme pas
tous nos problèmes, toutes nos différences mais plutôt un univers dans
lequel on cherche à apprendre de nos erreurs, de nos différences
qu’elles soient culturelles, religieuses, spirituelles, etc. Ces différences
sont utilisées comme des moyens de nous rassembler, afin de trouver
des solutions pour grandir tous ensemble. Mais pour que ce rêve se
réalise, cela commence d’abord par le changement de mes propres
habitudes. Par exemple, en osant la rencontre, en faisant confiance
aux autres comme le lépreux qui s’élance vers Jésus alors qu’il ne le
connaissait pas. Il a osé enfreindre la Loi de Moïse qui excluait les lép-
reux de la société. Bien sûr, je pense qu’enfreindre les lois n'est pas très
constructif mais je pense plutôt que changer mes propres lois, celles
qui forment mon quotidien pourrait déjà être un beau début. Oui,
mon rêve serait un monde avec plus de confiance, en soi-même, en
la jeunesse, en l’autre et en Dieu car « Rien n’est impossible » (Lc 1,37).

17.5 Page 165

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Priya Dharshini, 18 years old, Tiruchi, Tamil Nadu, India
No One Is Left Behind
“Dreams are not exclusive to anyone; they belong to dreamers
of all kinds”. I, too, have a dream, and it goes like this: ‘To cre-
ate a better community where no one is left behind.’ From young
children to adults worldwide, everyone dreams. These dreams manifest
in various ways, through different paths. Dreams often awaken our inner
thoughts and propel us forward. They shape our families and even in-
fluence our personal growth. Consider the Holy Don Bosco School in
Poonamallee. Even there, achieving one’s dream isn’t straightforward;
it comes with its unique challenges. The phrase ‘Preventive System’ em-
phasizes instilling a sense of awareness about dreams among children.
To protect their dreams, they must learn to think for themselves and con-
sider the well-being of others. A dreamless life, devoid of purpose, is not
what we aspire to. Dreams, however, impact more than just individuals.
They significantly affect the entire community. The prevalence of alco-
hol, addiction, gambling, and various vices stems from the absence of
dreams. Society suffers when dreams are neglected. The lack of pre-
ventive measures leads to adversity. Today, the youth face a crisis due to the influence of alcohol, opioids, and other harmful
substances. These substances not only harm their physical and mental health but also jeopardize their lives. Education plays a
crucial role in empowering young minds to resist these temptations. Let us collectively nurture dreams, especially among the
youth. By doing so, we create an environment where dreams flourish, and the community thrives."

17.6 Page 166

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Puih Thuym H’Chuyêt, 18 years old, Plei Ba parish, Duc Có district,
Gia Lai province, Kontum Diocese, Vietnam
Bring the “Letters”
Growing up in a distant village, I see poverty, starvation and lack of "letters".
Poverty turned my villagers into lost people, isolated from civilization. I was
more fortunate than the others since I had a chance to leave my village, and
stay in the boarding house of the religious from a young age. To the question,
"What is your dream in the future?" I desire to share knowledge and "letters" with
my friends in the village. I dream of becoming a teacher. It is always easy to
dream. But making them a reality is tough. 12 years of studying is the time when
I felt the price of reaching for a dream. There are temptations and discourage-
ments, but I also know how to overcome all those challenges. I have to make a
"difference." I believed I would fulfill my dreams, become myself, become the
hero of my life and not have to regret. At the end of 12 years of school, I returned
to the village with the summer activities of the parish, teaching classes to my pu-
pils. Although I am only an older sister and not a teacher of a big school, I am al-
ways called "teacher" by the children which would make me emotional. For a
dream is gradually becoming a reality. After 12 years of study I am now beginning
a new journey – the threshold of college. I suddenly had another dream. I hope
that there are many other young people who also know how to cherish and nur-
ture for themselves a desire and an ideal of life, and try to strive to nurture the vil-
lage so that our village becomes more beautiful day by day.

17.7 Page 167

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Puttharaksa Lanoi, 22 anni, Udon Thani, Thailand
Sogna per il futuro
“Qual è il tuo sogno?” è la domanda che mi facevano spesso
da bambina alla quale rispondo: ‘Fare il medico’. Volevo in-
fatti prendermi cura degli altri e avere una professione sicura. A quel
tempo, pensavo che quel sogno sarebbe stato sufficiente per la mia
vita, come, in generale, pensano le bambine della mia età.
Crescendo, mi sono impegnata nel perseguire il mio sogno. Ma lenta-
mente scoprivo che il mio sogno cominciava a svanire. Molte persone
hanno il mio stesso sogno. Tutte competono per raggiungere lo stesso
obiettivo. La difficoltà di competere con me stessa e con gli altri mi-
nava gradualmente la mia determinazione e ho incominciato a non
impegnarmi più per quel sogno.
Tuttavia il trascorrere del tempo mi ha aiutato a scoprire ciò che mi
piaceva di più. Ho capito che le persone non vivono solo per sognare,
ma per far sì che il sogno diventi realtà. Ho scoperto ciò che avrei
preferito fare anche se era molto diverso da quello che avevo sempre
sognato. All’età di 22 anni sono diventata fotografa libera profession-
ista. Godo tanto nel vedere il mondo attraverso quella lente. È una fe-
licità di cui posso godere lungo tutto il cammino della vita.
Alla fine, ho capito che non importa quante volte una persona cambi il
suo sogno, ma se così facendo quella persona è felice, ciò significa che
sta camminando esattamente sulla strada che Dio vuole da lei, quindi
non ha senso rimuginare sul passato o sui sogni che non si sono real-
izzati. Ma essere saggi e vivere il presente proiettati nel futuro.
Come posso rendere la mia vita felice? Proprio facendo
quello che Dio vuole da me.

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Rafael Alexandre de Souza, 23 anos, São Paolo, Brasil
Salesiano para o mundo
Eu sou o Rafael Alexandre de Souza, natural do Brasil, es-
tado de São Paulo. Tenho 23 anos e sou feliz por ser um
Salesiano de Dom Bosco. Esse já é um grande sonho
para mim, que vivencio a cada dia, na minha consa-
gração a Deus, no seguimento de Jesus Cristo e no
serviço aos jovens. No entanto, entendendo sonho
como algo que ainda não se realizou, mas que
pode se tornar realidade, quero partilhar com
vocês que tenho o sonho mostrar e testemunhar
a muitos jovens – que não creem em Deus ou são
indiferentes à fé e que muitas vezes não encon-
tram sentido em suas vidas – que há um Deus que
os ama muito e que somente com Ele poderemos
alcançar a verdadeira alegria. E desejo realizar isso
como salesiano sacerdote, podendo, por meio do
meu ministério, possibilitar o encontro com Cristo, de
forma especial na Eucaristia e no sacramento da Recon-
ciliação. Sinto no meu coração que o Senhor me chama
também a trabalhar na dimensão do diálogo inter-religioso,
como nas zonas de conflito, para a promoção da paz.

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Rafael Galaviz, 22 años, Barquisimeto, Venezuela
Deseo de amar aquello
que nos hace felices
Soy miembro del equipo de baloncesto del distrito de la ciudad. Mi sueño
era formar parte de la selección nacional venezolana y participar algún
día en un campeonato olímpico. Como consecuencia de un accidente
automovilístico, me amputaron la pierna y vi cómo mi sueño se desvanecía
por completo. Me sumergí en la rabia y la tristeza, y empecé a consumir
drogas. Un día, un grupo de jóvenes vino a nuestro barrio a celebrar un or-
atorio callejero y me pidieron que colaborara con ellos invitando a los niños
de la zona; acepté. Desde entonces, todos los sábados me dedico a con-
vocar a los niños de la zona al oratorio. Los animadores conocían mi historia
y me invitaron a unirme al grupo. Así nació para mí un nuevo sueño: formar
el equipo de baloncesto infantil y juvenil del barrio. Empecé a alejarme de
las drogas. Busqué trabajo. Prometí ser el animador del oratorio de la par-
roquia y organizar el equipo juvenil de baloncesto de la parroquia. Gracias
a mis experiencias, me di cuenta de muchas cosas. Aprendí que ser bueno
no consiste en no cometer faltas, sino en saber enmendarlas y soñar. Un
sueño es el deseo de amar aquello que nos hace felices. Los sueños pa-
recen imposibles para quien no cree en ellos. Porque soñar es la esperanza
cierta de saber que siempre hay un mañana.

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Rafael Pabón Saucedo, 17 años, La Paz, Bolivia
Mi vida, un milagro
Todo comenzó cuando tenía cinco años. Me encontraba atravesando
una enfermedad llena de desafíos y obstáculos: leucemia. Fue ahí
cuando conocí a Jesús, que estaba acompañándome en mi sufrimiento
y brindándome consuelo. Recuerdo claramente aquel 25 de marzo,
cuando recibí la noticia de que finalmente estaba sano de la enferme-
dad. Una alegría indescriptible invadió mi corazón. Mi vida tomó un
nuevo rumbo. Sentí en lo más profundo de mí una inquietud, como si
Jesús y María me estuvieran llamando a algo más grande y significativo.
Después de reflexionar mucho y buscar respuestas, descubrí ese propó-
sito: ser sacerdote. La idea de convertirme en instrumento del amor di-
vino y ayudar a otros a descubrir el infinito amor de Dios, se convirtió en
mi mayor meta. Desde entonces, he seguido con determinación y ded-
icación mi camino, esforzándome por crecer espiritualmente y adquirir
los conocimientos necesarios para cumplir con esta vocación sagrada.
Actualmente, continúo siendo parte activa de la pastoral de nuestra co-
munidad, desempeñándome como monaguillo y misionero. Mi vida ha
sido transformada por el encuentro con Jesús y quiero transmitir a los
demás su amor inmenso a través del servicio al altar y la pastoral. Es un viaje lleno de desafíos y sacrificios, pero estoy conven-
cido de que valdrá la pena cuando pueda ayudar y enseñar a las personas sobre el amor infinito de Dios.

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Rahul Jude Ponnaiah, 29 years old, Bandlaguda Jagir
Hyderabad - Telangana, India
Abundant Life
Since my childhood, due to the situation in my family, I have struggled mentally, phys-
ically, financially, and spiritually, which has made me lose hope. But I had this
thought always running in my mind that my purpose in life couldn't be too small, limited,
and narrow. When I was thirteen, my father met with an accident and was badly in-
jured. We saw our mother’s struggle, but she never lost hope. In the sight of losing zeal
and enthusiasm for life, I dreamt that God was showing the way as He was the only
hope. I woke up instantly, having been led to the Bible on the shelf, I received the prom-
ise in John 10:10: “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” Here I visu-
alized that I was given the promise of “ABUNDANT LIFE.” And, in my spiritual awakening,
I felt the presence of our Mother Mary strongly. It’s my dream to see our Catholic youth
progressing in various avenues that promote abundant life in all church-related life, par-
ticularly in music, art, architecture, dance, sports, and games. This teenage dream of
mine is simple but profound and enriching because of the presence of the Salesians of
Don Bosco. As they are the sons of the dreamer, St. John Bosco, they are helping youth
like me in their faithful accompaniment, towards the fulfillment of that dream of life in
abundance. Through various youth programs, they allow me to share my dream and
to witness how God has been blessing me abundantly. I do dream of experiencing this
abundant life in God's marvelous and wonderful ways, also in the lives of others until my
last breath.

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Raman Barscheuski, 15 anni, Bielorussia
Il mio sogno
Isogni servono alle persone, perché la loro vita possa essere riempita di senso.
Il mio futuro non vedo senza educazione all’università. Ciò serve per costruire la buona
carriera, perché questo permette crescere bene nella professione che ami.
Se invece guardare ancora in avanti vorrei trovare una buona ragazza con cui il tempo
sarà interessante e pieno di gioia. Con passar del tempo sogno di creare con lei la fa-
miglia simile in tutto alla Santa Famiglia - Gesù, Maria e Giuseppe. In questo modo cam-
mineremo con moglie e figli verso il Cielo.
Sono sicuro che il sogno non si realizza da solo. Per realizzarlo ci vuole fare dei passi
concreti. E, ovviamente, non mancare mai di speranza.
Моя мечта
Мечты нужны человеку, чтобы его жизнь была наполнена смыслом.
Своё будущее я не вижу без получения высшего образования. Обучение в университете необходимо
для построения успешной карьеры, поскольку это даёт возможность без ограничений развиваться в люби-
мой профессии.
А если смотреть немного дальше в будущее, то хочу найти хорошую девушку, с которой будет интересно
и весело проводить время. Чтобы она разделяла мои интересы и поддерживала мои увлечения. А со вре-
менем мечтаю создать свою семью, которая будет во всём равняться на Святую Семью Иисуса, Марию
и Иосифа. И вместе с женой и детьми будем идти к Небу.
Я считаю, что мечта не может сбыться сама собой. Для её исполнения нужно предпринимать какие-то кон-
кретные шаги. Ну и, конечно же, верить, что наши мечты когда-нибудь сбудутся.

