Guanella|Readings, Guanella



24 October



Optional Memorial

Louis Guanella was born at Campodolcino, Italy, on 19 December 1842, the ninth of thirteen children.    He was ordained priest in 1866, and worked for some years as a parish priest, showing a particular love for the poor and solicitude for fostering among the faithful a profoundly Christian life and promoting numerous social initiatives.   

From 1875 he spent three years with Don Bosco helping him in his work, and then returned to his native diocese of Como in obedience to his Bishop.    Various events, trials and difficulties led him towards the poorest of the poor, for whom he opened refuges and schools.    He founded the Servants of Charity and the Daughters of Our Lady of Providence.    He died at Como on 24 October 1915, and was beatified by Paul VI on 25 October 1964.

From the Common of Men Saints: those who worked for the underprivileged.    Psalms of the day as in the Ordinary.


Office of Readings

Second Reading

From the "Regulations of the Servants of Charity", of Blessed Louis Guanella, priest.

(Opere edite e inedite, IV, Rome 1988: I, 1.8; III, 5 passim)

Exhortations to charity

and to trust in Providence

No Christian can be satisfied with thinking of and providing for himself alone, but must think and provide for the good of others, and among the latter those most in need of corporal and spiritual help.

It follows that the Servants of Charity must always keep well in mind the common desire and duty of coming to the help in body and spirit of those who are, in fact, close relatives, their own brothers and sisters, all of them children in the family of the heavenly Father.

We must "bring everything together under Christ" (Eph 1,10).    In order to do this for both persons and works, we must fulfil the desire of the divine Heart of Jesus who appears in the form of burning flames and cries out to us: "I came to cast the fire of charity upon the earth; and my only wish is that such a fire be kindled in the hearts of men!" (cf. Lk 12,49).   

Oh, may the fire of divine Charity come like a holy flame!    May the Lord send the spirit of his divine love, and the world will be renewed!

Furthermore to live in real poverty and trust oneself to divine Providence is a virtue of lofty perfection.    Divine Providence is the natural and dearest mother of her children.

Our work was begun and has grown with the visible help of a    Providence which will never fail, provided it be not diverted by the spirit we bring to our efforts.

The same God who clothes the lilies of the field in a vesture more splendid than that of Solomon, will never allow anything to be wanting to those who work solely for him and for the greater glory of his Name.

We must therefore revive our faith and be convinced that no good can be done except by climbing the laborious road to Calvary, with the firm confidence that the Lord has never failed those who trust in him, that the bread that comes from the hand of the provident Lord is always pleasant, especially when it has cost the sweat of hard work.

The good Servants of Charity, who throughout the years and many times every day have come in faith to the help of the poor, these same good men who during their lives never say 'enough' in works of charity and sacrifice, will ascend on high with Jesus and possess the kingdom which the Lord in his infinite goodness has prepared for them from the beginning of creation.    What a reward!    What a triumph!

Responsory                Mt 2.5,35.40; Prv 19,17

R/. I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me. * Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me.   

V/. He who is kind to the poor lends to the Lord.   

R/. Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me.   

Concluding prayer as at Morning Prayer.

Morning Prayer

Scripture Reading                Rm 12, 1-2

My brothers, I implore you by God’s mercy to offer your very selves to him: a living sacrifice, dedicated and fit for his acceptance; the worship offered by mind and heart. Adapt yourselves no longer to the pattern of this present world, but let your minds be remade, and you whole nature thus transformed. Then you will be able to discern the will of God, what is good, acceptable and perfect.

Short Responsory

R/. The law of God guides him, * his mind is fixed on God.

The law of God guides him, his mind is fixed on God.

V/. His steps will never falter

*. his mind is fixed on God.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

The law of God guides him, his mind is fixed on God.

Ant. At the Ben By this will all men know that you are my

                                  disciples:    if you have love one for another.


Let us give thanks to God our Father, who in his love has chosen us in Christ to live in holiness and justice every day of our lives; and let us say with faith:

God our Father, hear our prayer.

Merciful Father, in Louis Guanella you have given us a model of complete dedication to your divine plan:

guide and strengthen us by his example and intercession.

In Blessed Louis we see assiduous prayer combined with a deep interior life:

help us to make of our own lives a spiritual sacrifice pleasing in your sight.

At the school of St John Bosco he brought to perfection his ideal of dedication to poor and abandoned youth:

grant that we may carry out our own mission to the young with generous charity.

Father, in every time and season you give new energy to your Church:

strengthen our fidelity and raise up many workers for the spreading of your Kingdom.

You who clothe the lilies of the field and feed the birds of the air:

remember those who have placed all their trust in your Providence.

Our Father.


O God, good and provident Father, you have made your priest, Blessed Louis Guanella, resplendent in your Church through his outstanding love for the poor and abandoned; grant that we too may live in intense love every day of our lives.    We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.


Evening Prayer

Scripture Reading                Rm 8, 28-30

We are well assured that everything helps to secure the good of those who love God, those whom he has called in fulfilment of his design. All those who from the first were known to him, he has destined from the first to be moulded into the image of his Son, who is thus to become the eldest-born among many brethren. So predestined, he called them; so called, he justified them; so justified, he glorified them.

Short Responsory

R/. The Lord is good; * he loves good deeds.

The Lord is good; he loves good deeds.

V/. His face is turned towards the upright man.

* he loves good deeds.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit

The Lord is good; he loves good deeds.

Ant. At the Magn. Let us not grow weary in doing good;

                                  let us do good to all, and in due time

                                  we shall reap the harvest.


To God our Father, the inexhaustible source of holiness and grace, let us present our supplications with filial hearts.

God of all goodness, hear our prayer.

Father, in Blessed Louis Guanella we contemplate a sign of your loving kindness to the suffering, the emarginated and the abandoned:

grant that we may approach with the same dedication every individual who is suffering in body and spirit.

Blessed Louis took upon himself the needs and problems of his time:

grant that we may imitate his generosity and spirit of sacrifice in welcoming our exiled brethren who lack both work and habitation.

His life was resplendent for the practice of poverty, mortification and humility:

through his intercession, help us to accept with faith our daily trials.

You raised up Blessed Louis as a good Samaritan to bind up many wounds:

bless the Family he founded, grant increase to his works, multiply the number of his followers.

To the faithful departed who dedicated all their work to the service of their neighbour:

grant the reward promised by your Son to the good and faithful servant.

Our Father.


O God, good and provident Father, you have made your priest, Blessed Louis Guanella, resplendent in your Church through his outstanding love for the poor and abandoned; grant that we too may live in intense love every day of our lives.    We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.