1 Via della Pisana 1111 – 00163 ROMA

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2 Tel: +(39)-06-656-121; ufficio 06-656-1259; fax: 06-656-12-556

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3 Email: vklement@sdb.org; vklementsdb@gmail.com

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4 Councillor for the Missions

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5 Rome, 21 January 2008

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6 Missions-030

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7 Prot. 09.0065

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8 Rev. Fr Provincial

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9 Regions – Interamerica and South Cone

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10 On the road with Don Bosco – notes for preparation

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11 Dear friends!,

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12 In the first place warm greetings from Rome, in the 'Salesian' month of the 2009 Salesian Holy Year. As you are already aware, as part of our return to Don Bosco, the Rector Major has launched a world pilgrimage of Don Bosco. On our journey towards the Bicentenary in 2015 our Father and Founder's remains will go first to the American Continent. I am sending you some indications and advice to facilitate the preparations for this important event, ideas that have come up during our preparatory meetings in Rome.

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13 In Don Bosco our Saint,

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14 Fr. Vàclav Klement Councillor for the Missions

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15 Attachment1. Calendar for pilgriamge in Salesian Regions

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