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Rebecca Totu, 24 years old, Solomon Islands
Disconnected to connect to a New
My maternal grandparents were nurses and watching them help sick people
inspired me to become a doctor and a successful businesswoman. I never
lost sight of my childhood dreams. This was going on as I grew up and I would also
attend church programs; I even became a Sunday school teacher and was in-
volved in many youth programs. In 2018, I did my year in Grade 12 and prayed to
God asking for help to achieve my dreams. However, when the results of our na-
tional exam came out, I did not make it through formal education. I was shocked
and in tears. My dream of being a doctor faded off. Nevertheless, I got enrolled at DBTI and did my best in all the school pro-
grams. I started to regain my strength and think, 'Becoming a doctor is not my dream anymore yet I can venture into Hospitality.’
I had to disconnect from my old dream to connect to my new dream. During my Second year at DBTI, I was given a scholarship
to attend the Australian Pacific Training Coalition (APTC) for doing well. After my training, I realized that the world is now bringing
new hopes and brightening up my future. Truly, my dream disappeared and a new path appeared; I am happy and fulfilled.
After completing my training with APTC, DBTI needed an assistant trainer, so I was asked to join the team. Today I am working
at DBTI as a Hospitality and Tourism trainer. But the dream of becoming a businesswoman still lingers in my head. I came to
realize the true meaning of having dreams in my life through the situations I encountered in life. I am confident that in whatever
circumstances in life I will still hold on to this dream and now as a trainer it is my task to help my trainees to live their dreams.

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Refilwe Tsotetsi, 24 years old, South Africa
Trusting in God’s Process
Dreams have the power to shape our aspirations and guide our journey through
life. While I can't recall the last dream I had during sleep, one childhood dream
remained vivid in my mind. It was a vision of creating a place combining a children's
home with an old age home, housed within a magnificent building painted in blue
and white, symbolizing the charism of Mother Teresa. And it continued to inspire me
as I embarked on a path of volunteering and spiritual growth.
During my time spent volunteering at the Don Bosco Youth Centre, I found myself
deeply attracted to Salesian spirituality. The connections I formed with young
people and the values of service and compassion I witnessed within the Salesian
community helped to crystallize my dream, making it even more tangible. It was as
if volunteering at Bosco allowed me to dream within my original dream, shaping it
into a more meaningful and purposeful vision.
I am also a proud parent to a beautiful daughter. Balancing the responsibilities of
work, studying, and parenthood may seem overwhelming. Yet, I find solace in my
faith, as I trust that the one who made me will never forsake me.
Along this journey, I continue to rely on my faith and trust in God's process. When
reflecting on Don Bosco's journey, I draw parallels to my own life. I have also experi-
enced moments of struggle and uncertainty. However, Don Bosco's example serves
as a reminder that it is possible to rise above challenging circumstances and
achieve greatness. His unwavering faith in Mama Mary exemplifies the power of
trust in divine guidance, providing strength and resilience during challenging times.

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René Guzmán Rivera, 21 años, San Juan De Maguana, República Dominicana
Reintegrando: Viviendo en comunidad
Todos tenemos alguna habilidad oculta que es condicionada por nuestro estilo de vida, la
manera de vestir e incluso por cómo nos dirigimos hacia los demás al momento de hablar.
Nací en la provincia de San Juan de la Maguana, ubicada en la región Suroeste de la Repúb-
lica Dominicana. Durante mi vida he tenido encuentros con personas marginadas que me han
cambiado la vida. Muchos de ellos han sido víctimas del sistema, otros han sido perjudicados
por sus familias, mientras que los restantes lo han querido hacer por decisión propia. Sueño con
crear una fundación llamada Reintegrando a la Sociedad, un espacio que va a contar con
especialistas de la salud física y mental pero que también tendrá profesionales voluntarios en
múltiples disciplinas: las artes (música, canto, baile, gimnasia, teatro, pintura, fotografía, escul-
tura), los deportes (béisbol, baloncesto, boxeo, atletismo). Esta fundación va dirigida a personas
de todas las edades y contará con 2 grupos. El primer grupo serán los permanentes, estos serán
personas que van a permanecer en nuestra fundación de manera permanente por diferentes
factores: envejecimiento y discapacidad laboral grave. El segundo grupo serán los transitorios,
estos comprenden a los niños, adolescentes y jóvenes que luego de un tiempo en nuestra fun-
dación bajo los lineamientos y tratamientos necesarios, puedan ser reintegrados a la sociedad
de manera paulatina. Nuestra fundación contará con un programa especial de búsqueda y
rastreo de familiares. Este departamento se encargará de rastrear a esos familiares para que
puedan integrarse nuevamente con su ser querido y estos poco a poco ayuden a que puedan
integrarse a la sociedad. Reintegrando a la sociedad necesitará la ayuda de personas bon-
dadosas, misericordiosas y que sobre todo sean creyentes en la voluntad y la palabra del Señor.
Personas que no juzguen a los beneficiarios por su pasado y que puedan darle la oportunidad
de ser diferentes y reivindicarse ante la sociedad.

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Rhysurn Baim, 17 years old, Gabutu, Papua New Guinea
Dream of what I could do Better
Growing up, I didn’t have an aspiration like most other kids. But as I began to
mature, my dad started to instill the discipline of work in me. He would say, “If
something is done, well then good! But always see how you could have done it
better,” and that has stuck with me. When working, I try to see what I can do and
ask myself after, “What could I have done better?” Then I started applying this
thought process towards any piece of architecture. I would look at my church and
often ask myself, “What could the architects and builders have done better? And is
there something I could do in the near future to make it better?” That being said, I
started to realize my dream; I wanted to become an architect! Coming from a coun-
try with such a diverse culture, I only dream of blending modern designs with tradi-
tional and cultural accents. I do not only wish to design infrastructure, but also to
add simple conveniences such as making them more hygienic.
I have taken the first steps by doing my very best in the technical drawing subject,
and using the skills I have learnt by sketching out my many different designs for var-
ious buildings. I wish to complete my National Certificates, and take up architecture
in a technical tertiary institution to realize my dream. I wish to one day return to Don
Bosco, and use the skills and knowledge I have learnt to design architecture for the
Salesians as a “Thank you” for providing the opportunity to finally realize my dream
for better architecture not just in Port Moresby but in Papua New Guinea as well.

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Rolande Zangre, 19 ans, Koubri, Burkinabè
La Réorientation de mon rêve
Jai toujours rêvé d'être un sapeur-pompier. Ce métier devrait maider
à secourir les autres en danger. Le faite de voir la lenteur des sapeurs-
pompiers qui parfois prennent beaucoup de temps pour venir aux se-
cours des victimes me laisse très mal à aise. Je me suis fixée lobjectif de
bien travailler à l'école pour réaliser ce rêve. Malgré mon désir de se-
courir et mon application dans mes études, je nai pas eu la chance dob-
tenir mon brevet détudes pour participer aux concours dadmission à ce
corps de métier.
Jai eu la chance par contre de rencontrer un autre métier celui de la
coiffure. Je me suis engagée à bien me former pour rendre belles et
beaux ceux qui me confierons leur tête.
Le goût du bien et de laide à porter aux autres demeure encore en moi.
Ce qui me motive chaque matin à continuer de rêver. Après lobtention
de mon diplôme en coiffure, je profite ouvrir mon atelier pour rendre les
femmes et les hommes heureux dêtre à limage de Dieu. Je pourrai fi-
nalement partager mes compétences en coiffure avec tant dautres
jeunes qui désirent se former.

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Romain Destremeau, 20 ans, Chambéry, Svizzera
La vie avec émerveillement et passion
C’est un rêve d'enfance, un rêve qui persiste, qui revient. C'est le récit
de ma rencontre avec Malaki, un petit garçon de Trinidad et Tobago.
Nos chemins se sont croisés lors d’un voyage et je n’ai jamais oublié ce jeune
garçon. Il ne parlait pas ma langue, ne possédait presque rien, mais je me
souviens de son sourire fier et rayonnant .
C’est à l'âge de sept ans que nos mondes se sont entrelacés et qu’une amitié
est née. Que m'importaient nos différences dans mes yeux d’enfant, je dé-
couvrais que le monde était grand, beau et m’émerveillait devant chaque
chose qu’il me montrait.
Je ne sais pas ce qu'est devenu Malaki, s'il se souvient de notre rencontre.
Mais dans mon cœur, il demeure un compagnon fidèle et à travers ses yeux,
je trouve la force de persévérer, de croire en l'avenir, de cultiver la joie même
au cœur des épreuves.
Bien que nos chemins se soient séparés sans promesse de retrouvailles, au fil
des années il m’a suivi dans mes rêves et mes prières et me rappelle chaque
fois la beauté de la simplicité, la valeur de l'authenticité. Il me rappelle qu'en
chaque âme réside un trésor à découvrir, une leçon à apprendre.
Mon rêve, mon aspiration la plus profonde, c’est cela, c’est de vivre la vie
avec l’émerveillement et la passion qui traversaient les yeux fiers et pétillants
de Malaki. Oui, c'est cela le rêve de ma vie, rêve d'enfance qui vient parfois
éclairer mes nuits et qui me suivra sûrement tout au long de mon existence.

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Roman Yatsyshyn, 18 anni, Ucraina
Sognare è vivere
Mi chiamo Roman, vengo dall'Ucraina. Posso affermare che il concetto di
sogno per me e per il nostro popolo, il popolo ucraino, è condiviso: è ciò che
unisce, ciò che dà forza per continuare a lottare, per continuare a vivere. Ci sono molte
cose che ci uniscono, ma niente ci lega come un sogno comune, un obiettivo condiviso.
Per me, come per tutti gli ucraini, il sogno è molto semplice, banale per alcuni, ma è qual-
cosa senza cui non si può vivere. Stare con tutta la famiglia, poter vedere tutti gli amici, i pa-
renti e i genitori felici, allegri. È difficile capire il valore della pace per chi vive in un ambiente
di pace prolungata nel proprio Paese.
Non è facile sognare quando la propria casa è distrutta dalle bombe... è quasi impossibile
farlo, ma è estremamente necessario perché questo è ciò che vuole il male.
Sognare è lo stimolo per continuare a lottare.
Sono felice di avere esempi di tante persone a me vicine che dimostrano, a me e a tutti,
che è necessario lavorare sui propri sogni senza arrendersi. Si tratta di medici, soldati, volon-
tari, lavoratori ordinari di qualsiasi professione, pronti a fare qualsiasi cosa per un sogno co-
mune. Sono pronti a dare la loro vita per il bene delle generazioni future.
"Nessuno ha un amore più grande di questo: dare la vita per i propri amici". (Gv 15, 13)
"Dare la vita per i propri amici" esiste nella vita reale. Se qualcuno dà la sua vita per gli altri,
non è forse un esempio luminoso di amore, un esempio da seguire?
Gesù Cristo ci mostra con il suo esempio che dopo la morte c'è la resurrezione, dopo la sof-
ferenza c'è la gioia. La sua vita, che dovremmo seguire, è un'indicazione per tutti noi.

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Ronmel Arístides Hernández Tábora, 30 años,
Santa Rosa de Copán, Honduras, CAM
I am a son of dreamers
I will meet Christ and Mary Help of Christians in paradise.
Since my childhood I knew about Don Bosco and Maín through
my parents, however, I did not think about being a dreamer
too one day.
Once, I saw myself in the high school s chapel, everything was
ruined, the Christ of the altarpiece was on the floor, the benches
were broken; only the Tabernacle, with a flower and the light that
indicated the Eucharist was there, were in place. Suddenly, I saw
myself among a crowd of young people, happy, cheering; the
Pope was at the back; I screamed with the strength of my lungs,
he turned around, looked at me, and his eyes gave me security
and peace. Suddenly, I was in the chapel again, but the presby-
tery was different, a priest came out from behind the altarpiece;
I woke up! From that dream I understood that my deep aspiration
is to strengthen the church and the Salesian charism, showing the
beauty of faith, and the Salesian youth spirituality. My essence as
a Salesian, and with my wife, both as Aspirants to be Salesian
Cooperators, leads me to go deeper, with the hope that one day

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Roxanne Isabel Vargas Hechavarría, 23 años
Parroquia Purísima Concepción de Manzanillo Cuba
Una misión, sueño cubano
Mi camino en la iglesia no es tan largo como el de muchos de mis amigos que
fueron educados en familias católicas. A los 14 años, fui invitada a una cele-
bración de Pascua de Resurrección en la Parroquia Purísima Concepción de Man-
zanillo Cuba, sin saber de qué se trataba esa fiesta ni por qué tanto alboroto. Así
comenzó todo, gracias a una Pascua, un grupo de adolescentes y una hermana
salesiana que me acogió. En estos años con ayuda de muchas personas fui descu-
briendo quién es Dios. Aprendí que Él tiene un propósito para mí. Con los Frailes Ca-
puchinos comencé a ir a las comunidades del campo y es en esta experiencia
donde surgió en mí un gran amor por la misión. Ahora tengo un sueño, como todo
joven que sueña, vivir de misionera: ir donde nadie quiere, ver surgir la llama de Dios
en los corazones de los predilectos de Dios. Sé que siendo misionera no voy a arreglar
el mundo, pero siento que podré poner de mi parte para hacerlo un poquito mejor.
He soñado despierta sobre cómo sería mi vida si realmente puedo cumplir mi sueño
y en mi imaginación siempre me veo feliz. Quiero ser amor en acción, en camino,
ser instrumento de Dios. Quiero vivir una fe sencilla al lado de los más pobres. Cuando
veo lo que una simple sonrisa puede hacer, cada vez me convenzo más de que sin
hacer grandes cosas puedo hacer la diferencia. Creo que mi sueño, es poder com-
partir a través de las misiones esa alegría que yo encontré un día en una Pascua.
Ahora solo queda ver si Dios está de acuerdo conmigo.

