
19 May



Born in Turin in 1828, he received an excellent education in his own family and with the Scolopians at Savona. Ordained priest, and after assiduous study of the word of God and of the disciplines of theology, he dedicated himself to pastoral activity, teaching catechism in prisons for young offenders, preaching to the people, and spreading the faith through the printed word. In this way he achieved an excellent balance between the interior and active life, the former energized by prayer and the latter dedicated to innumerable apostolic works. He worked in close contact with Don Cafasso and Don Bosco, who entrusted him with the direction of the Oratory of San Luigi in Turin.

In 1873 he instituted the Pious Turin Society of Saint Joseph, later called the Congregation of Saint Joseph (Giuseppini del Murialdo) to extend and consolidate the educational activity he had begun for young people engaged in rural or factory work. He worked for the young with great love and kindness, and for thirty-four years directed the Collegio Artigianelli, overcoming enormous difficulties to provide for the Christian and technical formation of young workers, for whom he also obtained suitable legal guardians. He took part also in the setting up of active organizations for Catholic workers.

He was affable with everyone and went to great lengths to help them, his motto being "Fare e tacere" (Silent action). In 1887 he was stricken by an illness that threatened to prove fatal, and Don Bosco, whose own strength was wellnigh exhausted, went to give him his blessing. Don Murialdo became well again and continued to work intensely, despite trials and setbacks, until 30 March 1900.

He was beatified by Paul VI 4-1. 1963, and canonized by the same Pontiff on 3 May 1970.

Coming as it does in paschal time, the memorial of Saint Leonard provides an eloquent sign of how God, the source of all good things (I Coll.), makes the new life brought about by the Resurrection known and felt in the

Church in all ages and places. We pray that through the example, teaching and intercession of the saints, mankind may turn again to the sources of true Christian living (Pref.).

In the Eucharist we celebrate the memorial of Christ's death and resurrection; we listen to the word and share in the bread of life (After comm.), and thus our assembly can invoke the fullness of God's mercy (Offertory) and the strength of the Spirit (After comm.), to obey the commandment of love (cf. Coll.), act charitably to the poor, and manifest love for truth (After comm.)


Let the little children come to me,

says the Lord;

do not stop them,

for it is to such as these

that the kingdom of God belongs (T.P. Alleluia).


0 God, the source of all good things,

in Saint Leonard Murialdo

you have given to orphans a father

and to young workers a guide:

through his intercession grant that we

may follow the precepts of your love

in the service we give to our neighbour.

We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.

From the ferial lectionary, or 1st Reading: Thess 2,2b-12

Gospel: Mt 10,26-33; or Mk 10,13-21


Accept, Father, the gifts we offer you on this memorial of Saint Leonard: may the sacrifice in which we are sharing obtain for us the fullness of your mercy.

Grant this through Christ our Lord.


If this Mass is celebrated outside Paschal Time, the second Preface is used: The presence of shepherds in the Church.

Christ is priest and victim

V. The Lord be with you g. And also with you.

V. Lift up your hearts.

g. We lift them up to the Lord.

V. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. g. It is right to give him thanks and praise.

Father, all-powerful and ever-living God, we do well always and everywhere to give you thanks through Jesus Christ our Lord.

We praise you with greater joy than ever in this Easter season,

when Christ became our paschal sacrifice.

As he offered his body on the crost,

his perfect sacrifice fulfilled all others.

As he gave himself into your hands for our salvation,

he showed himself to be the priest, -the altar,

And the lamb of sacrifice.


He who loves God

should love his brother also:

this is the commandment of the Lord (T.P. Alleluia).


God our Father, in this sacrament

you have given us the strength of your Spirit:

grant that we may heed your word

and share in the bread of life,

and so be inspired to follow the example of Saint Leonard

in charity towards the poor and love for truth.

We ask you this through Christ our Lord.

The joy of the resurrection renews the whole world, while the choirs of heaven sing to your glory:

Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might, heaven and earth are full of your glory.

Hosannah in the highest.

Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosannah in the highest.

PREFACE (outside paschal time)

The presence of shepherds in the Church

V. The Lord be with you g. And also with you.

V. Lift up your hearts.

g. We lift them up to the Lord.

V. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. g. It is right to give him thanks and praise.

Father, all-powerful and ever-living God,

we do well always and everywhere to give you thanks.

You give the Church this feast

in honour of Saint Leonard Murialdo;

you inspire us by his holy life,

instruct us by his teaching,

and give us your protection in answer to his prayers.

We join the angels and the saints as they sing their unending hymn of praise:

Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might, heaven and earth are full of your glory.

Hosannah in the highest.

Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosannah in the highest.


Dear brothers and sisters, gently drawn by the infinite and personal love that God has for each one of us, let us make our fervent prayer to him through the intercession of St Leonard Murialdo.

I. Hear us, 0 Lord, in your love.

  1. For the Pope and the bishops: that, faithful to their apostolic ministry, they may be solicitous in guiding God's people in the spirit of charity, we pray to the Lord.

  2. For the world of work: that in the light of gospel principles the Christian dignity of men and women may be promoted in justice and charity, we pray to the Lord.

  3. For young people: that large numbers of them may respond to Christ's invitation and commit their lives to the good of their neighbour, we pray to the Lord.

  4. For Christian communities: that sustained by the certainty of God's love, they may face life's difficulties with serene abandonment to his will, we pray to the Lord.

  5. For all engaged in political, social and trade-union activities: that they may build a world that is more just and fraternal, we pray to the Lord.

  6. For all of us taking part in this holy assembly: that renewed by the mystery we are celebrating we may remain firm in faith and love, we pray to the Lord.

  7. Other intentions.

Father, through the intercession of Saint Leonard Murialdo who gave himself entirely to you and worked tirelessly for the good of your people, give us the joy of granting our petitions. Grant this through Christ our Lord.