
Via Marsala, 42 - 00185 Roma
Il Vicario del Rettor Maggiore

Rome, 2 June 2018
Prot. 18/0239

Dear Provincials,
Dear Youth Ministry Delegates,

I am writing to you during this period of intense activity, for some at the beginning of the new pastoral year and for others in the process of implementation.

In the last two years, our Salesian Congregation (SDB) together with the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (FMA) are involved in the journey of the Church in preparation for the next Synod on "Youth, Faith and Vocational discernment".

A theme like this is challenging us all individually. With gladness, we highlight the commitment and the contribution of the various Salesian Provinces and institutions spread throughout the world, giving their qualified contribution.

In this regard, the Salesian Pontifical University and the Pontifical Faculty of Educational Sciences "Auxilium" are organizing the celebration of the INTERNATIONAL YOUTH CONVENTION AND LIFE CHOICES: EDUCATIONAL PROSPECTVES, to be held in Rome, from 20
to 23 September 2018.

The Congress intends to offer a contribution to the study of the world of youth in relation to life choices, from the specific point of view that qualifies university research in the field of education sciences and from the perspective of Christian pedagogical humanism, which is the foundation of the Preventive System of St. John Bosco.

With satisfaction we also underline, the very valid contribution that all the Provinces have already offered in responding to the Questionnaire-online survey that the Delegates have done accompanied by the Department for Youth Ministry.

We invite you, dear Provincials, to follow this journey by asking you to send at least one representative of your province to participate in this International Congress.

We are sure that together with the journey of the entire Church, this Congress will give that specific contribution which reflects our current charismatic experience in favour of the young.

May the Lord bless you and make your mission effective.

Fr Francesco Cereda