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Samuel S. Dehwein, 22 years old, Monrovia, Liberia
The Journey to Freedom
Growing up as a slum dweller, I was faced with a terrible living
condition. I observed the ravaging effects of drug abuse on
my peers. We struggled for everything including basic living needs.
It felt bad looking at my age mates getting involved in drugs. I have
seen many young people's lives get destroyed by the consumption
of narcotic drugs and this has negatively impacted our community.
My dream is to be a social worker who aims to establish an Anti-
Drugs and Substance Abuse Program to reach out to young people
and encourage them to work and avoid living on the streets.
For some years now, we have lost more than (50) young people to
drug abuse. In the future, I dream of establishing a rehabilitation
and resource center to discourage the use of drugs. So far, I have
started raising awareness of “Say No to Drugs” to young people at
the age of 12 years and the community on the use of drugs and fo-
cusing on the future.
I have shared my dream with people having the same mindset and
we organized a youth inspire forum where a former drug abuser was
invited. I will work with the families, and communities so that the
young people will have a dignified life.

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Sandra Ramnunmawii, 19 years old, Mizoram, India
Synchrony of knowledge
and peace
My aspiration is to establish a library that goes
beyond the conventional one. I want to
create a space that is not only quiet and solemn but
also infused with soul-lifting soft music. In my dream
library, the reading chamber resonates with the har-
monious tunes of instruments, offering a friendlier en-
vironment for young readers. The plain music ensures
an undisturbed reading experience, allowing the
melodies to enhance the overall ambiance. Ad-
ditionally, I envision the creation of a unique feature
called the "Wall of Emotions" within the library. Each
section of this wall will be dedicated to specific
emotions, such as happiness, sadness, anxiety and
more. Here, readers can anonymously share book
suggestions by placing pieces of paper on the cor-
responding emotion walls. This interactive element
aims to connect readers through shared literary rec-
ommendations, providing solace and inspiration
customized to the emotions one may be experienc-
ing at that moment. In bringing this dream to life, my
goal is to cultivate a library that not only fosters a
love for reading but also serves as a comforting and
communal space where individuals can discover
new books that resonate with their emotions.

19.4 Page 184

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Santiago Rodas Cano, 25 años, Medellin, Colombia
A Full and Happy Life
Idream of living a full and happy life, inspired by the example
of Saint John Bosco. I yearn to dedicate my time, energy, pro-
fession, and life experience to serving the most disadvantaged,
drawing closer to God through them. Along this path, I find joy
in following the principles of Don Bosco. I never desire to lose my
ability to dream, to envision, and to strive to fulfill my dreams,
believing that my country can be a place of peace, love, and
acceptance for all, regardless of their economic status, skin
color, sexual orientation, or country of origin. I dream that when
I meet God in eternity, I can tell Him that I fulfilled the mission He
assigned to me.

19.5 Page 185

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Sara Araújo Andrade, 16 anos, Ponte Nova, Brasile
A caminho do céu
Aminha aspiração mais profunda, como obje-
tivo de vida, é a santidade, é conquistar o
céu. Na verdade, esse deveria ser o sonho de
todo cristão, e eu tenho esse sonho partindo do
fato de que esse é o fim da nossa vida, Deus nos
criou pra isso e Cristo veio ao mundo para nos
conduzir ao céu.
Tudo o que faço na minha vida tem que girar em
torno disso, e sonho com isso todos os momentos
principalmente na minha vocação. A consagra-
ção e a vida religiosa, para mim, são degraus
para melhor caminhar até o céu, por isso procuro
o que o Senhor quer de mim. Acordo todos os dias
pensando nessa esperança e pedindo amor e fé
ao Espírito Santo para melhor caminhar, e isso me
faz encarar todo e qualquer desafio, a certeza de
que não faço por mim e que vale muito a pena,
porque Deus me garante isso.

19.6 Page 186

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Sara Baghwar, 23 years old, Jorhat, Dimapur, India
Rides towards Wholeness
My dream is a tapestry woven with the threads of two seem-
ingly disparate elements: a collection of bikes and the estab-
lishment of a mental health care clinic. The allure of bikes connects
me with my father, who when I was a child, patiently steadied me
on wobbly training wheels and with each gentle push instilled in me
love, trust, resilience to face challenges and the joy of newfound
independence. Bike rides symbolize not only physical movement
but also a metaphorical journey towards mental well-being. Therein
lies the second pillar of my dream – the establishment of a small
mental health care clinic. It stems from a deep-seated passion for
fostering mental well-being within my community. The clinic, though
small in scale, aims to provide a space where individuals can seek
support, guidance, and care. It represents my commitment to mak-
ing a real difference in the lives of those grappling with mental
health challenges.
Through the symphony of bike rides and the empathetic care pro-
vided at the mental health clinic, my dream transcends the per-
sonal, into a collective narrative of growth, resilience, and the quest
for a fulfilling life.

19.7 Page 187

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Sara Malkocˇ, 20 anni, Rijeka, Croazia
Grande sogno, piccola bambina
Le persone a cui sono molto legata sanno bene quanti sogni insoliti faccio
ogni notte. Tuttavia, questi sogni sono poco significativi, di breve durata e
facilmente dimenticabili. Ma c'è un sogno che è diverso da tutti gli altri. Persiste
da anni, lo sogno durante il giorno, non solo quando chiudo gli occhi, e cambia
continuamente. In quel sogno c'è una bambina, con i capelli ricci e il viso len-
tigginoso, che continua a camminare lungo un lungo sentiero nel bosco.
Quel sentiero conduce ad una grande casa con un ampio giardino e una scritta
sulla porta: Casa-famiglia. La ragazza, infatti, si avvicina ogni giorno di più alla
casa-famiglia e in lontananza si sente già il suono delle risate dei bambini e il battito
dei piedi nudi per terra. Ma quella casa non è alla fine del percorso. Dopo di essa,
il sentiero continua e sale, come se toccasse le nuvole. Inoltre, vari altri sentieri si
intrecciano con il percorso di questa bambina. Alcuni si fermano ad un incrocio,
mentre altri continuano a snodarsi accanto al suo percorso. Questo sogno è il mo-
tivo per cui studio, faccio volontariato, perché amo; perché questa bambina ora
è una giovane adulta e ogni giorno si avvicina di più all'apertura del proprio orfa-
notrofio per dare a tutti i bambini amore che meritano. Una casa-famiglia è il mio
sogno più grande sulla Terra, ma quel sogno continua nel Cielo. Ogni mio giorno,
bello o brutto, è finalizzato ad solo un obiettivo: che tutti i bambini che entrano in
quella casa continuino a camminare verso Alto. Sono grata per ogni passo che
quella bambina ha fatto e per ogni persona che ha incontrato lungo il cammino,
e spero che potrà incontrarli tutti alla fine del cammino. E intanto, continuo a sog-

19.8 Page 188

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Saskia Möbius, 25 years old, Wien, Österreich
My Dream
My dream is to always be happy, content and grateful for what I
have. I wish to always have a close connection to the Salesian fa-
mily and to be a part of it, and that my future husband and children also
feel at home there. Another dream of mine is to have a harmonious re-
lationship with my sisters and parents so that we can talk to each other
and be there for each other. I dream of being and staying healthy and
always having enough resources to overcome any challenges that
come my way. Another dream is to continue to have such a good net-
work of friends where I can be who I am and therefore be accepted. I
dream of having something to laugh about every day and continuing
to radiate joy. Through my work, I want to help other people to be more
independent in their daily lives. I dream of finding meaning in my work
every day and having a reason to live. I dream that my relationship with
God can continue to grow and that I always feel supported and loved
by Him.
I also dream of becoming an occupational therapist one day. I have
now completed my studies and am allowed to work in this profession.
Yes, I believe all of this together is my life's dream. Maybe one or two of
my dreams will come true. It’s dreams like these that have become rea-
lity, that spur me on and motivate me to keep going and dreaming.

19.9 Page 189

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Sebastián Arias Avilés, 22 años, Pérez Zeledón, San José, Costa Rica
Ciber Sueño
Está escribiendo una persona que no siempre fue apasionado por la tec-
nología, aunque con muchas aspiraciones y pequeños detalles se fue for-
mando un sueño que poco a poco está a punto terminar y consigo dar inicio
nuevas aventuras y nuevos rumbos en mi vida. Decidí soñar cuando un día vi
que cosas tan simples tecnológicas facilitaban la vida diaria de muchas per-
sonas. Con 16 años sucede una oportunidad de acceder a una educación
enfocada en tecnología, como todo sueño o aspiración siempre hay que
desprenderse cosas en la vida, pero acepté el reto; durante el transcurso de
esa educación tuve muchos anti bajos donde pensé que mi Ciber Sueño era
imposible, pero como dicen en mi país “me amarre los pantalones” y con la
ayuda de Dios logre seguir adelante. Como toda aspiración siempre hay que
desprenderse de cosas importantes: está vez para seguir con mi Ciber Sueño
me tuve que ir de mi casa.
Hoy sueño con completar este Ciber Sueño como yo le llamo y no es solo ser
una Ingeniero en Sistemas, sino poder también compartir esos conocimientos
ayudando y facilitando diferentes acciones de las personas en el mundo, ya
que con diversos pero pequeños cambios sé que se puede cambiar de forma
drástica la vida. Hoy como futuro ingeniero en sistemas anhelo soñar con
poder cumplir este sueño que es para mi portal a diferentes puertas en el fu-
turo para poder ayudar a los demás mediante mis aplicaciones.

19.10 Page 190

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Sergio Vázquez Solano, 27 años, Tultepec, estado de México, México
El presente de un sueño
En su visita del rector Mayor nos invitaba a preguntar en la oración
¿Cuál es el sueño que tiene Dios para nosotros?, yo me quedé con-
frontado con esta pregunta y me ponía a pensar ¿Dios sigue llamando a
través de los sueños? Y más personalmente ¿Dios me llama a través de
un sueño? La respuesta es Sí, Nuestro buen Dios sigue comunicándonos
su plan en nuestros sueños, sueños que pone en nuestro corazón y nos
lleva a tener esperanza y creo que esa es mi motivación, la es-
peranza que tengo en mi país, en mis amigos y en el mundo.
Mi sueño es ser generador de esperanza, en el cotidiano,
siempre cercano a nuestro entorno, ahí donde el más
necesitado y aunque no sea de dinero nos nece-
site, generadores de esperanza que contagie
alegría, esa alegría que nace de una experien-
cia. Fijando la mirada en María y pidiendo
siempre su Auxilio mi sueño es ser generador
de esperanza, creo que Dios nos prepara
siempre ahí donde estamos para cumplir
nuestro el sueño que tiene para nosotros.

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20.1 Page 191

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Shawn Mendoza, 18 years old, San Juan City, Batangas, Philippines
Shoot for the Stars
My first dream as a young boy was to become part of an official basketball
team and represent my school and team with heart and pride. As a young
person, I strived for this dream as playing basketball gave me a sense of joy and
taught me different values. I am still gladly chasing this dream as I hope to make
myself and the people around me proud. As I grew up a bit and realized that my
purpose could be more than I knew, I made a promise to myself to somehow find
a way to help everybody I could. This made me strive to become a successful
doctor one day and be able to take care of everyone around me. My family
also inspired me a lot as they showed me the fruitfulness of becoming a doctor
and being able to help everyone around them. I want to become just like them
and create my own career of helping others for a living. This dream also includes
starting my own hospital which is free for the ones who could not afford proper
medical assistance and hopefully, this could leave a very nice impact on the
world as I want to help change the way people live without worrying about their
health. This dream of mine would mean a lot to me as well as I work hard in the
present to make a sustainable future for myself and other people. This would also
mean a lot to my family as they work hard not only for themselves but also for me
to have a bright future where one day, I can achieve many things such as this
dream of mine.

20.2 Page 192

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Sie Seyla, 23 years old, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
When I was a little girl, I often looked up to compassionate
and kind people. My family is poor and someone
Mary’s voice in my DREAM
helped me financially to study. After high school, I was forced
by my sponsor to take a course on Computer - Secretarial at
Don Bosco Vocational Center, run by the Salesian Sisters. I
prefer to study history and Cambodian culture and educate
the minds of the poor for a developed Cambodia rather than to work in the office
as Secretary. But I had no choice and was very upset. Then I asked Mother Mary if
this was the plan she wanted me to follow. I continued to study until I graduated
successfully in 2019.
Before going for an internship, my principal invited me to work with her. I agreed to
work at the Don Bosco Center, Toul Kork. I felt happy and accepted and was doing
very well in my role as an English teacher and animator of school activities. I continue
pursuing my academic studies major in English at the University of Cambodia (UC).
One fine day, the biggest problem came: my brother wanted me to leave Don
Bosco School to work in a company for a bigger salary. Also, my family urged me
strongly to work for higher pay in a new place. So after struggling alone for some
months, I cried my heart out to Sister Superior who consoled me and asked me to
go and pray to Mother Mary.
Until now I have been working at Don Bosco School for 4 years. The dream has al-
ways been with me teaching me, encouraging me, and reminding me of a Mother’s
presence in my life. That even though sometimes there is no one to encourage us in
our decisions, there is a Mother who does not abandon us, who is Mama Mary.
I want to become a true Salesian educator. My earnest dream is that all the young
people in Cambodia must get an education.

20.3 Page 193

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Simone Ripamonti, 27 anni, Usmate Velate, Italia
Sognare il mondo
Vengo da un piccolo paese del Nord Italia e fin da bam-
bino ho sempre avuto il sogno di vivere e incontrare cul-
ture diverse provenienti da tutto il mondo portando con me
speranza e gioia. Crescendo e facendo esperienza di Gesù
ho capito che quel messaggio che volevo portare e allo
stesso tempo incontrare era quello del Vangelo. Ma come vi-
sitare tutto il mondo? Avrei dovuto viaggiare senza sosta? Il Si-
gnore mi ha risposto ancora prima che io potessi formulargli
la domanda. Infatti, ora, mi trovo al Colle Don Bosco, nel no-
viziato salesiano, dove siamo 15 novizi provenienti da 5 nazioni
diverse d’Europa. Inoltre, in un recente incontro della Famiglia
Salesiana di più giorni, ho avuto modo di pranzare con uomini
e donne che provenivano da tutto il pianeta: alcuni dal Cile,
altri dal Perù, altri ancora dalla Corea del Sud, alcuni dagli
Stati Uniti e altri ancora dal Giappone. Ho sempre sognato di
essere nel mondo e, senza aver fatto troppi chilometri, mi
sento di essere sulla strada giusta.

20.4 Page 194

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Stephanie Kevi, 30 years old, Honiara - Solomon Islands
The Dream I Dare to Dream
The one dream that is enduring for me is the dream of commencing a reading
club for young children ages 6-12 years, where they can read various books that
will help them develop their love for learning at an early age. To make that happen
my dream is to gather a group of young people in high school, from the ages 13
to 20, who could help the younger ones with their assignments through proofread-
ing, mentoring and career advice. I believe that this will assist in motivating young
people to pursue higher education and have a clear direction, as well as a purpose
to pursue in their lives.
Witnessing the situation of many unemployed youth in my country, I want to help
them find or create jobs that they can enjoy to help themselves and their families.
This would include youth finance programs where they can start their businesses
and learn how to manage and save for their future, sponsor young people who
are eager to continue their studies through fundraisers, and engage them in short-
term training in life skills, driving lessons, or trade jobs.
I dare to dream these dreams in the hope that one day they will become a reality,
especially in my country and in my community. I want to make my dreams a reality
and go forward despite the difficulties and lack of resources available in my nation,
and my enduring dreams inspire me to live with hope and joy.
I may have my plans and dreams of my own, but I am also ready to receive and
accept the dreams that God has for me to accomplish in this one precious life.

20.5 Page 195

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Tania Dsouza, 23 years old, Mumbai, India
Loving beyond Differences
Compassion as a dream involves envisioning a world where empa-
thy, understanding, and kindness are not just occasional acts but
fundamental aspects of human interaction. My dream is to build
meaningful relationships through compassion. In the tapestry of human
existence, communities often face challenges that test their resilience
and unity. Compassion emerges as a guiding light, offering a transfor-
mative vision for communities grappling with social divisions in a world
marked by diversities and differences. I dream of embracing unity ac-
ross varied backgrounds, cultures, and ideologies. This is not just an ide-
alistic vision but a vision grounded in the transformative power of
compassion. To embark on the journey of loving beyond differences,
it is essential for me to first understand and acknowledge the diversities.
Compassion becomes tangible when I, as a part of the human com-
munity, consistently engage in acts of kindness. Loving beyond differ-
ences envisages the dismantling of barriers that often separate
individuals and communities.

20.6 Page 196

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Tashu Natasha Kisku, 20 years old, New Delhi, India
Reverie to Dream
Since childhood, having a dream only felt like a reverie. I never really
knew the difference between them. People around me describe
dreams as visionary, foresighted, idealistic aspirations. These words
might feel very hefty, right! Having our father as the sole breadwinner
of the family, it felt like living an elite life. I would eagerly attend school
every day and spend the rest of my day enthusiastically. Everything
goes well until I see kids at the traffic lights on my way home. Being a
child, understanding these moments was confusing and difficult. But
as I grew up, watching those scenes eventually made my heart face
the harsh reality of the world. Sitting in the classroom, my mind would
often stare in solitude outside the window, thinking: Do those kids at-
tend school like me? Do they get to experience the pride of a class-
room? Do they know what education is? Looking at my teachers, I
would exclaim in awe. I didn’t even notice that my daydreaming in
solitude had long turned into my goal. My respect and gratitude to-
wards teachers grew day by day. I had determined myself that one
day I would stand in that position, contributing as a social service
worker. Looking at those kids at traffic lights, I gained firm will power to
be a teacher. I knew I would face hurdles in my journey but now,
there’s no looking back. It's not easy but it is not impossible.

20.7 Page 197

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Tchakponou Koudagbe Matthieu, 29 ans, Lomé, Togo
Réussir pour aider l’autre
Comme tout jeune adolescent en grandissant, je découvre mon attrait
à aimer les sciences et rêvait d’être un grand scientifique. Ce rêve
m’a conduit après le BAC à faire le choix d’une formation professionnelle
en Génie Logiciel. Aujourd’hui, j’ai une licence en Génie Logiciel et je suis
doué dans le développement des chatbots, des applications Web et mo-
biles. J’ai commencé cette année un master en Architecture des Logiciels
et mon rêve est d’obtenir au moins deux (02) doctorats afin de faire valoir
mes compétences en entreprises pour un bon salaire et entreprendre par
La finalité de ce rêve est d’être d’une aide morale et financière à tous ceux
qui croiseront mon chemin pour qu’ils ne deviennent pas un poids social.
Car un succès sans successeurs est un échec. La rencontre avec les Salés-
iens de Don Bosco m’a donné plus de précision sur cette finalité. Je n’at-
tends pas d’être milliardaire avant d’entamer cela, car celui qui fait du bien
en de petites choses il lui sera accordé de grandes choses.

20.8 Page 198

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Tcho Bertin Céleste Christ, 21 ans, Brazzaville, République du Congo
Pourrais-je sauver une vie ?
Ma plus grande aspiration est celle de réaliser un jour ce rêve, sau-
ver des vies en devenant médecin spécialisé en neurochirurgie.
J'ai toujours eu ce désir depuis ma plus tendre enfance et c'est surtout
de suite à un rêve fait lorsque j'ai débuté avec le collège. Chaque
jour qui passe, je me vois dans ma blouse, entrain de sauver la vie.
Mais hélas, je suis parfois habité par la peur de perdre un patient, si
seulement je le devenais. A force d’y penser, dans ma tristesse et mes
doutes, il y a comme une voix qui se fait toujours entendre au-dedans
de moi me disant : le fait de perde un patient ne devrait pas te pous-
ser à douter de la profession choisie mais plutôt que cette épreuve
soit une force sur laquelle t'appuyer afin de réussir ton rêve. Cette voix
attise chaque jours ma détermination de devenir médecin spécialiste.

20.9 Page 199

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Teresa Chen, Hui-Cih, 24 years old,
Taipei City, Taiwan
A Youth’s Dream
Despite the daily tensions and pres-
sures of life, I dream of being able
to live my faith and have a clear di-
rection in life.
I hope that with my simple Christian
faith, I am able to enlighten others
and live my life with joy!
I wish to help more people, especially
the young, experience the love of
God and become the salt and light of
the world!

20.10 Page 200

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Theresa Adzinyo, 25 years old, Tema, Ghana
Nurturing Dreams Into Reality
Life has forced me to be strong at an early age, so nothing can
put me down unless it has to do with God.
While growing up, I dreamt of becoming an Air hostess, not just
any air hostess but a renowned one. Life has not been easy for
me. Nevertheless, I have always kept this dream in my mind. I
faced a lot of hardships while growing up. I stayed with a relative
to complete my Senior High School. I wanted to venture into cat-
ering, but I was opposed by my relative; he refused to pay the
fees for me to start, so I had to go back to my parents. My parents
didn’t have the money for it. It got to a point that I felt like giving
up on myself and my dream. But God helped me to hold on. So,
I had to stay with my parents, going to the farm and selling the
produce for 4 years before they could pay the fees. Today, I am
studying Catering and Hospitality in Don Bosco Technical Institute,
Tema, Ghana. It’s a stepping stone to my dream.

21 Pages 201-210

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21.1 Page 201

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Thomas Siolo Pesamino, 19 years old, Apia, Samoa
A Nurse for Others
Dreams often ignite our passion and drive us towards our desired future. For
me, becoming a nurse has always been my ultimate dream. From a
young age, I have been fascinated by the human body and the intricacies of
its functioning. The idea of being able to alleviate suffering, and make a differ-
ence in people's lives has always held a profound allure for me. Living in a na-
tion plagued by numerous difficulties has only strengthened my resolve to
pursue this dream. I have witnessed firsthand the suffering and despair that can
result from the absence of proper medical care. These experiences have
fueled my determination to become a doctor and contribute to the better-
ment of my community.
The path to becoming a doctor is undoubtedly arduous, requiring years of rig-
orous study, dedication, and sacrifice. However, it is precisely this journey that
fills me with excitement and a sense of purpose. I am particularly drawn to the
potential to work in specialized fields such as pediatrics, critical care, or oncol-
ogy, where I can make a significant impact on the lives of specific patient pop-
ulations. It is a commitment to serve humanity.
Thinking of my grandma's work or role as an old nurse always inspired me to
follow my heart and pursue my goal; also working with the young people of
our community gives me hope to keep sailing so that I can land on my dreams
safely and happily. My enduring dream as a nurse is a journey of compassion, growth, and unwavering dedication to the well-
being of others. It is a dream that propels me forward, despite the challenges that my nation may face. I am determined to
transform my enduring dream into a reality and to dedicate my life to the service of others.

21.2 Page 202

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Tiago Miguel Rodrigues Cunha, 30 anos,
Arcozelo-Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal
Um Clube Desportivo
Omeu nome é Tiago, sou animador salesiano, tenho 30 anos e vivo
em Arcozelo, uma vila no norte de Portugal.
Sonho em conseguir fazer com que o meu Centro Juvenil consiga ser
um clube desportivo para poder oferecer aos jovens a possibilidade
de conciliar uma vida cristã com a prática de desporto a nível com-
Desde os meus 12 anos que percebo que muitos rapazes e raparigas
abandonam o nosso centro Juvenil por causa do desporto, apesar de
termos actividades desportivas para eles, a falta de competição faz
com que eles procurem outros locais para passarem os seus tempos
Este é o meu maior sonho, é o que me motiva a querer estar com os
jovens e o que me faz acreditar que Deus quer o mesmo para nós. É
um projeto que envolve tanto os jovens mais novos como os jovens
mais velhos. Algo que pode unir mais a comunidade e criar um am-
biente mais salesiano na nossa presença.
Resta-me fazer tudo o que puder por este sonho e confiar que Maria
Auxiliadora vai estar do nosso lado.

21.3 Page 203

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Tisha Maria Das, 20 years old, Calcutta, India
When One Awakes
God has given us the ability to dream, yet it is entirely within God's design
to carry out our dreams. I grew up with my two younger brothers in a lov-
ing Catholic home. Even though my family was experiencing financial difficulties,
we three siblings had a great upbringing. Thanks to God's providence that al-
lowed us to attend large schools for our education. When I was ten years old, I
still vividly recall a dream in which a poor family lived on the street, but because
they regularly prayed, God gave them a larger home. Jesus also provided us
with a house that year. I began to put greater faith in Jesus and his mother Mary.
I had a lot of friends when I entered adolescence. When I cherished my friends
more and spent more of my life with them, I had turned into a nasty person. And
in the end, I was alone, without friends. Once again, I dreamed that Jesus pulled
me from the abyss. Jesus would never abandon me, even though everyone re-
jected me. God offered me another chance, and once more I began to dream
big. Jesus showed me mercy and provided a means for me to continue with my
higher education. I am being sponsored today by an unknown person in my pur-
suit of Optometry. Nothing compares to Jesus’ love for me. My goals and aspira-
tions are all coming true. For God, nothing is impossible. I have been weak at
times but God has given me the strength to get through every challenge. Dreams
are beneficial at all times. But in order to realize that ideal, we must put God first
and work hard. So soar into the skies and dream big.

21.4 Page 204

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Tomás McNamara, 27 years old, Kildare, Leinster, Ireland
Tertiary Education for Refugees
That tertiary education and other pathways be created to give people living
in refugee camps opportunities to earn a degree, recognise their own qual-
ifications, assisting them in reaching their potential in a way that is not yet possible.
For many around the world earning a degree is not possible. For some cost, dis-
tance and accessibility to education is an exclusion, as is the case for those in
refugee camps: often remote places dependent on the international com-
munity. My dream is providing higher levels of training in the camps, making path-
ways to recognise people’s prior qualifications, giving them chances to continue
their study elsewhere. This can radically improve outcomes for people to be em-
ployed in their chosen fields, be experts and to leave camps armed with knowl-
edge and experience to be employed in a wide variety of areas. Tertiary
education, I believe, can help return refugee camps to their original function to
provide temporary shelter to those whose lives are at most risk.

21.5 Page 205

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Traore Marie Epiphanie, 18 ans, Bamako, Mali
Réparatrice des cœurs
Depuis mon enfance lorsque je voyais des malades ou des gens en souf-
france, cela me faisait éperdument mal, car je me sentais incapable de leur
apporter mon aide. Un jour, j’ai demandé à ma mère le métier qu’elle souhaite-
rait me voir exercer dans l’avenir. Elle m’a dit avec un regard serein : « la méde-
cine ». Au fond de moi j’ai souri car c’est exactement ce dont je rêvais, alors, j’ai
réalisé que c’est réellement ma vocation. Lorsque je voyais dans quelques hôpi-
taux des médecins être méchants envers les patients, cela me révoltait, c’est
pourquoi, je me suis dit que je serai un médecin différent de ceux-là, car je vais
non seulement consulter les malades mais aussi être un guide pour eux. Précisé-
ment, je rêve de devenir cardiologue pour soigner les cœurs et prier pour leur
salut : c’est mon rêve le plus absolu. Je donnerai même la possibilité à ceux qui
n’ont pas les moyens, de bénéficier de mes soins. Et puisque c’est une vocation
ardente pour moi, le Seigneur qui est le médecin par excellence, me donnera
les forces nécessaires pour aller au bout de ce rêve; afin d’être pour ces malades,
la main du Seigneur qui soigne, qui guérit et qui sauve.

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Urté Pangonyt, 19 years old, Vilnius, Lithuania
A Happy Scientist
Seeing other people happy brings me joy. As I am an academician, I usually
see it as I explain some scientific concepts to those eager to learn about it. It
is truly magnificent to see how the eyes can light up with wonder and under-
standing, and see how little details connect to each other and make our world
perfect. Sometimes I can spend hours thinking just how everything is perfectly
designed, and has its own place and purpose in this world - mostly it is about all
the biochemical processes in our bodies, chemical reactions occurring around
us. I wish to explore it in more detail and I hope to recognize a similar passion in
other people within their chosen fields because it brings joy not only to the person
engaged in it but also to others who witness someone enjoying what they do.
I also dream of becoming a great scientist, aiming not only to make marvelous
discoveries but also to ignite a passion for exploring the world and appreciating
its beauty in others.

21.7 Page 207

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Valentina Sierra Cita, 19 años, Bogotá, Colombia
Una visión holística retadora
Retador, esa es la palabra que define el proceso de cre-
cimiento y construcción de vida que me he planteado
hasta el sol de hoy porque me permite rememorar mi pa-
sado, mis experiencias, mi mundo emocional. Descubrir mi
propósito de vida en la sociedad en conjunto con las nece-
sidades a nivel personal y social, generó en mí un plan de acción basado en el re-
conocimiento de mi entorno con sus comunidades y en mis habilidades, cualidades
y aptitudes. Es evidente que la formación desde casa y colegio que he recibido a
lo largo de mi vida, me han llevado a generar un foco de atención a la niñez y ad-
olescencia, así como Don Bosco y María Mazzarello apostaron por ellos y los acom-
pañaron en su formación. Por esto, sueño con una organización sin ánimo de lucro
con diferentes profesionales, herramientas y programas siempre en beneficio de la
infancia y juventud sin discriminación de ningún tipo, con el fin de brindarles a ellos
espacios de recreación, deporte, atención en salud física y mental y educación
con fundamentos técnico-científico claves que permitan el desarrollo hu-
mano óptimo desde una mirada biopsicosocial. El objetivo de este centro
integrador se desglosa en el saber científico, filosófico y técnico que le
permitan al individuo en crecimiento, formación en estos saberes y
también en habilidades blandas. Sembrar la semilla del liderazgo,
vocería y visión en los niños y jóvenes es mi misión sin desconocer la
realidad y contexto del país. Me parece de suma importancia prestar
estos servicios en primera instancia a población vulnerable pero al
tiempo a población con mayor recurso, buscando de esa manera una
parte de financiación, formar jóvenes con rasgos de líderes sociales, ca-
paces de defender la vida desde cualquier mínima expres.

21.8 Page 208

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Valeria María Guay Bourdet, 21 años, Guatemala, Guatemala
Un cielo de reflectores
Desde niña a uno le preguntan ¿Qué quiere ser uno de grande? Muchos
van cambiando ese sueño con forme vamos creciendo, una sirena,
astronauta, doctora o policía; en mi caso mi sueño nunca ha cambiado
desde que tengo memoria, ser una artista. Desde muy temprana edad so-
ñaba con ser cantante y actriz. Mi corazón se llenaba de alegría cada vez
que veía películas musicales y conciertos en la televisión. Aunque vivía en
una pequeña familia conformada solo por mi mama, mi imaginación se
transportaba a escenarios brillantes y llenos de luces, soñado que es estar
sobre un escenario, con luces apuntándome, tener en frente mío a muchas
personas gritando mi nombre, esperando que salga a escena. Pasaba
horas en mi habitación, cantando frente al espejo y ensayando coreogra-
fías improvisadas, jugando a ser una estrella Pop haciendo autógrafos y te-
niendo a todos mis juguetes como audiencia. Mi voz era dulce y poderosa,
con expresión facial irradiaba pasión y emoción. A medida que crecía, mi
deseo de compartir mi talento con el mundo solo se intensificaba. Lo que
más me gustó de mi sueño es que no solo se quedó en un sueño de nubes
imaginarias, sino que desde muy pequeña mi familia me ayudó a crecer y conseguir mi sueño, eh estudiado y crecido como artista
desde los seis años como canto, danza y teatro, participando en concursos y presentaciones para mi país y los niños de Guatemala.
El arte siento que es una gran herramienta para llegar a muchos corazones de mi país y de otros lugares porque el arte cruza cual-
quier idioma y cultura, porque podemos expresarnos con nuestro cuerpo, nuestra voz y nuestro talento, podemos brillar de diferentes
maneras, pero siempre sabremos que hay un reflector sobre nosotros que va a iluminar a muchas personas.

21.9 Page 209

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Valério Silva, 33 anos, Capo Verde
Cada Criança uma bênção
Osonho parte totalmente do meu dia a dia na minha comunidade em Cabo Verde, na ilha de São Vicente. Uma ilha pe-
quena em que temos muitos desafios humanos para desenvolver no decorrer de cada dia, cada semana cada mês, e
cada ano. A minha ideia passa por exatamente criar formas de fazer com que todos( crianças e jovens) possam se sentir incluídos
numa sociedade cada vez mais desafiadora. Levar as crianças e os jo-
vens da minha comunidade desenvolverem os seus projetos pessoais
para que possam contribuir positivamente para o crescimento da so-
ciedade. A ideia que parte disto é criar uma associação que possa dar
aqueles que perderam a esperança na sua vivência social possam ser
incluídos ao ponto de poderem dar o seu contributo à sociedade. O
sonho da criação desta associação parte da ideia de acompanhar
crianças e jovens em situações de vulnerabilidade na nossa comuni-
dade. De entre os mesmos podemos destacar as camadas mais sensí-
veis tais como a prostituição, o alcoolismo, o abandono familiar, as
drogas e entre outros. Nisto inclui formações em áreas que poderão
ajudar os jovens e as crianças de uma forma ativa na sociedade. For-
mações de mecânica formações, formações de culinária, formações
de empreendedorismo entre outros. Todo o projeto em forma de Sonho
quando realizada é um buquê de rosas brancas cheios de amor e mi-
sericórdia que Deus entregue a humanidade, é a bondade revelada através dos apóstolos, é a salvação manifestada através
do seu Filho Jesus Cristo. Cada criança uma bênção porque nós todos somos bênçãos neste mundo e cada um de nós é impor-
tante e é chamado a partilhar os seus sonhos com os irmãos e juntos realiza-los para a gloria de Deus.

21.10 Page 210

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Victoria Elhordoy, 21 años, Montevideo, Uruguay
Sueño con infancias alegres…
Mi sueño desde que soy niña es ser maestra, parece paradójico
estar escribiendo sobre este sueño, a poco de recibirme de
esto… Recuerdo en mi niñez imaginarme dando clases, me soñaba
en reuniones de padres, planificaba en mi mente actividades posi-
bles, era una experiencia que deseaba vivir. El sueño de educar
siempre estuvo presente en mi vida, y que dicha la mía que las in-
fancias me permitan cumplirlo. Hoy el sueño sigue vigente. Así como
Don Bosco desde chico manifestó su sueño de educar, siento que
la permanencia de este deseo tan grande de transmitir la alegría
de sentirme amada y hacer sentir amadas a las niñas, niños y jóve-
nes es persistente; tocar sus vidas y dejar la huella del amor, siendo
yo un instrumento, para que a su vez lo compartan con los demás,
es mi mayor sueño. Hoy mi experiencia me invita a soñar con infan-
cias felices, ambientes educativos con una praxis del amor; anhe-
lando que mi trabajo, lo que me hace feliz y mi vocación se
conjuguen. Claro, no siempre resulta tan fácil, pero sin dudas que
así es como hoy se manifiesta mi sueño de dar vida en abundancia
y educar desde el corazón.

22 Pages 211-220

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22.1 Page 211

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Victoria Weekley, 27 years old, Miami, Florida, USA
Life of Adventure
It’s hard to imagine what even one year from now will
look like, but when I sit and think about the years that
have passed, my dream is to have a life full of adventure.
Adventure in the mundane, the everyday. The dream of
my life is to live a beautiful life that glorifies God—a full
life, perfectly ordinary but one that brings goodness to
others. I’m still learning that a full life looks different for ev-
eryone. For me, it’s giving my whole heart. And so, with
this everyday life of adventure, I want to walk with family,
friends, and other young people. It is to live authentically,
sharing the beauty of the extreme normalcy that every-
day life offers each of us. In this shared journey with
others, I want to grow in simplicity; I want others to feel
at home with me, to feel loved and known. I want a
deep friendship with the Lord. I want to serve the Salesian
family. I want the everyday moments to be where holi-
ness is etched in my life story, I want it all to point towards
heaven. I have a long way to go, but I’m trying.

22.2 Page 212

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Vieymar Delgadillo Condori, 23 años, Cochabamba-Bolivia
Casi Casi
Todos albergamos sueños; sueños que anhelamos hacer realidad y que en
algún punto de nuestra corta vida se tornan parte del olvido. Desde niños so-
ñamos con grandes y pequeñas cosas, y muchas veces nos quedamos en un
“casi casi”. Lo que quiero decir, es que nos quedamos en frases como: Casi logro
entrar a la universidad, casi cumplo con mi carrera, casi salgo mejor alumno en
el colegio, casi logro tener una estabilidad familiar, casi pero casi soy feliz, en
serio: casi. Poco a poco dejamos esos sueños sin lograr nada y vivimos ponién-
dole mil excusas, siendo nosotros los que matamos, pisoteamos nuestros sueños
y dejamos que otros también lo hagan. ¿Saben? Sueño con un mundo donde
haya niños, jóvenes y adultos siendo guerreros de sus sueños, que no se rindan,
que no se estanquen en el vacío del “yo no puedo cumplir mi sueño”, que vayan
mucho más allá de sus límites, que sueñen en grande y no sean parte del mon-
tón, que sean radicales, que luchen con uñas y dientes porque tal vez no lo en-
tiendan ahora pero como le dijo María Auxiliadora a Juanito Bosco: “a su tiempo
lo comprenderás todo". Soy feliz porque sé que hay personas que sueñan y no
se rinden y empiezan desde lo pequeño y sencillo; son soñadores que son santos
pero no de altares, santos que se encargan de hacer soñar a muchos, que les
cuesta pero se mantienen en pie. No nos quedemos con el “casi casi sueño”,
nosotros podemos soñarlo y hacerlo realidad, hagamos de lo cotidiano un sueño

22.3 Page 213

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Viktoria Haradok, 17 years old, Bielorussia
Il mio sogno
Mi chiamo Viktoria Haradok e ho 17 anni. Vivo in Bielorussia, per es-
sere precisa, a Minsk. Quest’anno sto per finire la scuola e quindi
comincerò lo studio all’università. Attualmente sono candidato ad essere
animatore e quindi presto il mio servizio tra i giovani nell’oratorio salesiano
a Minsk e desidero anche in futuro camminare per la strada salesiana.
La mia passione è la musica, e don Bosco aveva ragione dicendo:
“L’oratorio senza musica è come il corpo senz’anima”. Mi piace tanto
lodare Dio tramite il canto. Il mio sogno invece è trovare veri amici e
buona compagnia con i quali potrò crescere, condividere le gioie e tris-
tezze, sentirsi accettata ed essere felice con loro. So che il mio sogno
sembra di essere banale però per me è tanto importante e profondo.
Моя мечта
ЯВиктория Гарадок, мне 17 лет. Я живу в Беларуси, а точнее в городе Минске.
В этом году я заканчиваю школу и планирую поступать в университет.
Подаю заявку в аниматоры минского аратора и планирую и дальше претендовать на этот
салезианский дар.
Мой любимый справа — музыка, и я ценю слова Боско: «Человек без музыки
подобен целому лицу без души».
Там я сразу воспою славу Божию.
Я знаю хорошее будущее и отличную кампанию, благодаря которой я буду расти, радоваться и
праздновать, чувствовать себя «как дома» и просто быть счастливым с ними.
Здаецца, для меня важна просто гета банальная мара, але гета велми.

22.4 Page 214

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Virginie Maminirina Razafindravello, 21 ans,
Befelatanana Antananarivo Madagascar
J’ai fixé un Object
J’ai toujours rêvé de crée mon propre entreprise c’est-à-dire à mon propre
compte. C’est vraie que beaucoup des jeunes d’Aujourd’hui on le même rêve
que moi mais je crois sincèrement que cela reste toujours un rêve. Depuis que j’étais
petite, environ 12 ans, j’avais le don de faire la photographie. Mais ce n’est que j’ai
commencé à grandir que j’ai su que l’artisanat où le talent que Dieu m’a donné
pourra rapporter de chose dans ma vie ; alors c’est à partir de ce moment-là que
j’ai essayé d’exploiter ce talent qu’on m’a donné. Ce qui m’a vraiment pousser à
faire cela, c’est que j’e rêvé souvent que si un jour, j’aurais une stabilité économique
(que j’ai tout ce qui me faut), j’aiderai les gens qui n’en ont pas. Je vais les aider car
par avant, j’étais déjà à leur place, alors difficile qu’ils ont. Tout cela m’apporte de
la joie et me donne de l’espoir en rêvant d’aider mes patriote ; A part cela, person-
nellement, j’ai appris le management c’est concernant la gestion et j’ai l’ambition
de gérer mon propre entreprise un jour, et j’ai l’intention d’appliquer les expériences
que j’ai pendant mes études. Je veux être un bon exemple pour tout le monde surt-
out pour les jeunes qui sont l’avenir de notre pays. Je veux leur former et enseigner
avec la connaissance que j’ai, c’est pour les motivés et de toujours fixé un objectif
dans la vie. J’ai toujours rêvé que si un jour j’atteindrai mon objectif et que mes rêvé
réalisera. Je veux vraiment aider tous ceux qui ont besoins : faire coudre des jupes
pour l’orphelin, et aussi les jeunes qui ont des difficultés dans leur vie. J’aimerai aider
les jeunes en recherche de leur chemin.

22.5 Page 215

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Vojtech Šafránek, 20 years old, Teplice, Czech republic
On The Path
Ifound myself in the midst of a large, never-ending crowd of people. They were
clad in white robes and were walking upon a steep stone road towards a hill-
top that overlooked the city. They did not tread lightly, without burden. They each
carried their cross: a heavy burden, under which one’s feet buckle, shoulders col-
lapse in pain, and mind ceases to register its surroundings. The crowd left behind
all those who simply stood on the side of the road, who added to their unbear-
able burdens, cruelly punished their falls underneath the cross and denied mercy
to the weary.
The crowd jointly went forward, people supporting one another, slowly nearing
their Goal.
I dream of all those, wandering together in Christ. About the Church, where all
followers of Christ aid one another, where some don't hand out condescending
and unsolicited advice to others, where people don’t judge others and don’t
add to their already heavy burdens. On the contrary, I dream of people helping
others to shoulder their burdens, lifting others up when they fall, so that they may
all reach Christ together. It pleases me, when I can support others, and rely on
their shoulders to support me.

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Vü Hoàng Sa, 24 years old, Eatieu, Cú Kuin district, Dak Lak province, Vietnam
The Dream to Serve
Ihad no idea what I would become or what kind of work I preferred to do while
I was a student. However, I am grateful to God for giving me the opportunity to
join the Salesian family. It was during my studies and residence at Don Bosco aLat
community that I discovered my dream: to be a good religious and a good priest.
First, I think that dream was only a tiny thing, so at that time, I just enjoyed helping
people through activities or charity. Gradually, through the opportunities pro-
vided by the Salesians, I served students through useful activities or learned les-
sons to improve my knowledge. I began to find more actual enjoyment (and it
even became my favorite work) every time I engage and help students through
beneficial activities or courses to advance my knowledge. I also feel that my
dream is growing bigger and more obvious.
By the time I graduated from university, that dream of mine had probably been
made and became a real dream. Up to now, I myself am engaged in getting to
know a congregation, practicing religious life at the first stages, learning more
knowledge and strengthening my faith to be convinced that the path I have
chosen is the right one blessed by the Lord.

22.7 Page 217

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Wendel Bittencourt da Silva, 25 anos, Curitiba-PR, Brasil
Com Maria, vivendo sonhos
Fui ensinado a sonhar. Com a minha família aprendi a sonhar e posso dizer com toda
a certeza que um lar de amor é capaz de alimentar sonhos e educar para a vida.
Na minha adolescência os sonhos começam a ter novos significados, são "menos mági-
cos", mas continuam com uma força inexplicável, alimentados pelo vigor e pela cora-
gem de ser jovem e se deparar com inúmeros caminhos de vida. Sonhava com uma
carreira profissional que pudesse me dar uma vida digna, mais do que dinheiro, me fi-
zesse feliz. Sonhava em ser e fazer alguém feliz em um relacionamento ou doar a minha
vida como sacerdote. Sonhava com um mundo em que as pessoas pudessem ter ânimo
e sentido de viver. Como tive bons sonhos na adolescência, como eu pude amadurecê-
los de forma tranquila, sem grandes pressões, apenas sonhar, sem tantos prazos.
Neste período, eu já tinha experiências suficientes para saber que não sonhava mais so-
zinho. Desde que tive a minha experiência de primeiro anúncio, eu sabia que alguém já
havia me sonhado. Não fazia sentido um projeto de vida, um sonho, sem Deus. Colocar
Deus como projeto de vida é um caminho apaixonante... Pode até ser que precisem ter
inesperadas mudanças de rota, mas estar com Ele traz segurança.
Olhando para a vida de Nossa Senhora, escolhi como título dessa partilha “Com Maria, vivendo sonhos”, me espelhando nela
no modo de como sonhar e aceitar os sonhos de Deus. Nossa Senhora me educa na fé, me inspira de como devo sonhar e
viver, estando disponível ao chamado de Deus.
Tenho um grande sonho de vida, algo que me move, que me estimula todos os dias a acordar e lutar. Gostaria que todas as
pessoas do mundo pudessem sentir o amor de Deus, sem distinção, sem fardos e imposições.

22.8 Page 218

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Wendy Melissa Silva Puelles, 26 años, Piura, Perú
Soldado de Dios
Cuando tenía 5 años, recuerdo la figura de muchos ancianos
por las calles extendiendo la mano por una moneda, y quería
ayudar a todos. A medida que iba creciendo, me dije que tenía
que trabajar para ello.
Más adelante entendí que no era fácil ayudar con una moneda,
que eso no les cambiaría la vida, que debía y podía hacer mucho
más, que no solo eran los ancianos, sino también los niños, las mad-
res solteras, y otros con un problema distinto, y con esperanza ago-
Entonces empecé a soñar siendo una gran abogada que defen-
día los derechos de la gente que no tenía voz, que todos me
decían que perdería porque los que tienen dinero siempre ganan,
y que yo les refuta diciendo que el que siempre gana es Dios, y
que Él estaba conmigo, y que puedo ser presidenta del Perú, un
soldado de Dios al servicio de su pueblo, porque ningún problema
puede ser más grande que el amor de Dios, y aunque no pueda
cambiar el mundo entero, creo profundamente que sí puedo
cambiar el pedazo que me toca.

22.9 Page 219

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Yariana Rivera Fontanez, 23 años, Puerto Rico
Dar lo que recibí
Pensar en mi sueño me hace primero pensar en todos
los sueños que he tenido y que gracias a esos sueños
soy la persona que soy y sueño con la que quiero lle-
gar a ser.
Agradezco por los sueños que se convierten en per-
sonas que aportan, por los sueños que son momentos
que edifican y construyen; y esos que me han impul-
sado a salir de lo rutinario y que me han llevado a dar
lo mejor de mí. Ahora, puedo decir que mi sueño es
ser una mejor persona cada día en la que pueda se-
guir llevando un corazón agradecido que me permita
hacer el bien donde quiera que esté. Disfrutando los
momentos de mi vida como regalo y don precioso de
Dios que me invita a dar lo mejor y ser luz.
Poder aportar con mi carrera al futuro de mi país y de
mi sociedad, trabajando desde la sensibilidad a las
necesidades de los demás en búsqueda de solu-
ciones que solo se vivan desde la esperanza y con-
struir un hogar con valores. Pues, un día recibí mucho
del Carisma Salesiano y hoy quiero seguir dándole
vida desde mi realidad y dar un poco de lo mucho
que recibí a generaciones futuras. ¡Viviendo feliz!

22.10 Page 220

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Yoshino Arita, 20 years old, Tokyo, Japan
My Dream
When I first entered junior high school, I just spent my days without any dreams. It wasn't
that I didn't want to do anything, it was that I hated failure more than anything and
thought there was nothing I could do. However, I had a desire to help people.
When I was in my third year of junior high school, I had the opportunity to visit a slum area.
From that time on, I started having clear dreams. By witnessing the current situation of
people suffering due to social problems, I found light in this way of life, devoting myself to
those who are socially vulnerable.
When I entered university, I seriously thought about what I would specifically do to help
people. Around that time, a coup d'état occurred in Myanmar. While I was free to imagine
my future, it was very shocking to see children suffering from the coup. Based on this, I
thought that urgently fixing the educational system was what was needed by people who
were suffering, so I entered the Department of Education. Currently, I am studying educa-
tional reconstruction in countries affected by conflict.
My dream is to ensure educational opportunities for all people including children suffering
from social problems, and to create opportunities for all children to dream freely. There are
times when I feel helpless between the scale of what I'm trying to accomplish and my cur-
rent limitations, but I have a great role model in Don Bosco.

23 Pages 221-230

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23.1 Page 221

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Zacarías Ebiri Nsue Mikue, 19 años, Mongomo, Guinea Ecuatorial
El sacerdocio
(amor, alegría, servicio y ayuda)
Hola mi nombre es Zacarías Ebiri Nsue Mikue, tengo 19 años y les voy a contar
sobre mi sueño. Mi sueño desde pequeño ha sido siempre ser un sacerdote
sobre todo salesiano. Ya que si no tienes amor no conoces a Dios, porque Dios
es amor. Esta vocación es para lo más importante y siempre me inspira a ser siem-
pre bueno ver las ¿Cuál es mi sueño en la vida? cosas de una forma más simple,
lo que invita a estar con los demás sin ningún problema. Me acuerdo que en
una noche estuve soñando donde me están ordenando con una multitud de
gente, y siempre lo tengo presente hasta el fin del mundo. Esta vocación siempre
me empuja a ser bueno, a seguir adelante y a librarme de mis dificultades, así
como vivir con esperanza y mucha alegría. Me gustaría lograr con este sueño
poder ayudar a los jóvenes de mi país Guinea Ecuatorial, en cuento a las dificul-
tades que tenemos aquí tales como: niños sin hogar, construir un lugar para
todos los jóvenes y niños necesitados, ensenar quien es Dios y cuál es su amor
por nosotros que nos da por medio de su hijo Jesús. Otras cosas que quiero lograr
con mi sueño es dejar que todos los jóvenes ecuatoguineanos sean todos iguales
sin tener en cuenta la raza de ni el color ni la cultura y que todos se sientan ama-
dos, y que puedan dejar todos estos malos vicios; atracos, asesinatos, robos
etc. Pero todo lo haré por medio de la oración, con la ayuda de Dios
y sin olvidar la de mi guía espiritual, así como de Don Bosco, María

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Zippora Tomelleri, 19 anni, Verona, Italia
Essere voce
L’oscurità che vedo intorno a me mi spaventa. Come andare avanti?
Come andare avanti se vedo giovani che gettano via la loro vita nel-
l'alcol, nel fumo, nell'uso volgare e irrispettoso del loro corpo? Come andare
avanti se tutti si sentono soli, perché nessuno può condividere se stesso, mo-
strarsi come è realmente? È un incubo. Perché non riesce a esprimere i de-
sideri profondi del suo cuore? Perché non vuole sognare? Ha paura? Ero
così spaventata, mi sentivo così, sola anche con gli altri, paralizzata nelle
mie scelte perché non riuscivo a fidarmi degli altri, di Dio. Perché far sì che
Dio ascoltasse il mio grido, perché doveva essere Lui la risposta? Mi arrab-
biavo, perché non volevo ascoltare. Poi ho sentito... quella musica! Questa
musica mi dà speranza, gioia. Quella musica è un'anima che pulsa, che mi
chiede di cantare, cantare di nuovo, cantare sempre. Poi ho capito che
c'era sempre qualcuno intorno a me. Qualcuno che va controcorrente,
che si prende cura di questi bambini soli, poveri e malati.
Qualcuno che si prende sul serio, che crede nei sogni, che vede i dettagli
di gioia che Dio mette nella nostra vita. Ho un nuovo sogno: Voglio cantare!
Sogno di cantare quanto sono amata, quanto sono stata sognata e desi-
derata prima ancora di imparare a sognare. Sogno di cantare che solo in-
sieme agli altri posso comporre le melodie più belle. Per dare voce a coloro
che non sentono più la musica.

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Zuleyka Salguera, 23 años, Managua, Nicaragua
Mi mundo creativo
Desde los 19 años tuve un sueño que mantuve cerca de mi corazón.
La primera vez que tuve el sueño fue cuando estaba estudiando mi primera licenciatura
en comunicación me encantaba lo que hacía, pero me di cuenta de que solo fue un plus
para realmente darme cuenta lo que soñaba ser y hacer. El sueño era en convertirme en una
diseñadora gráfica, para hacer realidad también la imaginación y sueño de los demás por
medio de mis habilidades y creatividad: Comunicación y diseño gráfico. Cuando decidí es-
tudiar diseño y planteé la idea a mi familia, me decían que pensará mucho por lo que yo ya
había terminado una carrera, que para que tanto esfuerzo, incluso me inscribí e hice el curso
preuniversitario y el examen de admisión a escondidas… pero al final comprendieron que co-
municación fue un medio para yo darme cuenta de que quería ser y hacer por el resto de mi
vida. He tenido la oportunidad de trabajar dando publicidad en páginas de Facebook e In-
stagram, donde realizo distintos artes de acuerdo con las necesidades planteadas, aplicando
los conocimientos adquiridos para obtener los resultados deseados, pongo mis habilidades al
servicio de los demás y voy haciendo camino en el ámbito laboral.
Con este sueño, quiero fomentar la innovación y creatividad, crear oportunidades laborales
y contribuir al crecimiento económico teniendo la certeza que todo requiere una combi-
nación de educación, habilidades y perseverancia. La educación desempeña un papel
crucial en el desarrollo de los conocimientos y destrezas necesarias para lograr lo que de-
seamos. Quiero ser un ejemplo de constancia, firmeza y valentía. Que los Jóvenes de mi entorno puedan verme como una
referencia de que con sacrificio y esfuerzo día a día lo que deseamos podemos lograr, que nada es imposible en la medida
que luchamos por conseguirlo, que después del largo camino la magia llega.

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Non smettiamo mai di sognare! (Ángel Fernández Card. Artime, sdb)
Il sogno simboleggia la vita spirituale di ciascuno di noi
(Suor Chiara Cazzuola)
Diamanti nascosti (Don Miguel Angel Garcia)
Abdullah Amr, 15 years old, Cairo, Egypt
To Be an Electrical Engineer
Abel Angel Muñoz Londoño, 24 años, Panamá
Una persona de bien
Abraham Isaac Kouraogo, 30 ans, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire
Rêve dans un rêve
Agata Mròz, 20 years old, Czerwin´sk nad Wisła˛, Poland
The Architect of Life
Aizivaishe Ndhlovu, 18 years old, Zimbabwe
My Dream
Akakam Ndoutoume Schesky Hervee, 27 ans, Conakry, Guinee
Mai, soins pour tous !
Alfred James W, 28 years old, Tiruchy, India
My Life Commitment: “Help at least one person a day”
Alice Vinoliya, 19 years old, Chennai, India
Dream: A helping hand transforms
Alina Artsiukevich, 23 anni, Bielorussia
Un sogno per i bambini / Мара для дзяцей
V Ámar Gazel Hernández, 18 años, San Jose, Costa Rica
1 Estrellas perdidas
Amritha H.M., 31 years old, Bangalore, India
3 Dream: Passion ignites dream
Ana Caroline Nogueira Noleto, 18 anos, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
5 O Sonho de Dom Bosco deve ser o NOSSO sonho Tambëm!
Ana Manongo Nhema, 22 anos, Moxico, Angola
6 Um sonho almejado
Ana María Giraldo Giraldo, 20 años, Medellín, Colombia
7 Entrega, Felicidad y Amor
Anani Henry Joël Kouadio, 18 ans, Côte d'Ivoire
8 Le choix
Ancelia Mathias Patrao, 20 years old, Lonavala, India
Dream: Evolved Life Dreams
András Berthóty, 22 years old, Piliscsaba, Hungary
Seeking the face of God
Angelica Buanne, 19 anni, Cagliari, Italia
Lasciare il segno
Angélica Melisa Ordoñez DelCid, 25 años, Las Uvas, Tegucigalpa,
Francisco Morazán, Honduras
12 La semilla del sueño
Angie Karina Veloz, 18 anni, Genova, Italia
13 Fare tutto per amore

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Anita Marton, 24 anni, Mogliano Veneto, Italia
Da tutta la vita
Anna Lazzarotto, 23 anni, Gassino, Torino, Italia
Trovare la piena felicità nella quotidianità
Annie Mwewa, 27 years old, Mansa, Zambia
Create a Legacy of Hope and Inspiration
Antonio Battaglia, 19 anni, Italia, Palermo
La mia missione
Assieffeu Cyrille, 18 ans, Cameroun
Mon rêve d’enfance
Bartol Kadic´, 19 years old, Croatia
Giving Knowledge
Belinda Boahen, 22 years old, Sunyani - Odumase, Ghana
Grasping the Dream
Bingboure Delwende Lucette Junio, 29 ans, Ouagadougou,
Burkina Faso
Rééducation de la société
Bipasha Hrangkhawl, 30 years old, Agartala, Tripura, India
Dream: A Light in Someone’s path
Blanca Berenice Rangel Lujano, 22 años, Aguascalientes,
México Guadalajara
Lugar de amor fraternal
Catherine Mutalemwa, 29 years old, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
Food for Life
Celine Kamel, 24 years old, Jbeil - Lebanon
A Dream Odyssey
Cesar David López Mora – Villeta, 29 años, Coro Estado Falcón,
25 Venezuela
Porque los sueños se cumplen
26 Chanda Chikusela, 25 years old, Kasama, Zambia
Stable and Healthy Life
27 Charis Philip, 22 years old, Bangalore, India
Dream: Being the Change
28 Charity Makweta, 19 years old, Dar es salaam, Tanzania
All About My Dreams
29 Chereamlak Bereha, 29 years old, Addis Abeba, Ethiopia
My Dream
30 Chiara Caccavale, 28 anni, Livorno, Italia
La goccia che fa la differenza
31 Chioma Okoye, 27 years old, Tampa, Florida, USA
A Glimpse at Heaven
Chivorn Men, 16 years old, Battambang, Cambodia
32 My Dream
Christiana Flynn, 18 years old, Watsonville, California, USA
33 My Own Salesian Family
Cindy Claire Yameogo, 25 ans, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
Un orphelin, une famille
Clarissa Budianto, 26 years old, Jakarta, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia
Authentic Educator
Comfort Banda, 19 years old, Lilongwe, Malawi
My Mother’s Daughter

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Daniel Flores, 28 años, Caracas, Venezuela
Creo que si se puede soñar, se puede hacer
Darryl Huevos, 27 years old, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
A Place to Belong
Davide Pio Buttazzo, 23 anni, Lecce, Italia
Salesiano 2.0
Dieudonné Metyveca Carmelle, 18 ans, Haiti
Mon Avenir en Reve
Dione Ndeye Diarra Bousso, 18 ans, Dakar, Senegal
Devenir ingénieure de travaux
Dominic Basumatary, 19 years old, Udalguri, India
Chasing My Destiny’s Whispers
Eduard Llistó Estela, 20 años, Valencia, España
Servir a los demás
Eduardo Andrade, 27 anos, Recife, Brazil
Para que outros possam sonhar!
Elias Bahamonde, 19 años, Santa Cruz, Argentina
Encontrar el amor atravesando el odio
Elisa Spataro, 19 anni, Ragusa, Italia
Cogli l’attimo
Emma Rigo, 22 uears old, Melbourne, Australia
Living a Self-Determined Life
Enrique Barceló, 17 años, Rivera, Uruguay
Poder lograrlo sin rendirme
Erini Sami, 22 anni, Alessandria, Egitto
Pace e tranquillità nel mondo
Esteban Hernández Mejía, 20 años, Brossard, Quebec, Canada
49 De un sueño ¡al Sueño!
Eunbin Heo, 28 years old, Seongnam, South Korea
50 Be the light
51 Eva Logar, 18 years old, Slovenija
To love, to be, to dream
52 Eyui Ndzengui Helena, 20 ans, Libreville – Gabon
Du social à l’entreprenariat
53 Fabio Pisa, 22 anni, Napoli, Italia
Lo sport per salvare vite
54 Fanny Franc, 18 years old, Marseille, France
Dream of the Unknown and the Unexpected
55 Fátima Liliana Oporto Morán, 25 años, Soyapango, San Salvador,
El Salvador
Un alma soñadora
Febronia Fernandes, 23 years, Fatorda, Goa, India
My Dream for the World
Federico Mattio, 25 anni, Piemonte, Italia
Un sogno quotidiano
Francesca Bisarello, 18 anni, Cinisello Balsamo (Milano), Italia
59 Sognare è Sperare
Francesca Palma, 24 anni, Torino, Italia
60 Il sogno della mia vita
Francesco Baga, 23 anni, Turbigo (MI), Italia
61 Metti i piedi dove li metto io, seguimi

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Francesco Lucianò, 25 anni, Prato (Firenze), Italia
Il banchetto
Francesco Piola, 24 anni, Villafalletto, Italia
Vero in tempo
Francesco Pioli, 22 anni, Parma, Italia
La capacità di educare
François Levaux, 21 ans, Liège, Belgique
Acteur, éducateur et membre de la famille
Gabriela Gos, 20 anni, Piła, Polonia
Per sempre giovane
Gabriele Santoro, 25 anni, Messina, Italia
Cooperante con Don Bosco
Galli Eleonora, 21 anni, Pianezza, Italia
George Parkinson, 12 years old, Bolton, Great Britain
My Dreams
Giorgio Arcoraci, 23 anni, Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto (ME), Italia
Che vuoi fare da “grande”?
Giovanni Paolo Casasola, 18 anni, Rognano (PV), Italia
Un sogno per domani
Giuseppe Balsamo, 19 anni, Catania, Italia
Voglio sentirmi libero
Giuseppe Profetto, 18 anni, Modica (RG), Italia
Matematica, ragazzi e… Dio
Hinata Ito, 18 years old, Tokyo, Japan
Visions of Dream Tellers
Hounkanrin Ibitecho Charite Jean Eude, 23 ans, Cotonou, Benin
74 Beat Maker Boy
Ihuoma Enwere, 23 years old, Johannesburg, South Africa
75 The Chastity Dream
Ingrid Yessica Guzmán Guevara, 31 años, Santa Tecla, El Salvador
76 In your time you will understand
J.M. Akila Warnakulasooriya, 25 years old, Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka
77 To be able to Serve
Jana Reynaldo, 21 years old, Makati City, Philippines
78 Dreaming for Our Kids
Jessica Sardina, 24 years old, Los Angeles, California, USA
79 Awakening to Reality
Jetison Tyngkan, 26 years old, Jowai, Shillong, India
80 A Leader with a difference
Joan Lau Hui Sing, 33 years old, Malaysia
81 My Dreams
Joaquín Amador Garcés Guzmán, 20 años, Quito, Ecuador
82 Una vida valiosa
Johancer Polanco, 18 años, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana
83 El Zatti Comunicador
Joseidys González, 18 años, Coro Estado Falcón, Venezuela
84 Mi esperanza tu esperanza
Joselito Yap, 21 years old, Buhisan Nazareth Cebu City, Philippines
85 Dream
Juliet Nwogo, 27 years old, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria
86 The Enigmatic Realm of Dreams

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Julio Cesar Valle Borjas, 19 años, Florencia, Honduras
El sueño de todos
Kabageni Epiphanie D’Honneur, 21 years old, Kigali, Rwanda
Empowering Youth Through Education
Karolain Yailyn Rojas Solano, 24 años, Pérez Zeledón, San José,
Costa Rica
Soñando de corazón a corazón
Karolis Antanavicˇius, 17 years old, Telšiai, Lithuania
What is your dream when you grow up?
Katawa Jude Segou, 25 ans, Kara, Mère de Dieu, Togo
Devenir prêtre de Jésus-Christ
Kathia Emireth Guerra Sian, 28 años, Ciudad de Guatamela,
My dream became reality
Kathryn Vong Pak Cheng, 26 years old, Hongkong
To Follow Don Bosco’s Dream
Kevin Muutu Kyule, 29 years old, Nairobi, Kenya
Raising Hope
Kidist Tadu, 24 years old, Addis Abeba, Ethiopia
To be in a CHOIR
Kleo Filipi, 20 anni, Napoli, Italia
Linee e colori
Kyle Portelli, 21 years old, Malta
10 days of global Salesian Spirit
Laura Camila Herrera Gómez, 23 años, Bogotá D.C., Colombia
Un mundo sin barreras
Leander Pereira, 21 years old, Mumbai, India
100 Dream of an Unknown Culture
Levina Faria Simoes, 23 years old, Dili, East Timor
101 Meeting Don Bosco
Liam Bui, 20 years old, Melbourne - Australia
Enduring Peace, Stability and Happiness
Libin Lawrence, 23 years old, Kerala, India
A Beacon of Inspiration
Lu Lu Mai, 18 anni, Myanmar
Mio Sogno “Essere un attivista per i diritti umani”
104 Luca Trapletti, 37 anni, Berzo San Fermo (BG) Italia
Sogno di donare la vita
Lucas Nistler, 22 anos, Lontras, Brasil
Salvar através do amor
María Angélica Montenegro Maldonado, 21 años, Masaya, Nicaragua
106 Abraza tu sí
Maliha Tariq Nawab, 24 years old, Quetta, Pakistan
107 My dream
Manut Teng Alou, 24 years old, Wau – South Sudan
108 A Peacemaker Among the Youths of South Sudan
María de los Milagros López Aguilera, 24 años, San Juan, Argentina
109 Sueños de brotes nuevos
María Fernanda Rodríguez Duque, 23 años, Medellín, Colombia
110 Hilos de Impacto: Sueños Entre la Academiay la Comunidad
María Florencia Roldán de Santiago del Estero, 24 años, Argentina
111 Lo de “soñar” siempre fue una oportunidad

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Maria Furmanova, 24 years old, Slovacchia
A happy and blessed life
Mazhini Maheo, 18 years old, Kohima, Nagaland, India
125 A lighthouse to Young Dreamers
Maria Inês Correia Cristóvão, 20 anos, Portugal
Being happy
Michel Nomenjanahary, 21 ans, Antananarivo, Madagascar
126 L’ambassadeur des pauvres
Maria Laís Sodré Juvenal, 20 anos, Manaus – Brasil
Minju Sophia Kim, 19 years old, Seoul, South Korea
Raggiungere la santità con radici culturali
127 Significant Other
María Laura Cruz-Bustillo Alvarez, 19 años, Habana Vieja,
Mohanad Andrios, 30 years old, Iraqi refugee in Istanbul
San Jua Bosco, (La Habana)
Seeds of Service: A Dream Rooted in Faith and Community
Servir curando
Monika Paljaj, 22 years old, Montenegro
María Méndez, 33 años, Madrid, Spain
Finding Myself
Los sueños transforman la realidad
Musisi Edwine S4, 19 years old, Uganda
Maria Saung Oo, 22 anni, Myanmar
To Save the Lives of Many
Essere un insegnante qualificato
Nancy Lawrencia, 18 years old, South Sudan
Marilia Guadalupe Da Silva Melo, 21 anos, Paulo Afonso/BA, Brasil
Becoming a Medical Doctor
Um sonho como missão
Nathalie Seidel, 25 Jare alt, Chemnitz/Germany
Marina Ponce Peña, 26 años, Sevilla, España
A Happy Life
Un sueño de vida
Nicola Zanardini, 27 anni, Gianico (BS), Italia
Marta Jacquet, 21 años, Paraguay
Donarsi come Don Bosco
¿Cuál es el sueño de tu vida?
Nícolas Marson do Prado Frois Nícão, 24 anos,
Martha Ajak Bol Makech, 21 years old, South Sudan
São José dos Campos - SP, Brasil
Becoming the First Female President of South Sudan
134 Uma Família Santa
Martine Marie Pascaline Sissoko, 20 ans, Bamako-Mali
Le basket ma passion
Nicole Mónica López Leyton, 21 años, Huancayo, Perú
135 Un sueño, una misión
Matteo Morabito, 24 anni, Torino, Italia
Nikolaj Horvat, 24 anni, Slovenija
Qual è il sogno della tua vita?
136 As long as I am in the world

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Nkoghe Niaone Djibril Sklevy, 13 ans, Libreville – Gabon
Le rêve de voler
Noella MABOMBI KEMBE, 24 ans, Kinshasa, République démocratique
du Congo
Je peux piloter
Nuria Hernández González, 23 años, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria,
Educar, cosa del corazón
Olena Mashtalyar, Ukraine
Being God’s Instrument
Pakkatorn Chaipolwat (Poom), 17 years old, Thailand
My dream is to be... a doctor
Paranika Arockiya, 21 years old, Chennai, India
A Desire to Soar High
Patchara Mark Gaffron, 17 years old, Huahin Prachap Thailand
The Roadmap of My Dreams
Patrick Samura, 23 years old, Freetown, Sierra Leone
Sierra Leone’s Youth Vanguard
Pierre Borella, 20 ans, Lione, Francia
I have a dream
Priya Dharshini, 18 years old, Tiruchi, Tamil Nadu, India
No One Is Left Behind
Puih Thuym H’Chuyêt, 18 years old, Plei Ba parish, Duc Có district,
Gia Lai province, Kontum Diocese, Vietnam
Bring the “Letters”
Puttharaksa Lanoi, 22 anni, Udon Thani, Thailand
Sogna per il futuro
Rafael Alexandre de Souza, 23 anos, São Paolo, Brasil
149 Salesiano para o mundo
Rafael Galaviz, 22 años, Barquisimeto, Venezuela
Deseo de amar aquello que nos hace felices
Rafael Pabón Saucedo, 17 años, La Paz, Bolivia
Mi vida, un milagro
151 Rahul Jude Ponnaiah, 29 years old, Bandlaguda Jagir
Hyderabad - Telangana, India
Abundant Life
Raman Barscheuski, 15 anni, Bielorussia
Il mio sogno / Моя мечта
Rebecca Totu, 24 years old, Solomon Islands
154 Disconnected to connect to a New Dream
Refilwe Tsotetsi, 24 years old, South Africa
155 Trusting in God’s Process
René Guzmán Rivera, 21 años, San Juan De Maguana,
156 República Dominicana
Reintegrando: Viviendo en comunidad
157 Rhysurn Baim, 17 years old, Gabutu, Papua New Guinea
Dream of what I could do Better
158 Rolande Zangre, 19 ans, Koubri, Burkinabè
La Réorientation de mon rêve
Romain Destremeau, 20 ans, Chambéry, Svizzera
159 La vie avec émerveillement et passion
Roman Yatsyshyn, 18 anni, Ucraina
160 Sognare è vivere

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Ronmel Arístides Hernández Tábora, 30 años, Santa Rosa de Copán,
Sie Seyla, 23 years old, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Honduras, CAM
Mary’s voice in my DREAM
I am a son of dreamers
Roxanne Isabel Vargas Hechavarría, 23 años,
Parroquia Purísima Concepción de Manzanillo Cuba
Simone Ripamonti, 27 anni, Usmate Velate, Italia
Sognare il mondo
Una misión, sueño cubano
174 Stephanie Kevi, 30 years old, Honiara - Solomon Islands
The Dream I Dare to Dream
Samuel S. Dehwein, 22 years old, Monrovia, Liberia
The Journey to Freedom
175 Tania Dsouza, 23 years old, Mumbai, India
Loving beyond Differences
Sandra Ramnunmawii, 19 years old, Mizoram, India
Synchrony of knowledge and peace
176 Tashu Natasha Kisku, 20 years old, New Delhi, India
Reverie to Dream
Santiago Rodas Cano, 25 años, Medellin, Colombia
A Full and Happy Life
177 Tchakponou Koudagbe Matthieu, 29 ans, Lomé, Togo
Sara Araújo Andrade, 16 anos, Ponte Nova, Brasile
Réussir pour aider l’autre
A caminho do céu
178 Tcho Bertin Céleste Christ, 21 ans, Brazzaville, République du Congo
Sara Baghwar, 23 years old, Jorhat, Dimapur, India
Pourrais-je sauver une vie ?
Rides towards Wholeness
179 Teresa Chen, Hui-Cih, 24 years old, Taipei City, Taiwan
Sara Malko, 20 anni, Rijeka, Croazia
A Youth’s Dream
Grande sogno, piccola bambina
Theresa Adzinyo, 25 years old, Tema, Ghana
Saskia Möbius, 25 years old, Wien, Österreich
Nurturing Dreams Into Reality
My Dream
Thomas Siolo Pesamino, 19 years old, Apia, Samoa
Sebastián Arias Avilés, 22 años, Pérez Zeledón, San José, Costa Rica
A Nurse for Others
Ciber Sueño
Tiago Miguel Rodrigues Cunha, 30 anos,
Sergio Vázquez Solano, 27 años, Tultepec, estado de México, México
Arcozelo-Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal
El presente de un sueño
183 Um Clube Desportivo
Shawn Mendoza, 18 years old, San Juan City, Batangas, Philippines
Tisha Maria Das, 20 years old, Calcutta, India
Shoot for the Stars
184 When One Awakes

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Tomás McNamara, 27 years old, Kildare, Leinster, Ireland
Tertiary Education for Refugees
Traore Marie Epiphanie, 18 ans, Bamako, Mali
Réparatrice des cœurs
Urté Pangonyt, 19 years old, Vilnius, Lithuania
A Happy Scientist
Valentina Sierra Cita, 19 años, Bogotá, Colombia
Una visión holística retadora
Valeria María Guay Bourdet, 21 años, Guatemala, Guatemala
Un cielo de reflectores
Valério Silva, 33 anos, Capo Verde
Cada Criança uma bênção
Victoria Elhordoy, 21 años, Montevideo, Uruguay
Sueño con infancias alegres…
Victoria Weekley, 27 years old, Miami, Florida, USA
Life of Adventure
Vieymar Delgadillo Condori, 23 años, Cochabamba-Bolivia
Casi Casi
Viktoria Haradok, 17 years old, Bielorussia
Il mio sogno / Моя мечта
Virginie Maminirina Razafindravello, 21 ans,
197 Befelatanana Antananarivo Madagascar
J’ai fixé un Object
198 Vojtech Šafránek, 20 years old, Teplice, Czech republic
On The Path
199 Vü Hoàng Sa, 24 years old, Eatieu, Cú Kuin district,
Dak Lak province, Vietnam
The Dream to Serve
Wendel Bittencourt da Silva, 25 anos, Curitiba-PR, Brasil
Com Maria, vivendo sonhos
Wendy Melissa Silva Puelles, 26 años, Piura, Perú
Soldado de Dios
Yariana Rivera Fontanez, 23 años, Puerto Rico
Dar lo que recibí
Yoshino Arita, 20 years old, Tokyo, Japan
My Dream
Zacarías Ebiri Nsue Mikue, 19 años, Mongomo, Guinea Ecuatorial
El sacerdocio (amor, alegría, servicio y ayuda)
Zippora Tomelleri, 19 anni, Verona, Italia
Essere voce
Zuleyka Salguera, 23 años, Managua, Nicaragua
Mi mundo creativo

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Per rinnovare il mondo abbiamo
bisogno dei VOSTRI SOGNI
Para renovar el mundo
necesitamos TUS SUEÑOS
Para refazer o mundo,
precisamos de SEUS SONHOS
Pour refaire le monde, nous avons